CSL - Biomethane Brochure

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cng services ltd The UK's Independent Biomethane Experts

cng services ltd

There are five main technologies available to convert Biogas into Biomethane:•

Water wash technology

CNG Services Ltd provides expert and up to the minute

Pressure Swing Adsorption

independent design, consultancy and project management

Chemical Absorption

services for all your Biomethane and Biogas project require-

Cryogenic Upgrading

ments. We are experts in the financial incentives available

Membrane Separation

for renewable methane used to generate electricity, as a vehicle fuel or for injection into the gas grid. With an indepth knowledge of the regulatory requirements and technologies

Making Biomethane

of Biomethane production we can ensure a smooth transition from drawing board to commissioning.

design, consultancy and project management As an independent consultant CNG Services has spent considerable time assessing the merits and applications of the various clean up technologies available to turn your biogas into a cleaned, upgraded product and to assess the best use for Biomethane. Whether it be exporting to the gas grid, utilising in CHP plants, or used as a road fuel and advising on the increasing range of biomethane fuelled vehicles available. Your ideal solution may be a combination of these depending on your individual circumstances and CNG Services can guide you through the entire process.

Biomethane Natural gas contains around 90% methane, the remaining 10% is a mixture of ethane, propane, butane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and many other trace constituents. Biogas from an anaerobic digester typically contains around 65% methane and 35% carbon dioxide but with suitable processing the carbon dioxide can be removed resulting in a gas stream that contains up to 98% methane…Biomethane. A clean, simple and renewable energy source. If you want to use your Anaerobic Digester to produce and use biomethane, CNG Services are uniquely placed to steer you through the many technologies available. Our team has many years of experience in gas processing, CHP, gas quality, gas grid connections and in negotiating gas sales agreements. We are also experts in relation to Biomethane as a vehicle fuel in both liquid and compressed forms.

The different clean up methods produce between 92% and 99% Biomethane and the choice of technology can be affected by many factors; feedstock, site requirements, planning, utilisation, heat availability, availability of grid connections, fleet needs, costs etc. CNG Services can provide the support to enable you to make the correct decisions for your site, resulting in a financially sound, environmentally friendly solution. We have expert knowledge of all the technologies and can provide detailed information on the relative benefits of each process.

Didcot - A UK First CNG Services Ltd was designer and project manager for a venture with Thames Water, Scotia Gas Networks and Centrica in the UK's first Biomethane to Grid ("BtG") plant at Thames Water's sewage works at Didcot. The project was conceived by CNG Services in early 2009 and represents an important milestone in the development of UK renewable energy, showcasing technologies previously only available in countries such as Sweden and Germany.

Gas Upgrading, Monitoring & Metering Biomethane has a calorific value of around 36MJ/M3 and is odorless. In order to use the gas some further processing must take place. For injection into the grid, Biomethane requires a calorific value of around 39MJ/M3 and a small amount of propane and odorant must be added to enrich the gas and to comply with Health and Safety legislation.

RHI Summary The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) offers premium payments for heat generated using renewable methods such as anaerobic digestion, heat from CHP and injection of biomethane to the gas grid. The scheme is now in place, with biomethane to grid projects receiving a tariff of 6.8p per kWh. CNG Services Ltd has a detailed understanding of the RHI scheme and can advise you on the rules and regulations involved to ensure your project meets the eligibility criteria.

CNG Services has developed a system to add the correct amount of propane to meet the target calorific value set by the gas grid. For best practice, odorant should also be added to Biomethane dispensed as a vehicle fuel. It is essential that Biomethane quality is maintained and controlled. Systems must be in place to ensure that the gas is both safe and suitable for its application.CNG Services has developed its own specification to satisfy the requirements of the gas grids.

Next Steps CNG Services Ltd is the UK's leading independent Biomethane consultancy that can provide total support from initial feasibility, design, costing, procurement and project management, gas contracts through to commisioning, giving you peace of mind and technical excellence throughout the project.

Selected Biomethane Projects: Site


CNG Services Scope


Severn Trent

Concept development and feasibility study for project to inject gas into gas grid


Scotia Gas Networks, Thames Feasibility Study, Design and Project Management of biomethane to grid project Water and Centrica that is taking flared biogas and injecting it into gas grid


The Carbon Trust

Review of technologies and associated capital and operating costs for gas clean-up and upgrading



Feasibility study for biomethane to grid project


Potters Waste/Centrica

Project to clean-up and upgrade landfill gas and inject into WWU grid

Adnams Brewery Bio-group/Centrica

Support in relation to gas clean-up, upgrading and grid injection



Feasibility study to review use of road trailers to transport biogas and biomethane


Northern Gas Networks

Feasibility study to review use of gas compression to increase the capacity of the NGN grid to accept higher biomethane flows



Feasibility study in relation to gasification of biomass and its conversion into Bio-SNG and injected into the gas grid



Feasibility Study in relation to utilisation of biogas - vehicles, grid injection, use as biogas to raise steam


Sheffield City Council

Feasibility Study in relation to use of biomethane as a vehicle fuel


Scottish Water, Kelda, Biogen Greenfinch

Development and demonstration of compressed biomethane (CBM) as a vehicle fuel trial

CNG Services Ltd is a member of a number of trade associations that are supporting the development of Biomethane in the UK:

"Up to half the country’s domestic gas heating could be met by turning waste into biogas"

C on t a c t :

National Grid Press Release - February 2009

J o h n B al dw in , M an agin g D ir ecto r

V ir g in i a H o u s e 5 6 Wa r w i c k R o a d O l t on B9 2 7 HX e ma il : j o h n . b a ld w in @cn gs er vices .co .u k tel: 0121 707 336 9 mob: 07831 24121 7 w e b: w w w. c n gs e r vice s .co .u k

C N G S e rv i ce s L t d i s re g i ster ed in en glan d. No . 4683805 Re g . O ffi ce 3 7 St . B e rna rds Ro ad, Olto n , So lih u ll B92 7AX

"We're delighted that the Government will provide support to make investment in biomethane commercially viable. With 85 per cent of homes heated by natural gas, this is a fantastic opportunity to deliver renewable heat through our existing gas network and central heating boilers." British Gas Press Release - February 2010

"Anaerobic digestion has fantastic potential because it uses organic material that would otherwise be thrown away and converts it into renewable energy" Hilary Benn - Environment Secretary - March 2010

"BtG is good for the UK in many respects -in addition to reducing global warming, it is helping to create jobs in a new British manufacturing industry, reducing waste to landfil, increasing UK security of gas supply, helping the balance of payments and utilising the jewel in the crown which is the UK gas grid" Martin Orrill - Head of Energy Technology and Innovation, Centrica - April 2010

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