THE DORSET HORN AND POLL DORSET The Dorset Horn sheep is one of the earliest recorded breeds of British Sheep with the first Flock Book being established in 1892, and its adaptability was soon recognised world wide. The Australians, noted for their shepherding skills, soon realised the potential of the sheep to improve their existing stock and imported the Dorset Horn. With their vast acreage and minimal management techniques the viability of producing a hornless Dorset was of prime interest. This, they achieved and the Poll Dorset emerged to provide the sheep now so much in demand throughout the world. In the mid 1950s a far sighted Dorset breeder, “Bunny” Lenthall, decided to investigate the potential of the Poll Dorset and, after a visit to Australia, returned with two stud rams. In the UK the Poll Dorset now out numbers its illustrious ancestor but all the attributes of the Dorset Horn still apply to both. Today, the breed has moved on retaining all the same characteristics but is assisted by up-to-date techniques of record keeping such as that provided by Signet. The Association’s first Patroness in 1892 was Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, and with this strong foundation it has grown world wide to promote the breed internationally via shows and the media to maintain the breed’s profile. These are challenging times indeed for the flock master who has to face increased costs and lower profit margins. What can he do to protect his interests and face the future with hope? The obvious answer is to look for a breed of sheep that will improve profit margins, reduce overheads and fit in with other farming enterprises. Ideally it should be prolific, easy to handle, hardy, versatile, able to breed at any time of the year and not reliant on a high level of additional nutrition.
If you are looking for a sheep that is adaptable to any climate or altitude, with a fleece that many breeds would like to aspire to, then this is your sheep. The sheep will provide a regular cash flow by producing lambs frequently, if you wish, three times in two years. It has an economically produced carcass sought after by the retailer and housewife, whose discerning taste is the ultimate challenge. If you prefer cross breeding, choose a ewe or ram that will pass many of the above characteristics on to its first cross females, hence improving your profit margins on your existing stock. If this is your aim, then look no further than the Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset Sheep. The Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset Sheep Breeders’ Association goes from strength to strength towards new frontiers, promoting the ultimate breed in the twenty first century. The Annual May Fair is the premier Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset Sale when a large selection of top quality rams and ewes are available. The Fair takes place in May over a two day period with the Show on the first day and the Sale on the second day and provides the spectator with a view of the best stock available. All the sheep entered in the Show are subsequently sold through the ring on the second day. Many of the Association’s breeders are involved in Registered Health Schemes for Maedi Visna and Scrapie Monitored Negative Accreditation and are able to provide stock for the home or export market.
CREATING YOUR FLOCK Choosing the right Breed If you are to be involved with sheep for the first time or are considering a change of breed, it is of utmost importance that you choose a breed that has potential but is also easy to manage. Take a close look at your locality and the land on which you keep your livestock, and any other farming/recreational facilities with which you are involved. It is imperative that your sheep fit your requirements whether they be location, economic or personal preference as to type. If you require a sheep to fit in with your dairy system or for the full utilisation of buildings or pasture then look no further. The Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset Sheep is an obvious choice for virtually any sheep enterprise large or small as it is so adaptable and will dovetail into any existing system. Lambing can take place at any time of year to suit your requirements due to the frequent breeding characteristic of both the ewes and the rams. The lambs are early maturing and require little extra feeding to obtain “finished weights”. OBTAINING GOOD FOUNDATION STOCK Apart from the Annual May Fair which is held at Exeter Market, Exeter, Devon, other recognised Breed Sales take place at Exeter, Liskeard, Llandovery, Worcester, Carlisle, and in Northern Ireland during the summer months. It is advisable to buy registered stock from a registered breeder to create your own registered flock as this is a stipulation of membership. The Breed Secretary will be pleased to supply a list of registered breeders in your area on request. RECORDING YOUR FLOCK There are several systems of record keeping available depending on your requirements. Some, such as the Signet system are computerised or a simple card system may be perfectly adequate for your needs. The Association can help assess your needs or even supply you with a card system. It is essential that records be kept with regard to the sire and dam of offspring and that lambs are given an individual identity number to ascertain this. A “year letter” is used to identify the year of birth (e.g. the letter Z for 2001) followed by the individual identity number. This enables any animal’s blood line to be traced back. This can be done by either tagging or tattooing – if members choose to tattoo it is an Association requirement that the member’s Society Flock number be tattooed onto one ear and the year letter appertaining to the year of their birth and individual number in the other ear. If members choose to tag, the members Society flock number and year letter must be included on the tag. In addition to recording the sex, identity and parentage of an animal any additional information can be added such as birth details or medication. Weights can also be recorded to ascertain performance with regard to Sires, and this will enable you to build an accurate profile of each animal and ascertain its costing and viability within the flock. SELECTING YOUR STUD RAMS Ideally the new breeder will have bought the best quality ewes that they can afford, but we do not live in an ideal world and there is always room for improvement. A careful inspection of the ewes to be mated should therefore be made before selecting a ram, to ascertain any potential weakness that may be present. The appropriate sire can then be selected with a view to correcting or accentuating any point. Always remember that a ram is equivalent to half your flock and his offspring will show this. Size is not of prime importance in a ram but conformation is. A Sire Reference Scheme has been established and is available to members of the Association, and many members have semen and embryos available. For information on any of the above please contact the Secretary. 2
MV Accredited Signet Recorded Established Polls 1982, Horns 2003
Reliable and consistently strong stock, rams and females, available from this hardy, prolific flock, which specialises in frequent lambing on a grass-based system. Roger & Dodie Huxter Welland Down Farm Sandford, Crediton Devon EX17 4EN Tel/Fax : 01363 775928 e-mail:
STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE FOR POLL DORSET AND DORSET HORN RAMS Bold, masculine appearance, with good length, strength and of robust character, and head of great beauty. With regard to the Horn Ram, strong and long horns growing from the head well apart on the crown in a straight line with each other and coming downwards and forwards in graceful curves as close to the face as may be without cutting. EWES Appearance bright with feminine characteristics. With regard to the Horn Ewe the horns much smaller and more delicate that in the Ram. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS HEAD:
Broad, full and open at the nostril, well covered with wool from brow to poll, face white with pink nose and lips free from pigmentation.
Medium size, white and firm, well covered with hair.
Even, well set jaw with flat chisel shaped teeth, meeting a wide pad with a firm bite.
Short to medium length and round, well sprung from the shoulders, with no depression at collar, strong and muscular, especially in the Ram.
Well forward, full and deep.
Full, with no depression behind the shoulders.
Well laid and compact.
Broad, long and straight, with well sprung ribs.
Full, broad and deep with flesh extending to the hocks and well muscled thighs.
Well set up in a line with the back, wide, firm and fleshy.
Well sprung from the back and deep at the sides.
Medium length, well placed at the four quarters and free moving, straight between the joints, with strong bone, well woolled to the knees and hocks with pasterns well set up and straight.
Fine “down� type wool, dense and firm handling, free from kemp and colour.
White, with pink skin.
Bold, masculine appearance, and may weigh up to 113.5 kg (250lbs) when mature.
Medium size and naturally prolific, so that depending on management, lamb crops may attain any figure from 130% - 170% or more. Growth rates of up to 0.45 kg (1lb) per day are frequently recorded producing carcasses from 16 kg (34 – 36lb) dressed carcass weight at 10 – 16 weeks of age. Ewes have a bright appearance, skin colour is pink, whilst the face, legs and ears are white.
Fleece of good staple and quality, compact and firm to the touch.
The breed is recognised for its docility and ability to breed naturally out of season. This wide breeding pattern allows the ewes to take the ram at most times of the year and they are ideally suited to lambing three times in two years. The outstanding milking ability means that lambs will finish sooner with little, or no additional feeding. The Dorset is noted for its early maturity in both the males and females. It is also a long lived breed and this combined with its longevity gives a highly productive and profitable sheep. The rams are noted as being especially active workers and increasing use is being made of them as prime lamb sires. This prime lamb makes an excellent carcass for the present requirements and is available at any time of the year, and therefore times of peak market prices. Dorset ewes have excellent maternal characteristics as well as being milky and produce a good return on investment being early maturing and long lived. Versatility and adaptability come naturally to the Dorset for climate, altitude, traditional or intensive production methods. RULES FOR SHOWING The official breeding year begins on 1st September and ends on 31st August. All sheep born prior to the current year must be bare shorn from 1st February with exception of female sales in April or May of current year, unless stated otherwise in the show schedule. Lambs may be exhibited in the wool or shorn. The age of Rams and Ewes to be determined by year letter (not teeth). Lambs must have NO adult teeth breaking the gum surface. All sheep must have Flock Number tattoo in one ear and the year letter appertaining to the year of their birth and individual number in the other ear. At the shows after 1st September the judge must use their discretion. Dress Code : All exhibitors MUST wear white coats whilst showing. MANAGEMENT OF THE BREED INTRODUCTION The objective of the Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset breeder is to have a flock which will lamb regularly lamb out of season and produce the maximum number of lambs for sale, either as well grown breeding ewes or as prime lambs for the current requirements of the meat trade. To achieve this objective replacement breeding stock should be sought from flocks that have regularly lambed at the period you require for the farming calendar. Most breeders will keep precise records of their flock’s performance, thus making your selection easier. 6
Poll Dorsets
Copyright Protected
SIGNET RECORDED MV ACCREDITED Male and female stock available
Good maternal traits. ARR ARR semen from proven Dorset rams available. Contact : Gill and Richard Trace Gortleigh Farm (NW Devon) Tel: 01409 231291
AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, LAND & ESTATE AGENTS Successfully covering an area from
THE COTSWOLDS TO WEST WALES with FIVE LIVESTOCK CENTRES Selling all classes of stock and ½ million Prime lambs annually
PROUD TO BE SELLING DORSET HORN & POLL DORSETS Society Show & Sale WORCESTER Saturday, 11th July 2015 Further details from The Heath Meadow, Nunnery Way, Worcester, WR4 0SQ. Website:
Tel: 01905 769770 Email:
HUISH Genetic Investment ‘A ram is half your flock’
8wk 2.22kg
Downkillybegs Unique U62 ARR/ARR Litter Scan Wt Musc Depth Back Fat Depth 0.09 7.25kg 4.16 0.01
T Sire Index 381
Carries a double copy of the myomax gene enhancing muscle development in the loin chump and hind quarters
Genetic Returns 2014 Within the Huish Flock Champion Worcester Champion Llandovery Exports to Latvia & Germany
Waitrose Commitment 96.9% in Spec 1.6% R3H 1.5% Overweight Semen and Livestock Available for Home and Abroad M.V Accredited Signet Recorded Scrapie Monitored D.W Rossiter Burton Farm, Galmpton, Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 3EY TEL.01548 561210 8
THE FLOCK Whatever time of year you decide to plan your lambing , make sure your ewes are not excessively fat prior to tupping. This can be achieved by intensifying the ewes onto a smaller acreage, condition score, particularly the older and less fit ewes and adjust nutrition accordingly. This will enable you to flush the ewes prior to tupping efficiently. The rams are good workers and are particularly well suited for early covering if used in a commercial flock. Many Dorset ewes will have a slightly shorter gestation period, averaging about 145 days and the first cross females will often inherit the frequent lambing ability. Concentrate feeding prior to lambing need normally be kept to a minimum at most times of the year. If winter lambing is decided upon then some additional feeding will be necessary either in the form of a high energy feed block, as the grass deteriorates, and then a suitable concentrated cereal feed, up to 70 gms (1.5 lbs) per day, plus roughage or roots prior to lambing. SIRES “The ram is more than half of the flock�, so the old phrase goes, and it is certainly as true today, if not more so in these times of tight profit margins. Buy the best rams you can afford and look after them throughout the year. Make sure they are regularly drenched, vaccinated and their feet trimmed. Exercise is always important and do not let them become over fat. Well before tupping check each ram over carefully and a few weeks before use increase their nutrition. EWES The same rules apply for the care of ewes as that of rams, and do not let them get over fat at any time particularly around lambing and weaning the lambs. LAMBING The Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset ewe is an excellent mother and has good milking ability. Flock Masters may need to assist, as with any other breed, hoggets lambing for the first time. Hygiene at lambing time is of paramount importance whether lambing indoors or out, and good record keeping will always assist you to make your flock as profitable and trouble free as possible. FEEDING AFTER LAMBING Traditionally root crop feeding or folding, with a separate creep for the lambs has been practised but more recently with the introduction of precision drilling and pre-emergent sprays etc. many incorporate main root crops like swedes or kales, together with later sowings of stubble turnips and the like. This can lend itself to various arable systems, e.g. early potatoes, winter wheat and barley breaks. Flocks may also be maintained entirely on grass leys, the ewes utilising quality silage or hay during lactation with some concentrates being offered in severe weather conditions of if available feed lacks quality. As with traditional methods lambs should also be given creep feed.
FREQUENT LAMBING SYSTEMS If frequent lambing is to be practised, a high level of management and shepherding is required, but high lambing percentages and outputs are achieved annually and the income per ewe and acreage is rewarding. It has to be asked initially how this will fit it with ones other farming enterprises and the labour available. The aim is for lambing to occur at eight month intervals. OPTIONS 1.
If run on natural lines, with suggested lambings in say November, March and July, with tupping being restricted to 5 weeks maximum at each time, a strict discipline by the Flock Master is required to take rams out at the end thus preventing lambing becoming continuous. A teaser ram running with the ewes for 2/3 weeks prior to tupping can be advantageous as the lactating ewes will have lambs running at foot. The percentage of ewes which conceive may vary at times. Factors which may result in lower conception rates are a low level of nutrition at tupping, or adverse weather conditions, for example, drought. Body scoring of ewes near to these tupping dates, at whatever time of year, can be beneficial, but should be done in time to make whatever adjustments necessary through feeding for optimal conception. A rising of condition is ideal. It is most vital that rams are in prime covering condition. It must also be considered that this system demands additional enclosures in order to keep the level of management at its peak with two ages of ewes and lambs in groups. Female flock replacements can be lambed as hoggets at 16 – 20 months of age or introduced into any lambing batch.
A more scientific approach to frequent lambing of “Dorsets� is also being practised: by synchronising oestrus and the use of vaginal sponges pre-tupping, thereby aiding batch lambing.
Once again a close study of ewe nutrition is vital to successful flushing and through the first month of gestation. The early weaning of lambs at 8 weeks or so has been introduced, resulting in non lactating ewes at tupping. Sheep housing may be practised more with this system, December/January born lambs would be lambed inside, then early weaned and fattened fast for the Easter trade, as may the previous batch born in August/September. The ewes too may be housed or yarded for a large part of the year, enabling a rigid profile of diet and management to be maintained. High profit margins are being achieved on such systems at these.
For further information contact the Breed Secretary.
Performance from Pasture
The best genetics from a hardy, never-housed flock For the superior taste of naturally grown, grass fed lamb Graham, Anne, Joss and Kate invite you to come and see us on farm or at ……………… Centurion Member
Signet Recorded
Maedi Visna Accredited 11
LEAF Member
Flock No. 1050
Established 1973 MV Accredited
Breeding stock available at May Fair, various sales or direct from farm. Hardy stock, reared on the North Cornish coast. All females homebred and vaccinated with Hep P+ Sires Used (All ARR ARR):
Polgreen S600 Poorton Possum P140 Islaharnan Stud S90 Polgreen U900/U901 (Both sons of Tattykeel Blue Print 214-07 (Australian)
Andrew & Chris Kingdon Kingdon’s Farm, Gummows Show, Summercourt, Newquay, Cornwall TR8 4PP Tel: 01872 510636
The Gorgie Flock Established with ewes from Bennachie, Sherborne and Downkillybegs
51 Gorgie Road. Edinburgh EH11 2LA Telephone: 0131 3374202
Sherborne Ultimatum U2141 Connect with us on
Contact: Mobile: e- mail: 12
Denis Rankine 07852 724440
M V Accredited Horns Est. 1959
Polls Est. 1971
Winner of the Medium Flock Competition, 2012 P W Baker & Son Eastfield Farm, East Chinnock, Yeovil, Somerset BA22 9EB Tel: 01935 863160 e-mail: WELSH DORSET CLUB
10th Annual Show & Sale in Llandovery Market ( Clee, Tompkinson & Francis ) Saturday, 27th June 2015
Club Contacts: Chairman: Vice Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Auctioneer:
Rowland Davies 01970 832614 Geraint Jones 01974 261521 Elin Hughes 01974 261521 E M James 01974 821626 Derfel Harries 01550 720440 NEW MEMBERS WELCOMED 13
Est – 1978
Flock Code – C3
POLL DORSETS -: High Health Status Flock:*Quality semen and embryos available for sale from proven lines*
M.V. Accredited
Scrapie Monitored Negative
Downkillybegs Unique – Top price at 2014 May Fair selling at 4,800gns to D W Rossiter
Signet Performance Recorded
Genomic Tested
Downkillybegs Ultimate – Supreme Champion at 2014 May Fair and 2nd top price at 3,500gns to J B Dufosee
Scrapie Genotyped
Loinmax Muscle Genes
Downkillybegs Ulsterman – Supreme Champion at 2014 Carlisle Show & Sale and 2nd top price at 1,200gns to H Cory
Myomax Muscle Genes
Carbon foot Print monitored
Downkillybegs U1 – Supreme Champion at 2014 Hilltown Show & Sale and top priced female at 460gns to M Grant
W & K Carson 161 Whitesides Road, Downkillybegs, Ballymena, County Antrim BT42 2JG Tel: 07841 746705 e-mail: 14
POLL DORSETS Where Conformation and Performance come together MV Accredited
Signet Recorded
Centurion Member
High performance sheep reared commercially on the edge of the Pennines Stock Rams used 2014/15 - Blackhill Trident T835 - Hall Lane Useful One U1454 - Hall lane Upstart U1455 All have Sire indexes over 410 points,
in the top 1% for the breed
Hall Lane Ram Lambs U515 and U1454 at Yorkshire Show 2015
Blackhill Trident,Signet class Champion May Fair 2013 Purchased for 4,500gns
Hall Lane Ulysses U515 NDBC Male champion, Yorkshire Show 2015
Shearling Ewes, Rams & Ram Lambs for sale. Visitors Welcome Call Edwin Pocock on 0114 2364761 / 07710 212753 Totley Hall Farm, Totley Hall Lane, Sheffield, S17 4AA email: 15
BACK TO BASICS Poll Dorset sheep fit into the ‘back to basics’ policy and have paid off for Somerset sheep producer Geof Davey. The easily managed and adaptable breed is paying its way for Geof and his partner Sarah who are helped by their daughters, Abigail, 11, and Olivia, seven, at Bridge Farm, Shepton Mallet, a lowland grass unit in the Mendip Hills. “I always wanted to keep sheep right from when I was at primary school and I used to go to sheep fairs with my dad who had dairy cows. Poll Dorsets were my chosen breed and at the age of ten I got two ewes,” said Geof. Initially farming with his father and mother, Geof took on an eight year farm business tenancy of a 60 acre Somerset County Council farm from 1999 to 2007, initially milking up to 60 cows In 2001 when movement restrictions were in place because of foot and mouth disease prevented him using grass keep and the dairy herd was reduced in favour of the sheep and the foundation of the flock included 49 ewe lambs from Roger Huxter, of Crediton, Devon. The move to the 160 acre Bridge Farm enabled further expansion of the flock from 250 breeding to today’s 870 ewes.
Now the flock is the main focus of the farming enterprise with the majority pure bred Poll Dorset and half the flock registered under the White Woolies prefix. One of the attributes of the Dorset breed is its versatility and ability to lamb at any time of the year, unlike other breeds which naturally lamb in the spring. Geof and Sarah - she also juggles farming with running her own floristry business - have used this to their advantage and they have been lambing the older ewes from September to October with ewe lambs lambing from January to March.
Not only does this enable them to sell prime lambs at a premium early in the new year to a specialist Dorset scheme with a leading supermarket, which they have been doing since 2002, but now they are further improving on the profitability of their farm by rearing beef calves. “Last year we started rearing mainly Hereford - Aberdeen Angus cross calves, buying them at two to three weeks old and selling them at three to four months of age, putting 140 through the system,” said Geof.
“Last year (2014) is the last for lambing the ewe lambs in January-March so all the ewes will be lambed in SeptemberOctober. All the ewes are housed for lambing but by consolidating it all in the autumn, it frees up the housing so that we can keep the calves on until 12 months old and sell them as stores,” said Geof. Geof has a ‘low input - back to basics policy’ and the ewes are fed no concentrates but are given high energy feed buckets before and after lambing. After lambing when the weather is right, the ewes and lambs are turned back out on the autumn pasture. Lambs are not creep fed to prevent poaching of the ground but from mid December lambs rare weaned and housed and fed ad lib on lamb grower finisher pellets from Crediton Milling and barley straw and hay, with most sold from January to March. The finished lambs weigh 17-17.5kg deadweight with the aim of increasing this, grading mainly R3L with some U3L. “We find the September-October lambing suits us and the farm perfectly and if now we can add more value to the calves by keeping them on longer. “I could recommend the system. The lambs don’t need worming and aren’t affected by fly strike because of the time of year. With the lambs being sold by April there is plenty of fresh, spring grass to turn out the rams with the ewes for autumn lamb production. “It means we can keep more ewes throughout the summer grazing period and we scan stock at six ewes to the acre. “That’s the beauty of Dorsets - they lamb when you want them to. You are not working with the sheep - they work for you,” said Geof. 17
On the low-input system, Geof is happy with a lambing percentage of 1.4 lambs born. He says if he had to feed his Dorsets like other commercial ewes it would not be viable. The ewes are easily managed and lambed. In autumn 2013, 52 ewes lambed within 24 hours and nine lambed within half an hour and all had been served naturally. Key inputs are the ewes are wormed/fluked and the ewes are given a trace element drench as well as an MoT to check teeth and udders and trim feet before the rams are let loose. The ratio for rams to ewes has been reduced from 1-50-60 ewes to 1-30 ewes which helps with productivity. Currently 25 pedigree registered Dorset rams and five ram lambs purchased from Joe Larder, of Sandford, Somerset, are run with the ewes. The majority of the ewe lambs are sold finished with a few retained as flock replacements. Some selective purchases are made for replacement females. Both Geof and Sarah’s daughters are enthusiastic about the Dorsets and show them at their local Shepton Mallet Show - last year they showed nine sheep and came home with ten rosettes. Geof said: “I’m dedicated to my sheep 24-7 which are also a hobby and, in fact, going to the May Fair in Exeter is my holiday!” ************************************************************************
56 years actively promoting Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset Sheep in Northern Ireland and further afield. 2015 N.I. Dorset Club Events 30th March 6th July 27th July 14th August 22nd August 14th October
2nd Annual Spring Ram Sale NSA – Sheep N.I. 43rd Annual Premier GB Export Sale 4th Annual EU Export Sale Inaugural Omagh Show & Sale 26th Annual Autumn Show & Sale
Further details available from: Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary
Michael Maybin Amy McConnell William Carson 19
07712 828811 07729 807679 07841 746705
Est. 1965
M V Accredited
Flock No. 994
Celebrating 50 years of regular frequent lambing
Renowned, Prolific,Frequent Breeders selected Rams from top recorded lines on offer throughout the year Also: THE TREGUDDICK HERD of South Devon Cattle “Mostly Natural Polled” and Red Angus D J Thomas & Son Treguddick Manor, South Petherwin, Launceston, Cornwall PL15 7JN Tel: 01566 86201/86770
What do you want? Profitability Prolificacy Performance
Brian Muncaster or Cathryn Pritt-Muncaster Thornbank, Gosforth, Seascale, Cumbria CA20 1HT TEL: 01946725207
07736596461 or 07736596462 STRIVING TO TURN PASTURE INTO PROFIT 21
Contact Nicky: 01725 552340/07950 886563 Introducing our new stock ram ‘MANOR CROFT URANUS’, purchased at May Fair 2014 for 1,100gns from the MANOR CROFT FLOCK. WE WILL HAVE LAMBS FOR SALE SIRED BY HIM IN 2015. ALL ENQURIES TO OUR FARM MANAGER: Ben Stayt – 07795816951 or visit our website. Also pedigree Berrichons and Whitefaced Woodlands.
EST. 1997 MV ACCREDITED 07811141860
ORGANIC Signet Recorded
Tel. 01985 214559
Jim 07977 121169
Joe 07525 208053
Ballytaggart National Champion Flock 2014
U-Beauty and Tonka RUAS 2014
Available For Sale: Ram lambs, Ewe lambs & In-lamb ewes
Thomas G Wright 213 Kilraughts Road, Ballytaggart, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim
Tel: 07714989702 24
Est 2005
MV Acc Flock S26
Set in North-East Scotland, 1 hour from Aberdeen. Visitors Welcome by arrangement Contact : Marianne Sheed Tel: 07570277110/ 01464 861152 Email: 5 Essie Crescent, Rhynie, Huntly, AB54 4GS
Pembroke Poll Dorsets
Rams and Ewes for Sale David Lewis, Narberth, Pembrokeshire Ph; 07814794266/01834 862748 27
Blackhill flock wins Most Improved Flock Award for the Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset breed
Connect with us on
The Blackhill flock, owned by Jim Dufosee of Warminster, Wiltshire, has been recognised by EBLEX as the Most Improved Flock of Dorset sheep in England for 2014. The award is presented by the EBLEX Better Returns Programme (BRP) to the recorded flock that shows the greatest genetic gain for commercial characteristics over a 12-month period. There is a separate award for each of 10 UK breeds. Jim Dufosee grew up on the Longleat Estate where the family has a farming tenancy and took over a farm business tenancy agreement on nearby Ministry of Defence (MOD) land to provide additional grazing. Moving away from the family farm in 1989, Jim and wife Jacqui now live at Farnicombe Farm, on the edge of the MOD land. Their younger son Joe has been working with them on the farm for two years now, while elder son, Sam, finished his degree and now works in Bristol for a recruitment company. They run pedigree flocks of 300 Polled Dorset ewes and 60 Dorset Horn ewes which are all recorded through Signet and are managed as one flock. In addition they have 150 North Devon Cows (Blackhill Ruby Reds) and purchase 50 stores each year to finish. The whole farm is now organic and a proportion of the land is involved in the Higher Level Stewardship scheme. There is around 810 hectares (ha) of permanent pasture available to them on the Salisbury Plain, this is Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) status rough grazing and classed as an MOD “Danger Area�, so grazing rules apply. Arable enterprises include spring oats, winter barley and spring barley. They combine around 120ha with half as high clover/Italian ryegrass rotational leys; these suit their system as they are ready for grazing and cutting earlier. They grow around 40ha of roots and have 10ha of arable silage.
Building up the Dorset flocks When Jim was establishing his pedigree flocks he had numerous grazing agreements with local dairy farms, so his Dorset ewes lambing in September suited the arrangement. In the summer months, when grazing was more restricted, he stocked ewes more tightly. The Dorsets’ natural docility made them welcome guests to the dairy farms, as they didn’t attempt to escape even when forced to graze at higher stocking densities! Autumn lambing fitted their whole farm system well, making the best use of available grazing and tying in with the demands of the spring calving herd and spring drilling. Production cycle The flocks lamb in two groups, the first consisting of 150-200 ewes lambing in September. The ewes lamb indoors and are turned out 48 hours later, grazing behind the cattle until the end of November when they are moved onto root crops. Their lambs are weaned mid-December and remain on roots, while the ewes are turned onto rough grazing to dry off. The second group of up to 150 ewes are lambing mid-October. They lamb indoors and stay in for a week, after which they are turned out to grass for the first month and then moved onto roots where they remain for the rest of winter. They are weaned at the end of February, when ewes are moved to rough grazing and lambs are left on roots to finish. Blackhill flock replacements are selected soon after weaning in the new year from the first batch of September-born lambs. Ewe lambs destined for the May Fair, which is the main Dorset sale, are also identified at this time. In March all ewes are moved onto Italian ryegrass/clover-rich leys. Weather permitting, they are shorn early April and put into their single-sire mating groups from 16 April (up to 40 ewes per ram). The Dufosees use a lot of homebred ram lambs, with bought-in rams used to provide new bloodlines. They are keen to find rams with superior breeding potential for the Blackhill flock. Their understanding of Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) and overall breeding index helps to hone in on particular traits and narrow down the selection of prospective sires. The flock is split into families and each year they will be served by two rams, at least one of which will be a high-performing ram within the top 10 per cent of the breed. Any unproven sires will be given a chance, but progeny from such rams will only be retained once he is proven through his own performance figures. Selecting animals for breeding: Ewe lambs with above-average breeding merit are sorted into a group and then reselected based on breed type, feet and mouths. “We are passionate about the Dorset characteristics and keen to ensure standards are kept to drive the breed forward,” Jim said. 29
“Around 90 per cent of our Blackhill ewe lambs will be kept as flock replacements or sold for breeding.” For the males they do the reverse, choosing between 30 and 40 ram lambs which tick all the boxes for appearance and type and then reselect them based on their EBVs and breeding index. The Dufosees finish all their own stock and were one of the original suppliers to secure a contract with a well-known supermarket providing out-of-season lamb. Split lambing takes the pressure off available housing and land, as well as ensuring a prolonged supply of lamb for this contract. All lambs are finished within a target specification, grading as E or U and with an average 19 kilogram carcase. The flock is wormed on the feedback from faecal egg counts. They dung-sample groups on a regular basis to monitor worm burden. In order to comply with their organic status, veterinary input is necessary to confirm treatment. In addition, they are keen to promote opportunities to export from their Blackhill Dorset flock, and dung sampling provides an opportunity for regular vet visits, building an important relationship for export certification. The latest consignment of recorded rams was exported earlier this year to Charlotte and Alex Moriarty, Pays de la Loire, in France. Performance Recording Jim’s Blackhill flock have been an active part of the Centurion Sire Reference Scheme for over 15 years, making use of elite sires within the group. The flock has been recorded since the service began in the late 1990s and throughout this time they have been weighing and back-fat scanning to monitor flock progress. Through performance recording they have managed to improve carcase weight and quality, especially since the inclusion of back-fat scanning, which has given them the ability to record actual muscle depth and leanness. Centurion Ram of the year
“Originally I wanted the figures to prove the Dorset performed,” Jim explained. “Now I find the figures act as a tool to help me mould the flock in the direction I want it to grow. “Ultrasound scanning has helped us to focus in on leaner traits; over the years we have seen carcase weights improve and fat levels reduce, making the Dorset more competitive as a terminal sire. We are satisfied that we are achieving good weights and leaner animals, the challenge now is to maintain this, while continuing to move the flock forward. “The Dorset traits are important and must not be lost through selecting stock on index alone, they give me an informed approach but they do not run the flock!”
Figures assist sales The Blackhill flock used to go to all the shows and have won numerous awards. More recently they focus on the breed sales with shows attached such as the May Fair and the breed sales at Worcester, Llandovery and Carlisle. Their son, Joe, has been at home farming for the last two years and is responsible for the sales, with two thirds being sold directly from the farm. Sales are built on a good reputation and established links with clients, a good proportion of which show an interest in EBVs, making selections based on traits that suit their systems. Joe’s enthusiasm is contagious, he is very livestock-orientated and is keen to push the flock on again. His desire is to increase the flock to 500 ewes and their focus now is to improve the lambing percentage of the September lambing group (currently 160 per cent) to reflect that of the later group, which is closer to 180 per cent. His motivation gives a new sense of regeneration to the farm and getting the award now on the back of his enthusiasm is very inspiring to them all. Commenting on the win, Signet Breeding Services Manager Sam Boon said: “Rates of genetic improvement in Signet-recorded flocks are at an all-time high. The difference between the best highEBV breeding stock and average animals is increasing year on year. “This means commercial producers have more to gain when investing in rams with superior genetics. Pedigree breeders can capitalise on these differences too and this is exactly what Jim has done. The improvement in the genetic merit of their flock is clear and they are to be congratulated on their achievement.” The Sheep Better Returns Programme (BRP) is funded by EBLEX and aims to help English sheep producers get better returns from their enterprises by improving their skills in five key areas: Better breeding Better selection Better feeding and forage Better fertility and health Better systems and costing EBLEX is the organisation for beef and lamb levy payers in England, and is a division of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). Find out more at
2015 NSA EVENTS The Society will be having a stand at the following NSA Events in 2015 NSA Welsh Sheep, Kerry, Newtown
Tuesday, 19th May
NSA North Sheep, Cockermouth, Cumbria
Wednesday, 3rd June
NSA Highland Sheep, Ross-shire
Tuesday, 9th June
NSA Sheep South West, North Tawton
Tuesday, 16th June
NSA Sheep, Northern Ireland, Ballymena
Monday, 6th July
Performance Recorded Stock From Progressive Flocks
The Centurion Group hold their Ram of the Year and Select Sale at Sedgemoor on the second Saturday of April, so purchased stock can be used for autumn lambing in that year Rob at Sherborne (0990) in Dorset 01963 23263 David at Huish (A26) in South Devon 01548 561210 Jim at Blackhill (D26) in Wiltshire 01985 214559 Gill at Gortleigh (H46) in North Devon 01409 231291 Susan at Kerlow (J1) in Cornwall 01579 320334 David at Bramain (L93) in Warwickshire 01455 220441 Graham at Blackdown (N84) in Devon/Somerset 01823 680086 Edwin at Hall Lane (P43) in Yorkshire 0114 2364761
Rams work at a younger age. The Dorset, being one of the earliest maturing breeds, will work at a younger age, hence more lambs are sired during a ram’s working life.
High lambing percentages. Many breeders are achieving170% lambing rates, and this coupled with a frequent lambing system of 3 crops in 2 years, can give annual averages of around 250%.
Faster weight gain. The ewes are excellent milkers and are thus able to achieve very quick growth rates with prime lambs being fit for the butcher at around 10 weeks of age.
Top prices. Lambs sired by Dorsets, both pure and crossbred, are much in demand for the quality retail trade, and found on many supermarket shelves. The carcase has a high % of lean meat required by the butcher and the housewife resulting in premium prices.
Excellent crossing ability. Dorset rams have the unique ability to sire quality prime lambs from any breed of ewe, but with the all-important asset of imparting their out-of-season breeding characteristic to their female progeny.
Adaptability and versatility. The Dorset is able to thrive and adjust to a wide range of conditions, both in the UK and abroad. Altitude and climatic conditions whether it be cold, high rainfall areas or drier, more arid conditions present no problem to this versatile sheep.
Cash savings. Lambs sold at an earlier age mean there is less valuable time spent on their management and expensive drenches, inoculations etc.
Higher stocking rates. As lambs are carried for a shorter time, more ewes can be run to the hectare.
Better workers. You need less rams in large flocks because of their ability to mate all the year round in frequent lambing systems.
Long life. The ewe is particularly noted for longevity, thus reducing frequent flock replacements.
For further information, contact:
The Secretary, Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset Sheep Breeders’ Association, Agriculture House, Acland Road, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1EF. Tel/Fax: 01305 262126 e-mail: Website: 36
BREED DIRECTORY P W Baker & Son Eastfield Farm East Chinnock Yeovil, Somerset BA22 9EP
Sam Driver 9 Sandy Lane Chisworth Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 5RZ
Tel: 01935 863160 Mobile: 07977 273569 e-mail:
(Sandy Lane)
Tel: 01457 869343 Mobile: 07811 141860 e-mail:
W & K Carson (Downkillybegs) 161 Whitesides Road Downkillybegs Ballymena County Antrim, Northern Ireland BT42 2JG
Mr A Dufosee Church Farm Longbridge Deverill Warminster, Wilts BA12 7DG
Tel: 07841 746705 e-mail:
Tel: 01985 840291 e-mail:
The Centurion Group c/o Graham Langford
Jim & Joe Dufosee Farnicombe Farm Warminster, Wilts BA12 0AD
Tel: 01823 680086 H P & S A Cory Maendy Farm Peterston-Super-Ely Vale of Glamorgan, Wales CF5 6NE
Tel: 01985 214559 Mobiles: Jim 07977 121169 Joe: 07525 208053 e-mail:
Tel: 01446 760264 Mobile: 07885 637932 e-mail: Miss Louise Crowther The Grange Buckenhill Bromyard, Herefordshire HR7 4PG
R M Eglin & Son Ltd. (Bramain) Bramcote Mains, Wolvey Road Bulkington Bedworth, Warwickshire CV12 9JX
Tel: 01455 220441 Mobile: 07956 868646 e-mail:
Tel: 01885 483459 Mobiles: 07976 877978 (Louise)/07909 793455 (Matt) e-mail:
Fooks Bros. Manor Farm North Poorton Bridport, Dorset DT6 3TH
Tel: 01308 485509 e-mail: 37
BREED DIRECTORY W L French Higher Scarsick Treneglos Launceston, Cornwall PL15 8PU
Miss C A Johnson (Bamburgh) Fowberry Farm Bamburgh, Northumberland NE69 7AT Tel: 01668 214421 e-mail:
Tel: 01566 781372 Mobile: 07870 981118 e-mail: Gorgie City Farm (Gorgie) The Farm Manager (Denis Rankine) 51 Gorgie Road Edinburgh, Scotland EH11 2LA
Andrew & Chris Kingdon Kingdon’s Farm Gummows Shop Summercourt Newquay, Cornwall TR8 4PP
Tel: 01313 374202 Mobile: 07852 724440 e-mail:
Tel: 01872 510636 Kivells Exeter Livestock Centre Matford Park Road Exeter, Devon EX2 8FD
Harrison & Hetherington Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 2RS Tel: 01228 406230
Tel: 01392 251261 e-mail:
R & R Hole Hill Street Farm Holwell Sherborne, Dorset DT9 5LJ
David Lewis Llangwathen Narberth Pembrokeshire, Wales SA67 8UB
Robert: 07813 975050 Richard: 01963 23263 e-mail:
Tel: 01834 862748 Mobile: 07814 794266 e-mail:
R & D Huxter Welland Down Farm Sandford Crediton, Devon EX17 4EN
G & A Langford Great Garlandhayes Farm Clayhidon Cullompton, Devon EX15 3TT
(South Ham)
Tel: 01363 775928 e-mail:
Tel: 01823 680086 e-mail: www.
BREED DIRECTORY J B May & Son Coombe Farm Sweetshouse Bodmin, Cornwall PL30 5AL
Edwin Pocock Totley Hall Farm Totley Hall Lane Sheffield S17 4AA
(Hall Lane)
Tel: 01208 872417 Mobile: 07773 191633 e-mail:
Tel: 0114 2364761 Mobile: 07710 212753 e-mail:
McCartneys The Heath Meadow Nunnery Way, Worcester WR4 0SQ
Mr & Mrs T Pratt Halleys Cottage 239 Ashe Row Campsea Ashe Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 0PS
Tel: 01905 769770 e-mail: Brian Muncaster & Cathryn Pritt-Muncaster Thornbank Gosforth Seascale, Cumbria CA20 1HT
Tel: 07970 240855 e-mail:
D W Rossiter Burton Farm Galmpton Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 3EY
Tel: 01946 725207 Mobiles: 07736 596461/07736 596462 e-mail:
Tel: 01548 561210 e-mail:
Northern Dorset Breeders Club c/o Alec Steff/Karen Hodgson
James Royan The Granary Putton Mill Duns Berwickshire, Scotland TD11 3HT
Tel: 01282 411154/01946 726245 e-mail:
Tel: 01361 882991 Mobile: 07786 150637 e-mail:
Northern Ireland Club c/o William Carson Tel: 07841 746705
BREED DIRECTORY Marianne Sheed 5 Essie Crescent Rhynie Huntly, Scotland AB54 4GS
Windrush Farming (Keresforth) Windrush Farm Cold Aston Bourton-on-the-Water Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL54 3BY
Tel: 01464 861152 Mobile: 07570 277110 e-mail: D J Thomas & Son Treguddick South Petherwin Launceston, Cornwall PL15 7JN
Tel: 07795 816951 e-mail:
Thomas Wright (Ballytaggart) 213 Kilraughts Road Ballytaggart Ballymoney County Antrim, Northern Ireland BT53 8LB
Tel: 01566 86201/86770 Mobile: 07977 058184 e-mail: C H Trace & Son Gortleigh Farm Sheepwash Beaworthy, Devon EX21 5HU
Tel: 07714 989702 e-mail:
Tel: 01409 231291 e-mail:
Tucker & Jesse Arthur Jones Manor Farm West Woodyates Salisbury, Wilts SP5 5QS
(Brockenhurst) (Sixpenny)
Tel: 01725 552340 Mobile: 07950 886563 Welsh Dorset Club c/o 01970 832244
GUIDE TO COSTS AS AT 1 JANUARY, 2015 (These costs are correct at time of printing, but may be subject to alteration by Council at any future date). Item
Annual Subscription Annual Subscription (Junior, 16 and under) Associate Membership Ewe Registration Individual ram registration Sale entry fee for Rams at May Fair Sale entry fee for individual females at May Fair Pens of females at May Fair Pro forma pads for ram registration Approved Ewe Inspection Fee Approved Ewe inspection cost per ewe
£55 £10 (for first three years) £25 (to include Flock Book) £2.00/female (under 12 months) £2.60/female (over 12 months) £20.00 per head £10.00 per head £5.00 per head £10.00 per vendor Free of charge £25.00 £2.50 per ewe
COST OF TATTOOING EQUIPMENT Tattooing Forceps Hire of Special tattoo block Letters & Numbers Blanks Green paste – 2oz. tube
£85.00 (2nd hand, if available, £40) £43.00 £5.00 each £2.00 each £8.40 SALES LIST
Hard Back Flock Book Badge Ties Trailer Sticker – red logo Windscreen Sticker – red logo Car Sticker Mugs Caps Record Cards The Baa Book History of the Dorset Horn Book V-Neck Jumper with logo & prefix Sweatshirt with logo & prefix Polo shirt with log & prefix Sew on badge with logo & prefix – Green
£22.00 £0.50 £10.00 £1.25 £0.32 £0.32 £3.75 £5.70 £0.10 £2.50 £5.40 £20.00 £12.50 12.00 £5.00
Postage and packing will be charged on above items. All prices are plus VAT.
Applications for the Registration of Sheep are received only on the understanding that the applicant agrees to the inspection of their flock, if considered necessary by the Council, and that they agree to abide by the decision of the Council as to the eligibility of their flock for entry, and that they agree to pay the expenses of such an inspection if the Inspecting Committee decide that such a flock are not pure Dorset Horns or Poll Dorsets.
No flock shall be eligible for entry except such as shall be proved to be true Dorset Horns or Poll Dorsets.
The Council reserve the right of declining the right of any entry. st
As of 1 September, 2012 members have been given the option of tattooing or tagging their sheep for Society identification. You will be given a Society flock number which ever option you choose. If members wish to tattoo you will be issued with a tattoo block with your own personal number on it at a cost of £43. Other tattooing equipment is available from the Breed Society office. If members wish to tag, the tag must include your society flock number and year letter (appropriate to the year of birth). Please tick below which option you are choosing as appropriate, and send a cheque with the full amount with your application form. A receipt will be sent. I HEREBY APPLY to be admitted a member of the DORSET HORN & POLL DORSET SHEEP BREEDERS’ASSOCIATION and agree, when elected, to abide by the bye-laws of the Association. Adult:
£55 per annum plus VAT at the current rate (Tagging) = £55 + VAT
£55 per annum plus VAT at the current rate (Tattooing) £43 for Tattoo block plus VAT = £98 + VAT
£10 per annum for first three years (16 & under) Please state date of birth:
(Tagging) = £10 + VAT _______________________
£10 per annum for first three years £43 for Tattoo block plus VAT (16 & under) Please state date of birth:
(Tattooing) = £53 + VAT _______________________
Associate Membership :
Renewal of Membership fees fall due on 1 September each year. NAME:
……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………….
TELEPHONE: ……………………………………. Fax:
POST CODE: ………..……………………………… e-mail:…………………………….............................. UK Flock No…………………………………………
PROPOSED PREFIX: 1st choice : …………………………… 2nd choice : ………………………………
YES/NO (Please delete as appropriate)
When completed please tear out and return to The Breed Secretary, Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset Sheep Breeders’ Office, Agriculture House, Acland Road, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1EF DORSET HORN/POLL DORSET FLOCK established by the purchase of: Quantity
The Flock now consists of : …….… Ewes …….… Hoggets ….…… Rams & Ram Lambs N.B. ONLY ANIMALS WHICH ARE TATTOOED OR TAGGED IN THEIR EARS WITH THE APPROPRIATE FLOCK NUMBER AND YEAR LETTER ARE ELIGIBLE FOR REGISTRATION. Where did you hear about the Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset Society?: Website:
May Fair:
Breed Stand at Agricultural Show:
If Yes, which show:
If Yes, which one:
Word of mouth:
Other (please specify):
______________________________ 43
……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..
UK Flock No.:
TEL. NO.: …………………………..
e-mail: ……………………………………………….
FLOCK NUMBER: …………………….
2ND CHOICE : ………………………….
INSPECTION All sheep to be inspected must be female and over 6 months of age. They will be inspected by an Association Inspector and will be required to be of a high standard. If accepted for registration they will be ear-tagged and known as Approved Sheep. Their progeny, if sired by a registered ram, will be eligible for full pedigree status. Ear-tagging will be carried out by the Association’s Inspector at the owner’s risk. Please make sure clean water and disinfectant are available. Fee: £25 plus £2.50 per ewe inspection fee, plus VAT at 20% must be paid in advance and sent with this application form. We will issue an invoice/receipt for this. In the case of rejection, or, if for any reason any ewes to be inspected are unavailable, the fee is non-refundable. As of 1st September, 2012 members have been given the option of tattooing or tagging their sheep for Society identification. You will be given a Society flock number which ever option you choose. If members wish to tattoo you will be issued with a tattoo block with your own personal number on it at a cost of £43. Other tattooing equipment is available from the Breed Society office. If members wish to tag, the tag must include your society flock number and year letter (appropriate to the year of birth). Please tick below which option you are choosing once your ewes have been approved. Tattooing
New Flocks which are approved following inspection will have their first year’s subscription to the Association and the Flock Book free of charge. 44