WISPA August 2017 - Warwickshire Scouts

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Warwickshire Scouts

August 2017 | issue no. 114 | www.warwickshirescouts.org.uk

Caribbean Scouts in Warwickshire

In this issue

Frank Latchem Trophy

West Warwickshire Camp

40 Scouts from St. Kitts & Nevis and Anguilla have arrived in Warwickshire on a return visit following the 2015 Warwickshire trip to the Caribbean. They are camping at Hatton Camp, Warwick site for 2 weeks and making visits to interesting places such as Gilwell Park, Brownsea Island, Shakespeare’s Stratford, Coventry, Warwick Castle and many more. The Lord Lieutenant of Warwickshire, Tim Cox welcomed them at a reception at the Court House in Warwick on Tuesday 18th July. The Chief Commissioners for both St Kitts and Nevis and Anguilla responded saying that “they were excited to be in the UK and looking forward to seeing the sights and meeting the Scouts in Warwickshire”.


Hatton Camp Site

Published by Warwickshire County Scouts Editor Tony Guy - wispa@tonyguy.co.uk Designed by alan@acstededesign.co.uk Articles to:


wispa@warwickshirescouts.org.uk by 10th October 2017

County Commissioner: As I write this the sun is shining, the sky is blue and the only clouds are fluffy ones – summer is with us and it is the time for camps, outdoor activities and all the great things about Scouting. I have visited many events already this year, and I know that lots of you will be away when this lands on your mats – I will be at camp! As Baden-Powell said “A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room” Whatever you are doing this summer enjoy it. We now start to look towards the Autumn – how do we keep that adventure and outdoor feel in the programme? We can still get out and about, have the right clothing, do proper planning, remember a sense of adventure and add a good sprinkling of fun and anything is possible. Share with us your good ideas – and maybe invite somebody along from the County team to help and join in! All the best Nigel

County Chair: It is true that we can never really know the impact Scouting has on the lives of the young people we lead. I am sure most of you know of Steve Backshall, the wellknown TV presenter, adventurer and naturalist. Recently some of us heard Steve, who is a UK Scout Ambassador, talk to a packed Scout conference. His dad was a Scout leader and he was a Cub Scout and he was pretty clear - it was Scouting that started him on a journey which defined his career.......he first climbed as a Cub, first canoed as a Cub and he first appreciated nature as a Cub. Of course, most people don’t have quite such ‘glamorous’ careers however whatever our young people do in life we shouldn’t underestimate the impact Scouting can and does have on them, particularly as many of them will have some exciting Scouting adventures over the summer. At the same conference, a very significant proportion of the attendees were youth commissioners and the energy and enthusiasm they contributed was inspiring. It’s exciting therefore that we are appointing District Youth Commissioners now across the county - please do what you can to support them. Kerrie McCann – County Chairman

Warwickshire County Strategic Plan:

Our Strategic Objectives:

Our Vision – Scouting in 2018 will make a positive impact on our communities, prepare young people to be active citizens, embrace and contribute to social change.

Growth – To increase the number of youth members and volunteers.

Our Mission – Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make appositive contribution to society.

Youth Shaped – To ensure that Scouting is shaped by young people in partnership with adults.

Our Values – As Scouts we are guided by these values, integrity, respect, care, belief and cooperation.

In the following pages, you will see how we are working to meet these objectives. Are you doing you bit?

Inclusivity – To be as diverse as our communities.

Community Impact – To make a positive impact in our communities.

Look out for special “Oscar” type Awards on these objectives to be present at the County Awards Ceremony on 5th November. All sections will be invited to take part. See i.WISPA on 1st September 2017 for more details.


Read the County Commissioners monthly blog on www.warwickshirescouts.org.uk

County Strategy - Growth & Inclusivity Growth - Our Strategic Objective is to increase the

Inclusivity - Islam: The Religion of

number of youth members and volunteers by 12% from the 2014 to 2019 census figures. This will mean that we are offering 240 opportunities to the already 5,500 young people across Warwickshire – that will be amazing!


1st Shipston Scout Group ran an initiative with the local primary school. Leaders attended the school assembly and invited parents to come along to an information session. It worked - Group are currently processing 8 volunteers into Leadership roles. The County have increased our young people by 86 this year and opened 14 new sections.

Our County Commissioner was invited to attend a meeting at a Leamington Mosque following recent events. In the shadow of the horrific attack in Manchester, we must stand up and challenge the narrative of extremists now more than ever. We invite you to join us in this endeavour. It was an interesting evening with a wide cross section of the community from political and religious leaders to interested local neighbours. The message was that Islam is a peaceful religion and that people who commit these atrocities are not true believers. In our communities, we need to work together, respecting our differences, to prevent the growth or extremism.

Meriden Scouts raise money for Shelter Box

For more information see invisible_illnesses@ outlook.com or follow.

Meriden scouts recently camped in boxes on The Green to raised a staggering £1105 in total, this is enough money for Shelter Box to be able to send two ‘New Start’ Shelter Boxes in times of disaster.

Many thanks

They split into three groups two litter picking teams round Meriden and a pioneering team who created a revolving gate purely made of wooden poles and rope. By half past nine they had a soup kitchen and the local “Chippy” gave them lots of chips, pies and sausages and the “Spar” gave the Scouts a crate of bottled water. We settled down at around eleven o’clock – The first few scouts woke at quarter past three and by half past four about 6 scouts were awake so were taken litter picking along Hampton Lane until around half six when they sat on a bench and chatted until the rests of the scouts woke - many drivers were surprised to see six scouts and a leader litter picking at quarter past five in the morning! Sleeping on the Green was a great experience to see what it was like to be homeless and how someone would feel to be homeless – scared, worried and alert!

1st Alcester Panthers

have been completing their Disability Awareness Badge focussing on Invisible illnesses. Kate Langwine-Cooke from Wrexham – North Wales creator of Invisible illnesses page via Facebook, came to discuss with the Cub Scouts about all types of invisible illnesses including Multiple Sclerosis. They completed tasks and challenges to understand different types of help for Invisible illnesses, from Lip Reading & memory games to learning new Dancing Techniques. They held a Dance’a’thon and raised £350.00 towards Kate’s £10,000 fundraising target for Multiple Sclerosis.

Raksha 1st Alcester Panthers

1st Tiddington, Pillerton and Welford Scouts recently helped at the Cyclist Fighting Cancer. Cycling Sportive starting in Stratford upon Avon. The organisers commented on the fact that the Scouts were extremely polite, courteous and confident in dealing with the cyclists. They were aware of the heat and did amazingly well distributing the medals and making sure everyone had plenty to drink. The Scouts used their initiative and worked out their own system for identifying which medal for which distance cycled and were not fazed by the task. The organisation CFC (Cyclists Fighting Cancer) enables children and young people living with Cancer across the UK, to regain their physical fitness, strength and confidence by giving them new bikes, adapted trikes, tandems and other equipment and support from the money raised at such events. For more information visit www. cyclistsfightingcancer. org.uk



County Strategy - Youth Shaped & Community Impact Youth Shaped Forums – making them happen! Ben Reed-Screen (Bubbles), Kim Marston, Linda Revill and Wendy Williams joined West Warwickshire’s District Camp and led the forums for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. The young people took great advantage of this opportunity to tell the leaders what they thought about Scouting, badges, St. George’s Day and their award scheme alongside playing games and eating slices of delicious homemade cake!

Forums are amazing, however what Leaders do with theinformation is a critical. We produced tables and graphs of data and now the leaders will be using the information in their plans for the coming months. We’ll let you know how they get on. Following this, Bubbles returned with Emma (District Youth Commissioner for Leamington) to the County Beaver Day to hold another Youth Forum. This was a brilliant success, with over 100 Beavers coming along to answer questions and make a little fortune teller to record it. Which we did turn into a massive snake!

Studley in Bloom Community Impact Nuneaton Cubs Road Safety Awareness On Friday 12th May the Friday Cub Pack from the 11th Nuneaton Scout Group spent the evening in Nuneaton town center. 14 cub scouts accompanied by Leaders and parent helpers walked from Asda through Nuneaton. During the walk the cubs talked about road safety and how people who could not hear or see were able to safely cross roads. The cubs also looked out for important information contained on sign posts and marked landmarks that they saw on a map as they walked. At the end of the evening the cubs had supper in McDonalds. The following Friday the cubs will review what they saw and discussed and take part in a fun quiz as they work towards achieving their Road Safety Badge.

As part of their Community Impact badge 1st Studley Beavers (Arrow Colony) have been working with Studley in Bloom to help brighten up their village. The Beavers learnt about the important work that the Studley in Bloom volunteers do to make their village look at its best. The Beavers could not believe how much rubbish they found whilst litter picking close to their HQ. They have also made posters to encourage dog owners to pick up after their dogs to help keep their village clean. Lyn from Studley in Bloom said, ‘When you start with young children their interest and enthusiasm stays with them and their community.’ Kim from Arrow Beavers added, ‘it is very important for the children to feel part of their village, if they start now hopefully they will learn to respect it when they are older’. The Beavers have also planted two tubs with a variety of plants, bulbs and they are now in full bloom and looking wonderful.



County Scout-About County Beaver Activity Day 2017 On Saturday June 17th 2017 Warwickshire Beaver Scout section held their County Activity day at the Heart of England Conference & Events Centre, Meriden. 533 Beaver Scouts and 185 adult leaders and helpers from 43 Colonies attended the event. Throughout the day they took part in several adventurous activities and bases run by leaders from the Districts. Activities included climbing, abseiling, road safety, pioneering, orienteering, rope bridge, tracking, archery, fire lighting, backwoods cooking, mapping, tent pitching, and several other activities in each of the 3 zones. The Central SAS team also supported the event and ran a craft base throughout the day.

Feedback from the event has been amazing, with all who attended reporting a thoroughly engaging and productive, not to mention highly enjoyable event!!!! Many thanks to all who made the day a fabulous one!!!!!

The badges achieved from the day totalled the sum of around 1100 badges, and comprised the following - My Adventure Challenge and Camp craft Activity badges.

Kimbo. ACC Beavers

Frank Latchem Trophy 2017

County Sailing

Congratulations to Kenilworth District on winning this year’s Frank Latchem Trophy, who only just pipped Warwick District. Following the success of Cub100 Camp, Cubs had to earn tea bags for completing challenges such as tent pitching, orienteering, pioneering, international activities and the sports challenge provided by a team from WASPS. There was a guest appearance from Sting during the lunch break to the cheers of the Cubs. This year we saw the Tug of War back on the agenda which was won by Atherstone District – a big well done!

...and then there were three.

Leaders were joined by David Latchem (son of Frank Latchem) and his daughter Christine who presented the trophy to Kenilworth District. They were delighted that the challenge for the Frank Latchem Trophy is still being so well supported by Cubs each year. David said his Dad would be very proud of all the Cubs taking part. Linda Revill

We launched the County Sailing Centre with two boats back in 2014, got a few bookings, good start, everybody was happy. Since then, bookings have increased steadily each year, and this year both boats have been almost fully booked. The good news is that we’ve now been donated a third boat, so next year we will be able to get up to nine young people on the water at a time – but to do this I do need some more helmsmen. Obviously an RYA Dinghy Instructor with a scout sailing permit would be ideal, but in reality a competent Dinghy Sailor of any age who’s safe to let out on the water with young people is fine – permits, DBS etc we can sort out. ….. See County Website – Activities – County Sailing Centre for more details. Martin Scurrah martin.scurrah@btinternet.com



More County Scout-About International News!


Do you want to go on an incredible adventure with Scouts and Guides from across Europe next summer? If you are age 16 to 22, you can apply now to be part of the Warwickshire Patrol at Roverway 2018. To find out about Roverway go to http:// ukcontingent.co.uk/roverway-2018 For an information pack and application form email ACCInternational@warwickshirescouts.org.uk. Closing date for applications is 30 August 2017. Let’s make sure that all our young people get to know about this opportunity which is open to Explorers,Young Leaders and Network. There are also opportunities for over 23s to be part of the International Service Team. IST recruitment is online at http://ukcontingent.co.uk/roverway-2018/ist-zone

Training new volunteers is a real pleasure. Keeping all volunteers up to date with information about training is real a challenge! We are using the Compass Database to contact all adults in Warwickshire – this only works if you have a current email address. Please check your own Compass record and make sure that your email is correct. Also, check that you have selected the HQ mailings that you would like to receive. 50% of all attendees on Getting Started Training Courses are not receiving Scouting Magazine – because they have not opted to do so - Compass/My Profile/ Communications/Edit. Training dates for 2017/18 will be on the County Calendar over the summer and the dates will be issued via i-wispa on 1st August.

UK Assistant Youth Commissioners WAGS Gang We are looking to recruit four Assistant UK Youth Show Commissioners, aged 18-25. Each Assistant UKYC will take responsibility for one of four areas. The Assistant UKYCs will have the opportunity to work closely with our current UK Youth Commissioners to support 500,000 Scouts from across the UK in becoming more Youth Shaped. Take a look at the roles on offer and apply today. www.scouts.org.uk

WAGS Auditions - Sunday 24th September 2017 Dale Street Methodist Church Leamington Spa. Audition times: Scouts and Guides audition 1.00 - 3.00 pm Cubs register 3.00 pm to 3.30 pm Explorers, Rangers, Network and Young Leaders 14+ audition 3.30 - 5.00 pm Everyone welcome. Please come along with friends from your group. Beavers will register in December. The gang must be available for rehearsals on Sunday afternoons. You can also preregister your interest at www.wagsgangshow.org.uk


Richard Wanless has agreed to take on the role as WAGS Chairman. Richard has been involved in WAGS since the first show in 1972, as stage director. He also has a wealth of experience with other amateur theatre companies. WAGS are still looking for additional support, a social chairman and guide representative on the Policy committee as well as help backstage, and with promotion of the show. For more details contact Tony Guy 0777 416 2222. tonyguy@tonyguy.co.uk 0r see WAGS web site www. wagsgangshow.org.uk WAGS Gang Show auditions. Come and be part of this fantastic show which will be held 25th February to 3rd March 2018 at the Royal Spa Centre. Terrific experience for Explorers, Rangers, Network and Young Leaders. Several of the Gang have gone on to be in the West End or on TV, Richard Hammond was in WAGS in 1984/5.


All About You - Groups at Camp 1st Harbury Scouts Summer Camp 2017 On 27th May 1st Harbury Scouts set off on their annual camp heading the shores of Poole Harbour on the unspoilt Studland side. With an undeclared mission to attempt to wear the Scouts out (you know what first nights can be like!) the leaders decided to take the troop on an evening stroll to Studland beach, some three miles away. We arrived to witness a fantastic sun-set, with the sun dipping behind Old-Harry Rocks and a calm sea. It was around 9:00pm but that didn’t stop half the troop piling in to the sea in their underwear! The next morning, we headed for our first ‘organised activity’ which was to be kayaking, again from the Studland shore. A bunch of us put our pioneering skills to the test and erected our aerial-runway. With pulleys pulled tight and rope-ladder strung up we were away, and an hour or two disappeared whizzing down the runway. That evening our culinary expertise was tested and Spaghetti Bolognese of various quantity and quality was created. Luckily all was edible and everyone enjoyed a delicious meal. Wide games all but finished the day off, with hot-chocolate and marshmallows by the camp fire.

Day three’s adventure, was to be a visit to the birthplace of Scouting – Brownsea Island. A quick hop on the chain ferry to Sandbanks before transferring to the passenger ferry to Brownsea. We took a leisurely meander around the Island, looked for birds from the various hides, to swim from the beach and finally to visit the Scouting visitor centre on the Scout camp-site. Day four arrived. Our hire cycles were delivered and we were off to explore the local countryside and Corfe Castle and the role it played during the 17th Century English Civil War. Alas day five arrived all too quickly as this was our final day. We finished with our now traditional egg-throwing contest, i.e. Scouts compete in pairs to see which couple can successfully throw and catch the egg (without breaking it) the furthest distance. Simple entertainment. Here’s to next year! John Rea, GSL

West Warwickshire District Camp Over 500 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network and Volunteer adults descended on Blackwell Court in June for the annual district Camp. The camp was the perfect way to have fun, undertake challenging activities, and try something different that young people hadn’t done before. Keren Marshall, Team DC said “It’s been fantastic that every section from every group was gathered together for a brilliant weekend”. Tim Cronin Team DC said “It’s great to be part of a leadership team that give something vack to the young people of today. We felt excited when we heard a Cub shout “I can’t believe it! I got the red ring on the archery range.

Family Camp 11th Nuneaton recently held their Family Camp at Beaumanor Hall Outdoor Centre in Leicestershire. 127 young people and their families joined us for a weekend of camping, High Ropes, Team Challenges, Bridge Building and Land Buggy races. We finished off with a BBQ and our AGM! Another great weekend of Scouting! Chris Cottrell, GSL chriscottrell@me.com

Paul Blackmore District Media Development Manager



More About You Seeing stars.... The Stratford upon Avon District Cubs held a weekend camp at Horley camp site near Banbury where the theme was ‘I’m a Cub Scout...get me out of here!’ Their first adventure was a night hike in the rain, but they completed their routes and came back covered in mud and soaking wet and this earnt them a star to get their supper. An early morning wide game and enough stars found for breakfast. Saturday saw the Cubs taking part in six bases outdoor, backwoods & cooking badges as well as eating grubs and delving into gungee tubs to gain more stars. Ed, one of our cub leaders sat in his hut, grumpily asking questions and exchanging stars for bags of tuck, (you need to have seen the programme to understand that one.)

Beaver Colony join Bikerite

Water activities on Sunday morning ended with a water fight and once dried the Cubs went to their mess tents to prepare a three-course meal for the district cooking challenge, which was won by Tiddington pack. The theme worked well and the Cubs really got into the idea of gaining stars to exchange for their meals and tuck. The 1000 stars, had been made in clay by a team of leaders who had a fun evening star making. Julie Brear

Nuneaton Central Cubs work for Charity

On a sunny Saturday in June both 11th Nuneaton (Weddington) Beaver colonies joined forces with Bikerite for a Bikeability Stage 1 course. George, the instructor checked the participants cycles over and taught them how to maintain their bikes. After learning how to slow down safely and cycle through cones the group cycled up and down the drive. The Beavers earned their cyclist badge after going on a ride with their families. The course was such great fun that the Cubs and Scouts are looking at running Stage 1 and 2.

Rugby District Cub Football On Sunday 2nd July 2017, the Rugby District Cubs Football Tournament was held. The event was hosted by the 12th Rugby Scout Group. An enjoyable day was had by all the teams entered. The sportsmanship, comradery and team spirit of the Cubs made the day an immense success. Some Cubs graciously left their own team to help another team when team numbers were short. The winning Team was 6th Rugby, Runners up 7th Rugby, Team presented with the sportsmanship award was 1st Stretton.

The ice cream lady called (yes, you’ve guessed it... another star) and a great song around camp fire.

Over March, Nuneaton Central Cub Scouts have been working for hard for different charities; Locally, Nationally and Internationally. The Cubs learnt about the Nuneaton foodbank from Gailyn Groves, a volunteer at the foodbank. The Cubs then went home; raided their cupboards, pantries and sweet tins and have collected a massive 44.5kg of food, toiletries and other key items that the Foodbank needs to continue its vital work. The Cubs have learnt about the WWF and their Earth Hour. The Cub Scout Leadership Team organised a sleepover and challenged all the Cubs involved; could they last all night with no lights on. They Did!!! The cubs raised £135 in sponsorship money, which was donated to the WWF, The Cubs decided to adopt an Amur Leopard. Stuart Lynch

Margaret Hood



Even More About You... ‘The Norton Cabin’ Leamington District have recently opened the new Norton Cabin at their camp site at Hatton, Near Warwick. The magnificent cabin has an entrance hall, a main activity hall, a large well-equipped kitchen and two bunk rooms. The hall is located on an ideal site surrounded by trees with a new Camp Fire Circle ready for you to hire via the Leamington District Website. Gordon Ferguson

7th Warwick (Woodloes) Scouts Celebrates 40 Years of Scouting On Saturday 8th July 7th Warwick Scout Group celebrated its 40th Anniversary with a Family Fun Day at their Headquarters on the edge of Woodloes Park. The Town Mayor, Councillor Stephen Cross, and Consort, Mrs Christine Cross, came to take part in the varied activities for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and their families, in the Scout Hut and the adjoining park and wood. Activities included Indoor Archery, Mini Orienteering Poles, Gun-Carriage Racing, Crafts, Frisbee Golf, a Climbing Wall and Badge Making. Visitors could make their own fruit Kebabs and enjoy hot dogs and burgers cooked in true Scouting style on the barbecue. Group Scout Leader, Ian Broadbridge, said, “This was another talented team effort – something which 7th has been proud of over a number of years.” Before cutting the 40th Birthday Cake, the Mayor, Stephen Cross, told the crowd that he had come through Scouting himself in Birmingham, and was pleased to be associated with such a positive and enthusiastic movement. Ben Wesson, Chair of the Group’s Executive Committee, said: “The Fun Day was a wonderful occasion where young people and their families came together to celebrate 40 years of 7th Warwick Woodloes Scout Group.

Ben also said, “We would particularly like to thank the Mayor of Warwick, Cllr Stephen Cross, and his consort, Cllr Christine Cross for attending and cutting our 40th birthday cake. We are extremely grateful for their ongoing support.” Warwickshire County Commissioner for Scouts, Nigel Hailey also joined in. He said, “Thanks to all the leaders and helpers who have given opportunities to lots of youngsters in this great group and would always welcome more adult help to enable more young people to join the adventure”. 7th Warwick Scout Group started life in 1977, while Woodloes Park was still being built. John Hinks, who is still involved with the Group, opened a Scout Troop with a handful of boys, meeting at Woodloes Junior School. Since then the Group has grown, to include a Beaver Colony, two Cub Packs and a thriving Scout Troop, with over 100 children and young people taking part every week – thousands of youngsters since it first opened. On Sunday 9th the Group held a special memorial event for two former members - Conrad Lewis, a former Scout in the Group, died serving in the army in Afghanistan; Andrew Codling, who died last year, went through the 7th Warwick Scout Group at all levels and ended up Leading the Scout Troop. He was also heavily involved backstage in WAGS Gang Show. Both young men have been honoured with an engraved plaque inside the Group headquarters. Family, Friends and Scouting Colleagues planted a Horse Chestnut tree in Bluebell Wood to remember Andy “Codders” on Sunday afternoon.



Bits & Pieces 4 Gang Shows for Action for Children

Museum at Alfrey Activity Centre

The four Gang Shows of Coventry, Kenilworth, Nuneaton and Warwickshire (WAGS) staged a unique event that the Butterworth Hall in June to support the Charity “Action For Children”. Each show performed items from their recent show and the production team lead by Nigel Hailey rehearsed and staged 3 special items on the day. The event raised over £3000.00 for the Charity.

The museum was set up by Gordon Richards who was county Commissioner for nearly 10 years. It has an exhibition space at the County Camp site at Alfrey Activity Centre at Maxstoke Lane, Near Meriden. The museum, which is privately owned is available for Groups to view by appointment. If you are interested contact Rob Swindell on lrswindell401@ btinternet.com

Compton Verney I recently visited Compton Verney near Stratford on Avon. It is a great place to visit with the Colony or Pack. Lots of nature and adventure as well as some very INTERESTING historical adventure displays in the main house. They are every happy to welcome groups from the Scouts, see http://www.comptonverney.org.uk for more details. Discover the unique delights of Compton Verney, where there’s something for everyone to enjoy. 120 acres of stunning parkland and lake surround an award-winning art gallery, with a family friendly café and gift shop. Escape the everyday to wander through the historic ‘Capability’ Brown landscape, marvel at our world-class art exhibitions or have fun in our outdoor adventure playground. All ages are welcome – we’re just 9 miles from Stratford-upon-Avon. CV35 9HZ. Tony Guy

Peer Leadership Resources In Scouting today, we want to continue to encourage the development of young people’s leadership skills in a safe and supportive environment. To support this Scout Association have updated and developed resources to support peer leadership, such as Sixers and Patrol Leaders. The resources have been developed in consultation with young people and adult volunteers, and include: • a support guide for Cub Sixers • a support guide for Patrol Leaders • guidance for all sections on developing leadership in young people • an optional idea of peer leadership in the Beaver section with yellow badge stripes and a top tips poster available to support this initiative You can view the resources at www.scouts.org.uk and start using them in your sections. The printed support guides and badges are available to order from Badge Secretaries.



What’s ON in your County

Dates for your Diary WAGS Audition – 24th September 2017 Youth Proficiency Scheme Tutor Training course (Air Rifle) Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th October 2017 - See i.WISPA for details County Awards Ceremony – 5th November 2017 AGM – 20th September 2017 GET IN 2018: 18th – 20th May 2018



County Useful Contacts County Commissioner Nigel Hailey 07881 518760 Nigel.hailey@warwickshirescouts.org.uk Youth County Commissioner Ben Reed-Screen 07869493999 CYC@warwickshirescouts.org.uk Deputy Youth County Commissioner Will Lang 07445232374 will.lang@warwickshirescouts.org.uk County Chairman Kerrie McCann 01926 428897 mccannfamily22@talktalk.net County Secretary Fiona Mitchell 07802 717133 Fiona.mitchell@warwickshirescouts.org.uk County Treasurer Kevin Etter 01926 814378 kbasm@btinternet.com DCC - Programme & Activities Wendy Williams 077 33 200651 Wendy.williams@warwickshirescouts.org.uk DCC - Training Katrina Collie 07758 879614 warwickshirescoutstraining@gmail.com County Safety Co-ordinator Mike Barrett 07826 526020 safety@warwickshirescouts.org.uk County Advisor DofE & Queens Scouts Helen Heenan 01789 298342 helen.heenan@btinternet.com County Safeguarding Co-ordinator Neil Horbury 07889683575 Neilhorbury101@sky.com County Water Advisor Kevin Haynes 02476 739788 k.haynes90@ntlworld.com County Network Commissioner Andy Kennedy 07428900644 CountyNetworkCommissioner@warwickshirescouts.org.uk ACC Explorers Vacant See Wendy Williams ACC Scouts Vacant See Wendy Williams ACC Cubs Linda Revill 01327 260241 Linda.revill@warwickshirescouts.org.uk ACC Beavers Kim Marston 07779 587660 Kim.marston@warwickshirescouts.org.uk ACC Activities Andy Ward 02476 615360 andrewwadder@gmail.com ACC International Christine McIntosh 0754 6421586 ACCInternational@warwickshirescouts.0rg.uk County Communications Manager Tony Guy 0777 416 2222 Tony.guy@warwickshirescouts.org.uk County Media Manager Neil Horbury 07889 683575 neilhorbury101@sky.com Creative Activities Advisor Sarah Glover 07887987153 creativeactivities@warwickshirescouts.org.uk DC Atherstone Gerry Russell 07798751740 g.j.russells@gmail.com DC Kenilworth Stuart Heaton 07764 269351 windrushdc@outlook.com DC Leamington Ann Howe 01926 431384 annhowe52@btinternet.com DC Nuneaton Sam Marshall 02476 743885 samantha.marshall@sky.com DC Rugby Richard Leader 07742 724759 dc.rugby@sky.com DC Stratford Mike Hayward 01789 205953 district.commissioner@hotmail.co.uk Team DC Warwick Andy Hinks 07766 726065 teamdcwarwick@gmail.com Team DC West Warwickshire Graham Mallinson 07535 233313 teamdc@westwarwickshire.org.uk WAGS Gang Show Richard Wanless 01926 864 315 richardwanless@btinternet.com Web Master Ian Broadbridge 07793 450460 website@warwickshirescouts.org.uk Alfrey Activity Centre Paul Skipper 07968123528 paulskipper@yahoo.com County Sailing Martin Scurrah 07572 845 390 martin.scurrah@btinternet.com County Press Officer Sandra Bromley 07817 059 614 sandra.bromley@nfyfc.org.uk WISPA Editor Tony Guy 07774 162222 wispa@warwickshirescouts.org.uk

Articles should be no more than 200 words accompanied by a high resolution photograph (1mb min)

Articles for the November WISPA should be sent to: wispa@warwickshirescouts.org.uk by 10th October. Warwickshire Scouts

Edited by Tony Guy - wispa@warwickshirescouts.org.uk Designed by Alan Peedle -Acstede Design - www.acstededesign.co.uk


Distribution Manager: Kevin Etter - kbasm@btinternet.com

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