風雨蘭熱線義工訓練計劃 風雨蘭每年均舉辦熱線義工訓練,培訓女性義工提供即時情緒支援予性暴力受害人及其家 人。風雨蘭今年為31名新義工舉辦了10節工作坊、訓練營及實習。另舉辦6次義工分享會,參
與人數達48人,以加強義工接聽熱線的技巧,同時互相分享義工當值經驗,並了解在性暴力 議題方面的最新現況。
RainLily Hotline Volunteers Training RainLily’s pool of female volunteers assist us to provide hotline emotional support for victim-survivors and their families. This year, we held 10 training sessions for 31 new recruits and 6 gatherings for 48 volunteers to encourage experience sharing. During these meetings they shared their learning through hotline service, and received updates on the latest issues on sexual violence within the community.