ACS Athens Return to School 2021
Covid-19 Handbook Version 6: January 2021 Compiled by the ACS Athens Crisis Management Team
Table of Contents Return to School 2020-2021 ............................................................................................................... 2 Learning & Teaching ............................................................................................................................. 3 Hygiene ................................................................................................................................................ 4 What is Covid-19? ............................................................................................................................... 4 Symptoms ............................................................................................................................................. 4 References - Important information resources...................................................................................... 4 General Hygiene Guidelines .............................................................................................................. 6 How to hand wash ............................................................................................................................... 8 How to hand rub .................................................................................................................................. 9 How to use masks ............................................................................................................................. 10 Resources .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Videos ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Trusted sources on COVID-19 ............................................................................................................ 11 Know more… ..................................................................................................................................... 12 View / download PDF file(s) ................................................................................................................ 22 Safety Protocols .................................................................................................................................. 23 Protocol for suspected/confirmed cases of covid-19 in the school ..................................................... 23 Children with underlying health conditions who should refrain from coming to school and practice virtual learning according to the national health organization of Greece ............................................ 25 Guidance on self-isolation at home ..................................................................................................... 26 Campus Protocols ............................................................................................................................... 28 Community Responsibility ............................................................................................................... 37 GENERAL ACTIVITIES PROTOCOL ................................................................................................ 38 ARCHERY PROTOCOL ..................................................................................................................... 39 BASKETBALL PROTOCOL ................................................................................................................ 40 SHOTOKAN KARATE PROTOCOL ................................................................................................... 41 SOCCER PROTOCOL ........................................................................................................................ 42 SPORTS FITNESS ACTIVITIES (“Active Kids, “Kids Athletics”, “Grow up with Sports”) PROTOCOLS ............................................................................................................................................................ 43 TENNIS PROTOCOL .......................................................................................................................... 44 MONKEY YOGA & YOGA BLAST PROTOCOLS .............................................................................. 45 SWIMMING PROTOCOL .................................................................................................................... 46 FITNESS ROOM PROTOCOL FOR WEIGHT TRAINING CLUB MEMBERS ................................... 48
Return to School 2020-2021 Welcome to a new academic year! The Covid-19 Pandemic is a worldwide crisis that has brought forth many challenges on every facet of our lives. As we attempt to bring back some kind of normalcy, “business as usual” is not an option at this point in time; it is clear that we now have to conform to a number of changes and “new” beginnings. At ACS Athens, the safety and wellbeing of our entire community is of primary focus; for this reason, we have established safety/health protocols that apply to all community members, including parents, students, faculty & staff and school partners. In preparation for opening of schools we closely monitor and adhere to regulations by the Hellenic National Public Health Organization (EODY) and the Ministry of Education; furthermore, additional ACS Athens protocols are put in place with the sole purpose of maintaining the highest level of safety for all our stakeholders. Thus, it is very important that everyone follows these protocols at all times. ACS Athens has a Crisis Management Team which follows the global and local pandemic situation daily; in addition, the team consults with local authorities, health personnel, the US Embassy Regional Security Office and US embassy Health Unit and other professionals, on a regular basis and as needed. With such a volatile situation, it is important to understand that circumstances may change at any given time; as a result, protocols may be modified and the need for collaboration and collective action becomes a necessity not only for safety, but for ensuring the continuation and excellence of student learning. Keep in mind that the content of this document will be updated as needed; as matters arise, you will also be receiving specific information from our school principals.
On behalf of the Crisis Management Team, Annie Constantinides, ΜA, MSc, MBA Director of Athletics, Recreational Programs & Theater Operations
Learning & Teaching We are planning to return to school fully on September 8th with masks required for all students, faculty and staff. When school is in session and there are no government imposed restrictions, all students will be expected to attend classes (face to face instruction), unless excused for medical reasons or reasons outlined by the relevant ministries and National Health organization. Furthermore, ACS Athens is carefully planning to maximize the use of all our learning spaces. The Crisis Management team has carefully assessed our classrooms and all facilities to ensure adequate ventilation and spacing; all desks will be facing forward in one direction and faculty will be respecting the appropriate physical distancing parameters. All learning will be delivered in “cohorts� (meaning classroom groups) in the Elementary school and will stay together for the full day; in the Middle School and High School most student classes will function by grade level cohorts. Depending on current and future health conditions, and following all government directives at any given time, ACS Athens is prepared to provide instruction using hybrid as well as a fully online delivery, which will allow us to support students' learning for those who may be in quarantine. The continuity of student learning throughout the year is of utmost importance and a primary focus for all of us.
Hygiene What is Covid-19? Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness symptoms and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the COVID-19 virus and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face. The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).
Symptoms People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19: Fever or chills Cough Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fatigue Muscle or body aches Headache New loss of taste or smell Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea or vomiting 4
Diarrhea When to seek emergency medical attention Look for emergency warning signs* for COVID-19. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately: Trouble breathing Persistent pain or pressure in the chest New confusion Inability to wake or stay awake Bluish lips or face
References - Important information resources • • • •
World Health Organization CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Public Health Organization (NPHO) ECDC(European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)
General Hygiene Guidelines It is important to educate children, faculty and staff and parents about simple prevention tips for enhanced personal hygiene as they become very important in taking the necessary precautions. By doing so, others are protected as well and this is equally important. Basic preventions tips are listed below: • If you experience mild symptoms of respiratory infection (cough, runny nose, fever, sore throat) stay home, self isolate and seek medical advice. • If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention. • If symptoms become worse or if you are considered high-risk (elderly or people of any age with underlying health conditions e.g. diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases, arterial hypertension), you should immediately contact your physician for evaluation. • If you are under medication, you must comply with your doctors’ advice. • Strictly avoid contact with people in high-risk groups. If this is not possible, take all personal hygiene measures (wash your hands thoroughly, use a mask or keep a 1.5 meter distance from one another). • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. All children and staff should engage in hand hygiene at the following times: Arrival to the facility and after breaks o After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing o Before and after preparing food or drinks o Before and after eating or handling food o Before and after using the toilet o After coming in contact with bodily fluid (i.e. sweat) o After handling animals o After playing outdoors or in sand o After handling garbage o Whenever your hands are visibly dirty Maintain a safe distance (1.5meters) from anyone and others As of October 26th the use of protective face mask is mandatory as you enter campus in all indoor and outdoor areas. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. o
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Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze; then throw tissue in the trash bin. Improve airflow and ventilation in classrooms and other areas in your homes by opening windows as much as possible. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects in the classroom and in your homes, as needed. Do not share personal items, such as pencils, pens, computers and other materials. Avoid gatherings, social events, and crowded open spaces; always respect social distancing Avoid any unnecessary travels abroad or within the country.
How to hand wash Step 1: Wet hands with safe running water. Step 2: Apply enough soap to cover wet hands. Step 3: Scrub all surfaces of the hands – including backs of hands, between fingers and under nails - for at least 20 seconds. Step 4: Rinse thoroughly with running water. Step 5: Dry hands with a clean, dry cloth, single-use towel as available.
How to hand rub Step 1: Apply a palm-full of the product in a cupped hand, covering all surfaces. Step 2: Rub hands palm to palm. Step 3: Right palm over left dorsum with interlaced fingers and vice versa. Step 4: Palm to palm with fingers interlaced. Step 5: Backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked. Step 6: Rotational rubbing of left thumb clasped in right palm and vice versa. Step 7: Rotational rubbing, backwards and forwards with clasped fingers of right hand in left palm and vice versa. Step 8: Once dry, your hands are safe.
How to use masks Place the mask carefully, ensuring it covers the mouth and nose, and tie it securely to minimize any gaps between the face and the mask. • Avoid touching the mask while wearing it. • Remove the mask using the appropriate technique: do not touch the front of the mask but untie it from behind. • After removal or whenever a used mask is inadvertently touched, clean hands using an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water if hands are visibly dirty. • Replace masks as soon as they become damp with a new clean, dry mask. • Do not re-use single-use masks. • Discard single-use masks after each use and dispose of them immediately upon removal.
Resources Videos • • • • • • • •
How to hand wash How to hand rub How to wear a fabric mask How to wear a medical mask How to protect yourself against COVID-19 Steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 What can you do to fight stigma associated with COVID-19 How to break the chains of transmission
Trusted sources on COVID-19 • • •
World Health Organization CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Public Health Organization (NPHO)
Know more…
View / download PDF file(s) ďƒ˜ Covid-19 | How to protect yourself and others 22
Safety Protocols Protocol for suspected/confirmed cases of covid-19 in the school *The guidelines are established by the National Public Health Organization of Greece (EODY)* 1. The Head Nurse (Ms. Athina Gargali) is assigned to be in charge of handling cases of COVID 19 in the school. If she is not available, the School Nurse (Mr. Konstantinos Kontos) will replace her. The nurses will inform and train faculty members to recognize and handle suspected cases of Covid-19. 2. If a student or a faculty member experiences symptoms compatible with COVID-19 infection symptoms during school hours: •
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The parent/guardian will be contacted to take the student home immediately. The student will be escorted outside of the school campus by the nurse. The parent/guardian will wait outside of the school. The faculty member will be requested to leave school grounds. The student/faculty member will be requested to wear a medical mask and will be escorted to the assigned room for suspected cases, that is equipped with all of the appropriate equipment (ventilation, hand sanitizers, gloves etc.). The case(s) will be evaluated by the School Nurses in communication with the NPHO (EODY). The student/faculty member will be requested to practice hand and respiratory hygiene. The Nurse who will supervise the assigned room will be wearing the appropriate protective equipment (medical mask, gloves, face shield and a disposable gown).
The parent(s)/guardian(s) and staff MUST seek medical evaluation immediately. Upon physician’s evaluation, if the symptoms are deemed compatible with COVID19 infection, the molecular diagnostic test must be considered a priority and done immediately. • After the student/faculty member exits the school, the assigned room will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by our cleaning crew, wearing the appropriate protective equipment. • While waiting for the results, the student or staff member will be self-quarantined at home, in a well-ventilated room, wearing a protective face mask. The school will continue to operate as normal. 3. If the test result is POSITIVE:
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The School Nurse, Principal and the Hellenic National Public Health Organization (NPHO/EODY) must be informed immediately. NPHO/EODY communicates with the person in charge in order to conduct an epidemiological investigation and track down possible contacts of the confirmed case (teachers and students of the class, classmates and teachers in different classes, anyone who had contact with the confirmed case). Thorough cleaning and disinfection will take place in the areas where the confirmed case has been present.
The student/staff will return to school 24 hours after the fever has subsided and the remission of his/her symptoms AND at least 10 days after the onset of his/her symptoms. A doctor’s note is required in order to return to school. • Students, teachers and other staff members who have been in the same class/group with the confirmed case will be requested to leave school, selfquarantine at home and closely monitor their health status. Instructions for health monitoring will be given to them by the School Nurse. If they don’t experience any symptoms they may return to school after 14 days. In case a teacher/student who has had contact with one or more people/classes/groups is found positive with COVID-19, a risk assessment for the situation will be conducted by the NPHO (EODY) in collaboration with the Health Center. • Additionally, the dismissal of students/staff of other classes/groups or even the entire school will be determined, depending on the case(s) and the risk assessment results that will be recorded during the contact tracing by the NPHO. • Information letters will be sent to the families by the Health Center, as needed. • We highly recommend for parents to share their travel history with the Health Center. 4. If the test result is NEGATIVE, the student/staff member may return to school 24 hours after the fever and other symptoms have subsided without the use of fever reducing medication. A physician’s note or a copy of the test is required in order to return to school. 5. In any case, all parent(s)/guardian(s) ought to report to the Health Center any suspicious signs that could indicate that their child(ren) may experience symptoms compatible with COVID-19.
Children with underlying health conditions who should refrain from coming to school and practice virtual learning according to the national health organization of Greece *The guidelines are established by the National Public Health Organization of Greece (EODY)* Scientific data regarding the risk children with underlying health conditions face from contracting the new coronavirus are limited as this is a newly discovered virus. The following guidelines might be modified in the future as the knowledge of SARS-Cov-2 infection increases depending on the epidemiological data. In any case, the decision on long-term absenteeism from school, should be made individually with careful weighing of each child's health status by their treating physician and in collaboration with the family. 1. Children receiving chemotherapy for malignancy or after hematopoietic cell transplantation if less than 6 months have passed after the treatmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s completion. 2. Children after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation if less than 12 months have passed. 3. Children after a solid organ transplant if less than 24 months have passed. 4. Children with sickle cell disease. 5. Children with severe congenital or acquired immunodeficiency (HIV and CD4<500). 6. Children under chronic cortisone therapy (prednisolone> 20mg / day). 7. Children with severe chronic kidney disease or kidney failure. 8. Children with hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease or known cardiomyopathy. 9. Children with chronic and severe lung disease, such as cystic fibrosis with respiratory failure or children with severe and uncontrolled asthma. 10. Children with metabolic or neurologic disorders.
** A doctor's note is required in order to excuse the child's physical absence in the school. *
Guidance on self-isolation at home People who had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 (i.e. family members, friends, colleagues, healthcare professionals) should monitor their health status (temperature measurement twice a day) from the day of last contact with the case and 14 days onwards. People who had contact with a suspected case should practice selfisolation for 5-7 days. Regular (daily) communication with a healthcare professional is advised throughout the monitoring period. You should take the following measures throughout the monitoring period (14 days): 1. Stay isolated in a well-ventilated room. 2. Only a few people should take care of you; ideally, only one person who is not considered high-risk (i.e. not an elderly person or someone with an underlying health condition). 3. No visitors allowed. 4. All other family members must stay in a different room; if this is not possible, they must keep at least a 2-meter distance from you. 5. You should avoid moving around the house, to the extent possible. 6. All common areas must be well ventilated. 7. Anyone coming into your room or touching your personal items must wash their hands thoroughly before and after contact, before and after food preparation, before eating and after using the toilet (hand washing with soap and water or a disinfectant). 8. Always cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. 9. Any materials you have used for covering your nose and mouth must be carefully disposed or thoroughly washed if theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not disposable. 10. Caregivers must avoid direct contact with body fluids, particularly saliva, sputum or other respiratory secretions and feces should not be handled with naked hands. Disposable gloves must always be used. A hand hygiene routine must be followed. 11. Caregivers must avoid touching potentially contaminated items of the patient, such as plates, glasses, cutlery, towels, bed linen; all such items must be thoroughly washed before being used again. 12. All surfaces and items in the patientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s room must be cleaned and disinfected daily with detergent or soap and water followed by disinfection with household chlorine solution (1:50 dilution, if 5% active chlorine is used). 13. Daily cleaning of bathrooms and toilets, as described above. 14. If you show respiratory infection symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing) you must immediately call your doctor and/or the National Public Health Organization (NPHO) (tel: 1135), for further instructions.
Reference: National Public Health Organization
Daily Symptoms Screening Questionnaire for Quarantine:
Day of monitoring
Asymptomatic Low grade fever/ Fever Chills Cough Sore throat Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Headache Body or muscle aches Abdominal pain Nausea and/or vomiting Diarrhea New loss of taste and/ or smell Congestion or runny nose Fatigue/weakness Other, specify:
*This questionnaire is for students/family members who are considered close contacts of a confirmed case and are required to closely monitor their health for 14 days. If symptoms appear during the 14-day quarantine the National Public Health Organization (EODY) and Health Center need to be informed. 27
Campus Protocols “Return to Campus” Protocols and Information for Students CAMPUS ACCESS - Arrivals & Departures: In the mornings the front gate and the Garitou gates will be open; the Garitou gate will be open from 8:30 am until 9:15 and students will be asked to sign in with the guard. In the afternoon, the Garitou gate will open from 3:45 pm until 4:15. The Atlantos gate will NOT be open. MORNING DROP OFF (ARRIVALS): Students should be brought to school between 8:40- 9:00 AM. Students must be dropped off near the west end of the parking lot (near the Frixou gate), as parents are not allowed to enter campus. The Elementary faculty will be outside greeting children and escorting them to designated waiting areas and classrooms. AFTERNOON PICK UP- DEPARTURE: The parking lot will be open and available for entrance of cars at 3:10 pm; however, we kindly ask that parents/guardians arrive 10 minutes prior to pick up times. We will have staggered dismissal procedures: ○ 3:20 Car pick up for Early Childhood students* ○ 3:30 Car pick up for Elementary students in grades 1-5* ○ 3:35 Dismissal to buses for Early Childhood students ** ○ 3:40 Dismissal to buses for Elementary students in grades 1-5 ** *Students with siblings being picked up by car should line up with the youngest sibling. Masks must be worn during the dismissal process and on the buses. Please note that the bus routes will be the same as the ones prior to the holiday break. ** If you need any further clarifications regarding the bus transportation, you may communicate directly with Mr. Marios Nikolis at the Transportation Office ( and /or 694-8301940) Finally, the Garytou Gate will be open daily from 8:40 – 9:15 and in the afternoons from 3:30 – 4:15 ONLY for 5th grade students. PARENTS AND VISITORS ON CAMPUS: We will begin the school year by restricting open access to adults; parent meetings will be done virtually as needed. Should there be a specific request that would require physical presence on campus (masks and appropriate distance needed), parents must send an email to the respective offices and wait for approval and a possible date.
MASKS: As of October 26th 2020, the use of masks is MANDATORY for students and adults when entering campus in all indoor and outdoor areas. The use of masks is also MANDATORY when using the ACS Athens buses. Students must bring their own masks; the school will have additional masks for use when needed (back up) and ACS Athens cloth masks will be available for purchase. WATER FOUNTAINS: Students can use the water fountains ONLY to refill their water bottles. They should not drink directly from the nozzle. LUNCH AND RECESS: Students will be in designated areas during lunch and recess with supervision; in the Elementary school, students will eat in their classrooms. Designated outdoor grade areas will be available for Middle School and Academy students. CAFETERIA: The cafeteria will provide a small variety of box lunches that will be available to our students ONLY by PRE-PAYMENT and PRE-ORDER. Payments on site (cashiers) will not be available. Detailed information will be provided at a later time. Vending machines with snacks and water will be placed on campus. LOCKERS: Lockers will be assigned to Middle School and Academy students; they can be used only before school, during lunch and after school. On both occasions, appropriate distances between students must be respected. CLEANING SERVICES: ACS Athens has increased the cleaning of commonly used surfaces and shared spaces throughout the school day. The same occurs for all classrooms and the entire campus. Hand sanitizer stations that students and adults should use throughout the day are placed in many areas of the school. Students will also be given instructions by faculty in regards to specific cleaning procedures for classrooms (for individual desks). BUS TRANSPORTATION: Bus contractor will follow all necessary hygiene protocols (disinfecting after each route); masks will be worn by drivers and bus monitors. Students will use hand sanitizer as they enter the buses, and will enter and exit the buses one by one.
If you are not feeling well before school starts, please inform your parents, check your temperature and stay home to monitor your health status. If a family member experiences sickness symptoms, it is highly recommended that you stay home for observation. If you are not feeling well during the day, you must alert a teacher and go to the Health Office. In case of fever, cough or trouble breathing, your parents will be informed immediately and you must stay at home until you have fully recovered.
If a student or family member comes into close contact with a confirmed case of the virus they should self-isolate for 14 days.
Do not share personal items, such as pencils, pens, computers and other materials. • Before entering and exiting a classroom you must use hand sanitizer. • It is highly recommended that all students come to school with their own refillable water bottles. • Students must enter and exit the classrooms individually (1.5 meters). • Students should only sit at their designated desk. When leaving the classroom, all students are expected to clean their desks and chairs with wipes (available in rooms). • When using the staircase, avoid crowding (1.5 meters). • Students may be excused to use the restroom only one at a time and mist signout prior to departing classroom. • Practice proper hygiene habits and follow the hygiene rules and guidelines suggested by the World and National Health Organization; additional informative resources are available on the school’s website. • Students who choose to not follow these guidelines will be requested to leave campus. Should you have any questions regarding the health protocols, please contact the Health Office.
“Return to Campus” Protocols and Information for Parents CAMPUS ACCESS - Arrivals & Departures: In the mornings the front gate and the Garitou gates will be open; the Garitou gate will be open from 8:30 am until 9:15 and students will be asked to sign in with the guard. In the afternoon, the Garitou gate will open from 3:45 pm until 4:15. The Atlantos gate will NOT be open. MORNING DROP OFF (ARRIVALS): Students should be brought to school between 8:40- 9:00 AM. Students must be dropped off near the west end of the parking lot (near the Frixou gate), as parents are not allowed to enter campus. The Elementary faculty will be outside greeting children and escorting them to designated waiting areas and classrooms. AFTERNOON PICK UP- DEPARTURE: The parking lot will be open and available for entrance of cars at 3:10 pm; however, we kindly ask that parents/guardians arrive 10 minutes prior to pick up times. We will have staggered dismissal procedures: ○ 3:20 Car pick up for Early Childhood students* ○ 3:30 Car pick up for Elementary students in grades 1-5* ○ 3:35 Dismissal to buses for Early Childhood students ** ○ 3:40 Dismissal to buses for Elementary students in grades 1-5 ** *Students with siblings being picked up by car should line up with the youngest sibling. Masks must be worn during the dismissal process and on the buses. Please note that the bus routes will be the same as the ones prior to the holiday break. ** If you need any further clarifications regarding the bus transportation, you may communicate directly with Mr. Marios Nikolis at the Transportation Office ( and /or 694-8301940) Finally, the Garytou Gate will be open daily from 8:40 – 9:15 and in the afternoons from 3:30 – 4:15 ONLY for 5th grade students. PARENTS AND VISITORS ON CAMPUS: We will begin the school year by restricting open access to adults; parent meetings will be done virtually as needed. Should there be a specific request that would require physical presence on campus (masks and appropriate distance needed), parents must send an email to the respective offices and wait for approval and a possible date. MASKS: As of October 26th 2020, the use of masks is MANDATORY for students and adults when entering campus in all indoor and outdoor areas.. They are not mandatory during lunch and Physical education classes. The use of masks is also MANDATORY when using the ACS Athens buses. Students must bring their own 31
masks; the school will have additional masks for use when needed (back up) and ACS Athens cloth masks will be available for purchase. WATER FOUNTAINS: Students can use the water fountains ONLY to refill their water bottles. They should not drink directly from the nozzle. LUNCH AND RECESS: Students will be in designated areas during lunch and recess with supervision; in the Elementary school, students will eat in their classrooms. Designated outdoor areas grade areas will be available for Middle School and Academy students. CAFETERIA: The cafeteria will provide a small variety of box lunches that will be available to our students ONLY by PRE-PAYMENT and PRE-ORDER. Payments on site (cashiers) will not be available. Detailed information will be provided at a later time. Vending machines with snacks and water will be placed on campus. LOCKERS: Lockers will be assigned to Middle School and Academy students; they can be used only before school, during lunch and after school. On both occasions, appropriate distances between students must be respected. CLEANING SERVICES: ACS Athens has increased the cleaning of commonly used surfaces and shared spaces throughout the school day. The same occurs for all classrooms and the entire campus. Hand sanitizer stations that students and adults should use throughout the day are placed in many areas of the school. Students will also be given instructions by faculty in regards to specific cleaning procedures for classrooms (for inpidual desks). BUS TRANSPORTATION: Bus contractor will follow all necessary hygiene protocols (disinfecting after each route); masks will be worn by drivers and bus monitors. Students will use hand sanitizer as they enter the buses, and will enter and exit the buses one by one.
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It is imperative that parents / guardians keep the children home if sick with any illness and consult with their physician. Please inform the Health Office and the Attendance Officer of the specific school building, if your child stays home. If your child experiences any flu like symptoms during school hours (fever, cough etc), he/she will be sent home. If a family member experiences sickness symptoms, it is highly recommended that the child stays home for observation. If a student/parent comes into close contact with a confirmed case of the virus they should self-isolate for 14 days. It is highly recommended that all students come to school with their own refillable water bottles.
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Remind your children to avoid sharing personal items, such as pencils, pens, computers and other materials. Encourage your child to follow and practice proper hygiene habits and to follow the school's safety protocols at all times. Students who choose to not follow these guidelines will be requested to leave campus.
Should you have any questions regarding the health protocols, please contact the Health Office.
“Return to Campus” Protocols and Information for Faculty & Staff CAMPUS ACCESS - Arrivals & Departures: In the mornings the front gate and the Garitou gates will be open; the Garitou gate will be open from 8:30 am until 9:15 and faculty, staff and students will be asked to sign in with the guard. In the afternoon, the Garitou gate will open from 3:45 pm until 4:15. The Atlantos gate will NOT be open. MORNING DROP OFF (ARRIVALS): Students should be brought to school between 8:40- 9:00 AM. Students must be dropped off near the west end of the parking lot (near the Frixou gate), as parents are not allowed to enter campus. The Elementary faculty will be outside greeting children and escorting them to designated waiting areas and classrooms. AFTERNOON PICK UP- DEPARTURE: The parking lot will be open and available for entrance of cars at 3:10 pm; however, we kindly ask that parents/guardians arrive 10 minutes prior to pick up times. We will have staggered dismissal procedures: ○ 3:20 Car pick up for Early Childhood students* ○ 3:30 Car pick up for Elementary students in grades 1-5* ○ 3:35 Dismissal to buses for Early Childhood students ** ○ 3:40 Dismissal to buses for Elementary students in grades 1-5 ** *Students with siblings being picked up by car should line up with the youngest sibling. Masks must be worn during the dismissal process and on the buses. Please note that the bus routes will be the same as the ones prior to the holiday break. ** If you need any further clarifications regarding the bus transportation, you may communicate directly with Mr. Marios Nikolis at the Transportation Office ( and /or 694-8301940) Finally, the Garytou Gate will be open daily from 8:40 – 9:15 and in the afternoons from 3:30 – 4:15 ONLY for 5th grade students. PARENTS AND VISITORS ON CAMPUS: We will begin the school year by restricting open access to adults; parent meetings will be done virtually as needed. Should there be a specific request that would require physical presence on campus (masks and appropriate distance needed), parents must send an email to the respective offices and wait for approval and a possible date. MASKS: As of October 26th 2020, the use of masks is MANDATORY for students and adults when entering campus in all indoor and outdoor areas. They 34
are not mandatory during lunch and Physical education classes. The use of masks is also MANDATORY when using the ACS Athens buses. Students must bring their own masks; the school will have additional masks for use when needed (back up) and ACS Athens cloth masks will be available for purchase. LUNCH AND RECESS: Students will be in designated areas during lunch and recess with supervision; in the Elementary school, students will eat in their classrooms. Designated outdoor areas grade areas will be available for Middle School and Academy students. CAFETERIA: The cafeteria will provide a small variety of box lunches that will be available to our students ONLY by PRE-PAYMENT and PRE-ORDER. Payments on site (cashiers) will not be available.Detailed information will be provided at a later time. Vending machines with snacks and water will be placed on campus LOCKERS: Lockers will be assigned to Middle School and Academy students; they can be used only before school, during lunch and after school. On both occasions, appropriate distances between students must be respected. CLEANING SERVICES: ACS Athens has increased the cleaning of commonly used surfaces and shared spaces throughout the school day. The same occurs for all classrooms and the entire campus. Hand sanitizer stations that students and adults should use throughout the day are placed in many areas of the school. Students will also be given instructions by faculty in regards to specific cleaning procedures for classrooms (for individual desks).
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Faculty members and staff should stay home if they experience cold and flu symptoms or any other symptoms that might indicate an illness. Please inform your students that they should stay at home if they are feeling sick. Make sure students enter and exit your classroom respecting the social distancing rules (1.5 meters). Students may be excused to use the restroom only one at a time and must signout prior to departing the classroom. When students enter the classroom, they MUST use hand sanitizer. Please read and practice the proper hygiene habits listed in the general information sheet (additional informative resources are available on the school’s website) and make sure to review all of the resources shared with you. You are kindly asked to discuss with your student the basic and important hygiene habits and protocols. If you have any questions you may contact the Health Center and the Crisis Management Team (Ms. Annie Constantinides). 35
Please promote information sharing about Covid-19 and address mental health and psycho-emotional support needs for your students. Should they need assistance, please refer them to the appropriate professionals (Counseling Office, Nurse, School Psychologist). • Students must clean their workspace (desk, chair and any other surface they may touch) with sanitized wipes that will be provided by the school before leaving the classroom. • Please inform your students that it is imperative NOT to share any personal items such as pencils, pens, books, calculators, etc. • Please make sure to enter skyward attendance promptly. • All classrooms and offices should maintain good indoor ventilation. Weather permitting, windows and doors should remain open for fresh air. Do not use ceiling fans. If you use air conditioning make sure to have all classroom window opened. • Classrooms must be dismissed in a staggered manner. • If a student in your class is not feeling well, please send him/her directly to the Health Center. Please avoid sending students to the Health Center for minor incidents, i.e. minor cuts and scrapes, mosquito bites etc. State the reason of the visit (via softros or email) before you send the student. • Faculty members who are not feeling well during the day must go to the Health Office. In case of fever, cough or trouble breathing, you must stay at home until you have fully recovered. • If you or a family member, come into close contact with a confirmed case of the virus you should self-isolate for 14 days. • Before entering and exiting a classroom you must use hand sanitizer. • Please note that if a student chooses to not follow these guidelines he/she must leave campus immediately. Should you have any questions regarding the health protocols, please contact the Health Office.
Community Responsibility It is important for the entire ACS Athens community to follow the health protocols and guidelines that are in place; every member of our community, parents, students, faculty & staff, and partners must be committed to do “their part” in this collective effort. Therefore it is expected that: •
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Parents / guardians will monitor their temperature and the temperature of their children along with any COVID-19 symptoms daily, and report any concerns to the School Nurse. Parents/Guardians are highly recommended to keep their child(ren) home even with mild cold symptoms. As of October 26th 2020, parents / guardians and students are expected to wear masks when entering campus in all indoor and outdoor areas. Parents/guardians and students will practice best practices in terms of personal hygiene (hand washing, using sanitizer gels as needed, etc). Parents/guardians will be providing travel information as needed to the school and be proactive with any quarantine / testing requirements established by the health authorities. Parents / guardians and students will collaborate and follow all protocols and processes in place in order to ensure the health safety of our community.
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WAITING / MEETING AREAS: All students in 1-5 grades must meet at the Outdoor Volleyball Court (Respective Grade Signs) and wait for their coach. In case of rain, students must go outside the Administration Building (Respective Grade Signs) and meet their coach. PHYSICAL DISTANCING must be adhered to at all times. IF for whatever reason, physical distancing is not possible, masks must be worn. Masks must be worn when waiting in all areas. Students will be separated in different and consistent groups during practice based on their grade level. WASHING / SANITIZING HANDS: Sanitizing gels will be available for use by the children. STUDENTS’ BAGS / OTHER BAGS: All bags must be placed at designated sections and far apart to avoid congestion (signs will be placed). STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR OWN WATER BOTTLE – they can be refilled at a nearby water fountain. STUDENT’S SHOULD NOT SHARE any items, such as water bottles or any other personal items. Instructors will wear masks when close to students. NO ONE (participants/coaches) will be allowed to participate in practice sessions if he/she has ANY symptoms / signs of illness. ATTENDANCE will be taken every day and must be provided to the Athletic Office at the end of each session (daily basis). UPDATED PHYSICALS (after June 1st) must be filed with our nurse’s office for all participants. PICK UP by parents: ALL parents must wait for their children at the parking lot (according to school policy, parents and guests are not allowed to enter the campus); children will be escorted to the parking lot by their coach. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL PARENTS ARE AT THE PARKING LOT ON TIME. Middle School students will leave the area on their own. ONLINE REGISTRATION AND WAIVER FORM for injuries, COVID-19 must be submitted prior to first day of activity and Late bus transportation must be signed for students using the late bus service (grades 7 and 8). ALL SPORT / ACTIVITY EQUIPMENT WILL BE DISINFECTED AT THE END OF EACH SESSION.
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WAITING / MEETING AREAS: All students in 1-5 grades must meet at the Outdoor Volleyball Court (Respective Grade Signs) and wait for their coach. In case of rain, Elementary students must go outside the Administration Building (Respective Grade Signs) and meet their coach. PHYSICAL DISTANCING must be adhered to at all times. IF for whatever reason, physical distancing is not possible, masks must be worn. Masks must be worn when waiting in all areas. Students will be separated in different and consistent groups during practice based on their grade level. WASHING / SANITIZING HANDS: Sanitizing gels will be available for use by the children. STUDENTS’ BAGS / OTHER BAGS: All bags must be placed at designated sections and far apart to avoid congestion (signs will be placed). STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR OWN WATER BOTTLE – they can be refilled at a nearby water fountain. DON’T SHARE any items, such as water bottles or any other personal items. INDIVIDUAL BOWS AND ARROWS will be provided to all participants; during breaks, each participant will place his/her bow and arrows at a specific spot so that he/she uses the same equipment after the break. Instructors will wear masks when close to students. NO ONE (participants/coaches) will be allowed to participate in practice sessions if he/she has ANY symptoms / signs of illness. ATTENDANCE will be taken every day and must be provided to the Athletic Office at the end of each session (daily basis). UPDATED PHYSICALS (after June 1st) must be filed with our nurse’s office for all participants. PICK UP by parents: ALL parents must wait for their children at the parking lot (according to school policy, parents and guests are not allowed to enter the campus); children will be escorted to the parking lot by their coach. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL PARENTS ARE AT THE PARKING LOT ON TIME. Middle School students will leave the area on their own. ONLINE REGISTRATION AND WAIVER FORM for injuries, COVID-19 must be submitted prior to first day of activity and Late bus transportation must be signed for students using the late bus service (grades 7 and 8). *Bows, Arrows, Cones and other related equipment will be disinfected at the end of each session.
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WAITING / MEETING AREAS: All students in grades 1 -5 must meet at the Outdoor Volleyball Court (Respective Grade Signs) and wait for their coach. Middle School students must meet at the outdoor basketball court in front of the Middle School. In case of rain, Elementary students must go outside the Administration Building (Respective Grade Signs) and meet their coach. Middle School students must go to the area in front of the Administration Building (Picnic Tables) and meet their coach. PHYSICAL DISTANCING must be adhered to at all times. IF for whatever reason, physical distancing is not possible, masks must be worn. Masks must be worn when waiting in all areas. Students will be separated in different and consistent groups during practice based on their grade level. WASHING / SANITIZING HANDS: Sanitizing gels will be available for use by the children. STUDENTS’ BAGS / OTHER BAGS: All bags must be placed at designated sections and far apart to avoid congestion (signs will be placed). STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR OWN WATER BOTTLE – they can be refilled at a nearby water fountain. DON’T SHARE any items, such as water bottles or any other personal items. PERSONAL BASKETBALLS will be provided to all participants; during breaks, each participant will be asked to place his/her ball at a specific spot (balls will be numbered) so that he/she uses the same ball after the break. PERSONAL COLORED PINNIES will be given to all participants. Each participant must be responsible for bringing his/her pinnies to every session; parents must wash them after every session. They must be returned to the office at the end of the entire program. AVOID ANY handshakes, any form of celebration (hugging, “high Fives” etc). NO ONE (participants/coaches) will be allowed to participate in practice sessions if he/she has ANY symptoms / signs of illness. ATTENDANCE will be taken every day and must be provided to the Athletic Office at the end of each session (daily basis). st UPDATED PHYSICALS (after June 1 ) must be filed with our nurse’s office for all participants. PICK UP by parents: ALL parents must wait for their children at the parking lot (according to school policy, parents and guests are not allowed to enter the campus); children will be escorted to the parking lot by their coach. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL PARENTS ARE AT THE PARKING LOT ON TIME. Middle School students will leave the area on their own. ONLINE REGISTRATION AND WAIVER FORM for injuries, COVID-19 must be submitted prior to first day of activity and Late bus transportation must be signed for students using the late bus service (grades 7 and 8). *Basketballs, cones and other sport related equipment will be disinfected at the end of each session.
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WAITING / MEETING AREAS: All students in grades 1-5 must meet at the Outdoor Volleyball Court (Respective Grade Signs) and wait for their coach. In case of rain, Elementary students must go outside the Administration Building (Respective Grade Signs) and meet their coach. PHYSICAL DISTANCING must be adhered to at all times. IF for whatever reason, physical distancing is not possible, masks must be worn. Masks must be worn when waiting in all areas. Students will be separated in different and consistent groups during practice based on their grade level. WASHING / SANITIZING HANDS: Sanitizing gels will be available for use by the children. STUDENTS’ BAGS / OTHER BAGS: All bags must be placed at designated sections and far apart to avoid congestion (signs will be placed). STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR OWN WATER BOTTLE – they can be refilled at a nearby water fountain. STUDENTS MUST wear sport shoes during the activity. DON’T SHARE any items, such as water bottles or any other personal items. Any and all equipment used must be placed and moved ONLY by the instructor / coach. NO ONE (participants/coaches) will be allowed to participate in practice sessions if he/she has ANY symptoms / signs of illness. ATTENDANCE will be taken every day and must be provided to the Athletic Office at the end of each session (daily basis). UPDATED PHYSICALS (after June 1st) must be filed with our nurse’s office for all participants. PICK UP by parents: ALL parents must wait for their children at the parking lot (according to school policy, parents and guests are not allowed to enter the campus); Elementary school students will be escorted to the parking lot by their coach. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL PARENTS ARE AT THE PARKING LOT ON TIME. ONLINE REGISTRATION AND WAIVER FORM for injuries and COVID-19 must be submitted prior to first day of activity. *Any sport related equipment will be disinfected at the end of each session.
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WAITING / MEETING AREAS: All students in grades 1-5, must meet at the Outdoor Volleyball Court (Respective Grade Signs) and wait for their coach. In case of rain, Elementary students must go outside the Administration Building (Respective Grade Signs) and meet their coach. PHYSICAL DISTANCING must be adhered to at all times. IF for whatever reason, physical distancing is not possible, masks must be worn. Masks must be worn when waiting in all areas. Students will be separated in different and consistent groups during practice based on their grade level. WASHING / SANITIZING HANDS: Sanitizing gels will be available for use by the children STUDENTS’ BAGS / OTHER BAGS: All bags must be placed at designated sections and far apart to avoid congestion (signs will be placed). STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR OWN WATER BOTTLE – they can be refilled at water fountains. DON’T SHARE any items, such as water bottles or any other personal items. INDIVIDUAL SOCCER BALLS will be provided to all participants; during breaks, each participant will be asked to place his/her ball at a specific spot (balls will be numbered) so that he/she uses the same ball after the break. PERSONAL COLORED PINNIES will be given to all participants. Each participant must be responsible for bringing his/her pinnies to every session; parents must wash them after every session. They must be returned to the office at the end of the entire program. AVOID ANY handshakes, any form of celebration (hugging, “high Fives” etc). NO ONE (participants/coaches) will be allowed to participate in practice sessions if he/she has ANY symptoms / signs of illness. ATTENDANCE will be taken every day and must be provided to the Athletic Office at the end of each session (daily basis). UPDATED PHYSICALS (after June 1st) must be filed with our nurse’s office for all participants. PICK UP by parents: ALL parents must wait for their children at the parking lot (according to school policy, parents and guests are not allowed to enter the campus); children will be escorted to the parking lot by their coach. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL PARENTS ARE AT THE PARKING LOT ON TIME. ONLINE REGISTRATION AND WAIVER FORM for injuries, COVID-19 must be submitted prior to first day of activity and Late bus transportation must be signed for students using the late bus service (grades 7 and 8). *Soccer balls, and other sport related equipment will be disinfected at the end of each session.
SPORTS FITNESS ACTIVITIES (“Active Kids, “Kids Athletics”, “Grow up with Sports”) PROTOCOLS ●
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WAITING / MEETING AREAS: Students in grades JK - KG will be picked up by the coach from their classrooms. All students in grades 1-5, must meet at the Outdoor Volleyball Court (Respective Grade Signs) and wait for their coach. In case of rain, Elementary students must go outside the Administration Building (Respective Grade Signs) and meet their coach. PHYSICAL DISTANCING must be adhered to at all times. IF for whatever reason, physical distancing is not possible, masks must be worn. Masks must be worn when waiting in all areas. Students will be separated in different and consistent groups during practice based on their grade level. WASHING / SANITIZING HANDS: Sanitizing gels will be available for use by the children. STUDENTS’ BAGS / OTHER BAGS: All bags must be placed at designated sections and far apart to avoid congestion (signs will be placed). STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR OWN WATER BOTTLE – they can be refilled at a nearby water fountain. DON’T SHARE any items, such as water bottles or any other personal items. Any and all equipment used for the drills must be placed and moved ONLY by the instructor / coach. Any baton relays must be discouraged. NO ONE (participants/coaches) will be allowed to participate in practice sessions if he/she has ANY symptoms / signs of illness. ATTENDANCE will be taken every day and must be provided to the Athletic Office at the end of each session (daily basis). UPDATED PHYSICALS (after June 1st)must be filed with our nurse’s office for all participants. PICK UP by parents: ALL parents must wait for their children at the parking lot (according to school policy, parents and guests are not allowed to enter the campus); children will be escorted to the parking lot by their coach. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL PARENTS ARE AT THE PARKING LOT ON TIME. ONLINE REGISTRATION AND WAIVER FORM for injuries and COVID-19 must be submitted prior to first day of activity. *Hurdles, cones and other sport related equipment will be disinfected at the end of each session.
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WAITING / MEETING AREAS: JK & KG students will be picked up from their classrooms by one of the coaches and taken to the courts. Students in other elementary grades must come to the designated points, labeled by signs, at the tennis office. In case of rain, all Elementary students must go to the Elementary School Gym directly and wait for their coaches. Middle School & Academy Students must report directly to the tennis courts / and or other pre-determined indoor area which will be communicated by their coaches. PHYSICAL DISTANCING must be adhered to at all times. IF for whatever reason, physical distancing is not possible, masks must be worn. Masks must be worn when waiting in all areas. ENTRANCE into the tennis courts must be staggered (one at a time) and one specific door used (the one closest to soccer field). EXIT: participants must exit in a staggered manner from the door close to the outdoor amphitheater. TEACHING/COACHING GROUPS: Children will be placed in consistent groups according to grade and skill level. WASHING / SANITIZING HANDS – All children will be asked to use hand sanitizing gels as they enter and exit the courts. TENNIS BAGS / OTHER BAGS: all bags must be placed at designated sections and far apart to avoid congestion. STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR OWN WATER BOTTLE – they can be refilled at a nearby water fountain. DON’T SHARE any items, such as towels, water bottles, rackets etc. NO ONE( participants/ coaches) enters the facility with any symptoms of illness; if the student feels discomfort and is not feeling well, he/she must inform the coach and the nurse will be available to assist. ATTENDANCE will be taken every day for every group and provided to Athletic Office at the end of each week UPDATED PHYSICALS must be filed with our nurse’s office for all participants. PICK UP by parents: ALL parents must wait for their children at the parking lot (according to school policy, parents and guests are not allowed to enter the campus); Elementary children will be escorted to the parking lot by their coaches. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL PARENTS ARE AT THE PARKING LOT ON TIME, since the coaches must return to the tennis courts for their next lesson. ONLINE REGISTRATION AND WAIVER FORM for injuries, COVID-19 must be submitted prior to first day of activity and Late bus transportation must be signed for students using the late bus service (grades 7-12).
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WAITING / MEETING AREAS: All students in grades 1-5 must meet at the Outdoor Volleyball Court (Respective Grade Signs) and wait for their coach. In case of rain, Elementary students must go outside the Administration Building (Respective Grade Signs) and meet their coach. PHYSICAL DISTANCING must be adhered to at all times. IF for whatever reason, physical distancing is not possible, masks must be worn. Masks must be worn when waiting in all areas. Students will be separated in different and consistent groups during practice based on their grade level. WASHING / SANITIZING HANDS: Sanitizing gels will be available for use by the children. STUDENTS’ BAGS / OTHER BAGS: All bags must be placed at designated sections and far apart to avoid congestion (signs will be placed). STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR OWN WATER BOTTLE – they can be refilled at a nearby water fountain. STUDENTS MUST wear sport shoes during the activity. DON’T SHARE any items, such as water bottles or any other personal items. Any and all equipment used must be placed and moved ONLY by the instructor / coach. NO ONE (participants/coaches) will be allowed to participate in practice sessions if he/she has ANY symptoms / signs of illness. ATTENDANCE will be taken every day and must be provided to the Athletic Office at the end of each session (daily basis). UPDATED PHYSICALS (after June 1st) must be filed with our nurse’s office for all participants. PICK UP by parents: ALL parents must wait for their children at the parking lot (according to school policy, parents and guests are not allowed to enter the campus); students will be escorted to the parking lot by their coach. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL PARENTS ARE AT THE PARKING LOT ON TIME. ONLINE REGISTRATION AND WAIVER FORM for injuries and COVID-19 must be submitted prior to first day of activity. *Any sport related equipment will be disinfected at the end of each session.
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WASHING / SANITIZING HANDS – Students MUST wash their hands (with soap and water for at least 20sec) or use hand sanitizer whenever they enter the pool locker rooms and before they exit the locker rooms. SOCIAL DISTANCING: Students, instructors and staff MUST follow social distancing guidelines by staying at least 1.5m away from others when using the pool facilities (swimming pool locker rooms, pool deck and bleachers). MASKS are mandatory in the locker rooms and when students are waiting on the bleachers; instructors and staff will be wearing masks AT ALL TIMES; masks will NOT be used when students have their actual lesson. No parents or spectators are allowed during the swimming practices. Students MUST comply with maximum capacity in each locker room. For all our pool locker rooms (boys and girls). MAXIMUM CAPACITY is 5 STUDENTS at a time. The LOCKER ROOMS are used only as: a. a changing area b. restroom (no more than two people at a time). Students who signed for the swimming program MUST be able to change out and dress themselves. If a student is not able to change out on his/her own, he/she will be asked to join the 2nd semester swimming program. Swimming instructors will be monitoring and supervising the locker rooms while students are changing out. Students will have 5min to change into their bathing suit and exit the room with all their belongings. Individual lockers cannot be used. No items should be stored in the lockers. Students must take their belongings (swimming bags/shoes/personal equipment) out of the locker rooms–all bags will be taken out in a designated area (swimming pool bleachers). A plastic bag is required in order to put their shoes on. The locker rooms would be cleaned and disinfected after every use (groups). Students are not allowed to SHARE any items, such as towels, goggles, swimming caps, hair brush, etc. Students will take a quick shower before they get in the water. All students should wear flip flops (hygiene safety). Street shoes are NOT allowed anywhere around the pool. Students need to step with their flip flops in the small sanitized pool before entering the pool deck. Swimmers will wait for their swim session on the pool deck (the assigned waiting area for the pool). The number of students swimming per lane is 7. Maximum number of people in our facility is 40 (35 swimmers and 5 instructors). Adequate equipment for swimmers (kickboards, noodles, pull buoys) will be available to minimize sharing to the extent possible or limiting use of the equipment by one group of users. Common equipment (noodles, kick boards, pull buoys) would be cleaned and disinfected after use every day. Students can bring their own swimming equipment (swimming net/kickboard/pull buoy/fins) if they wish. 46
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All doors and windows will remain open for fresh air. At the end of the swimming session instructors will release students by groups. The students will get their bags from the bleachers and will have 5 min to change out inside the locker rooms. When they return home it is recommended to take a full shower (with soap and shampoo). HAIR DRYERS will not be used. All students MUST have a hat or a beanie. Posters and signs with the swimming guidelines will be placed in highly visible locations (at deck entrance, at sinks, etc). A swimming instructor will escort the young age groups (at 5 o’clock) at the gate so the parents can pick them up.
Use is restricted to weight training club members only. Online booking is necessary, 24 hours in advance. A maximum of 8 participants can exercise at a time. Do not attend the facility if you are feeling ill or displaying common symptoms of COVID19. 1.5 meters physical distancing in place at all times. No socializing or gathering, in the lobby area, washrooms, before, during or after your visit to the facility. Please come dressed and ready for your workout, change rooms will not be available for use. Please bring your own water bottle. Participants will be asked to hand sanitize before entering the fitness room and upon leaving. Users are expected to sanitize equipment before and after each use. Public high touch surfaces will be cleaned by staff every afternoon. Please bring your own towel. It is recommended that you wear weight training (exercise) gloves.