Communication plan en

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Communications plan (EuropeAid adapted) A closer look at a communication plan


The original of this plan has been put together by EuropeAid and is available in the EU Visibility Guidelines for external relations. It has been slightly adapted for the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre communications workshop. Project title

Project objective

Project implementing partners

Project timeframe

General communication objectives (eg. Create advocates, change perceptions, attract donors, build awareness, show transparency)

Target audiences

break down as much as possible (eg. Women between 35-50 in cities XYZ).

Target A

Target B

Target C


Target B

Target C


Target B

Target C


Specific communication objective for each target audience Target A Messages for each target audience Target A

Communication tools for each target audience (eg. Press conferences, events, publications, website, social media, etc). One tool can apply to more than 1 target audience.

Calendar of activities Create a calendar of activities (If media are one of your target audiences, also create a media plan)

Indicators: Quantitative (eg. Number of articles, people attending, publication disseminated, website visits, etc) Qualitative (eg. Tone and position of articles, questionnaire given to people attending, most visited pages, etc) Resources Human Resources (both inhouse and outsourcing) Financial resources

EU Neighbourhood Info Centre

Communications plan (EuropeAid adapted)


What follows is an example of how to go about putting together a communications plan, with a short practical outline of what is required. It is based on just one target group, and was done during a communications workshop in Tunisia.

Project title Employment, training and higher education programme

(A four-year budget support programme involving four ministries in Tunisia). Project objective

Improve access to and quality of education and training to ensure better alignment with labour market needs. Project implementing partners Project timeframe General communication objectives Make known the improvements in education and training.

Make known the possible synergies between education, training and employment. Target audiences (break down as much as possible, eg. Women between 35-50 in cities XYZ). Target A Students. Specific communication objective for each target audience Target A Inform students of what reform will mean for them. Messages for each target audience Target A Your study choice is the key to your career; More languages for a better job. Communication tools

Education reform in 10 key points (to help teachers explain). Involvement of local businesses in the career days. Facebook group for students. Calendar of activities

Reform days where teachers explain changes to students; Career open days. The open days will be used to promote reform to the media and to take photos and gather testimonials from companies and students that you can then use for publications etc. Indicators:

Quantitative Number of days, students reached, Facebook likes. Qualitative Interactive online questionnaire. Resources Human Resources (both inhouse and outsourcing) Financial resources

EU Neighbourhood Info Centre

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