Educational opportunities & Athletic scholarships

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basic information & guidelines

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and explore the vast opportunities available to all student-athletes”

simple basic facts


• There are approximately 1300 schools across three NCAA Divisions (, some with full athletic scholarships, some with partial athletic scholarships and some with academic scholarships available to student-athletes. • Division 1 and 2 schools in the NCAA offer full athletic scholarships. There are more than 500 institutions in the NAIA ( and other non-NCAA affiliated associations that grant athletic scholarships. • It takes an average of 10 months to get from initial contact with an American university / college (recruitment) to the offer of an athletic scholarship and the issuance of the immigration paperwork to travel and study in the United States.

important aspects to consider


• The student-athletes must do their OWN research into institutions based on their academic interests first, followed by their athletic talent / capabilities. The student-athletes should seek guidance from counselors AND their coach to determine “reach” schools for their academic and athletic abilities. STUDY the institutions, their academic programs and get as much information as possible. Find out whether the institution you are interested in offers scholarships for your sport. • “Full rides” – 100 % scholarships, particularly in NCAA Division 1 institutions are attainable by the TOP Talent from around the world. • Student-athletes should explore ALL options, such as a combination of athletic and academic scholarships – grades are very important! Division 3 schools offer a number of academic scholarships. • Standardized Tests (ACT, SAT, IELTS, TOEFL, Duolingo and others) and documentation of English Proficiency are essential in the recruiting process. Find out which standardized tests are required from the institutions you are interested in. • Communication with institutions (particularly with coaches) is imperative and should be student initiated; initial communication should be done with an assistant coach. Video conference calls’ communication is encouraged as well as emails with as much information as possible on the student-athlete profile. Once initial communication has been in place, your high school coach, club coach and the school’s Director of Athletics may also be involved in promoting your talent. • You can explore online resources and build free profiles which are geared toward coaches (NCSA, Berecruited et al). However, BEFORE you post videos and information make sure you run what you intend to post by someone knowledgeable and well-versed in the particular sport recruitment process, e.g. coach, athletic director, advisor, higher education/recruitment consultant, and check to see online if the ones lending you advice actually have the proper credentials and background/expertise. Do not underestimate the importance of this! You get ONE chance at a first impression! Don’t blow it!

• Be prepared to fill out online forms, such as NCAA and/or NAIA Eligibility Center Registrations, Prospective Student Athlete Questionnaire / recruit forms and other. • Communication, in any form, is very important; maintain CLEAN social network profiles (personal website, Facebook, Instagram etc); utilize a proper email account. Keep in mind you are not addressing friends and peers anymore. You are actively marketing your talent and academic-athletic potential. Would you like yourself if you were a coach investing 4-5 years of their limited budget in you if they saw “nightlife” party pictures and social interactions, images, outfits, and mannerisms/images not showing a committed, dedicated, serious student-athlete? Ask someone to help provide objective feedback on your social media profiles, retain marketing and PR expertise, practice common sense. • Student-athlete and family must budget for the application process needs (institution application fees, standardized tests fees, NCAA and NAIA Eligibility Center fees and other). • Prepare solid video footage early enough to make it available on the web; highlights as well as full games are important, from freshman year (grade 9) through the senior year. The video material from sophomore and junior year can be the most important for the recruitment process; if coaches like what they see, the athlete may be invited for a 48-hour official visit to the institution during their junior or senior year. Junior and Senior student-athletes can take up to 5 official visits to institutions of their choice, and these institutions can cost-share expenses for overseas airfare. It is important to see and envision oneself as a future student-athlete at the institution one is considering attending and competing for in the future. • If you are aiming toward Ivy League/top academic targets, you need to have an outstanding score, ideally over 1300+ SATs or 30+ ACTs by end of Junior year; this will allow you to go through recruitment and determine whether you will opt for early action (not binding) or early decision (binding) as you are going into the fall term of your senior year. You must, apply by Nov 1 or Nov 15, and then continue with regular cycle applications if need be. Statistically, early action/decision applications ensure considerably higher chances of acceptance/financial aid.


recommended action Grade 9 (Dreaming and Planning): Grade 9 (Dreaming and Planning):

• •Work Workon onyour yourhomework homework––work workethic ethic––good goodgrades. grades. • • IfIf English English isisnot not your mother tongue, on English your mother tongue, workwork on English ProfiProficiency. ciency. • •Initial InitialResearch Researchcolleges colleges/ /universities. universities. • •Start Startcollecting collectinghighlight highlightvideo videofootage footageand and some some full games and andupload uploadon onthe theweb; web;ififyou youare are involved involved in individual sports (swimming, and tennis) document and record your times, -swimming,track track and tennisdocument and record your personal best performances and ranks (create an accurate times, personal best performances and ranks (create an accuevent by event portfolio). rate event by event portfolio). • •Begin Begin documentation documentation of of academic academic achievements, awards acquired acquiredduring duringininand andout outofofschool schoolprojects projects/ /initiatives. initiatives. • •IfIfpossible, possible,participate participate in in recruiting recruiting camps camps and showcases where whereNCAA NCAAcoaches coacheswill willbe bepresent presentininlocations locationsnearest nearestyou. you. Grade (Getting serious): Grade 1010 (Getting serious): • •Work Workon onyour yourhomework homework––work workethic– ethic–good goodgrades. grades. • •IfIfEnglish Englishisisnot not your your mother mother tongue, tongue, take take Junior TOEFL or (ideally) oror IELTS; retake if needed to get score (ideally)TOEFL TOEFL IELTS; retake if needed tothe getdesired the desired (check your counselor). score with (check with your counselor). • •Take prep tests forfor ACTs (if that is a standardized test you Take prep tests ACTs (if that is a standardized testneed you toneed take) SATs. toor take) or SATs. • •Explore Explorethe theopportunity opportunityof oftaking takingACT ACT or or SAT SAT prep prep classes / sessions. sessions. • •Continue Research on potential colleges / universities ; discuss; Continue Research on potential colleges / universities with counselors and coach; find find out out what is isavailable discuss with counselors and coach; what available to international international/ /US USstudent-athletes. student athletes. • •Continue collection and other support materials, such as Continuevideo video collection and other support materials, such statistics, references by coaches etc.etc. Continue with accurate as statistics, references by coaches Continue with accuperformance documentation for thefor individual sports. rate performance documentation the individual sports. • •Work Workon onyour yoursport sportimprovement. improvement. • •IfIfpossible, possible,participate participate in in recruiting recruiting camps camps and showcases where whereNCAA NCAAcoaches coacheswill willbe bepresent presentininlocations locationsnearest nearestyou. you. • •Continue Continuedocumentation documentationof ofacademic academic achievements, awards acquired acquiredduring duringininand andout outofofschool schoolprojects projects/ /initiatives. initiatives Grade 11 (A crucial-decision making year): Grade 11 (A crucial-decision making year): • •Strive Strivefor forgood goodgrades. grades. • • IfIf English English isis not not your your mother mother tongue, take TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo. TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo. • •Continue prep work forfor ACTs andand /or SATs; see ifsee there is a need Continue prep work ACTs /or SATs; if there is a toneed alsoto take subject SATs. SATs. also take subject • •Take of junior year year – earlier can also TakeACT ACTand and/or /orSAT SATby byspring SPRING of JUNIOR – earlier can be a good also be a option. good option.

• Create aa potential potential list listof ofinstitutions institutionsthat thatare areconsidered consideredfor for sent; find find out what available to interna-to applications to tobebe sent; out iswhat is available tional / US student athletes in regardsinto regards financialto assistance international / US student-athletes financial (grants, scholarships, award etc).award etc). assistance (grants, scholarships, videocollection collectionand andother othersupport supportmaterials, materials,such suchas • Continue video as statistics, references coaches etc.Continue Continue with accustatistics, references by by coaches etc. with accurate rate performance documentation forindividual the individual sports. performance documentation for the sports. • In coordination coordination with with the thehigh highschool schoolcoach, coach,initiate initiatecontact contact with university university coaches coaches and andSEND send highlights highlights and and games gamestoto interested coaches; be be prepared prepared to to send sendtranscripts transcripts(sent (sentby by registrar). Communication, adding addingaapersonal personal“touch” “touch”makes makesaa difference! • Register for for the the NCAA/NAIA NCAA/NAIA Eligibility Eligibility Center Center (create (createan an account); submit transcripts transcriptsto toEligibility EligibilityCenter Center(NCAA/NAIA) (NCAA/NAIA) early in the 11th grade. • Work on your sport improvement. • If possible, possible, participate participate in in recruiting recruitingcamps campsand andshowcases showcases where NCAA coaches will be present in locations nearest you. • Continue documentation documentationof ofacademic academicachievements, achievements,awards awards acquired during in and out of school projects / initiatives. Grade 12 (Getting really busy; Grade 12 (Getting really busy; the outcome is near) the outcome is near)

• Take care care of of homework; homework; especially especially during during fall fallsemester, semester, demonstrating solid GPA GPA and and continuous continuousimprovement; improvement;GPA GPA and all test test scores scores are are important importantin inANY ANYkind kindofoffinancial financialaid/ aid/ awards. • Use CommonApp CommonApp or or other other means means to to complete complete specific specific institutions' applications efficiently. • Take ACT and and /or /orSAT SATin inthe thefall falland and//or orwinter winterofofsenior senioryear yearto improve scores. to improve scores. • Continue // update update the theNCAA NCAAEligibility EligibilityCenter Centerregistration; registration; process will be be completed completed with with the the high highschool schoolgraduation graduation diploma. • Make sure sure your your scores scores are are sent sentto tothe theinstitutions institutionsyou youare are interested in (confirm (confirm with with counselor); counselor);inform informthe theuniversity university coaches as well. well. Be Beprepared preparedto tosend sendupdated updatedtranscripts transcripts(sent (sent by registrar). • Final stretch stretch on onvideo videocollection collectionand andother othersupport supportmaterials, materials, such as statistics, statistics, references references by by coaches coaches etc. etc. Same Samefor forthe the individual sports. • More constant constant and and thorough thorough communication communication with with the the university coaches; this this is is when when the thecoach coachgets getsto toknow knowthe the athlete and vice versa. • Work on your sport improvement. • Finish strong with academics!


First Opportunity for Recruiting Activity Sport

Correspondence/ Private Messages

Incoming Telephone Calls

Outgoing Telephone Calls

Unofficial Visits

Official Visits

Off-Campus Contact

Verbal Offer

Men's Basketball

6/15 after sophomore year


6/15 after sophomore year

8/1 before sophomore year

8/1 before junior year

Opening day junior year

Not legislated

Women's Basketball

9/1 of junior year


9/1 of junior year


Thursday following the Women’s Final Four of junior year

3/1 of junior year

Not legislated


9/1 of junior year


4/15 of junior year


4/1 of junior year

7/1 after junior year

Not legislated

Men's Ice Hockey

1/1 of sophomore year

1/1 of sophomore year

1/1 of sophomore year

8/1 before junior year

8/1 before junior year

8/1 before junior year

Lacrosse and Softball

1/1 of sophomore year

9/1 of junior year 9/1 of junior year

9/1 of junior year

9/1 of junior year 9/1 of junior year 9/1 of junior year


9/1 of junior year


9/1 of junior year

9/1 of junior year 9/1 of junior year

All Other Sports

6/15 after sophomore year

6/15 after sophomore year

6/15 after sophomore year

8/1 before junior year

8/1 before junior year

Not legislated. 9/1 of junior year is first recruiting interaction

7/1 after junior year

Not legislated

8/1 before junior year

Not legislated. 6/15 after sophomore year is first recruiting interaction

Important developments due to COVID-19 impacting recruiting and eligibility

and intensely prepared portfolios of actions, as the competition is more fierce, for a limited amount of scholarships and reduced college sports' roster spots.

Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, since spring 2020 intercollegiate athletics organizations had to modify their policies and practice considerably. Updates • A dead period has been extended through the end of need to be reviewed each week in this climate of constantly evolving actions in the spring 2021 term. This means coaches in NCAA D1 response to COVID-19. Changes include but are not limited to the following: are not able to recruit and evaluate prospects live. Other college sport divisions and organizations are able to take • Across all organizations of college sport governance (NCAA, NAIA, recruits' visits, but can't recruit on the road. Closely, NJCAA et al.) extensions of eligibility were granted, in response to interscholastic and club competitions have been reduced or cancelled, delayed, and postponed seasons of competition. All cancelled in the US and abroad. Thus, the importance of good current student-athletes were granted an additional year of eligibiligame film and full packets of information for coaches to conduct ty. This also means that a majority of graduating student-athletes comprehensive talent evaluations is greater. will use an additional year of eligibility, and allowed (if funded/ supported accordingly) to complete graduate studies, either • Let's reiterate the above point. Everything in this brochure needs to be at their own institution or another institution upon a transaddressed with a greater sense of urgency! Attend to your action items fer. even sooner, ensuring coaches will have you on their radar, which now features more prospects, for fewer spots. Watch your social media profiles, • The above means that prospects in the Class of 2022 take NO chances at coaches forming negative impressions of you due to poor and ensuing recruiting classes will be impacted; every representations of your personality online. Now coaches are more stressed, less student-athlete currently participating in college attentive, and more prone to moving on to the next talent. Further, careless sport is able to extend their eligibility, and coaches portfolios for review, poor videos, and lackluster recruiting material prepared hastihave fewer spots and more options for talent ly will result in reduced or no opportunities. selection, from their own players or transfers from other institutions, including the most • Video conference calls become the norm for live interactions with recruiting coaches, sought-after graduate transfers, being the so prepare, prepare, and prepare some more. Record and watch yourself. If you are searcholder, more conditioned and seasoned ing for words, mumble, and do not appear articulate, eloquent, and making sense as you student-athletes in collegiate sport communicate with coaches, they will certainly have concerns about your ability to maintain competition. a full load of courses while competing at a high level collegiately. Hence, everything emphasized in this brochure assumes an even • While most entrance exams (ACT/SATs) have been waived, other components for admissions' more pressing need, for timely consideration assumed greater significance: GPAs, progress throughout high school, challenging courses in the curriculum, reference letters, and English exams (additional test options have become available such as TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo/PTE Academic online tests). Prepare for those appropriately.

This brochure has been made possible with the collaboration of: Annie Constantinides, Director of Athletics, Recreational Programs and Theater Operations, ACS Athens Stelios Kalogridakis, Student-Athletes Counselor, Middle School Counselor, ACS Athens Dr. Anastasios Kaburakis, Ph.D, Attorney at Law, Associate Professor, Department of Management Richard A. Chaifetz School of Business, Saint Louis University

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