Fur Free Fashion Show 2018 booklet

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The Committee 国际零皮草中国组委会成员来自不 同专业领域,组委会成员致力推广 零皮草无伤害的仁爱生活态度和方 式。 组委会于2013年10月组建,定期 举办国际零皮草时尚盛典,每届组 委会成员由组委会主席召集组建, 旨在以流行时尚展示,诠释零皮草 生活的可能性,让更多朋友爱上零 皮草时尚。 The members of the International Fur Free Committee (China) come from very diverse fields but all devote themselves to advocating a compassionate lifestyle. The committee was founded in October 2013, and has since been responsible for three International Fur Free Galas. The president of the organizing committee gathers its members for each gala, aiming to showcase the possibilities and virtues of leading a Fur-Free life and inviting people to choose and fall in love with a compassionate lifestyle.

组委会主席 President of the Organizing Committee 苏佩芬:行动亚洲 (ACTAsia )执行长 Pei Su: Executive Director of ACTAsia 组委会常务副主席 Vice President of the Organizing Committee 张媛媛:深圳市行动亚洲信息咨询有限公司总经理;行 动亚洲生命关怀教育总监;电影《刍狗》出品人/制片人; 悉孚乐生命关怀奖发起人 Isobel Zhang: General Manager of Shenzhen consulting company of ACTAsia ltd.; Caring for Life Education Manager of ACTAsia; Producer of the film “Straw Dogs”; Initiator of the Caring for Life Awards. 组委会常务副主席 Vice President of the Organizing Committee 白鸦 Baiva 独立学者、过程诗学创始人 Independent scholar, creator of ‘poetics of process’ 丁景峰 Ding Ding 北京环球七福广告有限公司 市场资深经理 Senior Marketing Manager at Beijing Universal Chief Advertising Co.,Ltd 陆俊豪 John Lu 素plus 创始人 Founder of Vegan plus 郑迈克博士 Dr. Michael Cheng 外滩22号总经理 General Manager at Bund 22



Committee Chair’s Foreword 中国,是全球皮草贸易的中心。 这里 饲养着全球数量最多的被用作皮草 的动物。 这里,也加工了全世界最多 的皮草服装。 同时,也是最大的皮草 消费市场。 在中国,每年都有数以亿 计的动物,因为皮草的需求而被养 殖和虐待。 我真的认为,应该有人为 这些动物发声。 其实,今天我们在此关注的问题,是 中国文化的重要切入点。 通过这一 点,我们开始对动物的“感知”有了 一个基本认识。 有一个观点认为,社 会的发展指标是肉品的消费量和养 殖场系统的增加。 然而,皮草的问 题,则提供了另一种观点。 我们开始 质疑,这种非必要性的、使得动物遭 受痛苦的做法,能否算是一种公正 的行为?

随着古驰、范思哲和CK等尖端时尚 品牌相继宣布停止使用皮草,预示 着时尚产业已进入关键时期。 随着 国际零皮草销售厂商计划的推行, 大批知名的中国设计师也加入了零 皮草的阵容。 通过每年举办的零皮草时尚盛典, 行动亚洲提出了建立在同理心基础 上的独特时尚观点,反对利用皮草 来突显社会地位的行为。 我们特别 希望将信息传播给中国的百万富翁 群体。 2014年,行动亚洲在北京举办 了中国第一场零皮草时尚盛典,以 表明零皮草时尚是一种新兴的潮流 和趋势。 时隔四年,第四届国际零皮 草时尚盛典,在上海这个中国最具 影响力的“时尚之都”举行。 今年,来自世界各地的零皮草设计 师、制造商、零售商和知名品牌共同 携手,参加这场最盛大的零皮草盛 典。 我们也安排了素食晚宴、现场表 演、红毯迎宾、视频展示,以及生命 关怀奖项的颁发。 我们诚挚地欢迎 您们的到来,感谢大家一如既往的 温暖支持,让我们共生,同行!

China is the central hub of the global fur trade. Its factory farms produce the largest number of fur-bearing animals in the world, it processes the highest quantity of pelts into garments, and has the biggest market for fur clothing. Hundreds of millions of animals are farmed for fur in China every year. And these animals need a voice. The issue of fur is a significant entry point into Chinese culture, through which we can begin to create a basic understanding of animal sentience. In a society where rising meat consumption and a growing factory farm system are viewed as positive developments, the fur issue provides a potential point for discussion. We can begin by asking if suffering can be justified in the name of a product that is not considered a necessity. This is a pivotal time for the fashion industry, with a number of leading fashion brands announcing their intention to stop the production of fur items in their collections, including Gucci, Versace and Calvin Klein. Through the Fur Free Retailer scheme, a large number of high profile Chinese designers are also making the decision to go fur-free. Through the annual Fur-Free Fashion Show and Gala, ACTAsia has created an alternative vision of compassionate fashion to counter the high-status appeal of fur, especially among Chinese millennials. In 2014, ACTAsia’s

Photo: Ⓒ Jo-Anne McArthur


Fur-Free Fashion Show in Beijing was the first of its kind in China, presenting fur-free fashion as the new lifestyle trend. Four years later, the 4th annual show is taking place in Shanghai – the most influential city in China and also its fashion capital. This year, fur-free designers, manufacturers and retailers from across the world join forces with their Chinese colleagues to present the latest fur-free fashion in a stunning catwalk. Along with the plant-based gourmet dinner, the evening is enriched with live celebrity performances and appearances on the red carpet, the Caring for Life Awards, and audio-visual presentations. We welcome you and thank you for your continuous and truly heartwarming support as we Walk Together to the same Beat!


行动亚洲相信,尊重人类、动物和环境,能够让世界更富 有同理心,並可持续发展。 我们启动针对儿童、消费者和专业人士的教育计划,逐 步推动亚洲的社会变革。 这些包括社会福利和公民意 识,动物福利和环境问题,同时也承认所有生物的相互 依赖性。

与时装和毛皮业特别相关的是,我们提高了消费者对劳 力、动物和环境剥削的认识,在消费行业中,大规模生产 会带来最大利润。 我们强调工业化的残酷,消费行业忽 视环境的征兆,同时建议选择更具同理心的生活方式。 行动亚洲曾多次获得国际奖项,被肯定的行动包括全面 致力于动物福利,促进中国的社会进步和可持续发展, 以及面向儿童的生命关怀教育计划。


国际零皮草联盟由40个动物保护组织联合组成,旨在终 结皮草动物遭受的剥削和杀害。 零皮草联盟代表全球数 百万的支持者,主要关注皮草动物在野生捕获和工业养 殖中遭受的宰杀和残酷伤害。 为了实现目标,FFA寻求: - 向公众传播皮草行业对动物造成的巨大痛苦和伤害 - 根据需要推进立法和深入调查

- 鼓励消费者和时尚产业使用现存的可替代产品 - 在国內和国际上联合或独立开展倡议活动


Fur Free Alliance

ACTAsia believes that respect for people, animals and the environment will lead to a more compassionate and sustainable world.

The Fur Free Alliance (FFA) is an international coalition of 40 animal protection organisations working together to end the exploitation and killing of animals for fur. FFA represents millions of supporters worldwide and in particular, focuses on the deprivation and cruelty suffered by fur bearing animals both in wild trapping and industrial fur farming. To achieve its aims the FFA:

We initiate education programmes aimed at children, consumers and professionals for gradual social change in Asian societies. These encompass social welfare and citizenship, animal welfare, and environmental issues, and recognise the interdependence of all living things. With particular relevance to fashion and the fur industries, we raise awareness of the exploitation of people, animals and the environment by consumer industries, where mass production places the highest value on profit. We highlight the industrialised cruelty and disregard for the environment symptomatic of consumer industries, and suggest alternative, more compassionate lifestyle choices. ACTAsia has won several international awards, including for overall commitment to animal welfare, for the promotion of social progress as well as sustainable development in China, and for our Caring for Life Education programme for children.



The reality of fur 动物 Animals

中国是目前世界上规模最大的皮草 消费国,进口国以及出口国。 每年都有数以万计的动物为皮草产 业付出生命,他们遭受着痛苦的生 活和折磨,最后悲惨地死去。 他们被 囚禁于狭小的牢笼,毫无动物福利 的保障,也没有任何机会展现天性 行为。 这些经常导致动物产生刻板 机械的行为模式,带来严重问题如 攻击和嗜食同类。

仅仅为了牟取皮毛,动物就被杀害; 为了避免皮毛破坏,所用手段极尽 残忍。 这些手段包括活剥皮、灌毒 气、折断脖颈和电击肛门。

China is now the largest fur consumer, importer and exporter in the world. Each year, millions of animals are used by the fur industry, suffering wretched lives and terrifying, agonised deaths. They are confined to small cages with disregard for their welfare, and are unable to express any natural behaviours. This often leads to stereotypical behaviour patterns and issues such as aggression and cannibalism. The animals are killed only for use of their fur and in cruel ways to avoid the fur being damaged. These ways include live skinning, toxic gas, neck snapping, and electric anal shock.

– informs the public about the substantial animal suffering caused by the fur industry – advances legislative actions and in-depth investigations as needed – targets consumers and the fashion industry to encourage readily available alternatives – works nationally and internationally through joint or individual campaigns

Photo: Ⓒ Jo-Anne McArthur,Unbound Project



环境 Environment 中国一直都面临着大规模环境污染 的困境。 有证据显示,皮草的加工和 鞣制会对环境造成严重的破坏。此 过程中所用的防腐化学制剂会造成 严重的土壤和水源酸化,从而导致 不可逆转的污染。 此外,动物的养殖 和尸体的处理也是一大忧患。 还有 非本土物种入侵至当地生态系统, 破坏原生栖息地的大量案例。 行动亚洲旨在唤醒消费者意识,关 注这些重要议题,明确现有替代方 案,从而能够使人们对于其消费方 式和内容做出明智的选择。

作为中国零皮草零售商的代表,行 动亚洲招募了三十多家中国品牌, 并一如既往地鼓励时装设计师和零 售商许诺从不使用动物皮草。 至少 880个零售商参与了这次国际计划, 其中近期加入的品牌有古驰、范思 哲、雨果博斯、迈克·高仕等等。

China suffers from enormous pollution challenges. Evidence shows that fur processing and tanning can cause serious damage to the environment. The anti corrosion chemicals used for fur processing and tanning can cause strongly acidic soil and water problems, with results of irreversible pollution. In addition, the upkeep of animals and the disposal of carcasses can also cause concern. There are also many cases of non-native species escaping into the local ecosystems and causing disruption to local habitats. ACTAsia brings awareness to consumers about these issues and what alternatives exist, so that people may make informed choices about how and what they consume. As the China representative for Fur Free Retailers, ACTAsia has recruited more than 30 brands in China, and we continue to encourage designers and retailers to pledge never to use real fur. More than 880 retailers have joined the international scheme to-date with recent names including Gucci, Versace, Armani, Hugo Boss, Michael Kors and others.

社会责任是古驰的核心价值观, 我们将继续努力为环境和动物 做到更好


Being socially responsible is one of Gucci’s core values, and we will continue to strive to do better for the environment and animals

Photo: Ⓒ Lu Guang - Greenpeace





Event info


Caring for Life Fashion Awards 悉孚乐生命关怀时尚奖是一项表彰 新型创新生活方式的年度奖项,由深 圳卡爱特公共文化传播机构于2013 年10月创设。 旨在提倡尊重生命、乐 享环保的仁爱生活,鼓励个体和社会 的参与,奖励推动仁爱生活方式进步 与创新的优秀人才和单位。 奖项分为 以下六种,并会在活动中颁发:

零皮草风尚媒体 零皮草风尚企业 零皮草风尚组织 零皮草风尚新人 零皮草风尚星

零皮草风尚文化创意 零皮草时尚秀在动物权利共生组织 (CARE)的共同合作下一年举办三 次,以引导公众在日常生活中适应 这种伦理观念。 每年时尚秀盛典都 有包含零皮草时装走秀、演出、蔬食 晚宴和以拍卖会形式呈现的捐助环 节。 近年来,行动亚洲更迈进了一 步,联合伦敦时装学院一起传达“零 皮草”作为可持续时尚的第一步。

作为零皮草时尚盛典的预热活动, 行动亚洲与伦敦时装学院合作并 举办“可持续时装从零皮草开启” 的论坛。 主讲者均来自时装产业的 各个领域:开云集团亚太地区总 裁、H&M 大中华区可持续经理、设 计师 Grance Chen 和澳大利亚博客 达人等共同分享他们在可持续时尚 方面的观点与经历、零皮草如何作 为其中一部分,以及服装业和消费 者未来几年的展望。


The Fur Free Fashion Show has been held annually three times in collaboration with Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE), guiding the public to adopt ethical alternatives in their day to day lives. Each year, the Fashion show & Gala has grown to include a catwalk of fur free designs, as well as performances, a plant-based dinner and fundraising opportunities including an auction. This year, ACTAsia has gone a step further and collaborated with London College of Fashion to explain how ‘Fur Free’ can be a first step into the movement for Sustainable Fashion. In the run up to the Fur Free Fashion Show & Gala, ACTAsia and London College of Fashion held the ‘Sustainable Fashion begins with Fur Free’ Forum. Speakers participated from all areas of the fashion industry. Kering’s President (Asia-Pacific), H&M’s Sustainability Manager, designers such as Grace Chen and Australian blogger The UnMaterial Girl among many others, came together to share their views and experiences on what sustainable fashion is, how fur free is part of it and what the industry and consumers can expect in coming years.

The Caring for Life Fashion Award is an annual award that is given to individuals and companies in recognition of their outstanding efforts to promote a Compassionate Lifestyle. The categories are listed below and the winners will be announced during the event!

Fur Free Best Media Fur Free Best Enterprise Fur Free Best NGO Fur Free Best Newcomer Fur Free Best Celebrity Fur Free Best Creative


唤觉 Awakening (China) www.awake.com.cn

唤觉AWAKENING的创始人兼设计 总监蔡淑芳Ginny是一个坚决的环 保主义者和纯素食主义者,倡导纯 植物生活方式,尽量减少对地球的 伤害,与万物和平共处,将无伤害纯 植物生活方式的理念逐渐实践在人 们的衣食住行中。 这种理念渗透在 产品中,我们坚决拒绝使用皮草、真 丝、羊毛、羽绒等动物制品,取而代 之的是舒适的棉麻及最天然的草木 染色工艺。


Participating fur free brands

不仅服装,还有素食、环保日用品、 二手改造工艺品等各种对地球更友 好的健康生活方式,我们坚守纯粹 的环保追求,更付诸于行动。 我们希望彼此都能够善待自己的家 园,爱护动物、关心地球,同时也是 关爱我们自己。 AWAKENING,希望 能够尽自己的力量,唤起更多人们 对环保意识的觉醒。

Cai Shufang (Ginny), the founder and design director of AWAKENING, is a strict environmentalist and vegan. She advocates a vegan lifestyle to reduce harm to the earth as much as possible and tries to bring the concept of a harmless vegan lifestyle into people’s habits. This concept is injected into the brand’s products. There is no use of animal products such as fur, silk, wool and down. These are replaced by cotton and linen and the most natural vegetation dyeing techniques. AWAKENING hopes to try its best to awake more people’s awareness of environmental protection.

Grace Chen (China, USA) www.gracechen.cn Grace Chen是美籍华人设计师陈野 槐Grace Chen于2009年创立的同名 高定品牌,其诞生是为了发掘和彰 显中国女性的独特之美,以“静、深、 富”为审美哲学。 主设计师陈野槐Grace Chen毕业于 美国纽约时装学院,被香港《南华早 报》誉为“中国精英女性专属设计师 (The Power Dresser of China)”。 她 把中国式审美与西方立体剪裁完全 融合,用现代普世审美的设计语言 展现精英女性的衣着品味。 Grace曾说: “用爱的眼光去看世 界,你就会遇到很多奇遇,很多奇 缘。 ”2018年4月,这位高定设计师 受邀加入国际零皮草销售厂商(Fur Free Retailers),向世界展示中国高 定时装文化的爱与关怀之美。 Grace Chen is a haute couture brand founded by an American-Chinese designer named Chen Yehuai (Grace Chen) in


Awakening was founded in 2003 in Shenzhen and has become China’s first environmental fashion brand, with dozens of specialty stores across the country.

2009. It was created to discover and highlight the unique beauty of Chinese women. It is based on the aesthetic philosophy of “serenity, profoundness, and glamour”. Chief designer Grace Chen graduated from the New York Fashion Institute in the USA and was honored as “The Power Dresser of China” by the Hong Kong South China Morning Post. She fully integrates Chinese aesthetic with western three-dimensional tailoring, and uses the modern universal aesthetic design language to show the taste of elite women’s clothing. In April 2018, the high-profile designer joined the Fur Free Retailers’ scheme to show the world the beauty of love and compassion in Chinese haute couture fashion.


JI CHENG (China)

MW Michael Wong (China-Hong Kong, USA)



吉承是2015福布斯中国最具发展 潜力设计师,中国80后代表设计师, 身为JI CHENG品牌创始人、设计总 监。 作为毕业于意大利Marrgonni Fashion学院的海归派,其设计往往 颠覆中国传统风格,又将中国元素 与优雅、嬉皮相混合在一起,擅长借 西方剪裁之“形”诠释中国元素之“ 意”。 品牌创立后的13年间,她被时 尚及媒体行业广泛认知和评定为中 国最受关注的时尚界领军人物,其 独具特色的JI CHENG高定系列和女 装成衣,在明星名媛中具有极高的 辨识度和美誉。 吉承表示, “零皮草”是国际的时尚 指标,唯有关怀生命、富有人道精神 的产品,才会被为数众多的、对生命 具有关怀的消费者所接受。

Ji Cheng was selected as most influential designer by Forbes China in 2015, and she is a repre-

sentative designer of China’s 80s. She is the founder and design director of JI CHENG. A graduate of Italy’s Marangoni Fashion Institute but having since returned to China; her design often subverts Chinese traditional styles, blends Chinese elements with elegance and hip, and excels at interpreting the “meaning” of Chinese elements through the “shape” of Western tailoring. In the 13 years since the brand was founded, she has been widely recognised by the fashion and media industry as China’s most prominent fashion industry leader. Her unique JI CHENG collections and women’s clothing are extremely popular among celebrities.

Maryma (China) www.maryma.net 马艳丽Mary Ma于1995年参加了上 海国际模特大赛,并获得冠军,为模 特事业的成功铺平了道路。 因她是 中国的第一位超级名模,她常被称 为中国的辛迪•克劳馥。 之后,她继 续在上海东华大学学习设计,并于 2005年成立了Maryma高级时装定 制设计工作室。 她的工作地点设在 北京,曾为中国总理李克强,足球运 动员贝克汉姆和音乐家昆西•琼斯 设计服装。

她长年来致力于在时装领域推动环 境保护与可持续性发展的理念,倡 导使用环保替代性面料,诸如有机 棉、麻织品等。 由于在环保领域的贡 献,荣膺2009年度“绿色中国年度焦 点人物公益奖”。 Ma Yanli (Mary Ma) won the Shanghai International Modelling Competition in 1995, paving the way for a successful career in modelling, often referred to as


China’s Cindy Crawford because she was the country’s first supermodel. She went on to study design at Donghua University in Shanghai and set up MaryMa Haute Couture in 2005. Her business is based in Beijing and has designed outfits for Chinese Premier Li Keqiang as well as football player David Beckham and musician Quincy Jones. Mary Ma has been promoting environmental-protection and sustainable fashion for over 10 years, and advocates the use of environmentally friendly alternative fabrics such as organic cotton and hemp. She has won the Green China Focus Figure Public Welfare Award in 2009.

演艺红星Michael Wong王敏德,是 演员、歌手、各大品牌的代言人,更 是一名飞行员。 他将开始一个全新 旅程,为大家展現以香港为灵感的 品牌,让所有人都可拥有他们该可 享受的生活。

new journey to showcase Hong Kong-inspired brands so that everyone can have a life they can enjoy.

身为各种品牌代言接近三十年,王 敏德真正成为了潮流的指标,时尚 的先驱,也于影视业界中扮演多个 出色的角色,同时在音乐舞台上展 示独特的音乐风格,深入民心;更为 多个全球知名的时尚品牌担任模特 儿。 现在,他与世界分享对时尚和潮 流的了解。

As a spokesperson of a variety of brands for nearly 30 years, Michael Wong has truly become a trend indicator and a pioneer of fashion, as well as played a number of outstanding roles in films and television. At the same time, he has demonstrated a unique musical style, which has made her popular among the public. He has also modelled several global fashion brands. Now he shares his understanding of fashion and trends with the world.

Michael Wong is an actor, singer, spokesperson for major brands, and also a pilot. He starts a brand

Pilots pay attention to details. Celebrity charm, and perfectly matched color styles, techniques and materials are presented for you. MW will show you a multi-faceted, timeless fashion collection.

飞行员非常注重细节,一触即发的 名人魅力和完美配搭的色彩风格、 技术及用料。MW将为大家展示一 个风格多面,永不过时的时尚系列。

麦可将 Macrojoint (China-Taiwan) 麦可将从1977年成立以来一直以 工匠的精神精雕细琢、精益求精、用 卓越创造的理念来打造优质的家居 服。 而公司本着家居服亲肤、飘逸、 舒适的这个信念,自从1977年开始 所有的服装系列都是使用纯棉或者 木纤维的零皮草产品。 麦可将表示:行动亚洲倡导的零皮 草与公司理念非常契合,没有买卖 就没有杀害,公司愿意表明自己拒 绝皮草的态度,并号召更多的人一 起参与零皮草的行动。 推动更多消 费者购买零皮草产品,并开始零皮 草生活。

Since its establishment in 1977, with the spirit of craftsmen craftsmanship, striving for excellence and creating excellence, MACROJOINT makes high-quality nightwear.

In line with the belief that nightwear needs to be skin friendly, elegant and comfortable, all the clothing has been fur free and made of pure cotton or wood fibres. MACROJOINT said that fur free, which ACTAsia promotes, is compatible with the company’s philosophy. If there is no buying, there will be no killing. Therefore, the company is willing to promote its attitude of refusing animal fur and calls on more people to buy fur free products and start a fur free life.


Tiffany Pattinson (China - Hong Kong) www.tiffanypattinson.com Tiffany Pattinson是一位来自香港 的可持续发展设计师,专注于自然 和文化的可持续发展,并肩负着以 道德的方式来保护二者和谐发展的 使命。 她的同名品牌以结合传统工 艺创造高品质的环保产品而著称, 同时也与当地的工匠合作,鼓励他 们用现代的可持续材料进行创新。 该品牌以社会企业的形态成立的, 目的是在公平贸易的基础上采用无 残酷,零浪费的设计技术,赋予社会 上的少数群体权力并鼓励消费者以 可持续的方式生活。

自2012年以来,Tiffany Pattinson 已被邀请在香港,上海,纽约,伦敦, 巴黎和比利时展出,同时在电视,杂 志和购物中心(如Ecozine,K11和 Style China)上亮相。 Tiffany还被邀 请为中国代表之一,在中国驻布鲁 塞尔使团成立40周年及巴黎变革艺 术展出,并曾任文化交流代表前往 韩国和苏里南。

普丽衣曼 Polyimide (China) www.gdpolyimide.com

广东普丽衣曼实业有限责任公司是 针对聚酰亚胺纤维作专门研发和销 售的公司。 邓兆萍是执行董事长兼 设计总监,十多年前曾经担任2家 香港皮草公司的设计总监的她,在 透过视频了解到皮草产业的残酷之 后,觉得自己在无形间成为了虐杀 动物的帮凶,从此努力寻找可以代 替的产品。 因此普丽衣曼公司同时 生产人造皮草产品,也常与宁波纬 一长毛绒、无锡市双达毛绒合作,致 力让更多消费者了解到追求时尚时 也可以选择对环境和动物友善的方 式。 在倡导环保健康的国际大形势 下,为了能够代替人类对动物皮草 依赖。 未来纺织行业的发展趋势必 然是着重于发展科技创新的同时兼 具绿色环保。 Guangdong Polyimide Enterprise Co., Ltd is a specialised research & development and sales company for Polyimide fibre. The executive chairman and design


Tiffany Pattinson focuses on sustainability in nature and culture with a mission to preserve both, in an ethical way. Her namesake label is known for combining traditional craftsmanships to create high quality eco-friendly products. The brand is founded as a social enterprise aiming to empower the minorities in society and to inspire consumers to live sustainably by adopting cruelty free, zero-waste design techniques along the basis of fair trade. Since 2012, Tiffany Pattinson has been invited to showcase in cities such as Hong Kong, Shanghai. She has also been invited as one of the showcase representatives of China in the 40th Anniversary of Mission of China to EU in Brussels, Art of Change in Paris and cultural exchange representative in Korea and Suriname. director, Deng Zhaoping, was a design director of two Hong Kong fur companies more than10 years ago but has committed to fur free after she was informed of the cruelty of animal fur industry via video and regarded herself as an accomplice. Since then, she has devoted herself to find alternative products. Therefore, polyimide also produces faux fur products and collaborate with Ningbo Weiyi Plush Co., Ltd and Wuxi Shuangda Plush Co., Ltd, so to make more consumers understand that we can lead an environmentally and animal friendly life while pursuing fashion. The future trend of the textile industry is inevitably focused on the development of scientific and technological innovation while also being green and environmentally friendly.

Pat Guzik (Poland) www.pat-guzik.com Pat毕业于哲学和时装设计专业。 她 深谙时装产业对于人和环境的冲 击,因此Pat的服装遵循责任性、在 地製造、合作和透明度等信念。 这就 是为什么Pat会成为致力于建设环 境友好型和社会责任型时装产业的 组织的积极拥护者。 Pat Guzik是一 名零皮草零售商。

Pat的新品服装在Habitus Baltija Riga、汉诺威时装决赛、欧洲中部时 装日、布达佩斯时装周、香港时装周 均有展出。 Pat赋予服装设计可持续 发展的概念从而获得了国际奖项: “ 衣酷适再生时尚设计”大赛(EcoChic Design Award) 第15名/16名获奖 者,2017年洛杉矶环保时装周Eluxe 奖和可持续奢侈服装奖。 新品服装“天堂在人间”的构思:在 永恒的追求极致完美的生命中,即 便在某个时刻空虚感和凝滞感袭 来,人们还是能够在地球的某个角 落获得和谐安宁。

Pat将循环再生与重构设计的技艺 相结合,将纺织经销商购得的手工 编织损坏的纺织品和克拉科夫二手 商店购得的拆解二手衣物作为原 材料利用。与波兰插画家Mateusz Kolek的共同合作,再再赋予了废弃 布料一个新生命。

Pat’s collections have been shown at Habitus Baltija Riga, Fashion Finals Hannover, Central European Fashion Days Budapest and Hong Kong Fashion Week. The sustainable way in which Pat makes her clothes has been recognised with international awards such as Eco Chic Design Award 15/16, Eluxe Award 2017 and Sustainable Luxury Award at Green Fashion Week in Los Angeles. The collection ‘Heaven Is a Place on Earth’ is based on the idea that there is an everlasting pursuit of perfection in life, but at some point, when the feeling of emptiness and stagnation sets, one would be able to find harmony – and one’s place on earth. Pat combined the up-cycling and reconstruction design techniques by hand-weaving damaged textiles and unraveled secondhand garments, which were sourced from fabric wholesalers and secondhand shops in Cracow. Collaboration with Polish illustrator, Mateusz Kolek enabled us to bring new life to discarded textiles.

Pat has graduated from Philosophy and Fashion Design. She knows the impact of fashion industry on people and environment and that’s why her collections are based on responsibility, local production, cooperation and transparency. She is an active supporter of organisations that help build the new future of the fashion industry as more socially and environmentally friendly and why she became a Fur Free Retailer.


我们希望彼此都能够善待自己的家园,爱护动物、关心地球,同时也是关爱我们自己。 时尚,不再需要皮草制品包 装成为华美、绚丽的象征。 我们希望能够尽自己的力量,唤起更多人们对环保意识的觉醒,对零皮草的重视。 We hope that all of us can treasure our home, protect animals, and take care of the earth, as that also means caring for ourselves. Fashion, no longer needs to be packaged as only a symbol for beauty. We hope it will act as an awaking of awareness for environmental protection and fur free notions in people.

Napapijiri www.napapijiri.com Napapijri是威富公司(VF Corporation)旗下品牌。Napapijri之旅始于 1987年,由一名意大利旅行包制造 商结合了创新材料与吸人眼球的风 格,给戶外服饰带来新气象。 在Napapijri,我们不断透过创新 来提升自我,寻求方案以传递我 们对世界的敬畏之情。 我们的哲 学“make it better”指引我们开启一 场摒弃动物源性材料的奇妙之旅, 同时为我们的顾客提供卓越的技艺 盛宴。 2012年我们开发了可以替代动物皮 草的材料。 2015年,我们的品牌推出 了使用Kanecaron®合成纤维的“生 态皮草”。 通过加强材料的柔软度, 轻盈度,持久性和维护性使得这种 动物友善型材料可以替代真皮草。 此外,生态皮草的制作无需像动物 皮草那般使用添加剂或化学物质, 从而材质变得更加安全和零污染。 在“make it better”的旅程上,我们 接着专注于如何摒除羽绒的材料。 为了实现此目标,我们与制造商伙 伴Freudenberg共同开发了THERMO-FIBRE™这一开创性的填充物, 这种填充物确保了我们可以自由进 行任何衣物风格的生产和设计。 从2017年春秋时装季起,我们终于 实现了100%零羽绒。 Napapijri is a part of VF Corporation its journey starts in 1987 when an Italian manufacturer of travel bags introduced a new sensibility to outdoor apparel, combining innovative materials with close attention to style. At Napapijri, we constantly strive to improve ourselves by seeking innovation to enable solutions that respect our world. Our “Make it Better” philosophy has led us on a journey to adopt alternative ways to phase out animal derived materials while offering our tribe of consumers products with enhanced technical performance.



用爱的眼光去看世界,你就会遇到很多奇遇,很多奇缘。 When you look at the world with love, you will encounter many adventures and many romances.

-陈野槐 Grace Chen

“零皮草”是国际的时尚指标,唯有关怀生命、富有人道精神的产品,才会被为数众多的、对生命具有关怀的消费 者所接受。 Fur-free is an international fashion indicator. Only products that care for life and are full of humane spirit will be accepted by consumers. -吉承 Ji Cheng 有了现代科技,我们就没有借口。 With modern technology, there’s no excuse.

In 2012 we developed an alternative to real fur: in 2015 the brand launched eco fur made with synthetic Kanecaron® fibres. Improved softness, lightness, durability and ease of maintenance make this animal-friendly replacement a viable alternative to real fur. Moreover, the ecofur production process excludes the use of additives or chemicals used to treat animal fur, ensuring a safer and contaminant-free material. Continuing the “Make It Better” journey beyond fur we then focused our attention on the removal of down from our collection. To achieve this, we developed the groundbreaking THERMO-FIBRE™ system with manufacturing partner Freudenberg. The resulting padding allowed us to achieve manufacturing and design flexibility across all styles. From Autumn/Winter 2017, we are proudly 100% down free.

-Tiffany Pattinson

Napapijri的哲学“make it better” ,指引着我们设计和创作自己的产品。 本着这条信则,我们决定接连淘汰皮草 和羽绒制品-这是我们于2016年就踏上的旅程,当初我们很自豪地宣称所有的服装系列将呈现100%零皮草和 零羽绒的境界。 作为勇敢迈出这一步的首批戶外品牌之一,我们非常荣幸能够与其它共同分享此理念的品牌一同 参与这场时装秀。 At Napapijri we have a philosophy called “make it better” which governs the way we design and make our products. It’s through this philosophy that we took the decision to phase-out fur and then down from our collection, a journey that we realised in 2016 where we proudly announced that we were 100% down and fur free across our entire collection. As one of the first outerwear brands to make this bold step we are very happy to be participating alongside brands that share our approach to fur and down free fashion.


我深知时装产业对人与环境的冲击,这也是我进行无数次进行创作以尽可能将影响减小到最低。 在工作中,我的 新服装会遵循几项信条来设计,例如:责任性,本土化制作,携手合作和透明度。 这就是我为什么会成为致力于建 设环境友好型和社会责任型时装产业的组织的积极拥护者。 这就是为什么我会成为一名零皮草零售商。 I know the impact of fashion industry on people and environment and that’s why endless experiments at my atelier aim at minimising it. In practice, my collections are based on values, such as: responsibility, local production, cooperation and transparency. That’s why I’m an active supporter of organisations that help building the new future of fashion industry more socially and environmentally friendly. That’s why I’m Fur Free Retailer -Pat Guzik

我深知时装产业对人与环境的冲击,这也是我进行无数次进行创作以尽可能将影响减小到最低。 在工作中,我的 新服装会遵循几项信条来设计,例如:责任性,本土化制作,携手合作和透明度。 这就是我为什么会成为致力于建 设环境友好型和社会责任型时装产业的组织的积极拥护者。 这就是为什么我会成为一名零皮草零售商。 We are proud to announce that this year, our collections at MW Michael Wong will be Fur Free. We’re one of thirty retailers in China who have made this commitment. If a brand wants fur in its collection, there’s no need for the exploitation and pollution that comes with real fur – the choice of faux fur is extensive and beautiful. -Michael Wong


西薇·姬兰 Sylvie Guillem

• 巴黎歌剧院芭蕾舞团1984-1989年的首席舞者 • 伦敦萨德勒威尔斯剧院当代舞蹈联合艺术家 • 首届“尼金斯基世界最佳舞蹈女演员奖”得主 • 被英国媒体评为“全世界最令人兴奋激动的舞蹈家” • Top-ranking female dancer with the Paris Opera Ballet from 1984 to 1989 • Associate Artist at London’s Sadler’s Wells Theatre • First winner of the Nijinsky Prize for the world’s best ballerina • Quoted by the UK media as the “most exciting dancer in the world”

Fur free celebrities & VIPS

• 知名国际时尚杂誌(ELLE, Vogue, Self等)的合作摄影师 • Renowned fashion photographer for ELLE, Vogue, Self among others


• 驻香港的华裔美国演员 • 第16届香港电影金像奖最佳男主 角提名 • 第33届金马奖最佳男主角提名 • 个人时尚品牌MW Michael Wong 创始人


Photo: Ⓒ Carl Fox


吉尔· 达比 Gilles Tapie

Michael Wong • Chinese-American actor based in Hong Kong • The 16th Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actor nominee • The 33rd Golden Horse Awards Best Actor nominee • Founder of the fashion brand MW Michael Wong

David Wong

• 华语流行搖滾爵士乐歌手兼作曲家 • Award winning Chinese pop-rock• 十大热门单曲和各奖项得主-专辑 jazz music singer and composer 《让每个人都心碎》、 《手下留情》、 《 • Top Ten Hits and Awards winner 鑀元素》 for solo albums “Broken Hearts”, • 常出席各种公益演唱会 “Mercy”, “Love” • Engage in charity concerts




Eric Lee

• 中国台湾影视男演员 • Chinese-Taiwanese Actor • 社团法人中华剧艺文创协会理事长 • President of Chung Hua Per• 行动亚洲零皮草生活宣传大使 forming Art and Culture Creation Association • Ambassador for ACTAsia’s Fur Free Life Campaign


• 中国台湾演员、歌手 • 代表作《海豚湾恋人》 • 各种公益活动支持者 手


• 中国台湾男演员、模特 • 2002年新丝路中国模特大赛冠軍 • 代表作《蔷薇之恋》、 《我可能不会 爱你》 • 常出席公益篮球比赛


Jill Hsu • Chinese-Taiwanese actress and singer • Representative work “At the Dolphin Bay” • Supporter diverse charity events

Jerry Huang • Chinese-Taiwanese actor and model • Champion of China’s New Silk Road Model Competition in 2002 • Representative work “The Rose”, “In Time with You” • Engage in charity basketball competition

Mary Ma

• 中国超级名模和影视明星 • Chinese super model and actress • Maryma品牌创始人和Maryma高 • Founder & Art Director of Maryma 级定制中心艺术总监 Haute Couture Center • 中国“幸福工程——救助贫困母亲行 • Ambassador of China’s official 动”形象大使 Project Blessing



• Grace Chen高定品牌创始人 • “中国精英女性专属设计师” • 拥有世界知名的客户合作如奥普 拉·温弗莉、海伦·米伦以及华春英

Grace Chen • Founder of Grace Chen Couture • ”The Power Dresser of China” • Have world-renowned clients such as Oprah Winfrey, Helen Mirren and Hua Chunying


Masha Ma


Ning Kezhao

• 首位登上巴黎时装周官方日程的最 • First Chinese fashion designer 年轻中国设计师 made on official calendar of Paris • 同名品牌MASHAMA、年轻化品牌 Fashion Week MASHAMA Z和男装线MATTITUDE • Founder of MASHAMA, MASHAMA 的創始人 x Z and MATTITUDE • 各大设计奖项得主 • Awards winning designer

• 卡丝集团CEO • CASSIEY品牌创始人 • 广西卡丝爱心扶助慈善基金会发 起人 • 行动亞洲零皮草大使


• CEO of the Cassiey Group • Founder of Cassiey brand • Founder of Cassiey Love & Aid Charity Foundation • ACTAsia Fur Free Ambassador

Eileen Lee

• 北京环球七福广告有限公司总经理 • General Manager of Beijing Global • “最全方位的广播人”、中国台湾“ Qi Fu Advertising Co., Ltd., 电台情人” • “The most comprehensive broad• 长期公益拥护者 caster” and China-Taiwan’s “radio • 上海1881台湾职业女性联谊会前会 lover”. 长和现任顾问 • Former president and current consultant at 1881 Taiwanese Professional Women Association in Shanghai • Long-time charity advocate



Vani Xu

• 腾讯视频《淳look》時尚节目主持人 • Fashion TV programme host on • 2014年度零皮草最佳风尚新人奖 Tencent Video • Best Fur Free Newcomer Award in 2014

特别感谢以下人才公益贊助: Special thanks to supporters for our charity cause: 主持人 Emcees


• 财富杂志中国区负责人 • 动保网联合创办人 • 中国动物保护记者沙龙创办人

Zhang Dan • Head of Fortune Magazine in China • Co-founder of Chinese Animal Protection Network (CAPN) • Founder of China Journalist Club for Animal Protection

Michael Rosenthal

Michael Rosenthal


Catherine Lu

• 美国司法部联邦检察官 • Federal Prosecutor with the United States Department of Justice • 美商会上海环境委员会会长 • Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce Environmental • 多部电影、电视节目及广告视频演员 Committee (Shanghai) • Actor in numerous movies, television shows, commercials and promotional videos • 東森財經新聞主播 • TEDXTaipei, 2014及2015TechCrunch北京国际创新峰会双语主 持人

表演者 Performers


• 中国硬笔书法家

Qin Jinzhang • Chinese Pen Calligrapher

• TV host for EBC Financial News • Bilingual host for TEDxTaipei, TechCrunch 2014 and 2015

• 中国台湾舞蹈王子


• Chinese-Taiwanese Dance Prince

• 中国台湾钢琴王子


• Chinese-Taiwanese Pianoboy


Wei-Chun Lee Zhi-Hao Gao Djembehome

• 西非曼丁音乐和非洲文化艺术在中 • Promotion of West African Djembe and African culture in China 国的传播者

主视觉设计者 Key visual designer


• 首位入选波隆那画展的中国台湾 画家 • 法国国立史特拉斯堡人文科学大学 艺术博士 • 中国台湾国立清华大学艺术与设计 学系退休教授 • 多方位艺术家、作家及各种场合讲 者及评审


Su-Hsia Hsu

• First Chinese-Taiwanese painter to enter Bologna Illustrators Exhibition • PhD in Arts at Université des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg • Retired professor at the Department of Arts and Design of National Hsin-Hua University in China-Taiwan • Artist with diverse talents, writer, speaker and jury in various occasions


卡丝 CASSIEY 中国首家利用产品说明书进行零皮 草生活宣传的企业

合作单位和支持单位 Collaborating and Supporting Organisations

卡丝集团,2013年创立,目前旗下拥 有6家全资子公司,分别是瑞士卡丝 国际集团有限公司、广州卡丝生物 科技有限公司、中山卡丝生物科技 有限公司、中山诗琳生物科技有限 公司、广州卡丝广告传媒有限公司、 广东卡丝股权投资有限公司。 从成 立至今,已拥有自主研发中心、生产 基地、广告传媒、售后中心、品牌营 销等一整套产业化经营规模。 卡丝 集团受国际零皮草联盟认证,成为 亚洲区唯一一家100%不使用动物 做实验的化妆品企业。

Established in 2013, CASSIEY Corporate has 6 sub-companies including Swiss CASSIEY International Group, Guangzhou CASSIEY Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Shillin Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou CASSIEY Advertising Communication Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou CASSIEY Shares & Investment Co., Ltd. Since its foundation, it has its own research development center, production base, advertising media, after-sales center, and brand marketing. CASSIEY Corporate is accredited by the International Fur Free Association and it is the only cosmetic company in Asia that is 100% free of animal experiments.

VegFund VegFund預想構建一個人人以富有 同情心的生活方式和植物性饮食的 世界。 通过资助並支持有效的宣传 活动,VegFund激励人们选择并保 持一种富有同情心和无殘忍的生活 方式,从而为全球的活动家授权。自 2014年起,他们一直支持ACTAsia的 关爱生命和皮草免费项目。

VegFund倡导一种谋求排除对动物 一切形式的剥削和虐待的生活方 式。他们将帮助动物作为首要任务, 同时承认植物性饮食对人类的许多 积极和直接的益处,包括健康,环境 和其他全球性和人道主义问题。几 乎完全包括没有集中办公室的志愿 者,VegFund认为基层宣传是成功 的关键。


CASSEIY is the first company in China to promote fur free life through their product instructions

VegFund envisions a world where all people embrace a compassionate lifestyle and a plant-based diet. VegFund has empowered activists worldwide by funding and supporting effective outreach activities that inspire people to choose and maintain a compassionate and cruelty-free lifestyle. They have been supporting ACTAsia’s Caring for Life and Fur Free programs since 2014. VegFund promotes a way of living which seeks to exclude all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals. They maintain helping animals as the first priority while acknowledging the many positive and direct benefits of plant-based diets for humans, including health, environmental, and other global and humanitarian issues. Comprised almost entirely of volunteers with no centralized office, VegFund believes that grassroots advocacy is the key to success.


外滩二十二号 Bund 22

GAIA GAIA(动物利益全球行动组织)成立于1992年, 将比利时的动物福利捍卫者和动物权利倡导者 聚在一起。 他们认为动物应该受到尊重并过上 体面的生活,于是致力于建立人与动物之间人 道且合理的关系。 他们努力防止动物遭受痛苦, 他们公开谴责被社会容忍的惯例虐待,并积极 提供替代解决办法。 除了宣传活动之外,他们大 力游说公司(即连锁超市、食品品牌)、联合会和 政界人士,以便通过更好的立法和公司承诺, 逐步改善动物福利。 此外, “GAIA教育”部门由 三名全职雇员组成,每年访问近220所比利时 学校的12000多名学生。 在席前酒会上提供的 GAIA Faux Gras® 是100 % 对动物友善并以植 物为基础的鹅肝酱替代品。 Founded in 1992, GAIA (Global Action in the Interest of Animals) unites defenders of animal welfare and advocates for animal rights in Belgium. It believes that animals should

be treated with respect and deserve a decent life, thus it works towards building a human- animal relationship of humanity and justice. GAIA strives to prevent animal suffering and in the case of institutionalised abuse tolerated by society, it denounces the situation in public and actively offers alternative solutions. In addition to awareness campaigns, GAIA puts a lot of effort into lobbying companies (i.e. supermarket chains, food brands), federations and politicians in order to improve the welfare of animals incrementally – through better legislation and corporate commitment. In addition, “GAIA Education” department is composed of three full-time employees, and visits more than 12,000 students in nearly 220 Belgian schools each year. The Faux Gras® de GAIA served during the reception, is a 100% animal-friendly and plant-based alternative to foie gras.

One Voice One Voice组织为动物捍卫其尊严并主张动物 是有感知能力的生命,其使命是终结动物实验、 弃绝马戏团及海豚水族馆中的动物表演、禁止 使用皮草制品,并保护野生动物、伴侣动物和其 他动物。 One Voice渴望建立一个动物、人与地 球紧密相联的非暴力世界。 One Voice is an advocacy organisation campaigning for animals to be respected

Anima Anima是丹麦最重要的一家动物倡导组织,成 立于2000年。 它致力于建设一个更富有同情心 的社会,承认所有动物的权利,并通过教育,外 展服务和调查来终止不必要的残害。

在丹麦,公众对于皮草动物饲养和杀害的观念, 因为Anima的皮草倡議活動而產生了重大转 变:立法禁止狐狸養殖可謂極大的里程碑,而同 时大多数的时装公司也实行零皮草政策。 Anima担任零皮草联盟的主席成员,汇集了世 界顶级动物组织,共同倡导建立一个没有动物 因时尚而死亡的世界。


and protected as sentient beings. One Voice seeks to end animal experiments, to end the use of animals in circuses and dolphinaria, and ban fur and to protect wild animals, pets and other animals. One Voice celebrates the interconnectedness of animals, people and our planet aspiring for a world of non-violence.

Anima is a leading Danish animal advocacy organisation founded in 2000. Anima works for a more compassionate society that recognizes the rights of all animals, and to end needless cruelty, through education, outreach, and investigations. In Denmark Anima’s fur campaign has resulted in a major shift in public opinion regarding breeding and killing animals for their fur. This has translated into landmark legislation banning fox farming and the majority of all fashion companies implementing fur free policies.

外滩二十二号作为“高级定制中心” ,不同于外滩沿线的其他奢侈品店, 它专注于高级手工定制生活,提供 奢侈品市场最新的整合式高端服 务,颠复了单一的品牌高级定制在 上海乃至中国的传统概念。 未来,高 级定制品牌消费和经营势必取代 传统奢侈品,成为全球高端商业的 一个新趋势和新热点。 李玉麟女士 说到: “我希望外滩22号不只是全 中国,全亚洲,更是全世界的高端私 人定制中心,从服装、鞋履、珠宝、香 水、餐饮到旅游、医疗、教育、保险等 全方位的定制生活。

As a new landmark on the Bund, Bund22 is dedicated to understanding and catering to your demand for highly customized service. Brands of the highest profile and reputation, from lavish wedding gowns to every day accessories, have gathered at this building, giving people access to some of the most inspiring and pioneering designs the world has to offer, and making Bund22 a mecca of East-West fusion.

曼都发型 Mentor 曼都发型1966年始于中国台湾,从 最初的七把椅子、八名员工的单店 到如今全球500多家门店的国际化 连锁企业。 从台湾到温哥华、上海、 北京、浙江、江苏、福建, 曼都发型一 直秉承对美的追求,强调”专业性” 和”精致服务”为每一位顾客打造自 我风格。 曼都的使命是培养出优秀 的美容美发从业人员,提供顾客优 秀的设计和服务,创造美丽和健康, 进而美化与进化社会。

Mentor was founded in China Taiwan in 1966. From a store of only seven chairs and eight employees, it has expanded to an international chain enterprise of more than 500 branches worldwide. From Taiwan to Vancouver, Shanghai, Beijing, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Fujian, Mentor always pursues beauty, emphasizes “professional” and “exquisite services” to create a unique style for every single client. The mission of Mentor is to cultivate outstanding hairdressing professionals, provide excellent design and service to customers and finally create a world with beauty and health.

Anima chairs the Fur Free Alliance bringing together the world’s top animal organisations to advocate for a world where no animals are killed for fashion. 27

素Plus Vegan Plus 让素食流行起来

素Plus立足于健康、环保、时尚的理 念,以跨界互联的无限可能性,推动 健康新生活方式的传播。

素Plus2014年7月至今,已主办、协 办和赞助中高端活动80+,受众人数 超10万+。 素Plus致力于倡导“周一请吃素” , 为健康时尚新生活提供善意且环境 友好的解决方案。

Make it popular. Based on the concepts of health, environmental protection and fashion, Vegan Plus promotes adopting a healthy new lifestyle through the infinite possibilities of cross-border connections. Since July 2014, Vegan Plus has hosted, co-organized and sponsored more than 80 high-end activities, with a total audience of over 100,000. It is dedicated to the promotion of “Meat-free Monday” as a kind and environmentally friendly solution to a new and healthy lifestyle.

广州小红马酒业科技股份有限公司 Guangzhou Red Pony Wines & Spirits Technology Incorporated Company 成立于2009年,广州小红马酒业是 一家专注于法国原装原瓶葡萄酒进 口和葡萄酒文化推广的进出口企 业。 小红马团队秉承坚持不懈、追求 卓越的精神,多年来积累的较强的 进出口经验,以及和法国几大酒庄 建立的良好合作关系,目前在国内 葡萄酒界享有很好的声誉,并已跻 身于业内最全的法国葡萄酒进口商 地位。 我们秉承美酒共享,为客户创造价 值的宗旨,以推广葡萄酒文化为职 责,坚持只经营原装原瓶进口的高 性价比葡萄酒,带领更多人和我们 一起走进葡萄酒王国,让更多人能 和我们一样享受美酒人生。


Founded in 2009, Red Pony is a company specializing in the import and promotion of French wine. With the pursuit for perseverance and excellence, it has accumulated a rich experience in importing and exporting, and secured good collaboration partnerships with several French wineries. Its reputation is known within the wine industry in China and it has now become one of the biggest importers of French wine. We adhere to the principle of wine sharing and we create value for our customers. The promotion of wine is our duty, we insist on only importing original bottled wine and invite more people into the wine kingdom to enjoy wine as much as we do.


伦敦时装学院 London College of Fashion 伦敦时装学院,是英国伦敦艺术大学的所属学 院之一。 一个多世纪以来,它孕育了众多创新人 才。 这里提供所有关于时尚的课程,从商业设计 到时尚策展。 伦敦时装学院拥有超过70个本科 学位以及研究生学位,每一个项目有165节短 期课程,鼓励学生们不忘过去,时不我待。 拥有 打破世俗和政治目的的想法去大胆创新。 “美好 生活”是伦敦时装学院用于描述时尚工作的一 个术语,作为一项纪律,去驾驭万变,建立一个 可持续的未来,改善我们的生活方式。 A constituent college of the University of the Arts London, in London, England. It has


Collaborating partners

北京市朝阳区国际绿色经济协会 International Green Economy Association

国际绿色经济协会是推动绿色经济发展的专业 组织,是联合国经社理事会中国网络成员和联 合国全球契约组织成员,是经北京市社团管理 机关核准登记的合法社团,以“推动绿色经济、 促进可持续发展、建设生态文明”为宗旨;以联 合各行业发展绿色经济的工商联、开展绿色经 济研究与绿色经济发展解决方案的智库组织、 为区域经济与各产业提供绿色发展能力建设的 服务机构为职能定位。 The International Green Economy Association (IGEA) is a professional organization that promotes the development of a green

been nurturing creative talent for over a century, offering courses in all things fashion, from business to design and fashion curation. With over 70 undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, and 165 short courses across every subject, students are encouraged to examine the past and challenge the present. To have inventive, assertive ideas that challenge social and political agendas. Better Lives is a term used at London College of Fashion to describe the work they do that uses fashion, as a discipline, to drive change, build a sustainable future and improve the way we live.

economy. It is a member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council’s China Network and a member of the UN Global Compact. It is a legal society that is registered and approved by the Beijing Municipal Association of Social Organizations. Its aim is to promote green economy and sustainable development as well as establish an ecological civilization. It positions itself as the Federation of Industry and Commerce that combines various sectors in green economy, the think-tank organization that researches and brings up solutions for green economy development, and the service institution that facilitate the green development of regional economies and various industries.

中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会 China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation 中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会,是由 中国科学技术协会主管,民政部登记注册的全 国性公益公募基金会,全国性一级学会。 宗旨是 广泛动员全社会关心和支持生物多样性保护与 绿色发展事业,保护国家战略资源,推动绿色发 展事业,保障社会经济可持续发展,促进生态文 明建设和人与自然和谐,构建人类美好家园。 The China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) is a national public welfare foundation


registered by the China Association for Science and Technology, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the National First Class Society. The purpose is to extensively mobilize the whole society to care for and support the cause of biodiversity conservation and green development, protect national strategic resources, promote the green development cause, ensure the sustainable development of social economy, promote the construction of ecological civilization and harmony between man and nature, and build a beautiful home for humanity.



支持媒体 Supporting media

合作单位 Event partners

支持单位 Supporting organisations

Thank you!

参与走秀的零皮草商 FFR designers


其他参与单位 Other participating organisations


诚挚感谢以下个人和单位对晚宴的特别支持 Heartfelt thanks for the special contribution of these individuals and companies 李佩玲

Li Pei Ling


Eileen Li

顾忆华 杨彬君 张媛媛 陈素华 赖奇石 叶秋香

Emma Gu Brenda Yang Isobel Zhang Grace Chen Lai Qi Shi Ye Qiu Xiang


Zhuhai Fuyun Lighting Industrial Co.,Ltd. 三礼电子集团控股有限公司

3L Electronic Corporation

我不想为了成全时尚而牺 牲动物,这是不对的。


I don’t want to kill animals to make fashion. It doesn’t feel right. -Versace



www.actasia.org furfreelife.actasia.org 36

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