Dorset Sheep Breed Brochure 2019

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Rams work at a younger age. The Dorset, being one of the earliest maturing breeds, will work at a younger age, hence more lambs are sired during a ram’s working life.


High lambing percentages. Many breeders are achieving170% lambing rates, and this coupled with a frequent lambing system of 3 crops in 2 years, can give annual averages of around 250%.


Faster weight gain. The ewes are excellent milkers and are thus able to achieve very quick growth rates with prime lambs being fit for the butcher at around 10 weeks of age.


Top prices. Lambs sired by Dorsets, both pure and crossbred, are much in demand for the quality retail trade, and found on many supermarket shelves. The carcase has a high % of lean meat required by the butcher and the housewife resulting in premium prices.


Excellent crossing ability. Dorset rams have the unique ability to sire quality prime lambs from any breed of ewe, but with the all-important asset of imparting their out-of-season breeding characteristic to their female progeny.


Adaptability and versatility. The Dorset is able to thrive and adjust to a wide range of conditions, both in the UK and abroad. Altitude and climatic conditions whether it be cold, high rainfall areas or drier, more arid conditions present no problem to this versatile sheep.


Cash savings. Lambs sold at an earlier age mean there is less valuable time spent on their management and expensive drenches, inoculations etc.


Higher stocking rates. As lambs are carried for a shorter time, more ewes can be run to the hectare.


Better workers. You need less rams in large flocks because of their ability to mate all the year round in frequent lambing systems.


Long life. The ewe is particularly noted for longevity, thus reducing frequent flock replacements.

For further information, contact:

The Secretary Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset Sheep Breeders’ Association, Agriculture House, Acland Road, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1EF. Tel/Fax: 01305 262126 e-mail: Website: 2

THE DORSET HORN AND POLL DORSET The Dorset Horn sheep is one of the earliest recorded breeds of British Sheep with the first Flock Book being established in 1892, and its adaptability was soon recognised world wide. The Australians, noted for their shepherding skills, soon realised the potential of the sheep to improve their existing stock and imported the Dorset Horn. With their vast acreage and minimal management techniques the viability of producing a hornless Dorset was of prime interest. This, they achieved and the Poll Dorset emerged to provide the sheep now so much in demand throughout the world. In the mid 1950s a far sighted Dorset breeder, “Bunny” Lenthall, decided to investigate the potential of the Poll Dorset and, after a visit to Australia, returned with two stud rams. In the UK the Poll Dorset now out numbers its illustrious ancestor but all the attributes of the Dorset Horn still apply to both. Today, the breed has moved on retaining all the same characteristics but is assisted by up-to-date techniques of record keeping such as that provided by Signet. The Association’s first Patroness in 1892 was Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, and with this strong foundation it has grown world wide to promote the breed internationally via shows and the media to maintain the breed’s profile. These are challenging times indeed for the flock master who has to face increased costs and lower profit margins. What can he do to protect his interests and face the future with hope? The obvious answer is to look for a breed of sheep that will improve profit margins, reduce overheads and fit in with other farming enterprises. Ideally it should be prolific, easy to handle, hardy, versatile, able to breed at any time of the year and not reliant on a high level of additional nutrition.

If you are looking for a sheep that is adaptable to any climate or altitude, with a fleece that many breeds would like to aspire to, then this is your sheep. The sheep will provide a regular cash flow by producing lambs frequently, if you wish, three times in two years. It has an economically produced carcass sought after by the retailer and housewife, whose discerning taste is the ultimate challenge. If you prefer cross breeding, choose a ewe or ram that will pass many of the above characteristics on to its first cross females, hence improving your profit margins on your existing stock. If this is your aim, then look no further than the Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset Sheep. The Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset Sheep Breeders’ Association goes from strength to strength towards new frontiers, promoting the ultimate breed in the twenty first century. The Annual May Fair is the premier Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset Sale when a large selection of top quality rams and ewes are available. The Fair takes place in May over a two day period with the Show on the first day and the Sale on the second day and provides the spectator with a view of the best stock available. All the sheep entered in the Show are subsequently sold through the ring on the second day. Many of the Association’s breeders are involved in Registered Health Schemes for Maedi Visna and Scrapie Monitored Negative Accreditation and are able to provide stock for the home or export market.


CREATING YOUR FLOCK Choosing the right Breed If you are to be involved with sheep for the first time or are considering a change of breed, it is of utmost importance that you choose a breed that has potential but is also easy to manage. Take a close look at your locality and the land on which you keep your livestock, and any other farming/recreational facilities with which you are involved. It is imperative that your sheep fit your requirements whether they be location, economic or personal preference as to type. If you require a sheep to fit in with your dairy system or for the full utilisation of buildings or pasture then look no further. The Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset Sheep is an obvious choice for virtually any sheep enterprise large or small as it is so adaptable and will dovetail into any existing system. Lambing can take place at any time of year to suit your requirements due to the frequent breeding characteristic of both the ewes and the rams. The lambs are early maturing and require little extra feeding to obtain “finished weights”. OBTAINING GOOD FOUNDATION STOCK Apart from the Annual May Fair which is held at Exeter Market, Exeter, Devon, other recognised Breed Sales take place at Exeter, Liskeard, Llandovery, Worcester, Gisburn, Carlisle, and in Northern Ireland during the summer months. It is advisable to buy registered stock from a registered breeder to create your own registered flock as this is a stipulation of membership. The Breed Secretary will be pleased to supply a list of registered breeders in your area on request. RECORDING YOUR FLOCK There are several systems of record keeping available depending on your requirements. Some, such as the Signet system are computerised or a simple card system may be perfectly adequate for your needs. The Association can help assess your needs or even supply you with a card system. It is essential that records be kept with regard to the sire and dam of offspring and that lambs are given an individual identity number to ascertain this. A “year letter” is used to identify the year of birth (e.g. the letter Z for 2001) followed by the individual identity number. This enables any animal’s blood line to be traced back. This can be done by either tagging or tattooing – if members choose to tattoo it is an Association requirement that the member’s Society Flock number be tattooed onto one ear and the year letter appertaining to the year of their birth and individual number in the other ear. If members choose to tag, the members Society flock number and year letter must be included on the tag. In addition to recording the sex, identity and parentage of an animal any additional information can be added such as birth details or medication. Weights can also be recorded to ascertain performance with regard to Sires, and this will enable you to build an accurate profile of each animal and ascertain its costing and viability within the flock. SELECTING YOUR STUD RAMS Ideally the new breeder will have bought the best quality ewes that they can afford, but we do not live in an ideal world and there is always room for improvement. A careful inspection of the ewes to be mated should therefore be made before selecting a ram, to ascertain any potential weakness that may be present. The appropriate sire can then be selected with a view to correcting or accentuating any point. Always remember that a ram is equivalent to half your flock and his offspring will show this. Size is not of prime importance in a ram but conformation is. A Sire Reference Scheme has been established and is available to members of the Association, and many members have semen and embryos available. For information on any of the above please contact the Secretary. 4



CHAMPION FLOCK PADDOCK LEACH POLL DORSETS Signet Performance Recorded Centurion Member MV Accredited Reared on the West Pennine Moors All types of stock for sale Call Stuart 07812210701 email Paddock Leach Barn Ainsworth Bolton BL2 5PX

Est. 1965

M V Accredited

Flock No. 994

Celebrating 53 years of regular frequent lambing

Renowned, Prolific, Frequent Breeders. Selected Rams from top recorded lines on offer throughout the year. Also: THE TREGUDDICK HERD of South Devon Cattle “Mostly Natural Polled” and Red Angus D J Thomas & Son Treguddick Manor, South Petherwin, Launceston, Cornwall PL15 7JN Tel: 01566 86201/86770 6

STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE FOR DORSET HORN AND POLL DORSET RAMS Bold, masculine appearance, with good length, strength and of robust character, and head of great beauty. With regard to the Horn Ram, strong and long horns growing from the head well apart on the crown in a straight line with each other and coming downwards and forwards in graceful curves as close to the face as may be without cutting. EWES Appearance bright with feminine characteristics. With regard to the Horn Ewe the horns much smaller and more delicate that in the Ram. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS HEAD:

Broad, full and open at the nostril, well covered with wool from brow to poll, face white with pink nose and lips free from pigmentation.


Medium size, white and firm, well covered with hair.


Even, well set jaw with flat chisel shaped teeth, meeting a wide pad with a firm bite.


Short to medium length and round, well sprung from the shoulders, with no depression at collar, strong and muscular, especially in the Ram.


Well forward, full and deep.


Full, with no depression behind the shoulders.


Well laid and compact.


Broad, long and straight, with well sprung ribs.


Full, broad and deep with flesh extending to the hocks and well muscled thighs.


Well set up in a line with the back, wide, firm and fleshy.


Well sprung from the back and deep at the sides.


Medium length, well placed at the four quarters and free moving, straight between the joints, with strong bone, well woolled to the knees and hocks with pasterns well set up and straight.


Fine “down� type wool, dense and firm handling, free from kemp and colour.


White, with pink skin.



Bold, masculine appearance, and may weigh up to 113.5 kg (250lbs) when mature.


Medium size and naturally prolific, so that depending on management, lamb crops may attain any figure from 130% - 170% or more. Growth rates of up to 0.45 kg (1lb) per day are frequently recorded producing carcasses from 16 kg (34 – 36lb) dressed carcass weight at 10 – 16 weeks of age. Ewes have a bright appearance, skin colour is pink, whilst the face, legs and ears are white.


Fleece of good staple and quality, compact and firm to the touch.

The breed is recognised for its docility and ability to breed naturally out of season. This wide breeding pattern allows the ewes to take the ram at most times of the year and they are ideally suited to lambing three times in two years. The outstanding milking ability means that lambs will finish sooner with little, or no additional feeding. The Dorset is noted for its early maturity in both the males and females. It is also a long lived breed and this combined with its longevity gives a highly productive and profitable sheep. The rams are noted as being especially active workers and increasing use is being made of them as prime lamb sires. This prime lamb makes an excellent carcass for the present requirements and is available at any time of the year, and therefore times of peak market prices. Dorset ewes have excellent maternal characteristics as well as being milky and produce a good return on investment being early maturing and long lived. Versatility and adaptability come naturally to the Dorset for climate, altitude, traditional or intensive production methods. RULES FOR SHOWING The official breeding year begins on 1st September and ends on 31st August. All sheep born prior to the current year must be bare shorn from 1st February with exception of female sales in April or May of current year, unless stated otherwise in the show schedule. Lambs may be exhibited in the wool or shorn. The age of Rams and Ewes to be determined by year letter (not teeth). Lambs must have NO adult teeth breaking the gum surface. All sheep must have Flock Number tattoo in one ear and the year letter appertaining to the year of their birth and individual number in the other ear. At the shows after 1st September the judge must use their discretion. Dress Code : All exhibitors MUST wear white coats and/or the new approved breed uniform whilst showing. MANAGEMENT OF THE BREED INTRODUCTION The objective of the Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset breeder is to have a flock which will lamb regularly lamb out of season and produce the maximum number of lambs for sale, either as well grown breeding ewes or as prime lambs for the current requirements of the meat trade. To achieve this objective replacement breeding stock should be sought from flocks that have regularly lambed at the period you require for the farming calendar. Most breeders will keep precise records of teir flock’s performance, thus making your selection easier. 8

All enquiries and visitors welcome. Please contact: James Royan on 07786150637 High quality Signet Recorded rams and females available. Facebook @ Bennachie Poll Dorsets


Performance from Pasture

Fit and Strong but never Fat Our flock is big enough to matter, but small enough to know every ewe September and December lambing and rearing in the healthy outdoors EBLEX Award Winning Flock 2005 and 2014 2016 -Top “In Spec” Waitrose Producer 2017 - 2nd “In Spec” Waitrose Producer

Stock only sold from the farm Maedi Visna Accredited


THE FLOCK Whatever time of year you decide to plan your lambing , make sure your ewes are not excessively fat prior to tupping. This can be achieved by intensifying the ewes onto a smaller acreage, condition score, particularly the older and less fit ewes and adjust nutrition accordingly. This will enable you to flush the ewes prior to tupping efficiently. The rams are good workers and are particularly well suited for early covering if used in a commercial flock. Many Dorset ewes will have a slightly shorter gestation period, averaging about 145 days and the first cross females will often inherit the frequent lambing ability. Concentrate feeding prior to lambing need normally be kept to a minimum at most times of the year. If winter lambing is decided upon then some additional feeding will be necessary either in the form of a high energy feed block, as the grass deteriorates, and then a suitable concentrated cereal feed, up to 70 gms (1.5 lbs) per day, plus roughage or roots prior to lambing. SIRES “The ram is more than half of the flock�, so the old phrase goes, and it is certainly as true today, if not more so in these times of tight profit margins. Buy the best rams you can afford and look after them throughout the year. Make sure they are regularly drenched, vaccinated and their feet trimmed. Exercise is always important and do not let them become over fat. Well before tupping check each ram over carefully and a few weeks before use increase their nutrition. EWES The same rules apply for the care of ewes as that of rams, and do not let them get over fat at any time particularly around lambing and weaning the lambs. LAMBING The Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset ewe is an excellent mother and has good milking ability. Flock Masters may need to assist, as with any other breed, hoggets lambing for the first time. Hygiene at lambing time is of paramount importance whether lambing indoors or out, and good record keeping will always assist you to make your flock as profitable and trouble free as possible. FEEDING AFTER LAMBING Traditionally root crop feeding or folding, with a separate creep for the lambs has been practised but more recently with the introduction of precision drilling and pre-emergent sprays etc. many incorporate main root crops like swedes or kales, together with later sowings of stubble turnips and the like. This can lend itself to various arable systems, e.g. early potatoes, winter wheat and barley breaks. Flocks may also be maintained entirely on grass leys, the ewes utilising quality silage or hay during lactation with some concentrates being offered in severe weather conditions of if available feed lacks quality. As with traditional methods lambs should also be given creep feed.


FREQUENT LAMBING SYSTEMS If frequent lambing is to be practised, a high level of management and shepherding is required, but high lambing percentages and outputs are achieved annually and the income per ewe and acreage is rewarding. It has to be asked initially how this will fit it with ones other farming enterprises and the labour available. The aim is for lambing to occur at eight month intervals. OPTIONS 1.

If run on natural lines, with suggested lambings in say November, March and July, with tupping being restricted to 5 weeks maximum at each time, a strict discipline by the Flock Master is required to take rams out at the end thus preventing lambing becoming continuous. A teaser ram running with the ewes for 2/3 weeks prior to tupping can be advantageous as the lactating ewes will have lambs running at foot. The percentage of ewes which conceive may vary at times. Factors which may result in lower conception rates are a low level of nutrition at tupping, or adverse weather conditions, for example, drought. Body scoring of ewes near to these tupping dates, at whatever time of year, can be beneficial, but should be done in time to make whatever adjustments necessary through feeding for optimal conception. A rising of condition is ideal. It is most vital that rams are in prime covering condition. It must also be considered that this system demands additional enclosures in order to keep the level of management at its peak with two ages of ewes and lambs in groups. Female flock replacements can be lambed as hoggets at 16 – 20 months of age or introduced into any lambing batch.


A more scientific approach to frequent lambing of “Dorsets� is also being practised: by synchronising oestrus and the use of vaginal sponges pre-tupping, thereby aiding batch lambing.

Once again a close study of ewe nutrition is vital to successful flushing and through the first month of gestation. The early weaning of lambs at 8 weeks or so has been introduced, resulting in non lactating ewes at tupping. Sheep housing may be practised more with this system, December/January born lambs would be lambed inside, then early weaned and fattened fast for the Easter trade, as may the previous batch born in August/September. The ewes too may be housed or yarded for a large part of the year, enabling a rigid profile of diet and management to be maintained. High profit margins are being achieved on such systems at these.

For further information contact the Breed Secretary.


Celebrating our Diamond anniversary and proudly promoting the Dorset breed in Northern Ireland and across the globe. 2019 Club dates and Events 1st June 1st July 29th July 2nd August 9th August 16th August 7th October

National Dorset Show Classes, Ballymoney NSA Sheep, NI, Ballymena 47th Annual Premier Show & Sale Annual Family BBQ, Ballymena 8th Annual EU Export Show & Sale, Hilltown 4th Annual Omagh Show & Sale 30th Annual Autumn Show & Sale

Further details available from: Chairman Vice Chairperson Secretary

Allister McNeill Steven Lyons William Carson 13

07921 615622 07835 584100 07841 746705

Flock No. 1050

Established 1973 MV Accredited

Breeding stock available at May Fair, various sales or direct from farm. All breeding stock vaccinated with Hep P+. All females homebred. Sires Used (All ARR ARR):

Polgreen U901 (son of Tattykeel Blue Print 214-07 (Australian) Richhill X633 Lisnafillan Z6 (Myomax) Tonnagh A367

Andrew & Chris Kingdon Kingdon’s Farm, Gummows Show, Summercourt, Newquay, Cornwall TR8 4PP Tel: 01872 510636





M V Accredited Horn Est. 1959

Polls Est. 1971

Winner of the Medium Flock Competition, 2012 P W Baker & Son Eastfield Farm, East Chinnock, Yeovil, Somerset BA22 9EB Tel: 01935 863160 e-mail:


THE BYEWAYS FLOCK Dorset sheep have been a favourite for Somerset breeder Joe Larder since he was a boy and the easily managed breed fits in perfectly with his work as a quantity surveyor. Joe was as young as seven when he asked for some sheep as a Christmas present and his grandparents bought him two ewes and four lambs from the old livestock market in Taunton. “I picked Dorsets at the time and my Dad said by the age of 11 I would be able to look after some pedigree sheep myself so he took me to the May Fair in 1998,” said Joe. That year he established his Byeways flock of Poll Dorsets with five ewe lambs. It now runs to 90 pedigree ewes and followers on his smallholding and rented land at Walden Acres, Sandford. The initial purchases at the May Fair were from David Rossiter, Les French, Rob Hole and Adrian Dufosee and David loaned Joe a ram to run with his five ewes.

Joe worked for the family building firm for eight years before joining a south west groundworks company to train as a quantity surveyor. Now almost qualified after four years at the age of 30, his expanded Dorset flock dovetails with his work.

While not from a farming background, his late father Dave and his mother Wendy ran a herd of 10 pedigree Aberdeen Angus cows on the family’s 12 acre smallholding. 18

When Dave passed away six years ago, Joe, Wendy and his wife Rachel, an English teacher at a local secondary school, decided to concentrate on the Dorsets to lessen the workload. The flock has expanded to 90 ewes, around 80 of which are now home-bred with the remainder bought at Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset Sheep Association sales and dispersal sales. The latter have been run with a home-bred ram. Such has been Joe’s success in developing the flock that it won the association’s overall national flock competition two years ago and it was Medium flock winner in 2011, along with show success at local shows such as the New Forest and Hampshire, Gillingham and Shaftesbury and Mid Somerset.

“In building up the flock, my focus has always been on getting the females right. I like to breed strong, compact ewes with strong heads and I want consistency in my females.

“I concentrate on the maternal traits of the Dorset breed which are their high milk yields, mothering ability and the ability to finish lambs at 35-40kg at any time of the year,” said Joe, who is a member of the association’s council. Over the years he has had a lot of support from the association and other Dorset breeders. “A lot of people are looking to buy Dorsets - the breed is going from strength to strength. The beauty of the Dorset is it’s ability to lamb out of season and three times in two years if it suits the system,” he added. “For me their fertility gives me a tight lambing which helps me fit it in with my job. As well as being very good mothers, they are quiet natured and don’t scatter when you go among them. There’s just something about them and they work for me. As a breed, they are very hard to beat. They look after us.”


Joe says the Dorset’s mothering abilities also enable the ewes to play a key role as recipients in AI programmes. The Byeways stock rams are put out on April 10th to lamb in September with only a handful lambing in December-January, the latter usually having been run with the most recently purchased stock ram for the second cycle. The ewes are drenched three weeks before lambing and given pre-tupping buckets to help fertility. They are fed some concentrate in the run-up to lambing with ewes scanned carrying twins fed more. Last September around 80 ewes lambed within two and a half weeks. Joe likes to keep the lambing tight as he takes time off work. He is helped by Rachel and Wendy. The ewes are lambed in a new shed near the house although they are run outside during the day for exercise. They require little assistance and achieve around175180% lambing compared with 200% for an April lambing. “September is a good month for grass here and the weather is also usually warm and fine. Our grazing is rich permanent pasture and the sheep do well on it. After lambing the grass starts to deteriorate in quality and growth and the ewes are kept in groups of 15 and fed to help maintain milk concentrate to help maintain milk yields which aids management and monitoring the sheep. Lambs are introduced to creep feed. By mid-December the lambs are housed to finish them and to conserve grazing. Feed inputs are minimal. Ewes are given 18% ewe nuts once they have lambed.


Creep is 18% protein lamb pellets which is fed to the fat lambs at four to six weeks old. At weaning ram and ewe lambs retained for breeding are introduced to a course mix ration. All the ram lambs are kept entire and any not retained for breeding along with females which don’t meet the breed characteristics have been sold finished on the Dorset Waitrose scheme for the last three years. All were sold through the scheme which pays a premium for early Dorset lamb by mid-February at an average 43-44kg live - 19kg deadweight and classifying U and R at 2-3L for 90% of the lambs sent on with remaining 10% E grades. During the first two months of the year the dry ewes are wintered away on 25 acres of keep. We have strong competition for land to rent in the area from dairy farmers and people with horses. Each year 15 to 20 ewe lambs are kept for breeding with between 10 and 15 for replacements. The aim is also to sell six or seven shearling ewes at society sales. The biggest market for breeding sheep from the flock is in the sale of females. Last year 45 females and 10 lamb rams were sold both at sales and privately, many to a growing number of repeat customers with pedigree flocks. Ram Lambs are sheared in the third week in January and ewe lambs the first week in March with flock ewes sheared in early April pre-tupping. While concentrating on the ewes, Joe also likes to invest in his stock rams and generally buys a new stock ram each year at the May Fair where he has paid up to 2,000gns for a ram lamb. This year ten ram lambs and 65 ewe lambs have been selected for sale and so far 35 of the ewe lambs have been sold privately


Joe has been selling ram lambs at the May Fair since 2011 where they have made up to 800gns and he also supports other association sales at Worcester, Carlisle and Llandovery. Joe shares his father’s enthusiasm for showing livestock and he has exhibited the Dorsets for many years although pressures of work have meant he has had a couple of years off but fully intends to be back into it.



14th Annual Show & Sale in Llandovery Market ( Clee, Tompkinson & Francis ) Saturday, 29th June 2019

Club Contacts: Chairman: Vice Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Auctioneer:

Gwylon Evans Llyr James Alys Eadon E M James Derfel Harries

07977 863631 07581 413541 07852 359520 01974 821626 01550 720440


AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, LAND & ESTATE AGENTS Successfully covering an area from

THE COTSWOLDS TO WEST WALES with FIVE LIVESTOCK CENTRES Selling all classes of stock and ½ million Prime lambs annually

PROUD TO BE SELLING DORSET HORN & POLL DORSETS Society Show & Sale WORCESTER Saturday, 13th July 2019 Further details from The Heath Meadow, Nunnery Way, Worcester, WR4 0SQ. Website:

Tel: 01905 769770 Email:




Poll Dorsets MV Accredited

Signet Recorded

Forage based production from permanent pastures, associated with stewardship schemes. Flock recorded for many years, sheep bred to perform, with longevity as an aim. Pregnancy scanned at 190% the last three years.

The Gortleigh flock featured in the 2015 ‘Decade of Genetic Progress in the English Sheep Industry’ publication for consistent improvement in maternal traits. It was also the 2016 Winner of the AHDB Beef and Lamb BRP Improved Flock awards for Dorsets. See these independent reports online for more information about the Gortleigh flock.

Top Home-bred rams being used this year include:H46: W1936 Gortleigh Winner H46: Z2466 Gortleigh Zex-Rex

Stock available (Devon) Contact: Gill Trace 01409 231291 26



SOUTH HAM FLOCK DORSET HORN & POLL DORSETS MV Accredited Member of Centurion Scheme Signet Recorded Flock No: E04 Established Polls 1982, Horns 2003 Reliable and consistently strong stock, rams and females, available from this hardy, prolific flock reared on a grass-based system. Come and visit us on farm to see for yourself! Roger & Dodie Huxter Westercombe Sandford Crediton Devon EX17 4RN Tel/Fax : 01363 775570




NORTHERN DORSET BREEDERS CLUB Working to promote Dorsets in the North

Social Events

Flock Visits

Club Classes at Great Yorkshire Show

Gisburn Show & Sale, Saturday, 10th August, 2019 Stirling Show & Sale Wednesday, 3rd July, 2019

Advice & Information

Contact: Mr Alec Steff (Chairman) Tel: 01282 411154 Mobile: 07970 920220

Mrs Karen Hodgson (Secretary) Tel: 01586 552513 Mobile: 07988 885120

e-mail: 32

POLL DORSETS Celebrating Ruby Anniversary breeding Dorsets

Downkillybegs A166 Sired by Downkillybegs Xavier

Downkillybegs A180 Sired by Downkillybegs Xian

Supreme Overall Champion @ 7th Hilltown Export Show & Sale, selling for 500gns to the Rathwarren Flock

Reserve Overall Champion @ 29th Annual Autumn Show & Sale, selling for 520 gns to the Bencran Flock

Downkillybegs females also won Best pair of Ewe Lambs and the Springwell Trophy at Ballymena Premier Show & Sale Rams and females available for sale: Contact: W & K Carson 161 Whitesides Road, Downkillybegs, Ballymena, County Antrim BT42 2JG Tel: 07841 746705 e-mail:




Signet’s new genetic analysis: The National Terminal Sire Evaluation In 2019, Signet will relaunch the genetic evaluation service provided for terminal sire breeds. The new service will deliver AHDB-funded research through a multi-breed evaluation, including new estimated breeding values (EBVs) and a major change to existing traits, expressing breeding values on a more commercially focused, weight-adjusted basis. This exciting new approach will result in some of the biggest changes to Signet analyses in the last 20 years, with all breeding values being re-based for the first time since 1990. What does this mean for Dorset breeders? Updated EBVs - The biggest change within the new analysis will be to move all carcase traits from being age adjusted (current method) to weight adjusted. This means the updated EBVs will be a better prediction of carcase composition (muscling/fatness) at a fixed weight. As lambs are selected for slaughter based on a combination of weight and finish, rather than age, this will give a more commercial focus to carcase EBVs. New traits - A new analysis gives the perfect opportunity to introduce new traits. From past and present CT images in breeds where lambs are regularly CT scanned, we have been able to calculate EBVs for: • • • •

CT Eye muscle area Vertebrae number (thoracic, lumbar and total) Spine length (thoracic, lumbar and total) Intramuscular fat percentage (IMF%)

Other new traits will include: • • •

Birth weight Lambing ease Litter size reared

Re-basing - In 2019 all EBVs and Indexes will be re-based. Currently figures are shown relative to the average animal in 1990. The re-base will be set to 2010 meaning figures will be reported back to the average animal in 2010 which will have an EBV of 0 or an index of 100. The re-based figures will mean a scan weight EBV of +4kg means an animal is 4kg heavier at scanning than the average animal in 2010. Re-basing is an inevitable part of genetic evaluations and is crucial to keep the figures tangible. It also means that unknown animals/flocks will not start with EBVs as drastically low as they have previously. New Indexes - Included breeds will now receive two indexes • •

Terminal sire index – optimising growth, muscle depth and CT lean weight whilst holding the current levels of finish Maternal index – optimising prolificacy, maternal ability and early growth rate without increasing mature size or having a detrimental effect on muscling or lamb finish 36

Benchmark – the new Dorset benchmark can be seen below, new traits are included on a more detailed benchmark upon request:

Dorset Breed Benchmark Maternal Ability EBV (kg) Litter Size Born EBV (%) Eight Week Weight EBV (kg) Scan Weight EBV (kg) Muscle Depth EBV (mm)* Fat Depth EBV (mm)* Lean Weight EBV (kg)* Fat Weight EBV (kg)* Gigot Muscularity EBV (kg)* Mature Size EBV (Shearling Weight) (kg) Terminal Sire Index Maternal Index

Bottom Bottom Bottom Top Top Top 5% 10% 25% Average 25% 10% 5% -0.47 -0.33 -0.08 0.2 0.48 0.73 0.87 -0.06 -0.04 -0.01 0.02 0.05 0.08 0.1 -0.7 -0.34 0.25 0.9 1.55 2.14 2.5 -1.71 -0.79 0.74 2.44 4.14 5.67 6.59 -0.69 -0.41 0.06 0.58 1.1 1.57 1.85 -0.71 -0.58 -0.37 -0.13 0.11 0.32 0.45 -0.12 -0.08 -0.01 0.06 0.13 0.2 0.24 -0.52 -0.43 -0.28 -0.11 0.06 0.21 0.3 -0.38 -0.28 -0.13 0.05 0.23 0.38 0.48 -2.58 -1.7 -0.22 1.43 3.08 4.56 5.44 133 151 182 217 252 283 301 148 165 193 224 256 284 301

RamCompare RamCompare is a major industry sheep breeding initiative and the first commercial progeny test in the UK for terminal sire rams. In the first three seasons over 6,600 ewes were mated to 138 leading rams and updated results incorporating 2018 born lambs will be released in April 2019. Phase II of the project opened up nominations wider than the original five terminal sire breeds with 2018 born lambs being sired by a range of nine breeds. Nominations open on Monday 7th January 2019 and Dorset breeders can nominate their own rams/semen for selection. Closing 8th March, successful candidates will be confirmed in April. All performance recorded terminal sire breeds are eligible. Carcase and growth traits should be in the top 25 per cent of the breed. How can I get involved? 2019 will prove to be the most exciting in Signets history with changes enhancing the service we can provide to performance recording clients. With change comes opportunity, and hence there has never been a better opportunity to get involved with the most proven method of improving flock genetics. For more information on performance recording your Dorset flock please contact Emma Steele at


HUISH Flock No. A26

R&D Rossiter


Show Team Star Carlisle Male Champion 2018 Devon County Show Breed Campion Devon County Show Interbreed Pairs Champion Royal Cornwall Breed Champion (Joins the Cwmclyd Flock)

Rams to Perform May Fair Signet Recorded Class Winner 2018 (Joins the Sherborne Flock)

Stock & Semen Available for UK & Export Signet Recorded M.V Accredited Scrapie Monitored

Contact: D.W Rossiter 01548 561210 R.W Rossiter Mob 07549938198 Burton Farm Galmpton Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 3EY 38



DORSET...... Making a difference. Aaron Fearon, a native of Rostrevor has established the Newross pedigree Dorset flock on the foothills of the Mournes. This is a creditable achievement since Aaron bought his foundation stock of Dorset ewe lambs at J.A McClelland & Sons Livestock Mart, Ballymena in 2009, given that at that time he was all of 12 years old. Since then he has steadily increased and built his pedigrees into a highly regarded Dorset flock of outstanding sheep, with quality being to the fore and acknowledged in recent National Flock competitions. Aaron’s pedigree flock is managed according to the Dorset ‘year’ with ewes lambing down in September, not an issue for a breed capable of lambing all year round and indeed if required capable of giving 3 crops of lambs over a 2 year period. Aaron has recently adopted the AI live semen programme with great success, recording 200% lambing in 2017. Consequently Aaron has the annual decision to make regarding ewe lambs to be retained in the flock or sold off at one of the annual Dorset Society sales. Ram lambs can be kept over for breeding or alternatively sold for the table for above average out of season prices. Aaron’s father Leo, not to be left out has over recent years introduced a Dorset cross strain into his March lambing commercial flock, the benefits of which are notable with the result that he has now the majority of his flock carrying the Dorset traits. Between managing his sizable flock and keeping a vigilant eye on Aaron’s pedigree flock while he attends University during the week, Leo is a busy man, given his mixed farming enterprises. However, one of the benefits of having introduced the Dorset strain into his flock is that of low maintenance with the lambs being thrifty and quick to rise, while there are plenty of them owing to the prolific nature of the breed. The mothering instincts and milking capability of the ewe ensures that the lamb gets off to a great start, and their hardy nature sees them getting on to the foothills of the Mournes often from day 1. Leo is well pleased, with his ewes being adaptable to all conditions and lambs quick to finish in reaching their optimum 22 kilos target. The Dorset breed has a long history of quality lamb production across the world, and this ability coupled with their unrivalled breeding traits for early season and out of season lambing, are just some of the breed characteristics that have been responsible for having developed a strong following in Ireland, North and South. The N.I.Dorset club has been promoting the Dorset breed for well over 50 years and for the past 46 years part of this promotion has been the organisation of the Premier Dorset Show & Sale. New bloodlines are continuously coming forward, and commercial and pedigree breeders will have the opportunity to purchase breeding stock at this year’s Annual Premier Show & Sale, to be held on Monday, 29th July.


Intra muscular Fat research Intra muscular fat or IMF is influenced by three key factors. Firstly maturity, as any of you will know if you have been around for a few years it is much easier to put on fat than muscle as you get older and the same holds true for lambs. Secondly diet, we know diets high in clover and there are others will allow animals to lay down more fat than say, a grain diet and finally genetics. In New Zealand there has been a huge focus on breeding animals that grow faster, which is ideal for our grass fed system. However the cost of this is that fast growing animals are generally leaner as it costs significantly more energy to lay down fat than muscle. This means that if you have two animals that are similar in every way but one lays more fat down than the other it will also be slower growing. As lamb continues to increase in price there has been more and more discussion about eating enjoyment and what constitutes good eating lamb. Certainly some IMF adds to the juiciness of the lamb and omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids certainly improve the flavour of the lamb. There is also research mainly in merino sheep that shows ewes that carry a bit more sub cutaneous fat are more robust and productive especially in challenging environments. Given there is a strong correlation between sub cutaneous fat and IMF it could follow that these animals as lambs would also have more IMF. So there is a balance between growing more and more muscle quickly and having an adequate level of IMF so every eating experience of lamb is a good one. There is no question that some breeds are better than others especially our early maturing terminal sire breeds such as Southdown. However no one likes to see lamb in the butchers or super market that carries an excess amount of fat, so it important to get the balance right. As I mentioned we can do much in this regard through management. Selling lambs before they lay down excess amounts of fat or over mature, using clover based diets to grow lambs faster with better levels of IMF, wether lambs have more IMF than entire lambs, breed selection and others. The however in the end it is always the market. Wholesalers and retailers need to be able to assess superior eating lamb and offer it at a premium reflecting its quality and of course pay the farmer more for it. There has been a lot of work done on branding lamb and educating the consumer as to how it was produced and why it is good for you. But in my experience most people buy lamb because it is bloody enjoyable to eat and want to 42

know that the good money they are paying for the lamb will give them the eating experience they expect. So what is Lincoln University? We have undertaken a three year trial with ram breeders including Perendales, Texel’s, Southdown, Romney’s and Beltex to look at five different genes that we know have some effect on IMF. All lambs will be fully recorded including pedigree. We are working with a processor who can measure IMF while processing the lamb. Our aim is, identify and quantify one or more genes that can be used to select for better IMF and that is commercially viable for the stud breeder to use. Secondly work with the processor to identify the higher returns needed by farmers to bred for higher IMF. We are also looking into whether we can match ultra sound back scanning and CT scanning with what we are seeing when the lamb is processed in regard to IMF. The outcome we hope will be a commercial gene test that stud breeders can use to aid in the selection for better IMF if that is one of the selection criteria and to get processor to start providing market signals regarding IMF and what they are prepared to pay for it.

With many thanks to John Bates, Lincoln University for providing this article.


Champion Male Exhibit and Best Shearling Poll Ram, May Fair, 2018 David Lewis’ Pembroke Zupreme, Z172,

Champion Horn Exhibit, & Best Single Horn Ram Lamb May Fair, 2018, Ben Lamb’s Richhill Axel, A1022


BREED DIRECTORY Mr S Alderson Paddock Leach Barn Cockey Moor Road Ainsworth Bolton, Lancashire BL2 5PX

(Paddock Leach)

Miss Louise Crowther The Grange Buckenhill Bromyard, Herefordshire HR7 4PG



07976 877978 (Lou) 07909 793455 (Matt) e-mail: Facebook@buckenhillpolldorsethorn.

Tel: 01617 620430/07812 210701 e-mail: P W Baker & Son Deepmead Eastfield Farm East Chinnock Yeovil, Somerset BA22 9EP


Mr S Driver 9 Sandy Lane Chisworth Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 5RZ

(Sandy Lane)

Tel: 01935 863160/07977 273568 e-mail:

Tel: 07811 141860 e-mail:

V P, M & A Care Lower Lydcott Farm Widegates Liskeard, Cornwall PL13 1QJ

Jim & Joe Dufosee Farnicombe Farm Upton Scudamore Warminster, Wilts BA12 0AD


Tel: 01209 831738 (Matt)/07875 558489 (Adam) e-mail:


Tel: 01985 214559 Mobile: 07525 208053 (Joe) Mobile: 07977 121169 (Jim) e-mail:

W & K Carson (Downkillybegs) 161 Whitesides Road Downkillybegs Ballymena County Antrim, Northern Ireland BT42 2JG

Fooks Bros. Manor Farm North Poorton Bridport, Dorset DT6 3TH

Tel: 07841 746705 Fax: 028 256 41711 e-mail:


Tel: 01308 485509 e-mail:

Centurion c/o Mr G Langford

W L French Higher Scarsick Treneglos Launceston, Cornwall PL15 8UH

Tel: 01823 680086


Tel: 01566 781372/07870 981118 e-mail: 45

BREED DIRECTORY Mrs S & Mr J Gray Goit Stock Farm Eastfield Lane Burley in Wharfdale Ilkley, Yorkshire LS29 7QU


J H Kemball & Son Wantisden Hall Farms Wantisden Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 3PG

Tel: 01394 450588 Fax: 01394 450162 Mobile: 07970 240855 email:

Tel: 01943 864476/07717 623052 e-mail: Harrison & Hetherington Borderway Mart Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 2RS

Andrew & Chris Kingdon (Polgreen) Kingdon’s Farm Gummows Shop Summercourt Newquay, Cornwall TR8 4PP

Tel: 01228 406200 e-mail: R & R Hole Hill Street Farm Holwell Sherborne, Dorset DT9 5LJ


Tel: 01872 510636


Kivells Exeter Livestock Centre Matford Park Road Exeter, Devon EX2 8FD

Tel: 01963 23263/07813 97505 e-mail:

Tel: 01392 251261 e-mail:

R D & D E Huxter Westercombe Sandford Crediton, Devon EX17 4EN

G & A B Langford Great Garlandhayes Farm Clayhidon Cullompton, Devon EX15 3TT

(South Ham)

Tel: 01363 775570 e-mail:


Tel: 01823 680086/07771 984966 e-mail:

Miss C A Johnson (Bamburgh) Fowberry Farm Bamburgh, Northumberland NE69 7AT

Joe Larder Walden Acres Byeways Lane Sandford, Somerset BS25 5PG

Tel: 01668 214421/07850 881992 e-mail:


Tel: 01934 852196/07824 333995 e-mail:


BREED DIRECTORY J B May & Son Coombe Farm Sweets House Bodmin, Cornwall PL30 5AL


Northern Ireland Dorset Club c/o William Carson Tel: 07841 746705 Fax: 028 256 41711 e-mail:

Tel: 01208 872417/07773 191633 e-mail: McCartneys The Heath Meadow Worcester WR4 0SQ

Mr & Mrs T W L Pratt Hamble House Marlesford Lane Hacheston Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 0DP

Tel: 01905 769770 e-mail: Mr A Morton Stobilee Farm Cleghorn Lanarkshire, Scotland ML11 7SL


Tel: 01728 747368/07970 240855 e-mail:

(Stobilee) D & D Rankine Ltd. 18 Kenilworth Terrace Lochore Lochgelly Fife, Scotland KY5 8EJ

Tel: 01555 870437/07921 249781 e-mail:

(Dun Eideann)

Tel: 07852 724440 e-mail:

Mr & Mrs B Muncaster (Thornbank) Thornbank Farms, Thornbank Gosforth Seascale, Cumbria CA20 1HT

R & D Rossiter Burton Galmpton Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 3EY

Tel: 01946 725207/07736 596461 e-mail:


Tel: 01548 561210/07549 938198 (Richard) e-mail:

Northern Dorset Breeders Club c/o Mr A Steff/Mrs K Hodgson

Mr J Royan The Granary Putton Mill Duns Berwickshire, Scotland TD11 3HT

Tel: 01282 411154/07970 920220 (Alec) Tel: 01586 552513/07988 885120 (Karen) e-mail: e-mail:


Tel: 01361 882991/07786 150637 e-mail: Facebook@BennachiePollDorsets


BREED DIRECTORY Mrs M Sheed Aldinnie, Essie Crescent Rhynie Huntly Aberdeenshire, Scotland AB54 4GS


Tel: 01464 861152/07810 277110 e-mail: Facebook - StrathbogiePollDorsets Signet c/o Emma Steele Tel: 0247 6478829 e-mail: David J Thomas & Son Treguddick South Petherwin Launceston, Cornwall PL15 7JN


Tel: 01566 86201/86770/07977 058184 e-mail: (Mark) e-mail: (David) C H Trace & Son Gortleigh Farm Sheepwash Beaworthy, Devon EX21 5HU


Tel: 01409 231291 e-mail: Welsh Dorset Club c/o Gwylon Evans Tel: 07977 863631


GUIDE TO COSTS AS AT 1 JANUARY, 2019 (These costs are correct at time of printing, but may be subject to alteration by Council at any future date). Item


Annual Subscription Annual Subscription (Junior, 16 and under) Associate Membership Ewe Registration Individual ram registration Sale entry fee for Rams at May Fair Sale entry fee for individual females at May Fair Pens of females at May Fair Pro forma pads for ram registration Approved Ewe Inspection Fee Approved Ewe inspection cost per ewe

£60 £10 (for first three years) £25 (to include Flock Book) £2.00/female (under 12 months) £2.60/female (over 12 months) £20.00 per head £10.00 per head £5.00 per head £10.00 per vendor Free of charge £25.00 £2.50 per ewe

COST OF TATTOOING EQUIPMENT Tattooing Forceps Hire of Special tattoo block Letters & Numbers Blanks Green paste – 2oz. tube

£85.00 (2nd hand, if available, £40) £43.00 £5.00 each £2.00 each £8.40 SALES LIST

Hard Back Flock Book Badge Ties Trailer Sticker – red logo Windscreen Sticker – red logo Beanie Mugs Caps Record Cards The Baa Book History of the Dorset Horn Book Clothing – Softshell Jacket Sweatshirt Polo Shirt Hoody

£25.00 £0.50 £10.00 £1.25 £0.32 £4.17 £3.75 £6.25 £0.10 £2.50 £5.40 Details and prices on request

Postage and packing will be charged on above items. All prices are plus VAT.




Applications for the Registration of Sheep are received only on the understanding that the applicant agrees to the inspection of their flock, if considered necessary by the Council, and that they agree to abide by the decision of the Council as to the eligibility of their flock for entry, and that they agree to pay the expenses of such an inspection if the Inspecting Committee decide that such a flock are not pure Dorset Horns or Poll Dorsets.


No flock shall be eligible for entry except such as shall be proved to be true Dorset Horns or Poll Dorsets.


The Council reserve the right of declining the right of any entry.

As of 1st September, 2012 members have been given the option of tattooing or tagging their sheep for Society identification. You will be given a Society flock number which ever option you choose. If members wish to tattoo you will be issued with a tattoo block with your own personal number on it at a cost of £43. Other tattooing equipment is available from the Breed Society office. If members wish to tag, the tag must include your society flock number and year letter (appropriate to the year of birth). Please tick below which option you are choosing as appropriate, and send a cheque made payable to DH & PD SBA with the full amount with your application form. A receipt will be sent. I HEREBY APPLY to be admitted a member of the DORSET HORN & POLL DORSET SHEEP BREEDERS’ASSOCIATION and agree, when elected, to abide by the bye-laws of the Association. Adult:

£60 per annum plus VAT at the current rate (Tagging) = £60 + VAT (50% for those that join in February - £30 + VAT = £36.00)


£60 per annum plus VAT at the current rate (Tattooing) £43 for Tattoo block plus VAT = £103 + VAT


£10 per annum for first three years (16 & under) Please state date of birth:

(Tagging) = £10 + VAT _______________________


£10 per annum for first three years £43 for Tattoo block plus VAT (16 & under) Please state date of birth:

(Tattooing) = £53 + VAT _______________________

Associate Membership :

£30 + VAT = 36.00

Renewal of Membership fees fall due on 1 September each year. NAME:



……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………….

TELEPHONE: ……………………………………. Fax:


POST CODE: ………..……………………………… e-mail:…………………………….............................. UK Flock No…………………………………………

PROPOSED PREFIX: 1st choice : …………………………… 2nd choice : ………………………………


YES/NO (Please delete as appropriate)


When completed please tear out and return to The Breed Secretary, Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset Sheep Breeders’ Office, Agriculture House, Acland Road, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1EF DORSET HORN/POLL DORSET FLOCK established by the purchase of: Quantity




The Flock now consists of : …….… Ewes …….… Hoggets ….…… Rams & Ram Lambs N.B. ONLY ANIMALS WHICH ARE TATTOOED OR TAGGED IN THEIR EARS WITH THE APPROPRIATE FLOCK NUMBER AND YEAR LETTER ARE ELIGIBLE FOR REGISTRATION. Where did you hear about the Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset Society?: Website:


May Fair:


Breed Stand at Agricultural Show:


If Yes, which show:




If Yes, which one:


Word of mouth:


Other (please specify):

______________________________ 52




……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..



UK Flock No.:


TEL. NO.: …………………………..

e-mail: ……………………………………………….



FLOCK NUMBER: …………………….


2ND CHOICE : ………………………….

INSPECTION All sheep to be inspected must be female and over 6 months of age. They will be inspected by an Association Inspector and will be required to be of a high standard. If accepted for registration they will be ear-tagged and known as Approved Sheep. Their progeny, if sired by a registered ram, will be eligible for full pedigree status. Ear-tagging will be carried out by the Association’s Inspector at the owner’s risk. Please make sure clean water and disinfectant are available. Fee: £25 inspection fee mainland UK & Northern Ireland (other areas – prices on application) plus £2.50 per ewe, plus VAT at 20% must be paid in advance and sent with this application form. We will issue an invoice/receipt for this. In the case of rejection, or, if for any reason any ewes to be inspected are unavailable, the fee is nonrefundable. As of 1st September, 2012 members have been given the option of tattooing or tagging their sheep for Society identification. You will be given a Society flock number which ever option you choose. If members wish to tattoo you will be issued with a tattoo block with your own personal number on it at a cost of £43. Other tattooing equipment is available from the Breed Society office. If members wish to tag, the tag must include your society flock number and year letter (appropriate to the year of birth). Please tick below which option you are choosing once your ewes have been approved. Tattooing


New Flocks which are approved following inspection will have their first year’s subscription to the Association and the Flock Book free of charge. 53



Monday, 25th March

May Fair

Tuesday, 7th & Wednesday 8th May

Welsh Sheep

Tuesday, 21st May

North Sheep

Wednesday, 5th June

NSA Highland Sheep

Wednesday, 12th June

National Dorset Show (in conjunction with Royal Three Counties Show)

Saturday, 15th June

Sheep South West

Tuesday, 18th June

Llandovery Show & Sale

Saturday, 29th June

NSA Sheep, NI

Monday, 1st July

Stirling Show & Sale

Wednesday, 3rd July

Worcester Show & Sale

Saturday, 13th July

47th NI Annual Premier Export Show & Sale

Monday, 29th July

8th Hilltown EU Export Show & Sale

Friday, 9th August

Gisburn Show & Sale

Saturday, 10th August

4th Omagh Show & Sale

Friday, 16th August

Carlisle Show & Sale

Friday, 30th August

30th NI Autumn Show & Sale

Monday, 7th October



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