5th Sustainable Fur-Free Fashion Festival – Compassion in Fashion Show booklet

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行动亚洲专项基金 ACTAsia Special Fund 中国生物多样性与绿色发展基金会 CBCGDF




Foreword 中国,是全球皮草贸易的中心。 这里饲养着全球数量最多的被用作皮草的动物。 这里,也加工了全世界最多的皮草 服装。 同时,也是最大的皮草消费市场。 在中国,每年都有数以亿计的动物,因为皮草的需求而被养殖和虐待。 我真 的认为,应该有人为这些动物发声。 其实,今天我们在此关注的问题,是中国文化的重要切入点。 通过这一点,我们开始对动物的“感知”有了一个基本 认识。 有一个观点认为,社会的发展指标是肉品的消费量和集约化养殖系统的扩张。 然而,皮草的问题,则提供了 另一种观点。 我们开始质疑,这种非必要的、使得动物遭受痛苦的做法,能否算是一种公正的行为?

随着普拉达集团、古驰、范思哲和CK等尖端时尚品牌相继宣布停止使用皮草,预示着时尚产业已进入关键时期。 随 着国际零皮草销售厂商计划的推行,大批知名的中国设计师也加入了零皮草的阵容。 在这个中国千禧一代受到文化浸淫,追捧皮草的时代,行动亚洲受到伦敦时装学院的支持,通过举办『第五届国际 可持续零皮草时尚盛典-2019同理新时尚论坛与时装秀』 ,提出了建立在同理心基础上的独特时尚观点。 尽管皮 草被越来越多的奢侈品牌弃用,皮草饰边仍广泛渗入到全球的大众时尚之中。 然而,许多零售商和消费者也开始 意识到他们的购买力具有潜在的影响力,亦或是带来革新的契机。 行动亚洲顺著此趋势提出『可持续时尚从零皮 草开始』 ,强调要以生命关怀的态度与同理心引导可持续时尚的发展,才能真正达到地球动物物种和自然环境的 可持续。 在今年的论坛上,来自世界各地的时尚界翘楚相聚一堂,共同从教育、产业设计及消费趋势三大面向探讨他们对 可持续零皮草时尚的看法。 论坛之后的时装秀则由社交名媛及企业高层登上伸展台,透过展示创新与美学合一的 国内外零皮草品牌服饰,表达他们对零残忍可持续时尚的热切支持。 我们衷心希望,大家能够在这场激励人心的论坛中,积极地分享彼此的洞见和经验, 相互交流,并从同理新时尚秀的视觉飨宴满载而归! 苏佩芬 行动亚洲创始人兼执行长

China is the central hub of the global fur trade. Its factory farms produce the largest number of fur-bearing animals in the world, it processes the highest quantity of pelts into garments, and has the biggest market for fur clothing. Hundreds of millions of animals are farmed for fur in China every year. And these animals need a voice. The issue of fur is a significant entry point into Chinese culture, through which we can begin to create a basic understanding of animal sentience. In a society where rising meat consumption and a growing factory farm system are viewed as positive developments, the fur issue provides a potential point for discussion. We can begin by asking if suffering can be justified in the name of a product that is not considered a necessity. This is a pivotal time for the fashion industry, with a number of leading fashion brands announcing their intention to stop the production of fur items in their collections, including PRADA Group, Gucci, Versace and Calvin Klein. Through the Fur Free Retailer scheme, a large number of high profile Chinese designers are also making the decision to go fur-free.


Through our 5th International Sustainable Fur Free Fashion Festival – 2019 Compassion in Fashion Forum and Fashion Show, ACTAsia is creating a platform in support of London College of Fashion (LCF) for the discussion of compassionate fashion, at a time when the popularity of fur soars among Chinese millennials. While real fur is increasingly rejected by luxury brands, fur trim floods high-street fashions the world over. Many retailers and consumers have yet to understand the potentially devastating or transformative impact of their buying power. ACTAsia’s ”Sustainable Fashion Begins With Fur Free” campaign stresses guiding sustainable fashion with compassion and empathy, ultimately achieving sustainability for all species and the environment. At this year’s Forum, leading figures from the world of fashion come together to explain and discuss their position on sustainable and fur-free fashion from mainly three angles: education, fashion business practice, and consumption trends. Following the Forum, this year’s pioneering Fashion Show will not feature professional models but instead, Chinese celebrities and socialites of all shapes and sizes will tread the catwalk to exhibit some innovative brands with a beautiful ethos, as well as aesthetic appeal. The “models” have in common a passion for cruelty-free, sustainable fashion. We hope you are energised to share the topics up for consideration at this inspiring forum and enjoy a visual treat at this compassionate fashion show. Pei Su Founder and CEO of ACTAsia 4

人类社会绵延至今,经历了原始文明,农业文明,工业文明,现在正在迈入 生态文明。 每一次文明的变迁,都是一场全社会、全领域的根本性变革。 在 新的生态文明时代,我们需要以积极主动的思想与行动,去迎接这场变革, 并以此为基础创新生产与生活方式,包括对工业文明时代,建立在过度消 耗自然生态资源基础上的诸多习惯、审美、观点的摒弃与改变。

当前,气候危机和生物多样性危机,已经成为人类生存与发展的巨大威胁。 唯有做出改变,让人们的生活习惯与消费思维与生态文明接轨,使每个人 都自觉、自发参与进来,我们才有机会化解这威胁人类存续的两大危机。 现在,我们可以从零皮草开始做起。 用新的时尚理念引导公众审美与消费, 这是一个可以以小博大,助力破解人类生存危机的行动,也是顺应时代发 展潮流的行动。 我们有什么理由不去接受呢? 周晋峰 中国生态多样性保护与绿色发展基金会秘书长

Humanity has come a long way - we have seen the agricultural and industrial revolution, and are now in the era of ecological civilization. Every change in civilization involves fundamental changes in every aspect of the society. Under ecological civilization, we need to meet the upcoming challenges with positive attitudes, and we need new lifestyles to reduce our excessive consumption of natural resources, including changes to the fur industry which has huge costs on animals and the environment. Climate change and biodiversity crisis have become immense threats to the survival and development of humanity. Unless we change our habits and mindset towards consumption, we cannot resolve these two threats faced by humanity. We can start by living fur free. Adopting this new stance to aesthetics and consumption is an individual action that not only is in line with contemporary values, but also helps solve the crises we face. So why wouldn’t we do it? Jinfeng Zhou Secretary General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development (CBCGDF)


Event info


皮草的真相 The reality of fur 动物 Animals

中国是目前世界上规模最大的皮草 消费国,进口国以及出口国。 每年都有数以万计的动物为皮草产 业付出生命,他们遭受着痛苦的生 活和折磨,最后悲惨地死去。 他们被 囚禁于狭小的牢笼,毫无动物福利 的保障,也没有任何机会展现天性 行为。 这些经常导致动物产生刻板 机械的行为模式,带来严重问题如 攻击和嗜食同类。

Each year, millions of animals are used by the fur industry, suffering wretched lives and terrifying, agonised deaths. They are confined to small cages with disregard for their welfare, and are unable to express any natural behaviours. This often leads to stereotypical behaviour patterns and issues such as aggression and cannibalism. The animals are killed only for use of their fur and in cruel ways to avoid the fur being damaged. These ways include live skinning, toxic gas, neck snapping, and electric anal shock.

Photo: Ⓒ Jo-Anne McArthur,Unbound Project

仅仅为了牟取皮毛,动物就被杀害; 为了避免皮毛破坏,所用手段极尽 残忍。 这些手段包括活剥皮、灌毒 气、折断脖颈和电击肛门。

China is now the largest fur consumer, importer and exporter in the world.


环境 Environment 中国一直都面临着大规模环境污染 的困境。 有证据显示,皮草的加工和 鞣制会对环境造成严重的破坏。此 过程中所用的防腐化学制剂会造成 严重的土壤和水源酸化,从而导致 不可逆转的污染。 此外,动物的养殖 和尸体的处理也是一大忧患。 还有 非本土物种入侵至当地生态系统, 破坏原生栖息地的大量案例。 行动亚洲旨在唤醒消费者意识,关 注这些重要议题,明确现有替代方 案,从而能够使人们对于其消费方 式和内容做出明智的选择。

The anti corrosion chemicals used for fur processing and tanning can cause strongly acidic soil and water problems, with results of irreversible pollution. In addition, the upkeep of animals and the disposal of carcasses can also cause concern. There are also many cases of non-native species escaping into the local ecosystems and causing disruption to local habitats. ACTAsia brings awareness to consumers about these issues and what alternatives exist, so that people may make informed choices about how and what they consume. As the China representative for Fur Free Retailers, ACTAsia has recruited more than 30 brands in China, and we continue to encourage designers and retailers to pledge never to use real fur. More than 880 retailers have joined the international scheme to-date with recent names including Gucci, Versace, Armani, Hugo Boss, Michael Kors and others.

Photo: Ⓒ Lu Guang - Greenpeace

作为中国零皮草零售商的代表,行 动亚洲招募了三十多家中国品牌, 并一如既往地鼓励时装设计师和零 售商许诺从不使用动物皮草。 至少 880个零售商参与了这次国际计划, 其中近期加入的品牌有古驰、范思 哲、雨果博斯、迈克·高仕等等。

China suffers from enormous pollution challenges. Evidence shows that fur processing and tanning can cause serious damage to the environment.


社会责任是古驰的核心价值观, 我们将继续努力为环境和动物 做到更好


Being socially responsible is one of Gucci’s core values, and we will continue to strive to do better for the environment and animals -Gucci



Organisers 中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会行动亚洲专项 基金(简称行动亚洲专项基金) ,是由中国生物多样性 保护与绿色发展基金会(中国绿发会)和深圳市行动亚 洲信息咨询有限公司共同发起成立。 基金用于扶持开展 生命关怀教育,生命关怀教育项目是一个围绕同理心、 责任感和慎辨性思维三大核心素质的通识教育,开展面 向儿童的关怀能力培养,面向青年消费者的具关怀的 可持续生活方式引领,面向兽医、教师、设计师等的生 命关怀职业素养及可持续观念发展的职业教育,推动 让全社会各界人士都积极行动起来,尊重他人、善待动 物、保护环境,以可持续观念实践富有关怀的生活方式 (Compassionate Lifestyle) ,助力生态绿色发展事业。 感谢慷慨的支持者,我们才得以持续向儿童,消费者及 职业人士推广普及生命关怀的理念。 如果您也坚信我们 的教育项目能在中国带来长久深远改变,欢迎捐款支持 我们的工作。


ACTAsia Special Fund of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (hereinafter called “ACTAsia Special Fund”) is cofounded by China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) and ACTAsia. The fund is to support Caring for Life (CFL) Education, centered around compassion, responsibility and critical thinking. In Children Education, we teach citizenship, animal welfare, and environmental responsibility through 6-year Caring for Life Education (CFL) curriculum; in Consumer Education, we raise awareness of the exploitation of people, animals and the environment by consumer industries; and in Professional Education, we offer training and professional development for teachers, veterinarians, fashion designers and other influential members of society.

In Support of 伦敦时装学院是英国伦敦艺术大学的所属学院之一。 在 超过一个世纪以来的时光中,它孕育了众多创新人才。 这里提供所有关于时尚的课程,从商业设计到时尚策 展。 伦敦时装学院拥有超过70个本科学位以及研究生学 位项目,每一个项目有165节短期课程,鼓励学生们检 视过往,并且面对眼前的挑战。 拥有打破社会的既有成 规、大胆创新的自信。 “美好生活”是伦敦时装学院用于 描述时尚工作的一个术语,作为一项纪律,去驾驭万变、 建立一个可持续的未来,改善我们的生活方式。


The London College of Fashion is a constituent college of the University of the Arts London, in London, England. It has been nurturing creative talent for over a century, offering courses in all things fashion, from business to design and fashion curation. With over 70 undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, and 165 short courses across every subject, students are encouraged to examine the past and challenge the present. To have inventive, assertive ideas that challenge social and political agendas. Better Lives is a term used at London College of Fashion to describe the work they do that uses fashion, as a discipline, to drive change, build a sustainable future and improve the way we live.


Instructions for Participants 参与论坛的人员来自于很多不同的地区和文化背景,为了让所有人都能拥有良好的学习体验,请各位遵循以下的 注意事项: • 在会议室里,请将您的手机关机或者设定为振动模式。 • 由于版权保护的相关背景,请不要对演讲内容(投影片)进行拍照。 • 所有参与人员都有发言的机会,所以请不要打断课程。 在问答的环节中,请先举手示意,获得主持人同意后, 再进行发言。 • 论坛期间,室内不允许吸烟。 • 为表示对演讲人和嘉宾的尊重,请确保准时到场,迟到会影响演讲人的讲课思路。 • 着装要求:零皮草(不含任何皮草)的服饰。 皮草是带毛的动物表皮,其制品包含服装、外套饰边,以及鞋、包等 饰品。 羊毛和皮革不在皮草的定义之内。 非常感谢您的配合,我们希望这次论坛能让您受益匪浅!

Our staff and volunteers, the participants and speakers of this forum come from very diverse cultural backgrounds. To ensure that everyone benefits from this sharing knowledge and experiences, we kindly ask that you respect the instructions below: • • • • •

When in the conference room, please turn off your mobile phone or set to vibration mode. Please do not take photos of the speeches. Many of the contents are copyrighted. Submit your questions prior to the Panel/Q&A sessions in order to ensure these are addressed. Smoking is not permitted indoors. Dress code: fur free (apparels which contain no fur)

Thank you very much for your cooperation and we hope that you enjoy the forum!


议程 Agenda 12:30 – 13:00

签到与社交环节 Registration & Networking

13:00 – 13:15

开幕致词 Opening

13:00 – 13:15

苏佩芬 (行动亚洲创办人及执行长) Pei Su (Founder & CEO of ACTAsia) 周晋峰 (中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会秘书长) Jinfeng Zhou (Secretary General of China Biodiversity Conservation & Green Development Foundation) 胡世辉 (机遇空间董事长兼CEO) Shihui Hu (President & CEP of IP Mall)

13:15 – 13:40

第一部分 可持续时尚的全球趋势 Session 1 Sustainable Fashion: a growing global trend

13:15 – 13:40

可持续时尚中的同理心未来 The Future of Compassion in Sustainable Fashion 狄丽丝.威廉 (伦敦时装学院可持续时尚中心主任) Dilys Williams (Director of Centre for Sustainable Fashion at LCF)

13:40 – 14:45

第二部分 可持续时尚的教育实践 Session 2 Educational Practice in Sustainable Fashion

13:40 – 13:55

可持续时尚零皮草课程 Sustainable Fur Free Fashion Curriculum 刘国峰 (伦敦时装学院设计和及技术学院副院长) John Lau (Associate Dean of the School of Design and Technology at LCF)

13:55 – 14:10

跨文化情境下的可持续时尚创新教学 Sustainable fashion innovation education under crossculture perception 李峻 (东华大学上海国际时尚创意学院常务副院长) Jun Lee (Executive Vice Dean of Shanghai International College of Fashion & Innovation (SCF) at Donghua University)


14:10 – 14:25

可持续的未来时尚 Sustainable Future Fashion 西门.克林斯 (WeDesign创办人与执行长) Simon Collins (Founder & CEO of WeDesign)

14:25 – 14:45

圆桌对话 –可持续时尚教育和新世代的时尚生活态度 Roundtable: Sustainable Fashion Education and fashion living attitude of new generation • 苏佩芬 (行动亚洲创办人及执行长) Pei Su (Founder & CEO of ACTAsia) • 狄丽丝.威廉 (伦敦时装学院可持续时尚中心主任) Dilys Williams (Director of Centre for Sustainable Fashion at LCF) • 李峻 (东华大学上海国际时尚创意学院常务副院长) Jun Lee (Executive Vice Dean of Shanghai International College of Fashion & Innovation (SCF) at Donghua University) • 西门.克林斯 (WeDesign创办人及执行长) Simon Collins (Founder & CEO of WeDesign)

14:45 – 15:05

茶歇与社交环节 Tea Break & Networking

15:05 – 15:40

第三部分可持续时尚原料与设计师的选择 Session 3 The sustainable fashion material and designer’s choice

15:05 – 15:20

将同理心带入品牌 A focus on bringing compassion into fashion brands 凯萨琳.威尔斯 (澳洲Sans Beast品牌创始人) Cathryn Wills (Founder of Sans Beast)

15:20 – 15:40

圆桌对话–可持续时尚新材料与设计师选择 Roundtable: The sustainable fashion material and designer’s choice • 刘国峰 (伦敦时装学院设计和及技术学院副院长) John Lau (Associate Dean of the School of Design and Technology at LCF) • 凯萨琳.威尔斯 (澳洲Sans Beast品牌创始人) Cathryn Wills (Founder of Sans Beast) • 张娜 (再造衣银行创始人) Na Zhang (Reclothing Bank) • 于承延 (无锡市双达毛绒制品有限公司总经理) Chengyan Yu (General Manager of Ningbo Weiyi Long Plush Co., Ltd.) • 黄齐 (海澜之家子品牌AEX主理人) Qi Huang (Manager of AEX, a sub-brand of HLA)


15:40 – 15:55

第四部分 可持续时尚产业的未来与消费走向 Session 4 Future and Consumption Trend of Sustainable Fashion Industry

15:40 – 15:55

中国时尚产业气候领导力项目 China Business Climate Action (CBCA) 胡柯华 (中国纺织工业联合会社会责任办公室可持续发展项目主任) Kehua Hu (Sustainability Stewership Director Office for Social Responsibility at China National Textile and Apparel Council)

15:55 – 16:05

中国的零皮草商(FFR)介绍与消费者教育 Introduction of China’s fur free retailer (FFR) and consumer education 璫.比卡克 (行动亚洲国际项目总监) Dawn Peacock (Director of International Projects at ACTAsia)

16:05 – 16:25

圆桌对话-可持续时尚的未来与年轻群体消费态度 Roundtable: The future of sustainable fashion and young generation’s attitude • 胡柯华 (中国纺织工业联合会社会责任办公室可持续发展项目主任) Kehua Hu (Sustainability Stewership Director Office for Social Responsibility at China National Textile and Apparel Council) • 张媛媛 (行动亚洲中国生命关怀教育总监) Isobel Zhang (ACTAsia Caring for Life Education China Manager) • 陈嘉颖 (益嘉能量场创始人) Jiaying Chen (Founder of Yijia Energy) • 孙海燕 (商业生态工作室联合创办人暨主编) Sun Haiyan (Business Ecology Studio Chief Editor & Co-founder)

16:25 – 16:30

结语 Closing Remarks

16:30 – 17:00

社交环节与静态展 Networking & Exhibition

17:00 – 17:45

时装秀 Fashion Show



Contributing Forum Speakers 狄丽丝·威廉FRSA教授是伦敦时装 学院可持续时尚中心主任,该中心 于2008年成立。 她指导中心探索时 尚和可持续发展,致力于将时尚作 为一种生活在生态界限和人类公平 实践中的生活。 该研究适用于新形 式的教育、商业、公共和政治对话。

狄丽丝·威廉 Dilys Williams 伦敦时装学院可持续时尚中心主任 Director of Centre for Sustainable Fashion, London College of Fashion (LCF)

狄丽丝毕业于曼彻斯特都会大学, 於伦敦艺术大学 (UAL) 持教授职 位,教导可持续时尚设计,文献在与 时装和可持续性相关的期刊和书籍 里得到广泛发表。 她的作品借鉴于 在 Katharine Hamnett, Liberty 和 Whistles 等的国际系列当首席女装 设计师的丰富的经验。 除了在业内 的经验,狄丽丝致力发展以可持续 性为中心的设计,这方面在教学和 研上的成就受到国际认可。

狄丽丝是英国环境审计委员会针对 时尚和可持续性方面的调查的关键 证人,从而推动社会与环境改变。 她 同时是蝴蝶标志(Positive Luxury) 和全球时尚议程(Global Fashion Agenda)的咨询委员。 她在2015 ,2016及2017年都被伦敦标准晚 报进步1000人获提名,也定期在电 视、电台和杂志,包括BBC国际新 闻 (BBC World)、天空新聞台 (Sky News)、Radio 4、WWD 和 Elle 杂志 等出现,充分表现她的工作对于公 众和学术界的影响力。 Professor Dilys Williams FRSA is founder and Director of Centre for Sustainable Fashion, a University of the Arts London Research Centre, based at London College of Fashion. Dilys’ work explores fashion’s relational ecological, social, economic and cultural elements to contribute to sustainability in and through its artistic, business and educational practices.


Trained at Manchester Metropolitan University and holding a UAL professorship in Fashion Design for Sustainability, Dilys publishes widely on fashion and sustainability in peer reviewed academic journals and published books. Dilys’ work draws on extensive experience in lead womenswear designer roles for international collections, including at Katharine Hamnett, Liberty and Whistles. This industry experience is complimented by a longstanding internationally recognised teaching and research portfolio centred on the development of sustainability centred design practices, based on principles of holism, participation and transformation design. Current engagement in changemaking in wider societal and governmental arenas includes acting as a key witness in the UK Environmental Audit Commission enquiry into fashion and sustainability. She is a member of the UNFCCC Global Climate Action in Fashion and sits on advisory committees for Positive Luxury and the Global Fashion Agenda. Her place on the Evening Standard London’s Progress 1000 list in 2015, 2016 and 2017 evidences the public and academic influence of her work alongside regular appearances on broadcast television, radio and magasines including recent appearances on BBC World, Sky News, Radio 4, WWD, the Gentlewoman and Elle magazine.

刘国峰 John Lau 伦敦时装学院时装设计和技术专业 副院长 Associate Dean of the School of Design and Technology at London College of Fashion (LCF) 刘国峰现任世界知名学府伦敦时装 学院时装设计和技术专业副院长, 时尚产业专业背景广阔,曾在伦敦 任女装设计师,在纽约任时尚编辑, 最近在香港任创意总监,并且进入 生产管理领域。 刘国峰的学术生涯 逾十年,作为一名高级学者,他的项 目作品集为时尚行业培育了许多未 来的革新者。

凯萨琳.威尔斯 Cathryn Wills 澳洲Sans Beast品牌创始人 Founder of Sans Beast

凯萨琳.威尔斯在澳大利亚时装业度 过了近30年的职业生涯后,于2017 年6月成立了Sans Beast。 2008年 至2016年,威尔斯曾在澳大利亚配 件品牌MIMCO担任创意总监。 经过 十多年在真皮包品牌工作,威尔斯 逐渐认识到她在动物福利和环境方 面的职业角色和道德立场之间的脱 节。 她于2016年初从MIMCO辞职,两 年后推出Sans Beast,着手打造一 个以设计为导向的优质品牌,只使 用从非动物来源采购的材料。


John Lau is the Associate Dean of the School of Design and Technology at the worldrenowned London College of Fashion. John has a broad background within the fashion industry with experience as a womenswear designer in London, fashion editor in New York, and latterly a creative director before moving onto production management in Hong Kong. He has been in academia for over a decade and as an executive academic, leads a portfolio of programmes that educates future fashion innovators for the fashion industry.

Cathryn Wills established Sans Beast in June 2017, after a career spanning close to 30 years in the Australian fashion industry. From 2008 to 2016 Wills worked as Creative Director followed by Managing Director, at Australian accessories brand, MIMCO. After working with leather handbags for over a decade, Wills progressively recognised a disconnect between her professional role and her ethical stance on animal welfare and the environment. Wills resigned from MIMCO in early 2016 + launched Sans Beast 2 years later – setting out to build a design led, quality brand that only utilises materials that are procured from nonanimal sources.

西门·克林斯 Simon Collins WeDesign创办人及执行长 Founder and CEO of WeDesign

设计领导人,思想家,发言人,作家, 教育家,设计师,电视节目主持人, 顾问,帕森斯大学前院长和耐克公 司创意总监。 柯林斯出版了他的《 时尚学院》一书,并加入帕森斯董 事会。 同时他也担任全球趋势集团 WGSN的顾问委员会主席,并为纽 约时装周的WME IMG提供谘询。 后 来,他在纽约发起“时尚文化设计会 议” ,同时创建全球设计教育平台 WeDesign.org,提供最好的设计教 育跟与世界知名学者间同步互动的 线上课程。 西蒙·柯林斯的职业生涯 是创造完美的设计,他对出色的设 计充满热情,并且热衷于环游世界 讲述自己的冒险经历。 A global design leader, a thinker, speaker, writer, educator, designer, TV presenter, advisor, a former dean at Parsons and creative

李峻 Jun Lee 东华大学·上海国际时尚创意学院 常务副院长 Executive Vice Dean of Shanghai International College of Fashion and Innovation (SCF) · Donghua University 李峻,副教授、博士、东华大学上海 国际时尚创意学院(以下简称SCF 学院)常务副院长,第十一届上海市 青联委员,服装设艺术计与数字媒 体艺术方向硕士生导师。 近年来承 担政府、部队等系统职业服装设计 项目20余项。 近年来发表论文、专著 15篇(本) ,完成品牌服装企业委托 产学研项目30余项,协助服装企业 新获中国驰名商标一项、上海市名 牌一项、中国名牌一项、中国服装企


director at Nike. Collins published his book “The School of Fashion” and then joined the Parsons Board of Governors in addition to chairing the Advisory Board for Global trend group WGSN and advising WME IMG on NYFW. Later, he launched the Fashion Culture Design Unconference in New York and WeDesign. org, a global design education platform with a mission to give the world’s best design education to anyone anywhere in the world via live-link video classes with highly respected professors. Simon Collins has spent his career creating beautiful solutions. He is passionate about great design and he travels the world speaking about his adventures.

业“双百强”三项,与企业共同申报 各类专利60余项。 Jun Lee has many roles in the Interiors profession, he serves as the Executive Vice Dean of Shanghai International College of Fashion and Innovation, Donghua University, and is a visiting scholar of Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Science and Centria Univeristy of Applied Science, Finland. In recent years, Jun has worked as the chief designer for the official uniform of WORLD EXPO SHANGHAI 2010, and has also volunteered and done work in the visiting center for the event. He has published more than 15 papers and books and declared more than 60 patents.

张娜 Na Zhang FAKENATOO及Reclothing Bank创 办人&设计总监 Founder and Creative Director of FAKENATOO and Reclothing Bank

2008年创立个人服装设计品牌 FAKENATOO,迅速受到业内及媒 体的广泛关注与追捧,短短几年间 便成为中国时装设计界颇具影响力 的代表人物。 FAKENATOO的女性, 从来都是独立坚强,这种坚强并非 强势,而是循序渐进的拥有厚度与 柔韧的坚强,更莫说是对生活的一 种机敏,伴随宽阔的新与温暖的爱, 因此而生的生活态度。 懂得与自己, 与世界,与他人之间的相处,理解万 物生长的自然道理。 明哲而充满暖 意。 2011 年 创办独立公益项目再造 衣银行 ReclothingBank。 同年,再 造衣银行项目入选了维也纳设计节 的时装单元。 张娜荣获众多奖项,包含2015 年 荣 登《福布斯》杂志中国设计师 TOP30 榜单并获得上海时装周最佳创意 奖;Reclothing Bank 与美国著名 公益组织1%地球税(1% FOR THE PLANET)达成合作,销售所得的 1% 用于地球上的环境保护。

关注城市共生话题,强调传统手工 艺与可持续发展理念,使得 FAKE NATOO与 再造衣银行获得众多明 星及国际品牌跨界合作,并在艺术 与设计诸多领域持续探索,2017年 参与深港城市 \ 建筑双城双年展广 获好评,更能多次获邀参加国内外 重要设计展览。 社会责任方面,也与 美国棉花协会、THE WOOLMARK COMPANY、联合国发展署、壹基金、 雪境NGO、同心互惠NGO长期合作 诸多公益项目,为公平贸易与环保 贡献自己的力量。

黄齐 Qi Huang 海澜之家子品牌AEX主理人 Owner-Principal of AEX, subbrand of HLA

FAKE NATOO was founded in 2008 and soon caught certain attention among the Fashion industry. In few years time,Zhang Na has already become a successful influential independent designer.FAKE NATOO women are always independent and strong. Instead of being aggressive but in a smart and compassionate way with her broad creativity and warm love. She knows how to understand herself and the relationships between the world and others. She also believes in the wisdom of the nature and brimming with warmth.In 2011, the independent commonweal project RECLOTHING BANK was founded by Zhang Na. In the same year, the RECLOTHING BANK project was selected as the fashion unit of the Vienna Design Festival and Reclothing Bank was invited by Austrian Art Photography Festival.Zhang Na has received numerous award including one of the Top 30 Chinese designer by Forbes. She was also awarded the most creative prize by Shanghai Fashion Week .

2002年加入海澜集团,2009年负 责海澜之家设计中心主持产品开 发工作。 2015年任海澜之家商品总 监。 2017年主持海澜之家子品牌AEX 的运营工作。 Qi Huang joined HLA Group in 2002 and was in charge of HLA Design Center in 2009. He was appointed Director of Commodity of HLA in 2015. In 2017, he presided over the operation of HLA’s sub-brand AEX.


于承延 Chenyan Yu 无锡市双达毛绒制品有限公司总经理 General Manager of Wuxi Shuangda Plush Co. Ltd.

身为无锡双达毛绒制品有限公司总经理,致力于人造皮草的开发,推广这 个集天然动物皮毛的奢华与流行时尚于一身的创新材料,为大众消费者体 验时尚与奢华,提供了最佳选择。 As the General Manager Wuxi Shuangda Plush Co. Ltd.. she strives to develop faux fur and promote this innovative material similar to natural animal fur, so to provide the greatest choice for consumers to experience fashion and luxury.

胡柯华,中国纺织工业联合会社会责任办公室可持续发展项目主任。 负 责可持续发展信息披露工作和“可持续创新先锋行动”Sustainability Stewardship项目(可持续化学、水管理、气候变化、循环再利用)推动可持 续供应链、可持续创新与可持续时尚合作。 他同时担任联合国UNFCCC时尚 产业气候行动宪章委员会成员、政策工作组共同主席,开云集团中国可持 续顾问委员会成员,法国必维集团大中华区认证公正委员会主席,东华大 学硕士校外导师。 在加入中国纺织工业联合会之前,胡先生分别在国家质 量监督检验检疫总局法规司、中国商务部工作。

胡柯华 Kehua Hu 中国纺织工业联合会社会责任办公 室可持续发展项目主任 Head of Corporate Social Responsibility Bureau of China Textile Industry Association

Mr. Kehua HU, Sustainability Stewardship Director at Office for Social Responsibility of China Textile and Apparel Industry Council (CNTAC), provides leadership for the team to facilitate information disclosure and implement 4 vertical sustainability Stewardship Programs covering Chemical, Water, Climate and Circular in the textile sector, which are promoting sustainable supply chain, innovation and sustainable fashion in the chinses fashion industry. Mr. HU is assigned as steering committee member and co-chair of Policy Engagement Working Group of UNFCCC Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action since 2019. He is also invited to be member of Sustainability Advisory Committee of Kering Group China since 2019, Off campus Master Tutor of Donghua University since 2018 and Chair of Equity Committee of Bureau VERITAS China Accreditation since 2015. Prior to joining CNTAC in 2008, Mr. HU has worked separately General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) and in Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) in China.

珰对于亚洲的动物福利议题有丰富背景,而且在动 物管理领域有十年的讲课经验。 在这期间珰与不同 希望对世界带来改变的人得到联系,促使珰去设计 能让人类、动物和环境(不分先后)得益的计划。 她会 在论坛发表行动亚洲的零皮草项目和国际零皮草销 售厂商的工作成果,以及通过教育来启发未来设计 师的重要性。 璫.比卡克 Dawn Peacock 行动亚洲国际项目总监 Director of International Projects at ACTAsia


Dawn has a rich background in animal welfare in Asia and to compliment, has ten years lecturing for Animal Management experience. During this time Dawn has built a network of people who want to make a difference in the world. This spurs Dawn to design programmes that benefit humans, animals and the environment....in no particular order. Dawn is delighted to present ACTAsia’s work on Furfree and Fur-free Retailers and the importance of engaging in education to inspire future generations of designers at the Forum.

曾任职于橙天拾捌、华谊影视经纪公司、拾捌影视文化等公司。 2014-2019 年任壹心娱乐创始合伙人,负责内部运营管理和公益版块,以娱乐营销的 方式传播公益理念。 连续三年发起线上全明星参与的公益倡导项目“壹起 公益” ,2018年度新浪公益颁奖典礼“壹起公益”获“2017年度中国公益致敬 奖”;2019年上海报业集团、界面、财联社主办的第三届界面臻善年会上壹 心娱乐获“界面臻善企业奖”。 2019年8月创立益嘉能量场。

陈嘉颖 Jiaying Chen 益嘉能量场创始人 Founder of Yijia Energy Space

Chen Jiaying worked for Chengtian Shiba, Huayi film and television agency, Shiba film and television consultancy firm. From 2014 and 2019, she served as the founding partner of EASY entertainment, responsible for internal operation management and public welfare department, spreading and promoting public welfare through advocacy and entertainment business. She initiated the online all-stars’ public welfare advocacy project “one public welfare”. In the award ceremony of 2018 Sina public welfare “One Public Welfare”, she won “2017 China Public Welfare Tribute Award”. In 2019, in the third annual meeting of Zhenshan Annual Award sponsored by Shanghai Newspaper group, Jiemian and Cailian, EASY Entertainment won “Jiemian Zhenshan Enterprise Award”. In August 2019, Yi jia Energy Space was found.

商业生态工作室是中国第一份关注可持续发展和绿色商业的财经杂志,自 从2011年以来,主要推动有关可持续商业和文化的原创内容创作、传播及 公共教育,主要的方式包括杂志和书籍创作、公共展览、绿色经济沙龙、S+ 学习坊等。 孙海燕在中国商业媒体圈中有约20年的从业经验,曾经担任《东 方企业家》的高级编辑、 《21世纪商业评论》的资深记者。 她的报道主要专注 于可持续发展、创新和区域性经济。 2010年,她和孙杨所合著撰写的《绿金 时代》一书,获得了中国国家图书馆“文津奖”推荐奖。 作为策展人,她策划 了大约50场关于可持续创新与文化、环境议题与可持续生活方式的原创公 共展览,推动可持续发展议题的公共传播与公共教育。 她毕业于瑞典卡尔 马大学波罗的海商学院,获得工商学硕士;并毕业于复旦大学世界经济系, 获得经济学学士。 2017年获得瑞典学院的“可持续领导力”管理项目学位证 书。

孙海燕 Jiaying Chen 商业生态工作室 联合创办人 暨主编 Business Ecology Studio Chief Editor & Co-founder


Business Ecology studio is China’s first magazine and content production studio which focuses on sustainability and green business since 2011. Sun Haiyan has around 20 years working experiences in China’s business media, such as Asian Business Leaders and 21st Century Business Review. She focuses mainly on the area of innovation, sustainability, and regional report. She published the book of The Age of Green Gold. As the exhibition curator, she has organized around 50 public exhibitions about sustainability and innovation. As a senior facilitator, she contributed in many sustainable-businessrelated workshops in recent years and worked with well-known brands and organizations. In addition, she initiated Business Ecology’s workshop brand “S+ Workshop” to empower different stakeholders related to the topics like inclusiveness, social innovation, circular economy, Eco-fashion, etc. Graduate from Baltic Business School, Kalmar University, Sweden with MS; from School of Economics, Fudan University, China with BA.


Contributing Brands for Fashion Show & Exhibition Folk Design 是一个拒绝使用动物皮草的绿色品牌。 它融合来自Podhale地 区的传统民俗和实用性。 品牌创办人Aneta Larysa Knap是服装业传统与现 代相结合的先驱;她也是波兰最大的民间时装秀 ”Polki Folki”的制作人和 组织者。 Folk Design is an ecological brand that actively excludes the use of fur and leather. Merging traditional folklore from the Podhale region with functionality, the founder of the brand, Aneta Larysa Knap, is one of the precursors of combining tradition and modernity in the clothing industry. Aneta is the producer and organizer of the largest folk fashion show in Poland, “Polki Folki”.

VAUTE(取自“haute” ,高端时尚的法语,加上纯素 ”vegan”的V)是世界上 第一个素食时尚品牌,其使命是通过创造更好的东西,使用创新的,高科 技的,可持续的纺织品,切割和缝制,将动物从时尚方程中解脱出来。 纽约 的服装区充满爱意。 我们是第一个在纽约时装周上展示的素食主义品牌, 被称为「纽约市最具创新性的商业之一」 (BusinessInsider)。 Vaute 创始人 Leanne 被称为「最有影响力的设计师」 (PETA)、 「时尚周的反抗者」 (CNN)、 「优秀、具知识和启发性的生意人」 (Bust)、 「为未来具关怀的设计师铺路」 ( 美国新闻与世界报导)、 「道德上不会妥协的时尚大咖」 (NYLON)、和「勇气、 创意和信念的表现者」 (Conde Nast)。 Vaue的总部位于曼哈顿的LES,在那 里打破时尚产业。 VAUTE 设计的是比动物皮草更优秀的纺织品,目标是让 人们透过支持他们相信的商业做法,一起创造一个我们都想看到的世界, 让穿着动物皮草成为历史 VAUTE is “a rising label” (VOGUE) whose the founder Leanne has been named “Most Influential Designer” (PETA), the “Rebel of fashion week” CNN, “a badass businesswoman, informative and inspiring” (Bust), “paving the way for future compassionate designers” (U.S. News & World Report), and a “Gamechanger, embodying courage, creativity, & conviction” (Conde Nast). Spelled for “haute” (high fashion in French) with a V for vegan, “VAUTE” sounds like VOTE because that’s what a purchase is tangible support for business practices and people. VAUTE innovates apparel that’s better than wearing animals, and aims to empower people to co-create a world we want by supporting business practices we believe in, until one day the world will look at wearing animals as a thing of the past. We focus on innovating with high-tech sustainable organic and recycled textiles that are 100% vegan, and then cut & sewn in the NYC Garment District.



Ivana Helsinki 是一个独立艺术、时尚、设计和电影制作品牌,巧妙地将斯 拉夫式的忧郁气息融合纯正斯堪的纳维亚风情和带有一丝怀旧的美式复 古风格。 Ivana Helsinki 创立于1998年,由才华洋溢且具有远见的苏霍宁 (Suhonen) 姐妹宝拉 (Paola) 和皮尔霍 (Pirjo) 所创立。 在过去二十年间,这 个品牌俨然成为斯堪的纳维亚引领风潮的设计工作室之一,品牌风格也有 其识别度。 Ivana Helsinki is an independent art, fashion, design and cinema brand, delicately merging Slavic melancholy with pure Scandinavian moods and Americana Vintage with a hint of nostalgia. Ivana Helsinki was established in 1998 by the talented and visionary Suhonen sisters Paola and Pirjo. In over 20 years the brand has become one of the leading Scandinavian design houses with a recognisable design identity.

总部位于墨尔本的 Unreal Fur成立于2011年,是澳大利亚领先的人造皮草 设计师品牌,其使命是帮助时装界终止对皮草的使用。 Unreal Fur的人造皮 草不仅具时尚感,品质更是引领全球。 Unreal Fur以身为纯素品牌为豪,具道德意识并主张零残杀,鼓吹动物福 利、商业道德实践、对艺术的热忱与对彼此的友爱。 Unreal Fur与其他志同 道合的组织、个人与艺术家合作时间悠久,共同的愿景和理念是促进零残 酷时尚的未来。

每位穿着Unreal Fur品牌的人都在避免杀生,向众人展示了经典时尚与动 物零残杀并不牴触。 Unreal Fur在人造皮草时尚中引领潮流,而我们不想就 此止步! 顶级品牌Unreal Fur适合追求各种价值体现的时尚玩家。

Unreal Fur is Australia’s leading designer faux fur label based in Melbourne. It was brought to life in 2011 with one clear overarching goal, to help end the use of real fur in the fashion industry. Unreal Fur provides the most invogue faux furs of the best quality in the world. Unreal Fur is a proud vegan, cruelty free and ethically conscious brand, with a loud voice on important messages like animal welfare, ethical practices in business, passion in art and love for each other. Unreal Fur also has a strong history of collaborating with other like-minded organisations, individuals and artists that share our general philosophy and attitude towards the cruelty-free future of fashion. Every person who wears an Unreal Fur is saving a life, showing the world that they can wear timeless fashion without harming any animals. Unreal fur is leading the charge in the faux-volution, and we don’t want to stop there! Unreal Fur is the top-tier brand for people who like to have fun with fashion, stand for something and look great doing it.


游走城市与户外之间、打破工作与生活的分界。 将品质工艺、科技面料与机 能设计,转化成日常的生活服饰,创作出平价、实穿、便捷、舒适的机能系风 格男装,做让顾客产生依恋的产品,是AEX的理想与坚持。 AEX breaks the boundaries between work and life by wandering around cities and outdoors. It combines quality craftsmanship, technical fabrics, and skill design, to produce daily clothes and create functional men’s clothing that is cheap, practical, convenient, and comfortable. What we are dreaming of and persisting in is the products that customers would like to rely on.

基于“天人合一”的古老东方哲学,ICICLE 之禾从大自然中精选高品质原 料,并以对环境负责人的态度加以再造,摒弃多余设计,展示天然之美。旨 在为全情投入的工作者,提供舒适、自然的通勤体验。 ICICLE’s philosophy is MADE IN EARTH,a caring approach in search of the harmony between human and nature. We select high-quality natural fabrics and manufacture with environmental conscientiousness. With simple and clean design, ICICLE celebrates the beauty of nature and provides a comfortable experience for professional life.

吉承是2015福布斯中国最具发展潜力设计师,中国80后代表设计师,身为 JI CHENG品牌创始人、设计总监。 作为毕业于意大利Marrgonni Fashion学 院的海归派,其设计往往颠覆中国传统风格,又将中国元素与优雅、嬉皮相 混合在一起,擅长借西方剪裁之“形”诠释中国元素之“意”。 品牌创立后的 13年间,她被时尚及媒体行业广泛认知和评定为中国最受关注的时尚界领 军人物,其独具特色的JI CHENG高定系列和女装成衣,在明星名媛中具有 极高的辨识度和美誉。吉承表示, “零皮草”是国际的时尚指标,唯有关怀生 命、富有人道精神的产品,才会被为数众多的、对生命具有关怀的消费者所 接受。 Ji Cheng was selected as most influential designer by Forbes China in 2015, and she is a representative designer of China’s 80s. She is the founder and design director of JI CHENG. She graduated from Italy’s Marangoni Fashion Institute but returning to China; her design often subverts Chinese traditional styles, blends Chinese elements with elegance and hip, and excels at interpreting the “meaning” of Chinese elements through the “shape” of Western tailoring. In the 13 years since the brand was founded, she has been widely recognized by the fashion and media industry as China’s most prominent fashion industry leader.


“BEI”品牌既代表了品牌的灵魂人物陈蓓,也是蓓氏风格的高度索引—— 美丽、优雅、国际(Beautiful,Elegant,International)的品牌风格。 “BEI”服 饰品牌于2004 年在法国巴黎创立。 陈蓓2007 年回到北京,创立了北京蓓斯 迪尔服饰艺术设计有限公司。 “BEI”品牌孕育于时装之都巴黎,简洁大气的现代优雅中,有着古老东方 的神秘灵韵。 公司一直致力于挖掘传统服饰文化,汲取当中的艺术精华,这 种对传统的继承和发展,以及结合西方立体精裁的设计创作理念,使“BEI” 品牌不拘一格、自成一派,逐渐受到众多精英女性的认可和青睐。 Beistyle is clothing design company that also incorporates the production of artistic derivative apparel. It is an enterprise with innovative management concepts. Beistyle features the brands, BEI and BEI GARDEN. Founded in Paris in 2004, by French/Chinese designer Chen Bei, the Beistyle brand was created and its first and clothing fabrication workshop was opened in 2007. As an independent high end fashion label, catering for the discerning woman, Beistyle is well established brand with a unique following. Chen Bei is well known amongst the French fashion design and art communities.

Jokester品牌成立于2010年,凭借专业独立设计团队,第一手生产制造资 源,和各大年轻人最潮的文化圈子,打造出快速消费的高性价比潮流服 饰。 Jokester活跃于Hip hop 街舞圈,滑板圈,极限运动圈,说唱圈,死飞单 车圈等,并与中港两地歌手明星合作推出爆款。 Jokester was established in 2010. With a professional independent design team, the first-hand production of manufacturing resources, and the most popular cultural circles of the young people, to create fastcost and cost-effective fashion apparel. Jokester is active in Hip hop street dance circle, skateboarding circle, extreme sports circle, rap circle, dead flying bicycle circle, etc., and cooperates with Chinese and Hong Kong singer stars to launch explosions.

SUPERPLASTIK是德语的“超级塑胶”。 “超级塑胶”是未定型的塑胶,是 塑胶处于最活跃的一种状态,可以随时被塑造或再塑造成新的东西。 “超 级塑胶”有一种青春的感觉,让人想到年轻色彩亮丽,独立坚强。 同时,我 们使用的是塑胶蓝,鲜明,永远不褪色,鼓励我们自己对品牌保持年轻态 度。 SUPERPLASTIK是一个很开放的品牌,热爱喜欢分享和创新。 分享创新 的成果,创造天马行空的想法。 SUPERPLASTIK means super plastic in German, which is unshaped plastic in the most active state and can be reshaped into anything. The brand has a youthful and vibrant image, evoking a sense of independence and strength. At the same time, our products designed by plastic blue that is never fading, so as to keep our youthful attitude. Superplastik enjoys sharing the achievement and innovation.


墨立方由年轻设计师墨子坤创办,旨打造中国最具创意,潮流的原创运动 潮牌,让更多的年轻人走进健身房,享受运动带来的改变。运动轻生活,完 美的诠释了墨立方的精神,提倡简约而不简单的设计,追求生活的平衡,在 喧闹的都市,静下心来沉淀自己。 而运动又能发现另一个自己,敢于挑战, 坚持不懈,改变自己的外形,又能拥有良好的体魄。 MOEA SPORT, founded by young designer Mo Zikun, aims to create the most creative and trendy original sports brand in China. and to encourage the young generation to hit the gym and enjoy the changes brought by sports. Sporting easygoing life, perfect interpretation of the spirit of the MOEA SPORT, advocating elegant designs, the pursuit of the balance of life, in the noisy city, calm down to precipitate themselves. Sports is one way through which we can discover our unknown self; it encourages us to take on challenges, persevere and strive to be our better self.

DARKNESS 是为酷爱潮流,独立自由的青少年设计的街头品牌——我们相 信风格美学,对未知世界充满渴望并勇于探索。 核心消费群体:6-17岁的青 少年,共有120-170六个尺码。 DARKNESS is a street brand designed for the teenagers who love fashion trends, pursue independence and freedom – we believe in style of aesthetic, desire for unknown world and dare to explore.

“双达”是无锡双达毛绒制品有限公司精心打造的全系列人造皮草品牌。 人造皮草集天然动物皮毛的奢华与流行时尚于一身,有轻便舒适,易于清 理,时尚灵动,价格亲民等特性,为大众消费者体验时尚与奢华,提供了最 佳选择。 “双达”以二十多年的技术积淀和不断创新追求完美的执着,形成 了品牌的独特风格。 将臻于完美,精工细作的品牌理念融入产品之中,赋予 了每款“双达”产品生命的意义。 “SD”brand is renowned for a full seriers of faux fur belonging to Wuxi Shuangda Plush Co., Ltd. Faux fur products, looking similar to natural animal fur, combine the luxury and fashion . It has the characteristics of lightness, comfort, easy-care, fashion and reasonable price. It provides the great choice for consumers to experience fashion and luxury. “SD” has formed a the unique style of tech and innovation with over 20 years. “SD”, in pursuit of perfectionm, designs and produces faux fur with an uncompromising attitude toward quality and craftsmanship to make sure each product owning the spirit “SD”.


LIVEWHY[知里与知外] 是来源于崇尚自然与艺术的独立文化品牌,2017年由 中国设计师王雪瞩创建。LIVEWHY所创造的一系列包袋,呈现出独立的艺术气 息。遵循环保理念,国际零皮草厂商联盟成员。 全系列精心制造。

LIVEWHY [知里与知外] 在中文的引申意义中,意味着从了解自己而了解世界, 在探寻自我的过程中,找到属于自己的生命意义,因此而心存淡然,成为自己。 LIVEWHY is an independent cultural brand established by Chinese designer, Wang Xuezhu for the love of great nature and fine art. The bag collection from LIVEWHY is both environmental friendly and artistic. All the bags are hand-made and fur-free. LIVEWHY has a deeper meaning in Chinese -understanding the innerself leads to apprehension of the outer world. Thus, in the process of exploring the self,we will eventually find our own meaning of life; a sense of indifference will put us on the path to enlightenment.

上海考格于2017成立,由设计师JINKY HUANG带领的专业设计团队,是一 个以软木设计为基础的品牌公司。 KAOGE它的第一次实验给予每个作品原 有的软木天然色彩,没有夸张丰富的颜色还原软木原有的自然与纯真。 舍 去了多余的华丽感,带来独特的视觉观感,仿若整个藏匿于自然之中不动 神色,显露素雅之美。 设计师旨在探索新兴材料与可持续时尚的发展,将天 然可再生的软木的软木材质与自己的设计灵感及理念相糅合,制造出时尚 与生活方式的种种可能。 Led by designer Jinky Huang with a professional team, Shanghai Kaoge is a brand founded in 2017. Kaoge’s first experiment gave each work original cork natural color, without exaggerating rich color to restore the original nature and pureness of cork. The designer aims to explore the development of new materials and sustainable fashion, and combine the cork materials of natural renewable softwood with their own design inspiration and ideas, create the different possibilities in fashion and lifestyle.

BLACKHEAD黑头指拥有黑发的青年人,他们代表年轻和未来;同时,品牌 名称内的黑亦有包罗万象,皆有可能的含义。 来自上海的设计师潮流首饰 品牌BLACKHEAD,于2012年在上海创立。 打破传统首饰品牌单一固有的设 计风格,实验性与流行度兼具的多形态首饰彻底改变穿搭方式。 场景化的 系列激发佩戴者的灵感。 融合了青年文化和无性别主义,将自我表达和抗 议形式纳入设计范畴,让亚文化走上街头,力求打造当今中国年轻人首选 的配饰品牌。 BLACKHEAD describes young. Represents the East, and shows mystery. Integrate China and West, represent the independent designer’s accessories brand of the young pioneer in China. BLACKHEAD is famous for its bold, interesting and appropriate decoration. The product combines T-table fashion and street style, presenting a new national tide design style with both experimental and popularity. The brand product structure mainly includes bags/ jewelry/clothing accessories. The brand is formed by the domestic pioneer jewelry designer (BLACK) and his team.



Special thanks to 妆发特别参与-曼都发型 Mentor

曼都发型1966年始于中国台湾,从最初的七把椅子、 八名员工的单店到如今 全球500多家门店的国际化连锁企业。 从台湾到温哥华、 上海、 北京、 浙江、 江 苏、 福建,曼都发型一直秉承对美的追求,强调”专业性”和”精致服务”为每 一位顾客打造自我风格。 曼都的使命是培养出优秀的美容美发从业人员,提 供顾客优秀的设计和服务,创造美丽和健康,进而美化与进化社会。 Mentor was founded in China Taiwan in 1966. From a store of only seven chairs and eight employees, it has expanded to an international chain enterprise of more than 500 branches worldwide. From Taiwan to Vancouver, Shanghai, Beijing, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Fujian, Mentor always pursues beauty, emphasizes “professional” and “exquisite services” to create a unique style for every single client. The mission of Mentor is to cultivate outstanding hairdressing professionals, provide excellent design and service to customers and finally create a world with beauty and health.

志愿者团队特别参与-素Plus Vegan Plus


素Plus立足于健康、环保、时尚的理念,以跨界互联的无限可能性,推动健 康新生活方式的传播。 素Plus2014年7月至今,已主办、协办和赞助中高端活动80+,受众人数超 10万+。

素Plus致力于倡导“周一请吃素” ,为健康时尚新生活提供善意且环境友好 的解决方案。 Make it popular. Based on the concepts of health, environmental protection and fashion, Vegan Plus promotes adopting a healthy new lifestyle through the infinite possibilities of cross-border connections. Since July 2014, Vegan Plus has hosted, co-organized and sponsored more than 80 high-end activities, with a total audience of over 100,000. It is dedicated to the promotion of “Meat-free Monday” as a kind and environmentally friendly solution to a new and healthy lifestyle.


明星模特特别参与 -黄志玮 Jerry Huang

中国台湾男演员、 模特,2002年获得中国新丝路模特儿大赛冠军,曾出演《蔷 薇之恋》、 《仙剑奇侠传三》、 《一起来看流星雨》、 《我可能不会爱你》等作品。 经常受邀为各大名牌的时装走秀以及商品发表会,进而知名度大开,节目与 戏剧广告邀约不断,今年更是憑藉電影短片「11:50」 ,飾演: 男主角,靠著眼 神訴表現貪婪的一面,這部電影也讓他近期一舉入圍「紐約翠貝卡電影節」 以及「韓國富川国际奇幻影节」。 此外,他常借由参加公益篮球比赛来为需要 的人发声。 As an actor and model from Taiwan, China, Jerry Huang was the winner of 2002 New Silk Road Model Competition, and appeared in TV and movies such as “The Rose”, “Chinese Paladin 3”, “With the View of Meteor Shower” and “In Time with You”. As he frequently shows up for fashion shows and product launches for brands, his popularity and offers for TV shows, movies and advertisement increase greatly. This year he was nominated for the Tribeca Film Festival and Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival with his male lead role in the movie “11:50”, in recognition for his outstanding performance by expressing the human greed through eyes. In addition to his film activities, Jerri helps give a voice to those in need in charity basketball competitions.

种子与苗浸润教育公益平台 Seeds And Seedlings

种子与苗是一个推广与分享《浸润式素质教育》理念的公益平台,强调孩子 们在“参与、制作、与观赏”的游戏本能中,培养孩子的批判性思维、创造性 表达和⾯临各种盾/冲突/问题时的应变能⼒。 Seeds And Seedlings promotes “Immersive Temperament” for kids . They can learn Positive and Creative thoughts and promote the ability to presents themselves through “Participate, Empathy and Enjoy” while they are playing.

虹衣Home Club创意亲子造星厂 Home Club

虹衣Home Club创意亲子造星厂集艺术、亲子、造星、派对和社交五维空间 于一体,打造综合才艺亲子舞台。 通过探索实践、亲子体验、与艺术交流,潜 移默化提升气质素养、社交能力和创造力,引领未来国际儿童生活方式。 Home Club integrates art, parent-children, star-making, party and social five-dimensional space to create a comprehensive talent parent-children platform. Through exploring practice, parentchildren experience, and artistic exchanges, we can subtly improve temperament, social competence and creativity, and lead the future international children’s lifestyle.



中国首家利用产品说明书进行零皮草生活宣传的企业。 卡丝集团,2013年 创立,目前旗下拥有6家全资子公司,分别是瑞士卡丝国际集团有限公司、 广州卡丝生物科技有限公司、中山卡丝生物科技有限公司、中山诗琳生物 科技有限公司、广州卡丝广告传媒有限公司、广东卡丝股权投资有限公司。 从成立至今,已拥有自主研发中心、生产基地、广告传媒、售后中心、品牌营 销等一整套产业化经营规模。 卡丝集团受国际零皮草联盟认证,成为亚洲 区唯一一家100%不使用动物做实验的化妆品企业。 The first company in China to promote fur free life through their product instructions. Established in 2013, CASSIEY Corporate has 6 sub-companies including Swiss CASSIEY International Group, Guangzhou CASSIEY Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Shillin Biotechnology Co. Ltd., Guangzhou CASSIEY Advertising Communication Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou CASSIEY Shares & Investment Co., Ltd. Since its foundation, it has its own research development center, production base, advertising media, after-sales center, and brand marketing. CASSIEY Corporate is accredited by the International Fur Free Association (FFA) and it is the only cosmetic company in Asia that is 100% free of animal experiments.


合作夥伴 Partners One Voice

One Voice组织为动物捍卫其尊严并主张动物 是有感知能力的生命,其使 命是终结动物实验、弃绝马戏团及海豚水族馆中的动物表演、禁止 使用皮 草制品,并保护野生动物、伴侣动物和其他动物。 One Voice渴望建立一个 动物、人与地球紧密相联的非暴力世界。 One Voice is an advocacy organisation campaigning for animals to be respected and protected as sentient beings. One Voice seeks to end animal experiments, to end the use of animals in circuses and dolphinaria, and ban fur and to protect wild animals, pets and other animals. One Voice celebrates the interconnectedness of animals, people and our planet aspiring for a world of non-violence.



GAIA(动物利益全球行动组织)成立于1992年,将比利时的动物福利捍卫者 和动物权利倡导者聚在一起。 他们认为动物应该受到尊重并过上体面的 生活,于是致力于建立人与动物之间人道且合理的关系。 他们努力防止动 物遭受痛苦,他们公开谴责被社会容忍的惯例虐待,并积极提供替代解决 办法。 除了宣传活动之外,他们大力游说公司(即连锁超市、食品品牌)、联 合会和政界人士,以便通过更好的立法和公司承诺,逐步改善动物福利。 此 外, “GAIA教育”部门由三名全职雇员组成,每年访问近220所比利时学校的 12000多名学生。 Founded in 1992, GAIA (Global Action in the Interest of Animals) unites defenders of animal welfare and advocates for animal rights in Belgium. It believes that animals should be treated with respect and deserve a decent life, thus it works towards building a humananimal relationship of humanity and justice. GAIA strives to prevent animal suffering and in the case of institutionalised abuse tolerated by society, it denounces the situation in public and actively offers alternative solutions. In addition to awareness campaigns, GAIA puts a lot of effort into lobbying companies (i.e. supermarket chains, food brands), federations and politicians in order to improve the welfare of animals incrementally – through better legislation and corporate commitment. In addition, “GAIA Education” department is composed of three full-time employees, and visits more than 12,000 students in nearly 220 Belgian schools each year.


Principle Video Media Partner

爱奇艺公益频道是专注于公益创新传播的视频媒体服务平台。 作为国内视频行业专注慈善、公益事业的频道,自 2012年上线以来,携手全球多家公益组织,运用爱奇艺强大资源优势,以独家、全网第一及战略合作伙伴身份,推 动社会公益事业向前发展。 爱奇艺公益频道基于平台高度的社会责任感,凭借爱奇艺的强资源与强运营优势,持续推动各类公益项目的发 展,并及时将内容推送到用户面前,影响更多人关注和参与到公益行动中,进一步释放平台的影响力。

2019年,行动亚洲与爱奇艺公益频道推出行动亚洲“零皮草生活”公益专题页面,以影片为载体进行消费者教育, 倡导可持续和零皮草的生活方式。 Aiqiyi Charity Channel is a video media service platform focusing on charity innovation and dissemination. As a channel dedicated to charity in domestic video industry, since its launch in 2012, they have joined hands with a number of global charity organizations to promote the development of social charity undertakings with the unique, network-wide first and strategic partnership status by utilizing the strong resource advantages of iQIYI. Based on the high sense of social responsibility of the platform, iQIYI Charity channel continuously promotes the development of various charity projects by virtue of iQIYI’s strong resources and strong operational advantages, and timely pushes the content to users, influencing more people to pay attention to and participate in Charity actions, and further releasing the influence of the platform. In 2019, ACTAsia and IQIYI Charity Channel launched the “Fur Free” Charity Page, which carries out consumer education through movies and advocates a sustainable and fur free lifestyle.



Media Partner


Contributors W eDesi gn.org





我不想为了成全时尚而牺 牲动物,这是不对的。


I don’t want to kill animals to make fashion. It doesn’t feel right. -Versace


www.actasia.org furfreelife.actasia.org 34

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