ACS Athens PTO SHARE newsletter, March 2015

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SHARE Newsletter

Support - Help - Answers - Recommendations - Encouragement March 20, 2015 ACS Athens PTO Year 6, Issue 42.5 THANK YOU to the Thank you to our delicious food Breakfast Monday and

parents and sponsors who continuously support the ACS Athens PTO! wonderful volunteers who gave generously of their time as well as the donations that you sent in for the Teachers and Staff Appreciation Luncheon Friday!

Thank you to GEFSINUS, our ACS Athens Cafeteria Caterer, for your generous and cheerful help and donations at all of our events, including the great coffee at each and every monthly PTO Meeting!

The next PTO Cooking class will be held on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 in the home of Demetra Lambros in Politeia. The class will be on “Bread and Pizza Baking.” Class will start at 10:30 and everyone gets involved with the cooking and then the eating! The class is limited to 8 people, so RSVP to Marissa Vorgias at as soon as possible. You will be sent the address and directions as the date nears. Each participant is requested to donate 10 euro to help offset the costs of hosting. *** If you are interested in hosting a cooking class in your home, please let us know! All ideas are welcome!***

Bullying Prevention In and Out of School Date: April 16, 2015 9:30 a.m. Speaker: Pantelis Proios

Bullying happens when one or more persons repeatedly and on purpose, say or do mean or hurtful things to another person(s). Bullying could take place in or out of the school premises. It involves direct aggressive acts such as shoving, pushing, making derogatory comments, or more severe acts such as hitting, kicking and even injuring the victim. Bullying could also involve spreading negative rumors by sending or publishing insulting messages, photos and videos via electronic social media, etc, (cyberbullying). Bullying is not a simple phenomenon. It involves the whole interactive systems of school, family, community and society. And it should be addressed as such to include all these components in order to face it successfully with preventive methods. Mr. Pantelis Proios earned his undergraduate degree in Psychology from The University of Pennsylvania and his graduate degree in Community Psychology, from Temple University. He has had a private practice for the past 16 years as well as professional affiliation with prestigious organizations such as the American Psychological Association, Association of Greek Psychologists and Licensed Psychologist in Greece. He has worked as a consultant to the Public Special School of Chios, and Panchiakos Association of Disabled People, served as Coordinator of the “ACT/MMME-Bias” Program of the Association of Greek Psychologists, a program for the prevention of violence and the protection of young children and their families. He has participated as Coordinator of the “ACT/MMME-Bias” Program in many national and international conferences for the prevention of violence and ‘bullying”. He has also conducted many seminars for the prevention of violence/bullying for parents and educators in many schools in Greece. He has been an instructor for the implementation of a program for the Empowerment and Support of People with Disabilities and their Families under the auspices of Ministry of Education and E.U. as well as Scientific Director of the ‘Association for the Promotion of Mental Health of Epirus’ for implementation of the PsycArgo Program, 2001-4, Professional Scientific Advisor of the Greek Society for the Protection of Autistic People (GSPAP) (1998 – 2001). He has taught at numerous training seminars for the staff of many Institutions, Schools and Scientific Organizations in Greece and abroad. Partnership for Student Success is parents and professionals coming together to share and learn strategies to empower students through a series of monthly presentations and discussion groups hosted in cooperation with the ACS Athens PTO. The event will be held in the ACS Athens Conference Center (Administration Building), please R.S.V.P. for each session to Ms. Marietta Garbis, 210-6393-200, ext. 302 For more information contact Ms. Chris Perakis, Director, IIC Learning Enhancement Programs, 210-6393-200, ext. 335

After Spring Break, look forward to our Annual Dinner (for Guys and Girls!) on Friday April 24th. Gather your friends for a delicious and fun dinner at Nargile Restaurant! Tickets will be reasonably priced and there will be dancing after dinner! You won’t want to miss it! Stay tuned for details…

Advertise in the ACS Athens Academy 2014-2015 Yearbook! The 2014-15 Academy Yearbook honors the Senior students who are completing their education at ACS Athens this year, as well as including the students in their Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman years. Photographs and candid shots of the students and all of our clubs, sports teams, events, and faculty are a part of the yearbook too! It’s a book of memories that will be treasured for many years to come. In order to offset the costs of creating the yearbook, we are selling advertising space. The space can be used in several different ways: -

Parents, family members, and friends can use this space to congratulate their graduating student. It’s a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge their accomplishments with a celebratory ad they will always be able to look back on. The ad space can be customized with photos (old and recent) and text to be unique to your student! This space could be used to advertise your business or company! Yearbooks could not be possible without the help from our sponsors, so we thank them for their support by providing the space and opportunity to advertise! Students of all grade levels can purchase ad space together with their friends to create a shout out section with their fun memories to look back on. There are three ad space price/size options you may choose from: 25€ for a quarter of a page (15cm x 10.5cm) 50€ for a half of a page (15cm x 21cm) 100€ for a full page (30cm x 21cm) if you’d more space, you can purchase more pages at the prices above You can use a standard A4 size piece of paper to visualize these dimensions when planning and creating your ad, keep the size in mind when choosing your photos and/or text content. th

The deadline to submit advertisements is Thursday April 30 , 2015. Your support for our yearbook is greatly appreciated! If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact yearbook advisor Brittany Langlois at Thank you! - The ACS Athens Academy Yearbook Club 2014-15 Announcing the ACS Athens PTO Bulletin Board! The ACS Athens community is a wonderfully diverse group of parents, teachers, administration and students. Each part of this community has something to offer the other-from local knowledge to goods and services and everything in-between. New for this year, the PTO has developed an online bulletin board design to allow our community to better communicate and share with one another. We've selected Google Groups as the host of the Bulletin Board. You will need to have a Google account in order to participate. Once you've signed up, you do have the option to have the group's emails sent to an alternate email allowing you to continue to use the email service with which you are most comfortable. You can also select how many updates you receive and how frequently. There are several ways to join: 1) Send an email to with your gmail address and you will be sent an invitation to join with just a few clicks 2) If you have a Google account you can search for ACS Athens PTO Bulletin Board and submit a request to join 3) If you do not have a Google account you will need to create one in order to join the group. The process is very simple, just go to and follow the instructions. Once you've created an account you can choose from the above options to join. Please note that this group is intended for the ACS Athens community only and access is limited to members only. If you have any questions, please contact Leah Wilkinson, The Institute for Innovation and creativity at ACS Athens, is proud to host the 10th Annual Conference on Learning Differences and INNOVATION SUMMIT, to be held on the campus of the American Community Schools of Athens, May 6-9, 2015. The theme of the conference is “What if? Teaching and Learning at the Edge of Possibility”. The conference program and registration details can be found at Our site is being continuously updated, so please check periodically.

Save the Date: ACS Athens PTO SPRING FAIR: Saturday, May 16, 2015

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