South Devon Newsletter July 2016

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SOUTH DEVON HERD BOOK SOCIETY Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ. Tel: 01392 447494 Fax: 01392 447495


NEWSLETTER JULY 2016 Dear Member Just a few days following his wife Georgina’s funeral last month, I am very sorry to convey the news that Charles Emery has now passed away. Our sincere sympathy to family and friends. Charles was our Sale Inspector for many years, and he and Georgina regularly came to the AGM dinner, even after he retired.

Contents: Page 3

125th Anniversary Dinner


National Show Report


Towergate Young Handler

How swiftly the National Show came and went! One minute we were racing around the office putting together all the last minute details, and the next we were driving back down the M6 towards home after another very successful Show. Well done to all who brought cattle – you were all winners by bringing excellent quality cattle, all of which deserved to be there to promote the breed’s finest attributes. The Royal Cheshire County gave us a big welcome, and our presence was certainly noticed. A full report is inside.

Competition 9

Other Show results to date


BVD free England


Bluetongue; Performance Championships


Farm Walk Region 4; Message from Down Under


Autumn Show & Sale; Herd Competition Rules


Diary; Cattle for Sale


New Members


And Finally


Herd Competition Entry Form 1

The next big event on the calendar is the Performance Championships which are being held within the Livestock Event at the NEC. Although our South Devon entries are down on last year, largely as a result of TB restrictions, it will be a good show, and I would encourage you to come along and support the breed and its exhibitors. The Event is technically focused with plenty to see – and it’s free entry!

Also looking ahead is the production of a 2017 calendar. If you have any photographs which might be suitable – especially wintry scenes – please would you e-mail them to us as soon as you can, and by the end of August at the latest. The Autumn Sale at Skipton will be held on Wednesday 9th November. For this Sale to be a success we really need to see more cattle there – otherwise we cannot expect to attract the range of buyers who will bid up the prices. I would suggest that cattle from TB4 areas only should be entered, based on past experience. Please would you include this in your forward planning for pedigree sales.

Although the summer has barely begun, we are already looking ahead to the autumn, and to the National Herd Competition which will be judged from 5th September. An entry form is at the back of this newsletter. The Autumn Show & Sale will be held again at Cirencester, on Saturday 8th October. The evening before will be the occasion of our 125th anniversary celebrations, which will be a Dinner at the Cotswold Waterpark Four Pillars Hotel. Details of bookings are inside, together with discounted hotel rates which will be held until six weeks prior to the event, ie 26th August.

Race for Life takes place at Westpoint on 24th July, and our team of South Devon Moos would be very appreciative of any more sponsorship as we’re quite a bit down on last year. Thank you. Finally, a lady’s navy blue linen jacket was left in our marquee at the Royal Cheshire County and, as it was not claimed there, we have brought it back with us. If you know the owner please would you give us a ring and we’ll arrange to send it on.

Later in the year we look forward to the publication of Colin Pearse’s book about the breed’s history for which he has collected a vast amount of photographs and information – it will be a great collection of memories!

My best wishes Caroline


125TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER Cotswold Waterpark Four Pillars Hotel, Cirencester Friday 7th October £27 per person MENU Duo of melon with raspberry syrup or Soup of the Day served with bread rolls *** Carvery selection including beef and turkey Selection of potatoes and seasonal vegetables *** Chocolate fudge cake with crème anglaise or Lemon tart dressed with a fruit coulis *** Tea & coffee Please book with the office, and let us know your choices of starter and dessert. A number of bedrooms have been pre-allocated to us and will be held up to six weeks prior to the event (ie Friday 26th August), at a discounted rate of £85 bed & breakfast – book direct with the hotel on 01285 864444 and quote SOUT071016 After that time the rooms will only be available at normal commercial rates, so book now to be sure! 3

SEVENTH NATIONAL SHOW 2016 Royal Cheshire County Show, 21st & 22nd June It was another very successful National Show this year at the Royal Cheshire County, with exceptional cattle, sunshine to dry the wet ground and to show off the bright colours, and plenty for exhibitors and visitors to do and see. Since its inception in 2010 the National Show formula has worked really well, continuing to achieve the objective of promoting the breed across the country, and bringing together some of the very best cattle to compete for highly prestigious Society awards. Changing the venue each year gives all breeders the opportunity to participate, whilst also keeping the event fresh and interesting. There are many people to thank for the organization, and please forgive me if I fail to make mention of you. Firstly, the Working Group who did so much behind the scenes in the run-up to, and during the Show deserve much credit – Bob Bostelmann, Richard Hartshorn, Julie Read, and Emma Darlington. It was mostly their efforts which raised sponsorship just short of £5,000 without which the Show would have been a much smaller affair. We are hugely grateful, therefore, to our sponsors whose names are on the website. Most of the detailed work and planning was done in the office, so thank you to Liz and Elizabeth, not least for keeping me on the straight and narrow and not forgetting anything crucial! Liz and my husband Keith kept things running in the marquee, and goodness knows how many cups of tea and coffee were made over the course of the Show. Thanks to stewards John East and David Camp, who kept exhibitors ready to come into the ring, all with good humour, and to our Cheshire Show stewards Frank Dixon and Sarah. Judge Gordon Tully had some big classes to sort through, with a total of 59 South Devons forward, and there were plenty of spectators around the ring at all times being fed information by commentator Johnny Dymond. Gordon said it was ‘Ladies Day’ as he picked out his breed and reserve breed champions from the female classes. As well as judging the breed classes, we are also very grateful to Gordon for judging the Towergate Young Handler Competition on the second day. Thanks to all those who baked cakes, sent in photographs, and kept their lines 4

tidy in the cattle marquee. The most important thanks go to the exhibitors themselves – without their dedication and enthusiasm there would be no show. Many miles were driven and many hours were spent on motorways, to bring to fruition the many months of show preparation. They are namely (with region in brackets): A & C FARMS (5); O BREWIN (5); A BROOKES (1); M E & T E BROOME (5); N & E BUNKUM (1); MR & MRS R CLEMENS (1); S & K DARNBROOK (7); K FINCH (5); R A FORD (5); W P & S L HARPER (2); R V HARTSHORN (6); R HARTSHORN & C WHITEHEAD (6); LAITY FARMS (1); MELLS PARK TRUST (3); C J PAGE (4); A L PASCOE (1); K V & M A PLAIN (3); R K RUNDLE (1); W H SANDFORD (6); C W WHITEHEAD (6) This was the first show where every one of our seven regions was represented! SHOW RESULTS Heifer, born between 1 January and 31 December 2015 (13 forward) 1st R K Rundle KESTLE BUTTERCUP 139 nd 2 R A Ford GOFFE CAVE KITTY 40 rd 3 Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK HERMIONE th 4 W P & S L Harper BEDFORD DAISY OF 2015 5th N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK FERN 6th A L Pascoe CARZISE PAULINE 38 th 7 Mr & Mrs R Clemens PENROSE STONEHEDING SUFFRAGETTE 3 th 8 C W Whitehead AI Z EYTON SAS LOLITA 10 Heifer, born between 1 January and 31 December 2014 (12 forward) 1st R K Rundle AI KESTLE DAHLIA 73 nd 2 Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE TULIP BLITZ 58 rd 3 R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS ZOOM 4th M E & T E Broome Z WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 12 5th C J Page COTON VENUS 19 th 6 K V & M A Plain FOXHOLE CLOVER 2 th 7 A L Pascoe CARZISE SALLY 16 th 8 Mrs A Brookes Z BECKAVEANS BRACKEN 1 5

Heifer or cow, born between 1 January and 31 December 2013, certified in calf or with calf at foot (2 forward) 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT nd 2 A & C Farms AI Z LANGHAM’S CORNFLAKE Cow, born on or before 31 December 2012, certified in calf or with calf at foot, having had a full time calf in the previous 12 months (7 forward) 1st R K Rundle KESTLE TULIP 85 nd 2 O Brewin NORTH VIEW CLOVER 3rd W P & S L Harper Z BEDFORD ELIZABETH OF 2010 4th K V & M A Plain AI FOXHOLE MARY 5th M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY CLAUDIA 9 th 6 R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS VEE th 7 S & K Darnbrook CLEUGHSIDE THYME Calf, born on or after 1 January 2016 (3 forward) 1st R V Hartshorn AI CILGWRRWG SAS BACHGEN nd 2 Mells Park Trust AI MELLS PARK IVY rd 3 S & K Darnbrook CLEUGHSIDE THYME 2 Bull, born on or after 1 January 2015 (15 forward) 1st A L Pascoe CARZISE CLAUDIUS 4 nd 2 Mells Park Trust ET Z MELLS PARK HERCULES rd 3 R Hartshorn/C Whitehead Z EYTON TRUSTY 3 th 4 R Hartshorn/C Whitehead AI Z EYTON SAS LEO 1 th 5 N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK FRAISER th 6 K Finch PYTCHLEY CRUSADER 3 th 7 Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE BAXTER 8th A Brookes Z BECKAVEANS BARBEL Bull, born in 2013 or 2014 (7 forward) 1st M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY PIONEER 5 nd 2 Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK GLADIATOR rd 3 W H Sandford AI HAUGHTON SAS JAMBO th 4 R A Ford GOFFE CAVE OUTBURST th 5 A & C Farms LANGHAM’S KUBLA 10 th 6 Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE BENTLEY 7th O Brewin NORTH VIEW BOND Group of any three animals, exhibitor bred (3 groups forward) 1st R K Rundle 2nd Mells Park Trust 3rd Mrs A Brookes 6

Female champion Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT Reserve R K Rundle AI KESTLE DAHLIA 73 Male champion & best opposite sex to Breed champion – the SAS Trophy Winner M E & T E Broome WELLAND VALLEY PIONEER 5 Reserve A L Pascoe CARZISE CLAUDIUS 4 Breed champion – the Liddell Perpetual Challenge Cup Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT Reserve R K Rundle AI KESTLE DAHLIA 73 Junior champion Winner A L Pascoe CARZISE CLAUDIUS 4 Reserve R K Rundle KESTLE BUTTERCUP 139 Best cow & calf on performance and inspection – the Centenary Trophy Winner R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS VEE Reserve O Brewin NORTH VIEW CLOVER Best young bull on performance and inspection Winner R Harthsorn/C Whitehead Z EYTON TRUSTY 3 Reserve C J Page COTON HADRIAN OF 2015 Best polled animal – the Powderham Perpetual Silver Challenge Cup Winner Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE TULIP BLITZ 58 Reserve R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS ZOOM Best homebred pair – the Grove Perpetual Challenge Cup Winner Mells Park Trust Reserve R K Rundle Most points in all classes – the Track Marshall Trophy Winner Mells Park Trust Reserve R K Rundle Interbreed best mother & daughter Winner R K Rundle Interbreed best pair Reserve R K Rundle KESTLE TULIP 85 AI KESTLE DAHLIA 73 Interbreed team of four Reserve Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT R K Rundle KESTLE TULIP 85 AI KESTLE DAHLIA 73 R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS ZOOM 7

Best photograph competition The winner of both classes (on farm, and at show) was Mrs Stephanie Rowe, Tregondale, Menheniot, Liskeard, Cornwall. Cake competition The winner of both classes (best sponge, best fruit) was Mr Chris Page, Coton Farm, Chacombe, Banbury, Oxfordshire Tidy lines The winner of the best kept lines was the Ford family, Thorpe Langton, Market Harborough, Leicestershire At the closing gathering of members and guests in the marquee, some of the best parts of the Show were highlighted by President John Hadley, who congratulated all those who had participated, and thanked all those who had contributed to the Show’s success. *********************

TOWERGATE YOUNG HANDLER COMPETITION WEDNESDAY 22ND JUNE There were nine entrants in the main Competition, very kindly sponsored by Towergate Farm Insurance, and we were very pleased to welcome Mr Paul Short from Towergate to the Show to watch the judging and to present the awards. Overall winner was Fin Whitehead, our 16 year old youth member from Telford, Shropshire, who was presented with the Gordon H Tully Challenge Cup and a showing stick. He can now claim £400 towards the cost of an overseas trip to see South Devons. In joint second place were his older brother Connor, and from Mells Park Lucy Gould, who each received a cheque for £50 and a bag of merchandise. Judge Gordon Tully congratulated all the entrants for their enthusiasm aheir competence, and Caroline said they were all a great credit to the breed. In the younger section of the competition, a new Cup has been presented by 8

Chris and Julie Read, in memory of Julie’s daughter Rebecca. It was won by Josh Ford from Thorpe Langton, Leicestershire. Runner up was Poppy Whitehead, so there was much celebration in the Whitehead family! All the entrants of the Competition will receive South Devon polo shirts. Next year’s Competition will be held at the Royal Cornwall, and we hope for a good turnout again.

OTHER SHOW RESULTS TO DATE Royal Cornwall JUDGE: MR R K RUNDLE, NEWQUAY, CORNWALL Cow, born before 1 January 2013, having had a full time calf on or after 1 January 2016 1st W P & S L Harper Z BEDFORD ELIZABETH OF 2010 nd 2 Mr & Mrs R Clemens PENROSE STONEHEDGING PRIDE 3 rd 3 G W J & L F Pluess KESTLE BUTTERCUP 124 th 4 P R & T Eustice CARZISE AUDREY Heifer or cow, born in 2013. Those born on or before 30 June to have had a full-time calf. Those born after 30 June to have had a full-time calf or be certified in calf 1st Mr & Mrs R Clemens PENROSE STONEHEDGING SHANNAGH Heifer, born in 2014 1st A L Pascoe CARZISE SALLY 16 nd 2 M A & C Sandbach & Son PERLEES VIOLET 11 rd 3 Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE TULIP BLITZ 58 th 4 M A & C Sandbach & Son GROVE CELANDINE 125 th 5 Mrs A B Brookes Z BECKAVEANS BRACKEN 1 th 6 Mr & Mrs R Clemens PENROSE STONEHEDGING LISA 39 Heifer, born in 2015 1st P R & T Eustice TREVOWAH MAYFLOWER 7 nd 2 W P & S L Harper BEDFORD DAISY OF 2015 rd 3 A L Pascoe CARZISE PAULINE 38 th 4 Mr & Mrs R Clemens PENROSE STONEHEDGING SUFFRAGETTE 3 th 5 M A & C Sandbach & Son PERLEES VIOLET 14 th 6 N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK FERN Bull, born before 1 January 2013 1st D J Thomas & Son Z FROYLE MILL BENJAMIN 9

2nd N & E Bunkum LANGHAM’S LOUIS 2 Bull, born in 2013 or 2014 1st Highgate Farm Partnership GEORGE TEIGN SWIG BACCHUS 3 nd 2 Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE BENTLEY Bull, born in 2015 1st A L Pascoe CARZISE CLAUDIUS 4 nd 2 N & E Bunkum TREGARRICK FRAISER 3rd Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE BAXTER 4th G W J & L F Pluess TREVOULTER ADWEN 1 5th W P & S L Harper BEDFORD TRIUMPH th 6 Mrs A B Brookes Z BECKAVEANS BARBEL Group of three 1st Mr & Mrs R Clemens 2nd G W J & L F Pluess 3rd Mrs A B Brookes Male Champion Winner D J Thomas & Son Z FROYLE MILL BENJAMIN 1 Reserve Highgate Farm Partnership GEORGE TEIGN SWIG BACCHUS 3 Female Champion Winner W P & S L Harper Z BEDFORD ELIZABETH OF 2010 Reserve A L Pascoe CARZISE SALLY 16 Breed Champion Winner D J Thomas & Son Z FROYLE MILL BENJAMIN 1 Reserve W P & S L Harper Z BEDFORD ELIZABETH OF 2010 Best female with calf at foot Winner Mr & Mrs R Clemens PENROSE STONEHEDGING PRIDE 3 Reserve G W J & L F Pluess KESTLE BUTTERCUP 124 Best young bull on performance and inspection Winner Laity Farms Z POLKINGHORNE BAXTER Best exhibitor bred Winner W P & S L Harper Z BEDFORD ELIZABETH OF 2010 Reserve A L Pascoe CARZISE SALLY 16

Best group of three, the progeny of the same sire Winner Laity Farms Reserve Mr & Mrs R Clemens 10

Royal Bath & West JUDGE: MR M R Rowe, Menheniot, Cornwall Bull, born before 2015 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK GLADIATOR Bull, born in 2015 1st Mells Park Trust ET Z MELLS PARK HERCULES nd 2 Mells Park Trust Z MELLS PARK HACKNEY Cow or heifer, with calf at foot or certified in calf, born before 2014 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT 2nd R J Dimond KESTLE BUTTERCUP 122 rd 3 R J Dimond AI SHEPTON BUTTERCUP 2 Heifer, born in 2014 1st R J Dimond AI SHEPTON POLLY 2 Heifer, born in 2015 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK HERMIONE Calf, born after 1 September 2015 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK IVY Group of three, exhibitor bred 1st Mells Park Trust Pair of animals 1st R J Dimond 2nd Mells Park Trust Male Champion Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK GLADIATOR Reserve Mells Park Trust ET Z MELLS PARK HERCULES Female Champion Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT Reserve R J Dimond AI SHEPTON POLLY 2 Breed Champion Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT Reserve Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK GLADIATOR

Royal Three Counties JUDGE: MR R C SHINNER, BUCKFASTLEIGH, DEVON Heifer, born in 2015 1st Mells Park Trust 2nd David Smallcombe Ltd


Heifer, born in 2014 1st K V & M A Plain FOXHOLE CLOVER 2 nd 2 David Smallcombe Ltd BROOKIN BLUEBELL 9 Heifer or cow, born in 2013 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT nd 2 K V & M A Plain FOXHOLE CHERRY Cow, born before 31 December 2012 with calf at foot, or certified in calf 1st David Smallcombe Ltd BROOKIN BLUEBELL 5 2nd K V & M A Plain AI FOXHOLE MARY Bull, born in 2015 1st Mells Park Trust ET Z MELLS PARK HERCULES nd 2 Mells Park Trus t MELLS PARK HACKNEY Bull, born in 2014 or 2013 1st Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK GLADIATOR Male champion Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK GLADIATOR Reserve Mells Park Trust ET Z MELLS PARK HERCULES Female champion Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT Reserve David Smallcombe BROOKIN BLUEBELL 5 Breed Champion Winner Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK FOXTROT Reserve Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK GLADIATOR Best animal bred and exhibited by a Midland Club member Winner David Smallcombe BROOKIN BLUEBELL 5 Best group Winner K V & M A Plain

BVD FREE ENGLAND The first national BVD elimination scheme for England will launch on 1 July 2016. BVDFree England will link up with national schemes in Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Northern Ireland to eliminate Bovine Viral Diarrhoea virus from Great Britain and Ireland. Over 60 organisations have now signed the BVD Statement of Intent, committing to back the eradication of BVD from 12

the national cattle herd. Visit from 1 July or the BVD Free England stand at Livestock 2016 to get involved.

BLUETONGUE It looks as though Bluetongue might well raise its ugly head as a disease issue again later in the Summer – there are plenty of guidance warnings at the moment from official bodies. It is, of course, a notifiable disease, so you should be aware of signs of the disease and what to do: Lethargy; crustiness around the nostrils and muzzle; redness of the mouth, eyes and nose; redding of the skin above the hoof; nasal discharge; reddening and erosions on the teats. If you suspect bluetongue you must report it immediately to the APHA, telephone 0300 0200 301 (England); or 0300 303 8268 (Wales). Now is the time to consider whether vaccination should be part of your protection planning, and a vaccine should become available very soon.

PERFORMANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS Livestock Event, NEC 6th & 7th July Please come along and support this technical Show of South Devons which is being held next week within the Livestock Event. Although entries are fewer than last year, it still promises to be a good contest between performance recorded animals. Every class will be judged on both performance and inspection points. Judging is on Thursday 7th July, beginning at approximately 10.30 am. The Society’s stand will be by the judging ring, and anyone willing to give up an hour or so to talk to visitors will be most welcome! Entry to the Event is free; all you need to do is register when you come in. 13

FARM WALK IN REGION 4 An Open Day is very kindly being hosted by Arthur Reynolds, Lower Ellenden Farm, Water Lane, Hawkhurst, Kent, TN18 5AX on Wednesday 27th July beginning at 2.30 pm. The Waterlane herd comprises 80 cows plus followers, and a trailer will be provided to carry visitors between the two sites over which they run. The invitation is open to all regional members, and to members from further afield who would like to attend. The region will also be having a short annual meeting towards the end of the afternoon. After the Farm Walk there will be a barbecue kindly provided by the Reynolds family. If you would like to come please would you let Chris Page (07990 970065) or Mike Kettlewell (01608 644693) know, for catering purposes, and to look at the possibility of car sharing. Arthur’s mobile is 07885 802302 should you need last minute directions on the day.

MESSAGE FROM JOHN & SUE HARVEY Torr Down herd, Australia Astute Journal readers may have noticed an error in the Torr Down advertisement this year: The EMA (eye muscle area) measurement should read 130 cm sq, and not 30 in Marvel 3’s scanning figures. John & Sue also report on the carcase ranking of animals shown by Heather & Graham Lindsay at a recent event in Queensland, Australia, where Torr Down Natalie scored the fourth highest points for heifers up to 24 months, and Torr Down Merlin (aged 17 months) scored the highest points out of 35 bulls. Both animals were sired by Torr Down Marvel 3. It goes to show that South Devons are performing very strongly Down Under as well as nearer to home – great promotion! 14

AUTUMN SHOW & SALE Cirencester, 8th October Anyone planning to bring animals to the Autumn Show & Sale will no doubt be aware of the health rule requirements – but just in case, here’s a reminder! Herds from which cattle are entered must be members of a CHeCS health scheme such as Premium Cattle Health, or HiHealth Herdcare. TB – cattle must be pre-movement tested within 60 days of movement BVD – cattle must either be from an accredited free herd under their CHeCS scheme, or be individually tested free for BVD antigen; and all cattle must have completed a BVD vaccination course at least one month prior to the Sale. For females there is a further stipulation that they must have completed their BVD vaccination at least one month prior to being put to the bull or AI Johnes – a declaration of Johnes status as ranked under the CHeCS scheme will be included in the sale catalogue

NATIONAL HERD COMPETITION Entries are invited for this year’s National Herd Competition by completing and returning the Entry Form at the end of this newsletter. Please note the closing date – Friday 12th August – and the need for strict adherence to the Rules. Judging will take place from 5th September. Judges: Mr Douglas Scott, Mr Philip Tully and Mr Robert Dimond RULES  The whole of the herd must be shown for Inspection and 75% of the females in the herd must be pedigree cattle (pedigree to include animals entered in the Register or the Supplementary Register, Part 111, in addition to the Herd Book proper) 15

 The Competition to be judged on Inspection only and the Inspection will be based on the Standard Breed Description (see Journal)  If a member has two farms, they shall be coupled as one for the purposes of the Competition  1,000 points to be awarded as the maximum number and sub-divided as follows: o 500 points for all Cows including heifers in-milk o 425 points for Young Stock o 75 points for Stock Bull or Bulls in use  The winner of the Herd Competition is required to hold an Open Day shortly after the results are announced and to be one of the judges for the following year  Should the winner be unable to judge the Competition the following year he/she will not then be permitted to enter the Competition for a further two years, ie three years’ ineligibility, unless Council would determine that the reason for the inability to judge was unavoidable

PRIZES (to be awarded at the AGM 2017)           

Wakeham Memorial Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Best Herd Cecil Harvey Challenge Shield for the Best Herd of Cows Tregerrick Perpetual Trophy for the Best Stock Bull Society Cup for the member gaining the highest number of points for Young Stock Angus Loggie Memorial Trophy for the member gaining the most points, who has never won either the Herd Competition or this Trophy Irving Enterprise Trophy for the Best Small Herd (20 cows or fewer) Bill Major Trophy for the Best Group of Three Cows sired by the same bull Edmeston Hilda Cup for the Best Cow HSBC Trophy for Best Performance Cilgwrrwg Trophy for Best Homebred Polled Animal Erme Cup for Best Heifer under two years old



6th/7th 12th-14th 18th-21st 24th 27th

August 31st September 5th 13th October 7th 8th November 9th 9th 15th/16th December 8th

Performance Championships, Livestock, NEC Great Yorkshire Show Royal Welsh Show Race for Life, Westpoint Region 4 Open Day, Waterlane herd, Hawkhurst, Kent Executive meeting, Westpoint Judging of Herd Competition starts Council meeting, Bristol 125th Anniversary Dinner, Cirencester Autumn Show & Sale, Cirencester NBA Beef Southwest, Westpoint Skipton Autumn Sale Smithfield East of England Festival Council meeting

CATTLE FOR SALE Please let us know if you sell or buy cattle from this list, which is also available to view on our website BULLS Brafferton Winston 6 UK122117 600387 Born 15/01/2014 Mells Park Gladiator UK349776 500298 Born 15/03/2014 AI Z Gro Idris 1 UK712292 300429 Born 20/03/14 Mells Park General UK349776 200302 Born 02/04/2014 Mells Park Governor UK349776 400304 Born 04/04/2014

J P Harrison Yorkshire – Region 7

07971 699716/ 01347 838725

Mells Park, c/o J Ward Wessex – Region 3

01373 812414/ 07894 037158

A Davies Powys – Region 6

01938 820710

Mells Park, c/o J Ward Wessex – Region 3

01373 812414/ 07894 037158

Mells Park, c/o J Ward Wessex – Region 3

01373 812414/ 07894 037158


Godworthy Eclipse 25 UK360143 400808 Born 16/04/2014 Tregondale Cavalier 6 UK383061 301178 Born 17/04/2014 Z Sexton Senator 6 UK361990 200720 Born 05/06/2014 AI Mells Park Gaffa UK349776 400304 Born 01/10/2014 Z Sexton Marius 23 UK361990 300728 Born 23/11/2014 Slade Barton Earnie UK363927 600363 Born 01/04/2015 FEMALES 6 x 2 year old bulling heifers

Mr & Mrs R C Burrough & Sons Devon – Region 2 M R & R J Rowe Cornwall – Region 1

01404 881479/ 07970 873096 01579 342407/ 07971 928321

R R B & S J Harvey Devon – Region 2

01548 830307/ 07974 391105

Mells Park, c/o J Ward Wessex – Region 3

01373 812414/ 07894 037158

R R B & S J Harvey Devon – Region 2

01548 830307/ 07974 391105

R J Leach & Son Devon – Region 2

01404 841408/ 07866 568151

J P Harrison 01347 838725/ Yorkshire – Region 7 07971 928321 10 cows & calves; Mr & Mrs J Pimlott 01630 652178/ 3 maiden heifers Shropshire – Region 6 07966 460312 4 x 2 year old bulling heifers K V & M A Plain 01684 772096 Gloucestershire – Region 3 4 x 2 year old, 15 x yearling M Cooke 01769 550908/ heifers Devon – Region 2 07792 453706 Cows in calf or with calves; D P Crow 01952 255650/ bulling heifers Shropshire – Region 6 07811 593260 2 year old pedigree M R & R J Rowe 01579 342407/ maiden heifers Cornwall – Region 1 07971 928321 10 x 2 year old pedigree R K Rundle 07974 361768/ bulling heifers Cornwall – Region 1 01637 875798 8 in-calf heifers R R B & S J Harvey 01584 830307/ Devon – Region 2 07974 391105 Reduction of Penvose herd on behalf of Mr W Radmore, at Hallworthy on 7th July. Comprising 8 cows with calves at foot, 2 x 2014 heifers, 6 x 2015 heifers. Auctioneers and catalogues: Kivells 18


Mr T Roskilly, Nutley, Tavistock, Devon Mr M & Mrs J Chichester, Lower Hayne Farm, Marsh Road, Shabbington, Buckinghamshire NEW INTRODUCTORY Region 2 Mr G Hockridge, Little Week Barn, Sourton, Okehampton, Devon Introduced by Murray Garrett Region 5 Miss R Lawrence, Sunny View, Dereham Road, Shipdham, Thetford, Norfolk Introduced by Jane Archer Mr T Guyer, Catsholme Farm, Severals Road, Methwold Hythe, Thetford, Norfolk Introduced by Richard Wright RESIGNING Region 1 Mr A Nicklen, t/a Nicklen & Son, Creathorne Farm, Budge, Cornwall Region 6 Mr C & Mrs M Pryce, The Green, Trefeglwys, Powys, Wales

AND FINALLY …. “We were dressed and ready to go out. We phoned for a taxi, turned on a night light, switched the answerphone on, covered our pet parakeet and put the cat out. The taxi arrived, and as we opened the front door the cat scooted back into the house. We didn’t want her in, because she always tries to eat the bird. I went out to the taxi while my wife went indoors to get the cat. The cat ran upstairs with my wife in hot pursuit. Waiting in the cab, I didn’t want the driver to know that the house would be empty for the night, so I explained that my wife had just popped upstairs to say goodnight to her mother. A few minutes later my wife came out and got into the cab. ‘Sorry I took so long,’ she said. ‘That stupid bitch was hiding under the bed. I had to poke her with a coat hanger to get her to come out. She tried to take off, so I grabbed her by the neck. Then I had to wrap her in a blanket to keep her from scratching me. But it worked! I hauled her downstairs and threw her out into the back yard.’ At which point the driver hit a parked car.” 19

HERD COMPETITION ENTRY FORM Please complete IN FULL and return by Friday 12th August together with your entry fee of £25 plus VAT = £30 I/We wish to enter the 2016 Herd Competition. The Herd comprises:






YOUNGSTOCK including calves (Number) I/We agree to abide by the Rules of the Competition SIGNED ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… NAME ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20

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