South Devons Newsletter July 2015

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SOUTH DEVON HERD BOOK SOCIETY Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ. Tel: 01392 447494 Fax: 01392 447495


NEWSLETTER JULY 2015 Contents: Herd Competition Notice to sale vendors Autumn Show & Sale Performance Championships More Show results Regional events Cattle market in brief TB compensation tables

On-line TB map; performance recording 3 Grasslands Society; microchipping of dogs 4 Club 2015/2016 5 Youth Ambassador to Aus 8 Pasture fed livestock; Diary 10 New members 16 Cattle for Sale 17 Beef Efficiency units; and finally 18 Herd Competition form

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28

Dear Member It has been another very busy month for the breed and for the Society, with some great show line-ups, and the first technical show at the NEC – results are inside to date. The breed has certainly been under the spotlight recently, including at the Grasslands Society summer events held in Cornwall with a farm walk and South Devon beef supper hosted by Bill & Suzanne Harper. An EBLEX meeting was held at Arncliffe Farms in Yorkshire a few weeks ago, which also brought in a good number of commercial producers who were shown the docility and production ability of the breed. Other farm walks have been taking place within regions, open to members and non-members alike. Entries are now open for the Herd Competition in September, with a closing date of Friday 7th August. Judging will take place from 7th September, and a form is attached at the end of this newsletter. 1

The Autumn Show & Sale will be held at Cirencester for the first time, on Saturday 10th October, and entry forms are now available from the office. The closing date is Friday 4th September, and if you are planning to bring cattle please make sure that your DNA testing and BVD vaccination programme are in hand. It is a big relief to see the beef market turn around strongly, although for those who are also lamb producers it is very much a case of ‘swings and roundabouts’. We still await the announcement from Defra about the next phase of badger culling as part of the 25 year eradication policy, and there is more than a little frustration at the delay since the government was elected. However, another piece of the policy puzzle has been revealed with the launch of the interactive TB map (explained inside) – the theory is good, but the practice might have some horrible consequences. We are still pushing for annual testing across the country which would make trading much fairer, and risk assessment easier. The final draws for the Club for 2014/2015 were made at the National Show in May, and tickets are now on sale for the new Club. A form is inside if you would like to have the chance to win prize money from the six draws that will be made between now and next June. Finally, the office will be short-staffed over the next few weeks as holidays are taken, so please bear with us! My best wishes


WANTED – STORE CATTLE (enquiry at Beef Expo)

South Devons for contract finishing A S & E A Dear & Son Osgodby Grange, Selby, N Yorks, YO8 5HR Tel: 01757 703280 2

NATIONAL HERD COMPETITION Entries are invited to this year’s National Herd Competition by completing and returning the Entry Form at the end of this newsletter. Please note the closing date – Friday 7th August – and the need for strict adherence to the Rules. Judging will take place from 7th September. JUDGES: Mr Malcolm Broome, Mr Peter Rowe and Mr James Shinner RULES  The whole of the herd must be shown for Inspection and 75% of the females in the herd must be pedigree cattle (pedigree to include animals entered in the Register or the Supplementary Register, Part III, in addition to the Herd Book proper)  The Competition to be judged on Inspection only and the Inspection will be based on the Standard Breed Description (see Journal)  If a member has two farms, they shall be coupled as one for the purposes of the Competition  1,000 points to be awarded as the maximum number and sub-divided as follows: 500 points for all Cows including heifers in-milk 425 points for Young Stock 75 points for Stock Bull or Bulls in use  The winner of the Herd Competition is required to hold an Open Day shortly after the results are announced and to be one of the Judges for the following year  Should the winner be unable to judge the Competition the following year he/she will not then be permitted to enter the Competition for a further two years, ie three years’ ineligibility, unless Council would determine that the reason for the inability to judge was unavoidable. PRIZES (to be awarded at the 2016 AGM)  Wakeham Memorial Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Best Herd  Cecil Harvey Challenge Shield for the Best Herd of Cows  Tregerrick Perpetual Trophy for the Best Stock Bull 3

 The Society Cup for the member gaining the highest number of points for Young Stock  Angus Loggie Memorial Trophy for the member gaining the most points, who has never won either the Herd Competition or this Trophy  Irving Enterprise Trophy for the Best Small Herd (20 cows or fewer)  Bill Major Trophy for the Best Group of Three Cows sired by the same bull  Edmeston Hilda Cup for the Best Cow  HSBC Trophy for Best Performance  Cilgwrrwg Trophy for Best Homebred Polled Animal  Erme Cup for Best Heifer under 2 years old

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SALE VENDORS If you are considering entering animals in any forthcoming Society Sale, please be sure to allow sufficient time to comply with the regulations currently in force, which include: DNA testing of bulls/females The current turn-around time for testing and receipt of results for all DNA tests is 4 to 5 weeks. However, you should allow twice as long just in case the test fails and a new hair sample is required. BVD testing and vaccination Currently the Society’s Sale rules require that animals should either be from a herd which is CHeCS accredited free of BVD or the individual animals tested free of BVD antigen; and all animals must have completed a course of vaccination (two jabs, four weeks apart for Bovilis, one jab for Bovela – plus annual boosters if appropriate) at least one month before the Sale date. For the Autumn Sale this means that you should have completed the vaccinations by 10th September. CHeCS membership From 2016 all animals coming to Society Sales must be from herds that are members of a CHeCS health scheme, and that are screening for Johnes. Your vet will be able to advise on schemes, or please ask the office for advice.


Johnes risk levels From 2017 all animals coming to Society Sales must be from herds that are Risk Levels 1 or 2 only, so it would be advisable to join a CHeCS scheme and being testing as soon as is practicable. A financial incentive continues to be in place, whereby you can claim ÂŁ5 against each pedigree registration over the course of a two-year period, if you are joining a CHeCS health scheme and are testing for Johnes.

AUTUMN SHOW & SALE CIRENCESTER LIVESTOCK MARKET, GL7 5QA Saturday 10th October 2015 A. All animals to arrive at the Livestock Centre between 11.00 and 14.00 on Friday 9th October 2015. B. Our veterinary inspector, Duncan Findlay MRCVS, will be carrying out inspections on all animals at the Centre on Friday 9th October between the hours of 13.00 and 16.00. If animals are not made ready to be inspected during those times the Society reserves the right to refuse entry to the Sale. Any member who has an animal rejected will have their entry fee refunded. C. All measurements (frame scores) of bulls will be shown at the sale. EBVs will be published in the catalogue for cattle from Breedplan recorded herds, and will be on display on each pen as applicable. Bulls registered after 1st January 2010 must be DNA tested for myostatin and the result published in the sale catalogue. If animals are declared polled they must also be DNA tested and the result published in the sale catalogue. D. All vendors are required to complete a Society Herd Health Declaration and submit it with their completed Entry Forms. All Sale animals must either be from CHeCS accredited BVD free herds or the individual animals must be blood tested negative for BVD antigen, and all animals must complete a vaccination course for BVD. Vendors who are CHeCS members must also supply their scheme provider’s health certificate as appropriate (eg SAC, HiHealth etc) E. Judging will commence at 08.30 on Saturday morning and the Sale will commence at midday. 5


(Late entries accepted only at the discretion of the Secretary)

Entry Forms are now available from SDHBS, Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ or Tel: 01392 447494, Fax: 01392 447495, e-mail:

JUDGE: Mr R Clemens, St Ervan, Wadebridge, Cornwall CLASSES BULLS 1. Bulls from 12 months to 2 ¾ years of age. This class may be divided. 2. Bulls over the age of 2 ¾ years (for sale only). FEMALES 1. Cow of any age, in calf or with calf at foot. 2. Heifers under the age of 3 years 3 months on the day of sale, with calf at foot or warranted to calve by that age. 3. Heifers from 1 year 3 months to 2 years 3 months, in calf, running with the bull or not served. 4. Heifers from 9 months to 15 months of age. 5. Non halter-broken females (for sale only), classes as for halter-broken. NOTES 1. ENTRY FEES: Bulls £30 + VAT Females (including calf at foot) £30 + VAT Animals not forward due to illness but with a veterinary certificate will receive a £10 + VAT reimbursement. The entry fee, pedigree certificate, herd health declaration, CHeCS health certification, and organic certificate (where applicable) must be enclosed when returning the completed entry form for each animal. 2. INSPECTION OF ALL ENTRIES Once at the Sales Centre all bulls will be weighed and all halter broken entries inspected and checked for locomotion, temperament, active infection 6

(eg ringworm, etc), and defects (eg jaws, testicles, hernia, etc) by the veterinary inspector. Those found to be not up to standard will be rejected. No entry thus rejected may be sold through the ring and must be removed from the sale pens according to the instructions of the Chief Steward. Halter-broken and non-halter broken females will also be subject to an inspection, with particular attention paid to jaw, legs, locomotion and feet. Bulls - Scrotal Circumference: Bulls aged 12-14 months Bulls aged 15-20 months Bulls aged 21-30 months Bulls over 31 months

31 cms 33 cms 35 cms 36 cms

Failure to meet the above measurements will mean automatic rejection from the sale. 3. DISPERSAL SALES If a member wishes to disperse his/her herd immediately after the Society Sale they may do so provided that it is the whole herd. The cattle are subject to a reduced entry fee of £10 + VAT per animal, which must be enclosed with the entry forms and pedigree certificates and received by the closing date. Dispersals at Society Sales, although not subject to veterinary inspection, are required to comply with current health standards. 4. JUDGING Animals bred by the judge will have to be placed by another person. The person so nominated by the Society will not enter the ring until all other animals in the class concerned have been placed by the judge. The person nominated will then enter the ring and place the animal concerned. If a judge enters an animal for any Society Sale it may be SOLD only, but the entry in the catalogue will remain in the appropriate show class. The animal will be paraded in its class but will be removed at the instruction of the steward before judging. 5. CATALOGUE INFORMATION Up to 50 words of information may be provided by the Vendors for the catalogue. An additional 30 words may be added at a charge of £0.10/word. EBVs - all Breedplan recording members will have their animals’ EBVs 7

published in the catalogue as appropriate. Caesarean births - members are reminded that they must declare caesarean births for all entries at Society Sales. Herd health declarations – must be completed by all entrants and submitted to the South Devon office at the same time as the completed entry forms. Information from the completed declaration will be published in the sale catalogue. No other information relating to herd health, or individual animal health status will be published in the catalogue. Vendors may display additional information on the animal pen. The Herd Health Declaration (and CHeCS certificate if appropriate) will be displayed on the animal pen. BVD testing – the CHeCS accreditation certificate or the laboratory test result certificate must be displayed on the pen gate at the sale by the vendor. 6. TB TESTING All animals are required to have been tested clear of TB within 60 days prior to the Sale date. 7. AUCTIONEERS Messrs Kivells

SOUTH DEVON PERFORMANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS Livestock Event, NEC The breed’s first Performance Championships, a technical show for Breedplan recorded cattle, took place within the Livestock Event at the NEC just recently, and was a great success. Fourteen exhibitors brought 26 cattle to make a show of younger stock, judged by Colin Edwards from Colcharton, Tavistock, Devon. Publicity before and during the show was excellent - in the media, the show publications, and the show commentary, all of which certainly emphasised our presence. There were plenty of enquiries, particularly on the first day which was generally busier for visitors to the NEC – and only one foreign gentleman who mistook us for Limousins! Holding a performance event at such a high profile technical show has proved a step upwards for the breed, and credit is due to all who helped to make a show – our sponsor Neogen, our exhibitors, the RABDF, our judge and stewards. 8

RESULTS Heifers born in 2013 1st M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY DOWNEY 18 nd 2 Hadley Farms Z KNIGHTCOTE TAPPIT OF 2013 rd 3 M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY CANDY 29 th 4 M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY DOROTHY 6 Heifers born in 2014 1st R K Rundle AI KESTLE DAHLIA 73 nd 2 M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 12 3rd W H D Scott GROVE BUTTERCUP 148 4th M R & R J Rowe TREGONDALE JILL 187 th 5 M R & R J Rowe TREGONDALE NINON 72 Bulls born in 2013 1st O Brewin NORTH VIEW CLAUDIUS nd 2 W H D Scott GROVE CHARLEMAGNE 72 Bulls born in 2014 (17/01 to 24/02) 1st R W & S M Bostelmann AI RUFFORD SAS NAPOLEON 2nd R W & S M Bostelmann AI Z RUFFORD SAS NELSON 3rd W H Sandford HAUGHTON SAS JAMBO th 4 E G & S M Hawkins AI CUTSEY INTREPID 1 Bulls born in 2014 (11/03 to 28/04) 1st R K Rundle KESTLE EMPEROR 3 nd 2 M R & R J Rowe TREGONDALE CAVALIER 6 rd 3 W H D Scott Z GROVE POMPEY 80 th 4 M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY PATHFINDER 2 5th W J Wright & Son OXEY NIMROD 62 Male champion Winner O Brewin NORTH VIEW CLAUDIUS Reserve R K Rundle KESTLE EMPEROR 3 Female champion Winner R K Rundle AI KESTLE DAHLIA 73 Reserve M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 12 Breed champion Winner O Brewin NORTH VIEW CLAUDIUS Reserve R K Rundle AI KESTLE DAHLIA 73 Best male on performance and inspection Winner W H D Scott GROVE CHARLEMAGNE 72 Reserve R W & S M Bostelmann AI RUFFORD SAS NAPOLEON 9

Best female on performance and inspection Winner W H D Scott GROVE BUTTERCUP 148 Reserve M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY DOWNEY 18

MORE SHOW RESULTS ROYAL THREE COUNTIES Judge: Mr M Kettlewell, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire Heifer born in 2014 1st R V Hartshorn Z CILGWRRWG SAS ZOOM nd 2 A & C Farms LANGHAM’S MIMOSA 5 rd 3 Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK GO-GO th 4 M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 12 th 5 Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK GODDESS Heifer born in 2013 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT 2nd A & C Farms LANGHAM’S CORNFLAKE 3rd M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY DOWNEY 18 th 4 Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXGLOVE Heifer or cow born in 2012 1st K V & M A Plain FOXHOLE WILLOW 7 nd 2 R V Hartshorn CILGWRRWG SAS XANTHIPPE Cow born before 31 December 2011 1st A & C Farms UPPER NORTON NAZERENE 2nd Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK CLEMENTINE 3rd M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 9 Bull born in 2014 1st A & C Farms LANGHAM’S LOUIS 16 nd 2 Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK GLADIATOR rd 3 M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY GEMANIC Bull born in 2013 or 2012 1st O Brewin NORTH VIEW CLAUDIUS 2nd A & C Farms LANGHAM’S LOUIS 3 Bull born before 31 December 2011 1st Mells Park Trust WELLAND VALLEY PRINCE 2 10

Group 1st 2nd 3rd

of three Mells Park Trust K V & M A Plain R V Hartshorn

Championships and special prizes Champion male Winner Mells Park Trust WELLAND VALLEY PRINCE 2 Reserve O Brewin NORTH VIEW CLAUDIUS Champion female Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT Reserve A & C Farms UPPER NORTON NAZERENE Breed champion Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT Reserve Mells Park Trust WELLAND VALLEY PRINCE 2 Best animal bred and exhibited by a Midland Club member Winner K V & M A Plain FOXHOLE WILLOW 7

CHESHIRE COUNTY Judge: Mr S Ward, Besowsa, Truro, Cornwall Bull, any age 1st W H D Scott nd 2 Mells Park Trust rd 3 R W & S M Bostelmann Cow or heifer 1st Mells Park Trust 2nd Mells Park Trust rd 3 Major C A R Lockhart th 4 Mrs K Darnbrook th 5 R V Hartshorn Heifer born in 2013 1st Mells Park Trust nd 2 W H D Scott 3rd Mells Park Trust 4th Mells Park Trust 5th R W & S M Bostelmann th 6 J R & E Darlington


Heifer born in 2014 1st W H D Scott 2nd R V Hartshorn rd 3 Mells Park Trust th 4 Mells Park Trust th 5 J R & E Darlington th 6 Mrs K Darnbrook Best pair 1st Mells Park Trust 2nd W H D Scott 3rd Major C A R Lockhart th 4 R W & S M Bostelmann


Championships and special prizes Junior champion Winner Mells Park Trust Reserve R W & S M Bostelmann Exhibitor bred champion Winner Mells Park Trust Reserve Mells Park Trust Breed champion Winner Mells Park Trust Reserve Mells Park Trust


ROYAL NORFOLK Judge: Mr P S Rowe Heifer born on or after 1 January 2014 1st Mrs J Archer JANERIC HEIDI nd 2 Heath Farms WOODBASTWICK KITTY 13 rd 3 Heath Farms WOODBASTWICK CHLOE th 4 I Kendle LANCASTER LADY 3 Heifer, in calf, born on or between 1 January and 31 December 2013 1st A & C Farms LANGHAM’S CORNFLAKE 2nd W H D Scott GROVE CELANDINE 118 3rd Hadley Farms KNIGHTCOTE DOLLYMAY 56 th 4 Mrs J Archer WELLAND VALLEY PRINCESS 26 12

Cow in milk, in calf, or with calf at foot born before 1 January 2013 1st A & C Farms UPPER NORTON NAZERENE 2nd W H D Scott GROVE COLUMBINE 11 rd 3 Hadley Farms KESTLE TULIP 86 Bull born after 1 January 2014 1st W H D Scott GROVE WELLINGTON 82 nd 2 A & C Farms LANGHAM’S LOUIS 18 rd 3 A & C Farms LANGHAM’S LOUIS 16 th 4 Mrs J Archer JANERIC MAXIMUS Bull born prior to 1 January 2014 1st Hadley Farms KNIGHTCOTE DEMETRIUS 6 nd 2 A & C Farms LANGHAM’S LOUIS 3 rd 3 I Kendle GROVE CHARLEMAGNE 71 Championships and special prizes Female champion Winner A & C Farms UPPER NORTON NAZERENE Reserve A & C Farms LANGHAM’S CORNFLAKE Male champion Winner Hadley Farms KNIGHTCOTE DEMETRIUS 6 Reserve W H D Scott GROVE WELLINGTON 82 Breed champion Winner A & C Farms UPPER NORTON NAZERENE Reserve Hadley Farms KNIGHTCOTE DEMETRIUS 6 Best animal bred and exhibited by a breeder whose herd is in Norfolk Winner Mrs J Archer JANERIC HEIDI Reserve Heath Farms WOODBASTWICK KITTY 13 Best group of three Winner W H D Scott Reserve A & C Farms

GREAT YORKSHIRE Judge: Mr A L Pascoe, Fraddam, Hayle, Cornwall Bull born before 1 January 2014 1st J P Harrison BRAFFERTON WINSTON 1 nd 2 A & C Farms LANGHAM’S LOUIS 3 rd 3 D L Irving ENTERPRISE LOGAN 13

Bull born on or after 1 January 2014 1st J P Harrison BRAFFERTON WINSTON 5 2nd D L Irving ENTERPRISE LOWTHER rd 3 D L Irving ENTERPRISE AVANTI Cow with calf at foot or certified in calf 1st A & C Farms UPPER NORTON NAZERENE nd 2 J P Harrison BRAFFERTON BUTTERCUP 63 rd 3 Mrs K Darnbrook CLEUGHSIDE CELENDINE Heifer born in 2013 1st A & C Farms AI LANGHAM’S CORNFLAKE 2nd D L Irving ENTERPRISE CHER rd 3 J P Harrison BRAFFERTON DINAH 11 th 4 Mrs K Darnbrook CLEUGHSIDE DAISY 4 th 5 Mrs K Darnbrook CLEUGHSIDE SAPPHIRE 3 Heifer born in 2014 1st J P Harrison BRAFFERTON DORIS 60 nd 2 Mrs K Darnbrook CLEUGHSIDE CLEMENTINE 2 3rd Mrs K Darnbrook CLEUGHSIDE DAISY 5 Group of three 1st D L Irving nd 2 J P Harrison rd 3 Mrs K Darnbrook Pair by same sire 1st D L Irving ENTERPRISE HERCULES nd 2 J P Harrison WOODBASTWICK TOBIAS 3rd Mrs K Darnbrook PORTMAN BURTLEY CHARLEMAGNE Championships and special prizes Female champion – Grove Willowherb Perpetual Trophy Winner A & C Farms LANGHAM’S CORNFLAKE Reserve A & C Farms UPPER NORTON NAZERENE Male champion – Northorpe Perpetual Trophy Winner J P Harrison BRAFFERTON WINSTON 1 Reserve A & C Farms LANGHAM’S LOUIS 3 Junior champion Winner J P Harrison BRAFFERTON WINSTON 5 Reserve D L Irving ENTERPRISE LOWTHER 14

Breed champion – NASDA Trophy Winner A & C Farms AI LANGHAM’S CORNFLAKE Reserve J P Harrison BRAFFERTON WINSTON 1 Best bull born on or after 1 March 2013 Winner D L Irving ENTERPRISE LOGAN

ROYAL WELSH Judge: Mr R Clemens, St Ervan, Wadebridge, Cornwall Bull born on or before 31 August 2013 1st A & C Farms LANGHAM’S LOUIS 3 Bull born on or after 1 September 2013 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK GLADIATOR nd 2 W H D Scott GROVE WELLINGTON 82 rd 3 A & C Farms LANGHAM’S LOUIS 18 th 4 R W & S M Bostelmann AI RUFFORD SAS NAPOLEON th 5 R W & S M Bostelmann AI Z RUFFORD SAS NELSON Cow or heifer, in calf or with calf at foot 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK BRANDY nd 2 A & C Farms UPPER NORTON NAZERENE 3rd W H D Scott GROVE COLUMBINE 11 th 4 J R & E Darlington Z CANAAN SNOWDROP 2 Heifer born in 2013 1st A & C Farms AI LANGHAM’S CORNFLAKE nd 2 Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT rd 3 W H D Scott GROVE BUTTERCUP 144 th 4 R W & S M Bostelmann AI RUFFORD SAS SNOWDROP 13 th 5 E G & C E James AI GLANCOLLEN OLWEN 6 Heifer born in 2014 1st R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS ZOOM nd 2 W H D Scott GROVE BUTTERCUP 148 rd 3 C W Whitehead AI EYTON LOLITA 8 th 4 E G & C E James AI GLANCOLLEN OLWEN 6 th 5 R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS ZOLLY Championships and special prizes Female champion – Grove Columbine Perpetual Trophy Winner A & C Farms AI LANGHAM’S CORNFLAKE Reserve Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK BRANDY 15

Male champion Winner A & C Farms LANGHAM’S LOUIS 3 Reserve Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK GLADIATOR Breed champion – Cilgwrrwg Cup Winner A & C Farms AI LANGHAM’S CORNFLAKE Reserve A & C Farms LANGHAM’S LOUIS 3 Best young bull on performance & inspection Winner R W & S M Bostelmann AI Z RUFFORD SAS NELSON Reserve R W & S M Bostelmann AI RUFFORD SAS NAPOLEON Best yearling or two year old heifer – Midland Club Trophy Winner A & C Farms AI LANGHAM’S CORNFLAKE Reserve R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS ZOOM Best pair of heifers on performance and inspection – Almorness Perpetual Challenge Trophy Winner W H D Scott Reserve R V Hartshorn Best group – Ben Luscombe Memorial Perpetual Challenge Cup Winner Mells Park Trust Reserve W H D Scott Best polled animal – Monkton Perpetual Cup Winner R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS ZOOM

REGIONAL EVENTS REGION 6 ANNUAL MEETING The Clive, Ludlow, Shropshire October 22nd, 7 pm for 7.30 pm REGION 6 ANNUAL COLLECTIVE SALE Shrewsbury Livestock Market Tuesday 27th October Entries invited for pedigree & non-pedigree Halls, 01743 462620 16

REGION 7 FARM WALK A farm walk by kind invitation of Stephen & Kay Darnbrook, Cleughside, Bailey, Newcastleton, Roxburghshire, TD9 0TR Sunday 23rd August, arriving at 10.00-10.30 for coffee Viewing the herds of South Devons and Dexters Followed by lunch Please book with the Darnbrooks, 07718 724114, who can also advise on local B&B facilities if required


GB liveweight prices week ending 11/07/2015 Price per kg/lwt Steers Heifers Young bulls Cows

192.2 201.4 175.6 113.5

Price/kg change on wk +1.5 -1.2 -5.0 -1.7

GB deadweight prices week ending 11/07/2015 Price per kg/lwt Steers: R4L Steers: All Heifers: R4L Heifers: All Young bulls: R3 Young bulls: All Cows: -O4L Cows: All

365.5 355.1 363.2 356.2 345.7 341.2 259.3 240.7


Price/kg change on wk +5.7 +4.3 +5.3 +4.9 +4.1 +1.6 +0.4 +1.1

COMPENSATION FOR BOVINE TB Payable during July 2015 NON PEDIGREE BOVINE Male Age Up to 3 months Over 3 months up to 6 months Over 6 months up to 9 months Over 9 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 16 months Over 16 months up to 20 months 20 months and over, non breeding bulls Breeding bulls 20 months and over

Compensation due 287 472

Female Age Up to 3 months Over 3 months up to 6 months Over 6 months up to 9 months Over 9 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 16 months Over 16 months up to 20 months 20 months and over, not calved Over 20 months, calved

692 818 939 1,030 1,090 1,397

Compensation due 246 429 612 709 824 938 1,007 951

PEDIGREE BOVINE Male Age Up to 6 months 6 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 24 months 24 months and over

Compensation due * * 4,285 2,696

Female Age Up to 6 months 6 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 24 months 24 months and over (not calved) Calved over 24 months and up to 36 months Calved 36 months and over

Compensation due * 1,915 ** 1,762 1,924 1,942


*Compensation to be determined using individual valuation ** Compensation to be determined using previously ascertained market price 18

ON-LINE TB BREAKDOWN MAP Defra have launched a web-based interactive map – – which shows the locations of TB breakdowns, and breakdowns resolved in the last five years, in England. This is part of the government’s 25-year eradication strategy, to better inform the farming industry as to where there is or has been a TB problem. To use it, the options are: - Centre the map on a given location by entering a valid postcode or the CPHH of a herd in the format **/***/****/** - Select whether to view current (on-going) or historic (closed) bTB breakdowns - Choose to view historic bTB breakdowns that commenced in a particular year (the last five years) The map will be updated monthly, and is a depressing insight into the continuing spread of the disease.

PERFORMANCE RECORDING The Breedplan evaluation which will run towards the end of August will be published on line, as normal, and a printed copy will be posted to all performance recording herds, together with the annual Star Rating report. To achieve the most up to date printed records it would be in your interests to submit any weights for inclusion in this evaluation – by Friday 14th August, to allow Liz sufficient time to input the data. Weigh sheets are available to print off from the download section of the website which can be accessed by using your ID and password. Alternatively you can submit weights on line, or request printed forms from the office. If you need help with the submission of data, please ask. The Mature Cow Weight EBV has now been added to the South Devon list of published traits, so you are encouraged to weigh your cows at the same time as 19

you record the 200 day weight for their calves. For the weights to be included therefore, the cow must have a calf birth notified or registered, the calf must have a 200 day weight recorded, and that 200 day weight must have been taken within two weeks of the date of recording the mature cow weight. If you do not submit a management code with the mature cow weight, the analysis will use the code assigned to the 200 day weight of the calf. You only need to record a different code for the cow if, for example, she has suffered an injury or has been supplementary fed.

BRITISH GRASSLAND SOCIETY IN CORNWALL This year’s Summer Meeting of the British Grassland Society was hosted by Cornwall Grassland Society for a few days, and was entitled ‘Meating and Milking the Cream of Cornish Grass’. Monday’s host farm was Trepoyle, North Tamerton, with Bill & Suzanne Harper welcoming about 250 guests to see their South Devon and Black Limousin herds. Plenty of background information was provided for visitors, focussing on production rates, and the South Devons showed their strength and docility beautifully! Supper was provided at Trepoyle, with South Devon Treguddick beef being the centrepiece. Well done to all who helped make such a success of this significant event, and we look forward to new recruits to the breed in due course.

DOG OWNERS – BE AWARE! From Spring 2016 laws will change, to require all dog owners in England, Wales and Scotland to have their animals micro-chipped. Micro-chipping of dogs has been compulsory in Northern Ireland since 2012. The British Veterinary Association (BVA) estimate that at least 25% of all dogs in the country are not yet micro-chipped, so vets have some additional business to come! 20

NEW CLUB FOR 2015/2016 The South Devon Herd Book Society runs a Club Draw each year from July until the following June (for those of you who are not familiar with it already). We sell tickets for £15 each, and all the proceeds are put together and then divided into two. One half goes into Society funds and the other half is divided by six which will be the Prize money for each of the six draws. The first draw will be at the supper on the eve of the Autumn Sale in October and the final two tickets are drawn at the National Show Society Dinner. The prize money this year was £167. The New Club Draw Tickets for 2015/2016 will be on sale during August and September. Please let Debbie know if you would like to renew your tickets, and for those of you who would like a ticket for the first time, you just need to complete and return the form below. Please send to Debbie at the office address – thank you. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

CLUB 2015/2016 Name……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Address………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I would like ……………… ticket(s) for this year’s club draw. I would like additional tickets for other friends/family members YES/NO (Please state how many and in whose name) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I enclose payment of £……………….. (£15 per ticket) Signed…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21

YOUTH AMBASSADOR TO AUSTRALIA We were delighted to send Catherine Page (daughter of Chris and Sue) off to Australia earlier this year to represent this country’s South Devon breeders, with financial support from the Society, the World Association, and the Australian South Devon Society. Catherine will give a presentation at next year’s AGM, and this is her interim report: “I was fortunate enough to be selected as the Youth Ambassador for the UK. As part of this role I was sponsored by the UK and Australian South Devon Societies, the World Association and individuals to visit Australia. 23,024 miles, 41 hours’ flying, 3 weeks, 3 states, 7 properties (some of which had more than one herd), a cattle station, a feedlot, a market, over 60,000 cattle and 800 pictures later, and I returned to the UK from a great experience in Australia. I spent a week at Beef 2015 where there were 2,000 cattle, breeds I had never heard of, and crosses of all kinds that have been given their own breed status. The South Devons had their own stand and were promoting the breed with a prize draw and talks for school children, parents, teachers and potential new breeders. I saw both South Devon studs and commercial South Devons, the latter seemingly the stronger direction for South Devons in Australia. I have to thank all the people who were involved in the planning of my trip and the South Devon breeders who let me into their homes and took the time to show me around their studs. Not only did they tell me about how they breed South Devons and the attributes they look for, both as individuals and as a society, but they told me about Australia, the land and farming processes, and even some of the local sights. It was so interesting to see the challenges they face as a society and as a farming community and how they compare to the UK. This trip was a wonderful experience. I have come away with so much information and look forward to writing up my full report!

Catherine Page” 22

PASTURE-FED LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION The Pasture-Fed Livestock Association is looking for more farmer suppliers to meet growing demand for meat from cattle and sheep fed only on grass and forage crops their entire lives. The organisation now has 180 members across the UK, with 45 certified farmers adhering to its production standards, and 18 certified butchers through which their meat is being sold. About 10,000 ha of farmland is being managed to the Association standards, which is sustaining 6,000 cattle and 9,000 sheep purely on grazed grass and conserved forage, without any grain, maize or soya. The organisation is looking to increase its membership rapidly over the next 12 months in repsons to requests from butchers for more supply of guaranteed 100% grass-fed meat. If you would like







DIARY September

7th-18th 9th 17th

(provisional dates) Herd Competition judging Executive committee meeting Council meeting, Bristol


10th 22nd 27th 30th

Autumn Show & Sale, Cirencester Region 6 annual meeting, Ludlow Region 6 Collective Sale, Shrewsbury Agri-Expo, Carlisle


11th 11th 18th 21st/22nd 24th 26th/27th

Skipton Sale Beef Southwest Breed Promotion committee meeting English Winter Fair Breed Improvement committee meeting East of England Smithfield Festival 23


Region 4 Region 6

P & R Fishleigh, Fern Ridge Farm, Sourton Cross, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 4HX Prefix: FERN RIDGE R J M Osborne & Sons, South Hookner Farm, North Bovey, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ13 8RS Prefix: HOOKNER Mr W H Bonner, Tyrellcote Farm, Thornton, Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire, MK17 0HA Prefix: THORNTON E T Jackson & Sons, Broadcroft Farm, Watery Lane, Hopwood, Alvechurch, Birmingham, B48 7AZ Prefix: BROADCROFT

INTRODUCTORY Region 3 Mr & Mrs A Lane, Far Heath Farm, Evenlode, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, GL56 0PA Introduced by Robert Hadley Region 4 J D & J F Taylor, North Aston Farms, Coldharbour, North Aston, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX25 6JZ Introduced by Mike Region 6


T J Dewes, Fosse Farm, Withybrook, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV7 9LR Introduced by Robert Hadley Mr C Edwards, New House Farm, Hatton, Hinstock, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 2TR Introduced by Tim Kent Mr T Joules, Leawood Farm, Loynton, Woodseaves, Staffordshire, ST20 0QA Introduced by Bob Bostelmann

RESIGNING Region 1 R Drew & Sons, Higher Laity Farm, Portreath Rd, Redruth, Cornwall, TR16 4HY Mr D K Cattran, Georgia Farm, Nancledra, Penzance, Cornwall, TR20 8LS Region 2 Mr E Stidston, Court Park Farm, Thurlestone, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 3LT Mr & Mrs D Jeenes, Boasley View, Bratton Clovelly, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 4JJ Region 4 Mr M Denton & Mr B Pike, The Lodge, Poughley, Woodlands St Mary, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 7BA



Please let us know if your animals are sold. This List is periodically refreshed to remove older advertising unless we are advised otherwise

BULLS Sexton Excalibur 40 UK361990 300448 Born 02/03/2008 ET Enterprise Justice UK582106 100371 Born 02/05/2009 Z Arncliffe Gairloch UK122824 100613 Born 07/05/2009 Welland Valley Dynamic 8 UK201140 701396 Born 19/03/2010 Chavid Olimpian UK281439 501041 Born 06/04/2010 AI Z Glebe Torr Down 1 UK340654 300308 Born 06/04/2010 AI Mells Park Dictator UK349776 600166 Born 02/10/2011 Z Glebe Torr Down 3 UK340654 500373 Born 07/01/2013 Juniper Nostalgia UK201753 600395 Born 15/03/2013 Mells Park Freddie UK349776 100238 Born 29/03/2013 Juniper Nestor UK201753 400400 Born 30/03/2013 Mells Park Foxy Boy UK349776 200253 Born 14/04/2013 Grove Charlemagne 72 UK321568 101264 Born 20/04/2013

Mr N Page Wiltshire – Region 3

01747 830834/ 07712 828216

J Gurney Bucks – Region 4

07830 315805

A Thornton-Berry Yorkshire – Region 7

01969 663096/ 07730 896756

Higher Hacknell Farm Devon – Region 2

01769 560292

A J & S E Crosby-Jones East Sussex – Region 4

01323 762298/ 07815 095689

J Virgin Dorset – Region 3

01258 817171

Mells Park Trust Somerset – Region 3

07894 037158/ 01373 812414

J Virgin Dorset – Region 3

01258 817171

A & P Rickett Northamptonshire – Region 5

01327 361393

Mells Park Trust Somerset – Region 3

07894 037158/ 01373 812414

A & P Rickett Northamptonshire – Region 5

01327 361393

Mells Park Trust Somerset – Region 3

07894 037158/ 01373 812414

W H D Scott Gloucestershire – Region 3

01608 651464


Tregondale Boris 3 UK383061 401123 Born 20/05/2013 Z Sexton Marvel 9 UK361990 300693 Born 27/09/2013 Brafferton Winston 5 UK122117 400385 Born 12/01/2014 Brafferton Winston 10 UK122117 100410 Born 12/04/2014 AI Arncliffe Lawrence UK122824 400973 Born 10/02/2014 Z Arncliffe Lucius UK122824 200992 Born 06/03/2014 Malthouse Highlander UK221732 201114 Born 12/03/2014 Z Arncliffe Lombard UK122824 101033 Born 18/04/2014

M R & R J Rowe Cornwall – Region 1

01579 342407/ 07971 928321

R R B & S J Harvey Devon – Region 2

01548 830307/ 07974 391105

J P Harrison Yorkshire – Region 7

01347 838725/ 07971 699716

J P Harrison Yorkshire – Region 7

01347 838725/ 07971 699716

Sir John Bell Yorkshire – Region 7

01609 882202/ 07704 552735

Sir John Bell Yorkshire – Region 7

01609 882202/ 07704 552735

C Salmon Norfolk – Region 5

01603 270000

Sir John Bell Yorkshire – Region 7

01609 882202/ 07704 552735

Sir Simon Day Devon – Region 2 B G & J Z A Dart Devon – Region 2 A R Lee Northumberland – Region 7 J G Williams & Son Shropshire – Region 6 T M Kent Shropshire – Region 6 R A Ford Leicestershire – Region 5 Norton Farm Partnership East Sussex – Region 4 A & P Rickett Northamptonshire – Region 5 W H D Scott Gloucestershire – Region 3

07792 840805 (Rob Wooderson) 01884 277410

FEMALES Bulling & maiden heifers Cows in calf, or with calves 12-15 bulling heifers 10 bulling heifers 5 bulling heifers 5 bulling heifers Yearling heifers 6 cows, in calf or with calves 4 x 2 yr old heifers 15 maiden heifers


01665 574277/ 07789 390400 01547 530319/ 07969 990839 07903 855099 01858 545227/ 07980 893663 07798 607907/ 01323 897544 01327 361393 01608 651464

COMMERCIAL UNITS SOUGHT FOR BEEF EFFICIENCY PROJECT AHDB Beef & Lamb is seeking to recruit two or three commercial beef units where feed efficiency measurements in growing beef cattle can be recorded as part of this project. The farms must have dedicated shed capacity, a good handling system and be able to install specific feeding equipment to enable the recording of individual feed intake of cattle. A range of suckler bred and dairy crossbred beef cattle will come on to the units for periods of around 15 weeks at a time. During this period they will be group housed, fed a defined total mixed ration and weighed regularly. Anyone interested in applying must be able to demonstrate high levels of management on their current unit. They must also have a willingness to spend time showing visitors around the unit and promoting the project. More information from Mary Vickers,, tel 07990 506012. It is anticipated that the conclusions from the project will be of benefit to the beef industry as a whole, although the initial phases will focus on Limousin being the largest numerically of the beef breeds.

AND FINALLY … British humour is different! These are classified advertisements which were actually placed in UK newspapers: Free – Yorkshire Terrier. 8 years old. Hateful little b ...... ! Bites. Free – puppies. Half Cocker Spaniel, half sneaky neighbour’s dog. Free – puppies. Mother is a Kennel Club registered German Shepherd. Father is a Super Dog, able to leap tall fences in a single bound. Heifers, never bred. Also one gay bull. Joining nudist colony, must sell washer and dryer £100. Wedding dress for sale. Worn once by mistake. For sale by owner – complete set of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 45 volumes. Excellent condition, £200 or best offer. No longer needed, got married, wife knows everything. 27

HERD COMPETITION ENTRY FORM Please complete IN FULL and return by Friday 7th August together with your entry fee of £25 plus VAT = £30 I/We wish to enter the 2015 Herd Competition. The Herd comprises: STOCK BULLS Name


Date of birth

COWS (Number): YOUNGSTOCK including Calves (Number): I/We agree to abide by the Rules of the Competition SIGNED ......................................................................................................................... NAME ...................................................................................................................... ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... ............................................................................................................................................ For performance recorded herds only: If you would like to enter the Breedplan competition to compete for the HSBC Trophy please sign here. 28

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