Middle School Student Parent Handbook 2019-20

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Empowering Individuals to Transform the World as Architects of their Own Learning 129 Aghias Paraskevis Ave. & Kazantzaki St. 152 34 Halandri Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 (210) 639 3200 Fax: +30 (210) 639 0051 www.acs.gr acs@acs.gr

Stefanos Gialamas, Ph.D. President of Schools

Ms. Melissa George Middle School Principal georgem@acs.gr

Ms. Jenny Kosmas Middle School Administrative Assistant kosmasj@acs.gr +30 210 6070 261



M otivation I nspiration D etermination D edication L earning E xcellence S ensibility C onsideration H onesty O ptimism O riginality L oyalty ACS ATHENS MISSION STATEMENT "ACS Athens is a student- centered international school, embracing American educational philosophy, principles and values. Through excellence in teaching and diverse educational experiences, ACS Athens challenges all students to realize their unique potential: academically, intellectually, socially and ethically- to thrive as responsible global citizens." ACS ATHENS MIDDLE SCHOOL STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT “We, the faculty and staff of the ACS Athens Middle School, will provide students with a positive environment that fosters academic growth and support human differences during their challenging stage of adolescence.� 3

CHILD SAFETY STATEMENT ACS Athens works diligently to provide a place of belonging, trust and care for all its students. Staff members are committed to educating students and the community about child safety and responsible personal and social behaviors. Child abuse and neglect are violations of children’s human rights and are obstacles to the child’s education as well as to their physical, emotional and spiritual development. Whenever ACS Athens staff members have reasonable cause to believe that a child is suffering, or is at significant risk of suffering abuse or neglect, they must report the suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect to appropriate school personnel. Authorized personnel, within the parameters of best educational practices, school regulations and local law, will follow up on all referrals. ACS ATHENS BELIEFS ● All decisions in the school must be made in the best interest of students ● Academic excellence is built upon each student’s unique talents and ability ● Student learning must be a shared responsibility of the student, the school and the family ● Students learn and develop best in an environment of cooperation, belonging and trust ● Respecting, accepting and embracing diversity enriches one’s community. ● Effective global citizenship demands a strong sense of civic responsibility and community service ● Educating students should promote intellectual, social, physical and emotional development and ethical decision making ● All individuals can succeed and acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to become lifelong learners with ethos 4

Table of Contents Middle School Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 3 Description of the ACS Athens Middle School ............................................................................... 6 Academic Program.......................................................................................................................... 9 Academic Integrity ........................................................................................................................ 12 The ACS Athens Learning Commons in the Hasib J. Sabbagh Library ......................................... 17 Student Affairs .............................................................................................................................. 19 Services Contracted by the School .............................................................................................. 21 Lunch Facilties............................................................................................................................... 22 Communications and Emergencies .............................................................................................. 27 Student Expectations .................................................................................................................... 30 “Bring Your Own Device ” policy 8th– 12th graders....................................................................... 35 Middle School Code of Conduct ................................................................................................... 37 Student/Parent Handbook Agreement and Internet Acceptable Use Policy ............................... 50


DESCRIPTION OF THE ACS ATHENS MIDDLE SCHOOL The Middle School is comprised of sixth, seventh, and eighth grade programs which meet U.S. and International curriculum standards. A rich array of co-curricular activities and clubs meet primarily during lunchtime and some after school to expand the Middle School program beyond the classroom learning environment. It is a unique opportunity for students to be exposed to many different learning experiences that are designed to help them discover their interests and their talents.

STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES In a school community defined by a culture of respect: ● We shall be curious about and tolerant of people’s cultural differences, gender differences, age differences, learning differences, as well as their unique abilities and talents; ● We shall respect learning and the learning process; ● We shall practice good manners; ● We shall treat each other politely; ● We shall cultivate and exhibit self-discipline and self-respect; ● We shall respect personal and school property; ● We shall build relationships based upon open communication and mutual respect; ● We shall work to overcome stereotypical thinking, biases and prejudices and actively promote cross-cultural awareness and understanding; ● We shall ensure that everyone feels physically and emotionally safe; ● We shall respect, follow and enforce the rules of the community; ● We shall respect each person’s uniqueness and individuality; ● We shall practice good citizenship in and out of the classroom; ● We shall promote the values of good sportsmanship; ● We shall commit ourselves to teaching the principles of respectful behavior and good citizenship in a focused and on-going manner.



129 Aghias Paraskevis St. & Kazantzakis St. 152 34 Halandri Athens, Greece www.acs.gr

School Telephone:

Middle School Principal’s Office: Ms Melissa Ann George, 210 607-0261 Middle School Main Office: Ms. Jenny Kosmas, 210 607-0261 Counseling Office: Mr. Stelios Kalogridakis 210 607-0226 or 0228 Fax: 210 639-0051 E-Mail: acs@acs.gr

School Day:

Arrival - 9:00 a.m. Dismissal - 3:45 p.m. Late Busses- 5:45 p.m.

Bell Schedule Monday 1

Tuesday 6



12:10 – 01:15 01:15 – 01:25



Advisory 1 Middle School Passing Time


01:25 – 02:30 02:30 – 02:40 02:40 – 03:45







5 Passing Time 6



09:00 – 10:05 10:05 – 10:15 10:15 – 11:20 11:20 – 12:05

Wednesday Thursday 3 7 Passing Time 4 8 Middle School Lunch


Friday 4 5

ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION ACS Athens considers for admission those students who fall into one of the following categories: 1. The American community of Athens: a. U.S. Government employees; b. U.S. Business and industry; c. Non-Profit organizations affiliated with or supported by U.S. Institutions; d. Other American citizens. 2. Members of the Diplomatic Corps of Greece (third-country) 3. Foreign Businesses and Industries established in Greece 4. Greek nationals returning from abroad 5. Students transferring from Greek school. Entry to ACS Athens is via a competitive application process, which is outlined in the Office of Enrollment Management (+30 210-6070251) or online at www.acs.gr/admissionguide. Prospective candidates should familiarize themselves with the admission procedures before they apply. The ACS Athens Academy provides learning support for students who need it through the ACS Athens Optimal Learning Program. Please refer to the procedures regarding admission for students who may need to access such services. Students applying to ACS Athens from nonEnglish Speaking Schools must meet minimum English language proficiency requirements and sit for an English language exam as well as a Math exam as part of the admission process.


ACADEMIC PROGRAM Administration The Principal is responsible for all aspects of the academic and co -curricular life of the Middle School.

The Middle School The Middle School is designed for students in the 11-15 age range. It is a complete and coherent program that provides a framework of academic challenge and life skills appropriate to this stage of adolescence. The educational philosophy and goals of the Middle School naturally follows the ACS Athens Elementary School and serves as excellent preparation for both the regular College Preparatory and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programs offered in grades 11 and 12.

Curriculum The Curriculum consists of eight subject groups offered throughout the three years of the Middle School. They are: 1. Language A - ACS Athens school’s language of instruction is English. 2. Mathematics – core course including topics in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability & statistics 3. Sciences – general science, earth science, biology, chemistry and physics 4. Social Studies - history, geography, government and economics 5. Language B - a foreign language learned at school. 6. Visual and Performing Arts –visual art/design, music and drama 7. Physical Education – health and hygiene, individual and team sports, fitness 8. Technology – the nature, processes and impact of technology as a research tool. Introduction to programming and digital design.


REPORTING STUDENT PROGRESS The Middle School staff recognizes the importance of maintaining effective communications with parents. Student progress is assessed continuously, and parents are informed of any drastic change in performance through skyward. We use three formal means of reporting student progress: quarterly report cards, progress report comments and parent conferences. All Middle School students are expected to check the Moodle site. Skyward Family Access is also available to parents for online monitoring of student work. Links to Moodle and Skyward are on the ACS Athens homepage. Student performance is assessed using letter grades A, B, C, D, F. In their individual classes, teachers assess students using subject-specific assessment criteria. Teachers, counselors and the principal are available to meet with parents to discuss any concerns or questions. Parents can arrange such meetings by calling the Main Office or Office of Student Affairs to set an appointment. Progress reports and Report cards are available to parents electronically on specific dates via Skyward Family Access.

Progress Reports Progress Reports may be issued at any time, but will be issued to students as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Progress Report 1 (P1): Friday, October 11, 2019 Progress Report 2 (P2): Friday, December 6, 2019 Progress Report 3 (P3): Friday, March 6, 2020 Progress Report 4 (P4): Friday, May 8, 2020

During the first quarter, all students will receive progress report comments on Skyward from all their teachers. Progress reports serve as a snapshot of student performance. Thereafter, all students earning a grade of C- or less will receive a progress report comment, though teachers may post comments to recognize excellence and/or improvement. Progress Reports will document students’ progress in achieving Approaches to Learning outcomes as well as subjectspecific learning objectives. The Progress Reports will appear as a grade in the P column and comment(s) will be posted in Skyward family access in the above stated dates.

Report Cards Report Cards will be available online through Skyward Family Access approximately two weeks after the end of each quarter. Report cards will be accessible to parents on the last day of school. Should parents not receive progress reports or report cards on the above mentioned dates, they should contact the Middle School Main Office.

Parent Teacher Student Conferences Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences are held twice a year when the first and third quarter report cards are issued ( see school calendar). At this time parents pick up report cards and 10

can meet with all of their children’s teachers for short meetings. Parents may request individual teacher conferences at any time throughout the school year by phoning the Middle School Main Office at 210 60 70 -261 to set up appointments.

Grades As stated previously, the Middle School uses letter grades: A, B, C, D and F. All grades (except for F) can have a plus or minus sign attached. The + or – will appear on the permanent record. Letter grades are awarded on the basis of the following averages: 97-100 93-96 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82

A+ A AB+ B B-

77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62 Below 60


Recognition and Honors Success is recognized in many ways at the Middle School. Academic Recognition Award assemblies are held by grade level at the end of each quarter to recognize student talent and achievement. Examples of awards presented are:

Academic Achievement Awards Principal’s List High Honor Roll Honor Roll -

All A’s (including A-‘s) A- Average (3.67 GPA) or better B+ Average (3.33 GPA) or better

Calculation Chart A+: A: A-:

4,33 4,0 3,67

B+: B: B-:

3,33 3.0 2,67

C+: C: C-:

2,33 2,0 1,67

D+: D: D-:

1,33 1,0 0,67

Students with Incomplete or Failing (F) quarter grades are not eligible for academic honors. End-of-Year Subject Awards - At the end of each academic year individual teachers present awards to students for each of their courses. Awards go to students with high academic achievement and for greatest improvement. Presidential Award - Awarded at the 8th grade Graduation Ceremony.


Athletic Awards Field Day Awards:

Awarded to individuals and Class / Team Houses at the annual Middle School Field Day.

Presidential Fitness Award: This award recognizes students who achieve an outstanding level physical fitness. To earn this award students must score at or above the 85th percentile on all five activities. National Fitness Award: Students earn this award for scoring above the 50th percentile on all five activities.

Recognition Awards Warren Shepard Award: Awarded at Graduation to an 8th grade student for all-around excellence. Stanley Haas/Luke Hansen (NESA) Nomination: Nominations to NESA for recognition of students who exhibit exemplary citizenship, character and service. Students of the Month: The ACS Athens MS Students of the Month are chosen based on qualities such as character, leadership, and citizenship, not necessarily solely on academics. The student of the month must be a diligent student, completing his/her assignments on time, showing strong effort to learn the subjects. The student of the month display excellent behavior inside and outside the classroom, is well mannered, and respectful to both peers and teachers. The student of the month displays excellent citizenship. Lastly, the student of the month shows exemplar character through his/her compassion, honesty, trustworthiness, responsibility, optimism, and loyalty in creating a positive school environment. “Caught in Action”: The ACS Athens MS "Caught in Action" initiative allows positive behavior of students to be recognized. These are students that go above and beyond daily expectations and display the institutional philosophy of: "Be Ready. Be Respectful. Be Responsible."

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Students are expected to do their own work at all times. Cheating is a serious academic offense; it can also undermine one’s self respect. Copying someone else’s homework, asking a parent or tutor to do the work, copying from a publication or from the Internet without using quotation marks and citing sources are all examples of academic dishonesty, and ultimately work to a student’s disadvantage. Likewise, allowing another student to copy one’s work is dishonest and will be addressed as plagiarism. Students who breach the standards of academic integrity will receive a grade of ‘0’ for all instances of cheating or plagiarism. They may also become ineligible to receive academic honors during the quarter in which the infraction occurs.


Academic Integrity ACS Athens Middle School and Academy Academic Integrity Policy The ACS Athens Mission Statement obliges us to provide opportunities for all students to “develop a deep sense of integrity and self-esteem.” Few qualities are as important to living a good life as these. In support of this goal, we are committed to helping students understand and demonstrate the principles of academic integrity on a daily basis. Simply put, academic integrity means always being honest about your work by avoiding cheating and plagiarism. At ACS Athens, we will consider that academic integrity has been violated and cheating has occurred when you use someone else’s words, work, test or quiz answers, and/or ideas and claim them as your own.

Why is it important to maintain academic integrity? ● We want you to take pride in your honest achievement. ● You’ll feel good about yourself when you meet the challenges of your academic work. It’s hard to feel good about yourself when you take credit for someone else’s work. ● You will develop and maintain a reputation as an honest person. ● People’s words, work and/or ideas are considered “intellectual property” – meaning that their creator owns them. Some types of plagiarism violate not only school rules, but US and European law. Plagiarism is a form of theft. So, too, are other forms of cheating, like copying another’s work on a test. ● Cheating gets in the way of learning. When you pass someone else’s work or ideas off as your own, you are not learning, nor are you practicing the skills that you need to succeed in the university and in the workplace: how to write, analyze, form conclusions and generate new ideas. ● You will learn what you are honestly capable of achieving.

What does plagiarism look like? (Examples of violations of academic integrity) ● Copying someone’s homework. ● Looking at another’s test, getting unauthorized assistance during a test, sharing answers with others during a test, letting someone copy your assignment. ● Having a parent or a tutor do your homework. ● Paying a tutor to write your paper (or complete your college applications) for you. ● Letting your parents build your project. ● Letting your partner do all the work on a project and just putting your name on the final product. ● Turning in an old project or paper completed by a former student (an older brother or sister, for example). ● Taking a paper directly from the Internet and passing it off as your own. ● Copying directly from published works or Internet sites, and/or using someone else’s words without quoting them and citing the sources of information. ● Paraphrasing (rewording) someone’s words and not giving him/her credit for the ideas or concepts; passing someone’s ideas off as your own. 13

● Using images, charts, graphs, maps, tables and other graphics from published or Internet sources in your work without citing where you found them.

What are the consequences of violating the Academic Integrity policy? ● Grade of zero on relevant assignment or project and notification of parent. ● Letter on file – which will be shared with members of NHS Committee and Middle School Student of the Quarter, Luke Hansen and Warren Shepard Award committees during selection process for these honors.

How can you avoid cheating? ● The best way to avoid cheating and plagiarism is to find ways to personalize your assignments. React in writing about how a topic might personally affect you, your family or your community. Let your reader know what you think about the topic and about why it matters to you. An original conclusion, which is supported by facts from other works properly cited is never cheating. Write in your own voice, not just in your own words. ● Organize your work so that you don’t run into a last-minute time crunch that keeps you from studying, writing, creating, revising, reflecting and making your work your own. ● Record where you found your supporting ideas while you do your research – once for finding the information, and again for writing your footnotes and doing the bibliography. ● ALWAYS include a bibliography, list of resources or acknowledgement whenever you use the work or ideas of others. If you can’t provide a citation, don’t use the source. ● Understand that using other’s work is permissible and usually necessary to create well-supported arguments, conclusions and answers to questions. Giving credit to the source of this work keeps it from being plagiarism. ● Make as large a percentage of your work as original as possible. Use direct quotations and paraphrasing only when what you find is written in such a way that it clarifies or makes memorable the idea expressed.

Academic Probation

The goals of our Academic Probation assist students to achieve academic improvement and should not be viewed as being purely punitive. In an effort to motivate students and help them overcome a dive in academics, the counseling office and administration will assess student’s academic progress. Students will be re-evaluated at the end of Quarter 1 and the probationary status will be revisited. According to our policy found in the Student-Parent Handbook, “Students which fail more than one subject or receive two Ds and an F at the end of any semester are placed on Academic Probation for the next semester.” Students which are transitioning into the Academy should be mindful that they may be asked to withdraw from ACS Athens if he/she is failing more than one subject, especially if students fail more than one subject for two consecutive semesters. When students finds themselves on Academic Probation, a committee comprised of the school principal, the school counselor, and teachers, will determine resources which will benefit the students, including after school programs through the Learning Commons and/or student 14

contracts. In addition, students on Academic Probation will automatically be referred to the Child Study Team for screening, evaluation and possible remedial services. Students on Academic Probation may find themselves ineligible for participation in any cocurricular activities (based upon the coaches/Athletic Department’s criteria) including attending club/activity time during X-Block/Advisory time. Their focus will be in a mandatory study hall during this time instead. In addition, students will be excluded from non-educational field trips. The goal is for a student on Academic Probation to become eligible at semester. With a team of educators to assist students, with a student’s improved effort and hard work, they should be able to get themselves off of the Academic Probation list the following semester.

Homework Homework is assigned by classroom teachers on a regular basis. If absent from school for any reason, the student is responsible for making up all of the class work and homework missed. Assignments are posted on Moodle. If they know in advance about an absence from school for any reason, students must inform all teachers and citizenship coordinator well in advance.

Homework Habits 1. Check Moodle regularly. 2. Write down assignments and due dates in your calendar. 3. Understand the instructions before leaving class. 4. Take home all materials needed to complete the assignment. 5. Learn to plan study time. 6. Set aside study time in a quiet place at home. 7. Carefully check completed assignments. 8. Turn in completed work by the due date. 9. Do not put work off until the last minute. 10. Take notes in class and from books. 11. Use the library, math and writing studios frequently. 12. Make up work missed during an illness or excused absence. 13. Learn to ask questions concerning assignments. 14. Take pride in the appearance of finished work. Students are expected to set goals and work to achieve them. It is important to get the most out of one’s time in every learning situation. Students are asked to maintain a serious attitude towards their work, think positively, and follow through with a plan of action.


Tutoring Policy ACS Athens teachers may never tutor an ACS Athens student for pay. Teachers are available by appointment to provide additional help for their students. No private paid tutoring of any sort may be done on campus, either during school hours or after school. Furthermore, it is against school rules for ACS Athens teachers to meet with private tutors.

Exams End of semester exams will be administered in January and June in some Middle School classes. Final exams, known as competency exams, will be administered in June in all Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science classes in the sixth, seventh and eighth grade. The percentage allocation for competency exams will be as follows: 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade

Language Arts, Foreign Languages, Social Studies and Science will be worth 10% of the second semester grade. Math will be 20% of the second semester grade. Language Arts, Foreign Languages, Social Studies and Science will be worth 15% of the second semester grade. Math will be 20% of the second semester grade. Language Arts, Foreign Languages, Social Studies and Science and Math will be worth 20% of the second semester grade.

Make up exams will be scheduled for students who were ill and have a doctor’s verification. Parents must inform the Citizenship Office on the day of the exam if their son/ daughter is ill, and must provide a doctor’s note the following day. The exam schedule will be posted in advance. No exceptions will be made to this policy.

Assessments Middle School students may have up to two major assessments in one day. Should there be a third assessment scheduled, teachers will make every effort to reschedule the most recently planned test.


THE ACS ATHENS LEARNING COMMONS IN THE HASIB J. SABBAGH LIBRARY The Sabbagh Library has already served our community for a number of years. The Learning Commons at ACS Athens will expand to become a model of innovative library space for International Education around the world.

The Library: ● Books available targeted to the needs of student and faculty for their project research and for their independent reading. ● A selection of databases and e-books targeted to the needs of students and faculty for their project research ● Quiet spaces for individual student research and study ● Collaborative spaces for student and faculty group project work. ● Research skills courses targeted to the needs of students of different grade levels. ● Individual and group guidance for researching individual or group topics

Research Support Program: ● A research skill-building program/curriculum, for grades 6-12 that connects with existing research initiatives, but also introduces new and innovative ones. ● The program will provide expert consultation, focus, coherence, and continuity to the research training of the students and faculty across MS and Academy through classroom instruction and support as needed and individual student and teacher support as needed. ● Important goals of the program are to support, guide, and inspire students and teachers in the process of creating and disseminating new knowledge through engagement with research.

Math Studio: 3rd floor of the Hasib J. Sabbagh Library

● Regular drop in ( class connected activities)-One on one learning ( to meet individual student needs ) ● Small group whole class instruction and activities ● Students work in small groups with the teacher as the facilitator ● Creating educational games ● Hands on activities ● Providing students with Online quizzes/ Tests ● SAT prep classes 17

● The ideal place for students to visit in order to learn and exchange ideas on Mathematics. ● An inquiry approach to learning. Math inquiry- an exploration into things the students are interested in finding out and /or solving. ● Subscription to a variety of websites which will enhance learning. ● Hands-on group games available to students ● Supplies available for better introducing certain topics (3d shapes, boards with grid lines an e.t.c.) ● Math Game Sessions ● Young Mathematicians Groups ● Sharing sessions for teachers

Writing Studio: 3rd floor of the Hasib J. Sabbagh Library

● Regular drop in ( class connected activities) One on one learning( to meet students individual needs) ● Small groups whole class instruction/workshops ● Students work in small groups with the teacher as the facilitator ● Hands on activities ● On line and face to face mini lessons in specific editing/ proofreading skills ● Writing workshops ● SAT prep classes ● Support for writing assignments in all disciplines , grades 6-12- collaborative with classroom teachers to guide students through all stages of the writing process: prewriting drafting, revising, editing, proofreading. ● Scrabble: collaboration with Math Studio once a week to engage students and have a tournament on a monthly, semester or annual basis. ● Writing Groups ● Learning Commons ● Publications- Literary Magazine ● Book Club for adults

Media Studio: 1st floor of the Hasib J. Sabbagh Library ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Audio, print, video, media design and production Film/Media Festivals Events (sponsored by the entire library team) Film Media Club (sponsored by the entire library team) Film Nights (sponsored by the entire library team) Accommodate interdisciplinary project development Guiding the use of the Media Studio across all disciplines Media Productions ( class productions, individual projects) 18

● Studio Courses ( to be developed ) ● Production of student and faculty media projects and showcasing work The Math, Writing and Media Studios can accommodate individual students, small groups or an entire class. Individual students can walk in at any time with a pass from their teacher, or on their own during lunch, before or after school. Available PC’s: Math Studio : 5, Writing Studio: 5 , Common Math / Writing Studio Area: 8 (outside the studios on the 3rd floor), Library: 14 ( second floor of the Library) *We encourage students to bring their laptops. Academy students should bring their PC’s

STUDENT AFFAIRS The Office of Student Affairs provides counseling, psychological support, college guidance, optimal learning services, activity/interest group/community service guidance for students and learning support programs.

Counseling The Middle School counselor is responsible for working with all students individually and in group settings to help them succeed at the Middle School. If a student has a challenge, or feels uncertain about some aspect of the Middle School that teachers cannot resolve, the counselor may be consulted. In addition, The Middle School Counselor invites students and parents to discuss educational concerns, scheduling and testing, follows up on progress reports, quarter and semester reports, and students who are ineligible for co-curricular activities due to their grades or on probation. Students may make appointments with the Office of Student Affairs Administrative Assistant for an appropriate time. Parents may telephone 639-3200, extension 226 or 261 to arrange for conferences.

Counseling Psychologist Available through the Wellness Center, a Counseling Psychologist is prepared to assist students with social-emotional issues (more extensive counseling) as they arise and to help students develop optimal coping strategies. The Counseling Psychologist also serves as chair of the K-12 Child Study Team.

The Educational & Diagnostic Testing Center The Educational & Diagnostic Testing Center at ACS Athens abides by a holistic philosophy, whereby students are encouraged to realize their unique potential. Using a multidisciplinary approach, a team of diagnosticians evaluates individual strengths and weaknesses by conducting various psycho-educational assessments in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of every child. 19

Individualized recommendations for interventions and strategies are provided, depending on the child’s unique learning style, in order to help them enhance overall functioning. The center's uniqueness is twofold: 1. Multidisciplinary Team - every child is assessed by a group of professionals, ranging from Special Educators to Psychologists and teachers, in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of their needs and 2. In-house Assessments for ACS Athens Students – assessments are conducted right on campus for ACS Athens students, allowing them to be evaluated within a comfortable setting. Diagnosticians are able to gather information from, and collaborate with, teachers and other staff in ensuring the best possible outcome for each child

Registrar The Registrar is responsible for keeping all students records and provides all necessary documents needed for college or to transfer to another school.

Wellness Center The Wellness Center is coordinated by the Counseling Psychologist K-12 , who is available to assist students with social and emotional challenges or life changes. Programs to assist students during transitional times and to ensure a balance in students’ life are implemented by the Wellness Center.

Student Life Extra-curricular, Interest groups and community service events take place via the Student Life center. Students are provided with choices to join in or lead activities of their interest.

Child Study Team The Child Study Team (CST) consists of the Principal, the school psychologist, the counselor and the Optimal Learning Specialist. Other staff members and parents meet with the CST when it is appropriate. The CST’s purpose is to assist students who have academic, social, physical, or emotional problems that interfere with their education. Teachers and parents may refer a student to the CST whose members will consider all aspects effecting student progress and will create and implement a plan action to help students improve.

HEALTH SERVICES AND RELATED MATTERS Health Services ACS employs a full-time medical professional who is here to provide students with help and advice if they are ill. If a student feels ill, he or she must consult with a teacher in order to get a pass to go to the medical professional. The medical professional will take care of the student, and if necessary, will call parents to take an ill student home. The medical professional also provides first aid in case of accidents. In the event of serious injury, the student will not be moved. Rather, the medical professional will be called immediately in order to handle the matter at the scene of the accident.


Accident or Illness In the interest of the student’s health, parents should be sure that the Health Office files are kept current. An up-to-date telephone number and the name of the person to call in the event of an emergency in the parent’s absence are especially important. The school medical professional determines in each case whether the student requires the immediate attention of a specialized physician or whether he/she may be cared for in the First Aid Room. If it is necessary to send a student home, the school will immediately attempt to call the parent. If the parent cannot provide transportation, the student may be sent home by taxi with the parent’s approval. In the event of an emergency requiring immediate medical attention, every attempt will be made to consult with the parents for instructions. In the event that the parents or their designated representatives cannot be reached, and upon the recommendation of the medical professional, the student will be taken to the parent’s physician or to the nearest hospital providing the necessary care. Accidents occurring in school, on school grounds, or on the bus should be reported as soon as possible to a school staff member.

Insurance School insurance is provided automatically for every student beginning the first day of school. It covers all aspects of the school day as well as school trips. Detailed benefits of the school insurance plan may be obtained by calling the Business Office during working hours. Additional insurance is purchased in out of Athens trips.

SERVICES CONTRACTED BY THE SCHOOL Bus Service Each day, buses contracted by ACS transport ACS Athens students throughout greater Athens area. Bus monitors are present on each bus with the responsibility of ensuring safety and order. There are no monitors on late buses. All Middle School students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately while on the school bus. They are expected to act as positive role models for the younger children on the bus. Questions about transportation services should be directed to the Transportation Office (6393200, Ext. 239).

Bus Procedures 1. Students must be at the assigned stop at the scheduled boarding time. 2. Students must disembark only at the scheduled stop. 3. If a student wishes to take a bus other than the one normally assigned, or get off at a stop other than the one normally assigned, a parent request must be submitted to the transportation office for approval 48 hours in advance and presented to the monitor 21

4. 5. 6. 7.

before boarding. Permission to ride on a different bus will be granted only if space is available. Change of address resulting in a change of route or bus stop should be presented to the transportation office in writing two days prior to the change. The failure or the considerable delay of the bus in arriving at the scheduled pick-up point entitles students to secure alternate transportation to the school. The Transportation Officer will make reimbursement of any costs incurred. Concerns regarding the bus monitor or driver must be registered with the Transportation Office and the Main Office. Bus monitors reserve the right to assign students to a specific seat. All passengers must comply with these directions.

Bus Code of Conduct 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Students must follow the directions of the bus monitors, adults and drivers at all times. No eating, drinking or smoking is allowed. Students must be seated in their assigned seats and quiet at all times. Respectful language must be used at all times. Students must keep hands, head, arms inside the bus at all times. No weapons/toy weapons or incendiary devices are allowed at any time. The Code of Conduct policies and recommended actions also apply to the bus.

Students who do not meet these expectations will be referred to the Transportation Officer and appropriate Administrator. Misconduct may result in the loss of bus service for a number of days. Serious or repeated violations of bus rules may result in permanent removal from the bus.

LUNCH FACILITIES Lunch Time and Recess Middle School students have 45 minutes for lunch. No food or drink will be sold in the final 10 minutes during the lunch break.

Expectations for the Cafeteria ● ● ● ● ●

Students are to proceed in a single file through the serving line Finish eating and drinking before leaving the cafeteria All bags and backpacks belong in the lockers during the break Recycling is important! Toss items in the proper bins Use appropriate voice inside the dining hall

Picnic Areas

● Students are allowed to eat outside at the picnic tables ● Clean up and recycling is expected


Lunch Time Areas During lunch only students participating in clubs or meetings with teachers may enter the Middle School building for these purposes. Students are encouraged to relax, enjoy their lunch together, and then use the remainder of the lunch period to socialize and get some fresh air. Middle School students may use the amphitheater, the front courts and the back field (provided there are no Academy PE classes in session) for rest and relaxation during the lunch break.

Lockers Padlocks will be provided to the students by the school. Students are not allowed to use their own padlocks. Students will be held financially responsible for misuse and damages to the locker and combination lock. The student will request a locker from the Citizenship Office and pay an amount of 20 euros to the cashier in the Administration Office as a deposit. Upon returning the padlock in good order and completing a "no damage" locker inspection, the full deposit amount will be refunded to the student upon withdrawal from the school. Students have the responsibility to immediately report to the Citizenship Office any damage to their locker. Under no circumstances should students change lockers amongst themselves. The Principal's Office maintains the right to open lockers at any given moment. The locker is where a student stores books, jackets, lunch, and cellphones. Students should not share their locker combination with anyone. The school is not responsible for any items left in the lockers.

P.E. Lockers All students will be assigned a Physical Education locker. Locks are provided by the P.E. department. Students are responsible for any lost or damaged locks (they must pay a fee) and are also responsible to bring their own lock after that. The Physical Education teacher will provide additional information about locker assignments.

Lost and Found The Middle School Attendance Office maintains a lost and found service. Students are requested to bring found articles of all types to the office so that they may be returned to their rightful owners. Items lost or stolen should be reported to the office as soon as possible. It is helpful to have student names written or sewn in all personal property or clothing to help in the identification process of "found" items. All articles unclaimed after a reasonable length of time, generally one month, may be discarded or donated to local charities.

Cellphones & Personal Electronics Unless being used in class as part of the learning process, we expect students who bring electronic items in their lockers in a switched off mode until the end of school. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices. Students are expected to come to the Main Office if they wish to contact their parents during the school day. The following are inappropriate uses of electronic devices: 23

● Harassment, threats, intimidation, electronic forgery, cyberbullying / cyberthreats, video taping in or out of the classroom, invasion of personal rights, cheating on tests/exams, or other forms of illegal behavior during the instructional and noninstructional day. Students are not to use material or text message to invade personal privacy or harass another person, or disrupt the instructional day, or engage in dishonest acts. Videotaping by students, within the ACS Athens Campus, without proper permission from administration is illegal. Possible consequences include: ○ Conversation with student and confiscation of device to the Main Office until the end of the school day ○ Conversation with the Citizenship Coordinator ○ Conversation with Principal ○ Parent meeting

Textbooks Textbooks are provided to all students through the bookstore. All books and materials loaned to students shall be returned to the bookstore at the conclusion of each course. Students who withdraw from school must return all textbooks before they can clear their records. Students may be asked to cover school textbooks. If a student fails to return school materials or if damage beyond normal wear occurs, the student will be charged for the cost of the text.

STUDENT ACTIVITIES Participation in co-curricular activities is a way of expanding learning beyond the classroom. Such participation allows students to pursue their own interests and to develop their skills and talents in a whole range of social, cultural and sporting activities. Participating in school activities is also an important way of building bonds of school community – allowing students the opportunity to cement friendships, develop their skills of teamwork and cooperation, share their skills and talents with others and make a positive contribution to the social, cultural and sporting life of the school.

The House System The House System was started at ACS in 1950. All students, faculty, and staff are assigned to one of four houses as a life-time member: Athenian (green), Corinthian (red), Spartan (blue), or Trojan (yellow). It is a concept meant to bond teachers and students, encourage school spirit, and build a strong sense of belonging to our school. It is also meant to create a sense of continuity and permanence for our graduates. The Middle School, students and faculty can earn points for their houses by participating in student activities, playing sports, winning awards, participating in community service projects, etc. House Points are tallied throughout the year and posted in the Academy and Middle School. Each year, a plaque is presented to the 24

winning house and displayed on campus. Individuals who earn points for their houses are also recognized at the end-of-year Awards Assemblies.

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Clubs and Organizations and Sports All students are encouraged to participate in any clubs or activities that interest them. Generally, these activities meet during lunch and/or after school with their advisors. Activities and Interest Groups are developed based on student interest. For a list of all activities and interest groups, please check our website, under Student Affairs. Participating in activities (special programs, team sports, intramurals and clubs) at the Middle School is very much a part of the Middle School experience. One can learn in many ways, and there is much to be learned, as well as a lot of fun to be experienced, in the examples of various clubs, sports and special programs which meet during lunch and after school. Clubs and activities are developed based on student interest. Examples include: Art Club Climbing Debate Honor Code Committee Lunch Chat Act Math Peer Facilitators Ping Pong Programming/ Tech Service Leader Student Council Water Sports Yearbook Sport Teams: Basketball Cross Country Soccer Swimming Tennis Track and Field Volleyball After School Activities: Robotics Swimming Academy Tennis Academy

Student Council

The Student Council plays a significant role in the life of the middle school. Its meetings are open to all students and faculty. Anyone with a suggestion or concern is encouraged to attend. 25

The Middle School Student Council is made up of four representatives per grade level. A president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary for each grade level are elected by the student body. Additionally, there is the school-wide Executive Student Council which is comprised of elected student body presidents. Each president represents and advocates for his or her respective group. All officers work with faculty members as well as their advisor, and are encouraged to assume the position of spokespeople for their classmates and the school. Students are encouraged to get to know their class officers and make suggestions to them. Details concerning the selection process, meeting place, and time are announced in the fall semester.

Executive Class Officers Early in the fall, each class elects officers to lead them during the year. These officers work with faculty and advisors and are encouraged to assume the position of spokespeople for their classmates. Students are encouraged to get to know their class officers and make suggestions to them.

Community Service Serving the community is an integral component of the Middle School experience. All Middle School students are encouraged to volunteer for school and/or community service during the school year. Several grade level activities and field trips such as our visits to the Elderly Home are organized as part of our Community and Service experiences. Parents are advised of these through school publications. Opportunities may also be in the form of assistance in the classroom, or help with an after school activity or sports team. By donating their time to help the school, students will benefit from a positive learning experience. A copy of the Elderly Home field trip release for student travel form is included in the Appendix of this Handbook.

SCHOOL SOCIAL EVENTS Dances Each year, the Middle School Student Council plans and hosts social events. These are scheduled on the ACS school calendar and every Middle School student in grades 6-8 is encouraged to attend. Some helpful information about dances that are important to know: ● Dances are held in the evening, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Eighth Grade Formal is held near the end of the school year on campus and runs from about 8:30 – 11:30 p.m. ● All dances have an entrance fee, set by the Student Council for fundraising purposes. ● Refreshments are available ● Students are expected to remain in the dance area until the end of the event ● Parents must provide transportation ● Students must be picked up at school by the end of the dance ● All dances are voluntarily chaperoned by teachers. ● Middle School Dances are open only to current ACS Middle School Students.


Purchase Orders/ Fundraising Students buying material of any kind for school, class or club activities must obtain a purchase requisition form from the Administrative Assistant in the Middle School Main Office. The requisition must have the faculty sponsor’s signature. All money collected from fundraising activities must be deposited in the activity account within 24 hours. Food sales for fundraising purposes are not allowed during lunch unless permission of the food services manager has been secured in advance. Clubs and activities may hold food sales during the afternoon break and after school, during the activities period. All fundraising activities must be approved and scheduled by the Student Council and recorded in the yearly fundraising calendar. Students are required to seek guidance over these policies per their sponsor.

Posters and Advertisements All posters, flyers, etc. must be approved by an appropriate faculty member and by the Principal before they are displayed. The Principal must initial all posters, flyers, etc.

COMMUNICATIONS & EMERGENCIES Communication to Middle School students and parents takes many forms. A Daily Bulletin is published and posted on the ACS website (www.acs.gr), where it can be accessed by parents and students. It contains important information about scheduled events, school activities, and other special announcements. Announcements may be placed in the bulletin by administration and faculty. Please note that it is possible that there are no announcements for some days throughout the year. All students have access to a personal Google Calendar through their ACS Athens student email account, which they will be taught how to use during the first week of school. We encourage students to use this calendar as an organizational tool. Moodle is an educational, electronic platform where students can find their homework assignments and any handouts necessary for their classes. Skyward can also be used as a form of communication of progress.

Guests The Middle School welcomes guests who are visiting Athens and wish to observe our school in action. We recognize, however, the visitors to the classroom can disrupt the normal learning environment; thus, we limit guests to one-day visits. Only Middle School-age students who are visiting from outside the Athens area are invited to be our guests. Students who wish to bring a guest to school are required to bring a note from their parents prior to the day of the visit and to obtain prior permission from the Principal. Approval must be granted by the Principal a minimum of 24 hours prior to the guest’s arrival. No guests are allowed during times of testing and final examinations.


Communicating with Teachers If students need to communicate with their teachers they must use their ACS Athens email account to do so.

School Cancellation

Whenever possible, official announcements of school cancellation will be made in advance. In addition, parents can call the school at (210) 639-3200 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., or the ACS Athens Security Office at 639-3555 before or after these hours for information. The Academy/Middle School Office maintains an emergency phone tree, which allows administration and faculty members to contact all ACS Athens families in case of a cancellation. Such announcements will also be sent via e-mail and posted on our website.

EMERGENCY EVACUATION Several times a year, emergency evacuation drills are held. Specific directions and evacuation maps are posted in each classroom to indicate the emergency exit route. Common sense and cooperation are key elements in any emergency evacuation.

Students are expected to:

● Be familiar with exit route ● Respond quickly with full attention and cooperation given to their teacher or supervisor. ● Walk quickly and silently (without talking). ● Stay in formation to the left and right sides of the corridor and staircase as they proceed to their exit. ● Remain clear of the building as directed by teacher or supervisor. ● Remain quiet once outdoors and cooperate fully with attendance taking procedures. ● In case of a fire or earthquake during passing time or Middle School lunch: students must meet with their first block teachers in the front court.

EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Emergency procedures and evacuation maps are posted prominently in each classroom. Students must keep aisles clear of books, backpacks, etc. In ANY emergency, this is a hazard. In an emergency evacuation, all students need to exit and follow directions quietly. If evacuation is necessary, students are expected to follow their teacher in an orderly fashion to designated areas. Students are expected to remain with their classes until receiving further instructions. In case an evacuation is necessary during lunch or break times, all Middle School and Academy students must go to the front basketball court and find their block one teacher. Everyone needs to stand clear of the buildings and line up towards the center of the designated area.


Evacuation Destinations Middle School Evacuation routes:

All classes in the Middle School building will go to the center of the Middle School courtyard and line up behind their teachers. Students will meet with their period 1 teacher if the evacuation occurs during a break. During class time, students will evacuate with their current teacher. Academy Evacuation routes:

Academy Rooms 101, 102, 103, 105, will go out to the Academy courtyard through the front door of the Academy. Room 104 and the offices located between the Academy and the Theater building will exit left and proceed to the front courtyard. Rooms 207, 209, 210, 211, and 208 will go out through the ground floor, exit the front door of the Academy and line up on the volleyball courts along the wall. Rooms 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206 and the Arts classrooms from the 3rd floor will exit through the 2nd floor side doors of the Academy and down the Library staircase towards the front volleyball courts and then line up along the wall. Rooms 212 and 213 will exit through the Administration staircase and proceed to the volleyball courts along the wall. Academy and Middle School Library:

Academy and Middle School classes in the Library as well as all non- teaching personnel will exit through the Library entrance and proceed down the Library staircase to the front courtyard and basketball court. Middle school classes will go out to the front Middle School courtyard. Theater and Gym evacuation routes:

Individuals in the Theater, Theater Lobby or the Atrium area will exit through the Atrium side door to the back soccer field. Gym classes will go out the back door of the gym and proceed to the back soccer field. Annex Building evacuation routes:

All classes and offices will evacuate to the front courtyard. Music room evacuation routes:

Academy and Middle school Music classes exit the Portables and proceed to the area under the olive tree in the center of the front courtyard.


STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Student Conduct In keeping with the Middle School philosophy and mission statement, we provide a positive environment that fosters academic growth and respects human differences during this challenging stage of adolescence. Learning the importance of self-discipline and respect is an essential part of this growth process. Finally, the Middle School Code of Conduct is applicable to all areas of school life, including behavior in the classroom, in the halls, in the cafeteria, in the library, in the theater, on the playground, on the buses, as well as on field trips and other school functions. During the first week of school students and parents are asked to read through the Code of Conduct and Internet Use Policy together, agree to abide by them, and sign a tear-off sheet affirming their commitment to uphold ACS Athens behavioral standards and expectations. This should be returned to the student’s advisory teacher for the year.

Behavioral Expectations Student behavior at the Middle School is guided by the expectation that every individual is completely responsible for his/her own behavior and that all behavior reflects respect for oneself, respect for others, and respect for property. In general, common courtesy and good judgment will ensure that every member of the Middle School community contributes to a safe, secure, and comfortable school climate. Students are expected to follow the institution’s theme of “Be Ready. Be Respectful. Be Responsible.”

Attendance Policy The American Community Schools of Athens endorses the concept that regular school attendance is essential for the maximum educational benefit of each student. It is well understood and documented that there is a direct correlation between regular school attendance and academic achievement. Despite the best efforts and intentions of all, it is further understood that make-up of work missed cannot duplicate the actual classroom experience and that achievement may be affected. Students who are excessively absent, regardless of the cause for absence (this is defined as being absent more than 10% of the instructional days) may fail a course(s). The American Community Schools recognizes that absence from school does and will occur. In recognition of this fact, the student Attendance Policy classifies absences into one of three categories. 1. Excused for non-school related issues: A. Medical:

Parents should phone the school each morning that a student will be absent for medical reasons (illness, medical appointments, etc.) The 30

school reserves the right to require a statement from an appropriate medical authority verifying the requirement for the student’s absence. Parental failure to inform the school of a student absence or provide medical documentation when required, will result in the student being assessed an “unexcused” absence. In the case of extended absences due to illness, the Citizenship Office and Administration will carefully monitor student progress. After consultation with the parent(s), they will take such action as is necessary to support the best interest of the student and preserve the integrity of the educational process. B. Personal Reasons: Absences from school for personal reasons that are unavoidable are considered “excused”. Parents should phone the school each morning that a student will be absent or provide a written note in advance of absences if possible. Absences which fall into this category, for example, include those due to death in the family or family emergencies which require the presence of the student. When possible, parents should obtain a determination as to whether the absence will be excused before it occurs. The principal of the school will make the final determination as to whether an absence in this category is “Excused” or “Unexcused”. Parental failure to provide a written explanation will result in the student being assessed an “Unexcused” absence.

2. Excused for school-related reasons: Extracurricular and extended learning activities: These activities provide students with opportunities to build and expand on their individual interests and talents as well as develop interpersonal and teamwork skills. Students participate in these activities on the basis of individual choice and personal interest. These activities are normally scheduled after school hours and on weekends, but may require absence from class. No student may miss in excess of 10% of the instructional days (or class periods) in a given school year for school-related extracurricular and extended learning activities combined.

3. Unexcused Absences Failure to excuse an absence of a student will be assessed as “unexcused” by Administration. Repetitive unexcused absences from school or class periods may result in possible consequences in accordance to the Student- Parent Handbook Code of Conduct in place. Class work missed as a result of unexcused absences generally cannot be made up. Repeated unexcused absences are grounds for denial of admission the next school year.

Tardiness To maintain the integrity of the learning environment, students are expected to arrive at school and all classes on time.Tardiness due to a late school bus (bus arrival after 8:55 a.m.), 31

will be assessed as “no count�. A daily announcement of late buses will be posted so faculty can excusing the tardiness. If tardiness is due to other, non-bus-related reasons, the student will be monitored by the Citizenship office. Administration may require a parent note and/or conference when students are habitually tardy regularly to school.

Class Attendance Students are expected to arrive to class on time and be prepared for learning when the final bell has rung. Failure to arrive to class on time without a valid excuse will be discussed with the corresponding teacher. Should the tardiness to class occur again, there will be a conversation with the Citizenship Coordinator. Excessive tardiness to class may result in a meeting with the Principal.

Early Dismissal from School A student who needs to leave school early for a legitimate reason parent or guardian must inform the Citizenship coordinator or provide a signed written request, which should be submitted by the student to the Citizenship Office upon arrival at school.

Withdrawal of Students from School Given the transient nature of many of our families, it occasionally becomes necessary to withdraw a student from school during the year. If this is the case, parents should send a letter to the Principal, indicating the student’s last day of school and if student records will be hand-carried or mailed to the new school. This letter should reach the school one week prior to withdrawal. The Student Affairs Office monitors the check-out process, whereby the student returns books, satisfies any outstanding obligations, and bids farewell to ACS friends. A student may not attend school after completing the checkout procedure.

Staying After School Buses depart campus at 3:55 p.m. All students should leave campus at that time unless they are staying after school for an activity supervised by a teacher. Students waiting for an after school activity to begin may not leave the school premises unless they have written permission from their parents which they provide to the Citizenship Office.

Hallway Passes Students should utilize passing periods and refrain from missing instruction. Faculty discretion is used from passes out of class.

Bicycles, Roller blades, Skateboards For safety reasons and to ensure the protection of school property, bicycles, roller blades, skateboards are not allowed on campus.

Personal Property The school cannot assume responsibility for the loss of personal property, and the school does not carry insurance to cover the loss of student property. To avoid the possibility of loss, students should not bring expensive jewelry, large sums of money, I-pods, expensive cell32

phones or other valuable or personal objects to school. If a student is carrying money with him/her with the intent to pay for an activity, fieldtrip, uniform, or for any other reason he/she should deal with the transaction as soon as they arrive to school.

STUDENT DRESS & APPEARANCE One of our important goals as educators is to prepare students for professional and social life outside of school. Learning to dress appropriately in a variety of contexts is an important life skill. It is a mark of maturity, sophistication, self-respect and respect for others (especially important in a multi-cultural environment such as ACS). Parents and students should consider student attire carefully each morning before students leave for school. A good rule of thumb to follow: if a student would not be out of place on a beach, in a gym or in a club in the clothes he/she is wearing, then the student is not appropriately dressed and groomed for school. Students should always be cleaned up and look professional at school. Specifically, the ACS Athens Dress Code prohibits students from wearing the following items of clothing: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Excessively tight clothing without appropriate length shirt Clothing printed with suggestive, obscene or offensive words and images Torn clothing (no matter how fashionable the tears!) Midriff-baring tops (for both boys and girls; tops must be long enough to be tucked into slacks or skirts or to cover the waistband of slacks and skirts if not tucked in.) Any style of clothing that reveals a students’ undergarments (for girls, this means no undergarments showing through see-through or low-cut tops and slacks; for boys, this means no boxers showing above the waistband of low-hanging jeans. No visible body piercing except for earrings Excessively short skirts for girls or shorts (higher than mid-thigh for boys & girls) High heels No hats/caps in hallways

Each day, during the first block of the day, we will conduct a dress-code check. Students who are not appropriately dressed will be reported to the Citizenship office. ● First dress-code violation: students will be given the opportunity to change clothing. ● Subsequent violations: students will receive disciplinary consequences. The ACS Dress Code provides a standard for appropriate student dress without forcing all students to dress alike. The goal is to promote self-confidence, self-respect and respect for the learning environment.

PE Uniforms In an effort to ensure that students in physical education classes are appropriately attired, the following administrative policy has been adopted. During the first week of school, all students must purchase a standard ACS Athens uniform consisting of: ● Sweat suit (sweatshirt/sweatpants), t-shirt, shorts.


The uniforms may be purchased in a choice of two colors (navy/gold or gray/navy) and will be available during the first week of school when students are issued locks. Payment may be made during registration. ACS-Athens believes that Physical Education uniforms are essential for promoting good hygiene, instilling a sense of school spirit and establishing a standard of appropriate leisure attire.

Travel Dress Code for Athletic Events Students as ambassadors of our school on team trips are expected to follow a particular dress code for travel on public conveyance (trains, planes, etc.). ACS Athens athletes and other team members representing the school on trips must follow the travel dress code. Chaperones finding students not dressed properly may require students to change into appropriate clothes. Appropriate dress for athletes includes: ACS Athens travel hooded sweatshirt and blue/black pants (can be denim, without holes!). For spring sports, an ACS Athens polo shirt is part of the travel dress code.



Since 2015, ACS Athens, through its commitment to provide the best educational experience to its students, implements the technology policy “Bring Your Own Device - BYOD”. This policy requires all new and existing students entering grades 8-12 to bring their own laptop in the school, always according to the class guidelines and rules of each teaching instructor and the technology policy of the school, as outlined in the Academy and Middle School Program of Studies.


As a typical specifications rule, the laptop must be no older than 2 years old (to keep up with current hardware/software technologies) and the battery should last for no less than 3 hours. There is no preference in the type of laptop (PC, MacBook, etc). ACS Athens provides a limited number of laptops on a check-out basis, that are used primarily by individual students, for classroom projects, or on specialized applications as required by faculty. Although students are welcome to bring tablets, school related applications or assignments may require features like typing or survey type activities that aren’t easily performed on such devices. Therefore, laptops are the preferred devices at ACS Athens.

Description of the BYOD program: Our primary goal regarding the use of technology in education at ACS Athens is: To envision, design, materialize, support and operate physical and virtual learning spaces, as students live in a world where they can learn anywhere, any time and from anyone.

Context of the BYOD policy:

Today’s students are digital natives and live and operate in a multimedia world. All media they use in their everyday school life is all in color and they prioritize based on visual learning. They don’t just need, but they demand to have creativity in their learning process. They learn best through trial and error and they constantly connect and collaborate. Most importantly, they expect and know how to access information that is live and interlinked.

Advantages of “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) Technology Integration model: A device for every student covering his educational needs, offering access to technology at anytime ● Specialized technical staff of the school ensures uniform operation of devices and platforms ● State-of-art firewall and security protocols safeguards network access ● Robust network WiFi infrastructure with large bandwidth ensures optimal connectivity ● Technology department continues to support students with devices on a special case basis. 35

How BYOD can be used: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

School-wide implementation of the i²Flex methodology (see www.isquaredflex.gr) Access Educational/instructional libraries Research Online becomes easier and more personalized Coursework and assignments are easily accessible and managed Access data organization tools Web-based applications for classroom polling & quick tests Easier production of Audio/Radio podcasting and video projects Promoting Digital storytelling Easier Language learning Easier access of Course companion sites

BYOD Benefits: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Learning anytime, anywhere without schedule or access restrictions Allowing school to devote much-needed funding to other programs or technologies Personalized devices Devices are commonly more up- to-date with newer features Allows for immediate application in the classroom Competitive pricing of tablets, smartphones, and laptop computers—BYOD available option for many families ● Replicates a technology-rich environment already common in higher education and business ● Flexibility—support different learners with different needs

BYOD Educational impact: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Catalyst for more engaged and motivated students Students are held accountable for their learning, puts them in charge Encourages continued learning outside of the classroom walls Students tap into their individual learning preferences Helps students identify skills that will make them life-long learners Gives students a preview of how their future workplaces will operate

For more information about the implementation of the program or any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr. John Papadakis at: papadakisj@acs.gr or Mr. Marinos Makris at makrism@acs.gr.


MIDDLE SCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCT The Middle School Code of Conduct provides progressive sequence of consequences for misconduct of students. Each violation represents a level of seriousness, the most serious being, group 4.The code of conduct is in effect within the campus, on all school related student transportation (i.e. school busses home or airplanes for an athletic competition), and on every ACS Athens official activity off campus.

Reparation Guidelines We provide students opportunities to reflect on their choices and behavior so that they can learn from their mistakes. Our philosophy considers code of conduct violations as taking something away from self, others or the environment. Therefore repairing the damage done to self, others or the environment gives students the opportunity to understand how to build healthy relationships in each of the three areas. Following consultation with the school counselor and/ or administrator, opportunities for reparations may be provided. Students may have the option to make their own reparation proposals. Examples may include: 1) The repair of damaged property and participation in school community service (summertime included). 2) Referral to peer group mediation 3) Working with a faculty member on a specific project to be completed/ assign a certain number of hours to be completed assisting the faculty member. 4) Attendance of parent(s)/legal guardian(s) with student to area where student displays inappropriate behavior, i.e., class, lunchroom, bus, etc. Students’ successful participation in the reparation programs becomes part of their official citizenship record, and will be taken into account when making decisions in which social behavior is a factor.

Group 1 Violations ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Dress code violation/ Travel dress code violation Littering Inappropriate physical displays of affection Unruly behavior in the halls, cafeteria, library, theater, playground, field trips, assemblies, etc. Food/drinks in the library Repeatedly conversing in a language other than English during class (exception for foreign language class.) Inappropriate use of electronic devices in class or during assembly Tardiness Failure to follow classroom rules Bus Referral


● 1st Offense: Teacher / Administrator / Counselor Conference (see discipline referral form) ● 2nd Offense: Referral to principal, warning, verbal discussion, correction, reprimand, 37

letter to myself. ● 3rd Offense: Detention, letter to myself. ● 4th Offense: 1 Day In-School Suspension, parental conference. ● 5th Offense: 2 Day In-School Suspension, placement on Social Probation, patents contacted.

Group 2 Violations ● Class disruption* ● Vulgar or abusive language or behavior. Sexist or racist remarks. ● Being in an unauthorized area. ● Cutting class/Leaving class without permission/Unexcused absences. ● Refusal to follow directions from any staff member and/or lying to faculty or staff. ● Inappropriate behavior (verbal, physical, emotional ) towards peers. ● Travel dress code referral ● Invasion of privacy *To allow students to learn, students who habitually disrupt class will be removed from the class.

Consequences ● 1st Offense: Referral to principal, verbal discussion, reprimand, detention, parental contact, letter to myself ● 2nd Offense: 1 Day In-School Suspension and contract, parent contact ● 3rd Offense: 2 Day In-School Suspension, contract update, placement on Social Probation and parent contact

Group 3 Violations ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Disrespectful behavior to school personnel Making a deliberate, false and malicious accusation against another person Physically aggressive behavior towards any member of our community Possession or use of incendiary devices Pretending to be another student Forged note. Gambling or extortion Leaving campus without permission Unauthorized use/viewing of faculty/staff/administrative computer Unauthorized non-educational use of the Internet facilities, such as: o o o o o

Downloading or displaying pornography Software theft Unauthorized use of copyrighted material Intrusion into individuals’ personal email accounts Publication/retrieval of personal web pages on school equipment

Consequences ● 1st Offense: Immediate 1-Day Suspension from school and parent conference ● 2nd Offense: 3-Day In or Out of School Suspension, Placement on Social Probation ● 3rd Offense: 5-Day Out of School Suspension and notification to parents of possible expulsion if further violations occur. 38

Group 4 Violations ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Vandalism/intentionally causing damage to school property/books Bullying Theft Stealing Causing physical harm to another person Physically aggressive behavior toward school personnel Repeated violations and/or recurrent misbehavior Starting a fire Use of any object with intent to do harm *In the case of vandalism an itemized bill of repairs will be given to parents. *Some cases may involve possible notification of police and recommendation for expulsion.

Consequences ● 1st Offense: Immediate Out-of-School Suspension and possible application to the School President for expulsion from ACS Athens. Possible notification to the Police. Note: Repeated offenders of the code of conduct may choose to sign up for community service hours in the main office in the Middle School. The systematic accumulation of community service hours, by repeated offenders of the code of conduct, will be viewed positively by the school administration, faculty and staff.

Group 5 Violations* – Removal from School

● Harassment: verbal, sexual, emotional or based on gender, ethnicity, race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation ● Engage in illegal activity on or off campus ● Possession or use of alcohol on campus ● Possession, use, or sale of illegal substances or paraphernalia ● Hacking of the ACS Network Information System or security ● Possession or concealment of weapons *The school reserves the right to remove a student if they committed an act of misconduct that is not listed as a group 5 violation.

Student Searches

ACS Athens prioritizes the need to provide all students with a safe atmosphere and an optimal learning environment. Therefore, if there is reasonable suspicion, students may be searched by school Administrators. Student searches are only to occur if there are credible indications that a student has engaged in prohibited conduct. Searches are to be as minimally invasive as possible. If there is reasonable suspicion, a member of the faculty or staff may escort the student with the backpack, purse or other article to the appropriate administrative office. It is the responsibility of the school’s Administrators to conduct the search.


DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES & EXPLANATIONS Detention Detentions will be held during Middle School lunch. Students assigned to school detention are ineligible to participate in lunchtime activities on the date of the detention. Students will be notified of detention assignments. Students who fail to attend detention on the day assigned will automatically be given further consequences per handbook. Students may opt to complete a number of positive behavior activities in addition to an assigned detention.

Detention Rules Detention is designed as quiet time where students have time to reflect on the incident and work proactively on pending assignments. They should bring their lunch.

In – School Suspension In-school suspension is held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Students assigned to an in-school suspension are ineligible to participate in after-school activities on the date of the suspension. This includes participation in after-school classes, games, tournaments, performances and dances. Students and parents will be notified of suspension at least one day in advance. Teachers will also be notified so that they can provide assignments to be completed during the suspension. Students will complete a reflection letter and all assignments provided by teachers for the day. It is the student’s responsibility to give their teachers their completed assignments. Students may be assigned to work in the Writing or Math Studio during this time.

In – School Suspension Rules The same rules apply as for detention. In addition: ● Students must work at all times. ● Students are not allowed visitors. ● Students will be allowed to get their lunch and bring it back to the suspension room during high school lunch only. ● Students must leave the suspension room clean and neat. ● Students will complete all work during the in-school suspension in order to exit. Students who cannot follow these rules may be assigned an additional day of suspension and/or referred to the Principal. Furthermore, students who fail to complete the assigned work will not have the opportunity to make it up and will receive no credit.

Out-Of-School Suspension A student on out-of-school suspension is not allowed on campus for the duration of the suspension. Students are ineligible to participate in after-school activities on the date(s) of the suspension. This includes participation in after-school classes, games, tournaments, performances and social events. Students and parents will be notified of suspension in advance. Teachers will also be notified, and students may receive a grade of zero for all work done/due on the day of the out-of-school suspension or for that day’s class participation grade.


Social Probation The Board endorses the concept that positive behaviors should be the expectation for ACS Athens students at all times and in all places. However, students who repeatedly violate the provisions of the Academy Code of Conduct or who are charged with serious infractions of school rules will be placed on Social Probation for a minimum of one semester. In addition to those actions described in the Code of Conduct which result in immediate placement on Social Probation, the assignment of more than one suspension in the course of a school year will also result in student being placed on probationary status. These sanctions apply during the school day, during extra-curricular activities and student trips, and at all school-sponsored events during which the staff is directly responsible for the supervision of students. The consequences of being placed on Social Probation are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Revocation of all privileges (including Honors’ Passes, the right to serve as student assistants, etc.) for the duration of the probationary period; Revocation of the right to hold elective office in student government for the remainder of the school year. Revocation of the right to participate in all extra-curricular activities for the duration of the probationary period. Disqualification from Honor Society eligibility or membership.

Students placed on Social Probation will be referred to the Child Study Team. Building on their advice and recommendations, the Administration will draw up a behavior contract stipulating behavioral goals and provision of in-school and out-of-school counseling, psychological and special services - which will be signed by the student and his/her parents. The consequences of violating the terms of this contract may include an extension of probationary status or a request to the President that the student be withdrawn from school. At the end of each school year, the Administration will review the status of all students who have been on Social Probation during the year. Based on a review of each student’s social progress, the Administration may take one of the following actions: 1. 2. 3.

Rescission of the student’s probationary status, allowing the student to re-enroll in ACS Athens for the following school year with restoration of eligibility and privileges. Extension of probationary status for the first semester of the following school year, subject to the conditions of a new behavior contract. Recommendation to the President that the student not be allowed to re-enroll at ACS Athens at the beginning of the next school year.

If a student is convicted of a crime, regardless of where it took place, the Administration will recommend to the President that the student be withdrawn or expelled from school. The Board will be informed.

Peer Facilitation Program The third option is peer facilitation. Peer facilitation can be an effective strategy to improve student behavior, as it is a positive experience that can help promote reconciliation, settlement 41

or even a compromise between conflicting parties. In a setting supervised by the school Counselor, Discipline Coordinator or Principal, students will have the chance to work with their fellow classmates to solve social, academic and behavioral problems. After the session, peer facilitators will complete a reflection sheet, rating the success of the meeting. Peer facilitators are students chosen by faculty and administration, who have proven their exemplary leadership skills, and act as positive role models to their fellow classmates.

Providing Parental Support The Middle School years are extremely important in the formation of your children as successful lifelong learners and humane and significant members of our global community. Yet, there are no codified instructions that help parents understand how best to motivate a young teenager and parenting is far from an exact science. In the interest of developing a solid team that works together to guide your children, we offer the following suggestions for your consideration: ● Provide an academic environment – Besides creating a quiet study area, parents can help to foster a positive academic attitude by engaging their children in dinner discussions about what transpired during the day’s classes. Having resource materials handy, such as a dictionary, thesaurus, etc., and limiting T.V. viewing and non-academic computer use can also help. Encourage your children to read for pleasure. Take time to share responses to books and articles you have read in common. ● Check your facts first– Students sometimes distort the truth in order to avoid taking responsibility for their actions or to try to circumvent policies and procedures. o It is always a good idea to go to the source first, whether it’s a teacher, an advisor or a coach, before making an assumption that could be incorrect. When students make comments about parents or about having your permission to do something, we promise to do the same. ● Insist that your children do their own work - You will be tempted to jump in to help your children complete a project or assignment when they panic because they have waited until the last minute, or when they don’t feel like spending a little extra time to figure out a concept. It is extremely important that you insist that your children do their own work. Turning in an assignment completed by a parent or tutor is cheating and works against the building of confidence and integrity. ● Regulate after-school time – Both academically and behaviorally, this is a very critical time for your young teenagers. Know where your children are after school. Unless they are participating in a scheduled activity after school, students are expected to leave campus at 3:30 in order to complete their homework. Students who are not in an activity or attending a school function are not supervised and could very well leave campus without our knowledge, only to return to catch the late bus. Unfortunately, we have no way of monitoring their activities. ● Don’t make excuses – Students do not learn self-reliance if someone is willing to excuse their inappropriate actions. Please do not send notes asking that they be excused from doing their homework. Students in grades 6-12 receive ACS Planners and should be 42

able to plan ahead. Going to bed late, oversleeping, or not being able to find a taxi are not valid excuses for tardiness at work, nor should they be for your children at school. Similarly, having a bad day, not liking someone, or being overly tired are never excuses for inappropriate or disrespectful behavior. Of course, ACS Athens is a place of learning and, while we will consistently discipline inappropriate behavior, we believe that discipline should spring from a desire to instruct, rather than just to punish. ● Remain vigilant – Your children are probably at the point where they have become quite persuasive about how self-reliant they have become. It is not uncommon for students at this age to demand privacy and to be reticent about keeping you informed. This is obviously an important step in their growth towards independence. As you try to play a less active role in the development of your children, however, we want to reassure you that there are checks and balances that can help you monitor their progress behind the scenes. ● Teachers ask students to write assignments, upcoming tests and quizzes in their Google calendar. All assignments are also posted on Moodle. When in doubt about an assignment or project, check Moodle. ● Get to know your children’s counselor. This can be your first contact if you have any concerns about their behavior or attitudes. ● Never hesitate to contact a teacher if you have a question about performance or behavior in a particular class. ● Don’t hesitate to contact the counselor, and/or school nurse if you notice a significant change in your children’s attitude, behavior, or physical health. We live in a very challenging society today, where alcohol, illegal substances, and eating disorders are far more prevalent than they were when we were young. Unfortunately, research indicates that, at this age, peer pressure plays a far more important role than the family in shaping teenagers’ behavior and attitudes. You would be wise to observe your children’s friends and to communicate with their parents. Know where and with whom your children spend their free time. Set reasonable curfews. If you have any doubts or concerns regarding the choices your children are making, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our professionals. ● Stay informed – Please keep track of important dates and remind students to bring home all notices. Back to School Night and Parent Conferences are especially designed to keep you informed about your children’s programs and progress. Be sure that you also note the dates when progress reports and report cards are sent home and contact the counselor if you don’t receive them. ● Take another look at your child – The fact that you have chosen to send your children to ACS Athens demonstrates the importance you place on education. Certainly our children are beneficiaries of our best dreams. As educators, however, we sometimes find ourselves dealing with over-stressed students who can be obsessive about grades. We ask that you take another look at your children. Are you honoring and nurturing who they are or who you would like them to be? Are you encouraging them to pursue their own dreams and aspirations or yours? What are their real talents? Are you encouraging them to develop these talents? Being aware of your children’s strengths 43

and weaknesses and supporting them to become the best they can be is the best gift you can give them as parents. ● Make sure that you read this handbook carefully – some important changes in school policy have been made so it is important for you and your children to understand its contents. ● Facebook Accounts - Please be aware that according to the Greek law, students under the age of 13 are not allowed to have a Facebook account. Children 13 and older may have a facebook account provided their parents are also enrolled as their “friend”. Cyber bullying is a growing phenomenon and needs to be monitored as much as possible by all of us. ● Social Media: It is American philosophy that student’s behavior is not policed outside of school. However, it is an expectation that all ACS Athens students behave appropriately both inside the school and out. Therefore, any violations that impact the student learning will be handled according to the handbook. Students are expected to always treat all members of the ACS Athens community with the highest respect. It is suggested for parents to know their child’s social media accounts and passwords and monitor behavior outside of school.

THEATRE/ ASSEMBLY PROTOCOL Our theater is a magnificent facility. Few schools can boast of having such a state-of-the-art performance center. All of us in the ACS community have a responsibility for maintaining it in top condition. The theater will provide us with rich cultural, social, and entertainment opportunities, all of which will demand of students the highest level of theater manners. When attending the ACS theater during an assembly program, we are all to observe the following protocols:

Assembly Protocol for Students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9.

Proceed to the theater with your classroom teacher. Enter the theater only through the lobby/gallery area. Sit in the assigned seats designated for your class. (Ushers will help to direct you.) No food, drink, gum is allowed in the theater. Book bags, knapsacks, gym bags are not allowed in the theatre. Lock them away in your locker or leave them in your classroom, which your teacher will lock. Once in your seat, come to order quickly. Feet need to stay on the floor. Cell phones must be turned off. Once the program begins, sit back and enjoy. theatre etiquette demands that you listen and watch quietly. Talking during a performance or presentation is rude and shows great disrespect to the presenter or performers. Do not talk to others and disturb their enjoyment of the performance or presentation. Show your appreciation of the performers with appropriate, polite and enthusiastic applause. The kind of loud cheering you would do in a gym or at the soccer field is not appropriate in a theatre. Once a performance or presentation has begun, you may not get up and leave the theatre until it is over (except in the case of an emergency.) Walking around during a 44

performance or presentation is rude and shows disrespect to the performers or presenters. 10. When the assembly is over, students will be dismissed by rows or sections under the direction of the assembly leader. 11. Students may work in the theatre [in preparation for assemblies or performances] only under the supervision of their faculty directors/advisors.

LEARNING COMMONS POLICIES The Learning Commons are open Mon- Thurs from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. and Friday from 08:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. All students are asked to sign in at the desk. This is done for statistical purposes and as a record of student activities.

Library Rules The Library is reserved for students who need to use the resources for research or independent reading or studying. A "QUIET -TALKING RULE" will be observed. Quiet talking means that any conversation should not interfere with the concentration of others. Library users are reminded that this rule is in effect from when they enter the library. Students should be engaging in the work for which they have come to the Library. They should clean up after themselves when they leave. Students should not loiter, eat or drink, socialize, sit on tables, stand in groups and chat, run or shout.

Lost/ Damaged Books Replacement cost will be charged for lost or damaged Library materials.

Library Computer Use Library computers are for research/writing purposes only. Playing games and creating inappropriate desktops are not permitted. Students are also asked to wear earphones when listening to sound on a computer. Students should not tamper with hardware or software in any manner.

Personal Laptops Personal laptops are to be used for research and writing purposes only. Playing games is prohibited. Students are asked to wear earphones when listening to sound on their computers.

Logging Out Students must remember to log out of the computers before leaving the library.

Photocopies/ Computer Printers A Photocopier and computer printers are available to students. In the spirit of conservation of natural resources, students are kindly asked to limit their printing and photocopying to what is absolutely essential. Copies are 0.50 euro each.


INTERNET ACCESS Use of Stations The use of the library Internet Stations must be in support of curricular research and be consistent with the educational objectives of ACS Athens.

Research On Stations Students may use the Internet stations for research assigned by the teachers of the Academy and the Middle School.

Internet Acceptable Use Authorization Form Students and their parents must sign the Internet Acceptable Use Policy Authorization Form, which is part of the Student-Parent Handbook Agreement form, before they are allowed to use the Internet facilities of the school.

INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Please read this document carefully. The ACS Athens provides Internet access through the main ACS Athens server. Our goal in providing this service is to promote educational excellence in our school by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. Internet use must support the educational objectives of ACS Athens, and provide a tool for research and learning. Efficient operation of the network relies on the proper conduct of the users, who must adhere to the guidelines for use provided below. Students who do not follow the Internet Acceptable Use Policy will be denied access to the ACS Athens computer facilities. Serious offenses may lead to expulsion from school.

Guidelines for Acceptable Use: Use of the following is strictly prohibited: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Accessing or downloading pornography or related material Software theft (piracy) Unauthorized use of copyrighted material Unauthorized access of the ACS Athens main server information or security protocols Publishing/retrieving personal web pages on school equipment Publishing inappropriate images/articles on school equipment Other unauthorized non-educational use Downloading music and film video clips that are not part of an assigned project, or which are protected by copyright laws ● Misuse of hardware

Active Directory Accounts Parents and students must be aware that designated ACS personal user accounts are connected to an active directory, and are the responsibility of the account users. Students should always use a personal password to protect their accounts and should never share this 46

password with others. The user is responsible for all content found on his/her account. Students must remember to log out upon completion of work sessions at any campus computer station that is connected to the active directory. Students must use only their ACS issued E –mail (last name, first initial@stu.acs.gr) to communicate with teachers. It is policy for student email accounts to be used by students only. If parents desire to contact faculty, they should use their own accounts and not the students.


2019-2020 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Executive Committee Mr. Suheil Sabbagh, Chairman Mr. Tim Ananiadis, Vice Chairman Mr. Nicholas Karambelas, Vice Chairman, U.S. Trustee Mr. Iraklis Prokopakis, Treasurer Mr. Pascal Apostolides, Secretary Ms. Amy Carlon, Member Mr. Constantine Stergides, Member

Board of Trustees Members Mr. Vasilis G. Georgiou Ph. D. Mr. Nikolas T. Gialamas Ms. Ada Gianneskis Mr. Artie Gyftopoulos Mr. Anastasios Ioannidis Ms. Vickie Ioannidou-Dracos Mr. Nick Larigakis, U.S. Trustee Ms. Manya Louvari Mr. Jeremy Ryver Mr. Kent Stiegler Mr. Mark Wolper, U.S. Trustee


ACS ATHENS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION FORM This form must be completed before the named student may participate in any school sports or athletic activities (curriculum or after school). A. Parent Verification of physical well being This is to verify that my son/daughter _________________ has been deemed fit to participate in competitive/recreational athletic activities for the current school year, by having had a complete medical examination by a doctor within the last calendar year. This medical examination must be submitted to the school within the first week of the beginning of the year. Any restrictions have been listed below:

Parent or Guardian Signature B.

To: -


I, ______________________,allow my son/daughter____________________ (Guardian/Parent's Name) (student's name) Use the weight room after school Participate in swimming classes (during school or after school) Use the wall climbing Participate in approved athletic activities sponsored by ACS Athens ; Receive emergency medical care, if and when needed

Parent Permission for participation By its nature, participation in athletic activities includes risk of injury which may range in severity from minor to severe. Although serious injuries are not common in supervised athletic activities, it is impossible to eliminate the risk. Participants have a responsibility to help reduce the chance of injury. Participants must obey all safety rules, report all physical problems to their coach, follow proper conditioning programs and inspect their own equipment daily. By signing this permission form, I acknowledge that I have read the above information. C.

I further agree not to hold the school or anyone acting on its behalf responsible for any injury occurring to the named student during the participation in sports activities Parent or Guardian's signature: __________________ Date: _____________ Parent Name (Print) _______________________


PARENT / STUDENT HANDBOOK AGREEMENT and INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY As a member of the ACS Athens community, I have fully read this document, understand the contents, and agree to abide by all of the regulations and policies contained herein. I also understand that this document MUST be returned to the Advisory teacher on September 11, 2019 . Failure to return the form will result in a referral for disciplinary action to the Principal. Students who do not submit this signed form will not be able to attend tryouts for athletic or cultural teams, nor will they be able to participate in school sponsored trips. AUTHORIZATION 1∗ As a parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Internet Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes only. ACS Athens has developed guidelines for the educational use of the Internet, however, I also understand that it is impossible for ACS to prevent access to all non-educational materials provided by the Network. Therefore, I will not hold the school responsible for materials acquired on the Internet. I hereby give permission for my child to use the Internet. The information contained on this form is correct. Date: Parent’s or guardian’s Name (please print): Student’s Name (please print):

Student Signature

Parent or Guardian Signature



Date: Parent/Guardian Last/First Name: Student(s) Name(s) & Date(s) of Birth:

Parent/Guardian Email:

Do you consent to provide us the parent and student personal data for the above mentioned purposes?


□ NO

ACS Athens Media Policy Consent ACS Athens documents and celebrates the academic, athletic and other activities and achievements of our student community in a variety of media. Many of these programs and activities are specifically designed to utilize these media. Although we make every effort to use the personal data of students responsibly and proportionately, consenting or not to the use of a student's private data in those media may affect the student's overall participation in some school programs.

Do you consent to the use of the student's personal data for the purposes below? PRINTED PUBLICATIONS (articles, brochures, Ethos Magazine, etc.) : as used to document and communicate our academic, athletic and other school related activities

ELECTRONIC MEDIA (video & photography) : as used to document academic, athletic and other school related activities

ACS ATHENS' ONLINE & SOCIAL MEDIA (Facebook, YouTube, etc.) as used to communicate our community's achievements and academic, athletic and other school related activities

Parent/Guardian Signature:



□ NO


□ NO


□ NO

Dear Parents, We are happy to inform you that in an effort to continue our service for the Elderly, an initiative we started last year, we have planned more visits for the 2019-2020 Academic year. Beginning October, our students will begin visiting the home of: KARELLEIO IDRYMA Home for the Elderly ( Alzheimer’s special care unit) Address: Irodou Attikou & Afroditis Chalandri 15233 Tel 210 0227965, 213 004063 During the visits the goal is for students to be provided opportunities to promote growth and self-esteem, strengthen their community, encourage civic responsibility, and reduce stress. We envision students to see volunteering as a bridge and being able to gain skills to become sensitive to perceived age discrimination. Please note students will encounter elderly that may have Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or other related mental disorders. Our students will be supervised at all times by their advisory Teacher and or Administration / Student Affairs staff and certified staff working in the Kalelleio Idryma home. Some of the activities that we anticipate our students to be involved with include: singing songs or playing music, doing arts and craft, walking in the unit’s garden, reading a newspaper, working on puzzle, watching entertaining videos, joining the elderly in daily activities such as occupational therapist under the unit’s trained staff. Visits will start taking place from Monday to Friday from 09:30 am to 11:20 am. Please contact your child’s advisory teacher or myself if you have any questions about this initiative. Please complete the attached field trip form if you wish for your child to join in these educational visits or complete the Opt Out form below. Kind regards Melissa Ann George , Middle School Principal ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

“Opt Out Form” Please note I prefer my child to NOT participate in these visits.

in Grade ◻6 ◻7 ◻8


PARENT RELEASE FOR STUDENT TRAVEL Dear Parents: (PLEASE FILL IN ALL BLANKS AND RETAIN THIS UPPER PORTION) The school is planning a community service field trips to the Elderly Home in Chalandri in which your son/daughter, , plans to participate. Standards of behavior on field trips mean showing appropriate courtesy and consideration to everyone, and displaying an attitude of respect for people of national and cultural traditions other than one’s own. It means wearing clothing suitable for place and occasion, behaving with decorum, using acceptable language, refraining from using alcohol, drugs or tobacco in any form, and refraining from inappropriate displays of affection. Good behavior also means being present and on time for all activities, formal and informal, carefully meeting such requirements as those for curfew, and honoring the ground rules of private homes or of other temporary residences when staying overnight away from Athens. While the chaperones will supervise to ensure the health, safety and well-being of students who are members of this group during their trip, the school and its official chaperones must receive your release from liability and financial obligations, which might occur as a result of an accident, injury or illness. In signing this release, you are authorizing the chief chaperone to use his discretion in decisions that concern obtaining medical care, in case of illness, injury or another emergency. If your son or daughter should be injured or become ill and need medical attention, any financial obligation as a result of treatment, in addition to the portion covered for the school’s insurance, will be the responsibility of the parent, either personally or through private insurance, to cover illness, accidental death, dismemberment, and disability, valid during travel to and from the Elderly Home and at all times during the trip. Please sign the form below and return it to ………………………………(your advisor) I have read and understood the conditions for student travel as noted above. My son/daughter, , has permission to travel to the home or the Elderly from 09:30 am through 11:20am. I understand that neither the school nor its authorized chaperones will be held responsible or accountable, either legally or financially, for any medical treatment due to injury or illness. In signing this form, I release the school and its agents from such obligation. Date: ______________________ Signature of Parent: Parent’s Name (Please print):___________________Parent Phone: Parent E-mail: _______________________________ (Please fill in all blanks and return this portion with your son/daughter.) 54

MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT PERMISSION FORM FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE FIELD TRIP ___________________________has my permission to participate in school (Student’s Name) sponsored community service field trips to the Elderly Home. The students will be leaving the school at 09:30 am and will return at approximately 11:20 am. Important – Medical and Emergency Information for my Child in Case of an Emergency please call: 1) Person____________________ Telephone #___________________________ (Home and work) 2) Person____________________ Telephone #___________________________

Medical Conditions: Please be aware of the following medical conditions/allergies that may affect my child’s ability to participate in this trip or some of the activities provided. (Please explain).

Medications: My child needs/uses the following medications: (please explain)

________________________ (Parent’s Signature)

________________________ Additional contact person & telephone number


129 Aghias Paraskevis St. & Kazantzaki St., 152 34 Halandri, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 (210) 639 3200, Fax: +30 (210) 639 0051 www.acs.gr â?– acs@acs.g


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