Dairy Shorthorn Newsletter August 2015

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Congratulations to IRG Collins and Partners on their recent show success first at the Cheshire Show, the 5th National Dairy show. With Champion Churchroyd Peggy 19 sired by Nejay Prince 4, undefeated from her win last year and top in the Interbreed class with Churchroyd Heather 43 and her daughter Churchroyd Heather 69. Their winning streak continued at the Great Yorkshire Show where they won Champion here too also with Champion at Cheshire Show—Churchroyd Peggy 19 Churchroyd Peggy 19 plus Reserve Champion with Churchroyd Pamela 15 and Honorable Champion was Churchroyd Bronte Wildeyes 41. Well done to all who entered the shows this year as the classes have grown in size and this has provided a great turn out at the shows, especially Royal Highland, Great Yorkshire and Royal Welsh. Well done to E Crank for Reserve Champion at the Cheshire Show with Avondale Ada 4 and R & S Morgan Champion at the Royal Welsh show with Dee Lady Hermione 5, Finally congratulations to Messrs Robinson with Strickley Barrington Dot 21, Champion at the Royal Highland Show.

AUGUST 2015 DAIRY NEWSLETTER Journal 2015 With many shows taking place this year we have already began to format the Journal for 2016. Please can we remind people to submit their reports, any regional herd visits or reports, club herd competition results and reports along with any photos to claire@shorthorn.co.uk for preparation towards this years Journal, as the deadline of October is fast approaching. In relation to adverts the price remains at the very reasonable rate of £125 per page. If you have not advertised before we urge you to consider putting an advert in this year. It is the most effective way of promoting your herd to other interested people and is a service we provide for our members. The cost of the advert barely covers the cost of printing. Please submit all adverts to claire@shorthorn.co.uk These adverts will also displayed on our website once the Journal is released.

Reserve Champion at Cheshire Show - Avondale Ada 4

Champion - Strickley Barrington Dot 21.

If you require help with formatting an advert please send the required wording and photos to claire@shorthorn.co.uk and we will produce a “Proof” advert for you to view and submit once the design is agreed. We also have a page of small classified adverts in the journal which are available at the very reasonable price of £50 +VAT. Do you think any of your suppliers would consider taking out one of these adverts? The size is 9cms x 6cms landscape. If you could persuade any of your suppliers to take out an advert please let us have contact details or ask them to contact us at the

office. All commercial adverts are a great help in financing the journal and would help to keep the cost of members adverts to a minimum.

Coates Herd Book 2014 The 2014 Coates Herd Book Vol 161 is now available. Please phone the office to order a copy 02476 696549

Website Please take a look at the new “Clubs” page on the website. Here you will find all the contact details of the members of each region and all the information regarding their events, herd visits, judging days and any other activities. So please send in any information regarding your regions club today to claire@ shorthorn.co.uk.

Events 2015 UK Dairy Day at Telford International Centre: Wednesday 16th September 2015 South West Dairy Show (The Dairy Show): Wednesday 7th October 2015 All Breeds All Britain Calf Show at Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire: 16th -18th October 2015 Show & Sale at Beeston Agricultural Centre: Friday 23rd October 2015 PhotographCompetition: Wednesday 4th November 2015 see overleaf for details.

Champion at Royal Welsh - Dee Lady Hermione 5



Photo Competition 2015

Red Cattle Genetics

Don’t forget your entries for the annual Photographic Competition. Download a full schedule and entry form from the Website or call Claire at the office for a posted copy. Rules and classes below. Closing date is Monday 26th October 2015. Judges to be Mr N Madeley & Mr B Tomlinson.

At this years Cheshire Show nearly all the winners were sired by RCG bulls which is a great achievement and shows the quality of straws we have on offer, bulls such as: Drisgol Watzon, Drisgol Madonnas Prince, Churchroyd King Willie, Nejay Prince 4th, Strickley True Perfection, Hooton Envoy, Lisnamulligan Fairway & Panorama Landmine and we continue to provide new young bulls with the latest on offer being Rodway Ronson, now available and hopefully Sexed straws too in the near future. Our latest offer to customers is free delivery on any orders of 30 straws or more on Dairy straws. Please remember to order your semen requirements from the office on 02476 696549. The latest brochure can be found on the website or contact us for a posted copy. We are also pleased to announce that on the RCG website there are now links on each bull taking you to valuable sites such as AHDB Dairy (DairyCo) and Abri where information regarding each bull can be obtained. In helping with your decision. Please take a look. Rodway Ronson

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Herd books

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We have been advised of a late members collection of Herd books . The member was JE Gold, and his father MJE Gold, Hemlingford Herd. The collection includes a complete run of the Coates Herd Book from Vol 26 (Oct 1880) to Vol 120 (1974), separate BULLS volumes 53-57), complete (except for 1944) run of the Dairy Shorthorn Year Book from 1927/28 to 1960, and the Shorthorn Society grading register volumes 27-36. If any one is interested in this collection please contact Kate Gold at kategold24@gmail.com

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Herds We have received an enquiry in


the office from a Barbara Powell 07780 671462 who is wishing to increase the size of her Dairy herd and so is looking for 20 milking Shorthorn cows. Please call her if you can offer any assistance.



Rules: Every entry must be accompanied by a completed and signed entry form. Late entries will not be accepted. Entries can be either hard copies, by email or saved to disc as jpegs. Please mark all Photographs with a number and animals name corresponding to the entry list. Where the photo is of the scenic type, mark with number and exhibitors name All animals must be registered with the Shorthorn Society and contain 25% or above Shorthorn blood and be of shorthorn colour. Allthphotographs must have been taken between October 20th 2014 and October 24 2015 inclusive. Photographs can be amateur or professional and may have been taken at shows. Animals can be presented haltered or un-haltered and in a clipped or unclipped state. Entries will only be accepted from paid up members of the Shorthorn Society. Each entry needs only to be photographed from one angle. In the event of a limited number of entries the Society reserves the right to amalgamate classes. Classes: Calf born in 2015 Calf born 01/07/14 to 31/12/14. Calf born 01/01/14 to 30/06/14. Heifer in milk to first calving. Cow born in 2012 having had 2 calvings. Cow born in 2011. Cow born in 2010 Last years winner - Elkington Barrington 30 Cow born in 2009 st Cow born before 1 January 2009 Best dairy shorthorn female sired by RCG bull (An RCG bull is defined as any bull whose semen has been available through RCG) Scenic photo including one or more dairy shorthorn cattle .

There will be an overall Champion, Reserve Champion and Honourable Mention. Prize winners will be published in the Shorthorn Journal


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