South Devons Newsletter January 2019

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SOUTH DEVON HERD BOOK SOCIETY Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ. Tel: 01392 447494 Fax: 01392 447495


NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2019 CONTENTS: Performance recording AHDB workshops Spring Sale schedule Journal advertising Region one annual meeting TB compensation Changes to TB legislation

3 3 5 8 8 9 10

Club Secretary changes Diary Show dates New & resigning members Cattle for Sale And finally Linda’s Trophy

10 11 11 12 13 15 15

Dear Members A very happy and healthy New Year to you all, and I hope you enjoyed a lovely Christmas. Arrangements for the Spring Show & Sale which will be held on Wednesday 27th March are gathering pace, and entry forms are available to download from the website or to request from the SDHBS office. Please note the closing date for entries of Friday 8th February, to enable sufficient time for compilation and printing of the Sale catalogue. The evening before the Sale, the Annual General Meeting will be held at the Devon Hotel, Matford, Exeter. This will be followed by the bi-annual Auction of Promises – please let us know if you would like to offer something to be auctioned. Monies raised go towards breed promotional activities, and the Auction is always entertaining! As usual we are block-booking rooms at the Devon Hotel, so if you 1

would like to reserve one please let us know – they will be released on a first-come, first-served basis. The menu for the AGM Dinner will be included in the next newsletter. Awards from the Herd Competition 2018 and Society awards will be presented at the AGM; and at the back of this newsletter is an invitation for nominations for Linda’s Trophy. This award is made to the member nominated to have made the greatest contribution towards breed promotion in the past year. Please let us know who you think this should be. I am pleased to inform you that we have negotiated a lower rate for DNA myostatin standalone testing. With immediate effect the new price is £19 + VAT, and we hope that this will make it easier for you to test your breeding females and thus be much better informed as to your choice of service bull. Thank you to all those who have returned their Journal advertising forms and please would others get them to me as soon as you can. There is space remaining for any new advertisers, and advertising rates are inside. Thanks too, to those members who have returned forms to indicate a venue preference for the Autumn Show & Sale. This information will be discussed when the Council meets in February. AHDB are holding a series of free workshops around the country to discuss the use of EBVs and I would recommend time out from the farm to get to one if you can – details inside. One of our members in Derbyshire plays host to one of these meetings and I am sure she would be pleased to have South Devon supporters there! Normal office hours are between 08.00 to 16.00, and in our absence please use the answer phone or send an e-mail. My best wishes Caroline 2

PERFORMANCE RECORDING Are you aware that the six most recent Society and Midland Club Sales saw higher average prices for Performance Recorded bulls than non-Recorded? Out of 83 bulls sold, 63 were recorded and 20 nonrecorded. The average price of recorded bulls was £3,464 and £3,166 respectively – in other words, a £300 premium for recorded bulls! Recording equips breeders with greater knowledge to assess the breeding potential of their cattle – as suckler replacements and as meat producers. It is not expensive to record – just £120 per herd annual fee (waived in the first year of recording membership), and £3 per active cow. These charges have been held at this level since 2005 as an encouragement to breeders. All members undoubtedly will be handling their cattle very regularly, and many will also regularly be recording weights. So much of the information necessary to generate EBVs is already available and ready to convert into this very useful management tool. If you would like to receive more detailed information please contact Caroline.

AHDB BETTER RETURNS Increasing profitability through genetics In this time of uncertainties one thing seems sure which is the absolute necessity to give due consideration to every available ‘tool in the box’ when it comes to the future of agriculture. AHDB are running a series of meetings around the country at the end of the month to highlight the benefits of careful genetic selection. “Whether breeding beef cattle for the commercial market or replacement females for the suckler herd, the quality and genetics of 3

the sire you choose will have a huge impact on your herd for years to come. But are we making the best use of the breeding tools available to us compared to our global competitors? Join AHDB Beef & Lamb along with guest speaker, Max Tweedie from Beef & Lamb Genetics New Zealand, to learn more about the impact of using Estimated Breeding Values on commercial farms, how to choose a bull that suits your system and practical ways to accelerate the genetics of your herd.� The sessions are free, but you do need to book your place either by phone on 01904 771212, or by e-mail at More information can be found on the AHDB website Thurs 24th January 10-1 pm Black Horse Inn, Ashbourne Road, Hulland Ward, Derbyshire, followed by Farm Walk at 1 pm hosted by Julia Howard, South Devon breeder, at Common End Farm, Brunswood Lane, Hulland Ward, Derbyshire Thurs 24th January 6.45-9 pm Fri 25th January 10-2pm

The Inn, Brough, Cumbria

The Berkeley, Evesham Road, Spetchley, Worcester

Mon 28th January 10-1.30 pmEdington Parish Hall, Edington, Westbury, Wiltshire, followed by Farm Walk at Spiers Piece Farm (Angus, Blonde, Fleckvieh) Mon 28th January 7-8 pm


Tues 29th January 10-2 pm

The Black Cat, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, followed by Farm Walk at Grove Farm, Chesham (Charolais)






All animals to arrive at the Livestock Centre between 11.00 and 14.00 on Tuesday 26th March. Our veterinary inspector, Duncan Findlay MRCVS, will be carrying out inspections on all animals at the Centre on Tuesday 26th March between the hours of 13.00 and 16.00. If animals are not made ready to be inspected during those times the Society reserves the right to refuse entry to the Sale. Any member who has an animal rejected will have their entry fee refunded. All measurements (frame scores) of bulls will be shown at the sale. EBVs will be published in the catalogue for cattle from Breedplan recorded herds, and will be on display on each pen as applicable. Bulls must be DNA tested and the myostatin result published in the sale catalogue. If animals are declared polled they must also be DNA tested and the result published in the sale catalogue. All vendors must be members of a CHeCS health scheme, and are also required to complete a Society Herd Health Declaration and submit it with their completed Entry Forms. All Sale animals must either be from CHeCS accredited BVD free herds or the individual animals must be blood tested negative for BVD antigen, and all animals must complete a vaccination course for BVD at least one month prior to the Sale (at least one month prior to service for females). Vendors must also supply their scheme provider’s health status certificate as appropriate. Animals must be from herds that are CHeC certified risk level one, two or three for Johnes. Judging will commence at 08.30 (exact time to be confirmed) on Wednesday 27th March and the Sale will commence at midday.

ENTRIES CLOSE FRIDAY 8TH FEBRUARY 2019 (Late entries accepted only at the discretion of the Secretary)

Entry Forms are now available from SDHBS, Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ Tel: 01392 447494, Fax: 01392 447495, e-mail: 5

JUDGE: Mr R V Hartshorn, Roden, Telford, Shropshire CLASSES BULLS 1. Bulls from 12 months to 2 ¾ years of age. This class may be divided. 2. Bulls over the age of 2 ¾ years (for sale only). FEMALES 1. Cow of any age, in calf or with calf at foot. 2. Heifers under the age of 3 years 3 months on the day of sale, with calf at foot or warranted to calve by that age. 3. Heifers from 1 year 3 months to 2 years 3 months, in calf, running with the bull or not served. 4. Heifers from 9 months to 15 months of age. 5. Non halter-broken females (for sale only), classes as for halter-broken. NOTES 1.

ENTRY FEES: Bulls £30 + VAT = £36 Females (including calf at foot) £30 + VAT = £36 Animals not forward due to illness but with a veterinary certificate will receive a £10 + VAT = £12 reimbursement. The entry fee, pedigree certificate, herd health declaration, CHeCS health certification, and organic certificate (where applicable) must be enclosed when returning the completed entry form for each animal.


INSPECTION OF ALL ENTRIES Once at the Sales Centre all bulls will be weighed and all halter broken entries inspected and checked for locomotion, temperament, active infection (eg ringworm, etc), and defects (eg jaws, testicles, hernia, etc) by the veterinary inspector. Those found to be not up to standard will be rejected. No entry thus rejected may be sold through the ring and must be removed immediately from the sale pens according to the instructions of the Chief Steward. Halter-broken and non-halter broken females will also be subject to an inspection, with particular attention paid to jaw, legs, locomotion and feet. Bulls - Scrotal Circumference: 6

Bulls aged 12-14 months Bulls aged 15-20 months Bulls aged 21-30 months Bulls over 31 months

31 cms 33 cms 35 cms 36 cms

Failure to meet the above measurements will mean automatic rejection from the sale. 3.

DISPERSAL SALES If a member wishes to disperse his/her herd immediately after the Society Sale they may do so provided that it is the whole herd. The cattle are subject to a reduced entry fee of £10 + VAT per animal, which must be enclosed with the entry forms and pedigree certificates and received by the closing date. Dispersals at Society Sales, although not subject to veterinary inspection, are required to comply with current health standards.


JUDGING Animals bred by the judge must be placed by another person. The person so nominated by the Society will not enter the ring until all other animals in the class concerned have been placed by the judge. The person nominated will then enter the ring and place the animal concerned. If a judge enters an animal for any Society Sale it may be SOLD only, but the entry in the catalogue will remain in the appropriate show class. The animal will be paraded in its class but will be removed at the instruction of the steward before judging.


CATALOGUE INFORMATION Up to 50 words of information may be provided by the Vendors for the catalogue. An additional 30 words may be added at a charge of £0.10/word. EBVs - all Breedplan recording members will have their animals’ EBVs published in the catalogue as appropriate. Caesarean births - members are reminded that they must declare caesarean births for all entries at Society Sales. Herd health declarations – must be completed by all entrants and submitted to the South Devon office at the same time as the completed entry forms. Information from the completed declaration will be published in the sale catalogue. No other information relating to herd health, or individual animal health status will be published in the catalogue. Vendors may display additional information on the animal 7

pen. The Herd Health Declaration and CHeCS certificate and laboratory test result certificates will be displayed on the animal pen. 6.

TB TESTING All animals are required to have been tested clear of TB within 60 days prior to the Sale date.


AUCTIONEERS Messrs Kivells

2018/2019 BREED JOURNAL Advertising rates for members Full page

½ page

¼ page

Full colour




One colour








Please would you let us know as soon as you can if you would like to advertise. Thank you

REGION ONE ANNUAL MEETING Cornwall’s annual meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th April at the Victoria Inn, Roche, starting at 7.30 pm. Guest speakers for the evening will be from Kepak: Rob Burlton, Procurement Manager, Bodmin Prys Morgan, Agricultural Director and this promises to be an opportunity for a very interesting discussion on the beef market and opportunities for South Devon beef.


COMPENSATION FOR BOVINE TB Payable during January 2019 NON PEDIGREE BOVINE Male Age Up to 3 months Over 3 months up to 6 months Over 6 months up to 9 months Over 9 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 16 months Over 16 months up to 20 months 20 months and over, non breeding bulls Breeding bulls 20 months and over

Compensation due 196 403

Female Age Up to 3 months Over 3 months up to 6 months Over 6 months up to 9 months Over 9 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 16 months Over 16 months up to 20 months 20 months and over, not calved Over 20 months, calved

620 696 857 990 1,011 1,017

Compensation due 138 319 514 561 721 914 960 798

PEDIGREE BOVINE Male Age Up to 6 months 6 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 24 months 24 months and over

Compensation due * *

Female Age Up to 6 months 6 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 24 months 24 months and over (not calved) Calved over 24 months and up to 36 months Calved 36 months and over

4,317 1,927

*Compensation to be determined using individual valuation ** Previously ascertained market price 9

Compensation due * * 1,657 1,541 952


CHANGES TO TB LEGISLATION If you are not already aware you should know that a number of changes to TB compensation came into force at the beginning of November, as follows:  Compensation at 50% of the average market price for the same category cattle will be paid for any animal brought into a TB breakdown herd which then fails a TB test whilst that breakdown is still ongoing. This applies to newly purchased animals, as well as any brought back to the restricted herd that are under the same ownership. However, cattle keepers that have joined a CHeCS accredited TB scheme prior to the breakdown will continue to receive 100% compensation provided the herd is accredited at the time of the breakdown.  50% compensation will also apply to TB reactors that are too unclean to be slaughtered.  Previously, if the owner of TB reactor cattle chose to send the animals for slaughter privately, they risked receiving little or no payment if the carcase was condemned at the slaughterhouse. Under the new legislation cattle keepers who choose this option will receive compensation at the same rates as other TB affected keepers in respect of any compulsorily slaughtered animal if the carcase of that animal is condemned. Source: TB Advisory Service

CHANGE OF CLUB SECRETARIES Laura Tucker, West Prawle Farm, Salcombe, has recently taken over from Helen Camp in the role of Secretary of the South Devon Cattle Breeders Club. Laura can be contacted on 01548 511531/07724 472926 or e-mail There’s also a change in the Truro South Devon Cattle Club, with Suzanne Harper stepping down as Secretary after 11 years at the helm. She is replaced by Emma Pullen who can be contacted on 07770 726477. I am sure members will wish to join me in thanking Helen and Suzanne for their many years of service to South Devon breeders in the counties of Devon and Cornwall! 10

DIARY January February March April

May July

21-22 21 26 27 2 4 11 25 4 23 22-25

British Cattle Breeders Club Conference Council meeting, Rednal, Birmingham AGM, Dinner, Auction of Promises, Exeter Spring Show & Sale Breed Promotion meeting, Westpoint Breed Improvement meeting, Westpoint Executive meeting Council meeting, Tiverton Midland Club Sale, Stoneleigh PERFORMANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS, Kendal NATIONAL SHOW, Royal Welsh

SHOW DATES 2019 Major Shows Devon County Performance Ch’ships Shropshire County Royal Bath & West Suffolk County Royal Cornwall Royal Three Counties Royal Cheshire County Royal Norfolk Great Yorkshire Royal Welsh

16th – 18th May 23rd May 25th May 29th May – 1st June 29th – 30th May 6th – 8th June 14th – 16th June 18th – 19th June 26th – 27thJune 9th – 11th July 22nd – 25th July

Other Shows Newark & Notts Rutland Hanbury Liskeard Stithians Camborne Mid Devon

11th/12th May 2nd June 6th July 13th July 15th July 20th July 27th July 11

(Beef Expo, Kendal)

(National Show)

Nantwich Yealmpton Launceston Totnes Honiton Blakesley Camelford Okehampton Gillingham & Shaftesbury Minsterley Holsworthy & Stratton Aylsham Bucks County Kingsbridge Moreton-in-Marsh Dorset County Frome Newbury

31st July 31st July 25th July 28th July 1st August 3rd August 14th August 8th August 14th August 17th August 22nd August 26th August 29th August 7th September 7th September 7th/8th September 14th September 21st/22nd September

NEW AND RESIGNING MEMBERS Full Region 1 A Eustice, Waverley Cottage, St Ervan, Wadebridge, Cornwall Region 2 Mrs A Tully, East Farm, Waddeton, Brixham, Devon Taverner Partners, Lower Brenton, Kennford, Exeter, Devon Associate Region 2 Winzer Farming Partnership, West Worthele Farm, Westlake, Ivybridge, Devon Resigning Region Region Region Region Region

1 2 5 6 7

R D & S Broadbank T Roskilly S J Cooke Mr & Mrs W J Williams W A Duggleby



CATTLE FOR SALE BULLS Ewefields Dazzler 5 UK202600 100404 Born 28/02/2012 Tregondale Hector 9 UK383061 601077 Born 10/03/2013 Z Arncliffe Kadesh UK122824 400896 Born 23/03/2013 Waddeton Homer 10 UK364027 101195 Born 14/03/2014 Goffe Cave Armando 2 UK200202 501205 Born 31/03/2016 Sexton Senator 24 UK361990 200776 Born 01/06/2016 Besowsa Homer UK384200 500889 Born 09/12/2016 Goffe Cave Armando 4 UK200202 401246 Born 12/07/2016 Z Glebe Inquest 2 UK340654 500478 Born 16/02/2017 Z Beckaveans Baloo UK382190 400627 Born 10/03/2017 Whiddon Arthur UK377473 100003 Born 13/03/2017

R J & P N Hunt Devon – Region 2 Myostatin ‘0’ Lady K A Wills Hampshire – Region 4 Myostatin ‘1’ F94L D Chadwick Derbyshire – Region 7 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821, HP A L Pascoe Cornwall – Region 1 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821 Mr R A Ford Leicestershire – Region 5 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821 Mr R R B Harvey Devon – Region 2 Myostatin ‘0’ S J & S M Ward Cornwall – Region 1 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821 Mr R A Ford Leicestershire – Region 5 Myostatin ‘0’ Mr J Virgin Dorset – Region 3 Myostatin ‘0’; PP Mrs A Brookes Cornwall – Region 1 Myostatin ‘0’, HP S J Topliss Devon – Region 2 Myostatin ‘0’


01626 872882

01256 892153

01335 345980

01736 850708

01858 545227

01548 830307

01726 882947/ 07845 036582 01858 545227

01258 817171

01840 230749

07734 113859

Whiddon Agamemnon S J Topliss UK377473 700009 Devon – Region 2 Born 13/03/2017 Myostatin ‘0’ Tregondale Mervyn Lady K A Wills UK383061 401396 Hampshire – Region 4 Born 15/03/2017 Myostatin ‘0’ Whiddon Abraham S J Topliss UK377473 200011 Devon – Region 2 Born 16/03/2017 Myostatin ‘0’ Whiddon Andrew S J Topliss UK377473 300012 Devon – Region 2 Born 17/03/2017 Myostatin ‘0’ Whiddon Antonio S J Topliss UK377473 200018 Devon – Region 2 Born 24/03/2017 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821 Whiddon Austin S J Topliss UK377473 300019 Devon – Region 2 Born 06/04/2017 Myostatin ‘0’ Z Beckaveans Bandar Mrs A Brookes UK382190 100638 Cornwall – Region 1 Born 20/04/2017 Myostatin ‘0’, HP Z Billington Poll King George 2 Mr M Garrett UK371751 201111 Devon – Region 2 Born 26/04/2017 Myostatin ‘0’, HP

07734 113859

01256 892153

07734 113859

07734 113859

07734 113859

07734 113859

01840 230749

01837 54348

FEMALES Bulling & yearling heifers Cows & calves 20 bulling heifers 20 bulling heifers 15 cows 5 in-calf cows, 5 in-calf heifers

Mr W H D Scott Gloucestershire – Region 3 Mr A L Pascoe Cornwall – Region 1 P S & A P Rowe Cornwall – Region 1 MR R A Ford Leicestershire – Region 5 Mr A S Waters Berkshire – Region 4 Mr D P Crow Shropshire – Region 6 14

01608 651464 01736 850708 07772 563967 01858 555219 07771 645685 01952 222134/ 01952 255650

5 cows & calves 4 heifers

B G & J Z A Dart Devon – Region 2 A B Brookes Cornwall – Region 1

01854 277410/ 07946 588845 01840 230749

AND FINALLY … A man goes to a pet shop and buys a talking parrot. He takes the parrot home and tries to teach the parrot how to say a few things, but instead, the parrot just swears at him. After a few hours of trying to teach the bird, the man finally says, "If you don't stop swearing, I'm going to put you in the freezer as punishment." The parrot continues, so finally the man puts the bird in the freezer. About an hour later, the parrot asks the man to please open the door. As the man takes the shivering bird out of the freezer, it says, "I promise to never swear again. Just tell me what that turkey did!"

LINDA TURPIE ROUNSEVELL MEMORIAL TROPHY Members are invited to submit nominations for Linda’s Trophy. This Award is made to the nominated person judged to have contributed the most towards breed promotion in the past year, in whatever capacity that may have been. The nominations will be judged by Caroline Poultney (Secretary), Mark Thomas (President), and Ian Rounsevell, and the award will be made at the AGM on 28th March. Please use the form below to submit your nomination, describing in no more than 300 words why you think your nominee is deserving of the award, by Monday 18th March 2019.

NOMINATION FORM I wish to nominate (name) ……………………………………………………………………………… of (address) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. for the Linda Turpie Rounsevell Memorial Trophy 15

Proposer (your name) ……………………………………………………………………………………… of (address) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Signed (Proposer) …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Please tell us, in the box below and in no more than 300 words, why you believe this person should receive the Trophy

Maximum 300 words

Please return this form to: “Linda Turpie Rounsevell Memorial Trophy”, SDHBS, Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ by 18th March 2019 16

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