South Devons Newsletter September 2018

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SOUTH DEVON HERD BOOK SOCIETY Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ. Tel: 01392 447494 Fax: 01392 447495


NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2018 CONTENTS: Cancelled Autumn Show & Sale Native Breed Sale Data Protection Harper Adams trials Regional news Agri-Fest Royal Welsh Show results

1 4 4 5 6 7 7

Semen for sale TB compensation TB news, Cattle for Sale Too early for Christmas? Diary New members; and finally Herd Comp Winners Farm Walk Club tickets

8 9 10 13 13 14 15 16

AUTUMN SHOW & SALE CANCELLED Please contact direct those vendors who had entered cattle, as below: BULLS M E & T E Broome - 01858 545243 Z Welland Valley Comrade

UK201140 502164

myo ‘0’

Welland Valley Majestic 6

UK201140 702250

myo ‘1’ nt821

Mr & Mrs R C Burrough & Sons Godworthy Adonis 6

- 01404 881479 UK360143 100973

myo ‘0’

Goffe Cave Armando 2

UK200202 501205

myo ‘1’ nt821

Goffe Cave Armando 4

UK200202 401246

myo ‘0’

Lumbylaw Horizon 38

UK106887 601434

myo ‘2’ F94L

Lumbylaw Horizon 42

UK106887 601490 1

myo ‘1’ F94L

R A Ford - 01858 545227

A R Lee – 01665 574277

C J Page – 01295 750237 Langham’s Herman

UK209189 300382

myo ‘1’ nt821

UK321568 201608

myo ‘1’ nt821

UK365662 100979

myo ‘0’

W H D Scott – 01608 651464 AI Z Grove Antony 34 J Shinner & Sons- 01364 643380 Z Stretchford Sunshine 3

The Tully Partnership – 01803 842394 Waddeton Claude 2

UK364027 701411

myo ‘0’

HEIFERS M E & T E Broome - 01858 545243 Welland Valley Doris 33

UK201140 102153

Welland Valley Gem 33

UK201140 502185

Welland Valley Ethel 22

UK201140 402205

Welland Valley Dainty 25

UK201140 102230

C J Page – 01295 750237 Coton Mandy 5

UK283222 300363

Coton Dorothy 23

UK283222 100382

W H D Scott – 01608 651464 Z Grove Willowherb 99

UK321568 701585

myo ‘1’ F94L, ‘1’ nt821

Grove Bryony 38

UK321568 501653

myo ‘0’

AI Grove Buttercup 176

UK321568 301616

myo ‘1’ nt821

Grove Sorrel 103

UK321568 101621

myo ‘1’ nt821

Grove Primrose 78

UK321568 101628

myo ‘0’

Grove Daisy 34

UK321568 201664

myo ‘0’

The Tully Partnership – 01803 842394 Waddeton Norman Countess 14 UK364027 601340

Dear Member It was with great disappointment that Council took the decision to cancel this year’s Autumn Show & Sale as a result of low entries. The long wet cold winter, followed by the long hot dry summer have taken their toll on available feed stocks, and doubts have been raised about levels of supply for this coming winter. These doubts have dented the2 confidence of some vendors, and sale

entries failed to meet the minimum considered to be an attraction to buyers. Those animals that were entered for the Sale and which therefore comply with particular health rules are listed inside. Please contact the vendors direct if you are interested. Congratulations to the winners of this year’s National Herd Competition – Sir John, Lady Venetia, and Jack Bell who run the Arncliffe herd of 100 pedigree South Devons near Northallerton in Yorkshire. The judges were impressed by the growth and uniformity of the cattle, and by the management systems that have been put in place in recent years to produce this strong commercially viable herd of cattle. Details of the Farm Walk on 10th October are towards the back of this newsletter, and please come along if you can. Congratulations to the winners of regional and club competitions – results will appear in the next newsletter once the National Competition details have been published at the Arncliffe Farm Walk. The report from the South Devon Feed Trials has been written up by Simon Marsh from Harper Adams University and please ask if you would like a copy. An abbreviated report is published inside. An enjoyable and instructive Judges Seminar was held a few days ago by very kind arrangement with A & C Farms in Rutland. These seminars are held every other year to give Society judges the opportunity to discuss any pertinent issues and to make sure that standards are even. Thanks to Andre, Jo, Caroline and Craig for all their help, and for a lovely tea at the end of the afternoon! My best wishes Caroline

PAYMENTS BY CHEQUE If you pay invoices by cheque please would you make them payable to “South Devon Herd Book Society” and not SDHBS. Receiving banks are refusing cheques written with the abbreviated name, so please would you help us in this matter. Thank you.


NATIVE BREED SALE, EXETER Friday 5th October Kivells are kindly accommodating a South Devon section of pedigree cattle at their Native Breed Sale in Exeter on Friday 5th October. This offers the opportunity for vendors to draw together consignments of cattle – and buyers – in one place. If you are interested please contact: Mark Davis

07773 371774

Mark Bromell

07966 430001

Livestock Office

DATA PROTECTION Since the last newsletter a review of office procedures and Society publications has been undertaken to ensure we are doing what is necessary to handle member data as responsibly as possible. A few new measures have now been put in place. Thank you to all those members who have completed and returned permission forms which allow us to publish contact details as is necessary for managing the business. However, we are still following up about one third of members who have not yet returned forms. An addressed envelope is enclosed with this newsletter as appropriate and PLEASE would you take five minutes to complete the form and return it to us. (If there is no envelope you may assume that we have already received your form!) If you decide not to return the form then we will not be able to publish your name and address on the website for example, or include you in any Member List that is published in the Journal - which means that you are not benefitting from this member service. I am sorry that Data Protection has become part of our lives – and Brexit won’t change that!


HARPER ADAMS UNIVERSITY BEEF UNIT TRIALS Evaluation Of The Replacement Of Cereals With A High Energy Forage With Intensively Finished Weaned Spring Born South Devon Suckled Steers The recent feed trial of South Devon steers by researchers at Harper Adams University has shown excellent rates of early intensive finishing which offers potential for respectable margins, profitable weights, and ‘in spec’ ideal carcases. Simon Marsh, Principal Lecturer at Harper Adams, led the trial of a group of 34 South Devon steers that entered the feed unit aged 8 months, and were slaughtered at just over 14 months when their carcase weight was 334-351 kg. The cattle were sourced from W J Wright & Son’s Oxey herd in Leicestershire, and were all performance recorded. They were split into two separate diet groups, one fed ad lib cereals, and the other fed ad lib maize silage and cereals. The first group finished 8 days’ earlier and returned a gross margin of £191 per head; and the second group returned a gross margin of £77 per head. Carcase classifications (VIA) were similar across the two groups. The trials were undertaken to evaluate intensive finishing systems for suckled steers as an alternative to heavy weight bull beef; and have proved that the South Devon breed is truly versatile, performing very well on both rations, and should definitely not be classified as a ‘late maturing’ breed. Indeed the steers exceeded Harper Adams’ recognised target for intensively finished suckler bred steers (325-335 kg at 13-14 months). There were minimal issues with acidosis, the liver scores being low. The Society has sponsored this study, and is very grateful to Simon Marsh and Harper Adams University for their collaboration. Please ask us for a copy of the full report for further information about the diet, and the study’s conclusions.


REGIONAL NEWS REGION TWO – DEVON The Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th November at 7.30 pm, at the YFC Hub, Cheriton Bishop. The speaker will be Chris Gregory of St David’s/Molecare Veterinary practice, and he will be speaking about Herd Health and the new TB rules. All Devon members are warmly invited. REGION SIX – WALES & WEST MIDLANDS Please note that the date of the Regional Sale has changed to Tuesday 23rd October. It will be held at Shrewsbury Livestock Market by Auctioneers Halls, and entries are invited for South Devons and South Devon crosses. Please contact Jonny Dymond at Halls on 01743 462620, e-mail (please reference South Devon sale) for animals to be catalogued, and for more information. REGION SEVEN – THE NORTH OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND & NORTHERN IRELAND The Region’s Annual Meeting was held at Charlie Hinchliffe’s farm shop & restaurant late in August, to which all regional members were invited. A new regional chairman and secretary were elected – David Irving and Sally Cooper – and thanks given to retiring chairman and secretary Paul Harrison and Alex Welch. A new committee will meet in the next few weeks to discuss arrangements for up-coming events, and if you have any suggestions to make within the region please contact David on 07710 196624. A new Council member was also elected – David Irving! He will serve as representative of the region on Council until March 2021, taking issues forward for the Society’s governing body to consider, and helping to keep regional members abreast of matters being discussed. John Fentem has been representing the region since 2016, and his three year term will come to an end in March 2019.


AGRI-FEST 2018 WESTPOINT, EXETER, Wednesday 7th November Entries for classes at this year’s Agrifest event at Westpoint in November will close on 30th September. As last year, the Society is sponsoring the South Devon pedigree calf classes, and it would be great to see good entries to really showcase the breed’s potential at this young age. We have entered two animals in the Young Bull of the Year Competition – thanks to Nigel & Liz Bunkum, and to Highgate Farm Partnership for allowing us to do this. In addition to a full day’s activities there will be a pre-event dinner on Tuesday 6th November. All bookings to be made to Secretary Vicky Smith on 01884 861352/07773 340008 or on the website

SHOW RESULTS ROYAL WELSH SHOW Judge: Mr R A Ford, Hallaton, Market Harborough, Leicestershire Bull, born on or before 31 August 2016 1st R W & S M Bostelmann AI Z RUFFORD SAS NELSON nd 2 Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK ISAAC Bull, born on or after 1 September 2016 1st R V Hartshorn AI CILGWRRWG SAS COCH nd 2 Roden Livestock BRAFFERTON KUDO 7 rd 3 W H D Scott AI Z GROVE ANTONY 34 Cow or heifer, with calf at foot or certified in calf 1st R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS ZOOM nd 2 Mells Park Trust AI MELLS PARK HONEYSUCKLE 3rd W H D Scott GROVE SORREL 78 th 4 E G & C E James AI GLANCOLLEN LISA 3 Heifer born in 2016 1st W H D Scott AI Z GROVE DAISY 32 nd 2 A & C Farms LANGHAM’S PLATINUM 3 rd 3 A & C Farms AI LANGHAM’S PLATINUM 2 th 4 R W Bostelmann RUFFORD SAS ERICA 34 th 5 W H D Scott Z7GROVE PRIMROSE 74

Heifer born in 2017 1st R V Hartshorn Z CILGWRRWG CARYS nd 2 C W Whitehead CONAM ABBIE rd 3 R V Hartshorn Z CILGWRRWG CAS th 4 A & C Farms LANGHAM’S PLATINUM 12 th 5 Mells Park Trust MELLS PARK JEMIMA th 6 E G & C E James AI GLANCOLLEN LISA 5 Best young bull on performance and inspection Winner R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS COCH Reserve Roden Livestock BRAFFERTON KUDO 7 Best heifer Winner W H D Scott AI Z GROVE DAISY 32 Reserve A & C Farms LANGHAM’S PLATINUM 3 Best pair of heifers on performance and inspection Winner R V Hartshorn Reserve W H D Scott Best group of three, one bull and two females Winner R V Hartshorn Best polled Winner R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS ZOOM Reserve R W Bostelmann AI Z RUFFORD SAS NELSON Male champion Winner R V Hartshorn AI CILGWRRWG SAS COCH Reserve R W Bostelmann AI Z RUFFORD SAS NELSON Female champion Winner R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS ZOOM Reserve W H D Scott AI Z GROVE DAISY 32 Breed champion, best exhibitor bred Winner R V Hartshorn AI Z CILGWRRWG SAS ZOOM Reserve R V Hartshorn AI CILGWRRWG SAS COCH Interbreed Society team of young handlers Reserve C W & F Whitehead

SEMEN FOR SALE Contact Tony Leadbeater, 07977 472494 14 x Welland Valley King Lear

12 x Foxhole Menzies

16 x Highgate Hayden

12 x Shorland Ashley

15 x Haughton SAS Joe Louis

41 x Torr Down Hermes 3

42 x Torr Down Marvel 8

COMPENSATION FOR BOVINE TB Payable during September 2018

NON PEDIGREE BOVINE Male Age Up to 3 months Over 3 months up to 6 months Over 6 months up to 9 months Over 9 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 16 months Over 16 months up to 20 months 20 months and over, non breeding bulls Breeding bulls 20 months and over

Compensation due 213 338

Female Age Up to 3 months Over 3 months up to 6 months Over 6 months up to 9 months Over 9 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 16 months Over 16 months up to 20 months 20 months and over, not calved Over 20 months, calved

555 733 915 1,013 1,016 1,198

Compensation due 161 290 433 618 801 917 963 669

PEDIGREE BOVINE Male Age Up to 6 months 6 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 24 months 24 months and over

Compensation due * *

Female Age Up to 6 months 6 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 24 months 24 months and over (not calved) Calved over 24 months and up to 36 months Calved 36 months and over

3,893 2,486

*Compensation to be determined using individual valuation ** Previously ascertained market price 9

Compensation due * * 1,575 1,473 975**


Data published in the last few days shows there has been a decline in TB incidence in the first two cull areas with the rate of new confirmed breakdowns now at about half the level they were before culling began. In the Gloucestershire cull area TB incidence has fallen from 10.4% before culling started to 5.6% in year four of the cull, while in Somerset it has reduced from 24% to 12%. Licences have now been published for badger control in ten new areas within the High Risk Area, covering parts of Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Staffordshire and Gloucestershire, plus one additional licence for badger control in Cumbria to eradicate a pocket of infection in both cattle and badgers in the TB Low Risk Area. Culling operations will therefore cover 39% of the High Risk Area ofEngland. The Badger Edge Vaccination Scheme, which was suspended for two years following a global vaccine shortage before resuming in 2017, is open for expressions of interest from today with grant funding of up to 50% of costs worth £700,000 over four years - available to private groups wishing to carry out badger vaccination in the Edge Area. Expressions of interest should be made by 31st October to

CATTLE FOR SALE BULLS Sexton King Lear 6 UK361990 700333 Born 05/02/2006 Oxey Nimrod 2 UK200242 401613 Born 05/03/2009 AI Z Sexton Poll Hermes 5 UK361990 400652 Born 17/05/2012 Waterlane Idris UK260354 700530 Born 14/01/2013 X Upper Norton Presto UK283416 500284 Born 20/02/2013

Mr J O C Dyer Devon – Region 2 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821 Mr S Penrose Cornwall – Region 1 Myostatin – n/a J C & A M Coward Dorset – Region 3 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821, PP Mr A Reynolds Kent – Region 4 Myostatin ‘0’ Mr W H D Scott Gloucestershire – Region 3 Myostatin ‘1’ F94L, HP 10

01271 850293

07799 808048

01935 815652/ 07974 199027 07885 802302

01608 651464

X Arncliffe Kyoto UK122824 400910 Born 30/03/2013 Z Welland Valley Hermes 2 UK201140 501989 Born 02/02/2015 Mells Park Hackney UK349776 600369 Born 02/03/15 Mells Park Hamlet UK349776 300380 Born 28/03/15 Lumbylaw Horizon 38 UK106887 601434 Born 12/03/2016 Trevean Arranz UK381973 300654 Born 15/03/2016 Goffe Cave Armando 2 UK200202 501205 Born 31/03/2016 Lumbylaw Horizon 42 UK106887 601490 Born 19/04/2016 Sexton Senator 24 UK361990 200776 Born 01/06/2016 Goffe Cave Armando 4 UK200202 401246 Born 12/07/2016 Z Stretchford Sunshine 3 UK365662 100979 Born 13/11/2016 Langham’s Herman UK209189 300382 Born 19/12/2016

A H & E M Bartley 01884 38964 Devon – Region 2 Myostatin ‘1’ F94L, HP D & D D Sibley 07887 668331 Devon – Region 2 Myostatin ‘0’, HP Mells Park Trust 07894 037158 Somerset – Region 3 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821 Mells Park Trust 07894 037158 Somerset – Region 3 Myostatin ‘0’ Mr A R Lee 01665 574277 Northumberland – Region 7 Myostatin ‘2’ F94L Mr R J Rundle 01872 510366/ Cornwall – Region 1 07860 239909 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821 Mr R A Ford 01858 545227 Leicestershire – Region 5 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821 Mr A R Lee 01665 574277 Northumberland – Region 7 Myostatin ‘1’ F94L R R B & S J Harvey 01548 830307 Devon – Region 2 Myostatin ‘0’ Mr R A Ford 01858 545227 Leicestershire – Region 5 Myostatin ‘0’ J Shinner & Sons 01364 643380 Devon – Region 2 Myostatin ‘0’, HP Mr C J Page 01295 750237 Oxfordshire – Region 4 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821


AI Z Grove Antony 34 Mr W H D Scott 01608 651464 UK321568 201608 Gloucestershire – Region 3 Born 24/01/2017 Myostatin ‘1’ nt821, HP Z Glebe Inquest 2 Mr J Virgin 01258 817171 UK340654 500478 Dorset – Region 3 Born 16/02/2017 Myostatin ‘0’; PP Z Billington Poll King George 2 Mr M Garrett 01837 54348 UK371751 201111 Devon – Region 2 Born 26/04/2017 Myostatin ‘0’, HP FEMALES 2 in-calf cows, due Dec

Mr J O C Dyer Devon – Region 2 15 bulling heifers, Mr M Garrett & 20 yearling heifers Devon – Region 2 4 bulling heifers Ms A Welch Yorkshire – Region 7 Bulling & yearling heifers Mr W H D Scott Gloucestershire – Region 3 In calf & bulling heifers Mr J P Harrison Yorkshire – Region 7 10 bulling & 10 maiden heifers Mr R Price, Clarendon Park Wiltshire – Region 3 Cows & calves Mr A L Pascoe Cornwall – Region 1 5 bulling heifers Mr & Mrs D Sibley Devon – Region 2 6 heifers, bulling or served, B G & J Z A Dart & 5 cows/calves Devon - Region 2 10 bulling heifers R K Rundle Cornwall – Region 1 5 in-calf heifers, Ms A Brookes & 8 bulling heifers Cornwall – Region 1 20 bulling heifers P S & A P Rowe Cornwall – Region 1 12 bulling heifers F & J Rowe Cornwall – Region 1 In-calf heifers Mr C J Page Oxfordshire – Region 4 12

01271 850293 01837 54348 07720 445047 01608 651464 07971 699716 07802 901633 01736 850708 01364 631296 01884 277410/ 07946 588845 01637 875798/ 07974 361768 01840 230749 07772 563967 01503 272766 07990 970065

4 in-calf cows with calves & 2 in-calf heifers 8 in-calf heifers

Miss E Wyatt Somerset – Region 3 Mr D A Ashcroft Hampshire – Region 4

01460 63155 07966 511868/ 07977 093901

TOO EARLY TO MENTION CHRISTMAS? The Society is offering a great deal to help with your Christmas shopping, a travel bundle! 1 travel mug, 1 Car Sunshade and 1 Car Air Freshener, all for the bargain price of £11.50. Or you could go for our deluxe travel bundle, which includes a Boot Bag for your muddy wellies, as well as the items above, for only £27.00. We will also be offering our ever-popular Bull’s Head Tie in a new colour, a lovely dark brown, available from mid November. You can see our whole range of South Devon gifts and personalised clothing at – click the “society” tab and then “merchandise for sale”. E-mail your Christmas orders to, or call 01392 447494.

DIARY October 5th

Native Breed Sale, Exeter (contact Kivells)

October 9th

Breed Improvement Committee meeting, Westpoint

October 10th

Herd Competition Winners Farm Walk, Arncliffe Farms, 1.30 pm

October 28th

Cornwall Pedigree Calf Show

November 2nd

Agri-Expo, Carlisle

November 7th

Agrifest, Westpoint

November 17th

Cornish Winter Fair

November 22nd

Breed Promotion Committee meeting, Westpoint

December 4th

Executive Committee meeting, Westpoint

December 11th

Council meeting, Tiverton 13

NEW & RESIGNING MEMBERS New life member Region 4 Mr R D Ashcroft, Selborne, Alton, Hants New full members Region 2 Mrs M Ash, Harbertonford, Totnes, Devon Region 3 Mr D Lee, Ramsbury Estates, Marlborough, Wilts Miss L Gould, Shepton Mallet, Somerset Region 4 Mr A Reid, Mill Hill, London New introductory Region 2 R J Tucker & Sons, East Prawle, Devon Region 3 E & A C Messenger, Galton, Dorchester, Dorset Region 4 Mr D Moss, Petworth, West Sussex Region 5 Mr D Holman, Burton Overy, Leics Region 6 A J & M E Minshall, Stoke on Trent, Staffs Region 7 Mr M D Copley, Grantham, Lincs N White & Sons, Hallington, Northumberland R Graham & Son, Bridge of Allan, Stirling Resigning Region 5 Mr C & Mrs J V Fox, Banbury, Oxon

AND FINALLY … Some alternative sayings: Women spend more time wondering what men are thinking than men spend thinking (apologies to both sexes!) Give me ambiguity – or give me something else. He who laughs last thinks slowest. Is it wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly? I was going to wear my camouflage shirt today but I couldn’t find it. If at first you don’t succeed, sky-diving is not for you. Sometimes I wake up grumpy, other times I let him sleep.


HERD COMPETITION - Winners’ Farm Walk Wednesday 10th October, 1.30 pm ARNCLIFFE FARMS, INGLEBY CROSS, NORTHALLERTON, YORKS, DL6 3PA Winners of this year’s Herd Competition are Sir John, Lady Venetia, and Jack Bell from Yorkshire. The Arncliffe herd was established when the farm was restocked after the 2001 outbreak of FMD, changing to the South Devon breed and acquiring pedigree cattle from a number of herds across the country. Seventeen years later and Arncliffe Farms is now a mixed farm running 100 Pedigree South Devon cows, 450 pure Lleyn ewes & arable. The farm is a partnership run by the Bell family on the edge of the North York Moors. The family are thrilled that the Arncliffe herd has won the South Devon National Herd award and are rightly proud of their cattle. To improve efficiency & secure the long term future of the business the family turned to the AHDB for guidance and over the last 5 years have successfully implemented their recommendations. The focus has been on:  Increasing herd numbers. This has been achieved by implementing 2 year calving;  Implementing a tighter calving pattern meaning management and marketing of cattle is easier due to even batches;  Regularly weighing animals & using Breedplan figures to select the fastest finishing animals;  Using ultrasound scanning to measure muscle area in order to select animals that meet market requirements;  Working towards a low maintenance herd using detailed record keeping; and  Using an agronomist to improve the pasture management on this low input system. The Bells say, “The South Devon cow ticks all the boxes here. It is milky, easy to handle, thrives on grass in summer and the poorer end of the silage & straw with liquid feed in winter. This leaves the best quality fodder for the youngstock.” A total of 14 herds from across the country entered this year’s Competition, judged by Colin Edwards, Mark Thomas, and Julian White. Full results will be made available at the Farm Walk – which is one not to be missed! Please contact the SDHBS office to book – 01392 447494, or 15

Join the Club! Congratulations to our six Club Draw winners of 2017/18: Adrian Rundle, Edward & Susie Noy, Gordon Tully, Henry Webber, Florence Milton, and Roger Clemens, who have each received cheques for £165. We hope you enjoyed spending your winnings! Tickets for the new Club year to June 2019 are now available at the existing price of £15, and all members are eligible to purchase them. You can also hold tickets in the name of family or friends. Tickets are entered into all 6 draws throughout the year. The proceeds are shared with half going to the Society and half to the prize fund. Buying a ticket (or several) is a great way to support the work of the Society and be in with a chance of winning a cash prize. Ticket sales close on 30th September, and the first draw will made shortly afterwards. Existing ticket holders will have received renewal papers by post. If you would like to buy tickets for the first time, please complete & return the form at the back of this newsletter or telephone Elizabeth (Tue, Thur or Fri 9am-3pm) CLUB TICKETS 2018/2019 Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Address…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I would like ………………………ticket(s) in my name. I would like additional tickets for family and friends


Please state how many and in whose name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I enclose a cheque/have made payment online for £……………….……(£15 per ticket) Signed …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16

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