2019 ACTAsia' Caring for Life Gala Dinner_Programme

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COMPASSION IS THE NEW FASHION! 透过一场蔬食晚宴,踏上一趟同理心的旅程。

A compassionate journey begins with a plant-based gala dinner.




Compassion in Fashion Charity Auction Items


上善若水(童雁汝南收藏油画) Painting: “The highest excellence is like water”

Introduction 开场舞& 欢迎辞 Opening Dance & Welcome Speech


Chapter 1: Fashionable Lifestyle in Harmony with Nature

佛像 (油画,作家米巧铭) Buddha (Oil Painting, Mi Qiaoming) FLORA 珠宝 Jewelry

Alfi 保温壶 Vacuum Carafe

外交官行李箱 Diplomat Trolley Case

悉孚乐生命关怀奖—2019人与自然共美先锋颁奖 Caring for Life Awards – 2019 Pioneer for Harmony between People & Nature

男爵年份香槟 (礼盒2瓶) Champagne Baron-Fuente Grand Millésime *2

同理新时尚公益拍卖与抽奖 Compassion in Fashion Charity Auction & Lucky Draw

飞鹰古保葡萄酒(礼盒3瓶) Castell D’Agly Rouge *3


Chapter 2: Striving for Health with Animals 悉孚乐生命关怀奖—2019人与动物和美先锋颁奖 Caring for Life Awards – 2019 Pioneer for Harmony between People & Animals 同理新时尚公益拍卖与抽奖 Compassion in Fashion Charity Auction & Lucky Draw


Chapter 3: Caring for Life for Future Harmony 悉孚乐生命关怀奖—2019人与未来共好先锋颁奖 悉孚乐 Caring for Life Awards – 2019 Pioneer for the Future Harmony of our Planet 钢琴小提琴二重奏 与 歌曲演唱表演 Piano and Violin Duet and Singing Performance 同理新时尚公益拍卖与抽奖 Compassion in Fashion Charity Auction & Lucky Draw

展望“我关怀 (iCARE)” Looking forward “iCARE”

SANS BEAST黑色双肩包 SANS BEAST CLASSIC NOIR LIAISON BACKPACK SANS BEAST黑色钱包 SANS BEAST CLASSIC NOIR INSIDER WALLET ********* 地铁公益广告点亮支持计划—— 更多的消费者参与可持续时尚 Charity Ad Campaign Support Scheme – Involving more consumers to participate in Sustainable Fashion 动物数量控制方法人才支持计画—— 更多的兽医参与动物福利教育 Animal Population Control Support Scheme – Recruiting more veterinarians in animal welfare education 生命关怀儿童教育上课啦计划—— 更多的儿童得到学习机会 Caring for Life Education Support Scheme – Giving more children a chance to learn 父母力企业讲座开讲啦计画—— 让更多家长参与同理心养成 Parenting Power Support Scheme – Engaging parents to grow with compassion

PEOPLE 人 ENVIRONMENT 环境 ANIMALS 动物 WE ARE ALL ONE 我们同一 Thank you for your support for us to care for the many. 感谢您对我们的支持, 让我们的关怀延续。








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