South Devons Newsletter June 2018

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SOUTH DEVON HERD BOOK SOCIETY Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ. Tel: 01392 447494 Fax: 01392 447495


NEWSLETTER JUNE 2018 CONTENTS: 9th National Show report Young Handler report Performance championships report Forthcoming sales; sale reports Feed project Harper Adams Show results Society Proven Bulls

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TB Compensation Changes to TB Rules Regional farm walks Youth workshops Wanted & For Sale New Members Cattle for Sale And finally

Dear Member I am sorry to announce the death of Mr Maurice Penney from Callington in Cornwall, and we extend our sympathy to his family and friends. Although he had not registered cattle for some years he remained a loyal member of the Society. What a month it has been! We have seen great success around the country with deserved publicity at shows and events, and all participants are to be congratulated. The Performance Championships at Beef Expo went off very well indeed, as did the National Show at the Suffolk County; and the standard of the cattle we have seen on display at county shows has been high. We are also delighted to have participated in celebrations to mark our Patron, HRH The Prince of Wales’ 70th birthday this year. These celebrations included a visit to Buckingham Palace by a group of Society officers which was a great honour and privilege; and the Society’s involvement in the Prince’s Countryside Parade at the Royal Cornwall when our breed champion, Z Welland Valley Trident 3, was led by his owners W P & S L Harper accompanied by your Breed Secretary, President and World President and 1

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then presented to Their Royal Highnesses the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall – a great Cornish occasion! Apologies to any of you who have not found us on our usual office perches – we are now back here (mostly) and ready to help. Results of shows are inside, together with a report from the National and from the Performance Championships, and all exhibitors are to be congratulated for their time and commitment to show-casing the breed. One particular highlight (and there have been several) was at the Devon County Show where I had nominated Liz for a long service award (30 years) from the Devon County Agricultural Association. The ceremony took place in front of the President’s marquee following the Grand Parade, and was cheered by a crowd of South Devon exhibitors and supporters – well done, Liz, we all appreciate the work and commitment you continue to give the Society! We have seen some significant pedigree sales, and would particularly like to wish Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Warhurst a long and happy retirement following the dispersal of their Ewefields herd at Newark. Mr & Mrs David Hedgeman are looking to follow suit and disperse their Nether Mynton herd at Exeter on 17th August. The Breed Improvement Committee is very pleased to publish details of two new Society Proven AI bulls, selected for calving ease particularly. Semen has been collected and will be available for sale to new and less experienced breeders, very shortly priced at £15 per straw plus distribution costs. A final note – would anyone like to claim a lady’s jacket, size Small, imprinted with ‘’ on the back? We have it here in safe-keeping in the office. My best wishes Caroline


hosted by the Suffolk County Show The long-term objectives of holding a National Show each year is to raise the profile of the breed within the area where it is held; and to give opportunities for regional members to become involved either as exhibitors, helpers or spectators. This year’s National achieved all three of these objectives. 2

Our venture across the country to East Anglia this time around brought us to the beautiful Trinity Park showground at Ipswich, home of the Suffolk County Show. Of course it has been a very busy time for showing what with Devon County, Shropshire, Royal Bath & West, and Royal Cornwall all happening within the same four week period, and no-one is able to exhibit everywhere. But the breed, as always, put on an excellent show of South Devons drawing upon cattle from Cornwall, Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, Shropshire, and Staffordshire, as well as from within the host region five. The exhibitors were: Mrs J Archer (Janeric); R W & S M Bostelmann (Rufford) M E & T E Broome (Welland Valley); N & E Bunkum (Tregarrick) R Coates (Newton Croft); Hadley Farms Ltd (Knightcote) R V Hartshorn (Cilgwrrwg); I Kendle (Lancaster) Laity Farms (Polkinghorne); Roden Livestock (Roden) W H D Scott (Grove); A & G Sell (Sellstead); J Skinner (Ernford) R & K Webber (Skreens); C Whitehead (Conam) The two day show began with a Fish & Chip supper in the marquee on Tuesday evening which was a lovely friendly get-together of members and guests. We were very grateful to the Show putting up a marquee for us right beside the show ring – so big we could have accommodated a line of cattle almost! Judging of the South Devon classes began early on Wednesday morning, and Mervyn Rowe from Menheniot, Liskeard, Cornwall took command of the ring, helped by an excellent team of stewards including our very own John East and Kevin Finch. First in were the females beginning with cows, and ending with two very fine classes of heifers. From these Mervyn selected young cow AI Z Eyton SAS Lolita 10 owned and shown by Connor Whitehead, as his female champion. Lolita was last year’s Performance Championship winner and now has a promising heifer calf at foot. Bulls followed, with two senior, five intermediate, and seven young bulls. Male champion was from Cornwall – Laity Farms’ 2014 born polled bull Z Polkinghorne Bentley by Carzise Bentley 2. The bull was led by Philip Laity’s 15 year old son, so congratulations for your professional expertise, Oliver! The bull went on to take the breed championship, and the award for best polled animal. Best young bull on performance and inspection was Bob & Sue Bostelmann’s AI X Rufford SAS Quest, who just a few days earlier had been awarded the 3

breed’s Performance Champion at Beef Expo. Best homebred pair came from Richard Hartshorn’s two heifers; and best group of three was a local win for Jane Archer. The Broomes’ cow Welland Valley Claudia 9 was awarded best animal from the host region (region five). At the awards dinner it was revealed that most points in the South Devon classes had been accumulated by Malcolm & Thelma Broome; and that region five was the winner for most points from any one region. Class results: Cow born on or before 31 December 2014, certified in calf or with calf at foot, having had a full term calf in the previous 12 months 1st M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 9 nd 2 Hadley Farms Ltd Z KNIGHTCOTE PEARL 11 rd 3 W H D Scott GROVE SORREL 78 4th M E & T E Broome Z WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 12 Heifer or cow born between 1 January and 31 December 2015. Those born after 30 June to be certified in calf or with calf at foot 1st C Whitehead AI Z EYTON SAS LOLITA 10 2nd W H D Scott GROVE CHERRY 94 rd 3 R Coates NORTH VIEW DAMSON th 4 Kendle Beef (I Kendle) LANCASTER BESSIE Calf born on or after 1 January 2018 1st C Whitehead CONAM BELLA 2nd M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDETT 3rd M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY HANDSOME OF 2018 Heifer born between 1 January and 31 December 2016 1st Mrs J Archer JANERIC BLUEBELL nd 2 J McInnes-Skinner AI Z UPPER NORTON STARLING rd 3 N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK GENIE th 4 Hadley Farms Ltd KNIGHTCOTE ANTHEA 79 th 5 M E & T E Broome Z WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 16 6th R W & S M Bostelmann RUFFORD SAS ERICA 34 Heifer born between 1 January and 31 December 2017 1st Hadley Farms Ltd KNIGHTOTE BRYONY 28 2nd R V Hartshorn Z CILGWRRWG CARYS rd 3 R V Hartshorn Z CILGWRRWG CAS th 4 Mrs J Archer JANERIC RUBY th 5 Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE LAD BLITZ 54 th 6 R W & S M Bostelmann RUFFORD SNOWDROP 17 4

Bull 1st 2nd Bull 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Bull 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

born on or before 31 December 2014 Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE BENTLEY Kendle Beef (I Kendle) GROVE CHARLEMAGNE 71 born in 2015 or 2016 Roden Livestock AI Z EYTON SAS LEO 1 M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY DYNAMIC 11 Mrs J Archer LUMBYLAW HADRIAN 2 A & G Sell SELLSTEAD JACK Mr & Mrs R Webber KESTLE NIMROD 3 born on or after 1 January 2017 R W & S M Bostelmann AI X RUFFORD SAS QUEST R V Hartshorn AI CILGWRRWG SAS COCH N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK HAMILTON Roden Livestock BRAFFERTON KUDO 7 W H D Scott AI GROVE DARIUS 32 Hadley Farms Ltd Z KNIGHTCOTE TUDOR 16

Special awards Female Champion Winner C Whitehead AI Z EYTON SAS LOLITA 10 Reserve M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 9 Male Champion – C F Nielsen Perpetual Challenge Trophy Winner Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE BENTLEY Reserve Roden Livestock AI Z EYTON SAS LEO 1 Breed Champion – Liddell Perpetual Challenge Cup Winner Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE BENTLEY Best opposite sex to breed champion – SAS Trophy Winner C Whitehead AI Z EYTON SAS LOLITA 10 Best cow & calf on performance and inspection. Cows to have had at least three full term calves Winner M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 9 Best young bull on performance and inspection, born on or after 1 January 2017 Winner R W & S M Bostelmann AI X RUFFORD SAS QUEST Reserve W H D Scott AI GROVE DARIUS 32 Best polled animal – Herbert Tully Perpetual Challenge Cup Winner Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE BENTLEY Reserve C Whitehead AI Z EYTON SAS LOLITA 10 5

Best animal forward from an exhibitor whose herd is within the East Midlands & Eastern Counties Region Winner M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 9 Reserve Mrs J Archer JANERIC BLUEBELL Best homebred pair – Grove Perpetual Silver Challenge Cup Winner R V Hartshorn Reserve Mrs J Archer Best group of three Winner Mrs J Archer Reserve Roden Livestock Most points in South Devon classes – Track Marshall Trophy Winner M E & T E Broome =Reserve Hadley Farms =Reserve Mrs J Archer Most points in South Devon classes from an individual region – Regional Cup Winner Region Five Reserve Region Six Awards for the other National Show competitions were presented just before the final Grand Parade, in the marquee, as follows: Best cake – judged by Stephanie Rowe Winner Thelma Broome Runner-up Thelma Broome Best photo – judged by Lucinda Morgan Winner Chloe Quantick Runner-up Margaret Plain Tidiest lines Winner Olly Brewin THANK YOU’S  Stewards - John East & Kevin Finch, who joined Suffolk Show stewards William Bryce & James Strachan  Steward of the Young Handler Competition - Nick Hood  Suffolk Show organisers - Liz Payne, Bee Kemball, Philip Ainsworth  Our own Working Group - Malcolm Broome, Andrew Foulds & Richard White  Judge of South Devons and Young Handler Competition – Mervyn Rowe  Our staff – Liz, Elizabeth & Keith 6

       

Photographer and judge of photo competition - Lucinda Morgan Judge of cake competition – Stephanie Rowe Roger & Tom Elliott for supplying the beef for the Awards Dinner Event caterers The Fish & Chip caterers Those who brought cakes for us to share in the marquee All our sponsors All exhibitors without whom there would not be a show SPONSORS

Without sponsorship it would be very difficult to sustain an annual National Show, so we are enormously grateful to all our supporters, namely:

Agricultural Central Trading; Anglia Quality Meat; Bletsoes Chandlers Farm Equipment; Clarity Copiers; Ernest Doe & Sons Fram Farmers; Kivells; Manor Farm Feeds North Norfolk Vehicle Solutions; Platt Rushton Sharmans Agricultural; Welland Valley Feeds; Western Seeds Towergate Farm Insurance; M E & T E Broome; Heath Farms Laity Farms; J H Pinnells CLUB DRAWS Two draws were made at the Awards Dinner and the winning tickets belong to Roger Clemens and Florence Milton, each receiving a cheque for £165. The new Club will be launched in the next few weeks, and if you would like tickets and are not already a member of the Club, please would you let Elizabeth know. TOWERGATE YOUNG HANDLER COMPETITION We are grateful to our judge Mervyn Rowe for deciding the placings in this two-section competition; and to our steward Nick Hood for arranging the cattle, stockmen, and timings in the ring. Once again, this very professional showcase for our youngsters was a great spectacle for all those around the ring. Seeing them take part with such confidence and ability is great encouragement for the future and we wish them all success in their futures. 7

The younger section of the competition involved show preparation and presentation of a heifer, and was won by Rhyleigh Kendle (Kendle Beef) from Norfolk, with runners-up Oliver Laity (Polkinghorne) from Cornwall and Betty Hepworth- Smith. The older section saw seven competitors undertake show preparation, presentation, judging, and reasoning. The winner assumes the responsibility of South Devon ambassador when they use their prize money to subsidise an overseas trip to see South Devons being bred in a different climate and different environment. The winner of this prestigious prize was Connor Whitehead from Shropshire. Second and third were Maisie Ford and Francesca Hadley; and runners-up were Poppy Whitehead, Josh Ford, Emma Faragher and Luke Oakley. 10TH NATIONAL SHOW 2019 The Royal Welsh Show, Builth Wells Start planning now!

4TH PERFORMANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS Beef Expo, Shrewsbury, 25th May Sponsored by Neogen (Europe) Ltd It was a fine display of 23 performance recorded South Devons from nine exhibitors across the Midlands, and from Wales and Somerset, who came together to compete in the breed’s Performance Championships. This was the second time that the NBA have hosted the event and it is the ideal technical show that is geared directly towards the commercial farmer making it such a suitable venue. With rainy conditions outside it also meant that farmers would not be busy with other jobs. Our Judge was Gordon Tully from Brixham, Devon whose job it was to place each class on inspection. Performance points were then added (Quality Beef Index for bulls, and Suckler Replacement Index for heifers) and a result reached. Gordon’s female champion was Richard Hartshorn’s May 2017 born polled heifer by Z Eyton Trusty 3 – Z Cilgwrrwg Cariad. His male champion was Bob 8

& Sue Bostelmann’s January 2017 scurred bull by Rufford SAS Dillon – AI X Rufford SAS Quest. Results Class 1 – bulls born in 2016 1st M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY COMRADE Class 2 – bulls born between 3 January and 16 February 2017 1st R W & S M Bostelmann AI X RUFFORD SAS QUEST 2nd R V Hartshorn AI CILGWRRWG SAS COCH rd 3 Hadley Farms Ltd KNIGHTCOTE TUDOR 16 th 4 Roden Livestock Z BRAFFERTON KUDO 3 Class 3 – bulls born between 7 March and 9 April 2017 1st Roden Livestock BRAFFERTON KUDO 7 2nd C J Page COTON LUDO 6 3rd E G & S M Hawkins CUTSEY INTREPID 3 4th Roden Livestock Z EYTON TRUSTY 5 5th Roden Livestock Z EYTON TRUSTY 6 (TWIN) Male Champion Winner R W & S M Bostelmann AI X RUFFORD SAS QUEST Reserve M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY COMRADE Class 4 – heifers born between 12 January and 18 April 2016 1st Hadley Farms KNIGHTCOTE ANN 53 2nd M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 16 3rd R W & S M Bostelmann RUFFORD ERICA 34 Class 5 – heifers born between 2 February and 19 February 2017 1st R W & S M Bostelmann RUFFORD SNOWDROP 17 nd 2 Hadley Farms KNIGHTCOTE BRYONY 27 rd 3 E G & C E James AI GLANCOLLEN LISA 5 th 4 R V Hartshorn Z CILGWRRWG CAS th 5 C J Page COTON BELINDA 6th E G & C E James AI GLANCOLLEN OLWEN 8 Class 6 – heifers born between 8 March and 2 May 2017 1st R V Hartshorn CILGWRRWG CARIAD 2nd W H Sandford HAUGHTON DOLLY 1 rd 3 R V Hartshorn Z CILGWRRWG CARYS th 4 C J Page COTON SAUCY SUE Female Champion Winner R V Hartshorn CILGWRRWG CARIAD Reserve Hadley Farms KNIGHTCOTE ANN 53 9

Breed Champion Winner R W & S M Bostelmann Reserve R V Hartshorn


With thanks to Judge Gordon Tully, Chief Steward John Wakeham, and Commentator Clive Davies for making the event run so smoothly! Next year Beef Expo is likely to be held at a venue further north, and we are exploring practicalities with them for another Performance Championships. Watch this space!

FORTHCOMING SALES MONTHLY CATALOGUED SALE AT EXETER Friday 22nd June, comprising: 3 pedigree bulls (Trevoulter & Wappenshall), 14 pedigree cows with calves (Waddeton), 1 pedigree cow with calf (East Farm), 7 birth notified or pedigree cows with calves (Wappenshall) DISPERSAL OF THE NETHER MYNTON PEDIGREE HERD Friday 17th August, on behalf of Mr & Mrs D Hedgman, comprising: 18 cows, 4 in-calf heifers, 9 yearling heifers, 2 stock bulls

SALE REPORTS PRODUCTION SALE, LANGHAM’S HERD, A & C FARMS Newark, 19th May A strong, well-prepared consignment of cows and calves, and heifers was recently presented for sale at Newark by A & C Farms, Langham, Rutland. 19 cows with well-grown calves at foot topped at 2,200 gns (three times) and averaged £1,923. 16 maiden heifers topped at 1,800 gns (twice) and averaged £1,440. 10

5 in-calf heifers reached 1,500 gns and averaged £1,323. Buyers came from Norfolk, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Yorkshire, and Stirling. Those who wish for pedigrees to be transferred please contact Liz. Auctioneers: Newark Livestock Market Company

SOUTH DEVON CATTLE BREEDERS CLUB SALE Exeter, 25th May Judge: Mr A L Pascoe, Hayle, Cornwall Bulls 1st R R B & S J Harvey 2nd N & E Bunkum 3rd J Shinner & Sons Cows & calved heifers 1st D H Hartnell & Sons 2nd D H Hartnell & Sons 3rd D H Hartnell & Sons Served/in-calf heifers 1st A H & E M Bartley 2nd A H & E M Bartley 3rd B G & J Z A Dart Maiden heifers over 2 years 1st J Andrew 2nd J Andrew 3rd J Andrew Maiden heifers under 2 years 1st B G & J Z A Dart 2nd J Andrew 3rd R J Rew & Sons Breed champion Winner R R B & S J Harvey Reserve N & E Bunkum


THE SALE 10 bulls, topping at 4,100 gns for R R B & S J Harvey’s Sexton Senator 21 to P S & A P Rowe, Menheniot, Cornwall, and averaging £2,735. 5 cows & calves, topping at 1,300 gns (twice), and averaging £1,329. 11

2 served/in-calf heifers, topping at 1,350 gns, and averaging £1,391. 3 maiden heifers over 2 years old, topping at 950 gns, and averaging £977. 13 maiden heifers under 2 years old, topping at 1,000 gns (4 times), and averaging £1,000. Auctioneers: Kivells

HERD DISPERSAL, EWEFIELDS HERD ON BEHALF OF MR & MRS T J WARHURST Newark, 16th June The full dispersal of the Ewefields herd at Newark last Saturday, on the instructions of Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Warhurst, was a great success with very well presented strong cattle selling to new and existing breeders. Pedigree buyers were selecting particular bloodlines, and it was also an excellent opportunity for acquiring foundation stock. Top prices for 44 cows with calves at foot: Ewefields Flame 6 & Flame 14 Ewefields Whinfield 101 & Whinfield 112 Ewefields Mayflower 19 & male calf Ewefields Venus 11 & Venus 11 Ewefields Susie 16 & male calf Trevassack Aster 172 & Aster 34 Trevassack Aster 19 & Aster 31 Average £2,221 7 dry cows Average £1,263 Top prices for 15 bulling heifers: Ewefields Aster 22 Ewefields Whinfield 105 Ewefields Hazel 27 Ewefields Lady 50 Broadwood Pride 14 Ewefields Whinfield 104 Average £1,817 Top prices for 22 yearling heifers: Ewefields Winfield 107 Ewefields Mimosa 12 12

3200 gns to F A Gates & Son 3200 gns to J Wharton Agriculture 3000 gns to Laity Farms 2900 gns to Dunstall Farming 2800 gns to Dunstall Farming 2800 gns to Dunstall Farming 2800 gns to Laity Farms

3000 gns to J Wharton Agriculture 2600 gns to Mr & Mrs R Paton 2000 gns to I S Booth & Partners 1900 gns to H R Taylor & Son 1900 gns to H R Taylor & Son 1900 gns to I S Booth & Partners

2000 gns to A & C Farms 1700 gns to F A Gates & Son

Ewefields Aster 27 Ewefields Aster 26 Ewefields Aster 28 Average £1,375 3 stock bulls: AI Langham’s Homer 2 AI Z Woodhayes Bellerophon 5 Langham’s Louis 12 Average £3,745

1700 gns to A & C Farms 1600 gns to R Graham & Son 1600 gns to R Graham & Son

4500 gns to A & C Farms 3200 gns to R J Tucker & Sons 3000 gns to I S Booth & Partners

We wish Mr & Mrs Warhurst a very happy retirement and thank them for their long support of the breed and the Society.

FEED PROJECT AT HARPER ADAMS Last November Harper Adams University took delivery of 34 South Devon steers which they bought from W J Wright & Son’s Oxey herd, Tilton-onthe-Hill, Leicestershire to run a feed project to evaluate the replacement of concentrates with a high energy forage diet. The project is being sponsored by the Society. In brief the trials have involved dividing the steers into two groups being fed ad lib either a 13% crude protein cereal diet, or a maize silage and cereals diet. The cattle have been weighed monthly, and most have now been finished and processed by ABP at Shrewsbury. Final results will be collated by Simon Marsh, Principal Lecturer and Beef Cattle Specialist at Harper Adams and then be ready for publication soon thereafter. This collaboration between ourselves and Harper Adams has led to an agreement of an annual award (for an initial five years) of a South Devon Perpetual Cup to the student who is judged by the University to have performed best in their final Beef Assignment. The award will be presented for the first time this coming September, and a synopsis of the student’s work will be published in next year’s breed Journal.


SHOW RESULTS DEVON COUNTY Judge: Mr G C Hill, Tavistock, Devon Cow, born before 1 January 2015, warranted in-calf, having had a full time calf before 1 January 2018 1st W H D Scott GROVE SORREL 78 nd 2 The Tully Partnership Z WADDETON ANN 139 Heifer, born in 2015 1st N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK FERN 2nd M R & R J Rowe TREGONDALE DARKIE 56 rd 3 B & M J & Miss C Quantick TREVOULTER FRANCESCA 3 th 4 W P & S L Harper Z BEDFORD DAISY OF 2015 th 5 Mr & Mrs R Clemens PENROSE STONEHEDGING SUFFRAGETTE 3 Heifer, born in 2016 1st W P & S L Harper Z BEDFORD ELIZABETH OF 2016 nd 2 W H D Scott Z GROVE PRIMROSE 74 rd 3 Mrs A Brookes Z BECKAVEANS BEACON 1 th 4 N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK GENIE th 5 G W J & L F Pluess TREVOULTER EWELLA 2 th 6 R J Throssell & J A T Warwick Z BECKAVEANS INDIANA 12 Heifer, born in 2017 1st Mrs A Brookes Z BECKAVEANS BEACH BELL 2 nd 2 N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK HATTIE rd 3 M R & R J Rowe TREGONDALE DEWDROP 151 th 4 Laity Farms POLKINGHORNE DIMPLES 29 th 5 Mr & Mrs R Clemens PENROSE STONEHEDGING LISA 40 th 6 Mrs A Brookes Z BECKAVEANS BRIDIE 4 Group of three females, exhibitor bred 1st W P & S L Harper nd 2 N & E Bunkum rd 3 Mrs A Brookes 4th W H D Scott 5th M R & R J Rowe Bull or heifer, born on or after 1 April 2017 1st R K Rundle KESTLE EMPEROR 9 nd 2 Mr & Mrs R Clemens PENROSE STONEHEDGING LISA 41 Bull, born before 1 January 2015 1st W P & S L Harper Z WELLAND VALLEY TRIDENT 3 nd 2 P G H Tully Z EAST FARM ILLISTRAM 2


Bull, born in 2015 or 2016 1st R K Rundle BLATCHFORD HARPER nd 2 The Tully Partnership Z WADDETON ILLISTRAM 25 rd 3 R J & S J Rundle TREVEAN ARRANZ th 4 N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK GLENDERGAN th 5 M R & R J Rowe TREGONDALE PERSIUS 2 Bull, born in 2017 1st N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK HAMILTON nd 2 Mrs A Brookes Z BECKAVEANS BALOO rd 3 R K Rundle KESTLE EMPEROR 9 th 4 W H D Scott AI Z GROVE DARIUS 32 th 5 R K Rundle KESTLE NIMROD 5 th 6 R J Throssell & J A T Warwick BROOMPARK HALLMARK 2 Male Champion Winner W P & S L Harper Z WELLAND VALLEY TRIDENT 3 Reserve R K Rundle BLATCHFORD HARPER Female Champion Winner W H D Scott GROVE SORREL 78 Reserve N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK FERN Breed Champion Winner W H D Scott GROVE SORREL 78 Reserve W P & S L Harper Z WELLAND VALLEY TRIDENT 3 Best female with calf at foot, judged as a pair Winner W H D Scott GROVE SORREL 78 Reserve M R & R J Rowe TREGONDALE DARKIE 56 Best group of three females by the same sire Winner N & E Bunkum Reserve Mrs A Brookes Best young bull on performance and inspection Winner W H D Scott AI Z GROVE DARIUS 32 Reserve R K Rundle KESTLE NIMROD 5 Best group of three, at least one of the opposite sex Winner W H D Scott Reserve W P & S L Harper Best exhibitor bred pair Winner The Tully Partnership Reserve W H D Scott Best exhibitor bred, resident in Devon Winner The Tully Partnership Z WADDETON ILLISTRAM 25 Reserve P G H Tully Z EAST FARM ILLISTRAM 2 BURKE TROPHY PAIR OF ANIMALS N & E Bunkum R K Rundle Shortlisted to last four interbreed pairs


SHROPSHIRE COUNTY Judge: Mr M Kettlewell, Over Norton, Oxfordshire Bull born before 2017 1st Roden Livestock nd 2 D Smallcombe Bull born in 2017 1st R V Hartshorn nd 2 R W & S M Bostelmann rd 3 Roden Livestock th 4 Hadley Farms Ltd th 5 C J Page 6th Roden Livestock Cow born in or before 2016 1st R V Hartshorn nd 2 C W Whitehead Calf born in 2018 1st C W Whitehead nd 2 R V Hartshorn Heifer born in 2017 1st R W & S M Bostelmann nd 2 Hadley Farms Ltd rd 3 D Smallcombe Heifer born in 2017a 1st R V Hartshorn nd 2 E G & C E James rd 3 R W & S M Bostelmann th 4 C J Page th 5 C J Page th 6 W H Sandford Heifer born in 2017b 1st R V Hartshorn Female Champion Winner RV Hartshorn Reserve RV Hartshorn Male Champion Winner Roden Livestock Reserve RV Hartshorn Breed Champion Winner R V Hartshorn Reserve Roden Livestock




INTERBREED AWARDS Performance championship Winner R W & S M Bostelmann Reserve R v Hartshorn Native championship Reserve R V Hartshorn Champion pair Reserve R V Hartshorn Roden Livestock


ROYAL BATH & WEST Judge: Mr O Rounsevell, Lostwithiel, Cornwall Bull born before 2017 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK ISAAC Cow or heifer born before 2016, certified in calf or with calf at foot which must be no more than 9 months of age 1st R J Dimond AI SHEPTON BUTTERCUP 2 nd 2 Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK HONEYSUCKLE Heifer born in 2016 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK ISADORA nd 2 R J Dimond SHEPTON ROSE 3 rd 3 Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK ISABELLA Heifer born in 2017 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK JEMIMA nd 2 R J Dimond AI SHEPTON BUTTERCUP 4 Group of three animals 1st Mells Park Trust nd 2 R J Dimond Best pair 1st Mells Park Trust nd 2 R J Dimond Female Champion Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK ISADORA Reserve R J Dimond AI SHEPTON BUTTERCUP 2 Male Champion Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK ISAAC Breed Champion Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK ISAAC Reserve Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK ISADORA INTERBREED AWARDS Junior native beef heifer Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK JEMIMA 17

ROYAL CORNWALL Judge: Mr D M Thomas, Launceston, Cornwall Cow born before 1 January 2015, having had a full time calf on or after 1 January 2018 1st R K Rundle KESTLE TULIP 85 nd 2 W P & S L Harper BEDFORD DOLLYBIRD OF 2012 rd 3 Mr & Mrs R Clemens PENROSE STONEHEDGING USA 37 th 4 R J Throssell & J A T Warwick CUTSEY BRIDGET 5 Cow born before 1 January 2015 warranted in calf, having had a full time calf since previous Show and before 1 January 2018 1st W H D Scott GROVE SORREL 78 Heifer or cow born in 2015. Those born before 30 June to have had a full time calf. Those born after 30 June to have had a full time calf or be certified in calf 1st N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK FERN nd 2 P S & A P Rowe TREWINT MARY 76 rd 3 W P & S L Harper BEDFORD DAISY OF 2015 th 4 Mrs A Brookes Z BECKAVEANS JENNY th 5 W H D Scott GROVE CHERRY 94 th 6 Mr & Mrs R Clemens PENROSE STONEHEDGING SUFFRAGETTE 3 Heifer born in 2016 1st T Eustice KINGSMEADE WILLOW nd 2 A L Pascoe CARZISE SALLY 19 rd 3 W P & S L Harper BEDFORD ELIZABETH 106 th 4 N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK GENIE th 5 R Sadler CARLYDNACK NEWHAM CAROLINE 7 th 6 Laity Farms POLKINGHORNE DAISY 72 Heifer born in 2017 1st Mrs A Brookes Z BECKAVEANS BEACH BELL 2 nd 2 R K Rundle KESTLE DAHLIA 87 rd 3 Mrs A Brookes Z BECKAVEANS BRIDIE 4 th 4 R K Rundle AI ET KESTLE DAHLIA 85 th 5 Mr & Mrs R Clemens PENROSE STONEHEDGING LISA 40 th 6 N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK HATTIE Bull born before 1 January 2015 1st W P & S L Harper Z WELLAND VALLEY TRIDENT 3 nd 2 P S & A P Rowe NORTH VIEW CLAUDIUS rd 3 Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE BENTLEY Bull born in 2015 or 2016 1st R K Rundle BLATCHFORD HARPER nd 2 Highgate Farm Partnership AI CILGWRRWG SAS BACHGEN rd 3 R J & S J Rundle TREVEAN ARRANZ


Bull 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

born in 2017 N & E Bunkum A L Pascoe R J & S J Rundle R K Rundle Laity Farms Mrs A Brookes

Male Champion Winner W P & S L Harper Reserve R K Rundle Female Champion Winner N & E Bunkum Reserve T Eustice Breed Champion Winner W P & S L Harper Reserve N & E Bunkum



SOCIETY AI PROVEN BULLS Each time they meet the Breed Improvement Committee considers bulls that are potentially suitable to be collected as Proven AI Bulls whose use can be recommended particularly to less experienced breeders. Bulls need to be myostatin zero to minimise any risk of ‘double’ muscling; be Breedplan recorded to indicate their genetic breeding potential; have at least two crops of calves; and to have an interesting pedigree. The paperwork box ticked, the bulls are then inspected by the Committee before a recommendation can be made that they be semen collected. A licence to collect semen is then applied for, and the bull goes into isolation prior to health tests. If he passes those then we arrange for semen to be collected. Successful collection is by no means guaranteed and a variety of difficulties can arise associated with the bull’s performance or the quality of the semen. It is a long process, and hence the reason why Proven Bulls are so difficult to successfully sponsor. We are therefore delighted that we have recently completed the successful semen collection of not just one, but two South Devons, as follows: 19

X HIGHGATE NAPOLEON 1 (UK383244 Born 18/03/2011

Heterozygous polled (scurred)

100604) Zero myostatin

gs. Z Cilgwrrwg SAS Napoleon (UK303135 600026) Sire – X Monkton Wellington 2 (UK721712 400076) gd. Monkton Cowslip 8 (UKGA0408-00053) gs. Highgate Hayden 11 (UK383244 100247) Dam – Highgate Agate 41 (UK383244 600476) gd. Highgate Agate 16 (UKT1963-00100)

May 2018 South Devon BREEDPLAN Calving Calving 200 Ease Ease Gestation Birth Day DIR DTRS Length Wt. Wt (%) (%) (days) (kg) (kg)

400 Day Wt (kg)

600 Day Wt (kg)

Mat Eye Retail Cow Scrotal Carcase Muscle Rib Beef Wt Milk Size Wt Area Fat Yield IMF (kg) (kg) (cm) (kg) (sq cm) (mm) (%) (%)

EBV +12.9



+0.2 +18 +36 +43



Acc 60%



87% 71% 63% 65% - 35%















Breed Avg. EBVs for 2016 Born Calves EBV




+1.6 +19 +34 +44 +47 +5


+0.1 +0.2 -0.1

Traits Observed: BWT, Statistics: Number of Herds: 1, Progeny Analysed: 38, SELECTION INDEX VALUES Market Target

Index Value Breed Average

Quality Beef Index



Suckler Replacement Index




TREWINT MAGNETTO 3 (UK383029 Born 18/02/2009


Zero myostatin

gs. Trewint Magnet 1 (UK383029 200049) Sire – Trewint Magnetto (UK383029 300316) gd. Trewint Buttercup 189 (UK383029 700103) gs. Sexton Baron 28 (V3451-9408) Dam – Trewint Jill 301 (UKT1580-00338) gd. Trewint Jill 274 (UKT1580-00135)

May 2018 South Devon BREEDPLAN Calving Calving Ease Ease Gestation Birth DIR DTRS Length Wt. (%) (%) (days) (kg)

200 Day Wt (kg)

400 Day Wt (kg)

600 Day Wt (kg)

Mat Eye Retail Cow Scrotal Carcase Muscle Rib Beef Wt Milk Size Wt Area Fat Yield IMF (kg) (kg) (cm) (kg) (sq cm) (mm) (%) (%)

EBV +6.1



-0.1 +15 +25 +37 +34 +5







Acc 58%



81% 90% 87% 85% 71% 64%









Breed Avg. EBVs for 2016 Born Calves EBV




+1.6 +19 +34 +44 +47 +5


+0.1 +0.2 -0.1

Traits Observed: 400WT,600WT, Statistics: Number of Herds: 4, Progeny Analysed: 96, Number of Dtrs: 4 SELECTION INDEX VALUES Market Target

Index Value Breed Average

Quality Beef Index



Suckler Replacement Index




COMPENSATION FOR BOVINE TB Payable during June 2018

NON PEDIGREE BOVINE Male Age Up to 3 months Over 3 months up to 6 months Over 6 months up to 9 months Over 9 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 16 months Over 16 months up to 20 months 20 months and over, non breeding bulls Breeding bulls 20 months and over

Compensation due 239 455

Female Age Up to 3 months Over 3 months up to 6 months Over 6 months up to 9 months Over 9 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 16 months Over 16 months up to 20 months 20 months and over, not calved Over 20 months, calved

682 853 939 1,017 1,081 1,726

Compensation due 187 393 570 742 814 905 988 818

PEDIGREE BOVINE Male Age Up to 6 months 6 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 24 months 24 months and over

Compensation due * *

Female Age Up to 6 months 6 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 24 months 24 months and over (not calved) Calved over 24 months and up to 36 months Calved 36 months and over

4,906 2,751

*Compensation to be determined using individual valuation ** Previously ascertained market price 22

Compensation due * 2,197** 1,975 1,804 1,016


CHANGES TO BOVINE TB CONTROL – ENGLAND Further measures to tackle bovine TB were announced by Defra towards the end of May:

From 1st November 2018 compensation at only 50% (as published in Defra’s compensation tables) will be paid for any animal brought into a TB breakdown herd which then fails a TB test whilst the breakdown is still ongoing.

Cattle keepers who are CHeCS accredited will continue to receive 100% compensation for all compulsorily slaughtered cattle, provided the herd is accredited at the time of the breakdown.

From 1st November 2018 50% compensation (as published in Defra’s compensation tables) will be paid for animals that are too unclean for slaughter.

Six-monthly testing of higher risk herds in the High Risk Area will take effect from 2020, not 2019 as previously announced.

Herds in the High Risk Area that have not had a TB breakdown in six years and/or are CHeCS accredited at level 1 will continue to be tested annually.

Since 1st May 2018 cattle keepers may apply to retain in-calf TB test positive cattle for up to 60 days to allow calving. Badger control will be allowed under exceptional circumstances in the Low Risk Area.

Three applications for badger vaccination in the Edge Area have been accepted and will receive at least 50% funding towards eligible costs.

REGIONAL FARM WALKS REGION 3 – WESSEX Farm walk by kind invitation of Clarendon Park Farms Ltd, Clarendon Park, Salisbury, Wiltshire. Included with the farm tour will be a talk by a beef marketing specialist Meet at 2pm, and please book with Angela Coward, 01935 815652, email 23

REGION 5 – EAST MIDLANDS & EASTERN COUNTIES Chairman Tom Elliott of R G Elliott & Son is very kindly inviting members (regional and further afield) to view their Kislingbury herd of South Devons followed by barbecue on Sunday 8th July from 11 am. Meeting at Home Farm, Upper Hayford, Northants, NN7 3LZ. Please confirm attendance to Nick Hood, tel 07771 903837 or 01603 722303, e-mail

REGION 1 – CORNWALL A farm walk in conjunction with the Truro South Devon Cattle Breeders Club and with the Society’s Poll Group will be held by kind invitation of Laity Farms Polkinghorne Manor, 79 Churchtown, Gwinear, Hayle, Cornwall to see the Polkinghorne herd of South Devons on Tuesday 21st August Meet at 1.30 pm at Polkinghorne Manor Please let the SDHBS office know if you would like to attend

YOUTH WORKSHOPS 2018 Organised by Gayle Bersey, Aberdeen Angus Youth Development Officer and open to the South Devon Herd Book Society contact: 30th June, 10 am Ben Marsden Liley Farm, Liley Lane, Millhouse Green, Penistone, Sheffield S36 9NG 1st July, 10 am Dudley & Stuart Luxton North Alfordon Farm, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 1RX 24

29th July, 10 am Messrs James Biggar Grange, Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbrightshire, DG7 3EU 4th August, 10 am Laity Family Carlyon Farm, Kea, Truro, Cornwall, TR3 6AJ 12th August 10 am Adrian & Penny Johnson Clarence House Farm, Yearsley, Brandsby, York, YO61 4SL 18th August 10 am Melview Farming Gamage Hall Farm, Dymock, Gloucestershire, GL18 2AE


FOR SALE 19 MAIDEN HEIFERS Born first half 2017, all registered and Breedplan recorded List available upon request, with prices Can deliver within 100 miles of Moreton-in-Marsh, Glos Tel: 01608 651464


WANTED 5 – 10 COMMERCIAL SOUTH DEVON SUCKLERS Gloucestershire - For crossing to a Hereford bull Contact Caroline if interested

EXPERIENCED FARM WORKER WANTED On a 2,500 acre well-capitalised mixed farm comprising arable, pedigree South Devon herd, pedigree flock of sheep, and commercial woodland Must have experience in all aspects of calving, rearing and finishing. Must be an experienced tractor and telehandler (and combine an advantage) driver Excellent package awaits. Based in the Tamar Valley near Lamerton, Devon. Apply to Ian Forrest,

HERD BOOKS FOR SALE AN ALMOST COMPLETE SET FROM START TO 1992 For Sale or For Donation to the Society Mr C Gould, St Austell, Cornwall, 01726 72520

NEW MEMBERS New life member Region 4 Mr R D Ashcroft, Selborne, Alton, Hants New full members Region 2 Mrs M Ash, Harbertonford, Totnes, Devon Region 3 Mr D Lee, Ramsbury Estates, Marlborough, Wilts Region 4 Mr A Reid, Mill Hill, London 26

New introductory Region 2 R J Tucker & Sons, East Prawle, Devon Region 3 E & A C Messenger, Galton, Dorchester, Dorset Region 4 Mr D Moss, Petworth, West Sussex Region 5 Mr D Holman, Burton Overy, Leics Region 7 Mr M D Copley, Grantham, Lincs N White & Sons, Hallington, Northumberland Resigning Region 5 Mr C & Mrs J V Fox, Banbury, Oxon

CATTLE FOR SALE It is important that you let us know if the animals you advertise on this list are sold – thank you! BULLS Mells Park Hackney UK349776 600369 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821 Born 02/03/15 Mells Park Hamlet UK349776 300380 Myostatin ‘0’ Born 28/03/15

Mells Park Trust Somerset – Region 3

07894 037158

Mells Park Trust Somerset – Region 3

07894 037158

B G & J Z A Dart Devon - Region 2 R K Rundle Cornwall – Region 1 Ms A Brookes Cornwall – Region 1 J W Virgin Dorset – Region 3 D P Crow Shropshire – Region 6

01884 277410/ 07946 588845 01637 875798/ 07974 361768 01840 230749

FEMALES 6 heifers, bulling or served 10 heifers, bulling 8 heifers, bulling 6 heifers, bulling Cows & heifers with calves or in calf, & bulling heifers


01258 817171 01952 222134

DIARY June 22nd

Monthly sale of breeding stock, Exeter Livestock Centre

June 25th-29th

Caroline away

July 3rd

Farm walk, Clarendon Park Farms, Region three

July 8th

Open Day, R G Elliott & Son, Region five

August 17th

Dispersal of Nether Mynton herd, Exeter Livestock Centre

August 21st

Visit to Polkinghorne herd – Region one, Poll Group, TSDCC

AND FINALLY ‌ This is for older people. Younger people try it at their own risk. For those of us getting along in years, here is a little secret for building your arm and shoulder muscles. You might want to adopt this regime. Three days a week works well. Begin by standing straight, with a 5lb potato sack in each hand. Extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can - try to reach a full minute. Relax. After a few weeks, move up to 10lb potato sacks, and then 50lb potato sacks, and eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100lb potato sack in each hand and hold your arms straight out for more than a full minute. After you feel confident at that level, start putting a couple of potatoes in each of the sacks, but be careful not to overdo it... Stay safe, be well!


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