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Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2007 - 2013

Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2007 - 2013

Index Priority 1. Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories Measure 1.1 Support to innovation and research in the process of local development of the Mediterranean Sea Basin countries • Cultural and Archaeological heritage in the Mediterranean Basin (ArcheoMed) • Bio Exploration - Novel methodology for the Identification of Valuable Natural Products Derived from Mediterranean Flora (Bio-Xplore) • Promoting socio-economic sustainable development through innovative technological actions for Mediterranean tourism-heritage and landscapes protection clusters (HELAND) • Promotion of innovative camel systems and of local camel value chains for a sustainable management of Sahelian territories (PROCAMED)

6 7 8 9

Measure 1.2. Strengthening economic clusters creating synergies among potentials of the Mediterranean Sea Basin countries • • • • •

Mediterranean Network of sustainable small-scale fishing communities (FISHINMED) MARAKANDA Mediterranean Route for Tourism and Culture (MED-ROUTE) Promoting Local Sustainable Economic Development (PROJECT WEALTH) Supporting and connecting rural women’s traditional know how in the Mediterranean through the promotion of fair trade products (RUWOMED)

10 11 12 13 14

Measure 1.3. Strengthening the national strategies of territorial planning by integrating the different levels, and promotion of balanced and sustainable socio-economic development • Local Agenda 21 in territorial planning in energy and waste management (Local Agenda 21) • Empowerment of Management Capacities of the Middle Eastern Public Bodies on Public Services and Socio-Economical Local Development (MIDEMP) • New Cities of the Mediterranean Sea Basin (NEWCIMED) • Territorial networking for capacity building and local development: a cross-border experience linking Lebanon, Jordan, France, Italy (T-NET) • Mediterranean Network for the promotion of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies (UDS) and three new UDS (USUDS)

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Priority 2. Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level Measure 2.1. Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the environment and enhancement of natural common heritage • Aqua knowledge and innovation transfer for water saving in the Mediterranean basin (AQUAKNIGHT) • Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Irrigated Agricultural Production in Lebanon and Jordan (ENSIAP) • Governance of air quality in the Mediterranean cities (GOUV’AIRNANCE) • Management of port areas in the Mediterranean Sea Basin (MAPMED) • Mediterranean Cooperation in the Treatment and Valorisation of Olive Mill Wastewater (MEDOLICO) • Managing the Environmental Sustainability of Ports for a durable development (MESP) • Diffusion of nanotechnology based devices for water treatment and recycling (NANOWAT) • Promoting sustainable groundwater resources in the Mediterranean Basin: improving technical and administrative skills in selected Mediterranean Basin municipalities to alleviate pollution of groundwater • From the experimentation to the dissemination of the Ecolabel in the Mediterranean (ShMILE2) • Sustainable domestic Water Use in Mediterranean Regions (SWMED)

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Measure 2.2. Promotion of renewable energy use and improvement of energy efficiency contributing to addressing, among other challenges, climate change • Production of biodiesel from Algae in selected Mediterranean Countries (MED-ALGAE) • Action Network for a Sustainable Urban Mobility (RAMUD) • Housing Energy Efficiency Renovation (RELS)

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Priority 3. Promotion of better conditions and modalities for ensuring the mobility of persons, goods and capitals Measure 3.2. Improvement of conditions and modalities of circulation of goods and capitals among the territories • Improving the goods circulation between the Middle East and the EU by networking and adopting shared procedures and technologies (CUSTOM MED)


Priority 4. Promotion of cultural dialogue and local governance Measure 4.1. Support to mobility, exchanges, training and professionalism of young people • Botanicals Risk Assessment training in the Mediterranean Area (BRAMA)


Measure 4.2. Support to the artistic creativity in all its expressions to encourage dialogue among communities • Culture in the Mediterranean and Europe - Weaving on Common Threads (CulMe-WeOnCT) • Contemporary Arab Dramaturgy (DAC) • JOUSSOUR • Mediterranean network for the valorization and fruition of inscriptions preserved in museums (MEDINA) • Stories of exodus and returns (NOSTOI)

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Measure 4.3. Improvement of the governance processes at local level • Mediterranean Network for eGovernment (MEDeGOV) • New Performances for Mediterranean Tourism (NEWPER) • Transfer of know-how in the Mediterranean for the sustainable development of local communities in the less favoured areas (VILLAGES)

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Cultural and Archaeological heritage in the Mediterranean Basin



Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.350.072 Programme contribution: € 1.215.065 (90%) Project co-financing: € 135.007 (10%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 24 months

Measure 1.1 Support to innovation and research in the process of local development of the Mediterranean Sea Basin countries


Contact person Mr. Matteo Lo Raso Project manager Academic Pole of the Province of Agrigento +39 0922 619308 (ext.218)

Project in brief Beyond any political, social and economic borders, the Mediterranean countries share a common legacy made up of similar archeological and architectural assets. To fully exploit the potential offered by this Mediterranean heritage, enhance the management of cultural sites and valorise underrated resources, ArcheoMed focuses on the devolvement of an integrated regional policy, building on the concept of a “Mediterranean Cultural District”, with a view of promoting shared ideas and initiatives based on a single communication and marketing strategy.

Beneficiary Academic Pole of the Province of Agrigento (Italy, Sicilia)

Partnership 1. SudgestAid (Italy, Lazio) 2. Yarmouk University, Faculty of archaeology and Anthropology (Jordan, Irbid) 3. Al Quds University, Institute of archaeology (Palestine) 4. AIDO - Industrial Association of Optics, 5. Colour and Imaging (Spain, Comunidad Valenciana)

Specific objective

Valorisation of the cultural resources of the Mediterranean heritage through the creation of an interactive network for the integrated management of underrated archaeological and artistic sites, finalized at the revitalisation of the artistic and cultural heritage and economicrelated activities of the territories 6

Expected results

• Elaboration of a study aimed at identifying a common system of valorisation, preservation and management of the involved areas (Jordan, Greece, Palestine, Sicily) • Creation of a network of territories, supported by an interactive electronic platform of services, specialized in the promotion of conservation and management policies of cultural / archeological sites and tourismrelated activities • Drafting of a “Strategic Planning Agreement” focusing on conservation and management policies for the “Cultural District of the Mediterranean”, to be signed by any interested stakeholders involved in the cultural heritage sector (universities, local/regional/ national authorities)

Target groups

• Universities and research institutes working in the field of cultural heritage preservation and management • Economic operators of the cultural and tourism sectors

Final beneficiaries

• Local and national authorities responsible for the management of cultural heritage • Tourism management bodies • Tourists and local communities

Bio Exploration - Novel methodology for the Identification of Valuable Natural Products Derived from Mediterranean Flora



Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.999.410 Programme contribution: € 1.799.469 (90%) Project co-financing: € 199.941 (10%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 24 months

Measure 1.1 Support to innovation and research in the process of local development of the Mediterranean Sea Basin countries


Contact person Prof. Bertold Fridlender Coordinator Hadassah College Jerusalem +972 262 919 75

Project in brief The Mediterranean area with its unique geology and climate is one of the world’s major centers of plant diversity housing approximately 25,000 species, about half of which are endemic to the region. Over centuries, the local population has been using natural materials as medicines for the treatment of a number of diseases. The natural products sector, including herbal medicines, teas, cosmetics and perfumes, has become a fast growing industry worldwide. Considering that less than 1% of plants in the region have been scientifically studied and that 17% of Mediterranean plants are classified as endangered species, the Bio-Xplore project focuses on the identification of commercially valuable natural compounds derived from the flora of the Mediterranean area, with the final aim of protecting the natural resources while creating new sources for local industrial development and job opportunities.


Hadassah College Jerusalem (Israel)


Expected results

• Four bio-exploration centers providing scientific and educational support • Identification of new natural compounds with potential for cosmetics, food, supplements and/or pharmaceuticals industries • Joint scientific publications • Increased employment and business opportunities in the agriculture, food, cosmetics, supplement pharmaceutical and biotech industry

Target groups

• Scientists including botanists, plant scientists, biotechnology researchers • Students in the fields of biology, plant sciences, food sciences and biotechnology • Pharmaceutical, nutritional and cosmetic industries

Final beneficiaries

• Government, non-governmental authorities and policy makers in the area of environmental and biodiversity protection • Local populations

1. Biodiversity and Environmental Research Center (Palestine) 2. LEITAT Technological Centre (Spain, Cataluña) 3. Hellenic Regional Development Centre (Greece, Dytiki Ellada)

Specific objective To employ effective screening methodologies for identifying commercially valuable natural compounds which are derived from the diverse and relatively unexplored flora of the Mediterranean area, increasing local job opportunities and cross-border scientific, business and cultural interaction 7

Promoting socio-economic sustainable development through innovative technological actions for Mediterranean tourism-heritage and landscapes protection clusters



Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.934.000 Programme contribution: € 1.740.600 (90%) Project co-financing: € 193.400 (10%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 40 months

Measure 1.1 Support to innovation and research in the process of local development of the Mediterranean Sea Basin countries

Project in brief

The Mediterranean region is currently being affected by increasing environmental and cultural deterioration. Although it is still one of the foremost tourist areas in the world, the Mediterranean is progressively losing attractiveness. In order to regain competitiveness, Mediterranean countries need to modernise the management of touristic assets, investing in new technologies and innovative policies. HELAND caters to the needs of public and private bodies active in the management of tourist sites with a view to strengthening their capacities in the field of sustainable tourism.

Specific objective Development and dissemination of common diagnosis, procedures and multidisciplinary advanced technologies for the integrated management, exploitation and promotion of the cultural heritage and landscape protection to foster quality and sustainable tourism

Expected results

University of Malta - Institute for Tourism, Travel and Culture (Malta)


Target groups

1. Temi Zammit Foundation (Malta) 2. Geredis - Goematics sciences, research, diffusion and innovation society (Spain, Comunidad Valenciana) 3. Intraeco Foundation (Spain, Comunidad Valenciana) 4. Larnaca District Development Agency (Cyprus) 5. Applied Research Institute (Palestine) 6. Lebanese University, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Lebanon) 7. Shouf Biosphere Reserve (Lebanon) 8. Jordan University of Science and Technology, Department of Urban Planning (Jordan, Irbid) 9. Royal Marine Conservation Society (Jordan, Al-Aqaba)


Dr. Nadia Theuma Director Institute for Tourism, Travel and Culture University of Malta +356 213.22.991

• Assessment of the management of selected touristic sites in Cyprus, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Palestine and Spain • Design of a set of “sustainable tourism” indicators • Transfer of advanced technologies (GIS, augmented reality, 3D) for the integrated management of identified touristic sites • Diffusion across the Mediterranean area of the best practices developed by the project


Contact person

• Public and private organisations involved in tourism management • Decision makers

Final beneficiaries • Tourists • General public

Promotion of innovative camel systems and of local camel value chains for a sustainable management of Sahelian territories



Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.906.940 Programme contribution: € 1.716.246 (90%) Project co-financing: € 190.694 (10%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 43 months

Measure 1.1 Support to innovation and research in the process of local development of the Mediterranean Sea Basin countries


Contact person Mr. Bernard Faye Researcher and project coordinator CIRAD + 33 (0)

Project in brief

In front of climate change characterized by a scarcity of natural resources, the need for rational management of water resources and the desertification of the Saharan fringes, camel breeding offers several important advantages: it contributes to address the main social challenges of the Mediterranean basin such as the fight against desertification and against poverty in rural areas, the promotion of food security in vulnerable areas and the maintenance of population in marginal rural areas. However, camel breeding has still the reputation of being an outdated activity, with low productivity and of secondary economic interest. Based on the assumption that camel breeding is able to generate a multifunction activity (contributing at the same time to the livestock production, the construction of social and economic cohesion in marginal areas and the management and enhancement of arid territories), PROCAMED project aims to highlight value of camel livestock in the context of the Mediterranean Basin.


Expected results

• Productivity of camel livestock systems and integration of innovations in the sector and Camel livestock productivity and valorisation of products of the sector increased • Skills of the actors of the camel sector strengthened • Cooperation in the sector consolidated by the transfer of knowledge and the exchange of know-how

Target groups

• Camel producers • Distributors and processors of camel products

Final beneficiaries

• Craftsmen and shopkeepers • Bodies responsible for spatial development • Companies promoting camel products

Original title Promotion des systèmes camelins innovants et des filières locales pour une gestion durable des territoires sahéliens (PROCAMED)

Centre for International Cooperation in Agronomic Research for Development (France, Languedoc-Roussillon)

Partnership 1. Institute of Arid Regions - Livestock and Wildlife Laboratory (Tunisia, Médenine) 2. Centre for Desert Research - Division of Animal Production and Poultry (Egypt) 3. University of Bari - Department of Animal Production (Italy, Puglia)

Specific objective To promote innovative camel livestock systems for the sustainable development of local value chains and the management of the territory 9

Mediterranean Network of sustainable small-scale fishing communities



Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.472.270 Programme contribution: € 1.325.043 (90%) Project co-financing: € 147.227 (10%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 36 months

Measure 1.2 Strengthening economic clusters creating synergies among potentials of the Mediterranean Sea Basin countries


Contact person Mrs. Anna Salierno Officer Department of Hunting and Fishing Region of Puglia +39 080 917 9822

Project in brief Fishing is one the strategic sectors in the Mediterranean area in terms of economic growth and employment. However several issues may hamper its development on the long run such as low profitability and competitiveness, impact of catch limits on marginal areas characterized by poor job opportunities and lack of an appropriate common strategy at Mediterranean level for small fishing communities. In this complex framework, FISHINMED aims at protecting and enhancing small fishing communities, thus increasing employment opportunities as well as preventing the uncontrolled exploitation of sea resources.

Expected results

Region of Puglia, Regional Ministry for agro-food policies, Department of Hunting and Fishing (Italy, Puglia)


Target groups

1. International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (Italy, Puglia) 2. LAORE Regional Agency (Italy, Sardegna) 3. Ministry of Agriculture, General Direction of Fishing and Aquaculture (Tunisia, Tunis) 4. Agricultural Research Center, Central Laboratory for Aquaculture Research (Egypt) 5. Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (Lebanon) 6. Sicily Region, Department of Fisheries (Italy, Sicilia) 7. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Greece, Attiki)


Establishment of a Mediterranean network (Euro-Mediterranean observatory) gathering public and private institutions with a view to defining common strategies for the social and economic development of small fishing communities and set up of a local technical support system aimed at diversifying economic activities and increasing the income of the operators involved

• Definition of strategies for the socioeconomic development of small fishing communities • Setting up of a system for the technical support and assistance to small fishing communities to diversify activities and strengthen the competitiveness of fishing operators • Enhancement of the role of Mediterranean small fishing communities


Specific objective

• 8 public and private institutions • 6 professional associations and small fishing unions

Final beneficiaries

• Operators of small fishing communities (fishermen) • Local development agencies • Operators of sea tourism • Small processing firms

MARAKANDA Budget Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.355.000 Programme contribution: € 1.219.500 (90%) Project co-financing: € 135.500 (10%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 36 months

Measure 1.2 Strengthening economic clusters creating synergies among potentials of the Mediterranean Sea Basin countries


Contact person Mr. Simone Tani Economic and Tourist Promotion department Municipality of Florence +39 055 262 5959

Project in brief The Mediterranean area has a rich history of city markets which have for many centuries acted as focal points for social, commercial and cultural activities. Markets represent an important part of the Mediterranean heritage and are still catalysts for local development. However, the traditional functions of markets are currently being eroded raising concern over their future viability. MARAKANDA aims at preserving typical Mediterranean markets through the setting-up of a cross-border cluster to promote the integration of high quality agro-food/handicraft production chains and improve governance processes among private and public actors in city markets.

Beneficiary Municipality of Florence (Italy, Toscana)

Partnership 1. Municipality of Genoa (Italy, Liguria) 2. Local Authorities Union of Xanthi District (Greece, Anatoliki Makedonia - Thraki) 3. Municipality of Limassol (Cyprus) 4. University of Genoa - Research Centre in Town Planning and Ecological Engineering (Italy, Liguria) 5. Municipal Institute of Markets of Barcelona (Spain, Cataluña) 6. PLURAL - European Study Centre (Italy, Liguria) 7. Municipality of Favara (Italy, Sicilia) 8. National Research Centre (Egypt) 9. Souk El Tayeb (Lebanon)

Specific objectives

• To upgrade competencies and capacities of public officers and small entrepreneurs operating in city markets through the exchange of good practices • To achieve, share and enhance common quality standards for the efficient management of historic city markets • To cluster micro and small enterprises of high quality agro-food and artistic handicraft sectors operating in city markets in order to foster their internationalisation

Expected results

• Networked local authorities and stakeholders sharing experience and best practices in matter of historic city markets • Development and strengthening of the knowledge, skills as well as policy capacity of target groups by transferring know-how • Identification of new models of public markets economically sustainable leading to the improvement of local policies, through the experimentation of pilot projects • Enhancement of the capacities of professionals participating in training activities • Stimulating transfer of know-how among SMEs and support them in networking, partnering and promoting their products and services at local and international level • Promotion of the integration of productive chains strategies at Mediterranean level with focus on high quality agro-food and handicraft products

Target groups

• Local authorities • Markets • Chambers of commerce

Final beneficiaries

• Local food producers and sellers • Handicraft micro and small enterprises 11

Mediterranean Route for Tourism and Culture



Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.550.000 Programme contribution: € 1.395.000 (90%) Project co-financing: € 155.000 (10%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 24 months

Measure 1.2 Strengthening economic clusters creating synergies among potentials of the Mediterranean Sea Basin countries


Contact person Mr. Nikolaos Margaritis Project coordinator +30 222 10 26626

Project in brief

Region of Sterea Ellada (Greece, Sterea Ellada)


Target groups


1. Region of Central Macedonia (Greece, Kentriki Makedonia) 2. Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (Jordan, Amman) 3. Province of Vibo Valentia (Italy, Calabria)

Specific objectives

• To enhance the capacity of Mediterranean authorities in promoting their local identities and alternative forms of tourism • To develop new trans-Mediterranean tourism products, i.e. “routes” on cultural and thematic tourism in the Mediterranean basin • To create networks among project partners and wider groups of stakeholders focusing on the exchange of experience, know-how and information • To coordinate the formulation of policies regarding the promotion of thematic tourism through the use of new technologies • To improve the visibility of cultural assets and natural wealth 12

Expected results

• Raised stakeholders awareness thanks to the project’s dissemination activities and their active involvement in critical project phases (e.g. consultations during the formulation of strategic and operational plans, etc.) • Raised public awareness based on promotion activities and the publication of a Green Paper on thematic tourism in the Mediterranean Basin • Improved accessibility to and visibility of the tourism product of the participating regions • Higher number of thematic tourism forms promoted by national, regional and local stakeholders

MED-ROUTE focuses on the potential of tourism in terms of economic development. Through the use of information and communication technologies, the project intends to reinforce an integrated approach for preservation and promotion of cultural, natural and other resources, with the overall objectives of diversifying the tourism product, increasing the quality of tourism product and minimising tourism seasonality.

• Local/regional authorities involved in the project • Local/regional/national stakeholders of all participating areas • SMEs and other entities/associations active in tourism/culture industry

Final beneficiaries

• Organisations operating in the field of the promotion of cultural and natural heritage • Tourists • Local populations

Promoting Local Sustainable Economic Development



Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.943.512 Programme contribution: € 1.747.217 (90%) Project co-financing: € 196.295 (10%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 40 months

Measure 1.2 Strengthening economic clusters creating synergies among potentials of the Mediterranean Sea Basin countries


Contact person Ms. Gili Baruch Project manager Shatil +972 732 445 445

Project in brief

PROJECT WEALTH aims to introduce new approaches to socio-economic development and enhancement of territories, based on the needs and assets of local communities. To that end, the project will enhance economic clusters through local sustainable economic initiatives as a tool to bringing about economic, environmental and community wealth.

Beneficiary New Israel Fund - Shatil (Israel)

Partnership 1. Lunaria (Italy, Lazio) 2. University of the Algarve - Algarve Regional Centre for Innovation (Portugal, Algarve) 3. Puglia Region - Mediterranean Department (Italy, Puglia) 4. Shiraa Association for Development (Palestine)

Expected results

• Establishment of a Professional EuroMediterranean Network to share information, coordinate and outline a comprehensive agenda advancing the role of local community clusters • Creation of a Euro-Mediterranean ActionResearch group to build an operational basis for the emergence of an alternative development model • Constitution of a Negev Action group gathering local stakeholders • Development of 5 best practices for local sustainable development

Target groups • • • •

Civil society and local authorities Local economic initiatives and SMEs Research community Policy and decision makers

Final beneficiaries Specific objective

Local communities

To enable Euro-Mediterranean networking between civil society partners from Israel, Palestine, Portugal, and Italy that will introduce new approaches to the promotion of socioeconomic development and enhancement of territories through alternative economic development practices 13

Supporting and connecting rural women’s traditional know how in the Mediterranean through the promotion of fair trade products



Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.994.617 Programme contribution: € 1.795.155 (90%) Project co-financing: € 199.462 (10%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 36 months

Measure 1.2 Strengthening economic clusters creating synergies among potentials of the Mediterranean Sea Basin countries

Project in brief

Women’s participation in employment is low in Lebanon and in Palestine, with women holding less than a quarter of total jobs. The conflict situations have further deteriorated the opportunities of women for engaging in sustainable economic ventures, especially in rural areas. Under the circumstances outlined above, cooperative and micro-entrepreneurial activities in traditional sectors (agro-food, artisanal handicraft) can contribute to poverty alleviation and to women’s economic and social empowerment. RUWOMED aims to improve income generating opportunities by setting up and strengthening existing SMEs and women cooperatives to become efficient, viable and sustainable economic entities and ensure a decent source of income for their households.


Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (Spain, Comunidad Valenciana)

Partnership 1. Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (Palestine) 2. Collective for Research and Training on Development - Action (Lebanon)

Specific objective

To develop and strengthen viable economic activities among Palestinian and Lebanese women through a capacity building programme, input support and the promotion of products locally and internationally 14

Contact person

Mr. José M. Ruibérriz Middle East department coordinator Assembly of Cooperation for Peace +34 954.56.29.28

Expected results

• 185 new and existing economic activities run by women strengthened through trainings and input support in topics related to use of ICT, management, accounting, marketing, packing and design • Quality of 75 tons of products manufactured by women entrepreneurs improved in line with European standards • Public exposure for women’s products increased to boost their access to local and international markets

Target groups

• Marginalised Palestinian and Lebanese women • Rural women’s cooperatives

Final beneficiaries • Households • Consumers

Local Agenda 21 in territorial planning in energy and waste management



Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.718.470 Programme contribution: € 1.546.623 (90%) Project co-financing: € 171.847 (10%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 36 months

Measure 1.3 Strengthening the national strategies of territorial planning by integrating the different levels, and promotion of balanced and sustainable socio-economic development


Contact person Ms. Flaminia Tosini Head of Unit Environment Department Province of Viterbo +39 0761 313 356

Project in brief

Specific objectives

Agenda 21 (Ag21) is an action plan of the United Nations (UN) related to sustainable development resulting from the Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. It is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally, and locally by organisations of the UN, governments, and major groups in every area in which humans directly affect the environment. In the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, LOCAL AGENDA 21 project addresses two major challenges related to Ag21 in the energy and waste management domain: translate Ag21 principles into action through a participatory approach and support the transition of Ag21 from national to local agendas with the aim of fully integrating Ag21 principles in territorial planning strategies.

Expected results


Province of Viterbo (Italy, Lazio)


1. European Observatory on Landscape (Italy, Campania) 2. Province of Turin (Italy, Piedmont) 3. Province of Majorca (Spain, Islas Baleares) 4. National Center for Research and Development (Jordan, Al-Trafila) 5. Jordan Environment Society (Jordan, Al-Aqaba) 6. United Nations Development Programme Lebanon (Lebanon)

• To share experiences between the local authorities involved in the partnership in order to facilitate territorial planning and monitoring in the energy and waste management sector • To support the design and implementation of local action plans on sustainable energy and waste management

• Coordination mechanisms between local authorities and relevant stakeholders established • Energy and waste action plans developed and endorsed at the appropriate levels in Jordan, Lebanon and Italy (Viterbo and Turin) • Four observatories established and made operational on energy and waste management in Jordan, Lebanon and Italy (Viterbo and Turin) • “Sustainable awards” for the most performing local authorities granted in Jordan and Lebanon

Target groups

• Local authorities • Waste and energy agencies • Professional associations

Final beneficiaries

• Civil society organisations • Population of the target territories 15

Empowerment of Management Capacities of the Middle Eastern Public Bodies on Public Services and Socio-Economical Local Development



Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.280.770 Programme contribution: € 1.152.693 (90%) Project co-financing: € 128.077 (10%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 36 months

Measure 1.3 Strengthening the national strategies of territorial planning by integrating the different levels, and promotion of balanced and sustainable socio-economic development

Project in brief

The three territories targeted by the MIDEMP project are characterized by similar socioeconomic features and problems. Zababde (Palestine), Umm al-Fahm (Israel) and Muaz Bin Jalal (Jordan) are cities of small-medium dimension, situated in fertile areas. Their main economic activity is agriculture, followed by construction sector and craftwork industries while public policies are still relatively limited. MIDEMP aims at fostering socio-economic development in support of local communities through the better coordination between the interventions carried out by both public and private actors

Beneficiary Province of Cagliari (Italy, Sardegna)

Partnership 1. Medina, Association for the Cooperation among People (Italy, Toscana) 2. Focus Europe (Italy, Lazio) 3. Municipality of Montignoso (Italy, Toscana) 4. Municipality of Umm al-Fahm (Israel) 5. Municipality of Muaz Bin Jabal (Jordan, Irbid) 6. Municipality of Zababde (Palestine) 7. Water and Environmental Development Organization/Friends of the Earth Middle East (Palestine)

Specific objective To enhance socio-economic integrated territorial planning and management, promoting the resources of the target territories according to a participatory approach among local administrations and private stakeholders in Palestine, Israel and Jordan 16


Contact person Ms. Stefania Aru Project coordinator +39 070 655 057

Expected results

• Target local administrations empowered in territorial planning and promotion of socioeconomic development • Coordination system promoted among local public and private actors as tool to support the interventions of local authorities • Support and services delivered to small enterprises in the target territories • SMEs start up tools implemented, paying particular attention to disadvantaged sectors • Knowledge of local public administrations enhanced in terms of socio-economic indicators through the elaboration of a dedicated database

Target groups

• Local public administrations (managers, officers, staff) • Local private actors (NGOs, cooperatives, voluntary associations, development agencies)

Final beneficiaries • Local authorities • SMEs • Local communities

New Cities of the Mediterranean Sea Basin



Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.991.955 Programme contribution: € 1.792.759 (90%) Project co-financing: € 199.195 (10%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 36 months

Measure 1.3 Strengthening the national strategies of territorial planning by integrating the different levels, and promotion of balanced and sustainable socio-economic development

Project in brief

The NEWCIMED project focuses on the enhancement of the cultural heritage and territorial planning capacities of the so-called “New Towns”, a urban phenomenon which is diffused in the Mediterranean area. A new town is a city or community that was carefully planned from its inception and is typically constructed in a previously undeveloped area.

Beneficiary Municipality of Latina (Italy, Lazio)


1. University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Faculty of Economics (Italy, Lazio) 2. “Progetto Sud” Institute (Italy, Lazio) 3. Sicily Region, Department of Cultural Heritage and Education (Italy, Sicilia) 4. Association for the documentation, preservation and enhancement of the EuroMediterranean Cultural Heritage – HERIMED (Italy, Sicilia) 5. Province of Oristano (Italy, Sardegna) 6. University of Valencia (Spain, Comunidad Valenciana) 7. Municipality of Eordea (Greece, Dytiki Makedonia) 8. Municipality of Tyre (Lebanon) 9. Municipality of Maâmoura (Tunisia, Nabeul) 10. Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (Jordan)


Contact person Mrs. Maria Dolores Fernandez-Mayoralas Perez Responsible European Projects Operative Unit Municipality of Latina +39 0773 652712

Specific objectives

• Valorization of the cultural heritage of New Cities in the Mediterranean area and exploitation as tourist destination improving economical and social conditions • Development of a multi-sector strategic planning process for the territorial development of New Cities, combining the productive, cultural, environmental and social potentials and needs of the territories • Enhancement of local identity of populations based on the recognition of the value of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of New Towns with a view of increasing social cohesion and multicultural dialogue

Expected results

• Creation of a network of Euro-Mediterranean New Cities • Implementation of territorial strategic plans for the protection of cultural heritage • Creation of a Euro-Mediterranean Widespread Museum on New Cities • Awareness-raising and involvement of the scientific and academic communities on the topic of New Towns • Implementation of a strategic communication plan at local and transnational level for informing about the history and cultural heritage of New Towns

Target groups

• Local and regional public authorities • Development agencies • Entities involved in the valorisation of cultural heritage

Final beneficiaries

• Tourism businesses and tourists • Local populations • Research institutes in the fields of history, architecture and urbanisation 17

Territorial networking for capacity building and local development: a cross-border experience linking Lebanon, Jordan, France, Italy



Priority 1

Total budget: € 1.902.481 Programme contribution: € 1.673.281 (88%) Project co-financing: € 229.200 (12%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories

Duration 36 months

Measure 1.3 Strengthening the national strategies of territorial planning by integrating the different levels, and promotion of balanced and sustainable socio-economic development


Contact person Ms. Maria Dina Tozzi Head of the International Activities Development Region of Tuscany +39 055 438 2902

Project in brief

Specific objective

The decentralisation process which is ongoing in Jordan and Lebanon is facing several challenges such as organisational limitations, a low level of empowerment and a certain lack of capacities of local administrations. Obviously, these difficulties consequently limit the economic development and prevent local administrations from adequately delivering the required services citizens. The T-NET project acts in this framework focusing on the promotion of socioeconomic local development among territorial networks of local authorities, clusters of local authorities and civil society organisations from Jordan, Lebanon, France and Italy. Through a networking process, the project aims at building sustainable and long-lasting relationships in order to strengthen the capabilities of territorial planning in Lebanon and Jordan and to contribute to overcoming the obstacles faced in the decentralisation process.

Strengthening the skills of territorial planning in Lebanon and Jordan to design and implement local socio-economic development projects thanks to institutional building strategies and to the creation of territorial networks

Beneficiary Region of Tuscany (Italy, Toscana)

Partnership 1. Oxfam Italia (Italy, Toscana) 2. Arci Regional Tuscan Committee (Italy, Toscana) 3. Region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) 4. Federation of the Municipalities of Zgharta district (Lebanon) 5. Union of Tyre region Municipalities (Lebanon) 6. Union of Jezzine Municipalities (Lebanon) 7. United Nations Development Programme Lebanon (Lebanon) 8. Jordan Society for Sustainable development (Jordan, Al-Aqaba) 9. Greater Madaba Municipality (Jordan, Madaba) 18

Expected results

• Creation of networks among local authorities, clusters of local authorities, civil society organisations • Development of the partnership skills and competencies on concepts such as territorial planning and good governance • Local economic development processes through an increased participation of relevant stakeholders and local communities in local heritage valorisation for tourist promotion

Target groups Staff from the municipalities, federation of municipalities and civil society organizations involved in the project

Final beneficiaries

• Students and unemployed young people • Small-scale entrepreneurs • Local populations from the municipalities involved in the project

Mediterranean Network for the promotion of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies (UDS) and three new UDS

USUDS Priority 1


Total budget: € 2.863.011 Programme contribution: € 1.783.742 (62%) Project co-financing*: € 1.079.269 (38%)

Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories


Measure 1.3


Strengthening the national strategies of territorial planning by integrating the different levels, and promotion of balanced and sustainable socio-economic development

Project in brief Population and economic growth in the Mediterranean Sea Basin is nowadays mostly concentrated in urban areas. The improved quality of life of urban populations has become a determining factor for the development of the whole Mediterranean region. To support the development of the Mediterranean area, a system of socially and economically efficient cities should be fostered. USUDS intends to address the challenge of city development planning through the promotion of urban sustainable strategies and the exchange of knowledge. With that purpose in mind, the project will focus on the implementation of three specific Urban Development Strategies in the cities of Sousse, Saida and Laranca as well as on the creation of three Knowledge Transfer Centers in Málaga, Sfax and Al Fayhaa.

Beneficiary Metropolitan Area of Barcelona acting as MedCities General Secretariat (Spain,Cataluña)

Partnership 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Municipality of Sfax (Tunisia, Sfax) Foundation CIEDES (Spain, Andalucía) Municipality of Sousse (Tunisia, Sousse) Municipality of Saida (Lebanon) Municipality of Larnaca (Cyprus) Urban Community of Al Fayhaa (Lebanon)

24 months

Contact person

Mr. Joan Parpal i Marfà Delegated Urban Development Programmes General Secretary of MedCities Network Metropolitan Area of Barcelona +34 93 22 34 16

Specific objectives

• To create a network of cities interested in building strategies for urban sustainable development • To develop three new Urban Sustainable Development Strategies in Sousse, Saida and Larnaca

Expected results

• Development of three new Urban Sustainable Development Strategies in the cities of Sousse, Saida and Larnaca • Creation of a Knowledge Transfer Centre for Methodology and Best Practices in Málaga • Creation of two Antennas of the Knowledge Transfer Centre for New Plans and Dissemination, respectively located in Sfax and Al Fayhaa • Creation of a technological platform to exchange management tools and best practices in the Mediterranean area

Target groups

• Municipal administrations and their staff • City stakeholders (chambers of commerce, universities…) • Low income groups • SMEs

Final beneficiaries Local populations of the target cities

* 1.Project partners: € 619.929

2.Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID): € 300.000 3.Barcelona Municipality: € 30.000 4.Diputació de Barcelona: € 100.000 5.Hariri Foundation: € 29.340 19

Aqua knowledge and innovation transfer for water saving in the Mediterranean basin


Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level


Total budget: € 1.999.129 Programme contribution: € 1.799.216 (90%) Project co-financing: € 199.913 (10%)

Duration 36 months

Measure 2.1 Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the environment and enhancement of natural common heritage


Contact person Dr. Angelos Amditis Research Director Institute of Communication and Computer Systems +30 210.772.2398

Project in brief

Specific objectives

Mediterranean water resources are extremely under stress, especially in the south and east shore. In Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia, water demand constantly increases, while water use efficiency can still be considered as limited. These are the two most critical factors regarding the sustainability of the most elementary earth resource: water. Under this concept, policies aiming at improving usage efficiency and at reduced losses and poor usage, are urgently needed. In this sense, AQUAKNIGHT project focuses on optimizing consumption and minimizing the Non-Revenue Water (water not metered or billed to consumers) through the implementation of five pilot projects in the cities of Limassol (Cyprus), Genoa (Italy), Alexandria (Egypt), Tunis (Tunisia) and Aqaba (Jordan).

Expected results

Beneficiary Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, ICCS (Greece, Sterea Ellada)

Partnership 1. SGI Studio Galli Ingegneria SpA (Italy, Campania) 2. Water Board of Lemesos (Cyprus) 3. IREN Acqua Gas S.p.A. (Italy, Liguria) 4. Sonede (Tunisia, Tunis) 5. COMETE Engineering (Tunisia, Tunis) 6. Alexandria Water Company (Egypt, Al Iskandanyah) 7. Aqaba Water Company (Jordan, Al-Aqaba) 8. SignalGeneriX Ltd (Cyprus) 9. University of Palermo (Italy, Sicilia)

• Development of parallel pilot projects in Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Cyprus and Italy for the transfer of experiences in integrated planning and management of water distribution networks • Capacity building of water companies and public institutions concerned with water management in advanced techniques for leakage control and consumption metering • Building of a strong partnership of actors in the provision of water services in five countries that will adopt international best practice for the reduction of water losses in urban distribution networks thanks to the support of national institutions associated to the project

• Application of international best practices to evaluate and control water losses in the selected pilot areas • Development of a manual of best practices for reducing commercial water losses in the water networks of the Mediterranean area • Increase of water utilities staff knowledge and capacity to reduce water losses with the consequent benefits in operational and financial terms • Wide dissemination of best practice to control and manage water losses and make sure hat tools reach a wide group of stakeholders in the participating countries and in other Mediterranean countries

Target groups

• Water operators and water utilities • Ministries of Environment and Public Works • Local authorities

Final beneficiaries Population of the target countries 20

Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Irrigated Agricultural Production in Lebanon and Jordan

ENSIAP Priority 2

Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level


Total budget: € 1.997.743 Programme contribution: € 1.797.743 (90%) Project co-financing: € 200.000 (10%)

Duration 36 months

Measure 2.1 Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the environment and enhancement of natural common heritage


Contact person

Mr. Andrea Vigevani Secretary General Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria - ICU +39

Project in brief

Both in Lebanon and Jordan the increase in the domestic and industrial water demands has led to a significant reduction of water available for irrigation purposes. This is a key issue for such countries in which agriculture accounts for 80% of the water use although it is not the sole problem: the aquifers are overexploited, the use of environmental-friendly irrigation methods is still limited and the water and soils are being polluted through inappropriate production methods with regard to fertilization and plant protection practices. Considering the need to strengthen policies at national and regional level, the ENSIAP project will implement a series of activities as a contribution to the reduction of the negative environmental impact of irrigated agriculture on natural resources and climate change. In particular, the project will use an approach on three levels: at on-farm level, through introduction of innovative and resource conserving agricultural practices including the use of renewable energy sources (RES) supported by training activities; at institutional level, through capacity building in best agricultural practices and support to institutional networking on a regional basis with special focus on use of RES in irrigated agriculture; at civil society level, through public awareness raising activities on water and environmental issues, including the appropriate use of RES.

Beneficiary Institute for University Cooperation - ICU (Italy, Lazio)

Partnership 1. National Centre for Agricultural Research and Extension - NCARE (Jordan, Al-Balqa) 2. Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving - CRES (Greece, Attiki) 3. Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture - MoA (Lebanon)

Specific objective

Contribution to reduction of the negative environmental impact of irrigated agriculture on water resources and climate change in Lebanon and Jordan, through increased wateruse efficiency, introduction of environmental friendly production methods and diffusion of the use of RES

Expected results

• Reduced environmental impact of irrigated agriculture on the ground and surface water resources and reduced pollution levels for agricultural fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides in groundwater and soils in the target areas • Enhanced environmental sustainability of irrigated agriculture through the introduction of water-use efficient irrigation systems, Best Agricultural Practices and the use of renewable energy sources • Institutional capacities reinforced with regard to the use of an integrated approach in irrigated agriculture (water, fertilization, pest management) and an approach utilizing RES within the Lebanese and Jordanian partner institutions • Improved technical know-how of farmers with regard to integrated agricultural resources management and production methods including the use of renewable energies through training • Enhanced public awareness with regard to water and environmental issues and the use of renewable energies in Lebanon and Jordan

Target groups

• 960 farmers in Jordan and Lebanon • 96 staff of the involved institutions

Final beneficiaries

• Rural population of the target areas • Staff of the involved ministries 21

Governance of air quality in the Mediterranean cities


Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level


Total budget: € 1.982.213 Programme contribution: € 1.783.992 (90%) Project co-financing: € 198.221 (10%)

Duration 36 months

Measure 2.1 Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the environment and enhancement of natural common heritage


Contact person

Mr. Jean-Claude Tourret General Delegate Institute of the Mediterranean +33 (0)

Project in brief The Mediterranean cities are experiencing an increased average of pollutants emissions, which affect the environment and human health: ozone, fine particulate matter, benzene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc. To deal with this situation, governments have significant difficulties to develop appropriate governance models. Measures and follow-up tools, information and regulatory mechanisms applying to air quality do not exist or are insufficient. This problem is aggravated by the lack of integrated management of air quality. It is in this context that the GOUV’AIRNANCE project intends to put in place an integrated territorial governance system of air quality in order to reduce emissions of air pollutants and ensure a higher protection of populations, especially the most sensitive ones. GOUV’AIRNANCE proposes an open, multi-level and participative approach of the air quality topic. Specifically, it aims at promoting the integration of the provisions for emission reduction as an essential dimension of planning documents dealing with sustainable urban development.

Beneficiary Institute of the Mediterranean (France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur)

Partnership 1. City of Marseille (France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) 2. AIR PACA (France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) 3. Valencian Institute of Construction (Spain, Comunidad Valenciana) 4. University of Valencia - ERI Polibienestar (Spain, Comunidad Valenciana) 5. Urban Community of Al Fayhaa (Lebanon) 6. Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority - Ben Hayyan International Laboratories(Jordan, Al-Aqaba) 22

Specific objective

The experimentation and the feedback of experience related to monitoring systems (measure, analysis, modelling), expertise and integrated management of air quality in 4 Mediterranean territories

Expected results

• Installation of a monitoring system for air quality in the 4 partner regions including a measuring system, an inventory of the emission sources linked to air pollutants and an analysis, mapping and air quality modelling system • Establishment of an organization with technical and human resources necessary for the monitoring, expertise and integrated management of air quality • Operational experimentation of information and alert populations system and a support system to the decision-makers in the field of territorial air quality • Pilot projects in each territory for the integration of a long-term air quality in territorial policies concerning health planning, transport or energy • Launch of a dissemination process of the GOUV’AIRNANCE approach in other Mediterranean territories

Target groups

• Territorial decision-makers (mainly elected officials and managers of local authorities, scientific community, business managers) • Civil society (in particular media, schools, hospitals, associations of residents) • Ministries and central State administrations

Final beneficiaries Population from the 4 partner territories

Original title

Gouvernance de la qualité de l’air dans les villes méditerranéennes (GOUV’AIRNANCE)

Management of port areas in the Mediterranean Sea Basin

MAPMED Priority 2

Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level


Total budget: € 2.292.330 Programme contribution: € 1.799.330 (78%) Project co-financing: € 493.000 (22%)

Duration 40 months

Measure 2.1 Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the environment and enhancement of natural common heritage


Contact person Prof. Alessandra Carucci President Environmental Engineering Study Programme University of Cagliari +39 070 675 5531

Project in brief

The Mediterranean Sea Basin has become one of the most popular destinations for ship and sailing cruises. Within this context, the MAPMED project addresses the issue of marine pollution in tourist port areas with a view to ensuring both tourism development and protection of natural resources.

Beneficiary University of Cagliari, Department of Geoengineering and Environmental Technology, Department of Biomedical Science and Technology, Department of Legal and Forensic Sciences (Italy, Sardegna)

Partnership 1. University of Florence, Department of Evolutionary Biology (Italy, Toscana) 2. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Greece, Kriti) 3. Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Regional Agency of the Sardinian River basin district (Italy, Sardegna) 4. University of Alexandria, Institute for Graduate Studies and Research (Egypt, Al Iskandanyah) 5. Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (Tunisia, Tunis)

Expected results

• Definition of a knowledge framework of selected tourist port areas located in the North and South Mediterranean coasts in terms of chemico-physical, ecological, socioeconomic conditions and legal aspects as a model for the whole Mediterranean Basin • Identification of the most appropriate integrated methodologies for the assessment and monitoring of environmental quality, bioremediation of petroleum-hydrocarbon contamination of water and sediments and management of treated sediments in representative tourist port areas • Target groups supported towards sustainable management of tourist port areas • Improved regulations towards harmonization • Results widely disseminated

Target groups

• Port/maritime authorities • Licensed port company operators • Local and governmental authorities involved in port jurisdiction

Final beneficiaries • Tourism businesses • Tourists • Local communities

Specific objective Optimization, validation and transfer of tools to guide institutional authorities in the sustainable management of tourist ports/harbours with regard to monitoring and reduction of marine pollution through an integrated multidisciplinary approach based on existing cross-thematic innovative scientific, technological, socioeconomic and legal skills and know-how 23

Mediterranean Cooperation in the Treatment and Valorisation of Olive Mill Wastewater

MEDOLICO Priority 2

Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level


Total budget: € 1.964.500 Programme contribution: € 1.768.050 (90%) Project co-financing: € 196.450 (10%)

Duration 36 months

Measure 2.1 Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the environment and enhancement of natural common heritage


Contact person Dr. Despo Fatta-Kassinos Assistant Professor Director of Nireas-IWRC University of Cyprus +357 22 89 22 75

Project in brief

The Mediterranean region accounts for 97% of the world’s olive production. About 11 million tons of olives are produced each year out of which nearly 2 million tons of olive oil is extracted. The estimated waste generated annually by olive oil processing is 9 million tons: this can potentially cause serious environmental harm if not disposed properly. MEDOLICO specifically targets the issue of olive oil mill wastewater (OMW), which is highly resistant to biodegradation. Provided that the treatment of OMW has only been partially addressed through isolated studies, there is a need for an harmonized and basinwide effort that significantly reduces the environmental impact of wastewater generated by olive mills.


Nireas - International Water Research Center, University of Cyprus (Cyprus)

Partnership 1. Matimop, Israeli Industry Center for R&D (Israel) 2. Liguria Chamber of Commerce (Italy, Liguria) 3. National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Bio-energy Unit (Portugal) 4. Jordan University of Science and Technology (Jordan, Irbid) 5. Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel) 6. University of Genova (Italy, Liguria)

Specific objective Promoting and facilitating a wider implementation of practical and cost-efficient solutions to olive mill wastewater treatment and management at the Mediterranean basin level in order to reduce the environmental footprint of olive mills 24

Expected results

• Reduction in levels of toxic substances contained in the OMW before and after beingdisposed into the environment • Suitable quality and quantity of recovered by-products to compensate for the cost of the OMW treatment technologies • Development of user-friendly methodological and technical handbooks/guidelines for operators of olive mills • Accessible and efficient training schemes for the olive millers chosen for the pilot tests • Relevant stakeholders informed about the outcomes of the project

Target groups

• Olive millers • Policy and decision makers at local, regional and national level

Final beneficiaries

• Environmental agencies • Local populations • Wastewater treatment manufacturing sector

Managing the Environmental Sustainability of Ports for a durable development

MESP Priority 2

Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level


Total budget: € 1.388.695 Programme contribution: € 1.249.826 (90%) Project co-financing: € 138.869 (10%)

Duration 36 months

Measure 2.1 Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the environment and enhancement of natural common heritage


Contact person Mr. Corrado Schenone Associate professor University of Genoa +39 010.353.2577

Project in brief

The intensification of maritime traffic, both in terms of goods and passengers, needs to be accompanied by an environmentally sustainable management of port areas so to reduce harmful consequences for local populations. MESP addresses the reduction of water, air and noise pollution deriving from port activities through the implementation of a multidisciplinary approach, which encompasses technological, regulatory and administrative solutions. The reinforcement of cooperation between port authorities, scientific organisations and public administrations will foster the diffusion and transfer in the Mediterranean area of the sustainable management model of port areas developed by MESP project.

Beneficiary University of Genoa - CRUIE “Research Centre in Town planning and Ecological Engineering” (Italy, Liguria)


Expected results

• Identification of technologies for reducing and monitoring air, water and noise pollution deriving from port activities • Definition of a standard model to improve the sustainable management of ports and application in 4 pilot areas • Reduction of water, air and noise pollution in selected ports • Improvement of the life quality of port users and local populations • Harmonisation of procedures, methodologies and approaches in the Mediterranean Basin

Target groups

• Public administrations staff • Port authorities managers • Scientific community

Final beneficiaries • Local populations • Port operators • Tourists

1. Aqaba Marine Science Station, University of Jordan/Yarmouk University (Jordan, Al-Aqaba) 2. La Spezia Port Authority (Italy, Liguria) 3. Al-Manar University of Tripoli (Lebanon) 4. Municipal Enterprise For Planning & Development of Patras (Greece, Dytiki Ellada) 5. Exploitation office of the Port of Tripoli (Lebanon)

Specific objectives

• To reduce pollution in concerned ports and nearby urban areas • To reinforce the skills of public-decision makers and local administrators • To develop certification tools, which allow to assess the level of environmental sustainability of port areas 25

Diffusion of nanotechnology based devices for water treatment and recycling

NANOWAT Priority 2

Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level


Total budget: € 1.404.524 Programme contribution: € 1.186.193 (85%) Project co-financing: € 218.331 (15%)

Duration 36 months

Measure 2.1 Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the environment and enhancement of natural common heritage


Contact person

Mr. Sabino Aurelio Bufo Professor University of Basilicata +39 0971.205.232

Project in brief Most of the Mediterranean countries suffer from water shortage due to both increasing demand and declining water quality. Rivers, lakes, groundwater resources and the sea have become more and more polluted by agrochemicals and other potentially toxic substances resulting from intense agricultural and industrial activities. Besides the necessary efforts to be undertaken to reduce water consumption, such a situation calls for innovative and cost-efficient solutions to purify contaminated water and recycle wastewater. NANOWAT project focuses on the experimentation, development and diffusion in the Mediterranean area of new technologies for efficient water treatment based on natural and modified nano-materials, using either filtration and sedimentation, photo-degradation, or their combination. The application of nanotechnologies in the field of water treatment has the potential to offer low-cost and transportable solutions in areas where it is difficult or too expensive to implement largescale water purification plants.

Beneficiary University of Basilicata - Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Environment (Italy, Basilicata)


1. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Hydrosciences Montpellier (France, Languedoc-Roussillon) 2. Spanish National Research Council, Institute for Natural Resources and Agrobiology (Spain, Andalucía) 3. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) 26

Specific objective

To develop new technologies, based on nanomaterials and solar energy, and operate pilot transportable and miniaturized equipments for the efficient purification of water by filtration, sedimentation and photo-degradation, improving exchange of technical knowledge, new professionalism and environmental awareness

Expected results

• Pilot scale transportable equipments for the treatment of wastewater, grey water, pesticide contaminated water developed • Increased amount of clean water available, mainly for irrigation purpose • Reduced total energy required for water treatment • Costs for water recycling reduced by at least 20% • Professional skills increased • Enhanced availability of new technologies for local authorities and farmers’ associations

Target groups

• Local communities • Small agro-food and handicrafts businesses • Farmers

Final beneficiaries

• Local authorities • Researchers and students

Promoting sustainable groundwater resources in the Mediterranean Basin: improving technical and administrative skills in selected Mediterranean Basin municipalities to alleviate pollution of groundwater Budget Priority 2

Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level

Total budget: € 1.599.138 Programme contribution: € 1.439.224 (90%) Project co-financing: € 159.914 (10%)

Duration 30 months

Measure 2.1 Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the environment and enhancement of natural common heritage


Contact person

Mr. Gidon Bromberg Director EcoPeace/Friends of the Earth Middle East +972 3.560.5383

Project in brief Groundwater is the world’s most important source of freshwater, constituting 97% of the earth’s freshwater reserves. In many parts of the Mediterranean region, this resource is increasingly being polluted by human activities, causing the use of some aquifers to become endangered and undermining the role of groundwater in the hydrological cycle. While significant attention has been paid to national efforts to protect groundwater resources the role of local authorities has received considerably less attention. Given the large role they play in overseeing industrial and other polluting activities in their jurisdictions, local governments can in fact become significant actors in efforts to protect shared groundwater resources. This project aims to empowering a selection of Mediterranean municipalities with the technical and administrative skills to alleviate sources of groundwater pollution in their jurisdiction as well as enhancing cooperation across Mediterranean Basin municipalities to protect common natural heritage.

Beneficiary EcoPeace Middle East Environmental NGO Forum/Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) (Israel, Palestine and Jordan)

Partnership 1. Malaga County Council, European Resources Department (Spain, Andalucía) 2. Water and Environment Development Organisation (Palestine)

Specific objectives

• Improving technical and administrative skills at the municipal level to implement best practices for the protection of natural groundwater resources through the extension of pilot programs developed in the Middle East • Building a broad and collaborative network of Mediterranean Basin municipal staff who can share knowledge and experiences on the protection and management of natural groundwater sources • Creating commitment within the selected Mediterranean Basin municipalities to improve environmental performance within their jurisdictions using best practice guidelines • Promoting joint awareness campaigns on common challenges regarding the pollution of groundwater across the Mediterranean Basin

Expected results

• Hazard reduction and Prevention Guidelines • Memorandum of understanding signed by each participating municipality • Trained municipal workers • GIS map of hazards and pollution • Mediterranean network of skilled municipal workers • Municipal hazards audit report and implementation report • Enhanced public awareness through dissemination

Target groups

• Municipal staff from 28 municipalities of Israel, Jordan, Palestine and Spain • Water professionals

Final beneficiaries

• Local populations from the municipalities participating in the project (1,440,000 residents) • All other residents in Israel, Jordan, Palestine and Spain who consume from the same water sources 27

From the experimentation to the dissemination of the Ecolabel in the Mediterranean

ShMILE 2 Priority 2

Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level


Total budget: € 1.998.998 Programme contribution: € 1.799.098 (90%) Project co-financing: € 199.900 (10%)

Duration 24 months

Measure 2.1 Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the environment and enhancement of natural common heritage


Contact person

Mr. Rémy-Antoine Conti Director Public Services Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nice Côte d’Azur +33 (0)

Project in brief The attention to environmental protection in the tourism sector has become a priority for all countries of the Mediterranean basin. In order to promote the development of tourism demand, giving greater weight to the sustainable development challenges, the European Union and Tunisia have implemented quality environmental labels for tourist accommodation services. The “Ecolabels” are tools which are complementary to the legislation and designed to let companies improve their environmental performance mainly in fields such as energy and water consumption, waste management and renewable resources. Assuming that the tourism sector in the Mediterranean would benefit from a stronger regional cooperation to ensure a common guarantee of environmental quality, ShMILE 2 project aims to promote the European Ecolabel and the environmentally friendly management of tourist accommodation services. The project will inform, train and support the professionals of the tourism sector (in particular hotel managers) in a process of environmental certification.


Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nice Côte d’Azur (France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur)

Partnership 28

1. French Environment and Energy Management Agency - Department of International Action (France) 2. Regional Agency for the coastline protection (Italy, Sardegna) 3. Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari, Special Agency Center of Services for Enterprises (Italy, Sardegna) 4. Regional unit of Halkidiki (Greece, Kentriki Makedonia) 5. Institute of Tourist Development of Macedonia (Greece, Kentriki Makedonia) 6. International Center for Environmental Technologies of Tunis (Tunisia, Tunis)

7. Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (Egypt) 8. Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis (France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) 9. National Institute of Standardization and Industrial Property (Tunisia, Tunis) 10. Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (Jordan, Amman)

Specific objective

To promote sustainable tourism and reduce the environmental impact of the tourism industry in the Mediterranean Sea Basin, through the dissemination of certification systems for tourist accommodation services

Expected results

• Key actors in the tourism industry informed and made aware of the benefits coming from the Ecolabel for tourist accommodation services • Professional tourism operators made aware of the Ecolabel and engaged in obtaining the certification • Public institutions and stakeholders informed and aware of the tools for the dissemination and implementation of the Ecolabel • Increased awareness of the general public about the Ecolabel • Increased number of environmental certifications in the territories of the involved countries (10%)

Target groups

• Organizations involved in the project • Tourism professional associations • Local authorities

Final beneficiaries

• Tourism accommodation services • Tourism professionals (tour-operators, rural guesthouses, hotels, travel agencies)

Original title

De l’expérimentation à la diffusion de l’Ecolabel en Méditerranée (ShMILE 2)

Sustainable domestic Water Use in Mediterranean Regions

SWMED Priority 2

Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level


Total budget: € 1.788.385 Programme contribution: € 1.609.547 (90%) Project co-financing: € 178.838 (10%)

Duration 36 months

Measure 2.1 Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the environment and enhancement of natural common heritage


Contact person Mr. Alessandro Drago Officer Department for Environment Region of Latium +39 0651 689004

Project in brief The whole Mediterranean area is characterized by a strong need of new solutions able to provide and sanitations services while reducing water use and wastewater discharge. The SWMED project focuses on the optimisation of per capita water consumption at household and urban level through the implementation of water saving devices, reuse of treated wastewater, rainwater harvesting, a pool of technologies known as Sustainable Water Management (SWM)

Beneficiary Region of Latium (Italy, Lazio)

Partnership 1. IRIDRA (Italy, Toscana) 2. SVI.MED – Mediterranean Centre for the Sustainable Development (Italy, Sicilia) 3. Malta Resources Authority (Malta) 4. Ministry of Gozo (Malta) 5. Palestinian Hydrology Group (Palestine) 6. Centre of Water Researches and Technologies (Tunisia, Nabeul) 7. Palestinian Water Authority (Palestine)

Expected results

• National/local “water tables” gathering all water stakeholders • SWM tailor-made solution database for different settlement typologies to be applied in water policy • Water policy paper agreed by all relevant stakeholders • Dissemination of the project results to different groups (citizens, technicians, water authorities, etc) • Installation of SWM demonstration houses

Target groups

• Public local bodies, especially municipalities • Water authorities/utilities and practitioners

Final beneficiaries • • • •

Local populations Environmental NGOs and associations Public authorities and environmental agencies Consumers’ and professional associations

Specific objective

Diffusion of the Sustainable Water Management approach and technologies to improve the sanitation systems of citizens while reducing the per capita water consumption 29

Production of biodiesel from Algae in selected Mediterranean Countries

MED-ALGAE Priority 2

Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level


Total budget: € 2.000.858 Programme contribution: € 1.800.000 (90%) Project co-financing: € 200.858 (10%)

Duration 36 months

Measure 2.2

Promotion of renewable energy use and improvement of energy efficiency contributing to addressing, among other challenges, climate change

Project in brief

The potential of producing bio-fuel from microalgae has been recognized as an alternative to fossil fuels, especially under the form of liquid fuel (diesel, ethanol), which can be used in the transport sector. The use of microalgae as a biomass resource for production of biodiesel has drawn a lot of attention from researchers, governments and the private sector. To foster the development of microalgae as alternative fuel, the MED-ALGAE project will contribute to the establishment of a new value chain for the production of renewable energy based on microalgae which can secure sufficient quantity and quality of biodiesel. Microalgae byproducts and related new business opportunities will also be identified by the project.

Beneficiary Agricultural Research Institute (Cyprus)

Partnership 1. Cyprus Energy Agency (Cyprus) 2. Malta Intelligent Energy Management Agency (Malta) 3. Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit (Malta) 4. Studio Sardo (Italy, Sicilia) 5. National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece, Attiki) 6. National Research Centre (Egypt) 7. The Lebanese Association for Energy Savingand for Environment (Lebanon) 8. Faculty of Science, Alexandria University (Egypt, Al Iskandanyah) 9. American University of Beirut (Lebanon) 10. National Technical University of Athens (Greece, Attiki) 11. Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria (Italy, Calabria) 30


Contact person Dr. Polycarpos Polycarpou Head of Production Division Agricultural Research Institute +357 22.403.117

Specific objective To enhance the production and use of an alternative biomass fuel based on microalgae through the development of dedicated laboratories, including a Mediterranean Regional Centre for bio-production in Alexandria (Egypt), and the production and test of a relevant microalgae biomass fuel

Expected results

• Review of the current state of the art concerning growth systems for production of microalgae • Production o f biodiesel for quality testing • Identification of by-products from microalgae production with commercial potential • Assessment of the conditions for the establishment of microalgae biodiesel production and bio refinery plants in identified pilot areas • Valorisation of business opportunities for microalgae biodiesel production and resulting by-products

Target groups

• Universities/research centers • Local governments • Transport sector

Final beneficiaries

• Technology companies, SMEs, energy producers • Local populations

Action Network for a Sustainable Urban Mobility

RAMUD Priority 2

Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level


Total budget: € 843.464 Programme contribution: € 747.197 (89%) Project co-financing: € 96.267 (11%)

Duration 30 months

Measure 2.2

Promotion of renewable energy use and improvement of energy efficiency contributing to addressing, among other challenges, climate change

Contact person

Project in brief

Expected results

Cities in the Southern and Eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea Basin are facing a fast population growth and the spread of their urbanization. The increase in the number and distance of travels may have negative impacts on the environment, especially because local authorities do not always have the technical means to plan the sustainable development of urban areas. It is therefore essential that local authorities possess the necessary expertise to deal with the current challenges of urban mobility. In this context, RAMUD project aims to promote the exchange of good practices in the field of transport policies contributing to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

Mr. Angel López Rodríguez Director of the mobility department City of Barcelona +34 93.402.3372

• Observatory on sustainable urban mobility created in Sousse • Semi-collective (“services”) taxi urban station in Tripoli designed • Increased capacity of local/regional authorities in terms of definition, management and regulation of the semi-collective transports • Good practices (new technologies, intelligent transport systems) disseminated in order to optimize the urban mobility effectiveness • Expertise on urban mobility consolidated

Target groups

• Local authorities • Regional administrations • Transport operators

Beneficiary City of Barcelona (Spain, Cataluña)

Final beneficiaries


• Local populations • Users of public transport

1. City of Sousse (Sousse, Tunisia) 2. Urban Community of Al Fayhaa (Lebanon) 3. TIEMME SpA (Italy, Toscana)

Original title

Specific objective

Réseau d’Action en matière de Mobilité Urbaine Durable (RAMUD)

To create a specific network of expertise in urban mobility open to other cities and institutions* in order to sensitize local authorities in the region on the need to adopt policies and strategies for sustainable urban mobility

* In particular Blue Plan, World Bank, African Bank for Development, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, national development agencies, etc.


Housing Energy Efficiency Renovation

RELS Priority 2

Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level


Total budget: € 1.991.590 Programme contribution: € 1.792.431 (90%) Project co-financing: € 199.159 (10%)

Duration 40 months

Measure 2.2

Promotion of renewable energy use and improvement of energy efficiency contributing to addressing, among other challenges, climate change

Contact person

Project in brief

Expected results

Most of the housing built in the Mediterranean countries during the last 50 years has significant energy expenditure (nearly 30% of final energy consumption in the EU) and contributes substantially to greenhouse gas emissions. RELS project aims to reduce this energy insecurity and facilitate the implementation of energy renovation processes of social housing so as to provide the Mediterranean households with a more efficient housing model based on sufficient thermal comfort and acceptable cost.

Beneficiary Housing Agency of Catalonia - Regional Government of Catalonia (Spain, Cataluña)

Partnership 1. Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain, Cataluña) 2. Italian Federation of Housing (Italy, Lazio) 3. Development and Studies Company of Northern Coast of Sfax (Tunisia, Sfax) 4. Regional Agency for Social Housing of Sardinia (Italy, Sardegna) 5. National Agency for Energy Management (Tunisia, Tunis) 6. Royal Scientific Society, Aqaba center (Jordan, Al-Aqaba)

Specific objectives

• To make known the state of the art concerning energy efficiency and promote the most advanced practices in the field of energy renovation • To develop a training programme based on the experiences sharing among partners in view of the design and implementation of pilot projects in Tunisia, Sardinia and Catalonia • To prepare and to experiment a cross-border system for energy renovation of social housing covering technical, management and financing aspects • To build the basis for an Euro-Mediterranean network for energy renovation 32

Ms. Anna Mestre Massa R+I+D Manager Housing Agency of Catalonia Generalitat de Catalunya +34 932.147.123

• Creation of a database containing the best practices in energy renovation • Elaboration of a blueprint which could be adapted to different contexts • Case studies carried out in 3 countries about the implementation of the blueprint on energy renovation in social housing • Strengthening of the skills of responsible authorities

Target groups

• Public agencies for housing and the public organizations responsible for housing policy • Public companies responsible for the construction of social housing, rehabilitation and the energy maintenance of existing housing stock • Research centres and universities

Final beneficiaries Social housing users

Original title

Rénovation Energétique des Logements (RELS)

Improving the goods circulation between the Middle East and the EU by networking and adopting shared procedures and technologies

CUSTOM MED Priority 3


Total budget: € 1.163.186 Programme contribution: € 1.046.867 (90%) Project co-financing: € 116.319 (10%)

Promotion of better conditions and modalities for ensuring the mobility of persons, goods and capitals


Measure 3.2


Improvement of conditions and modalities of circulation of goods and capitals among the territories

Contact person

Project in brief

Expected results

The intensification of trade in the Mediterranean area has been identified as a top priority under the European Neighbourhood Policy. In particular, the Action Plans for Lebanon and Jordan stress on the importance of improving the export potential of both countries by further liberalising trade in goods and simplifying customs legislation and procedures. Taking into account these objectives, CUSTOM MED aims to increase goods circulation among selected Mediterranean ports by developing common customs procedures and increasing the use of ICT technologies. This will contribute in the long-term to reducing the length of import-clearing processes reinforcing at the same time the competiveness of the concerned ports.

30 months

Mr. Fabio Ballini Project coordinator University of Genova +39 010.353.6677

• • • • •

Simplified and hamornised custom procedures shared among concerned ports Increased integration and use of ICT technologies in port operations Improved capacities of customs officials and port authorities agents • Reduced waiting time for goods in concerned ports thanks to quicker, easier and better organised customs procedures

Target groups

• Public officials of involved port authorities • Custom agents of relevant administrations

Final beneficiaries • Port operators • Shipping companies

Beneficiary University of Genoa, Transport Research Centre - CIRT (Italy, Liguria)


1. Lebanese Public Customs Administration (Lebanon) 2. Port Institute for Studies and Cooperation (Spain, Comunidad Valenciana) 3. Piraeus Port Authority (Greece, Attiki) 4. Alicante Port Authority (Spain, Comunidad Valenciana) 5. Aqaba Development Corporation (Jordan, Al-Aqaba)

Specific objective

To improve goods circulation between the Middle East and the European Union by networking and adopting shared procedures and technologies among selected Mediterranean ports 33

Botanicals Risk Assessment training in the Mediterranean Area



Priority 4

Total budget: € 1.706.844 Programme contribution: € 1.536.160 (90%) Project co-financing: € 170.684 (10%)

Promotion of cultural dialogue and local governance

Duration 40 months

Measure 4.1

Support to mobility, exchanges, training and professionalism of young people


Contact person Dr. Luca Bucchini Managing Director Hylobates Consulting Srl +39 0698.939.628

Project in brief

Botanicals and botanical preparations, thanks to their health benefits, are proving to be one of the economically and scientifically most promising sectors of the bioeconomy. The Mediterranean area can provide the natural resources (indigenous species, growing conditions) and business environment for further development in this field. However, due to a fierce international competition, the ever increasing demand of consumers for natural products needs to be supported by quality control and adequate risk assessment of botanicals and botanical preparations as well as scientific and technical excellence. To this end, BRAMA will focus on the training and professionalisation of a group of experts (researchers, inspectors and technicians) in the field of safety evaluation and risk assessment of botanicals.

Specific objective

To promote a sandwich PhD* for a group of researchers and training modules for inspectors and technicians regarding risk assessment of botanicals and guide them to official recognition through the highest European standards (registration as European toxicologists)

Expected results

• Young researchers, inspectors and technical trained on state-of-the-art and novel methods in risk assessment of botanicals and botanical preparations • Improved controls of botanical preparations, through better knowledge and technologies, at SMEs and regulatory bodies level • Increased awareness about quality assurance and safety of botanical products at SMEs and consumers’ level


Hylobates Consulting Srl (Italy, Lazio)

Partnership 1. University of Ioannina (Greece, Ipeiros) 2. Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority - Ben Hayyan International Laboratories(Jordan, Al-Aqaba) 3. National Research Centre (Egypt, Al Buhayrah)

Target groups

• Young scientists • Young inspectors • Young technicians

Final beneficiaries

• Employers of trained experts: research institutions, universities, companies and public authorities • Botanicals industry

* In a sandwich PhD program, PhD candidates do not spend their entire study period at the same university 34

Instead, the PhD candidate spend the first and last periods of the program at their home university, and in between conduct research at another institution.

Culture in the Mediterranean and Europe Weaving on Common Threads



Priority 4

Total budget: € 499.200 Programme contribution: € 449.280 (90%) Project co-financing: € 49.920 (10%)

Promotion of cultural dialogue and local governance

Duration 24 months

Measure 4.2 Support to the artistic creativity in all its expressions to encourage dialogue among communities

Project in brief

The CulMe-WeOnCT project focuses on the valorisation of the common historical and cultural heritage of 4 countries of the Eastern Mediterranean area (Greece, Italy, Egypt and Jordan) through the exploitation of new technologies, in a way ensuring the promotion of mutual understanding and dialogue.


Interbalkan Institute of Public Administration (Greece, Kentriki Makedonia)

Partnership 1. Institute for Balkan Studies (Greece, Kentriki Makedonia) 2. Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Egypt, Al Iskandanyah) 3. Yarmouk University (Jordan, Irbid) 4. Foundation “New Cultural Proposals” (Italy, Puglia) 5. Municipality of Catanzaro (Italy, Calabria)

Specific objective

Contact person Mr. Stefanidis Dimitrios Director Interbalkan Institute of Public Administration +30 2310 250906

Expected results

• Promotion and increased knowledge of the common Greco-Roman historical heritage through the use of new technologies • Creation of a network that could undertake in the future studies and research related to the involved regions’ common history • Contribution to the enhancement of the dialogue among different actors involved in the cultural and tourism sectors • Identification of cultural assets of the involved regions presenting a Greco-Roman influence • Visibility of the cultural assets promoted by the project

Target groups

• Institutions of the culture sector: libraries, museums and cultural associations • Officials in the field of tourism • Young people

Final beneficiaries • Schools • Universities • Public administrations

To highlight the common cultural heritage of the Eastern Mediterranean as well as the expressive and artistic interaction of the participating countries (Greece, Italy, Egypt and Jordan) while presenting and promoting their unique regional and artistic identities 35

Contemporary Arab Dramaturgy



Priority 4

Total budget: € 515.157 Programme contribution: € 446.177 (87%) Project co-financing: € 68.980 (13%)

Promotion of cultural dialogue and local governance

Duration 24 months

Measure 4.2 Support to the artistic creativity in all its expressions to encourage dialogue among communities


Contact person

Ms. Marie de Pibrac Project coordinator Système Friche Théâtre +33 (0)

Project in brief

There is a lack of visibility and cross-border mobility of the theatre sector in the Arab world. Artistic creativity suffers, but also indirectly, dialogue between the different cultures and cooperation at Mediterranean basin level. Arab dramaturgy is poorly known, poorly diffused and consequently rarely accessible to young artists. To deal with this cultural issue, the “Contemporary Arab Dramaturgy” project is focused on the implementation of a rational and dynamic action to safeguard and enhance Arab dramaturgy. Collection, edition, translation, dissemination, training, support to creation and to staging represent the major milestones of the project.


Système Friche Théâtre (France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur)

Partnership 1. AL Harah Theatre (Palestine) 2. El Teatro Space (Tunisia, Tunis) 3. Cultural Cooperative Association for theatre and cinema - Shams (Lebanon)

Specific objective

To promote the Arab contemporary dramaturgies on both shores of the Mediterranean 36

Expected results

• Maintenance of a database of contemporary Arab theatrical texts • Professionalization of the theatre translators • Participation of young artists in creative residences on both shores of the Mediterranean • Increased visibility of the Arab dramaturgy on both sides of the Mediterranean • Implementation of a trans-Mediterranean network in charge of the supervision and monitoring of activities

Target groups

• 150 theatre professionals • 12 young Arab artists and 10 French students • 15 literary translators

Final beneficiaries

• Professionals of the performing arts sector • Academics and researchers specialized on the Arab world • Publishers in the theatre sector, cultural journalists and translators • Public of dramaturgical plays

Original title

Dramaturgie arabe contemporaine (DAC)

JOUSSOUR Budget Priority 4

Total budget: € 497.044 Programme contribution: € 447.290 (90%) Project co-financing: € 49.754 (10%)

Promotion of cultural dialogue and local governance

Duration 24 months

Measure 4.2 Support to the artistic creativity in all its expressions to encourage dialogue among communities


Contact person Ms. Paola Parri Coordinator of COPEAM General Secretariat +39 06.368.62409

Project in brief

JOUSSOUR aims at supporting the cooperation within the audiovisual industry through the common production of TV and Internet products in order to better inform the general public of the Mediterranean basin about cross-border environmental challenges. To this end, and taking into account that the exchange of audiovisual products is still relatively limited to ensure a regional information at Euro-Mediterranean level, the project intends to harmonized audio and video co-production practices both concerning content and methodological issues.

Beneficiary Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (Italy, Lazio)


1. Arab Sates Broadcasting Union (Tunisia, Tunis) 2. Public Broadcasting Services Limited (Malta) 3. RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana / RAI Educational (Italy, Lazio)

Specific objectives

• To harmonize the co-production and exchange methodologies among the young professionals of public broadcasters in the Euro-Mediterranean area, especially through measures encouraging the mobility throughout the project lifetime • To involve the public broadcasters in the coverage of such a crucial topic as the environment and in the promotion of best practices implemented in the Mediterranean area • To make the widest possible audience in the Mediterranean aware of common environmental challenges in order to develop a collective consciousness and an interactive dialogue encouraging the ownership of these topics by the targeted populations • To implement a sustainable action aimed to reproduce similar TV programmes dealing

with other regional priorities and to transfer the know-how developed by the involved professionals

Expected results

• Skills of the professionals of the partner broadcasters strengthened in the field of multilateral co-production • Innovative series of documentaries produced • Environmental best practices disseminated through several communication channels

Target groups

• B roadcasters involved in the partnership • Around twenty professionals (coordination staff, executive producers, film makers, camera operators and technicians) coming from these organizations • Televisions channels from the Mediterranean basin interested in broadcasting the produced documentaries

Final beneficiaries

• M editerranean regions which promote environmental best practices • General public • Teachers, students and young people


Mediterranean network for the valorization and fruition of inscriptions preserved in museums



Priority 4

Total budget: € 553.939 Programme contribution: € 498.545 (90%) Project co-financing: € 55.394 (10%)

Promotion of cultural dialogue and local governance

Duration 24 months

Measure 4.2 Support to the artistic creativity in all its expressions to encourage dialogue among communities


Contact person Prof. Alessandra Avanzini Director Department of Historical Sciences of the Ancient World University of Pisa +39 050.221.5222

Project in brief

Jordan and Lebanon are home to an important and exclusive Nabataean and Phoenician heritage. The history of Phoenician cities and the Petra Nabataean kingdom is nowadays almost exclusively known by epigraphic material. The ancient people of Jordan and Lebanon produced countless pieces of artworks and inscriptions that bear an undeniably unique historical value. However, time is slowly corroding such heritage. On the one hand, this cultural heritage is suffering the negative influence of nature and people. On the other hand, such heritage is often neglected by populations. To enhance the promotion, utilisation and conservation of epigraphic heritage in Jordan and Lebanon, MEDINA will apply innovative IT solutions and develop advertising/marketing strategies for concerned museums.

Beneficiary University of Pisa, Department of Historical Sciences of the Ancient World (Italy, Toscana)

Partnership 1. Yarmouk University, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology (Jordan, Irbid) 2. GAIA-Heritage (Lebanon) 3. Interuniversitary Institute of the Old Near East, University of Barcelona (Spain, Cataluña) 4. Mago Audio Visual Production (Spain, Cataluña)

Specific objectives

• To promote and enhance Nabataean and Phoenician epigraphic collections of major Jordanian and Lebanese museums • To increase the awareness, especially of young generations, concerning the Nabataean/Phoenician heritage and ancient culture 38

Expected results

• Creation of a thematic website dedicated to the historical and epigraphic heritage preserved in selected Jordanian and Lebanese museums • Multimedia points implemented in Jordan and Lebanon • Collections of Jordanian and Lebanese museums digitized and made available through paper catalogues • Museums staff and students trained in digitization techniques, as well as in marketing and communication strategies • Increased number of visitors in concerned museums

Target groups

• Museums staff • Students and researchers • Museums visitors and heritage amateurs

Final beneficiaries • Local populations • Young generations

Stories of exodus and return



Priority 4

Total budget: € 496.343 Programme contribution: € 446.708 (90%) Project co-financing: € 49.635 (10%)

Promotion of cultural dialogue and local governance

Duration 36 months

Measure 4.2 Support to the artistic creativity in all its expressions to encourage dialogue among communities


Contact person Mr. Simone Siliani Development manager Cooperativa Archeologia +39 055.576.944

Project in brief The Mediterranean region count a great deal of cultural organisations and a significant number of young creators who do not always find the best conditions of cross-border mobility to share their artistic productions and promote their talent. In addition, public policies related to tourism are usually focused on few sites and tours. To address this double issue, the final objective of NOSTOI project is to improve dialogue and exchange among the people of the Mediterranean basin by portraying an artistic and contemporary view of the stories of exodus and return. These stories derive from the huge heritage made of the plays and existing archaeological sites. The project will thus facilitate the relations, exchanges and understanding among the participating countries by promoting a culture based on the common origins and the identity differences.

Expected results

• An interaction pilot experience among the cultures of the different countries of the Mediterranean region • Improved mobility and cultural exchanges among young artists • Innovative methodologies for the promotion and communication of the so-called “minor” historical cultural resources experimented • Awareness of the citizens of the regions involved raised

Target groups

• 60 operators from the archaeological heritage management and museums sector • 150 technicians and young emerging artists (directors, composers, choreographers and visual artists)

Final beneficiaries Beneficiary Cooperative “Archeologia” (Italy, Toscana)

Partnership 1. Foundation “European Factory for Contemporary Arts” (Italy, Toscana) 2. National Theatre of Tunis (Tunisia, Tunis) 3. Agency for the development of National Heritage and Cultural Promotion (Tunisia, Tunis) 4. National Centre for Scientific Research / Provence and Corse Delegation (France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur)

• Large public • Local populations • Institutions in charge of the promotion and enhancement of cultural heritage

Original title Histoires de retours et d’exodes (NOSTOI)

Specific objectives

• To foster the interaction of the most ancient traditions with the experiences and languages of the contemporary creativity • To facilitate and encourage the active involvement and the mobility among young artists and cultural operators of the Mediterranean Sea Basin • To promote cross-training between operators of the heritage sector and visual artists to encourage cooperation 39

Mediterranean Network for eGovernment



Priority 4

Total budget: € 1.400.000 Programme contribution: € 1.260.000 (90%) Project co-financing: € 140.000 (10%)

Promotion of cultural dialogue and local governance

Duration 24 months

Measure 4.3 Improvement of the governance processes at local level

Contact person

Project in brief

Expected results

MEDeGOV focuses on the utilization of IT, ICTs and other web-based telecommunication technologies to improve and/or enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery in the public sector. In particular, the project aims to foster the adoption of eGovernment practices by local and regional authorities of the Mediterranean area through the development of pilot eGovernment platforms and the support to the redesign of public services delivery.

Beneficiary Region of Sterea Ellada (Greece, Sterea Ellada)


1. Province of Crotone (Italy, Calabria) 2. Salfeet Municipality (Palestine) 3. Region of Central Macedonia (Greece, Kentriki Makedonia)

Specific objectives

• To identify the potential of existing eGovernment infrastructures in the local/ regional authorities participating in the project • To develop the proper strategies fostering the transition to eGovernment for the involved authorities • To implement pilot eGovernment platforms 40

Mr. Nikolaos Margaritis Project coordinator +30 222 10 26626

• Increased number of public services offered online through pilot eGovernment platforms • Increased number of users utilizing online public services • Higher efficiency of administrations involved in the delivery of public services • Raised stakeholders awareness concerning the benefits of eGovernement

Target groups

• Decision-makers of the national, regional and local authorities • Employees of the public sector

Final beneficiaries

End users of public services (citizens and businesses)

New Performances for Mediterranean Tourism



Priority 4

Total budget: € 428.993 Programme contribution: € 382.325 (89%) Project co-financing: € 46.668 (11%)

Promotion of cultural dialogue and local governance

Duration 18 months

Measure 4.3 Improvement of the governance processes at local level


Contact person Mrs. Carmen Meoli International project unit Promuovi Italia +39 06 679 8883

Project in brief The rising importance of tourism and its positive impacts on economic growth and local development have put tourist policies and their governance at the centre of strategies of many Mediterranean regions. The Mediterranean area received around 200 million tourists in 2005, forecasts are of 325 million by 2020. Despite these figures, the growth rate in the Mediterranean Basin is slower than the global one: difficulties to propose new alternatives and new attractions to face emerging tourist markets can explain this trend. NEWPER proposes to build a new model of local governance for planning policies and strategies to valorise secondary tourist destinations.

Beneficiary Promuovi Italia (Italy, Lazio)

Partnership 1. Municipality of Rome - Tourism Department (Italy, Lazio) 2. Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (Israel) 3. Municipality of Larnaca (Cyprus) 4. Campus for Medicine and Research in the Galilee (Israel) 5. Research Centre Ideactiva (Italy, Lazio) 6. Sviluppo Lazio (Italy, Lazio)

Expected results

• Enhanced knowledge of the public governance system in the tourism sector and efficiency of tourism advertising programmes in the areas involved • Development of a shared pilot model among local authorities to improve the competitiveness of tourism sector governance • Drafting and promotion of a guide on to “How to improve the governance of public tourism policies to privilege secondary tourist destinations” • Improvement of the attractiveness of secondary tourism destinations

Target groups

• Decision makers of the involved institutions with responsibilities in territorial marketing, tourism policies and cultural heritage • Public authorities responsible for the governance of the tourism sector

Final beneficiaries

• Institutional and entrepreneurship tourist associations • Chambers of commerce • Tourism offices

Specific objective Improvement of the innovative governance process aimed at the valorisation of secondary tourist destinations at local level 41

Transfer of know-how in the Mediterranean for the sustainable development of local communities in the less favoured areas



Priority 4

Total budget: € 1.692.172 Programme contribution: € 1.522.774 (90%) Project co-financing: € 169.398 (10%)

Promotion of cultural dialogue and local governance

Duration 36 months

Measure 4.3 Improvement of the governance processes at local level


Contact person Ms. Michela Ravelli Project coordinator ICALPE +33 (0)420 051 882

Project in brief

Within a Mediterranean context characterized by the massive exodus of rural populations to cities and coasts, the sustainable development of both urban and rural areas is getting more challenging. VILLAGES project addresses the topic of local governance in disadvantaged rural areas by encouraging citizen participation in the definition of strategies for the integrated development of villages. The concrete results will lead to a series of proposals to provide public policies with a sustainable framework encouraging this type of participatory experiences.

Expected results


• I mproved cross-border cooperation capacities • Good practices promoting policies for the development of villages exchanged • Transferred know-how in integrated development for the creation of local governance systems, through the countryside exchange* method system • One pilot project per target village implemented • A countryside exchange methodology designed and adapted to the Mediterranean • Increased involvement of regional, national and international public bodies • Proposals to improve relevant policies submitted to concerned public authorities

International Centre for Alpine Environments (France, Corse)

Target groups

Partnership 1. M inistry of Agriculture - Department of rural development and natural resources (Lebanon) 2. JUHOUD (Palestine) 3. LOARE Agency (Italy, Sardegna) 4. Association for Employment and Housing Promotion (Tunisia, Tunis) 5. Regional Center for Technology Information and for Software Engineering (Egypt) 6. Municipality of Moratalla (Spain, Murcia) 7. Region of Thessaly (Greece, Thessalia)

• Public institutions • Civil society organizations • Local development stakeholders

Final beneficiaries Populations of villages

Original title

Transfert de savoir-faire en Méditerranée pour le développement durable des communautés locales en zones rurales défavorisées (VILLAGES)

Specific objective To improve the capacities of local communities to be responsible of their own development, in particular, through the implementation of local governance systems within the villages of the less favoured rural areas 42

* The main idea is that local actors, both public and private, willing to develop a strategy for the development of their rural territories take advantage from the vision and recommendations of a group of external experts who have experience in local development.


Joint Managing Authority

Regione Autonoma della Sardegna Via Bacaredda, 184 09127 Cagliari - Italy +39 070.606.24.82

Branch Office for the Western Mediterranean - Valencia

Branch Office for the Eastern Mediterranean - Aqaba

Generalitat Valenciana Conselleria de Presidencia

Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA)

c/Cronista Carreres 11, 4ยบ 46003 Valencia - Spain +34

P.O. Box 2565 - Aqaba 77110 - Jordan +962 320.91000 Ext 3439/3440


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