Towards a strengthened Civil Society
Southern Neighbourhood
Southern Neighbourhood
Towards a strengthened Civil Society
April 2014
Civil society, a catalyst for democracy Priority areas of intervention
Far-reaching support to civil society
Support on the ground
ts ry voice coun e v e r, e th e g ociety to Building civil s ix compte o v e u q a h c , ble té civile ensem ié c so la e ir ru st Con
VIDEOS Cooperating with civil society in the Mediterranean: A new challenge Also available in Arabic Interview with EuropeAid Neighbourhood director Michael köhler
This publication exists only in electronic format. It has been prepared by the European Neighbourhood Info Centre, a project funded by the EU. It does not represent the official view of the EC or the EU Institutions. The EC accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to its content.
DAWRAK: what participants think (©ALF – AR – EN subtitles) Algeria - I am a citizen, so I can have my say! Palestine - spreading colours over isolation
Southern Neighbourhood
Civil society, a catalyst for democracy Over the years, the EU had been supporting and including civil society in the Southern Neighbourhood considering it a formidable catalyst for democracy. The Arab uprisings, however, were a turning point, causing a major rethink in policies, in order to adapt to the new realities and meet the new opportunities; at the same time they served as an opportunity to look at partnerships with the different actors, including civil society organisations (CSOs).
CIVIL SOCIETY including through the creation of an Inter-Institutional Steering Group. Simultaneously, the EU has embarked on a reflection on how to strengthen the structured dialogue with civil society and is discussing ways to support the enhancement of its role on both a national and a regional level.
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A change in the mind-sets on all sides (the EU, national government and civil society) and the creation of an enabling regulatory framework that will allow civil society to grow are considered vital to this effort.
CSOs have now moved closer to the core of discussions. The EU believes civil society empowers citizens to express their concerns, contributes to sound and democratic policy-making and holds governments to
“The EU attaches great importance to the civil society as it empowers citizens to express their concerns, contributes to sound and democratic policy-making and hold governments to account.” Štefan Füle, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy
The Brussels civil society forum
account. It is therefore supporting its growth and strengthening, through a number of programmes. Internally, EU institutions have strengthened their coordination to boost support to civil society in the Southern Neighbourhood,
For some time now CSOs from the southern region and Europe, journalists, EU officials, and other stakeholders have been discussing how to create networks, reinforce dialogue, build more trust and strengthen the position of civil society. What is sought is a more permanent and comprehensive structure that could play a role in supporting civil society, mainly at a regional level, with assistance from the EU. A major event, the EU Southern Neighbourhood Civil Society Forum, is scheduled to take place in Brussels on 29 and 30 April 2014 with some 200 participants. On this occasion, ENP Commissioner Štefan Füle will be launching the next phase of the reflection on how to set up the best “mechanisms for structured regional dialogue”. This new phase will see the operationalization of the process.
Southern Neighbourhood
Priority areas of intervention CSOs already participate in EU-funded projects seeking to build up cooperation areas agreed with each partner country, such as reform, deeply rooted democracy, open societies, economic and social development.
CIVIL SOCIETY “Civil society in the partner countries should be more involved in shaping the reform agenda in the Neighbourhood.” Štefan Füle, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy
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Below are some examples of activities in priority areas: Media and Culture A €17 million programme aimed at contributing to inclusive growth in the Southern Mediterranean by reinforcing the media and culture as vectors for democratisation and economic and social development. Another example of support in this field is the Arab Journalist Routes, run by the DAWRAK programme, by which 15 Arab journalists are attending events organized by 26 Euro-Med organisations.
Youth: The €11m Euro-Med Youth programme supports and strengthens the participation and contribution of youth organisations and youth from the region to the development of society and democracy, and promotes dialogue and understanding. In Jordan, for example, they are learning to become leaders and agents of positive change.
Women: The EU seeks to empower women, economically and politically. Support for activities promoting gender issues amounts to almost €91 million and vary from a €45m support programme on "Promotion of equality between men and women" in Morocco that works with the government, to 9 grants totaling more than €3m offered to support relevant CSOs in Egypt.
An EU priority: 2014-2020 The Regulation setting up the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), the financial arm of the ENP for the period 2014-2020, offers substantive support to civil society: “The objectives of this Regulation should be pursued with the appropriate involvement of external action partners, including civil society organisations and local authorities, in preparing, implementing and monitoring Union support, given the importance of their roles. This Regu¬lation should also support the strengthening of the capa¬city of civil society organisations to guarantee effective domestic accountability and local ownership, and to play a full role in the democratisation process.”
PHOTO GALLERIES Images from across the Neighbourhood highlighting EU cooperation projects in the field of Civil Society. High-resolution pictures available for download here.
Southern Neighbourhood
Far-reaching support to civil society The EU has taken concrete actions and developed tools in order to channel additional and far-reaching support to civil society. The tools include: Civil Society Facility (CSF): The main goal of the dedicated Facility, established in 2011, is to reinforce CSOs so that they play their part in change and can be real actors in the democratisation process. This is done by boosting their contribution to policy-making, and developing further their advocacy, networking and monitoring capacities. Since its inception, the CSF has benefited with €33 million for the Neighbourhood South. European Endowment for Democracy (EED): Established to help political actors of change that face obstacles in accessing donor funding, such as journalists, bloggers, non-
CIVIL SOCIETY registered NGOs, political movements. The EED offers a rapid and flexible funding mechanism for beneficiaries who are not or are insufficiently supported, in particular for legal or administrative reasons, making it a very unique tool. It primarily seeks to support groups and activists that cannot be supported by existing EU instruments or other programmes. The EED, which is not an EU institution, has a €6 million grant to support its setup and functioning. Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF): Intercultural dialogue is one of the key tools for conflict prevention and resolution. The EU contribution to the ALF amounts to €10 million for the period 2012-2014; €7 million to support the functioning of the Foundation and its work programme 2012-2014, and €3 million dedicated to the programme "DAWRAK - Citizens for Dialogue". European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR): The main instrument that aims to help fight against human rights violations. It promotes media freedom by supporting CSOs’ unhindered access to the Internet and the use of electronic communications technologies. Since the Arab uprisings, the EIDHR has doubled its investment in the region.
1 2 3 “DAWRAK – Citizens for Dialogue” programme was launched by the ALF in response to the changes in the region. It works together with CSOs and individuals, supporting them to build up skills for participating in public life and contributing to build open and plural societies. It takes place in the Arab countries of the Union for the Mediterranean and organizes events ranging from a youth dialogue with local authorities and a meeting about the role of Citizens in building Open and Plural Societies, to exchanges with journalists and an art for change training.
SUCCESS STORIES Algeria I am a citizan so I can have my say Libya Showing a new face to the world Palestine Spreading colours over isolation Tunisia Civil society leading the way towards democracy
Southern Neighbourhood
Support on the ground
On a local level much support to civil society is given via the EU Delegations, which launch calls for proposals. CSOs are also invited to express their view on relations between their country and the EU for the annual progress reports. This information, along with a list of all projects funded in the country, can be found on Delegation websites.
“The role of civil society in carrying up the expectations for a better future is particularly important. On our part we, as Europe, must act as more than just a witness to the efforts aiming to transform the societies in the region.”
Here are some examples of what is being done on the ground:
have a comprehensive overview of the state of play, including capacity-building needs and recommendations to better engage with CSOs in and through cooperation and policy dialogue.
Algeria NGOs in the governorate of Constantine are part of EU-funded cooperation projects, the local Mentouri University participated the most in Tempus projects and the governorate has been chosen as pilot site for different programmes mainly in the fields of higher education and health. Jordan €10 million has been allocated to Civil Society & Media, in order to strengthen democracy through increased participation of citizens in political life and building capacity for an independent, quality based media sector. Lebanon 12 projects were selected for funding through the EU-funded AFKAR III Programme, which seeks to strengthen the capacity of Lebanese CSOs as actors for socio-economic development and reform. The total EU grant amounts to €2,850,000.
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Dr Michael Köhler, EuropeAid Neighbourhood Director
Tunisia After the revolution, Tunisian society was eager to see European support and the EU responded by providing its support to emerging Tunisian organisations. Between June 2011 and June 2012 the EU gave nearly €6,500,000 to supporting Tunisian civil society with the aim of securing democratic transition and developing a human rights culture.
Country roadmaps The EU has adopted a more strategic approach towards CSOs in the partner countries. EU Delegations are now developing roadmaps on working with civil society at country level, in order to increase structure and consistency and give a strategic approach to the EU’s engagement. This effort is expected to provide more impact, predictability and visibility to EU actions targeting civil society, as well as increased complementarity between EU instruments and the support offered by the Member States.
SUCCESS STORY Libya, showing a new face to the world
Libya The Civil Initiatives Libya (CIL) project aims to strengthen the capacity and build a vibrant, active and independent civil society in the country. It offers small grants and is running four training centres, in different places, that act as focal points and promote networking and partnerships with local and international NGOS.
Libyans started to become familiar with the word ‘civil society’ for the first time in February 2011, when the uprising began. Today civil society is a crucial part of the democratisation process and is seeking to contribute to the country’s nation-building process and to sustain its transition to a democratic state. The EU has responded rapidly and put in place a programme to support government ministries in their dealings with civil society. Read the story here
Palestine The Civil Society Facility – South is mapping CSOs in Palestine in order to
Southern Neighbourhood
CIVIL SOCIETY Useful links 1
Interview with EuropeAid Neighbourhood director Michael Köhler ANSA interview with EuropeAid Neighbourhood director Michael Köhler video
Info Centre Civil Society and Local Authorities webpage
Info Centre – civil society news
EU Neighbourhood Handbooks From the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre website, a number of different handbooks can be downloaded, offering tips to media professionals for improved coverage of EU cooperation activities, but also providing information on how to access EU funding or to navigate through EU jargon. A wealth of knowledge at your disposal, just a click away on
EuropeAid civil society webpage Civil Society Helpdesk
Southern Neighbourhood
CIVIL SOCIETY Strategic Documents 1 Communication: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations (2012)
Regulation establishing ENI (March 2014)
A New Response to a Changing Neighbourhood: A Review of
European Neighbourhood Policy (2011) Info Centre documents Library – civil society
EU Neighbourhood Library Our online database
key quotes
Action plans
Browse key quotes on civil society by top EU officials, projects and beneficiaries on the ground.
Country reports
Agreements Declarations Resolutions Strategy documents
press packs Other Info Centre Press packs are available online: EAST and SOUTH DOCUMENTS USEFUL LINKS
Southern Neighbourhood
CIVIL SOCIETY The EU: a major donor for the Neighbourhood
EU support to the region is mainly channeled through the European Commission’s Directorate General for Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid
The European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) funding approved for the period 2007-2013 was € 11.2 billion. As from 2014 the ENPI will be replaced by the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), which will provide faster and more flexible funding, allowing for incentives for best performers, to 16 partner countries to the East and South of the EU’s borders.
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East: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine South: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria* ,Tunisia. * EU Cooperation with Syria is currently suspended due to the political situation
The EU Neighbourhood Info Centre is an EU-funded Regional Communication project highlighting the partnership between the EU and Neighbouring countries.
Stay connected Stay connected Stay connected A project implemented by
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre An ENPI project The EU Neighbourhood Info Centre is an EU-funded Regional Communication project highlighting the partnership between the EU and Neighbouring countries. This presspack has been produced by the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre.
Photos: AFP/EPA for the EU Neighourhood Info Centre Copyright EU/EU Neighbourhood Info Centre 2013-2014