Educational and Psychological Measurements in Special Education

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Educational and Psychological Measurements in Special Education An intensive Professional Qualification Program Dates: June 19-28, 2013 Open to: Psychologists, Counselors, Special Educators, and interested teachers and other professionals Place: ACS Athens Conference Room Instructors: Dr. Imran Riaz, psychologist and adjunct professor in SPED, Dr. Michael Castleberry, consulting diagnostician; a professor at George Washington University

Purpose: The course is designed to refine educator’s skills in formal and informal measurement and diagnostic techniques. The course will provide instructional experiences that will bring an expansion of:

a. The theoretical concept of assessment; b. Practice with formal assessment instruments; c. Utilizing assessment data to program specifically for the special needs student;

d. Interpreting assessment data in conferences with teachers and families.

Course Objectives: Trainees will demonstrate the ability to objectively observe, record and maintain student behavior records, to describe the intent and content of specific formal instruments and authentic data sources, collect and maintain a diagnostic record, analyze and report authentic assessment information, refine their diagnostic skills in the administration of specific formal and authentic tests/approaches in each area of development, and communicate about options for programs and services that may be required or needed by a child or family at the next level and assist in facilitating a transition.

Graduate Credit will also be offered to those interested by the University of Indianapolis and SUNY

For registration, further information and fees please visit

Place of Class/ Seminar: ACS ATHENS, ATHENS, GREECE

Course: Educational and Psychological Measurements in Special Education

Schedule Morning session: 9:00 – 12:00 noon Afternoon session: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Thursday, June 20, 2013 Friday, June 21, 2013 Monday, June 24 NO CLASS: WHIT MONDAY HOLIDAY Tuesday, June 25, 2013 Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Thursday, June 27, 2013 Friday, June 28, 2013

Contact Info: Christiana Perakis or +210 6393200 ext 235 Registration Info:

Educational and Psychological Measurements in Special Education

COURSE PURPOSE This course is designed to refine the educator’s skills in formal measurement and informal and diagnostic techniques. The course will provide instructional experiences that will bring an expansion of: a. the theoretical concepts of assessment b. practice with formal assessment instruments (see list below) c. utilizing assessment data to program specifically for the special needs student d. interpreting assessment data in conferences with teachers and families.

Course Objectives: 1. Trainees will demonstrate the ability to objectively observe, record, and maintain student behavior records; Evidence: IEP assignment

2. Trainees will demonstrate the ability to describe the intent and content of specific formal instruments and authentic data sources integrated in the assessment battery utilized with special needs children that address: a. cognitive abilities b. content area academic achievement abilities c. social and emotional development d. fine, gross, and perceptual-motor abilities e. adaptive behavior strategies and techniques Evidence: performance on mid-term examination

3. Trainees will demonstrate the ability to collect, maintain a diagnostic record, analyze, and report authentic assessment information in written and narrative format for the purpose of educational programming and placement; Evidence: diagnostic report performance

4. Trainees will refine their diagnostic skills in the administration of specific formal and authentic tests/approaches in each area of development; Evidence: administration of reports/examination of report protocols

5. Trainees will demonstrate the ability to modify or adapt tests/test items based upon testing need and specific child characteristics; Evidence: report narrative/examination of report protocol

6. Trainees will have the ability to participate as a team member and collaborate with other related service professionals and families in the sharing and interpretation of formal and authentic assessment information related to educational programming and placement; Evidence: review of teaming section of notebook

7. Trainees will demonstrate the knowledge of and ability to communicate about options for program and services that may be required or needed by a child or family at the next level and assist in facilitating a transition: Evidence: review of family section of notebook

Course Requirements:


Daily classroom attendance


Participation in class exercises and discussion


Completion of assignments by due date


Have your own lap top to work in class

Course Grading Criteria:

Written Reports (2)




In-class assignments


Final Exam


Course Format:









Readings/Resouces/Materials: Salvia and Ysseldyke Assessment in Special and Inclusive Education, 10/11th Editions Selected Handouts to be sent to you after registration.

Wi-Fi: Internet connection available throughout the course

Review of Diagnostic Testing/Reports: Psycho-educational reports will be presented for review and interpretation

Tests Utilized: Wechsler Pre-school Primary Scale of Intelligence, fourth edition Wechsler Scale of Intelligence for Children, Fourth Edition Wechsler Adult Scale of Intelligence, fourth edition Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement, Third Edition Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests, Revised Gray Oral Reading Tests, Fourth Edition Gray Silent Reading Tests Nelson-Denny Reading Test Key Math Diagnostic Tests Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration Test of Visual Perception, Non-motor (revised) Bender Gestalt Test Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing’

Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Test of Language Development Test of Word Find Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Test of Written Language, Fourth Edition

Course Sessions


Day 1 a.m.



Course Introduction and

S&Y, Part I;


Chs. 15-18

Day 1 p.m.

Review of achievement tests;

Day 2 a.m.

Presenting test data;

Day 2 p.m.

Report Format

Day 3 a.m.

Review of diagnostic reports

S&Y, Part II

S&Y, Part III

Report recommendations/guiding instruction Day 3 p.m.

Presentation of reports

Day 4 a.m.

Data Interpretation/Presentation of Assessment Information for Families

Day 4 p.m.

Conferencing and Team Meetings cont.; Summary

Day 5 a.m.

Testing, observations, and feedback for all students

Day 5 p.m.

Presentation of Testing Results and Reports

Day 6

Review Session and Exam

Day 7

Summary and Conclusions

Course Assignments:

1 and 2


These assignments require you to complete two diagnostic evaluations, one on each of the above dates.

You will: obtain background information; select the appropriate tests; administer, score and interpret the test; and write a report, and complete an IEP section for the content area covered by the test administered. The report should include conclusions, recommendations, and specific prescriptive techniques and methods for the classroom teacher.

Complete the written assignment and bring to class five (5) copies of the report for use in group presentations. This assignment is highly individualized and will be further delineated in discussions with the course instructor.

Cost: 400 € if also attending the 8th annual LD conference on April 18-20, 2013 at ACS Athens 450 € if registered by April 20, 2013 500 € if registered between April 21st and May 15, 2013 600 € if registered between May 16th and June 15, 2013 700 € if registered after June 15, 2013


Benchmark Assessment Report Rubric

Standard/Benchmark: Participant will communicate assessment procedures and results in descriptive, synthesized, and integrative reports.

Performance Element

Unacceptable 1-10 points


Acceptable 1-10 points

1-10 points


Rationale for report not stated/unclear; report background data absent or minimal; absent or minimal presentation of test background; lack of detail in reporting test results; lack of integration between testing data and conclusions/recom mendations; content uses jargon/terminology that is not explained.

Evidence of a rational for report; some report background data; some test data presented; tables or other presentation of scores; interpretative guide for scores; clear presentation of test results; evidence of connection between test data and conclusions/recom mendations; all terms/jargon explained


Limited evidence of report plan; lack of evolution in report format (appears haphazardly organized); few or no transitions between report sections; limited evidence of critical data to support recommendations/ conclusions

Report evidences an organized plan; clear evidence of internal structure (section headings, numerical headings, etc); evidence of transitions between sections; conclusions evidence organized plan and presentation; all essential components present to some degree

Detailed rationale for report; background data thoroughly presented; test report data charted and explained clearly; test scores charted and explained clearly; test performance and results are clear, detailed, precise; conclusions evolve from test data; recommendations relevant, precise; all essential components of report present; information in report clear to all levels of sophistication re testing data Clear evidence of plan of presentation in report; clearly presented structure and organization relevant to data being reported; evidence of leading reader through report with essential information presented clearly and concisely; easy access to all sections of report; clear presentation of all essential components of report



Professional Writing

Limited evidence of essential report sections (biographical data, background, rationale, test information, presentation of results, conclusions, summary, recommendations, charting of scores, etc); lack of meaningful presentation of content; lack of sufficient detail to pull content data together; lack of coherence in total response Errors/mistakes in information presented; lack of organization/plan in content presentation; limited evidence of critical thinking in test interpretation; minimal examination of issues resulting from test data; bias evident in narrative response; errors in written presentation (grammar, punctuation); errors in document

Most information presented in clear, straightforward manner; some of the essential issues in background and/or test data delineated; some evidence of critical thinking in analysis of test data; evidence of integration of test results and conclusions and/or summary; report has essential components present; presentation of content is coherent Sufficient data presentation to support summary and/or conclusions; some evidence of critical thinking; evidence of a presentation plan within sections of report; examination of some of the critical areas; mostly biasfree language; consistent writing style throughout report; accurate and clear reporting of information; error-free document

All information presented clearly, directly in a professionally exemplary manner; central issues identified, supported in test data reporting and conclusions and/or summary; detailed descriptions of test behavior/performa nce; evidence of critical thinking in summary and conclusions; professionally presented report in each critical content area All essential information presented clearly in an organized manner; report background and purpose evident at beginning of report; critical thinking evident in information presenting, interpreting, and concluding results from test data; all terms/information explained clearly and precisely; report presented in unbiased manner with language appropriate for particular test and report purpose; fluent writing style evident throughout report; correct, accurate, professionally presented document.

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