Panorama South Mag

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European Commission

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects

Southern Mediterranean Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects Realised by the EU-funded EU Neighbourhood Info Centre under the Regional Communication Programme.

Southern Mediterranean 2012-2014

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects Realised by the EU-funded EU Neighbourhood Info Centre under the Regional Communication Programme.

Southern Mediterranean 2012-2014

index 4

EU & Southern Neighbours


Projects in Action 52 Cleaner energy-saving Mediterranean cities 54 Clima South: Support for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ENPI South region 55 Development of a Mediterranean marine and coastal protected areas network (MedPAN) 56 ENPI Shared Environment Information System (SEIS) 57 Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) 58 Integrated Maritime Policy for the Mediterranean (IMP-MED) 59 Social and ecological resilience in the face of climate change in the Mediterranean Region 60 Sustainable Water Management and De-pollution of the Mediterranean 61 SWITCH-Med: Switching to more sustainable consumption and production in the Mediterranean

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights Supporting common regional institutions 13 Supporting the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat 14 Promoting participation of ENP partners in the work of EU agencies Political dialogue 15 Information and training seminars for Euro-Mediterranean diplomats 16 Middle East Peace Projects (EU Partnership for Peace - EUPfP) 17 Preparing staff for EU-ENP related jobs Justice, Freedom and Security 18 Euromed Justice III 19 Euromed Police III 20 Strengthening democratic reform in the southern Neighbourhood

Civil Protection 62 Euromed programme for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural and man-made disasters (PPRD) South II

Migration 21 Euro-Med Migration III 22 Enhancing the capacity of civil society organisations in promoting and protecting the rights of migrants in the Southern Mediterranean region

Energy 64 MED-ENEC II - Energy efficiency in construction 65 MED-REG II – Energy regulators 67 Paving the Way for the Mediterranean Solar Plan Transport Euromed Aviation II EuroMed Road, Rail and Urban Transport regional programme Rail, Road and Urban Transport – Road Safety programme Euromed Satellite Navigation: GNSS II Mediterranean Motorways of the Sea – Maritime transport connections 73 SAFEMED III – Maritime Safety and Pollution Prevention

Social and human development

68 69 70 71 72

Culture and Media 27 Euromed Audiovisual III 28 Media and culture for development in the Southern Mediterranean region 29 Regional Communication Programme Youth and Intercultural Dialogue 31 Euromed Youth IV 32 Anna Lindh Foundation for Inter-Cultural Dialogue 33 34 36 37

Multi-country cooperation instruments

Civil society and local authorities CIUDAD – Sustainable urban development Support to the European Endowment for Democracy Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility TRESMED 4 – Civil society dialogue

Education 39 Erasmus Mundus II – Action 2 Partnerships 40 TEMPUS IV for higher education 41 eTwinning Plus

76 77 78 79 80

Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) Twinning Sigma


Recently completed projects Find out more


Gender issues 42 Spring forward for women

Economic integration and sustainable development 46 47 48 49 50

Economy EUMEDRegNet II – Information society cooperation FEMISE – Socio-economic research MEDSTAT III - Statistical cooperation Private sector development in the Southern Mediterranean Support to FEMIP

Environment and climate change 51 Addressing climate change in the Middle East and North-Africa (MENA) region

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index 4

EU & Southern Neighbours


Projects in Action 52 Cleaner energy-saving Mediterranean cities 54 Clima South: Support for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ENPI South region 55 Development of a Mediterranean marine and coastal protected areas network (MedPAN) 56 ENPI Shared Environment Information System (SEIS) 57 Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) 58 Integrated Maritime Policy for the Mediterranean (IMP-MED) 59 Social and ecological resilience in the face of climate change in the Mediterranean Region 60 Sustainable Water Management and De-pollution of the Mediterranean 61 SWITCH-Med: Switching to more sustainable consumption and production in the Mediterranean

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights Supporting common regional institutions 13 Supporting the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat 14 Promoting participation of ENP partners in the work of EU agencies Political dialogue 15 Information and training seminars for Euro-Mediterranean diplomats 16 Middle East Peace Projects (EU Partnership for Peace - EUPfP) 17 Preparing staff for EU-ENP related jobs Justice, Freedom and Security 18 Euromed Justice III 19 Euromed Police III 20 Strengthening democratic reform in the southern Neighbourhood

Civil Protection 62 Euromed programme for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural and man-made disasters (PPRD) South II

Migration 21 Euro-Med Migration III 22 Enhancing the capacity of civil society organisations in promoting and protecting the rights of migrants in the Southern Mediterranean region

Energy 64 MED-ENEC II - Energy efficiency in construction 65 MED-REG II – Energy regulators 67 Paving the Way for the Mediterranean Solar Plan Transport Euromed Aviation II EuroMed Road, Rail and Urban Transport regional programme Rail, Road and Urban Transport – Road Safety programme Euromed Satellite Navigation: GNSS II Mediterranean Motorways of the Sea – Maritime transport connections 73 SAFEMED III – Maritime Safety and Pollution Prevention

Social and human development

68 69 70 71 72

Culture and Media 27 Euromed Audiovisual III 28 Media and culture for development in the Southern Mediterranean region 29 Regional Communication Programme Youth and Intercultural Dialogue 31 Euromed Youth IV 32 Anna Lindh Foundation for Inter-Cultural Dialogue 33 34 36 37

Multi-country cooperation instruments

Civil society and local authorities CIUDAD – Sustainable urban development Support to the European Endowment for Democracy Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility TRESMED 4 – Civil society dialogue

Education 39 Erasmus Mundus II – Action 2 Partnerships 40 TEMPUS IV for higher education 41 eTwinning Plus

76 77 78 79 80

Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) Twinning Sigma


Recently completed projects Find out more


Gender issues 42 Spring forward for women

Economic integration and sustainable development 46 47 48 49 50

Economy EUMEDRegNet II – Information society cooperation FEMISE – Socio-economic research MEDSTAT III - Statistical cooperation Private sector development in the Southern Mediterranean Support to FEMIP

Environment and climate change 51 Addressing climate change in the Middle East and North-Africa (MENA) region

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EU & Southern Neighbours History of relations The history of Europe has been influenced by exchanges and interactions between peoples and cultures across the Mediterranean Sea. The EU has cooperated with its Mediterranean neighbours for several years. Structured cooperation between the EU and its Southern neighbours began in 1995 when the EU and Mediterranean Partners agreed to launch a Euro-Mediterranean Partnership at a Summit meeting in Barcelona. The Barcelona Declaration laid down the foundations of a new relationship between the two shores of the Mediterranean, aiming at achieving peace, stability, security and shared prosperity in the Mediterranean region. The Barcelona process was given a fresh impetus in July 2008 with the launch of the “Union for the Mediterranean”, and the development of strategic projects such as the establishment of maritime and land highways, a Mediterranean Solar Energy Plan and the de-pollution of the Mediterranean Sea. To avoid the emergence of new dividing lines in Europe and beyond, and in parallel to the process of enlargement of the EU, a new framework of cooperation with partner countries adjacent to the EU was developed in 2004, namely the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The ENP has contributed to the reinforcement of relations between the EU and its neighbours, notably through bilateral action plans taking into account each country’s specific needs and characteristics, further enriched with regional and multilateral co-operation initiatives: the Eastern Partnership (launched in Prague in May 2009), the Union for the Mediterranean, and the Black Sea Synergy (launched in Kiev in February 2008). Despite the unexpected magnitude of the changes brought about by the ‘Arab Spring’, the EU has been quick to recognise the challenges of the political and economic transition faced by the region as a whole. It has also recognised the need to adopt a new approach to relations with its Southern neighbours. The EU's strategic response to the Arab Spring came as early as 8 March 2011, with the joint communication of the High Representative/Vice President Catherine Ashton and the Commission proposing "A partnership for democracy and shared prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean". This communication stresses the need for the EU to support wholeheartedly the demand for political participation, dignity, freedom and employment opportunities, and sets out an approach based on the respect of universal values and shared interests. It also proposes the ‘more funds for more reform’ principle, an approach consolidated in another joint communication on 25 May, which initiated

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Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -5

EU & Southern Neighbours History of relations The history of Europe has been influenced by exchanges and interactions between peoples and cultures across the Mediterranean Sea. The EU has cooperated with its Mediterranean neighbours for several years. Structured cooperation between the EU and its Southern neighbours began in 1995 when the EU and Mediterranean Partners agreed to launch a Euro-Mediterranean Partnership at a Summit meeting in Barcelona. The Barcelona Declaration laid down the foundations of a new relationship between the two shores of the Mediterranean, aiming at achieving peace, stability, security and shared prosperity in the Mediterranean region. The Barcelona process was given a fresh impetus in July 2008 with the launch of the “Union for the Mediterranean”, and the development of strategic projects such as the establishment of maritime and land highways, a Mediterranean Solar Energy Plan and the de-pollution of the Mediterranean Sea. To avoid the emergence of new dividing lines in Europe and beyond, and in parallel to the process of enlargement of the EU, a new framework of cooperation with partner countries adjacent to the EU was developed in 2004, namely the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The ENP has contributed to the reinforcement of relations between the EU and its neighbours, notably through bilateral action plans taking into account each country’s specific needs and characteristics, further enriched with regional and multilateral co-operation initiatives: the Eastern Partnership (launched in Prague in May 2009), the Union for the Mediterranean, and the Black Sea Synergy (launched in Kiev in February 2008). Despite the unexpected magnitude of the changes brought about by the ‘Arab Spring’, the EU has been quick to recognise the challenges of the political and economic transition faced by the region as a whole. It has also recognised the need to adopt a new approach to relations with its Southern neighbours. The EU's strategic response to the Arab Spring came as early as 8 March 2011, with the joint communication of the High Representative/Vice President Catherine Ashton and the Commission proposing "A partnership for democracy and shared prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean". This communication stresses the need for the EU to support wholeheartedly the demand for political participation, dignity, freedom and employment opportunities, and sets out an approach based on the respect of universal values and shared interests. It also proposes the ‘more funds for more reform’ principle, an approach consolidated in another joint communication on 25 May, which initiated

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the launch of what was described as a new and ambitious European Neighbourhood Policy. The renewed ENP builds on the achievements of the EU's Neighbourhood Policy and responds to partner countries’ quests for more freedom and a better life. It offers new types of support for more sections of society, and introduces more incentives to pursue reform. Under the renewed ENP, the EU is committed to help its partners address in particular two main challenges: • To build “deep democracy”, i.e. creating and sustaining an independent judiciary, a thriving free press, a dynamic civil society and all other characteristics of a mature functioning democracy.

• Common regional institutions, confidence building measures and media development, including: Supporting the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat, Civil Protection, Partnership for Peace, Information and Training Seminars for Euro-Mediterranean Diplomats, and the Regional Communication Programme. • Regional integration, investment, regulatory convergence, including: Enhancing investment promotion, business development and industrial cooperation, Transport Infrastructure, Supporting the information society, Supporting the Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP), Statistics. • Sustainable development, including: Environment and Water, Energy.

• To ensure inclusive and sustainable economic growth and development, without which democracy will not take root. A particular challenge is to ensure strong job creation.

• Social and human development, including: Gender equality, Dialogue between cultures and cooperation on culture, Civil Society including youth.

Regional cooperation Regional co-operation has a strategic impact as it deals with issues that different Mediterranean Partners have in common, while complementing national policies and promoting south-south cooperation and integration. Above all, the regional programmes function as a forum for dialogue. They bring together people from the partner countries, despite their differences, to engage in discussion, exchange views and experiences. Through regional programmes we have witnessed the birth of many formal and informal networks which form a steady motor behind the many structured initiatives.

* At the time this publication was prepared EU Cooperation with Syria was suspended due to the political situation in the country; however, since in principle Syria is eligible for cooperation under the ENPI, activities may be taken up again once the situation improves.

The regional approach contributes to defining and implementing policies in fields ranging from energy, environment and transport, to gender, youth, education and culture. The ENPI Regional Indicative Programme (2011-2013) for the Euro-Med Partnership defines four priority areas of cooperation:

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the launch of what was described as a new and ambitious European Neighbourhood Policy. The renewed ENP builds on the achievements of the EU's Neighbourhood Policy and responds to partner countries’ quests for more freedom and a better life. It offers new types of support for more sections of society, and introduces more incentives to pursue reform. Under the renewed ENP, the EU is committed to help its partners address in particular two main challenges: • To build “deep democracy”, i.e. creating and sustaining an independent judiciary, a thriving free press, a dynamic civil society and all other characteristics of a mature functioning democracy.

• Common regional institutions, confidence building measures and media development, including: Supporting the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat, Civil Protection, Partnership for Peace, Information and Training Seminars for Euro-Mediterranean Diplomats, and the Regional Communication Programme. • Regional integration, investment, regulatory convergence, including: Enhancing investment promotion, business development and industrial cooperation, Transport Infrastructure, Supporting the information society, Supporting the Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP), Statistics. • Sustainable development, including: Environment and Water, Energy.

• To ensure inclusive and sustainable economic growth and development, without which democracy will not take root. A particular challenge is to ensure strong job creation.

• Social and human development, including: Gender equality, Dialogue between cultures and cooperation on culture, Civil Society including youth.

Regional cooperation Regional co-operation has a strategic impact as it deals with issues that different Mediterranean Partners have in common, while complementing national policies and promoting south-south cooperation and integration. Above all, the regional programmes function as a forum for dialogue. They bring together people from the partner countries, despite their differences, to engage in discussion, exchange views and experiences. Through regional programmes we have witnessed the birth of many formal and informal networks which form a steady motor behind the many structured initiatives.

* At the time this publication was prepared EU Cooperation with Syria was suspended due to the political situation in the country; however, since in principle Syria is eligible for cooperation under the ENPI, activities may be taken up again once the situation improves.

The regional approach contributes to defining and implementing policies in fields ranging from energy, environment and transport, to gender, youth, education and culture. The ENPI Regional Indicative Programme (2011-2013) for the Euro-Med Partnership defines four priority areas of cooperation:

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Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -7

Projects in Action A lot is happening in the Neighbourhood. Find out more about the activities of some of the projects included in this publication, in the magazine “Projects in Action” written by local journalists.

Read more

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Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -9

Projects in Action A lot is happening in the Neighbourhood. Find out more about the activities of some of the projects included in this publication, in the magazine “Projects in Action” written by local journalists.

Read more

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Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Under the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, which remains a cornerstone for the EU’s interaction with its southern neighbours, the regional programmes facilitate the dialogue between the Euro-Mediterranean

The projects funded are:

partner countries on sensitive political and security issues. This dialogue Supporting common regional institutions 13 Supporting the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat 14 Promoting participation of ENP partners in the work of EU agencies

aims at building a shared understanding and creating a common area of cooperation.

Political dialogue 15 Information and training seminars for Euro-Mediterranean diplomats 16 Middle East Peace Projects (EU Partnership for Peace - EUPfP) 17 Preparing staff for EU-ENP related jobs

Ten projects are developed under the Euro-Med Partnership seeking to

Justice, Freedom and Security 18 Euromed Justice III 19 Euromed Police III 20 Strengthening democratic reform in the southern Neighbourhood

The projects are grouped under the policies “Supporting common

achieve change, not only through this dialogue but also via the strengthening of local institutions.

regional institutions”, “political dialogue”, “justice, freedom and security” and “migration and asylum” . Issues such as judicial reform and security

Migration 21 Euromed Migration III 22 Enhancing the capacity of civil society organisations in promoting and protecting the rights of migrants in the Southern Mediterranean region

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matters, the fight against terrorism and crime, are acted upon, along with issues related to migration and development, increase of knowledge on the Partnership or support to the Middle East Peace Process.


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Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Under the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, which remains a cornerstone for the EU’s interaction with its southern neighbours, the regional programmes facilitate the dialogue between the Euro-Mediterranean

The projects funded are:

partner countries on sensitive political and security issues. This dialogue Supporting common regional institutions 13 Supporting the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat 14 Promoting participation of ENP partners in the work of EU agencies

aims at building a shared understanding and creating a common area of cooperation.

Political dialogue 15 Information and training seminars for Euro-Mediterranean diplomats 16 Middle East Peace Projects (EU Partnership for Peace - EUPfP) 17 Preparing staff for EU-ENP related jobs

Ten projects are developed under the Euro-Med Partnership seeking to

Justice, Freedom and Security 18 Euromed Justice III 19 Euromed Police III 20 Strengthening democratic reform in the southern Neighbourhood

The projects are grouped under the policies “Supporting common

achieve change, not only through this dialogue but also via the strengthening of local institutions.

regional institutions”, “political dialogue”, “justice, freedom and security” and “migration and asylum” . Issues such as judicial reform and security

Migration 21 Euromed Migration III 22 Enhancing the capacity of civil society organisations in promoting and protecting the rights of migrants in the Southern Mediterranean region

10 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


matters, the fight against terrorism and crime, are acted upon, along with issues related to migration and development, increase of knowledge on the Partnership or support to the Middle East Peace Process.


Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -11

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Supporting the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat Provides financial support towards the functioning of the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean* (UfM), covering around 50% of total operating expenses. Timeframe: ongoing

Secretariat on a yearly basis, up to a maximum of 50%, declining over time.

Budget: around €3 million per year (EC contribution) Objectives: The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean has been established on a permanent basis to play a key role in the institutional architecture of the Union for the Mediterranean, mainly by taking charge of measures to identify, follow up and promote new projects, but also by seeking funding and partners to implement projects. The aim of the UfM Secretariat, as defined in Paris and Marseille Declarations, focuses on identifying, processing, promoting and coordinating projects, which enhance and strengthen the cooperation and impact directly the livelihoods of the citizens in order to improve the socio-economic development, regional integration, sustainable development and the exchange of knowledge among and within the countries of the UfM. What does it do? As agreed at EU political level, the European Commission co-finances operating expenses for the UfM

Other sources of funding come from the 43 UfM Member States*. EU and non-EU partner countries ensure their share of co-financing via economic contribution and contributions in kind through the secondment to the Secretariat of national civil experts and experts. Moreover, Spain contributes in kind by providing the premises for the Secretariat in Barcelona. Actions in brief: The EC supports the UfM Secretariat, covering about 50% of total operating expenses incurred, including: n Personnel salaries. n Operational expenditure (missions and work budget) divided by division. n Running expenditure (transportation, IT, communications, visibility…). n Capital expenditure (IT equipment, communication equipment, office equipment).

* The members of the Union for the Mediterranean are: Austria, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, The Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Monaco, Morocco, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Tunisia, the United Kingdom, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Luxemburg, Mauritania, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Palestine, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Syria and Turkey.


Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -13

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Supporting the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat Provides financial support towards the functioning of the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean* (UfM), covering around 50% of total operating expenses. Timeframe: ongoing

Secretariat on a yearly basis, up to a maximum of 50%, declining over time.

Budget: around €3 million per year (EC contribution) Objectives: The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean has been established on a permanent basis to play a key role in the institutional architecture of the Union for the Mediterranean, mainly by taking charge of measures to identify, follow up and promote new projects, but also by seeking funding and partners to implement projects. The aim of the UfM Secretariat, as defined in Paris and Marseille Declarations, focuses on identifying, processing, promoting and coordinating projects, which enhance and strengthen the cooperation and impact directly the livelihoods of the citizens in order to improve the socio-economic development, regional integration, sustainable development and the exchange of knowledge among and within the countries of the UfM. What does it do? As agreed at EU political level, the European Commission co-finances operating expenses for the UfM

Other sources of funding come from the 43 UfM Member States*. EU and non-EU partner countries ensure their share of co-financing via economic contribution and contributions in kind through the secondment to the Secretariat of national civil experts and experts. Moreover, Spain contributes in kind by providing the premises for the Secretariat in Barcelona. Actions in brief: The EC supports the UfM Secretariat, covering about 50% of total operating expenses incurred, including: n Personnel salaries. n Operational expenditure (missions and work budget) divided by division. n Running expenditure (transportation, IT, communications, visibility…). n Capital expenditure (IT equipment, communication equipment, office equipment).

* The members of the Union for the Mediterranean are: Austria, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, The Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Monaco, Morocco, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Tunisia, the United Kingdom, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Luxemburg, Mauritania, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Palestine, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Syria and Turkey.


Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -13

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Promoting participation of ENP partners in the work of EU agencies

Information and training seminars for Euro-Mediterranean diplomats

Facilitates the development of sector and technical cooperation between relevant EU agencies and interested ENP partners

Carries out training for young Euro-Mediterranean diplomats on key aspects of the Euro-Med Partnership and of the European Union, at the same time facilitating dialogue and exchange between them

Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia (South), Ukraine Timeframe: 2012 - 2014 Budget: €3.7 million Objectives: The general objective of the project is to help ENP partner countries familiarise themselves with the work of EU agencies with a view to facilitating future enhanced cooperation between ENP partners and EU agencies. Participation in the work of EU agencies implies integration in the EU's regulatory framework, and is a tool for approximation to EU norms and standards. The programme seeks to support ENP partners by providing advice on organisational matters and by training appropriate staff. Furthermore, participation in relevant events aims to provide partners with invaluable networking and opportunities to exchange experience and involve other interested stakeholders. What does it do? The programme launches technical contacts between relevant EU agencies and interested ENP partner coun-

tries aligned to individual case and sector requirements. It also aims to identify the conditions for the creation of a pool of technical experts in ENP partner countries familiar with EU technical requirements and standards in the relevant sectors.

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2012-2016 Budget: €1 million

Through the project's activities, partner countries are made aware of EU agencies' requirements and membership conditions to allow them to take an informed decision about their potential participation in a given agency. Actions in brief: n Conducts awareness raising and outreach actions at regional or sub-regional level; n Undertakes fact finding missions to undertake gap analyses that could lead to support for the ENP countries' future participation in agencies' activities; n Organises training and study visits, conferences and workshops; n Draſts, edits, and possibly translates manuals, guides and other relevant documents of interest to the ENP countries.

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Objectives: The project is designed to facilitate informal exchanges and open dialogue between junior and mid-ranking diplomats who are directly involved in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the Union for the Mediterranean. The idea is to inform selected young Euro-Mediterranean diplomats about the policies, programmes and procedures of the European Union, particularly on its external relations and, more specifically, in its cooperation agreements with its southern partners. Another aim is to train the diplomats in the etiquette of negotiation, dialogue and working together towards a consensus in decision-making. What does it do? The project organises a series of information and training seminars for Euro-Mediterranean diplomats on a biannual basis. Leading political, academic, institutional and civil


society figures are invited to make presentations on the various aspects of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, encouraging dialogue and interaction among the trainees. As well as the traditional presentations, the seminars include working groups and simulation exercises to familiarise participants with the necessary skills for negotiations and with work in different intercultural settings. The project follows on from the earlier Euromed Information and Training Seminars for Diplomats. Actions in brief: n Organises eight semi-annual workshops and seminars (four days each); n Identifies and develops content for the seminars; n The same students will be part of the alumni network, actively contributing to its (electronic) activities.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -15

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Promoting participation of ENP partners in the work of EU agencies

Information and training seminars for Euro-Mediterranean diplomats

Facilitates the development of sector and technical cooperation between relevant EU agencies and interested ENP partners

Carries out training for young Euro-Mediterranean diplomats on key aspects of the Euro-Med Partnership and of the European Union, at the same time facilitating dialogue and exchange between them

Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia (South), Ukraine Timeframe: 2012 - 2014 Budget: €3.7 million Objectives: The general objective of the project is to help ENP partner countries familiarise themselves with the work of EU agencies with a view to facilitating future enhanced cooperation between ENP partners and EU agencies. Participation in the work of EU agencies implies integration in the EU's regulatory framework, and is a tool for approximation to EU norms and standards. The programme seeks to support ENP partners by providing advice on organisational matters and by training appropriate staff. Furthermore, participation in relevant events aims to provide partners with invaluable networking and opportunities to exchange experience and involve other interested stakeholders. What does it do? The programme launches technical contacts between relevant EU agencies and interested ENP partner coun-

tries aligned to individual case and sector requirements. It also aims to identify the conditions for the creation of a pool of technical experts in ENP partner countries familiar with EU technical requirements and standards in the relevant sectors.

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2012-2016 Budget: €1 million

Through the project's activities, partner countries are made aware of EU agencies' requirements and membership conditions to allow them to take an informed decision about their potential participation in a given agency. Actions in brief: n Conducts awareness raising and outreach actions at regional or sub-regional level; n Undertakes fact finding missions to undertake gap analyses that could lead to support for the ENP countries' future participation in agencies' activities; n Organises training and study visits, conferences and workshops; n Draſts, edits, and possibly translates manuals, guides and other relevant documents of interest to the ENP countries.

14 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Objectives: The project is designed to facilitate informal exchanges and open dialogue between junior and mid-ranking diplomats who are directly involved in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the Union for the Mediterranean. The idea is to inform selected young Euro-Mediterranean diplomats about the policies, programmes and procedures of the European Union, particularly on its external relations and, more specifically, in its cooperation agreements with its southern partners. Another aim is to train the diplomats in the etiquette of negotiation, dialogue and working together towards a consensus in decision-making. What does it do? The project organises a series of information and training seminars for Euro-Mediterranean diplomats on a biannual basis. Leading political, academic, institutional and civil


society figures are invited to make presentations on the various aspects of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, encouraging dialogue and interaction among the trainees. As well as the traditional presentations, the seminars include working groups and simulation exercises to familiarise participants with the necessary skills for negotiations and with work in different intercultural settings. The project follows on from the earlier Euromed Information and Training Seminars for Diplomats. Actions in brief: n Organises eight semi-annual workshops and seminars (four days each); n Identifies and develops content for the seminars; n The same students will be part of the alumni network, actively contributing to its (electronic) activities.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -15

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Middle East Peace Projects (EU Partnership for Peace - EUPfP)

Preparing staff for EU-ENP related jobs

Supports local and international civil society initiatives that promote peace, tolerance and non violence in the Middle East

Trains selected civil servants from partner countries in order to enhance their professional skills and knowledge of the EU and European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) 04_pfppataglance_en.pdf

Israel, Jordan, Palestine

Timeframe: Ongoing

maximum duration of 36 months, and EU contribution ranging from €100,000 – €500,000.

Budget: Annual budget ranging from €5-10 million Objectives: The programme supports local and international civil society initiatives that promote peace, tolerance and non violence in the Middle East, seeking to contribute to the rebuilding of confidence within each society and between societies. Initiatives can be undertaken by each of the target countries, individually or jointly, or together with partners from EU Member States or other eligible countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, West Bank & Gaza, beneficiaries of Pre-Accession Assistance or Member States of the European Economic Area). The EUPfP seeks to strengthen the capacity for conflict resistance and empower marginalised parties as well to build trust between Israelis and Arabs. What does it do? The EU “Partnership for Peace Programme” supports initiatives in areas which are likely to have a direct impact on Middle East people’s everyday lives and welfare, including practical activities to promote communication and understanding. Projects include finding and implementing mechanisms for conflict management and educating communities about concepts and skills for dealing with disputes and for promoting peace. The EUPfP also seeks to strengthen and increase direct civil society relationships and cooperation, based on equality and reciprocity between Israelis, Palestinians and other Arabs. A call for proposals is published annually or bi-annually and the selection is made by a specialized evaluation committee. On average, 15-25 projects are selected for each round, with a

Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Russia, Syria*, Tunisia, Ukraine

in the operation, role and functions of EU institutions as well as insights into major areas of internal EU policies and how they impact upon the European Union’s external relations (i.e. external dimension of internal EU policies).

Timeframe: 2011-2013 Budget: €2 million

Actions in brief: n Implements the EUPfP programme to reinforce civil society organisations acting in peace building and conflict transformation. n Increases the base for support to the Middle East peace process. n Empowers marginalized communities and strengthens their capacity to conflict resistance. n Raises awareness of decision-makers and public opinion on existing visions for peace Some example of projects implemented: n Palestinian-Israeli Peace NGO Forum (civil society) n Partners in Business, Partners in Peace: Increasing Capacities for Israeli-Palestinian Business Cooperation n Good Water Neighbours: building foundations for peace through education and practical actions that promote just and efficient management of trans- boundary water resources n Fair Trade, Fair Peace n The Regional Implications of the Establishment of a Palestinian State n Breaking the Cycle of Alienation: Coexistence through Education n PATENT 'Partnership for Advocacy, Technology and Entrepreneurship' n Russian Speaking Community in Israel and the Peace Process: Bridging the Divide n So Far So Close III - Conflict transformation in the most marginalized areas of the West Bank

16 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Objectives: The project aims to improve the professional skills and ENP-specific knowledge of relevant staff from within the civil service and public administrations of ENP partner countries in order to enable to them to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the European Neighbourhood Policy, as well as other relevant EU policies. The project is designed to improve the effectiveness of policies and the relationship between the EU and the neighbourhood countries, and to help deepen political dialogue and cooperation with each of the neighbours. What does it do? Managed by the College of Europe, the project proposes tailor-made training on ENP policy, its regional aspects and specificities in the south, east and at interregional level as well as critical issues of policy importance (e.g. environment, agriculture, energy and trade, improving contacts between people, etc.). In addition, trainings provide intensive grounding


Actions in brief: n Designs, organises and delivers 12 professional training seminars in the College of Europe (Campuses of Bruges and Natolin); n Divides the training into eight modules - six ‘knowledge modules’ whose main objective is to provide the participants with key information on different topics and two ‘skills modules’ on negotiation and project management, which allow participants to develop highly technical and practical know-how; n Trains an estimated 400-500 people; n Conducts a training needs assessment in each beneficiary country; n Conducts a mapping exercise of similar training activities in the whole region and summarises this into a single document to appear on the project’s website.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -17

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Middle East Peace Projects (EU Partnership for Peace - EUPfP)

Preparing staff for EU-ENP related jobs

Supports local and international civil society initiatives that promote peace, tolerance and non violence in the Middle East

Trains selected civil servants from partner countries in order to enhance their professional skills and knowledge of the EU and European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) 04_pfppataglance_en.pdf

Israel, Jordan, Palestine

Timeframe: Ongoing

maximum duration of 36 months, and EU contribution ranging from €100,000 – €500,000.

Budget: Annual budget ranging from €5-10 million Objectives: The programme supports local and international civil society initiatives that promote peace, tolerance and non violence in the Middle East, seeking to contribute to the rebuilding of confidence within each society and between societies. Initiatives can be undertaken by each of the target countries, individually or jointly, or together with partners from EU Member States or other eligible countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, West Bank & Gaza, beneficiaries of Pre-Accession Assistance or Member States of the European Economic Area). The EUPfP seeks to strengthen the capacity for conflict resistance and empower marginalised parties as well to build trust between Israelis and Arabs. What does it do? The EU “Partnership for Peace Programme” supports initiatives in areas which are likely to have a direct impact on Middle East people’s everyday lives and welfare, including practical activities to promote communication and understanding. Projects include finding and implementing mechanisms for conflict management and educating communities about concepts and skills for dealing with disputes and for promoting peace. The EUPfP also seeks to strengthen and increase direct civil society relationships and cooperation, based on equality and reciprocity between Israelis, Palestinians and other Arabs. A call for proposals is published annually or bi-annually and the selection is made by a specialized evaluation committee. On average, 15-25 projects are selected for each round, with a

Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Russia, Syria*, Tunisia, Ukraine

in the operation, role and functions of EU institutions as well as insights into major areas of internal EU policies and how they impact upon the European Union’s external relations (i.e. external dimension of internal EU policies).

Timeframe: 2011-2013 Budget: €2 million

Actions in brief: n Implements the EUPfP programme to reinforce civil society organisations acting in peace building and conflict transformation. n Increases the base for support to the Middle East peace process. n Empowers marginalized communities and strengthens their capacity to conflict resistance. n Raises awareness of decision-makers and public opinion on existing visions for peace Some example of projects implemented: n Palestinian-Israeli Peace NGO Forum (civil society) n Partners in Business, Partners in Peace: Increasing Capacities for Israeli-Palestinian Business Cooperation n Good Water Neighbours: building foundations for peace through education and practical actions that promote just and efficient management of trans- boundary water resources n Fair Trade, Fair Peace n The Regional Implications of the Establishment of a Palestinian State n Breaking the Cycle of Alienation: Coexistence through Education n PATENT 'Partnership for Advocacy, Technology and Entrepreneurship' n Russian Speaking Community in Israel and the Peace Process: Bridging the Divide n So Far So Close III - Conflict transformation in the most marginalized areas of the West Bank

16 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Objectives: The project aims to improve the professional skills and ENP-specific knowledge of relevant staff from within the civil service and public administrations of ENP partner countries in order to enable to them to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the European Neighbourhood Policy, as well as other relevant EU policies. The project is designed to improve the effectiveness of policies and the relationship between the EU and the neighbourhood countries, and to help deepen political dialogue and cooperation with each of the neighbours. What does it do? Managed by the College of Europe, the project proposes tailor-made training on ENP policy, its regional aspects and specificities in the south, east and at interregional level as well as critical issues of policy importance (e.g. environment, agriculture, energy and trade, improving contacts between people, etc.). In addition, trainings provide intensive grounding


Actions in brief: n Designs, organises and delivers 12 professional training seminars in the College of Europe (Campuses of Bruges and Natolin); n Divides the training into eight modules - six ‘knowledge modules’ whose main objective is to provide the participants with key information on different topics and two ‘skills modules’ on negotiation and project management, which allow participants to develop highly technical and practical know-how; n Trains an estimated 400-500 people; n Conducts a training needs assessment in each beneficiary country; n Conducts a mapping exercise of similar training activities in the whole region and summarises this into a single document to appear on the project’s website.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -17

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Euromed Justice III

Euromed Police III

Contributes to the development of a Euro Mediterranean area of cooperation on justice, through strengthening the development of the institutional and administrative capacity of Partner Countries and good governance

Strengthens cooperation between the police forces of the EU and Mediterranean Partner Countries and the forces of the Mediterranean Partner Countries themselves Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia. Timeframe: 2011 - 2014 Timeframe: 2011 - 2014 Budget: €5 million Objectives: To support the development of the Mediterranean partners' institutional and administrative capacity and good governance in the field of justice, including the modernisation of justice systems, the simplification of judicial proceedings and improved access to justice. The project is structured around three components covering access to justice and legal aid, the resolution of cross border family conflicts and the adaptation of legislation in line with the relevant international conventions on criminal and prison law. What does it do? The project will set up working groups, meetings, training sessions and "on-the-job study visits" to support the modernisation of justice systems, the simplification/ speeding-up of judicial proceedings and an improved access to justice and legal aid and the quality of justice; and to develop judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, and support initiatives for the reform of criminal and penitentiary law, with a view to facilitating the transposition of the relevant international conventions into the domestic law of the partner countries and their implementation. It also seeks to enhance cooperation in civil and criminal justice and explore possibilities to liaise and create synergies with the relevant EU cooperation units and networks and find ways of facilitating the role of the liaison magistrates. Furthermore, it aims at strengthening the existing interprofessional community

of magistrates and law officials, and reinforcing contacts between the Judicial Training Centres of the ENPI South partner countries. In addition, working group sessions on Criminal Law will be organised for representatives from each of the beneficiary countries, aiming at the preparation of a tool equivalent to the so-called "fiches belges” for the ENPI South partner countries, in order to support the mutual knowledge of the different judicial systems. The project builds on the achievements of the project’s previous phases Euromed Justice I and Euromed Justice II. Actions in brief: n Sets up 4 working groups on cooperation in the areas of: access to justice and legal aid, justice and new technologies, resolution of cross-border family conflicts and criminal and prison law, to formulate comparative report of national experiences and ‘handbooks’ on the respective themes. n Holds 24 meetings and training sessions on the working group issues. n Organises 3 study visits to EU, for judges, magistrates, prosecutors other members of the judiciary and officials. n Conducts 2 meetings with Judicial Training Centres for the strengthening of magistrates’ training. n Draſts a research report on access to justice and legal aid. n Draſts a research report on resolution of cross-border family conflicts. n Creates a project website, providing a range of information on its activities. n Organises 3 regional conferences of general value for the development and promotion of the project’s progress.

18 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Budget: €5 million Objectives: It aims at fostering cooperation on police issues between the ENPI South partner countries and EU countries and ENPI South partner countries themselves, contributing to the reinforcement of the political and security dialogue and to the enhancement of security/police services and operational police coordination throughout the region. It focuses on enhanced cooperation in the fight against terrorism, human trafficking, money laundering, drug trafficking, financial crimes, weapons trafficking and the CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) threat and cyber crime and new forms of criminal offences, through the development of closer links between policy and judiciary in both the EU and the Mediterranean partner countries, in a context of deeper dialogue and enhanced contacts, and through training and technical assistance for police officers. It builds on the achievements of the project’s previous phases Euromed Police I and Euromed Police II. What does it do? It supports operational police coordination through meetings of Directors General of Police, Custom and Security Services. It holds specialist information sessions


dealing with practical police cooperation, carries out training on policy cooperation for senior officers from specialised services and special intervention units in the partner countries and organises conferences for Directors of police academies, colleges and training centres. It is also creating an updated, secure intranet website for senior police officers from the Mediterranean Partner Countries in order to allow better exchange of information and good practices between them and their counterparts from EU countries. Actions in brief n Strengthens international police cooperation n Organises 3 meetings for Directors General of Police, Customs and Security Services and establishing a structured network of Liaison officers n Holds 18 training sessions for Heads or senior officers of specialised police services and special units n Runs 6 specialised information sessions for Heads of special intervention units n Conducts 5 conferences for Directors of Police Academies, colleges and training centres n Organises 3 Regional conferences of general value for the development of police cooperation and promotion of the project’s progress n Creates an intranet website for the participants of the project to facilitate better exchange of information and reinforce cooperation

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -19

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Euromed Justice III

Euromed Police III

Contributes to the development of a Euro Mediterranean area of cooperation on justice, through strengthening the development of the institutional and administrative capacity of Partner Countries and good governance

Strengthens cooperation between the police forces of the EU and Mediterranean Partner Countries and the forces of the Mediterranean Partner Countries themselves Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia. Timeframe: 2011 - 2014 Timeframe: 2011 - 2014 Budget: €5 million Objectives: To support the development of the Mediterranean partners' institutional and administrative capacity and good governance in the field of justice, including the modernisation of justice systems, the simplification of judicial proceedings and improved access to justice. The project is structured around three components covering access to justice and legal aid, the resolution of cross border family conflicts and the adaptation of legislation in line with the relevant international conventions on criminal and prison law. What does it do? The project will set up working groups, meetings, training sessions and "on-the-job study visits" to support the modernisation of justice systems, the simplification/ speeding-up of judicial proceedings and an improved access to justice and legal aid and the quality of justice; and to develop judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, and support initiatives for the reform of criminal and penitentiary law, with a view to facilitating the transposition of the relevant international conventions into the domestic law of the partner countries and their implementation. It also seeks to enhance cooperation in civil and criminal justice and explore possibilities to liaise and create synergies with the relevant EU cooperation units and networks and find ways of facilitating the role of the liaison magistrates. Furthermore, it aims at strengthening the existing interprofessional community

of magistrates and law officials, and reinforcing contacts between the Judicial Training Centres of the ENPI South partner countries. In addition, working group sessions on Criminal Law will be organised for representatives from each of the beneficiary countries, aiming at the preparation of a tool equivalent to the so-called "fiches belges” for the ENPI South partner countries, in order to support the mutual knowledge of the different judicial systems. The project builds on the achievements of the project’s previous phases Euromed Justice I and Euromed Justice II. Actions in brief: n Sets up 4 working groups on cooperation in the areas of: access to justice and legal aid, justice and new technologies, resolution of cross-border family conflicts and criminal and prison law, to formulate comparative report of national experiences and ‘handbooks’ on the respective themes. n Holds 24 meetings and training sessions on the working group issues. n Organises 3 study visits to EU, for judges, magistrates, prosecutors other members of the judiciary and officials. n Conducts 2 meetings with Judicial Training Centres for the strengthening of magistrates’ training. n Draſts a research report on access to justice and legal aid. n Draſts a research report on resolution of cross-border family conflicts. n Creates a project website, providing a range of information on its activities. n Organises 3 regional conferences of general value for the development and promotion of the project’s progress.

18 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Budget: €5 million Objectives: It aims at fostering cooperation on police issues between the ENPI South partner countries and EU countries and ENPI South partner countries themselves, contributing to the reinforcement of the political and security dialogue and to the enhancement of security/police services and operational police coordination throughout the region. It focuses on enhanced cooperation in the fight against terrorism, human trafficking, money laundering, drug trafficking, financial crimes, weapons trafficking and the CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) threat and cyber crime and new forms of criminal offences, through the development of closer links between policy and judiciary in both the EU and the Mediterranean partner countries, in a context of deeper dialogue and enhanced contacts, and through training and technical assistance for police officers. It builds on the achievements of the project’s previous phases Euromed Police I and Euromed Police II. What does it do? It supports operational police coordination through meetings of Directors General of Police, Custom and Security Services. It holds specialist information sessions


dealing with practical police cooperation, carries out training on policy cooperation for senior officers from specialised services and special intervention units in the partner countries and organises conferences for Directors of police academies, colleges and training centres. It is also creating an updated, secure intranet website for senior police officers from the Mediterranean Partner Countries in order to allow better exchange of information and good practices between them and their counterparts from EU countries. Actions in brief n Strengthens international police cooperation n Organises 3 meetings for Directors General of Police, Customs and Security Services and establishing a structured network of Liaison officers n Holds 18 training sessions for Heads or senior officers of specialised police services and special units n Runs 6 specialised information sessions for Heads of special intervention units n Conducts 5 conferences for Directors of Police Academies, colleges and training centres n Organises 3 Regional conferences of general value for the development of police cooperation and promotion of the project’s progress n Creates an intranet website for the participants of the project to facilitate better exchange of information and reinforce cooperation

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -19

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Strengthening democratic reform in the southern Neighbourhood

Euro-Med Migration III

A joint EU-Council of Europe programme to support partner countries from the southern Mediterranean, engaged in building deep and sustainable democracy

Contributes to the development of a Euro-Mediterranean area of cooperation on migration and assists Partner countries in their efforts to find solutions to various forms of migration The programme will initially be rolled out in Tunisia and Morocco, although activities will also be open to other partner countries in the region engaged in a process of democratic transformation Timeframe: 2012-2014 Budget: €4.8 Million (EU Contribution) Objectives: The overall objective of this joint programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe (CoE) is to strengthen the political and democratic reform processes in southern Neighbourhood partner countries so that they meet European and international standards. This is based on a demand-driven and targeted approach. The programme aims at strengthening the independence and efficiency of the judiciary; promoting good governance and preventing corruption and money laundering; combating the problem of trafficking in human beings; and promoting democratic values. What does it do? The programme will target governmental bodies at all levels; parliaments and public structures with specific responsibilities in the relevant areas, civil society and youth representatives. Partner countries will be invited to step up their co-operation with the CoE by pursuing 'Partner for Democracy' status with the CoE Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) and to take steps towards possible accession to a number of governance-related CoE conventions in the areas of criminal law, prevention and financing of terrorism, cybercrime, torture and fight against corruption The programme is in line with the EU's new approach to its Neighbourhood announced in May 2011, and complements existing and future EU programmes and initiatives in the southern Mediterranean, such as Support for Partnership, Reform and Inclusive Growth (SPRING initiative), the Civil Society Facility and European Endowment for Democracy. The programme is designed to improve the state of play in four main areas: independence and functioning of the judiciary; promoting good governance: prevention and combating of corrup-

tion, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing; supporting measures to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings; and promoting democratic values and institutions. The programme will also be flexible enough to react to new and emerging priorities/activities which may result from the political context in the region. Actions in brief: n Carries out needs assessments and analysis concerning the legal and institutional framework related to the independence of the judiciary and the fight against corruption and money-laundering n Provides legal opinions on the review of the constitutional, legal and institutional framework and support to constitutional and electoral reform in the region through the CoE Venice Commission’s network n Supports the draſting of recommendations on policy, institutional and legislative issues in the field of human trafficking and seeks to establish direct channels of communication among professionals engaged in the fight against trafficking in human beings n Gives policy advice to key institutions through seminars, workshops, study visits and knowledge sharing activities including round tables/expert working groups to allow for exchange of best practices and peer reviews n Provides training based on identified areas for capacitybuilding, including on “train the trainers” basis n Provides training and capacity-building of civil society actors through networking with public authorities and with other international NGOs, in the field of drug prevention, drug addiction and substitution treatment as well as support to the development and implementation of a National drug action plan n Trains young political leaders through the School of Political Studies; participation in regional activities within the network of schools

20 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean

2012-2014 Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia countries and EU Member States and information material on legal Migration will also be produced.

Timeframe: 2012 - 2014 Budget: €5 million Objectives: It aims at strengthening cooperation in the management of migration so as to build up the Mediterranean Partners' capacity to provide an effective, targeted and comprehensive solution to the various forms of migration. It will assist them in creating mechanisms to promote opportunities for legal migration, support for measures to promote the linkage between migration and development and the stepping up of activities to stamp out people trafficking and illegal immigration, and strengthen their border management capacities. It follows on from Euro-Med Migration I and Euromed Migration II. What does it do? The project will set up mechanisms such as specific meetings, training sessions and expert missions to combat illegal migration in the Euro-Mediterranean region efficiently and strengthen border management capacity of the partner countries, to promote legal migration channels and workers’ mobility and to strengthen synergies between migration and development with the recognition of the role of remittances and of the banking system. It will also produce tools to assist in better designing migration policies and better integrating them in National Development Strategies in ENPI South partner countries, and identify mechanisms for better management of legal migration, through the realisation of "Migration Profiles" for each of the ENPI South partner countries. A study on the methodologies and techniques for matching the labour market needs of ENPI South partner


The project is made up of three different thematic components in accordance with the EU Policy on migration and along with the EU Global Approach to Migration, and of a horizontal one covering the three strands, respectively: Horizontal component; Legal migration, Migration and Development and Illegal migration Actions in brief n Sets up a "Migration profile team" in each partner country to prepare a national "Migration Profile" n Holds 2 regional meetings and 9 expert missions to assist these teams n Organises 9 Punctual Technical Assistance missions at the demand of the partner countries to assist them and allow them to reproduce trainings at national level or coach their institutions n Runs 8 meetings and 16 training sessions on legal migration, migration and development and the fight against illegal migration n Carries out a Study on the methodologies and techniques in order to match the labour market needs of ENPI South partner countries and EU Member States n Organises 3 Regional conferences of general value for the development and promotion of the project’s progress n Creates a project website that will allow the participants to the project activities to exchange information and which will provide a range of relevant information on migration cooperation

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -21

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Strengthening democratic reform in the southern Neighbourhood

Euro-Med Migration III

A joint EU-Council of Europe programme to support partner countries from the southern Mediterranean, engaged in building deep and sustainable democracy

Contributes to the development of a Euro-Mediterranean area of cooperation on migration and assists Partner countries in their efforts to find solutions to various forms of migration The programme will initially be rolled out in Tunisia and Morocco, although activities will also be open to other partner countries in the region engaged in a process of democratic transformation Timeframe: 2012-2014 Budget: €4.8 Million (EU Contribution) Objectives: The overall objective of this joint programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe (CoE) is to strengthen the political and democratic reform processes in southern Neighbourhood partner countries so that they meet European and international standards. This is based on a demand-driven and targeted approach. The programme aims at strengthening the independence and efficiency of the judiciary; promoting good governance and preventing corruption and money laundering; combating the problem of trafficking in human beings; and promoting democratic values. What does it do? The programme will target governmental bodies at all levels; parliaments and public structures with specific responsibilities in the relevant areas, civil society and youth representatives. Partner countries will be invited to step up their co-operation with the CoE by pursuing 'Partner for Democracy' status with the CoE Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) and to take steps towards possible accession to a number of governance-related CoE conventions in the areas of criminal law, prevention and financing of terrorism, cybercrime, torture and fight against corruption The programme is in line with the EU's new approach to its Neighbourhood announced in May 2011, and complements existing and future EU programmes and initiatives in the southern Mediterranean, such as Support for Partnership, Reform and Inclusive Growth (SPRING initiative), the Civil Society Facility and European Endowment for Democracy. The programme is designed to improve the state of play in four main areas: independence and functioning of the judiciary; promoting good governance: prevention and combating of corrup-

tion, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing; supporting measures to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings; and promoting democratic values and institutions. The programme will also be flexible enough to react to new and emerging priorities/activities which may result from the political context in the region. Actions in brief: n Carries out needs assessments and analysis concerning the legal and institutional framework related to the independence of the judiciary and the fight against corruption and money-laundering n Provides legal opinions on the review of the constitutional, legal and institutional framework and support to constitutional and electoral reform in the region through the CoE Venice Commission’s network n Supports the draſting of recommendations on policy, institutional and legislative issues in the field of human trafficking and seeks to establish direct channels of communication among professionals engaged in the fight against trafficking in human beings n Gives policy advice to key institutions through seminars, workshops, study visits and knowledge sharing activities including round tables/expert working groups to allow for exchange of best practices and peer reviews n Provides training based on identified areas for capacitybuilding, including on “train the trainers” basis n Provides training and capacity-building of civil society actors through networking with public authorities and with other international NGOs, in the field of drug prevention, drug addiction and substitution treatment as well as support to the development and implementation of a National drug action plan n Trains young political leaders through the School of Political Studies; participation in regional activities within the network of schools

20 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean

2012-2014 Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia countries and EU Member States and information material on legal Migration will also be produced.

Timeframe: 2012 - 2014 Budget: €5 million Objectives: It aims at strengthening cooperation in the management of migration so as to build up the Mediterranean Partners' capacity to provide an effective, targeted and comprehensive solution to the various forms of migration. It will assist them in creating mechanisms to promote opportunities for legal migration, support for measures to promote the linkage between migration and development and the stepping up of activities to stamp out people trafficking and illegal immigration, and strengthen their border management capacities. It follows on from Euro-Med Migration I and Euromed Migration II. What does it do? The project will set up mechanisms such as specific meetings, training sessions and expert missions to combat illegal migration in the Euro-Mediterranean region efficiently and strengthen border management capacity of the partner countries, to promote legal migration channels and workers’ mobility and to strengthen synergies between migration and development with the recognition of the role of remittances and of the banking system. It will also produce tools to assist in better designing migration policies and better integrating them in National Development Strategies in ENPI South partner countries, and identify mechanisms for better management of legal migration, through the realisation of "Migration Profiles" for each of the ENPI South partner countries. A study on the methodologies and techniques for matching the labour market needs of ENPI South partner


The project is made up of three different thematic components in accordance with the EU Policy on migration and along with the EU Global Approach to Migration, and of a horizontal one covering the three strands, respectively: Horizontal component; Legal migration, Migration and Development and Illegal migration Actions in brief n Sets up a "Migration profile team" in each partner country to prepare a national "Migration Profile" n Holds 2 regional meetings and 9 expert missions to assist these teams n Organises 9 Punctual Technical Assistance missions at the demand of the partner countries to assist them and allow them to reproduce trainings at national level or coach their institutions n Runs 8 meetings and 16 training sessions on legal migration, migration and development and the fight against illegal migration n Carries out a Study on the methodologies and techniques in order to match the labour market needs of ENPI South partner countries and EU Member States n Organises 3 Regional conferences of general value for the development and promotion of the project’s progress n Creates a project website that will allow the participants to the project activities to exchange information and which will provide a range of relevant information on migration cooperation

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -21

Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Enhancing the capacity of civil society organisations in promoting and protecting the rights of migrants in the Southern Mediterranean region Strengthens the capacities of civil society organisations (CSOs) from the Southern Mediterranean to promote and protect the rights of migrants Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia Timeframe: 2009-2013 Budget: €1.1 million (80% from the EU) Objectives: The project seeks to strengthen the capacities of civil society organisations (CSOs) from the Southern Mediterranean to promote and protect the rights of migrants. Actions target mainly local and regional Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working in the fields of the promotion of human rights, women’s rights, migrants protection and assistance in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya (mainly active from outside the country) and Egypt. The final beneficiaries of the project are migrants in the Southern Mediterranean Region. What does it do? The project supports regional and subregional networking between CSOs from the Mediterranean region and more specifically from Southern Mediterranean countries, encouraging dialogue and cooperation between CSOs from countries of origin as well as transit and destination countries. It also develops policy discussions and formulations on migration and asylum, promotes international and regional human

rights instruments affecting the rights of migrants, and supports the development of legislative and political frameworks providing adequate protection to migrants. The project promotes and protects the rights of migrants with specific attention to the gender dimension and raises awareness on the situation of migrants in Northern Africa and the Southern Mediterranean. Actions in brief: n Sets up a regional working group on migration and asylum that meets twice a year; n Organises subregional meetings (two meetings in total); n Draſts and publishes country factsheets n Conducts mapping and networking field visits n Sets up a regional Migration and Asylum Alert Mission; n Publishes newsletters on migration and asylum n Coordinates and exchanges information with CSOs; n Addresses a total of 115 NGOs directly through regional working group meetings, newsletters, addressed to 3,000 subscribers; contacts a number of stakeholders during field visits and alert missions.

22 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Institutional dialogue, governance and human rights Supporting common regional institutions Political dialogue Justice, Freedom and Security Migration

Enhancing the capacity of civil society organisations in promoting and protecting the rights of migrants in the Southern Mediterranean region Strengthens the capacities of civil society organisations (CSOs) from the Southern Mediterranean to promote and protect the rights of migrants Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia Timeframe: 2009-2013 Budget: €1.1 million (80% from the EU) Objectives: The project seeks to strengthen the capacities of civil society organisations (CSOs) from the Southern Mediterranean to promote and protect the rights of migrants. Actions target mainly local and regional Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working in the fields of the promotion of human rights, women’s rights, migrants protection and assistance in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya (mainly active from outside the country) and Egypt. The final beneficiaries of the project are migrants in the Southern Mediterranean Region. What does it do? The project supports regional and subregional networking between CSOs from the Mediterranean region and more specifically from Southern Mediterranean countries, encouraging dialogue and cooperation between CSOs from countries of origin as well as transit and destination countries. It also develops policy discussions and formulations on migration and asylum, promotes international and regional human

rights instruments affecting the rights of migrants, and supports the development of legislative and political frameworks providing adequate protection to migrants. The project promotes and protects the rights of migrants with specific attention to the gender dimension and raises awareness on the situation of migrants in Northern Africa and the Southern Mediterranean. Actions in brief: n Sets up a regional working group on migration and asylum that meets twice a year; n Organises subregional meetings (two meetings in total); n Draſts and publishes country factsheets n Conducts mapping and networking field visits n Sets up a regional Migration and Asylum Alert Mission; n Publishes newsletters on migration and asylum n Coordinates and exchanges information with CSOs; n Addresses a total of 115 NGOs directly through regional working group meetings, newsletters, addressed to 3,000 subscribers; contacts a number of stakeholders during field visits and alert missions.

22 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Social and human development Regional coopearation works with people on the ground, in the The projects developed in this area are:

Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs), in order to build their

Culture and Media 27 Euromed Audiovisual III 28 Media and culture for development in the Southern Mediterranean region 29 Regional Communication Programme

capacity and promote principles such as mutual understanding, partic-

Youth and Intercultural Dialogue 31 Euromed Youth IV 32 Anna Lindh Foundation for Inter-Cultural Dialogue

with several cooperation programmes in fields ranging from audiovi-

33 34 36 37

ipation, gender equality, democracy and good governance. The cultural pillar has been put into action as a vector for development,

sual, to media, youth exchanges and intercultural dialogue. Civil Society is being enhanced as a key player in promoting debate,

Civil society and local authorities CIUDAD – Sustainable Urban Development Support to the European Endowment for Democracy Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility TRESMED 4 – Civil society dialogue

democracy and good governance with projects fostering its development in the Mediterranean Partner Countries. The projects under this pillar are grouped under Culture and Media, Youth and Intercultural Dialogue, Civil Society and Local Authorities,

Education 39 Erasmus Mundus II – Action 2 Partnerships 40 TEMPUS IV for higher education 41 eTwinning Plus

Education and Gender.

Gender 42 Spring forward for women

24 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean



Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -25

Social and human development Regional coopearation works with people on the ground, in the The projects developed in this area are:

Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs), in order to build their

Culture and Media 27 Euromed Audiovisual III 28 Media and culture for development in the Southern Mediterranean region 29 Regional Communication Programme

capacity and promote principles such as mutual understanding, partic-

Youth and Intercultural Dialogue 31 Euromed Youth IV 32 Anna Lindh Foundation for Inter-Cultural Dialogue

with several cooperation programmes in fields ranging from audiovi-

33 34 36 37

ipation, gender equality, democracy and good governance. The cultural pillar has been put into action as a vector for development,

sual, to media, youth exchanges and intercultural dialogue. Civil Society is being enhanced as a key player in promoting debate,

Civil society and local authorities CIUDAD – Sustainable Urban Development Support to the European Endowment for Democracy Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility TRESMED 4 – Civil society dialogue

democracy and good governance with projects fostering its development in the Mediterranean Partner Countries. The projects under this pillar are grouped under Culture and Media, Youth and Intercultural Dialogue, Civil Society and Local Authorities,

Education 39 Erasmus Mundus II – Action 2 Partnerships 40 TEMPUS IV for higher education 41 eTwinning Plus

Education and Gender.

Gender 42 Spring forward for women

24 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean



Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -25

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Euromed Audiovisual III Contributes to intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity through support to building the film sector capacity in the Mediterranean Partner Countries Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Euro-Mediterranean level, and assistance towards the harmonisation of legislative frameworks and professional practices.

Timeframe: 2009-2014 Budget: €11 million Objectives: The programme aims to contribute to intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity through support for the development of cinematographic and audiovisual capacity in the Partner Countries. It promotes complementarity and integration of the region’s film and audiovisual industries, while seeking to harmonise public sector policy and legislation Developed on the basis of the Strategy for the Development of a Euro-Mediterranean Audiovisual Cooperation, it builds on the achievements of Euromed Audiovisual I and Euromed Audiovisual II, aiming to tap into the potential of a developing audiovisual market in the region, and to assist Mediterranean films in securing a place on the global scene. What does it do? The programme contributes to the reinforcement of a Southern Mediterranean film industry through actions supporting the emergence of an audience for such films and the creation of a market for their distribution. It contributes towards a job-creating film industry through the sharing of technologies and know-how, the encouragement of cooperation between producers, distributors and other operators at a

It also seeks to prepare the ground for a regional support mechanism for the film industry, which will examine the implementation of a regional financial support mechanism, update existing financing systems in each country and make easier co-productions between the Partner Countries and Europe. Actions in brief: n Creates a network of distribution to increase the circulation of movies in the region. n Develops the training of industry professionals and encourages the creation of networks. n Three schools of the region are setting up three poles of excellence on transmedia studies. n Six public broadcasters of the region are actively working together to propose audiovisual content to their respective audiences (video on demand, satellite, etc…) n Assists the harmonization of legislative frameworks and professional practices. n Provides technical support and regional tools for financing and production systems. n More than 60 documentaries and feature films are in a development stage

An ancient wooden door in Tangier, Morocco, July 5, 2011. An active campaign of cultural heritage protection was held under the EuroMed Heritage Siwa and Tangier Project (Photo EPA©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre). 2012-2014

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -27

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Euromed Audiovisual III Contributes to intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity through support to building the film sector capacity in the Mediterranean Partner Countries Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Euro-Mediterranean level, and assistance towards the harmonisation of legislative frameworks and professional practices.

Timeframe: 2009-2014 Budget: €11 million Objectives: The programme aims to contribute to intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity through support for the development of cinematographic and audiovisual capacity in the Partner Countries. It promotes complementarity and integration of the region’s film and audiovisual industries, while seeking to harmonise public sector policy and legislation Developed on the basis of the Strategy for the Development of a Euro-Mediterranean Audiovisual Cooperation, it builds on the achievements of Euromed Audiovisual I and Euromed Audiovisual II, aiming to tap into the potential of a developing audiovisual market in the region, and to assist Mediterranean films in securing a place on the global scene. What does it do? The programme contributes to the reinforcement of a Southern Mediterranean film industry through actions supporting the emergence of an audience for such films and the creation of a market for their distribution. It contributes towards a job-creating film industry through the sharing of technologies and know-how, the encouragement of cooperation between producers, distributors and other operators at a

It also seeks to prepare the ground for a regional support mechanism for the film industry, which will examine the implementation of a regional financial support mechanism, update existing financing systems in each country and make easier co-productions between the Partner Countries and Europe. Actions in brief: n Creates a network of distribution to increase the circulation of movies in the region. n Develops the training of industry professionals and encourages the creation of networks. n Three schools of the region are setting up three poles of excellence on transmedia studies. n Six public broadcasters of the region are actively working together to propose audiovisual content to their respective audiences (video on demand, satellite, etc…) n Assists the harmonization of legislative frameworks and professional practices. n Provides technical support and regional tools for financing and production systems. n More than 60 documentaries and feature films are in a development stage

An ancient wooden door in Tangier, Morocco, July 5, 2011. An active campaign of cultural heritage protection was held under the EuroMed Heritage Siwa and Tangier Project (Photo EPA©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre). 2012-2014

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -27

Social and human development

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Media and culture for development in the Southern Mediterranean region

Regional Communication Programme

Contributes to inclusive growth by reinforcing the media and culture sectors as vectors of development

The programme aims at boosting public awareness and understanding of the EU and its policies in the EU Neighbourhood area. It seeks in particular to improve knowledge of the European Neighbourhood Policy and EU relations with partner countries and territories

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia. Timeframe: 2013-2017

outputs are mainly functional, including architecture, advertising, design and fashion).

Budget: €17 million Objectives: The overall objective of the programme is to support the efforts of the Southern Mediterranean countries’ in building deep-rooted democracy and to contribute to their sustainable economic, social and human development, through regional cooperation in the fields of media and culture. Specifically, the programme seeks to reinforce the role of media and culture as vectors for democratisation, and economic and social development for societies in the Southern Mediterranean. What does it do? In the media field, the programme embraces people as well as public and private organisations that provide online and offline news reporting/journalism. Inter alia, the programme targets the mainstream public media in the Southern Mediterranean (e.g. print, TV and radio, and online) as well as independent media outlets including community media. The programme develops capacities of the media operators as a vector for democratisation and human rights, and also supports efforts to improve media legislation and enhance the capacities of media regulators. The programme supports activities fostering cultural policy reform and reinforcing the capacity of cultural policy makers, as well as promoting investment and the development of cultural operators' business capabilities. In the context of the programme, culture covers core arts areas (performing arts, visual arts, cultural and architectural heritage and literature), cultural industries (film, DVD and video, television and radio, video games, new media, music, books and press), and creative industries (industries, which use culture as an input but whose

Actions in brief: n Enhances the independence of the media in the region, complementing existing training sessions for journalists, enhances freedom of expression for cultural operators and for independent media (e.g. the public media sector continues its gradual shiſt from being a state-controlled propaganda tool to becoming a reliable source of balanced information respecting political pluralism and freedom of opinion); n Raises the levels of professionalism of both traditional and new media operators and helps them embrace a code of ethics based on principles that are commonly accepted internationally; n Promotes networking between journalism schools/faculties in the region to exchange best practices especially on issues related to freedom of expression and codes of ethics and promotes regional networking activities for media associations in the region; n Facilitates the creation of regional platforms that bring together national authorities, civil society organisations and media representatives to improve media legislation and facilitate media; n Contributes to cultural policy reforms and reinforces the capacity of cultural policymakers while promoting investment in culture and the development of cultural operators' business capabilities; n Improves the access of the wider public to both independent new media and cultural and artistic creation and heritage, helps to secure bigger audiences for independent media operators including community media and increases the audience for cultural productions at local and regional levels; n Helps potential investors gain a better knowledge/understanding of the cultural sector.

28 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


EU Neighbourhood Info Centre: Media Neighbourhood: EU Neighbourhood Barometer: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine (East); Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia (South) targeted channels of dissemination. It reinforces the communication capacities of EU-funded project actors, thus building sustainability over the long term. It also deals with gauging public opinion in the Neighbourhood countries and territories.

Timeframe: 2011-2014 Budget: €14 million Objectives: The Programme seeks to increase public knowledge and awareness of the EU and its relationship with the Neighbourhood countries and to create a local sense of involvement and shared ownership. It clarifies policies but also highlights the cooperation actions implemented by the EU in the region. It facilitates cooperation between journalists and media organisations, helps to build sustainable communication networks, and reinforces the capacity and competences of the main disseminators in the field of communication. What does it do? The Programme funds three projects: n Information support campaign (EU Neighbourhood Info Centre) focused on information production and dissemination and communications support; n Journalists’ training and networking (Media Neighbourhood), which provides on-the-job training for journalists from leading media in the region; n Opinion polling and media monitoring (EU Neighbourhood Barometer), conducting media monitoring and opinion surveys. The programme focuses on supporting and working with local journalists and media organisations with a view to maximise outreach to the general public. It builds up knowledge on the EU’s policy and cooperation actions in the ENPI area, increasing access to information in local languages and through appropriate and


It follows on from the previous Regional Information and communication programme (2009-2011). Actions in brief: n Trains local journalists, and builds up media networking to reinforce dialogue and share experiences in the EU Neighbourhood countries and territories; n Produces ready-to-use communication material in local languages; n Contributes to media coverage of EU policy/relations/cooperation; n Reinforces and adapts online dissemination tools (, and social media), with access in local languages; n Reinforces through training the communication capacities and competences of EU cooperation project staff; n Supports ad-hoc EU Delegation requests in the field of important communication activities; n Conducts comprehensive media monitoring and and analysis of media landscape; n Carries out opinion polls to gauge perceptions and opinion among key target audiences in the partner countries and territories to help evaluate the impact of EU policies.; In 2012, a EU Neighbourhood barometer will be launched as part of the programme.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -29

Social and human development

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Media and culture for development in the Southern Mediterranean region

Regional Communication Programme

Contributes to inclusive growth by reinforcing the media and culture sectors as vectors of development

The programme aims at boosting public awareness and understanding of the EU and its policies in the EU Neighbourhood area. It seeks in particular to improve knowledge of the European Neighbourhood Policy and EU relations with partner countries and territories

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia. Timeframe: 2013-2017

outputs are mainly functional, including architecture, advertising, design and fashion).

Budget: €17 million Objectives: The overall objective of the programme is to support the efforts of the Southern Mediterranean countries’ in building deep-rooted democracy and to contribute to their sustainable economic, social and human development, through regional cooperation in the fields of media and culture. Specifically, the programme seeks to reinforce the role of media and culture as vectors for democratisation, and economic and social development for societies in the Southern Mediterranean. What does it do? In the media field, the programme embraces people as well as public and private organisations that provide online and offline news reporting/journalism. Inter alia, the programme targets the mainstream public media in the Southern Mediterranean (e.g. print, TV and radio, and online) as well as independent media outlets including community media. The programme develops capacities of the media operators as a vector for democratisation and human rights, and also supports efforts to improve media legislation and enhance the capacities of media regulators. The programme supports activities fostering cultural policy reform and reinforcing the capacity of cultural policy makers, as well as promoting investment and the development of cultural operators' business capabilities. In the context of the programme, culture covers core arts areas (performing arts, visual arts, cultural and architectural heritage and literature), cultural industries (film, DVD and video, television and radio, video games, new media, music, books and press), and creative industries (industries, which use culture as an input but whose

Actions in brief: n Enhances the independence of the media in the region, complementing existing training sessions for journalists, enhances freedom of expression for cultural operators and for independent media (e.g. the public media sector continues its gradual shiſt from being a state-controlled propaganda tool to becoming a reliable source of balanced information respecting political pluralism and freedom of opinion); n Raises the levels of professionalism of both traditional and new media operators and helps them embrace a code of ethics based on principles that are commonly accepted internationally; n Promotes networking between journalism schools/faculties in the region to exchange best practices especially on issues related to freedom of expression and codes of ethics and promotes regional networking activities for media associations in the region; n Facilitates the creation of regional platforms that bring together national authorities, civil society organisations and media representatives to improve media legislation and facilitate media; n Contributes to cultural policy reforms and reinforces the capacity of cultural policymakers while promoting investment in culture and the development of cultural operators' business capabilities; n Improves the access of the wider public to both independent new media and cultural and artistic creation and heritage, helps to secure bigger audiences for independent media operators including community media and increases the audience for cultural productions at local and regional levels; n Helps potential investors gain a better knowledge/understanding of the cultural sector.

28 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


EU Neighbourhood Info Centre: Media Neighbourhood: EU Neighbourhood Barometer: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine (East); Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia (South) targeted channels of dissemination. It reinforces the communication capacities of EU-funded project actors, thus building sustainability over the long term. It also deals with gauging public opinion in the Neighbourhood countries and territories.

Timeframe: 2011-2014 Budget: €14 million Objectives: The Programme seeks to increase public knowledge and awareness of the EU and its relationship with the Neighbourhood countries and to create a local sense of involvement and shared ownership. It clarifies policies but also highlights the cooperation actions implemented by the EU in the region. It facilitates cooperation between journalists and media organisations, helps to build sustainable communication networks, and reinforces the capacity and competences of the main disseminators in the field of communication. What does it do? The Programme funds three projects: n Information support campaign (EU Neighbourhood Info Centre) focused on information production and dissemination and communications support; n Journalists’ training and networking (Media Neighbourhood), which provides on-the-job training for journalists from leading media in the region; n Opinion polling and media monitoring (EU Neighbourhood Barometer), conducting media monitoring and opinion surveys. The programme focuses on supporting and working with local journalists and media organisations with a view to maximise outreach to the general public. It builds up knowledge on the EU’s policy and cooperation actions in the ENPI area, increasing access to information in local languages and through appropriate and


It follows on from the previous Regional Information and communication programme (2009-2011). Actions in brief: n Trains local journalists, and builds up media networking to reinforce dialogue and share experiences in the EU Neighbourhood countries and territories; n Produces ready-to-use communication material in local languages; n Contributes to media coverage of EU policy/relations/cooperation; n Reinforces and adapts online dissemination tools (, and social media), with access in local languages; n Reinforces through training the communication capacities and competences of EU cooperation project staff; n Supports ad-hoc EU Delegation requests in the field of important communication activities; n Conducts comprehensive media monitoring and and analysis of media landscape; n Carries out opinion polls to gauge perceptions and opinion among key target audiences in the partner countries and territories to help evaluate the impact of EU policies.; In 2012, a EU Neighbourhood barometer will be launched as part of the programme.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -29

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

EuroMed Youth IV Supports and strengthens the participation and contribution of youth organisations and youth from the Euro-Mediterranean region to the development of society and democracy, and promotes dialogue and understanding Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2010 – 2014 Budget: €11 Million Objectives: The programme aims at stimulating and encouraging a mutual comprehension among youth in the EuroMediterranean region, fighting stereotypes and prejudices and enhancing the sense of solidarity among youth by promoting active citizenship. It also seeks to contribute to the development of youth policies in the Mediterranean Partner Countries. It follows on from the Euromed Youth III programme carried out from 2005-2009. What does it do? It supports concrete actions implemented by organisations on the ground following calls for proposals, focusing on three types of actions: Youth Exchanges, Voluntary Service and training and networking. It also carries out a training programme for Euromed Youth Units, in charge of managing the programme locally, so they acquire a legitimate status allowing them to play an effective role in the national strategies. Similar support is offered to organisations implementing the projects locally aiming at

strengthening their capacities and those of their leaders and allowing them to establish exchanges and partnerships with European organisations. Thematic priorities are set focusing on the fight against racism and xenophobia and the promotion of more tolerance, active citizenship, gender equality etc. The programme supports young people exchanges through the establishment of partnerships and sustainable links between organisations of different backgrounds in an atmosphere of tolerance, solidarity, mutual understanding and peace. It also facilitates youth to understand innovative actions and develop a responsible and active role in social, professional and political life. Actions in brief n Supports projects promoting youth exchanges, voluntary service, training and networking, etc. n Encourages positive attitudes in in the face of stereotypes and prejudices, and raises awarness to cultural diversity and commun values. n Facilitates youth exchanges through partnerships and links between organisations. n Ensures Euromed Youth Units acquire a legitimate status allowing them to play an effective role in the national strategies.

Young people from Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, France, Italy and Spain participating in the EuroMed Youth Exchange Project “Two shores - a single dream”. The program is funded by the European Union (Photo EPA©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre). 2012-2014

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -31

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

EuroMed Youth IV Supports and strengthens the participation and contribution of youth organisations and youth from the Euro-Mediterranean region to the development of society and democracy, and promotes dialogue and understanding Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2010 – 2014 Budget: €11 Million Objectives: The programme aims at stimulating and encouraging a mutual comprehension among youth in the EuroMediterranean region, fighting stereotypes and prejudices and enhancing the sense of solidarity among youth by promoting active citizenship. It also seeks to contribute to the development of youth policies in the Mediterranean Partner Countries. It follows on from the Euromed Youth III programme carried out from 2005-2009. What does it do? It supports concrete actions implemented by organisations on the ground following calls for proposals, focusing on three types of actions: Youth Exchanges, Voluntary Service and training and networking. It also carries out a training programme for Euromed Youth Units, in charge of managing the programme locally, so they acquire a legitimate status allowing them to play an effective role in the national strategies. Similar support is offered to organisations implementing the projects locally aiming at

strengthening their capacities and those of their leaders and allowing them to establish exchanges and partnerships with European organisations. Thematic priorities are set focusing on the fight against racism and xenophobia and the promotion of more tolerance, active citizenship, gender equality etc. The programme supports young people exchanges through the establishment of partnerships and sustainable links between organisations of different backgrounds in an atmosphere of tolerance, solidarity, mutual understanding and peace. It also facilitates youth to understand innovative actions and develop a responsible and active role in social, professional and political life. Actions in brief n Supports projects promoting youth exchanges, voluntary service, training and networking, etc. n Encourages positive attitudes in in the face of stereotypes and prejudices, and raises awarness to cultural diversity and commun values. n Facilitates youth exchanges through partnerships and links between organisations. n Ensures Euromed Youth Units acquire a legitimate status allowing them to play an effective role in the national strategies.

Young people from Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, France, Italy and Spain participating in the EuroMed Youth Exchange Project “Two shores - a single dream”. The program is funded by the European Union (Photo EPA©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre). 2012-2014

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -31

Social and human development

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Anna Lindh Foundation for Inter-Cultural Dialogue

CIUDAD – Sustainable urban development

Promotes knowledge, mutual respect and inter-cultural dialogue between the people of the Euro-Mediterranean region, working through a network of more than 3,000 civil society organisations in 43 countries

Aims to help local governments in the ENPI region address urban development problems in a sustainable manner, promoting cooperation between local actors and their EU counterparts

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia as well as all 27 EU member states and remaining members of the Union for the Mediterranean, making a total of 43 countries

Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Russia, Syria*, Tunisia, Ukraine Timeframe: 2009 - 2013

Timeframe: 2012-2014 (third phase) Budget: EU contribution: €10 Million. EU Member States contribution: €6 million Objectives: Working towards its overall aim of promoting understanding and inter-cultural dialogue in the region, the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) is guided in its current phase by three specific objectives: i) to improve mutual perceptions and promote mutual understanding; ii) to promote inter-cultural dialogue at grass roots level through the implementation of civil society initiatives; iii) to reinforce the ALF networks of civil society organisations, ensuring that the actions of their members converge towards common objectives. Launched in 2005, the Anna Lindh Foundation is the first institution to be jointly created and co-financed by all member countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. In 2008, the Paris Summit launching the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) spelled out in its final declaration that the ALF would contribute to the cultural dimension of the UfM. The current phase builds on the achievements of the previous phase. What does it do? The Foundation functions as a ‘network of networks’ with a national network in each of the 43 member countries. It facilitates and supports the action of civil society in the following priority fields: n Culture and Creativity n Education and Intercultural Learning n Cities and Spaces of Citizenship n Media and Public Opinion

In each priority field, the Foundation develops large-scale programmes in collaboration with international partners, and grants support for projects that bring together members of its 43 Civil Society Networks through its open Calls for Proposals. These projects represent the main instrument to develop intercultural dialogue at different social levels, targeting youth and students, teachers, children and those more in need of education in diversity, tolerance and intercultural dialogue. The ALF also assumes a monitoring task on the evolution of values and intercultural trends in the region. It has also created its own annual Journalism Prize and a Euro-Mediterranean Award for Dialogue between Cultures. Actions in brief n Conducts comparative analyses of the evolution of perceptions, values and behaviours in the region n Produces a report on Intercultural Dialogue and disseminates among ALF members n Organises seminars and education training in intercultural dialogue; organises the Euromed Journalist Award, and a translation programme: acts as observatory of translation in the region n Launches a Call for project grants – long term, short term and thematic n Organises the Anna Lindh Forum n Coordinates 43 networks and gathers together over 3,000 member organisations n Organises common actions for its networks, provides training and tools to improve their quality and impact, promotes network participation in Foundation activities, and offers services such as fundraising support, partnership matching, contact meetings, etc. to make national networks more effective

32 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Budget: €14 million Objectives: The programme “Cooperation in Urban Development and Dialogue” (CIUDAD) aims to promote mutual understanding, dialogue and cooperation between local actors in the EU and in the Partner Countries of the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood (ENPI region) through the provision of capacity building for the modernisation and strengthening of local and regional government. It also seeks to create new partnerships and strengthen existing ones, among local and regional authorities in the ENPI region (South-South, East-East and South-East partnerships), leading to long-term benefits extending beyond the life of the programme. CIUDAD builds on the work of previous initiatives such as the MED'ACT and MED-PACT programmes funded under the MEDA instrument (South), and the TCAS and IBPP programmes funded under the TACIS instrument (East) and others. What does it do? 21 projects that receive co-financing (grants) focus on three thematic priorities. These are: Environmental sustainability and energy efficiency; Sustainable economic devel-


opment and reduction of social disparities; Good governance and sustainable urban development planning. Partnerships are made up of consortia of organisations including local authorities, universities, NGOs and others working on sustainable urban development issues, both from the EU and ENPI partner countries. A supporting mechanism to the programme provides technical support to the beneficiaries, monitors progress and ensures the dissemination of results of the projects and visibility of CIUDAD, primarily through the use of existing city and regional networks. Actions in brief: n Promotes the concept of sustainable urban development in the EU and the ENPI region. n Creates sustainable partnerships between local authorities in the EU and in the ENPI region, as well as between the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood partners (interregional cooperation). n Strengthens the capacity of local authorities and the coordination between local and regional levels of government. n Identifies and formulates sustainable urban development projects by local authorities in the EU and in the ENPI region, in a suitable format to be presented to International Financial Institutions for investment.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -33

Social and human development

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Anna Lindh Foundation for Inter-Cultural Dialogue

CIUDAD – Sustainable urban development

Promotes knowledge, mutual respect and inter-cultural dialogue between the people of the Euro-Mediterranean region, working through a network of more than 3,000 civil society organisations in 43 countries

Aims to help local governments in the ENPI region address urban development problems in a sustainable manner, promoting cooperation between local actors and their EU counterparts

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia as well as all 27 EU member states and remaining members of the Union for the Mediterranean, making a total of 43 countries

Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Russia, Syria*, Tunisia, Ukraine Timeframe: 2009 - 2013

Timeframe: 2012-2014 (third phase) Budget: EU contribution: €10 Million. EU Member States contribution: €6 million Objectives: Working towards its overall aim of promoting understanding and inter-cultural dialogue in the region, the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) is guided in its current phase by three specific objectives: i) to improve mutual perceptions and promote mutual understanding; ii) to promote inter-cultural dialogue at grass roots level through the implementation of civil society initiatives; iii) to reinforce the ALF networks of civil society organisations, ensuring that the actions of their members converge towards common objectives. Launched in 2005, the Anna Lindh Foundation is the first institution to be jointly created and co-financed by all member countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. In 2008, the Paris Summit launching the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) spelled out in its final declaration that the ALF would contribute to the cultural dimension of the UfM. The current phase builds on the achievements of the previous phase. What does it do? The Foundation functions as a ‘network of networks’ with a national network in each of the 43 member countries. It facilitates and supports the action of civil society in the following priority fields: n Culture and Creativity n Education and Intercultural Learning n Cities and Spaces of Citizenship n Media and Public Opinion

In each priority field, the Foundation develops large-scale programmes in collaboration with international partners, and grants support for projects that bring together members of its 43 Civil Society Networks through its open Calls for Proposals. These projects represent the main instrument to develop intercultural dialogue at different social levels, targeting youth and students, teachers, children and those more in need of education in diversity, tolerance and intercultural dialogue. The ALF also assumes a monitoring task on the evolution of values and intercultural trends in the region. It has also created its own annual Journalism Prize and a Euro-Mediterranean Award for Dialogue between Cultures. Actions in brief n Conducts comparative analyses of the evolution of perceptions, values and behaviours in the region n Produces a report on Intercultural Dialogue and disseminates among ALF members n Organises seminars and education training in intercultural dialogue; organises the Euromed Journalist Award, and a translation programme: acts as observatory of translation in the region n Launches a Call for project grants – long term, short term and thematic n Organises the Anna Lindh Forum n Coordinates 43 networks and gathers together over 3,000 member organisations n Organises common actions for its networks, provides training and tools to improve their quality and impact, promotes network participation in Foundation activities, and offers services such as fundraising support, partnership matching, contact meetings, etc. to make national networks more effective

32 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Budget: €14 million Objectives: The programme “Cooperation in Urban Development and Dialogue” (CIUDAD) aims to promote mutual understanding, dialogue and cooperation between local actors in the EU and in the Partner Countries of the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood (ENPI region) through the provision of capacity building for the modernisation and strengthening of local and regional government. It also seeks to create new partnerships and strengthen existing ones, among local and regional authorities in the ENPI region (South-South, East-East and South-East partnerships), leading to long-term benefits extending beyond the life of the programme. CIUDAD builds on the work of previous initiatives such as the MED'ACT and MED-PACT programmes funded under the MEDA instrument (South), and the TCAS and IBPP programmes funded under the TACIS instrument (East) and others. What does it do? 21 projects that receive co-financing (grants) focus on three thematic priorities. These are: Environmental sustainability and energy efficiency; Sustainable economic devel-


opment and reduction of social disparities; Good governance and sustainable urban development planning. Partnerships are made up of consortia of organisations including local authorities, universities, NGOs and others working on sustainable urban development issues, both from the EU and ENPI partner countries. A supporting mechanism to the programme provides technical support to the beneficiaries, monitors progress and ensures the dissemination of results of the projects and visibility of CIUDAD, primarily through the use of existing city and regional networks. Actions in brief: n Promotes the concept of sustainable urban development in the EU and the ENPI region. n Creates sustainable partnerships between local authorities in the EU and in the ENPI region, as well as between the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood partners (interregional cooperation). n Strengthens the capacity of local authorities and the coordination between local and regional levels of government. n Identifies and formulates sustainable urban development projects by local authorities in the EU and in the ENPI region, in a suitable format to be presented to International Financial Institutions for investment.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -33

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Support to the European Endowment for Democracy Supports journalists, bloggers, non-registered NGOs, trade unions, loosely organised or fledgling pro-democratic movements and political movements (including those in exile or from the diaspora), in particular when all of these actors operate in a very uncertain political context. Initially, the Neighbourhood region (Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine) Timeframe: 2013-2015 Budget: €6 million Objectives: The aim of this action is to support the core functioning of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED) in the European Neighbourhood as an actor to foster and encourage democratisation and deep and sustainable democracy in countries in political transition and in societies struggling for democratisation. The EED responds to a context where actors for change in societies struggling for democratisation sometimes face obstacles in accessing EU funding. The EED aims to add value by offering a dedicated rapid and flexible funding mechanism for beneficiaries who are not supported, are insufficiently covered or face difficulties in obtaining support from EU financial instruments, in particular for reasons of legal personality, administrative requirements or eligibility criteria. Beneficiaries may include journalists, bloggers, non-registered NGOs, loosely organised or fledgling pro-democratic movements and political movements (including those in exile or from the diaspora), in particular when all of these actors operate in a very uncertain political context. What does it do? The EU contribution to the EED will support its establishment, functioning and own activities over the first three years of life of the EED. Therefore, in addition to expenditures related to human resources and administrative costs, the EU contribution will support the organisation of seminars, studies, conferences, publications, networking events, workshops, trainings and visibility events. The Endowment is not a European instrument; it takes the

form of a private law Foundation under Belgian Law, governed by its own Statute and governing bodies. However, the EED's statute ensures that it will complement existing EU cooperation instruments by supporting key political players in fostering democratic transition through rapid and flexible assistance, avoiding duplication and ensuring coherence and added-value with the activities carried out under EU financial instruments. These include, in particular, the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), the Instrument for Stability (IfS) and the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). The added value of the EED can be seen in two specific fields. First, its target group: those facing difficulties in obtaining support from EU financial instruments. Second, the way it will act: delivering its support in a more rapid and flexible manner than the EU is allowed to do given its rules and procedures. All the activities of the Endowment are carried out on a not-forprofit basis and implemented in a spirit of transparency, pluralism and in a non-partisan manner. Actions in brief EU support enables the Endowment to function so that it will be able to deliver the following with its own additional resources: n Financial support for the activities of civil society organisations such as political foundations and networks of foundations which can qualify as implementing partners; n Direct financial support to beneficiaries, including: project activities, material support, operating costs, visiting fellowships (including through a European invitation programme for young people who have shown an interest in and a commitment to democratisation).

Young Palestinians celebrating Europe Day in the West Bank town of Ramallah, on 09 May 2012 (Photo EPA©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).

34 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Support to the European Endowment for Democracy Supports journalists, bloggers, non-registered NGOs, trade unions, loosely organised or fledgling pro-democratic movements and political movements (including those in exile or from the diaspora), in particular when all of these actors operate in a very uncertain political context. Initially, the Neighbourhood region (Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine) Timeframe: 2013-2015 Budget: €6 million Objectives: The aim of this action is to support the core functioning of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED) in the European Neighbourhood as an actor to foster and encourage democratisation and deep and sustainable democracy in countries in political transition and in societies struggling for democratisation. The EED responds to a context where actors for change in societies struggling for democratisation sometimes face obstacles in accessing EU funding. The EED aims to add value by offering a dedicated rapid and flexible funding mechanism for beneficiaries who are not supported, are insufficiently covered or face difficulties in obtaining support from EU financial instruments, in particular for reasons of legal personality, administrative requirements or eligibility criteria. Beneficiaries may include journalists, bloggers, non-registered NGOs, loosely organised or fledgling pro-democratic movements and political movements (including those in exile or from the diaspora), in particular when all of these actors operate in a very uncertain political context. What does it do? The EU contribution to the EED will support its establishment, functioning and own activities over the first three years of life of the EED. Therefore, in addition to expenditures related to human resources and administrative costs, the EU contribution will support the organisation of seminars, studies, conferences, publications, networking events, workshops, trainings and visibility events. The Endowment is not a European instrument; it takes the

form of a private law Foundation under Belgian Law, governed by its own Statute and governing bodies. However, the EED's statute ensures that it will complement existing EU cooperation instruments by supporting key political players in fostering democratic transition through rapid and flexible assistance, avoiding duplication and ensuring coherence and added-value with the activities carried out under EU financial instruments. These include, in particular, the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), the Instrument for Stability (IfS) and the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). The added value of the EED can be seen in two specific fields. First, its target group: those facing difficulties in obtaining support from EU financial instruments. Second, the way it will act: delivering its support in a more rapid and flexible manner than the EU is allowed to do given its rules and procedures. All the activities of the Endowment are carried out on a not-forprofit basis and implemented in a spirit of transparency, pluralism and in a non-partisan manner. Actions in brief EU support enables the Endowment to function so that it will be able to deliver the following with its own additional resources: n Financial support for the activities of civil society organisations such as political foundations and networks of foundations which can qualify as implementing partners; n Direct financial support to beneficiaries, including: project activities, material support, operating costs, visiting fellowships (including through a European invitation programme for young people who have shown an interest in and a commitment to democratisation).

Young Palestinians celebrating Europe Day in the West Bank town of Ramallah, on 09 May 2012 (Photo EPA©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).

34 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Social and human development

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility

TRESMED 4 – Civil society dialogue

Strengthening and promoting the role of civil society actors in reforms and democratic changes taking place in the Neighbourhood countries, through increased participation in the fulfillment of European Neighbourhood Policy objectives.

Enhances the consultative role of economic and social partners and their contribution to the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, through training, study visits, seminars, networking and exchange of experiences

Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Ukraine Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Timeframe: 2011-2013 Budget: €26.4 million in 2011 for both Neighbourhood East and South; 2012 - 2013: €22 million for the South (€11 million each year). Objectives: The Facility aims to strengthen civil society actors in partner countries and contribute to promoting an enabling environment for their work. It will seek to promote their involvement in policy dialogue and increase interaction between them and the authorities. It also seeks to increase civil society actors’ involvement in programming, implementation and monitoring of EU assistance and policies in the region. What does it do? The Facility financially support (through local and ENPI region-wide calls for proposals) projects led by civil society which are relevant in the context of the Neighbourhood Policy and responding to its two regional dimensions, the Eastern Partnership and the Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity for the South. It also strengthens the capacities of civil society actors in the region to enhance their role in promoting reform and increasing public accountability in their countries. Last but not least, it seeks to increase civil society involvement in sector policy dialogues and implementation of EU cooperation in relevant fields.

Actions in brief: n Identifies and analyses civil society actors' needs and capacities in the region, as well as the way in which these actors can contribute to specific sector policy dialogues; n Supports capacity-building activities (trainings, seminars, workshops, exchange of good practices, ad-hoc support, etc.) for civil society actors, so as to enhance their capacities and their role in promoting reform and increasing public accountability in ENP policy areas; n Supports the organisation of multi-stakeholder consultations at national and regional level involving civil society actors, national authorities and EU Delegations so as to facilitate their participation in sector policy dialogues between the EU and partner countries and in implementation of relevant bilateral projects and programmes; n Supports civil society actors-led monitoring and advocacy activities regarding fulfilment of ENP commitments, at regional, sub-regional or national level, as well as the activities of platforms and networks of civil society organisations; n Seeks to strengthen the role of civil society actors in the policy-making process, and to promote a more favourable attitude of governments and local authorities towards them, through participatory approaches and consultations.

Timeframe: 2011-2013 Budget: €1.5 million Objectives: TRESMED is designed to give social and economic agents a framework for an institutionalised dialogue in order to support civil society, good governance and democratisation in the Mediterranean region. The project works to strengthen and promote the consultative role of the Mediterranean economic and social institutions. It also seeks to create and consolidate institutions of social dialogue and to ensure a balance between economic and social development. This latest phase of the TRESMED project aims to continue to provide support to strengthen the role of economic and social agents in decision-making processes, achieving their fuller involvement in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership so as to facilitate the creation of a representative model for integration within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy. TRESMED 4 builds on the results of a previous project, TRESMED 3. What does it do? The project focuses on creating a better understanding of social and economic issues of interest to EuroMediterranean cooperation through thematic workshops, conferences showcasing the results of the workshops and a dedicated website. The thematic workshops are at the core of TRESMED 4. TRESMED 4 works around exchanging experience in the field of institutionalised dialogue, creating and strengthening economic and social councils and similar institutions, reinforcing the

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capacities of civil society organisations and structures for social dialogue, and strengthening and promoting social dialogue through education and awareness-raising with regard to the consultation processes for social stakeholders in democratic societies. Target groups include high level representatives of economic and social councils and similar institutions, socio-professional organisations (e.g. trade unions and business organisations), representatives of the legal system, and experts in sociology and economics as well as other academics. Actions in brief n Organises conferences to showcase the work done in the workshops and a final conference where a proposal for a plan of action will be submitted for approval n Organises annual multinational thematic workshops (Year 1: Youth, training and social dialogue; Year 2: Women and social dialogue; Year 3. Good practices in countries and in the region. Regional cooperation), dedicated to the discussion of topics that are of common interest amongst economic and social partners n Runs a website: the ‘Euro-Mediterranean Virtual Observatory on the consultative function and social and economic partners’ offering easy access to documentation, notification, calls for proposals, specialised information, etc., which will gradually become a virtual observatory specialised in socio-economic matters n Produces a publication in four languages (English, Spanish, French and Arabic) presenting the results of the activities relating to each of the project’s thematic blocks.

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Social and human development

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility

TRESMED 4 – Civil society dialogue

Strengthening and promoting the role of civil society actors in reforms and democratic changes taking place in the Neighbourhood countries, through increased participation in the fulfillment of European Neighbourhood Policy objectives.

Enhances the consultative role of economic and social partners and their contribution to the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, through training, study visits, seminars, networking and exchange of experiences

Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Ukraine Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Timeframe: 2011-2013 Budget: €26.4 million in 2011 for both Neighbourhood East and South; 2012 - 2013: €22 million for the South (€11 million each year). Objectives: The Facility aims to strengthen civil society actors in partner countries and contribute to promoting an enabling environment for their work. It will seek to promote their involvement in policy dialogue and increase interaction between them and the authorities. It also seeks to increase civil society actors’ involvement in programming, implementation and monitoring of EU assistance and policies in the region. What does it do? The Facility financially support (through local and ENPI region-wide calls for proposals) projects led by civil society which are relevant in the context of the Neighbourhood Policy and responding to its two regional dimensions, the Eastern Partnership and the Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity for the South. It also strengthens the capacities of civil society actors in the region to enhance their role in promoting reform and increasing public accountability in their countries. Last but not least, it seeks to increase civil society involvement in sector policy dialogues and implementation of EU cooperation in relevant fields.

Actions in brief: n Identifies and analyses civil society actors' needs and capacities in the region, as well as the way in which these actors can contribute to specific sector policy dialogues; n Supports capacity-building activities (trainings, seminars, workshops, exchange of good practices, ad-hoc support, etc.) for civil society actors, so as to enhance their capacities and their role in promoting reform and increasing public accountability in ENP policy areas; n Supports the organisation of multi-stakeholder consultations at national and regional level involving civil society actors, national authorities and EU Delegations so as to facilitate their participation in sector policy dialogues between the EU and partner countries and in implementation of relevant bilateral projects and programmes; n Supports civil society actors-led monitoring and advocacy activities regarding fulfilment of ENP commitments, at regional, sub-regional or national level, as well as the activities of platforms and networks of civil society organisations; n Seeks to strengthen the role of civil society actors in the policy-making process, and to promote a more favourable attitude of governments and local authorities towards them, through participatory approaches and consultations.

Timeframe: 2011-2013 Budget: €1.5 million Objectives: TRESMED is designed to give social and economic agents a framework for an institutionalised dialogue in order to support civil society, good governance and democratisation in the Mediterranean region. The project works to strengthen and promote the consultative role of the Mediterranean economic and social institutions. It also seeks to create and consolidate institutions of social dialogue and to ensure a balance between economic and social development. This latest phase of the TRESMED project aims to continue to provide support to strengthen the role of economic and social agents in decision-making processes, achieving their fuller involvement in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership so as to facilitate the creation of a representative model for integration within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy. TRESMED 4 builds on the results of a previous project, TRESMED 3. What does it do? The project focuses on creating a better understanding of social and economic issues of interest to EuroMediterranean cooperation through thematic workshops, conferences showcasing the results of the workshops and a dedicated website. The thematic workshops are at the core of TRESMED 4. TRESMED 4 works around exchanging experience in the field of institutionalised dialogue, creating and strengthening economic and social councils and similar institutions, reinforcing the

36 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean



capacities of civil society organisations and structures for social dialogue, and strengthening and promoting social dialogue through education and awareness-raising with regard to the consultation processes for social stakeholders in democratic societies. Target groups include high level representatives of economic and social councils and similar institutions, socio-professional organisations (e.g. trade unions and business organisations), representatives of the legal system, and experts in sociology and economics as well as other academics. Actions in brief n Organises conferences to showcase the work done in the workshops and a final conference where a proposal for a plan of action will be submitted for approval n Organises annual multinational thematic workshops (Year 1: Youth, training and social dialogue; Year 2: Women and social dialogue; Year 3. Good practices in countries and in the region. Regional cooperation), dedicated to the discussion of topics that are of common interest amongst economic and social partners n Runs a website: the ‘Euro-Mediterranean Virtual Observatory on the consultative function and social and economic partners’ offering easy access to documentation, notification, calls for proposals, specialised information, etc., which will gradually become a virtual observatory specialised in socio-economic matters n Produces a publication in four languages (English, Spanish, French and Arabic) presenting the results of the activities relating to each of the project’s thematic blocks.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -37

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Erasmus Mundus II – Action 2 Partnerships Promote cooperation between higher education institutions through partnerships, mobility and exchanges of students, researchers and academic staff (with scholarships). Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Russia, Syria*, Tunisia, Ukraine as well as partnerships across the whole world

Furthermore, it improves the transparency and recognition of studies and qualifications.

Timeframe: 2007-2013 Budget (ENPI countries): € 254 million 2007-2012; € 70 million 2013 Objectives: Erasmus Mundus II - Action 2 Partnerships seek to promote better understanding and mutual enrichment between the EU and third countries and - in the medium term strengthen political, cultural, educational and economic links. What does it do? It is a cooperation and mobility scheme funding university partnerships between EU and third countries through grants. It is complementary to other EU-funded higher education initiatives. Its target groups comprise students and academic staff from the EU and third countries, with particular attention to those in vulnerable situations (e.g. refugees, asylum seekers). The programme enhances the international cooperation capacity of universities in third countries, while promoting cooperation between institutions. It offers talented students, especially from vulnerable groups, an opportunity to benefit linguistically, culturally and educationally by pursuing academic studies in another country and promotes EU values.

It was launched by Europe Aid in 2006 and it is implemented through the Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture. It follows on from Erasmus Mundus – External cooperation window. Actions in brief n Facilitates the mobility of students and academic staff through an exchange programme; n Encourages partnerships and cooperation between European universities and those from the Neighbourhood countries; n Enhances the role of the higher education sector by exchanging knowledge, skills and expertise; n Offers unique opportunities to citizens in partner countries to gain new cultural and educational experiences. n Paves the way to the international recognition of studies and qualifications; n Strengthens the international cooperation capacity of universities in partner countries.

School girls from the Gaza refugee camp attending a class in one of the buildings funded by the EU in Jerash, North of Amman, Jordan, 17 October 2011. It was at first an emergency camp, but continued to function to this day (Photo EPA©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre). 2012-2014

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -39

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Erasmus Mundus II – Action 2 Partnerships Promote cooperation between higher education institutions through partnerships, mobility and exchanges of students, researchers and academic staff (with scholarships). Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Russia, Syria*, Tunisia, Ukraine as well as partnerships across the whole world

Furthermore, it improves the transparency and recognition of studies and qualifications.

Timeframe: 2007-2013 Budget (ENPI countries): € 254 million 2007-2012; € 70 million 2013 Objectives: Erasmus Mundus II - Action 2 Partnerships seek to promote better understanding and mutual enrichment between the EU and third countries and - in the medium term strengthen political, cultural, educational and economic links. What does it do? It is a cooperation and mobility scheme funding university partnerships between EU and third countries through grants. It is complementary to other EU-funded higher education initiatives. Its target groups comprise students and academic staff from the EU and third countries, with particular attention to those in vulnerable situations (e.g. refugees, asylum seekers). The programme enhances the international cooperation capacity of universities in third countries, while promoting cooperation between institutions. It offers talented students, especially from vulnerable groups, an opportunity to benefit linguistically, culturally and educationally by pursuing academic studies in another country and promotes EU values.

It was launched by Europe Aid in 2006 and it is implemented through the Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture. It follows on from Erasmus Mundus – External cooperation window. Actions in brief n Facilitates the mobility of students and academic staff through an exchange programme; n Encourages partnerships and cooperation between European universities and those from the Neighbourhood countries; n Enhances the role of the higher education sector by exchanging knowledge, skills and expertise; n Offers unique opportunities to citizens in partner countries to gain new cultural and educational experiences. n Paves the way to the international recognition of studies and qualifications; n Strengthens the international cooperation capacity of universities in partner countries.

School girls from the Gaza refugee camp attending a class in one of the buildings funded by the EU in Jerash, North of Amman, Jordan, 17 October 2011. It was at first an emergency camp, but continued to function to this day (Photo EPA©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre). 2012-2014

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -39

Social and human development

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

TEMPUS IV for higher education

eTwinning Plus

Supports the modernisation of higher education, creates opportunities for cooperation among actors in the field and enhances understanding

Provides a platform for schools in Eastern Partnership countries and Tunisia to link with schools from the EU and other countries.

Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Russia, Syria*, Tunisia, Ukraine

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Tunisia, Ukraine Iimeframe: 2012 –2013

Timeframe: 2007-2013 Budget: €38 million in 2007, €34.4 million in 2008, €39.4 million in 2009, €30.4 million in 2010, €57 million in 2011, and €59.5 million in 2012 (annual budgets allocated for ENPI countries, South, East and Russia) Objectives: The Tempus programme supports the effort of the Partner Countries to modernize their higher education systems, and creates opportunities for cooperation among higher education actors of the EU and the Partner Countries, who work together on projects. It also enhances understanding between cultures, as it promotes a people-to-people approach and promotes convergence with EU developments in higher education, to encourage job creation and economic growth.

mation activities, such as thematic conferences, studies, consultation of stakeholders, etc. The programme announces Calls for Proposals under the first two actions, to which partnerships made up of consortia of organisations including higher education institutions, businesses, ministries, NGOs and others from the EU and Partner Countries can apply. Accompanying Measures are contracted through calls for tender or framework contracts. It also promotes international and regional cooperation, which generates better communication and new networks of personal and professional contacts between the academic worlds of EU and Partner Countries. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is in charge of the implementation of Tempus. It follows on from Tempus III implemented from 2000-2007.

What does it do? It finances three types of actions: Joint Projects, Structural Measures and Accompanying Measures. Joint Projects are based on multilateral partnerships between higher education institutions in the EU and the Partner Countries, that develop, modernise and disseminate new curricula, teaching methods or materials, boost a quality assurance culture and modernise the management and governance of higher education institutions. Structural Measures projects contribute to the development and reform of higher education institutions and systems in Partner Countries, enhancing their quality and relevance and increasing their convergence with EU developments. Accompanying Measures comprise dissemination and infor-

Actions in brief n Supports the transition and modernisation processes in higher education in the partner countries; n Facilitates Joint Projects working towards new curricula, teaching methods and materials; n Promotes Structural Measures contributing to the reform of higher education systems and institutions; n Advances convergence with EU developments, to promote job creation and economic growth; n Cooperates with the Erasmus Mundus programme that funds higher education students and teaching staff mobility activities.

40 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Budget: €1 million approximately Objectives: eTwinning Plus aims to provide a safe, online environment for schools to engage with other schools, for teachers to work on projects and communicate with likeminded education professionals in the existing eTwinning network. What does it do? eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.) working in a school in one of the countries involved to communicate, collaborate, develop projects and share resources. An extension of the eTwinning Lifelong Learning initiative, eTwinning Plus is a pilot project which provides a platform for schools in the Eastern Partnership countries and Tunisia to link with schools from the EU and other countries.


eTwinning Plus promotes school collaboration through the use of information and communication technologies by providing support, tools and services for schools that are involved in the programme. eTwinning Plus is offered as a free service to all staff of preselected schools. Actions in brief: n An online platform for partner countries is launched in English, French, Arabic and Russian to enable teachers and pupils from preselected schools from the partner countries to participate in eTwinning projects together with their EU peers; n Schools are able to share ideas, tips, products and resources; n Partner Support Agencies are created in each partner country to manage (including preselect schools) and promote eTwinning Plus; n Information and training sessions are organised for Partner Support Agencies and teachers.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -41

Social and human development

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

TEMPUS IV for higher education

eTwinning Plus

Supports the modernisation of higher education, creates opportunities for cooperation among actors in the field and enhances understanding

Provides a platform for schools in Eastern Partnership countries and Tunisia to link with schools from the EU and other countries.

Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Russia, Syria*, Tunisia, Ukraine

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Tunisia, Ukraine Iimeframe: 2012 –2013

Timeframe: 2007-2013 Budget: €38 million in 2007, €34.4 million in 2008, €39.4 million in 2009, €30.4 million in 2010, €57 million in 2011, and €59.5 million in 2012 (annual budgets allocated for ENPI countries, South, East and Russia) Objectives: The Tempus programme supports the effort of the Partner Countries to modernize their higher education systems, and creates opportunities for cooperation among higher education actors of the EU and the Partner Countries, who work together on projects. It also enhances understanding between cultures, as it promotes a people-to-people approach and promotes convergence with EU developments in higher education, to encourage job creation and economic growth.

mation activities, such as thematic conferences, studies, consultation of stakeholders, etc. The programme announces Calls for Proposals under the first two actions, to which partnerships made up of consortia of organisations including higher education institutions, businesses, ministries, NGOs and others from the EU and Partner Countries can apply. Accompanying Measures are contracted through calls for tender or framework contracts. It also promotes international and regional cooperation, which generates better communication and new networks of personal and professional contacts between the academic worlds of EU and Partner Countries. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is in charge of the implementation of Tempus. It follows on from Tempus III implemented from 2000-2007.

What does it do? It finances three types of actions: Joint Projects, Structural Measures and Accompanying Measures. Joint Projects are based on multilateral partnerships between higher education institutions in the EU and the Partner Countries, that develop, modernise and disseminate new curricula, teaching methods or materials, boost a quality assurance culture and modernise the management and governance of higher education institutions. Structural Measures projects contribute to the development and reform of higher education institutions and systems in Partner Countries, enhancing their quality and relevance and increasing their convergence with EU developments. Accompanying Measures comprise dissemination and infor-

Actions in brief n Supports the transition and modernisation processes in higher education in the partner countries; n Facilitates Joint Projects working towards new curricula, teaching methods and materials; n Promotes Structural Measures contributing to the reform of higher education systems and institutions; n Advances convergence with EU developments, to promote job creation and economic growth; n Cooperates with the Erasmus Mundus programme that funds higher education students and teaching staff mobility activities.

40 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Budget: €1 million approximately Objectives: eTwinning Plus aims to provide a safe, online environment for schools to engage with other schools, for teachers to work on projects and communicate with likeminded education professionals in the existing eTwinning network. What does it do? eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.) working in a school in one of the countries involved to communicate, collaborate, develop projects and share resources. An extension of the eTwinning Lifelong Learning initiative, eTwinning Plus is a pilot project which provides a platform for schools in the Eastern Partnership countries and Tunisia to link with schools from the EU and other countries.


eTwinning Plus promotes school collaboration through the use of information and communication technologies by providing support, tools and services for schools that are involved in the programme. eTwinning Plus is offered as a free service to all staff of preselected schools. Actions in brief: n An online platform for partner countries is launched in English, French, Arabic and Russian to enable teachers and pupils from preselected schools from the partner countries to participate in eTwinning projects together with their EU peers; n Schools are able to share ideas, tips, products and resources; n Partner Support Agencies are created in each partner country to manage (including preselect schools) and promote eTwinning Plus; n Information and training sessions are organised for Partner Support Agencies and teachers.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -41

Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Spring forward for women The project for political and economic empowerment of women in the Southern Mediterranean region promotes access and effective participation of marginalised women in economic and public life by addressing the barriers that have impeded their engagement in these areas. Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2012-2016 Budget: €7 million (EU contribution) + €1.2 million (UN Women budget) Objectives: The programme aims to empower women politically in order to assure their active engagement in decision making spaces, to empower them economically, and to enhance regional knowledge and experience-sharing on women's political and economic rights. What does it do? Implemented by UN Women, the Spring Forward programme supports initiatives by national and regional institutions and civil society organisations to ensure women's active engagement in decision-making, empower them economically and share experience across the region on women's political and economic rights. The programme responds to support needed at regional and country levels and builds on local initiatives. Work at regional level is focused on several priorities: capacity building; increasing the participation of women in electoral processes; and strengthening local and national governments to have effective services toward poverty alleviation and advocacy. Political empowerment of women: the programme develops the capacity for civil society organisations (NGOs and community-based organisations) as well as governing bodies and political parties to implement a gender perspective in their structure, and to advocate for women's interests. Economic empowerment of women: the programme supports poor women, in rural and urban areas, who have entrepreneurial potential but who lack assets, required skills or are too poor to access financial and non-financial services in order to overcome barriers to entry into income-generating activities and to effectively access economic opportunities. Sharing knowledge and experience of women’s political and economic rights on a regional basis: the programme builds up a knowledge

hub on women's citizenship and democratic transition in the Southern Mediterranean region at the regional level to ensure that national experiences are captured and shared. Actions in brief: n Carries out media campaigns to promote woman's participation in economic and public life among the general public. Political empowerment of women n Sets up country advisory groups (made up of the EU Delegations in each country, UN Women, NGOs and government representatives with the involvement of business associations, chambers of commerce and similar institutions) to act as a decisionmaking and as a monitoring body; n Provides training in identifying gender needs to all stakeholders; provides capacity development to transitional bodies, government ministries and civil society organisations; provides training for women in local councils; builds capacity in electoral bodies; develops the capacity of civil society and community-based organisations to ensure women's participation in electoral processes. Economic empowerment of women n Designs service packages that will include grants for start-ups (provided through NGOs), vocational and business development services (including training and marketing assistance) and asset transfers for capital development; n Establishes linkages between women entrepreneurs and NGOs and government service providers, business associations and chambers of commerce. Sharing knowledge and experience of women’s political and economic rights on a regional basis n Sets up a system of regional knowledge and experience sharing on women's citizenship and economic rights; n Creates a roster of technical experts to deliver expert advice as requested; n Carries out comparative analysis of constitutions, laws and policies in the region and beyond; n Works on the research, analysis and documentation of gender equality issues as well as the documentation of relevant methodologies. A Tunisian journalist during her daily show at the national radio in Tunis. The EU funds a project for Support to the Tunisian Radio. Tunis, Tunisia, 06 March 2012 (Photo EPA©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).

42 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Social and human development

Culture and Media Youth and Intercultural Dialogue Civil society and local authorities Education Gender

Spring forward for women The project for political and economic empowerment of women in the Southern Mediterranean region promotes access and effective participation of marginalised women in economic and public life by addressing the barriers that have impeded their engagement in these areas. Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2012-2016 Budget: €7 million (EU contribution) + €1.2 million (UN Women budget) Objectives: The programme aims to empower women politically in order to assure their active engagement in decision making spaces, to empower them economically, and to enhance regional knowledge and experience-sharing on women's political and economic rights. What does it do? Implemented by UN Women, the Spring Forward programme supports initiatives by national and regional institutions and civil society organisations to ensure women's active engagement in decision-making, empower them economically and share experience across the region on women's political and economic rights. The programme responds to support needed at regional and country levels and builds on local initiatives. Work at regional level is focused on several priorities: capacity building; increasing the participation of women in electoral processes; and strengthening local and national governments to have effective services toward poverty alleviation and advocacy. Political empowerment of women: the programme develops the capacity for civil society organisations (NGOs and community-based organisations) as well as governing bodies and political parties to implement a gender perspective in their structure, and to advocate for women's interests. Economic empowerment of women: the programme supports poor women, in rural and urban areas, who have entrepreneurial potential but who lack assets, required skills or are too poor to access financial and non-financial services in order to overcome barriers to entry into income-generating activities and to effectively access economic opportunities. Sharing knowledge and experience of women’s political and economic rights on a regional basis: the programme builds up a knowledge

hub on women's citizenship and democratic transition in the Southern Mediterranean region at the regional level to ensure that national experiences are captured and shared. Actions in brief: n Carries out media campaigns to promote woman's participation in economic and public life among the general public. Political empowerment of women n Sets up country advisory groups (made up of the EU Delegations in each country, UN Women, NGOs and government representatives with the involvement of business associations, chambers of commerce and similar institutions) to act as a decisionmaking and as a monitoring body; n Provides training in identifying gender needs to all stakeholders; provides capacity development to transitional bodies, government ministries and civil society organisations; provides training for women in local councils; builds capacity in electoral bodies; develops the capacity of civil society and community-based organisations to ensure women's participation in electoral processes. Economic empowerment of women n Designs service packages that will include grants for start-ups (provided through NGOs), vocational and business development services (including training and marketing assistance) and asset transfers for capital development; n Establishes linkages between women entrepreneurs and NGOs and government service providers, business associations and chambers of commerce. Sharing knowledge and experience of women’s political and economic rights on a regional basis n Sets up a system of regional knowledge and experience sharing on women's citizenship and economic rights; n Creates a roster of technical experts to deliver expert advice as requested; n Carries out comparative analysis of constitutions, laws and policies in the region and beyond; n Works on the research, analysis and documentation of gender equality issues as well as the documentation of relevant methodologies. A Tunisian journalist during her daily show at the national radio in Tunis. The EU funds a project for Support to the Tunisian Radio. Tunis, Tunisia, 06 March 2012 (Photo EPA©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).

42 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Economic Integration and sustainable development The projects funded are:

46 47 48 49 50

51 52 54 55 56 57 58 59

60 Sustainable Water Management and De-pollution of the Mediterranean 61 SWITCH-Med: Switching to more sustainable consumption and production in the Mediterranean

Economy EUMEDRegNet II – Information society cooperation Femise - Socio-economic research Civil Protection MEDSTAT III – Statistical cooperation Private sector development in the Southern Mediter- 62 Euromed programme for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural and man-made disasranean ters (PPRD) South II Support to FEMIP Environment and Climate Change Addressing climate change in the Middle East and North-Africa (MENA) region Cleaner energy-saving Mediterranean cities Clima South: Support for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ENPI South region Development of a Mediterranean marine and coastal protected areas network (MedPAN) ENPI Shared Environment Information System (SEIS) Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) Integrated Maritime Policy for the Mediterranean (IMP-MED) Social and ecological resilience in the face of climate change in the Mediterranean Region

Energy 64 MED-ENEC II - Energy efficiency in construction 65 MED-REG II – Energy regulators 67 Paving the Way for the Mediterranean Solar Plan

68 69 70 71 72 73

Transport Euromed Aviation II EuroMed Road, Rail and Urban Transport regional programme Rail, Road and Urban Transport – Road Safety programme Euromed Satellite Navigation: GNSS II Mediterranean Motorways of the Sea – Maritime transport connections SAFEMED III – Maritime Safety and Pollution Prevention

44 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Tailor-made deep and comprehensive free trade agreements, including measures to reduce non-tariff barriers through regulatory convergence, are the keys to increased economic integration with ENP partners. To back this effort, a number of projects with regional dimension have been developed,under the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. These projects provide analysis of policies, support to the private sector in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs), backing of interregional cooperation on infrastructure networks, regulatory harmonisation and convergence with EU standards, as well as environmental sustainability and reform of environmental standards and infrastructure. Projects in this pillar are grouped under Economy, Environment and climate change, Civil protection, Energy and Transport. Economy Actions to accompany and support the establishment of a Euro-Med Free Trade Area and contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth range from cooperation in the fields of economic analysis, information society and statistics to support the private sector and the creation of investment facilities. • EUMEDRegNet II – Information society cooperation • Femise - Socio-economic research • MEDSTAT III – Statistical cooperation • Private sector development in the Southern Mediterranean • Support to FEMIP - Facility for investment Environment and Climate Change Recognising that the environment is fragile and is deteriorating, its protection and improvement have become a key sector of Euro-Med cooperation. This cooperation includes tackling climate change, water scarcity and quality, the reform of environmental standards and infrastructure, and environmental sustainability. Support is also provided to the Horizon 2020 Initiative for the De-Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea, launched in 2006 to address the top sources of Mediterranean pollution by the year 2020, through the capacity building of Partner Countries’ environment sector actors. • Addressing climate change in the Middle East and North-Africa (MENA) region • Cleaner and Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities • Clima South: Support for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ENPI South region • Development of a Mediterranean marine and coastal protected areas network (MedPAN) • Shared Environment Information System (ENPI-SEIS) • Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) • Integrated Maritime Policy for the Mediterranean (IMP-MED) • Social and ecological resilience in the face of climate change in the Mediterranean Region (SEARCH) • Sustainable Water Management and De-pollution of the Mediterranean • Switching to more sustainable consumption and production in the Mediterranean (SWITCH-Med)


Civil Protection The Mediterranean region being particularly exposed to the risks of natural and man-made disasters, civil protection cooperation in the Mediterranean has been an important dimension of the political and security pillar of the Barcelona Process and one of the flagship initiatives within the Union for the Mediterranean. Building on the acquis and lessons learned of the first Programme for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural and man-made disasters (PPRD South I), the second phase of the programme seeks to develop and reinforce civil protection capacities, to further reinforce institutional cooperation between the EU and partner countries from the Southern Mediterranean and to bring the partner countries progressively closer to the Community Civil Protection Mechanism (MIC). • Civil Protection (PPRD South II) Energy Energy issues have become more important to the EuroMed Partnership, with priorities focusing on energy markets integration, energy efficiency and sustainable energy development. Projects in this field directly aim at integrating the Maghreb and Mashreq energy markets and at promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. • MED-ENEC II - Energy efficiency in construction • MED-REG II – Energy Regulators • Paving the way for the Mediterranean Solar Plan Transport Efficient transport links between the EU and the MPC, as well as between the partner countries themselves, is vital for the development of commercial exchanges, socio-economic reform and the good functioning of the Euro-Med Partnership. An integrated, safe and efficient transport system in the Mediterranean is considered key for the development of stability in the region and an increase in inter-regional trade. A common EU-MPC road map towards the establishment of such a transport system, the Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP) for the Mediterranean 2007-2013, was adopted during the EuroMed Transport Forum in 2007. The RTAP comprises a set of actions in different transport sectors (maritime, road, railways and civil aviation), and targets mainly regulatory (institutional) reform, the opening up of transport markets, the development of infrastructure and especially interconnections, safety and security of transport systems and the smooth functioning of the multimodal freight transport chain. The implementation of these actions is supported by the following projects: • Euromed Aviation II • Euromed Road Safety programme • GNSS II - Cooperation on Satellite Navigation • Mediterranean Motorways of the Sea – Maritime transport connections • Safemed III - Maritime safety and pollution prevention

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -45

Economic Integration and sustainable development The projects funded are:

46 47 48 49 50

51 52 54 55 56 57 58 59

60 Sustainable Water Management and De-pollution of the Mediterranean 61 SWITCH-Med: Switching to more sustainable consumption and production in the Mediterranean

Economy EUMEDRegNet II – Information society cooperation Femise - Socio-economic research Civil Protection MEDSTAT III – Statistical cooperation Private sector development in the Southern Mediter- 62 Euromed programme for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural and man-made disasranean ters (PPRD) South II Support to FEMIP Environment and Climate Change Addressing climate change in the Middle East and North-Africa (MENA) region Cleaner energy-saving Mediterranean cities Clima South: Support for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ENPI South region Development of a Mediterranean marine and coastal protected areas network (MedPAN) ENPI Shared Environment Information System (SEIS) Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) Integrated Maritime Policy for the Mediterranean (IMP-MED) Social and ecological resilience in the face of climate change in the Mediterranean Region

Energy 64 MED-ENEC II - Energy efficiency in construction 65 MED-REG II – Energy regulators 67 Paving the Way for the Mediterranean Solar Plan

68 69 70 71 72 73

Transport Euromed Aviation II EuroMed Road, Rail and Urban Transport regional programme Rail, Road and Urban Transport – Road Safety programme Euromed Satellite Navigation: GNSS II Mediterranean Motorways of the Sea – Maritime transport connections SAFEMED III – Maritime Safety and Pollution Prevention

44 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Tailor-made deep and comprehensive free trade agreements, including measures to reduce non-tariff barriers through regulatory convergence, are the keys to increased economic integration with ENP partners. To back this effort, a number of projects with regional dimension have been developed,under the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. These projects provide analysis of policies, support to the private sector in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs), backing of interregional cooperation on infrastructure networks, regulatory harmonisation and convergence with EU standards, as well as environmental sustainability and reform of environmental standards and infrastructure. Projects in this pillar are grouped under Economy, Environment and climate change, Civil protection, Energy and Transport. Economy Actions to accompany and support the establishment of a Euro-Med Free Trade Area and contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth range from cooperation in the fields of economic analysis, information society and statistics to support the private sector and the creation of investment facilities. • EUMEDRegNet II – Information society cooperation • Femise - Socio-economic research • MEDSTAT III – Statistical cooperation • Private sector development in the Southern Mediterranean • Support to FEMIP - Facility for investment Environment and Climate Change Recognising that the environment is fragile and is deteriorating, its protection and improvement have become a key sector of Euro-Med cooperation. This cooperation includes tackling climate change, water scarcity and quality, the reform of environmental standards and infrastructure, and environmental sustainability. Support is also provided to the Horizon 2020 Initiative for the De-Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea, launched in 2006 to address the top sources of Mediterranean pollution by the year 2020, through the capacity building of Partner Countries’ environment sector actors. • Addressing climate change in the Middle East and North-Africa (MENA) region • Cleaner and Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities • Clima South: Support for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ENPI South region • Development of a Mediterranean marine and coastal protected areas network (MedPAN) • Shared Environment Information System (ENPI-SEIS) • Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) • Integrated Maritime Policy for the Mediterranean (IMP-MED) • Social and ecological resilience in the face of climate change in the Mediterranean Region (SEARCH) • Sustainable Water Management and De-pollution of the Mediterranean • Switching to more sustainable consumption and production in the Mediterranean (SWITCH-Med)


Civil Protection The Mediterranean region being particularly exposed to the risks of natural and man-made disasters, civil protection cooperation in the Mediterranean has been an important dimension of the political and security pillar of the Barcelona Process and one of the flagship initiatives within the Union for the Mediterranean. Building on the acquis and lessons learned of the first Programme for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural and man-made disasters (PPRD South I), the second phase of the programme seeks to develop and reinforce civil protection capacities, to further reinforce institutional cooperation between the EU and partner countries from the Southern Mediterranean and to bring the partner countries progressively closer to the Community Civil Protection Mechanism (MIC). • Civil Protection (PPRD South II) Energy Energy issues have become more important to the EuroMed Partnership, with priorities focusing on energy markets integration, energy efficiency and sustainable energy development. Projects in this field directly aim at integrating the Maghreb and Mashreq energy markets and at promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. • MED-ENEC II - Energy efficiency in construction • MED-REG II – Energy Regulators • Paving the way for the Mediterranean Solar Plan Transport Efficient transport links between the EU and the MPC, as well as between the partner countries themselves, is vital for the development of commercial exchanges, socio-economic reform and the good functioning of the Euro-Med Partnership. An integrated, safe and efficient transport system in the Mediterranean is considered key for the development of stability in the region and an increase in inter-regional trade. A common EU-MPC road map towards the establishment of such a transport system, the Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP) for the Mediterranean 2007-2013, was adopted during the EuroMed Transport Forum in 2007. The RTAP comprises a set of actions in different transport sectors (maritime, road, railways and civil aviation), and targets mainly regulatory (institutional) reform, the opening up of transport markets, the development of infrastructure and especially interconnections, safety and security of transport systems and the smooth functioning of the multimodal freight transport chain. The implementation of these actions is supported by the following projects: • Euromed Aviation II • Euromed Road Safety programme • GNSS II - Cooperation on Satellite Navigation • Mediterranean Motorways of the Sea – Maritime transport connections • Safemed III - Maritime safety and pollution prevention

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -45

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

EUMEDRegNet II – Information society cooperation

FEMISE – Socio-economic research

Supports the development and reform of Information Society in the ENPI South countries and fosters cooperation with the EU

Promotes dialogue and research on socio-economic issues through the funding of a network of research institutes and advises Mediterranean Partner Countries on reform

EUMEDCONNECT2: NATP3 (supporting EMERG): Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Turkey (until October 2009)

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Timeframe: 2005-2012 Timeframe: 2011 - 2013 Budget: EU contribution of €3.79 million out of a total budget of €9.59 million Objectives: The ‘Regional Programme to support the development of the Information Society in the Mediterranean Region’ (EUMEDRegNet) aims to support and further improve cooperation between Europe and the Mediterranean Partner Countries on Information Society issues. EUMEDRegNet II is designed to build on the achievements of the two ongoing regional projects in the field, EUMEDCONNECT2 and NATP3. It is expected to back the reform of this sector, thus contributing to economic and social development. The programme aims to ensure long-term sustainability of the research e-networking infrastructure maintaining connectivity between the shores of the Mediterranean, in order to maximise synergies between bilateral and regional research and education projects. It seeks to facilitate the creation of a harmonised and investment-friendly environment in the electronic communications sector, and to identify the regulatory challenges in the field. It also aims to strengthen co-operation in specific applications of information society technologies, namely e-health, and trust in e-business transactions. It follows on from the EUMEDRegNet project. What does it do? As this will be the last extension of EUMEDCONNECT projects with EU funds, the programme paves the way for a self-sustained regional organisation – the Arab States Research

and Education Network (ASREN) - to take full charge of the data networking e-infrastructure between the EU and the ENPI South countries. It will ensure that the network is in place providing comparable or faster connectivity and networking services than in the previous phase, working to enhance ASREN's capacity so that it can self-manage the EUMEDCONNECT network. At the same time, the programme facilitates the work of EMERG, the Euro-Mediterranean Electronic communications Regulators Group, by offering technical assistance support, and it organises seminars and a fact-finding study to raise awareness and promote e-health solutions and e-business transactions. Actions in brief: n Sets up operational procedures for the EUMECONNECT3 network together with ASREN, migrates the network and jointly manages day to day operations; n Conducts a regional interconnectivity feasibility study in order to rationalise bandwidth use, prepares case studies on network usage, and researches the impact and benefit on national development; n Supports specific actions for financial sustainability in coordination with ASREN; n Transfers the network from its current management to ASREN, having built capacity to prepare for the takeover; n Offers technical assistance to EMERG through work plans, benchmarking studies and workshops, and assistance to partner members of EMERG that are lagging behind; n Organises seminars on areas of e-health and trust in ebusiness transactions; conducts a fact-finding study on use of e-health applications in the region.

46 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Budget: €4.9 million (2005-2009 MEDA) €4 million (end 2009end 2012 ENPI) Objectives: It aims to contribute to the reinforcement of dialogue on economic and financial issues in the EuroMediterranean partnership, within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Union for the Mediterranean. More specifically, it seeks to improve understanding of the priority stakes in the economic and social spheres, and their repercussions on the Mediterranean partners in the framework of their implementation of EU Association Agreements and Action Plans. What does it do? The project consolidates the FEMISE network of research institutes capable of North-South and South-South interactions, while within the network, it sets into motion a transfer of know-how and knowledge between members. The project also conducts studies, which examine the progress


achieved by the Mediterranean partner countries in opening up and reforming their economies and preparing for potential challenges that lie ahead; it also produces specific tools to develop policies aimed at the economic transition process in the EuroMediterranean region. The results of the work conducted by the FEMISE network are disseminated to all concerned parties. Actions in brief: n Supports a network of 76 economic research institutes. n Organises exchanges between academics of member institutes, and seminars and workshops on priority issues. n Conducts research on priority issues of Euro-Mediterranean economic cooperation, as defined by a work plan agreed with the EC. n Conducts research on request from various stakeholders. n Develops a user-friendly website where research publications will be available, with an interactive forum where stakeholders can exchange ideas; organises annual conferences and other public events for members of the network and others working in the same field.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -47

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

EUMEDRegNet II – Information society cooperation

FEMISE – Socio-economic research

Supports the development and reform of Information Society in the ENPI South countries and fosters cooperation with the EU

Promotes dialogue and research on socio-economic issues through the funding of a network of research institutes and advises Mediterranean Partner Countries on reform

EUMEDCONNECT2: NATP3 (supporting EMERG): Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Turkey (until October 2009)

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Timeframe: 2005-2012 Timeframe: 2011 - 2013 Budget: EU contribution of €3.79 million out of a total budget of €9.59 million Objectives: The ‘Regional Programme to support the development of the Information Society in the Mediterranean Region’ (EUMEDRegNet) aims to support and further improve cooperation between Europe and the Mediterranean Partner Countries on Information Society issues. EUMEDRegNet II is designed to build on the achievements of the two ongoing regional projects in the field, EUMEDCONNECT2 and NATP3. It is expected to back the reform of this sector, thus contributing to economic and social development. The programme aims to ensure long-term sustainability of the research e-networking infrastructure maintaining connectivity between the shores of the Mediterranean, in order to maximise synergies between bilateral and regional research and education projects. It seeks to facilitate the creation of a harmonised and investment-friendly environment in the electronic communications sector, and to identify the regulatory challenges in the field. It also aims to strengthen co-operation in specific applications of information society technologies, namely e-health, and trust in e-business transactions. It follows on from the EUMEDRegNet project. What does it do? As this will be the last extension of EUMEDCONNECT projects with EU funds, the programme paves the way for a self-sustained regional organisation – the Arab States Research

and Education Network (ASREN) - to take full charge of the data networking e-infrastructure between the EU and the ENPI South countries. It will ensure that the network is in place providing comparable or faster connectivity and networking services than in the previous phase, working to enhance ASREN's capacity so that it can self-manage the EUMEDCONNECT network. At the same time, the programme facilitates the work of EMERG, the Euro-Mediterranean Electronic communications Regulators Group, by offering technical assistance support, and it organises seminars and a fact-finding study to raise awareness and promote e-health solutions and e-business transactions. Actions in brief: n Sets up operational procedures for the EUMECONNECT3 network together with ASREN, migrates the network and jointly manages day to day operations; n Conducts a regional interconnectivity feasibility study in order to rationalise bandwidth use, prepares case studies on network usage, and researches the impact and benefit on national development; n Supports specific actions for financial sustainability in coordination with ASREN; n Transfers the network from its current management to ASREN, having built capacity to prepare for the takeover; n Offers technical assistance to EMERG through work plans, benchmarking studies and workshops, and assistance to partner members of EMERG that are lagging behind; n Organises seminars on areas of e-health and trust in ebusiness transactions; conducts a fact-finding study on use of e-health applications in the region.

46 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Budget: €4.9 million (2005-2009 MEDA) €4 million (end 2009end 2012 ENPI) Objectives: It aims to contribute to the reinforcement of dialogue on economic and financial issues in the EuroMediterranean partnership, within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Union for the Mediterranean. More specifically, it seeks to improve understanding of the priority stakes in the economic and social spheres, and their repercussions on the Mediterranean partners in the framework of their implementation of EU Association Agreements and Action Plans. What does it do? The project consolidates the FEMISE network of research institutes capable of North-South and South-South interactions, while within the network, it sets into motion a transfer of know-how and knowledge between members. The project also conducts studies, which examine the progress


achieved by the Mediterranean partner countries in opening up and reforming their economies and preparing for potential challenges that lie ahead; it also produces specific tools to develop policies aimed at the economic transition process in the EuroMediterranean region. The results of the work conducted by the FEMISE network are disseminated to all concerned parties. Actions in brief: n Supports a network of 76 economic research institutes. n Organises exchanges between academics of member institutes, and seminars and workshops on priority issues. n Conducts research on priority issues of Euro-Mediterranean economic cooperation, as defined by a work plan agreed with the EC. n Conducts research on request from various stakeholders. n Develops a user-friendly website where research publications will be available, with an interactive forum where stakeholders can exchange ideas; organises annual conferences and other public events for members of the network and others working in the same field.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -47

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

MEDSTAT III - Statistical cooperation

Private sector development in the Southern Mediterranean

Strengthens the capacity of the relevant authorities in the Mediterranean Partner Countries to collect updated, timely and relevant statistics, which ensure reliability and coherence

Boosts the private sector in order to contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth and job creation, both regionally and sub-regionally Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia. Timeframe: 2013-2016

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Budget: €12m Timeframe: 2010-2013

the data exchange process between Eurostat and the national statistical systems.

Budget: € 7 Million Objectives: The project seeks to promote evidence-based policy-making and foster democratic development by using statistical data. MEDSTAT III will provide more and better data in six priority thematic sectors - agriculture, energy, migration, social statistics, transport, trade and balance of payments - and will promote the increased use of this data. Environment statistics, which are also a priority, will be covered by a parallel European Environment Agency (EEA) project that will coordinate and cooperate with the activities on agriculture, energy and transport statistics MEDSTAT III builds on the achievements of MEDSTAT I (19962003) and MEDSTAT II (2006-2009), and aims at consolidating and further strengthening these results. What does it do? The project aims at improving the statistical capacity and ensuring the institutional strengthening of the national statistics institutes and national statistical system in the Mediterranean Partner Countries in order to collect updated, timely, relevant and high-quality data, necessary for political decision-making and good governance. Furthermore, it promotes the further harmonisation of statistical data in line with European and international standards, as well as consolidating

MEDSTAT III experts work closely with their counterparts in the Partner Countries to carry out the project’s activities and to transfer know-how and practices through targeted technical assistance, exchange of experiences, workshops and seminars, training courses and study visits. Other activities include a more user-friendly dissemination of statistics anda better understanding of the importance of statistics by the final users (politicians, governments, administration, private sector, journalists, universities, civil society, EU bodies, and international institutions). Actions in brief n Improves the capacity of the national statistics institutes and national statistical system in the Mediterranean Partner Countries to collect updated, timely, relevant and high-quality data. n Focuses on six priority thematic sectors - agriculture, energy, migration, social statistics, transport, trade and balance of payments. n Carries out general training, dissemination and data collection activities in the priority sectors. n Offers technical assistance as well as the exchange of experiences, workshops, seminars, training courses and study visits.

48 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Objectives: The private sector development programme aims to help develop the private sector in order to create much needed jobs for young people, a key factor in achieving more inclusive development in the Southern Mediterranean. Specifically, the programme aims to foster the development of a conducive business environment for micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (mSMEs) in the ENP South region, to develop quality Euro-Mediterranean networks providing adequate support and services for investing mSMEs, and to demonstrate the potential of cultural and creative industries (via pilot initiatives) in promoting inclusive growth. What does it do? The regional programme targets SMEs by intervening at macro-level (mSME business enabling environment), meso-level (reinforcing mSME support agencies); and micro-level (support for regional clusters in the cultural and creative industries). Responding to UN reports emphasising the growth potential of creative industries in developing countries, the programme fosters the development of cultural and creative industries in the region, maximising impact by taking advantage of clusters already existing in fields such as information technology, craſt, tourism, textile, fashion and cosmetics for example.


Actions in brief n Sets up quality Euro-Mediterranean networks providing adequate support and services to micro, small and medium enterprises (mSMEs); n Enhances the role of the Working Party on EuroMediterranean industrial cooperation in supporting and coordinating SME-related reforms, builds up the capacity of the Euro-Mediterranean Charter coordinators to advocate for and promote mSMEs and raises awareness and use of financing available for mSMEs; n Selects and co-finances the most promising pilot initiatives demonstrating the potential of cultural and creative industries in promoting inclusive growth and employment in the ENP South region; n Identifies regional sector strategies in a limited number of promising sectors in addition to cultural and creative industries to attract new EU and intra Mediterranean trade and investment flows and to develop further EU and intra Mediterranean business partnerships; n Organises, in the context of the identified regional sector strategies, matchmaking business events between specialists of the Mediterranean sector business associations, companies and their counterparts in the EU and intraMediterranean; n Disseminates the best practices from each Mediterranean country, which can enhance the international image of the region for investors.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -49

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

MEDSTAT III - Statistical cooperation

Private sector development in the Southern Mediterranean

Strengthens the capacity of the relevant authorities in the Mediterranean Partner Countries to collect updated, timely and relevant statistics, which ensure reliability and coherence

Boosts the private sector in order to contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth and job creation, both regionally and sub-regionally Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia. Timeframe: 2013-2016

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Budget: €12m Timeframe: 2010-2013

the data exchange process between Eurostat and the national statistical systems.

Budget: € 7 Million Objectives: The project seeks to promote evidence-based policy-making and foster democratic development by using statistical data. MEDSTAT III will provide more and better data in six priority thematic sectors - agriculture, energy, migration, social statistics, transport, trade and balance of payments - and will promote the increased use of this data. Environment statistics, which are also a priority, will be covered by a parallel European Environment Agency (EEA) project that will coordinate and cooperate with the activities on agriculture, energy and transport statistics MEDSTAT III builds on the achievements of MEDSTAT I (19962003) and MEDSTAT II (2006-2009), and aims at consolidating and further strengthening these results. What does it do? The project aims at improving the statistical capacity and ensuring the institutional strengthening of the national statistics institutes and national statistical system in the Mediterranean Partner Countries in order to collect updated, timely, relevant and high-quality data, necessary for political decision-making and good governance. Furthermore, it promotes the further harmonisation of statistical data in line with European and international standards, as well as consolidating

MEDSTAT III experts work closely with their counterparts in the Partner Countries to carry out the project’s activities and to transfer know-how and practices through targeted technical assistance, exchange of experiences, workshops and seminars, training courses and study visits. Other activities include a more user-friendly dissemination of statistics anda better understanding of the importance of statistics by the final users (politicians, governments, administration, private sector, journalists, universities, civil society, EU bodies, and international institutions). Actions in brief n Improves the capacity of the national statistics institutes and national statistical system in the Mediterranean Partner Countries to collect updated, timely, relevant and high-quality data. n Focuses on six priority thematic sectors - agriculture, energy, migration, social statistics, transport, trade and balance of payments. n Carries out general training, dissemination and data collection activities in the priority sectors. n Offers technical assistance as well as the exchange of experiences, workshops, seminars, training courses and study visits.

48 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Objectives: The private sector development programme aims to help develop the private sector in order to create much needed jobs for young people, a key factor in achieving more inclusive development in the Southern Mediterranean. Specifically, the programme aims to foster the development of a conducive business environment for micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (mSMEs) in the ENP South region, to develop quality Euro-Mediterranean networks providing adequate support and services for investing mSMEs, and to demonstrate the potential of cultural and creative industries (via pilot initiatives) in promoting inclusive growth. What does it do? The regional programme targets SMEs by intervening at macro-level (mSME business enabling environment), meso-level (reinforcing mSME support agencies); and micro-level (support for regional clusters in the cultural and creative industries). Responding to UN reports emphasising the growth potential of creative industries in developing countries, the programme fosters the development of cultural and creative industries in the region, maximising impact by taking advantage of clusters already existing in fields such as information technology, craſt, tourism, textile, fashion and cosmetics for example.


Actions in brief n Sets up quality Euro-Mediterranean networks providing adequate support and services to micro, small and medium enterprises (mSMEs); n Enhances the role of the Working Party on EuroMediterranean industrial cooperation in supporting and coordinating SME-related reforms, builds up the capacity of the Euro-Mediterranean Charter coordinators to advocate for and promote mSMEs and raises awareness and use of financing available for mSMEs; n Selects and co-finances the most promising pilot initiatives demonstrating the potential of cultural and creative industries in promoting inclusive growth and employment in the ENP South region; n Identifies regional sector strategies in a limited number of promising sectors in addition to cultural and creative industries to attract new EU and intra Mediterranean trade and investment flows and to develop further EU and intra Mediterranean business partnerships; n Organises, in the context of the identified regional sector strategies, matchmaking business events between specialists of the Mediterranean sector business associations, companies and their counterparts in the EU and intraMediterranean; n Disseminates the best practices from each Mediterranean country, which can enhance the international image of the region for investors.

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Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Support to FEMIP Supports FEMIP’s efforts to promote sustainable economic growth in the Mediterranean Partner Countries through investments in infrastructure and especially in private sector development

Addressing climate change in the Middle East and North-Africa (MENA) region Integrates climate change into the planning processes of different sectors (e.g. water, agriculture, energy, social) to make development more sustainable and to reduce vulnerability to climate change Algeria, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Yemen

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia the Climate Change Adaptation Flagship Report, which follows a participatory approach and actively engages regional stakeholders on the ground in writing the report.

Timeframe: 2008-2014 Timeframe: 2007-2013 Budget: €32 million per year Objectives: "Support to FEMIP" is a funding envelop of € 32 million per year from the Community Budget, which contributes to the FEMIP (Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership). FEMIP was set up in 2002 by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and has various sources of funding, such as the EIB's own resources, as well as the FEMIP Trust Fund to which the European Commission contributes. FEMIP places greater emphasis on helping to foster private sector activity in the region as a way to underpin growth and generate employment opportunities. Financial support is directed towards private sector projects and also to public projects that help to create an enabling environment for the private sector to flourish. What does it do? "Support to FEMIP" provides capital to the private sector on terms that are not available locally. This is done mainly through risk capital operations (e.g. participations via equity or quasi-equity), and facilitated through technical assistance. Risk capital is invested directly or indirectly in order to support the private sector or to strengthen the role of the local financial sector.

Between 2004 and 2007, more than 60 technical assistance contracts have been signed by the EIB through a budget of €105 million which was allocated for this purpose.

Budget: €1.5 million (=EC contribution)

Risk capital operations have been financed since the 1970s. Under MEDA II (2000-2006), the EIB committed a total of €182 million to risk capital operations.

Objectives: The project’s overall objective is to strengthen the capacity of the MENA countries to make their development more resilient to climate change (adaption) and less carbon intensive through a framework of regional cooperation (mitigation).

What’s next? A budget of €32million per year is expected to be allocated to the EIB in order to fund risk capital and technical assistance, in the period 2007-2013. Greater focus will be put on supporting the private sector, in particular through the provision of financing instruments which are currently not available on the local markets.

What does it do? Implemented by the World Bank through a Trust Fund, the project strengthens technical and institutional capacity in the region and promotes the exchange of climate change related knowledge, seeking to integrate climate change into planning processes of different sectors, including water, agriculture, energy, social, and others as relevant.

Actions in brief: n Allocated €105 million for technical assistance between 2003-2006. n Gave €212 million to risk capital between 2000-2006. n Targets the private sector to achieve growth and support employment, as well as public projects helping the private sector flourish. n Makes available €32 million each year to finance technical assistance and risk capital.

Six grants have been established under the programme, notably

50 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean



Actions in brief: Funds a number of grant projects to perform analytical work or technical assistance. These are: n n n n n n

A TA in Support of Downscaling climate change in the MENA Region with Some Application of Case Studies Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in Agricultural Systems in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria Improving Food Import Supply Chains in Arab Countries Economic Analysis of Large Scale CSP (Concentrating Solar Power) Development. Cairo Congestion Study. Adaptation to a Changing Climate in the Arab Countries.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -51

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Support to FEMIP Supports FEMIP’s efforts to promote sustainable economic growth in the Mediterranean Partner Countries through investments in infrastructure and especially in private sector development

Addressing climate change in the Middle East and North-Africa (MENA) region Integrates climate change into the planning processes of different sectors (e.g. water, agriculture, energy, social) to make development more sustainable and to reduce vulnerability to climate change Algeria, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Yemen

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia the Climate Change Adaptation Flagship Report, which follows a participatory approach and actively engages regional stakeholders on the ground in writing the report.

Timeframe: 2008-2014 Timeframe: 2007-2013 Budget: €32 million per year Objectives: "Support to FEMIP" is a funding envelop of € 32 million per year from the Community Budget, which contributes to the FEMIP (Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership). FEMIP was set up in 2002 by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and has various sources of funding, such as the EIB's own resources, as well as the FEMIP Trust Fund to which the European Commission contributes. FEMIP places greater emphasis on helping to foster private sector activity in the region as a way to underpin growth and generate employment opportunities. Financial support is directed towards private sector projects and also to public projects that help to create an enabling environment for the private sector to flourish. What does it do? "Support to FEMIP" provides capital to the private sector on terms that are not available locally. This is done mainly through risk capital operations (e.g. participations via equity or quasi-equity), and facilitated through technical assistance. Risk capital is invested directly or indirectly in order to support the private sector or to strengthen the role of the local financial sector.

Between 2004 and 2007, more than 60 technical assistance contracts have been signed by the EIB through a budget of €105 million which was allocated for this purpose.

Budget: €1.5 million (=EC contribution)

Risk capital operations have been financed since the 1970s. Under MEDA II (2000-2006), the EIB committed a total of €182 million to risk capital operations.

Objectives: The project’s overall objective is to strengthen the capacity of the MENA countries to make their development more resilient to climate change (adaption) and less carbon intensive through a framework of regional cooperation (mitigation).

What’s next? A budget of €32million per year is expected to be allocated to the EIB in order to fund risk capital and technical assistance, in the period 2007-2013. Greater focus will be put on supporting the private sector, in particular through the provision of financing instruments which are currently not available on the local markets.

What does it do? Implemented by the World Bank through a Trust Fund, the project strengthens technical and institutional capacity in the region and promotes the exchange of climate change related knowledge, seeking to integrate climate change into planning processes of different sectors, including water, agriculture, energy, social, and others as relevant.

Actions in brief: n Allocated €105 million for technical assistance between 2003-2006. n Gave €212 million to risk capital between 2000-2006. n Targets the private sector to achieve growth and support employment, as well as public projects helping the private sector flourish. n Makes available €32 million each year to finance technical assistance and risk capital.

Six grants have been established under the programme, notably

50 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean



Actions in brief: Funds a number of grant projects to perform analytical work or technical assistance. These are: n n n n n n

A TA in Support of Downscaling climate change in the MENA Region with Some Application of Case Studies Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in Agricultural Systems in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria Improving Food Import Supply Chains in Arab Countries Economic Analysis of Large Scale CSP (Concentrating Solar Power) Development. Cairo Congestion Study. Adaptation to a Changing Climate in the Arab Countries.

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Economic integration and sustainable development Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Cleaner energy-saving Mediterranean cities Supports the efforts of local authorities in the ENPI South Mediterranean Partner Countries to respond more actively to sustainable policy challenges. Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2012-2015 Budget: €4.4 million Objectives: The project aims to develop the capacities of local authorities in the region to formulate and implement sustainable local policies, such as those implied by joining the Covenant of Mayors. It intends to expand the use at local level of sustainable policies, such as renewable energy solutions and energy efficiency measures to reduce CO2 emissions, as well as efficient water and waste management, environment-friendly public transport, etc. The project will also contribute to making national authorities more aware of and responsive to the need for and advantages of a strong involvement of cities in local sustainable policy issues. What does it do? The project assists a selection of 2-3 Local Authorities per beneficiary country in analysing their current sustainability situation and in developing and implementing sustainable local policies such as the Covenant of Mayors. In parallel, the project works with national authorities to improve their understanding of how the implementation of sustainable policies at local level can be beneficial at a national level.

The project also contributes to raise the awareness of the local population with regard to local sustainable policies and seeks to build lasting partnerships between local authorities in the EU and in the ENPI region. Actions in brief: n Provides direct expert assistance, training for local authorities and exchange of best practice; n Organises regional networking events and seminars (e.g. local sustainable policies days); n Carries out information and awareness raising activities for cities and local population (e.g. preparation of tailored made materials on sustainable urban development policies, such as the Covenant of Mayors); n Helps local authorities prepare action plans for sustainable local development policies; n Provides technical assistance on local sustainable policies via two helpdesks (one in the Maghreb and one in the Mashreq), which liaise with the Covenant of Mayors Office for Sustainable Energy Action Plans and with the Joint Research Centre (JRC) for technical and scientific issues.

A Tunisian man harvesting mussels in the lake of Bizerte, Tunisia. The quality of the lake’s water has improved measurably as a result of an EU-supported project in the region (Photo EPA©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).

52 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Economic integration and sustainable development Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Cleaner energy-saving Mediterranean cities Supports the efforts of local authorities in the ENPI South Mediterranean Partner Countries to respond more actively to sustainable policy challenges. Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2012-2015 Budget: €4.4 million Objectives: The project aims to develop the capacities of local authorities in the region to formulate and implement sustainable local policies, such as those implied by joining the Covenant of Mayors. It intends to expand the use at local level of sustainable policies, such as renewable energy solutions and energy efficiency measures to reduce CO2 emissions, as well as efficient water and waste management, environment-friendly public transport, etc. The project will also contribute to making national authorities more aware of and responsive to the need for and advantages of a strong involvement of cities in local sustainable policy issues. What does it do? The project assists a selection of 2-3 Local Authorities per beneficiary country in analysing their current sustainability situation and in developing and implementing sustainable local policies such as the Covenant of Mayors. In parallel, the project works with national authorities to improve their understanding of how the implementation of sustainable policies at local level can be beneficial at a national level.

The project also contributes to raise the awareness of the local population with regard to local sustainable policies and seeks to build lasting partnerships between local authorities in the EU and in the ENPI region. Actions in brief: n Provides direct expert assistance, training for local authorities and exchange of best practice; n Organises regional networking events and seminars (e.g. local sustainable policies days); n Carries out information and awareness raising activities for cities and local population (e.g. preparation of tailored made materials on sustainable urban development policies, such as the Covenant of Mayors); n Helps local authorities prepare action plans for sustainable local development policies; n Provides technical assistance on local sustainable policies via two helpdesks (one in the Maghreb and one in the Mashreq), which liaise with the Covenant of Mayors Office for Sustainable Energy Action Plans and with the Joint Research Centre (JRC) for technical and scientific issues.

A Tunisian man harvesting mussels in the lake of Bizerte, Tunisia. The quality of the lake’s water has improved measurably as a result of an EU-supported project in the region (Photo EPA©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).

52 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Clima South: Support for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ENPI South region

Development of a Mediterranean marine and coastal protected areas network (MedPAN)

Supports the transition of ENP South countries towards low carbon development and climate resilience, in a context of sustainable and democratic development, by enhancing regional cooperation, information sharing and capacity development on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Assists countries to expand, and strengthen the management of, the Mediterranean marine protected areas (MPA) network

Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Turkey

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2013-2016 (48 months) Budget: €5 million Objectives: The project seeks to enhance regional cooperation between the EU and its southern Mediterranean neighbours and among the partner countries themselves (South–South) on climate change mitigation and adaptation, mainly through capacity development and information sharing. The overarching goal is to support the transition of ENP South countries towards low carbon development and climate resilience. To this effect, the project will assist partner countries the formulation and implementation of mitigation and adaptation policies and tools such as. national adaptation strategies; low emission development strategies; National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs); and Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV), in particular to develop greenhouse-gas inventories. It also aims to improve the access of decision-makers, officials, experts and civil society in ENP South countries to the best practices and legislation in the EU, ENP South countries and other regions of the world, in the field of climate change. What does it do? The project contributes to improved climate change policies, strategies and tools in the ENP South region by increasing exchanges between all regional stakeholders on climate change challenges and policy options, including through targeted regional co-operation activities on priority climate change topics and ensuring better access to and sharing of information, best practices and legislation on climate change.

Activities include support in identifying, designing and formulating mitigation actions that are appropriate at national level, such as encouraging the adoption of low emission development strategies on the basis of accurate and up-to-date measurement, reporting and verification systems. The project also supports improved use and sharing of data on climate science in a way that can enhance the capacity of partner countries to elaborate well-targeted adaptation and mitigation strategies, further increase climate resilience and mainstream climate action into other policies. At the same time, activities seek to strengthen the capacity of institutions in charge of climate change to better position themselves at both the national and international levels. Actions in brief: n Organises a number of regional trainings and meetings on mitigation (e.g. monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) at global and sector level, including the establishment of national greenhouse gas inventories) and about adaptation (data management, vulnerability assessments, national adaptation strategies and plans); n Stimulates EU-South and South-South peer-to-peer cooperation by bringing together experts, including academia and civil society, on climate change mitigation and adaptation issues; n Organises workshops, trainings and study visits involving the main stakeholders involved in climate change policy development and implementation; n Creates website in Arabic, English and French, as a platform for accessing and sharing information; n Writes targeted climate change material in Arabic, English and French; n Sets up a flexible expert facility to respond to information and training needs expressed by partner countries' authorities.

54 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Timeframe: 2009-2014 Budget: €3.6 million (EC contribution) Objectives: The project aims to maintain the long-term function of the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem through the use of an ecologically-coherent network of protected areas, combined with the sustainable use of renewable marine resources. Specifically, the project seeks to enhance the effective conservation of regionally important coastal and marine biodiversity features, through the creation of the MPA network in the Mediterranean region. The creation of such a network will at the same time tackle the common problems in the region as regards to the identification of stakeholders to be involved, the joint consideration of issues having scientific and technical nature, and the intertwining of ecological considerations with economic, social and political concerns. What does it do? Implemented by UNEP-MAP, the project works on a number of pilot projects to showcase solutions to some MPA problems and features a region-wide capacity building programme. The project addresses major problems affecting MPA management, including the lack of well-defined conservation objectives and management plans, lack of local support, insufficient funds, insuffi-


cient and poorly trained field staff, insufficient information about protected areas status and basic ecological issues, weak networking and capacity sharing among MPA managers, practitioners and responsible authorities, high interference with other human activities occurring in coastal zones, mainly tourism and fisheries, and weak MPA integration into landscape and broader development plans. Actions in brief: n Technical assistance, exchange programmes and training activities; setting up of an online capacity building platform for remote tutoring and information sharing; n Implementation of MPA management plans in the pilot countries; n Work on the characterisation of marine sites suitable to become new protected areas, and the identification of related actions (the identification of stakeholders group, partnerships, etc.) needed to promote their creation; n Demonstration activities for marine areas creation, including ecological surveys, ecological characterisation reports, and the collection of geo-referenced data; n Communication efforts on improving the perception of stakeholders and governments on the benefits of MPAs, on securing stakeholder and government commitment to the goals of the convention on biodiversity and on reducing user conflicts at the national and local level; n Preparation of training and information material as needed.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -55

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Clima South: Support for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ENPI South region

Development of a Mediterranean marine and coastal protected areas network (MedPAN)

Supports the transition of ENP South countries towards low carbon development and climate resilience, in a context of sustainable and democratic development, by enhancing regional cooperation, information sharing and capacity development on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Assists countries to expand, and strengthen the management of, the Mediterranean marine protected areas (MPA) network

Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Turkey

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2013-2016 (48 months) Budget: €5 million Objectives: The project seeks to enhance regional cooperation between the EU and its southern Mediterranean neighbours and among the partner countries themselves (South–South) on climate change mitigation and adaptation, mainly through capacity development and information sharing. The overarching goal is to support the transition of ENP South countries towards low carbon development and climate resilience. To this effect, the project will assist partner countries the formulation and implementation of mitigation and adaptation policies and tools such as. national adaptation strategies; low emission development strategies; National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs); and Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV), in particular to develop greenhouse-gas inventories. It also aims to improve the access of decision-makers, officials, experts and civil society in ENP South countries to the best practices and legislation in the EU, ENP South countries and other regions of the world, in the field of climate change. What does it do? The project contributes to improved climate change policies, strategies and tools in the ENP South region by increasing exchanges between all regional stakeholders on climate change challenges and policy options, including through targeted regional co-operation activities on priority climate change topics and ensuring better access to and sharing of information, best practices and legislation on climate change.

Activities include support in identifying, designing and formulating mitigation actions that are appropriate at national level, such as encouraging the adoption of low emission development strategies on the basis of accurate and up-to-date measurement, reporting and verification systems. The project also supports improved use and sharing of data on climate science in a way that can enhance the capacity of partner countries to elaborate well-targeted adaptation and mitigation strategies, further increase climate resilience and mainstream climate action into other policies. At the same time, activities seek to strengthen the capacity of institutions in charge of climate change to better position themselves at both the national and international levels. Actions in brief: n Organises a number of regional trainings and meetings on mitigation (e.g. monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) at global and sector level, including the establishment of national greenhouse gas inventories) and about adaptation (data management, vulnerability assessments, national adaptation strategies and plans); n Stimulates EU-South and South-South peer-to-peer cooperation by bringing together experts, including academia and civil society, on climate change mitigation and adaptation issues; n Organises workshops, trainings and study visits involving the main stakeholders involved in climate change policy development and implementation; n Creates website in Arabic, English and French, as a platform for accessing and sharing information; n Writes targeted climate change material in Arabic, English and French; n Sets up a flexible expert facility to respond to information and training needs expressed by partner countries' authorities.

54 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Timeframe: 2009-2014 Budget: €3.6 million (EC contribution) Objectives: The project aims to maintain the long-term function of the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem through the use of an ecologically-coherent network of protected areas, combined with the sustainable use of renewable marine resources. Specifically, the project seeks to enhance the effective conservation of regionally important coastal and marine biodiversity features, through the creation of the MPA network in the Mediterranean region. The creation of such a network will at the same time tackle the common problems in the region as regards to the identification of stakeholders to be involved, the joint consideration of issues having scientific and technical nature, and the intertwining of ecological considerations with economic, social and political concerns. What does it do? Implemented by UNEP-MAP, the project works on a number of pilot projects to showcase solutions to some MPA problems and features a region-wide capacity building programme. The project addresses major problems affecting MPA management, including the lack of well-defined conservation objectives and management plans, lack of local support, insufficient funds, insuffi-


cient and poorly trained field staff, insufficient information about protected areas status and basic ecological issues, weak networking and capacity sharing among MPA managers, practitioners and responsible authorities, high interference with other human activities occurring in coastal zones, mainly tourism and fisheries, and weak MPA integration into landscape and broader development plans. Actions in brief: n Technical assistance, exchange programmes and training activities; setting up of an online capacity building platform for remote tutoring and information sharing; n Implementation of MPA management plans in the pilot countries; n Work on the characterisation of marine sites suitable to become new protected areas, and the identification of related actions (the identification of stakeholders group, partnerships, etc.) needed to promote their creation; n Demonstration activities for marine areas creation, including ecological surveys, ecological characterisation reports, and the collection of geo-referenced data; n Communication efforts on improving the perception of stakeholders and governments on the benefits of MPAs, on securing stakeholder and government commitment to the goals of the convention on biodiversity and on reducing user conflicts at the national and local level; n Preparation of training and information material as needed.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -55

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

ENPI Shared Environment Information System (SEIS) Modernises and simplifies the collection, exchange and use of the data and information required for the design and implementation of environmental policy. Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Russia, Syria*, Tunisia, Ukraine Timeframe: 2010-2014 Budget: €5.7 million Objectives: The project aims to promote the protection of the environment in the countries of the ENPI area by extending the principles of the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) to the Neighbourhood area, and developing the capacities of the relevant authorities responsible for environmental data management and reporting. The SEIS is an EU initiative to modernise and simplify the collection, exchange and use of the data and information required for designing and implementing environmental policy. The project is implemented by the European Environment Agency in collaboration with Eurostat, DG Environment and the EU’s Joint Research Centres (JRC). What does it do? The project works with the national environmental and statistical organisations responsible in the field of environmental information within the ENPI area: ministries, agencies and statistical offices responsible for collecting, producing, storing and disseminating environmental data and information, with each country nominating two national ENPISEIS focal points for this process. The project helps to develop the capacities of the relevant authorities in the areas of cooperation, networking, monitoring,

Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) Supports the implementation of the Horizon 2020 Initiative for depollution of the Mediterranean through capacity building and awareness raising activities and promotes the integration/mainstreaming of environmental issues into other sector policies

data management, assessment and indicator based reporting on the environment. It also provides long-term and sustainable prospects for cooperation with partner countries.

Albania, Algeria, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Turkey

The main outcomes of the ENPI-SEIS project address three SEIS components – cooperation, content and infrastructure – through enhanced networking with the national capacities on environmental information. Furthermore, it promotes open, public access to information through compatible and freely available exchange tools.

Timeframe: 2009-2014

Actions in brief n Identifies and develops data and information flows and environmental indicators suitable for the design and review of environmental policies, supporting monitoring and compliance with various national, regional and international obligations and targets; n Improves capacities in the field of monitoring, collection, storage, assessment, and reporting of environmental data in the relevant environmental authorities including the national statistical systems, in compliance with reporting obligations to international agreements and in coordination with relevant regional initiatives; n Supports efforts to set up national and regional environmental information systems in the countries of the ENP area that are in line with the EU’s SEIS; n Tracks progress in regional environmental initiatives (ENP, Eastern Partnership, Strategic Partnership, Horizon 2020).

56 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Budget: €9.2 million (includes IPA funds) Objectives: The EU's Horizon 2020 Initiative aims to de-pollute the Mediterranean by the year 2020 by tackling the sources of pollution that account for around 80% of the overall pollution of the Mediterranean Sea: municipal waste, urban waste water and industrial pollution. The main objective of the H2020 CB/MEP project is to support the implementation of H2020 with a special focus on environmental mainstreaming. It aims to address the following problems: low political priority given to the environment; insufficient integration of environmental issues in different sector policies (agriculture, tourism, transport or energy) and lack of inclusion of different actors from local to international level, and insufficient capacities and resources at institutional and civil society level. What does it do? The project strengthens capacities and resources dedicated to the H2020 priority areas (urban wastewater, municipal solid waste and industrial emissions) at policy level as well as at regional/national level. It also promotes the


integration of environmental protection into national policies and legislation covering environment sensitive sectors (e.g. agriculture, tourism, energy or transport), as well as promoting knowledge and effective use of tools such as Strategic Environment Assessments and Environment Impact Assessments. At the same time, local networks based in the Partner Countries are effectively sensitised and mobilised, as well as civil society (private sector, professional organisations, citizens, Academics, NGOs...). Actions in brief n Develops a comprehensive programme of capacity building activities in order to promote strategic tools in relevant institutions and to strengthen capacities dedicated to H2020 priority areas, including training, study visits, ad hoc consultations, awareness campaigns and other activities; n Organises Horizon 2020 Steering Groups and Sub-groups; n Conducts targeted awareness raising activities; n Elaborates and makes available a ‘Hot Spot’ inventory for the Western Balkans and Turkey as complementary to the Mediterranean Hot Spot inventory, MeHSIP. The inventory is available on the website

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -57

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

ENPI Shared Environment Information System (SEIS) Modernises and simplifies the collection, exchange and use of the data and information required for the design and implementation of environmental policy. Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Russia, Syria*, Tunisia, Ukraine Timeframe: 2010-2014 Budget: €5.7 million Objectives: The project aims to promote the protection of the environment in the countries of the ENPI area by extending the principles of the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) to the Neighbourhood area, and developing the capacities of the relevant authorities responsible for environmental data management and reporting. The SEIS is an EU initiative to modernise and simplify the collection, exchange and use of the data and information required for designing and implementing environmental policy. The project is implemented by the European Environment Agency in collaboration with Eurostat, DG Environment and the EU’s Joint Research Centres (JRC). What does it do? The project works with the national environmental and statistical organisations responsible in the field of environmental information within the ENPI area: ministries, agencies and statistical offices responsible for collecting, producing, storing and disseminating environmental data and information, with each country nominating two national ENPISEIS focal points for this process. The project helps to develop the capacities of the relevant authorities in the areas of cooperation, networking, monitoring,

Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) Supports the implementation of the Horizon 2020 Initiative for depollution of the Mediterranean through capacity building and awareness raising activities and promotes the integration/mainstreaming of environmental issues into other sector policies

data management, assessment and indicator based reporting on the environment. It also provides long-term and sustainable prospects for cooperation with partner countries.

Albania, Algeria, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Turkey

The main outcomes of the ENPI-SEIS project address three SEIS components – cooperation, content and infrastructure – through enhanced networking with the national capacities on environmental information. Furthermore, it promotes open, public access to information through compatible and freely available exchange tools.

Timeframe: 2009-2014

Actions in brief n Identifies and develops data and information flows and environmental indicators suitable for the design and review of environmental policies, supporting monitoring and compliance with various national, regional and international obligations and targets; n Improves capacities in the field of monitoring, collection, storage, assessment, and reporting of environmental data in the relevant environmental authorities including the national statistical systems, in compliance with reporting obligations to international agreements and in coordination with relevant regional initiatives; n Supports efforts to set up national and regional environmental information systems in the countries of the ENP area that are in line with the EU’s SEIS; n Tracks progress in regional environmental initiatives (ENP, Eastern Partnership, Strategic Partnership, Horizon 2020).

56 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Budget: €9.2 million (includes IPA funds) Objectives: The EU's Horizon 2020 Initiative aims to de-pollute the Mediterranean by the year 2020 by tackling the sources of pollution that account for around 80% of the overall pollution of the Mediterranean Sea: municipal waste, urban waste water and industrial pollution. The main objective of the H2020 CB/MEP project is to support the implementation of H2020 with a special focus on environmental mainstreaming. It aims to address the following problems: low political priority given to the environment; insufficient integration of environmental issues in different sector policies (agriculture, tourism, transport or energy) and lack of inclusion of different actors from local to international level, and insufficient capacities and resources at institutional and civil society level. What does it do? The project strengthens capacities and resources dedicated to the H2020 priority areas (urban wastewater, municipal solid waste and industrial emissions) at policy level as well as at regional/national level. It also promotes the


integration of environmental protection into national policies and legislation covering environment sensitive sectors (e.g. agriculture, tourism, energy or transport), as well as promoting knowledge and effective use of tools such as Strategic Environment Assessments and Environment Impact Assessments. At the same time, local networks based in the Partner Countries are effectively sensitised and mobilised, as well as civil society (private sector, professional organisations, citizens, Academics, NGOs...). Actions in brief n Develops a comprehensive programme of capacity building activities in order to promote strategic tools in relevant institutions and to strengthen capacities dedicated to H2020 priority areas, including training, study visits, ad hoc consultations, awareness campaigns and other activities; n Organises Horizon 2020 Steering Groups and Sub-groups; n Conducts targeted awareness raising activities; n Elaborates and makes available a ‘Hot Spot’ inventory for the Western Balkans and Turkey as complementary to the Mediterranean Hot Spot inventory, MeHSIP. The inventory is available on the website

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Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Integrated Maritime Policy for the Mediterranean (IMP-MED) Seeks to provide opportunities to nine southern neighbourhood states in the Mediterranean to engage in and to obtain assistance for developing integrated approaches to maritime affairs

Social and ecological resilience in the face of climate change in the Mediterranean Region Develops and pilots a resilience framework for local action planning capacities and methodologies to increase climate change resilience through joint learning, planning and testing by stakeholders through demonstration sites Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2010-2014 Budget: €2.9 million Objectives: The project aims to promote an integrated approach to maritime affairs in the Euro Mediterranean partner countries and to assist them in implementing it. The main objective of the Integrated Maritime Policy is to maximise the use of the sea whilst maintaining a viable sustainable environment. This goal can only be achieved if account is taken of the impact of the different policies that are deployed on the seas, be it environment, transport, energy, research, fisheries, security, etc. This requires cross-border and cross-sectoral work. The aim of the project is therefore to promote the development of shared responsibility and increased cooperation in managing shared seas and ensuring coherence between actions undertaken at EU level and those undertaken by the EU’s neighbours sharing the same sea basin. What does it do? The project organises a series of support and cooperation actions at the regional, subregional and national levels designed to promote the improvement of maritime governance in the Mediterranean. It also offers support to partner countries at the national level through country visits, national workshops, studies and other technical assistance activities designed in particular to build the vision, strategy and platform for future implementation of more integrated maritime policies. In addition, the project raises awareness in partner countries of the maritime assets of the Mediterranean and of the corresponding po-

tential of an integrated approach to policy design and implementation (in particular in terms of sustainable maritime growth and jobs, environmental sustainability and a safer and more secure maritime space). It promotes the development of national maritime policies, and builds on existing cooperation processes and initiatives both at regional and subregional level. Actions in brief: n Organises a number of meetings and workshops for relevant ministries and public bodies and other stakeholders, to raise awareness in all the different sectors involved and achieve a real cross-sectoral approach; n Provides technical assistance to the administrations of the beneficiary countries to help them to adhere to the principles of the IMP in their administration and policy making frameworks; n Creates national roadmaps in cooperation with the respective national authorities, towards the adoption of a more integrated approach to maritime policy and effective policy making in all concerned maritime sectors, accompanied by proposals for better use of EU bilateral financing programmes in this field; n Provides access to complete and detailed information on IMP concepts, tools and best practice; n Contributes to the work of regional and global organisations working on aspects of IMP in the Mediterranean; n Increases awareness of existing marine and maritime agreements, the impacts of the current gaps in ratification and implementation and ways of addressing these gaps, including existing funding possibilities; n Defines a set of proposals/recommendations together with partner countries for possible actions/projects at regional and subregional levels.

58 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Timeframe: 2010-2013

up to the ministry level.

Budget: €1,490,000 (EC contribution)

Implementation is piloted in demonstration sites to enable joint learning with stakeholders, through local action planning and testing of interventions designed to increase climate change resilience.

Objectives: The Social, Ecological and Agricultural Resilience in the Face of Climate Change (SEARCH) project aims to develop and pilot a resilience framework in the beneficiary countries to help them to adapt to climate change. Resilience is understood as the capacity to cope, address and overcome adverse impacts from external factors, including climate change. The resilience of ecosystems underpins the resilience of people. Likewise, building community resilience through innovative action in water management and other types of natural resource management can strengthen the intrinsic resilience of ecosystems. What does it do? The project demonstrates how local communities can successfully engage with and overcome the negative impacts of climate change. Instead of looking for solutions to specific environmental problems, SEARCH concentrates on giving the local community and other stakeholders the skills and knowledge they need to assess the impact of climate change on a day-to-day basis. It also helps them increase their resilience towards climate change. The project brings stakeholders from all backgrounds together into roundtable discussions in order to achieve a complete participatory approach and raise awareness, from the end user


Actions in brief: n Increases the knowledge and capacity of the local community with regard to climate change adaptation planning and tools; n Uses joint participatory approaches to plan for climate change adaptation locally and regionally as well as supporting local authorities in designing and implementing local action plans for climate change adaptation; n Supports innovation in terms of green infrastructure technologies and investment in the maintenance and restoration of watersheds, wetlands and aquifers to increase the resilience of livelihoods to climate change; n Pilots and tests locally prioritised actions for climate change adaptation and communicates results and lessons through regional knowledge networks; n Reduces climate change vulnerability in local communities through positive models on the ground; n Develops practical toolkits and guides that contribute to developing regional and national strategies for climate change adaptation, poverty reduction and economic growth.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -59

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Integrated Maritime Policy for the Mediterranean (IMP-MED) Seeks to provide opportunities to nine southern neighbourhood states in the Mediterranean to engage in and to obtain assistance for developing integrated approaches to maritime affairs

Social and ecological resilience in the face of climate change in the Mediterranean Region Develops and pilots a resilience framework for local action planning capacities and methodologies to increase climate change resilience through joint learning, planning and testing by stakeholders through demonstration sites Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2010-2014 Budget: €2.9 million Objectives: The project aims to promote an integrated approach to maritime affairs in the Euro Mediterranean partner countries and to assist them in implementing it. The main objective of the Integrated Maritime Policy is to maximise the use of the sea whilst maintaining a viable sustainable environment. This goal can only be achieved if account is taken of the impact of the different policies that are deployed on the seas, be it environment, transport, energy, research, fisheries, security, etc. This requires cross-border and cross-sectoral work. The aim of the project is therefore to promote the development of shared responsibility and increased cooperation in managing shared seas and ensuring coherence between actions undertaken at EU level and those undertaken by the EU’s neighbours sharing the same sea basin. What does it do? The project organises a series of support and cooperation actions at the regional, subregional and national levels designed to promote the improvement of maritime governance in the Mediterranean. It also offers support to partner countries at the national level through country visits, national workshops, studies and other technical assistance activities designed in particular to build the vision, strategy and platform for future implementation of more integrated maritime policies. In addition, the project raises awareness in partner countries of the maritime assets of the Mediterranean and of the corresponding po-

tential of an integrated approach to policy design and implementation (in particular in terms of sustainable maritime growth and jobs, environmental sustainability and a safer and more secure maritime space). It promotes the development of national maritime policies, and builds on existing cooperation processes and initiatives both at regional and subregional level. Actions in brief: n Organises a number of meetings and workshops for relevant ministries and public bodies and other stakeholders, to raise awareness in all the different sectors involved and achieve a real cross-sectoral approach; n Provides technical assistance to the administrations of the beneficiary countries to help them to adhere to the principles of the IMP in their administration and policy making frameworks; n Creates national roadmaps in cooperation with the respective national authorities, towards the adoption of a more integrated approach to maritime policy and effective policy making in all concerned maritime sectors, accompanied by proposals for better use of EU bilateral financing programmes in this field; n Provides access to complete and detailed information on IMP concepts, tools and best practice; n Contributes to the work of regional and global organisations working on aspects of IMP in the Mediterranean; n Increases awareness of existing marine and maritime agreements, the impacts of the current gaps in ratification and implementation and ways of addressing these gaps, including existing funding possibilities; n Defines a set of proposals/recommendations together with partner countries for possible actions/projects at regional and subregional levels.

58 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Timeframe: 2010-2013

up to the ministry level.

Budget: €1,490,000 (EC contribution)

Implementation is piloted in demonstration sites to enable joint learning with stakeholders, through local action planning and testing of interventions designed to increase climate change resilience.

Objectives: The Social, Ecological and Agricultural Resilience in the Face of Climate Change (SEARCH) project aims to develop and pilot a resilience framework in the beneficiary countries to help them to adapt to climate change. Resilience is understood as the capacity to cope, address and overcome adverse impacts from external factors, including climate change. The resilience of ecosystems underpins the resilience of people. Likewise, building community resilience through innovative action in water management and other types of natural resource management can strengthen the intrinsic resilience of ecosystems. What does it do? The project demonstrates how local communities can successfully engage with and overcome the negative impacts of climate change. Instead of looking for solutions to specific environmental problems, SEARCH concentrates on giving the local community and other stakeholders the skills and knowledge they need to assess the impact of climate change on a day-to-day basis. It also helps them increase their resilience towards climate change. The project brings stakeholders from all backgrounds together into roundtable discussions in order to achieve a complete participatory approach and raise awareness, from the end user


Actions in brief: n Increases the knowledge and capacity of the local community with regard to climate change adaptation planning and tools; n Uses joint participatory approaches to plan for climate change adaptation locally and regionally as well as supporting local authorities in designing and implementing local action plans for climate change adaptation; n Supports innovation in terms of green infrastructure technologies and investment in the maintenance and restoration of watersheds, wetlands and aquifers to increase the resilience of livelihoods to climate change; n Pilots and tests locally prioritised actions for climate change adaptation and communicates results and lessons through regional knowledge networks; n Reduces climate change vulnerability in local communities through positive models on the ground; n Develops practical toolkits and guides that contribute to developing regional and national strategies for climate change adaptation, poverty reduction and economic growth.

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Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Sustainable Water Management and De-pollution of the Mediterranean Aims at enforcing sustainable water management policies, disseminating good practices in the region and supporting the initiative for the de-pollution of the Mediterranean

SWITCH-Med: Switching to more sustainable consumption and production in the Mediterranean Promotes the shiſt of Southern Mediterranean economies towards sustainable consumption and production patterns and a green economy Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2012-2016 Timeframe: 2009-2013

2020 (H2020) initiative for the de-pollution of the Mediterranean Sea.

Budget: €22 million Objectives: The programme promotes the enforcement of sustainable water management policies and the dissemination of good practices in the region. This, in a context of increasing water scarcity and pressure on water resources from a wide range of users and desertification processes, directly linked to climate change. It draws attention to threats to water resources and solutions that exist, as well as the need to adopt a more appropriate model of consumption, supporting Partner Countries in implementing sustainable water management policies. It carries forward the results achieved by two earlier regional programmes, SMAP I, SMAP II and SMAP III and MEDA Water. What does it do? The programme contributes to raising awareness of water value and of the continuous depletion of water resources through policy dialogue and the dissemination of information and good practices, while assisting Partner Countries in updating and implementing their strategies at the national and local levels, in cooperation with other international initiatives. It also contributes to institutional reinforcement and the development of planning and management skills, in line with the objectives of the Horizon

It supports activities aligned with the four priorities of the Mediterranean Water Strategy (MWS), namely water governance, water and climate change, water financing and water demand management. A few demonstration projects will promote integrated and ecosystems approaches in the fields of integrated water management, or coastal zone management, and in sectors covered by the Horizon 2020 initiative, and to put them into practice at local level. A team of experts will deliver the technical assistance needed to capitalise the results of the demonstration projects and to support the implementation of both initiatives, the MWS and Horizon 2020. Actions in brief: n Conducts capacity building activities. n Supports the implementation of demonstration projects in integrated water management, coastal zone management and H2020. n Identifies good practices and success stories in the region and elsewhere. n Organises events aiming to mobilise Partner Countries and donors, discuss thematic issues, harmonise policies, facilitate dialogue. n Mobilise finance to support infrastructure development. n Develops a communication and awareness-raising strategy targeting decision makers and stakeholders.

60 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Budget: €17 million for demonstration activities and networking activities (ENPI) + €3 million for policy component (thematic budget line) Objectives: The SWITHCH-MED sustainable consumption and production programme aims to promote a switch of the Mediterranean economies towards sustainable consumption and production patterns and green economy, including low emission development, through demonstration and dissemination of methods that improve resource and energy efficiency. It also seeks to minimise the environmental impacts associated to the life cycle of products and services, and, as opportune, to promote renewable energy. What does it do? The programme is divided into three components, 1) a policy component, built around the Barcelona convention and national sustainable consumption and production (SCP) plans; 2) demonstration activities linked both to the policy component and the private sector; 3) a networking function to allow for exchange, lesson learning and further scaling up. The policy component works to further integrate sustainable consumption and production into the regional and national Mediterranean policy and governance framework. Under the demonstration component, a set of regional or


national demonstration projects promoting the adoption of more sustainable ways to design, produce, use and recycle products in the Mediterranean region will be selected and carried out. These will help to increase SMEs' use of environmentally-friendly technologies and practices, improve their overall resource efficiency and reduce their emissions of pollutants, and increase the production and consumption of 'green' and 'fair' products. At the same time, the project will empower civil society and actively promote green entrepreneurship, as key drivers of sustainable consumption and production, and ensure the implementation of specific priorities identified by the SCP national action plans. Finally, the networking mechanism ensures linkages between the demonstration activities and the policy component, identifying best practices, lessons learned and replication potential. Actions in brief: n Supports partner countries in creating an enabling environment for SCP through the participatory development and approval of SCP national action plans n Selects and implements demonstration and replication projects, piloting and scaling up successful SCP practices in the Mediterranean, in close co-ordination with the policy component n Creates and runs of a network facility, in charge of promoting the exchange and diffusion of project experiences and impacts, and supporting the dialogue between the policy and the demonstration component.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -61

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Sustainable Water Management and De-pollution of the Mediterranean Aims at enforcing sustainable water management policies, disseminating good practices in the region and supporting the initiative for the de-pollution of the Mediterranean

SWITCH-Med: Switching to more sustainable consumption and production in the Mediterranean Promotes the shiſt of Southern Mediterranean economies towards sustainable consumption and production patterns and a green economy Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2012-2016 Timeframe: 2009-2013

2020 (H2020) initiative for the de-pollution of the Mediterranean Sea.

Budget: €22 million Objectives: The programme promotes the enforcement of sustainable water management policies and the dissemination of good practices in the region. This, in a context of increasing water scarcity and pressure on water resources from a wide range of users and desertification processes, directly linked to climate change. It draws attention to threats to water resources and solutions that exist, as well as the need to adopt a more appropriate model of consumption, supporting Partner Countries in implementing sustainable water management policies. It carries forward the results achieved by two earlier regional programmes, SMAP I, SMAP II and SMAP III and MEDA Water. What does it do? The programme contributes to raising awareness of water value and of the continuous depletion of water resources through policy dialogue and the dissemination of information and good practices, while assisting Partner Countries in updating and implementing their strategies at the national and local levels, in cooperation with other international initiatives. It also contributes to institutional reinforcement and the development of planning and management skills, in line with the objectives of the Horizon

It supports activities aligned with the four priorities of the Mediterranean Water Strategy (MWS), namely water governance, water and climate change, water financing and water demand management. A few demonstration projects will promote integrated and ecosystems approaches in the fields of integrated water management, or coastal zone management, and in sectors covered by the Horizon 2020 initiative, and to put them into practice at local level. A team of experts will deliver the technical assistance needed to capitalise the results of the demonstration projects and to support the implementation of both initiatives, the MWS and Horizon 2020. Actions in brief: n Conducts capacity building activities. n Supports the implementation of demonstration projects in integrated water management, coastal zone management and H2020. n Identifies good practices and success stories in the region and elsewhere. n Organises events aiming to mobilise Partner Countries and donors, discuss thematic issues, harmonise policies, facilitate dialogue. n Mobilise finance to support infrastructure development. n Develops a communication and awareness-raising strategy targeting decision makers and stakeholders.

60 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Budget: €17 million for demonstration activities and networking activities (ENPI) + €3 million for policy component (thematic budget line) Objectives: The SWITHCH-MED sustainable consumption and production programme aims to promote a switch of the Mediterranean economies towards sustainable consumption and production patterns and green economy, including low emission development, through demonstration and dissemination of methods that improve resource and energy efficiency. It also seeks to minimise the environmental impacts associated to the life cycle of products and services, and, as opportune, to promote renewable energy. What does it do? The programme is divided into three components, 1) a policy component, built around the Barcelona convention and national sustainable consumption and production (SCP) plans; 2) demonstration activities linked both to the policy component and the private sector; 3) a networking function to allow for exchange, lesson learning and further scaling up. The policy component works to further integrate sustainable consumption and production into the regional and national Mediterranean policy and governance framework. Under the demonstration component, a set of regional or


national demonstration projects promoting the adoption of more sustainable ways to design, produce, use and recycle products in the Mediterranean region will be selected and carried out. These will help to increase SMEs' use of environmentally-friendly technologies and practices, improve their overall resource efficiency and reduce their emissions of pollutants, and increase the production and consumption of 'green' and 'fair' products. At the same time, the project will empower civil society and actively promote green entrepreneurship, as key drivers of sustainable consumption and production, and ensure the implementation of specific priorities identified by the SCP national action plans. Finally, the networking mechanism ensures linkages between the demonstration activities and the policy component, identifying best practices, lessons learned and replication potential. Actions in brief: n Supports partner countries in creating an enabling environment for SCP through the participatory development and approval of SCP national action plans n Selects and implements demonstration and replication projects, piloting and scaling up successful SCP practices in the Mediterranean, in close co-ordination with the policy component n Creates and runs of a network facility, in charge of promoting the exchange and diffusion of project experiences and impacts, and supporting the dialogue between the policy and the demonstration component.

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Economic integration and sustainable development Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Euromed programme for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural and man-made disasters (PPRD) South II Reduces vulnerability to natural and man-made disasters and the social, economic and environmental costs associated with such events, thereby enhancing sustainable development and climate adaptation on regional and national levels Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2013-2016

n n

Budget: €5 million Objectives: The programme works to reinforce institutional cooperation between the EU civil protection mechanism and the ENP South partner countries' civil protection systems. It seeks to encourage inter-regional co-ordination and co-operation in order for partner countries affected by the same disaster to co-ordinate their responses. At the same time, it aims to stimulate the development of a regional approach to disaster management based on prevention and preparedness rather than on response, with the involvement of governmental actors as well as of civil society stakeholders.

n n n n

What does it do? The programme works to increase its partners' awareness of the exposure of the southern neighbourhood region to natural and man-made disasters, including the growing impacts of climate change, and to improve their capacities for prevention, preparedness, mitigation and response. To this end, it reinforces existing measures of risk prevention and preparedness at regional, national and local level; it facilitates the deployment of regional warning systems and improves the co-ordinated action of relevant operational centres, while actively involving the populations at risk; it also introduces post-disaster recovery planning into national civil protection systems, and raises the awareness of civil society stakeholders who could potentially be involved in disaster prevention and response actions.


The new PPRD South II project builds on the achievements of the PPRD South I project.


Actions in brief: n Develops initiatives to enhance in-country capacities and ad hoc prevention structures.

n n n n

Assesses risks and provides mapping methodologies and tools. Establishes appropriate regulatory (and legislative when possible), organisational and operational measures to implement preventive measures. Promotes the use of the regional risk atlas developed under PPRD I, to inform decision making, and envisages extending it to risks not covered in the first version. Maintains and intensifies the PPRD South I national correspondent network and converts and/or enlarges it to a 24/7 permanent operational contact point network Co-ordinates with the EU's monitoring and information centre (MIC), including testing of responsiveness. Establishes a database on Mediterranean partner's resources, with a view to integrating it in the existing database of the EU civil protection mechanism. Regularly updates and disseminates the civil protection operational manual produced under the PPRD South I project. Carries out relevant training on host nation support issues Runs table-top simulation exercises. Analyses the status quo of partner countries' systems. Prepares agreements on the governance elements of post disaster recovery at local, national and regional level; prepares agreements on specific elements of post disaster recovery planning, such as psycho-social support, gender, health, shelter, infrastructure, with relevant administrative and civil society players, from local to regional level; prepares a bilateral or trilateral recovery plan incorporating co-operation between countries that are close to each other and could possibly be affected by the same disaster. Conducts capacity building and awareness raising of local authorities and civil society outside the realm of the humanitarian field on the questions of disaster prevention and preparedness.

A simulation exercise in Lebanon - what you should do if an earthquake hits a school. The event is part of the Euro-Mediterranean Programme on Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-Made Disasters (Photo A. Ajoury©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).

62 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Economic integration and sustainable development Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Euromed programme for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural and man-made disasters (PPRD) South II Reduces vulnerability to natural and man-made disasters and the social, economic and environmental costs associated with such events, thereby enhancing sustainable development and climate adaptation on regional and national levels Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2013-2016

n n

Budget: €5 million Objectives: The programme works to reinforce institutional cooperation between the EU civil protection mechanism and the ENP South partner countries' civil protection systems. It seeks to encourage inter-regional co-ordination and co-operation in order for partner countries affected by the same disaster to co-ordinate their responses. At the same time, it aims to stimulate the development of a regional approach to disaster management based on prevention and preparedness rather than on response, with the involvement of governmental actors as well as of civil society stakeholders.

n n n n

What does it do? The programme works to increase its partners' awareness of the exposure of the southern neighbourhood region to natural and man-made disasters, including the growing impacts of climate change, and to improve their capacities for prevention, preparedness, mitigation and response. To this end, it reinforces existing measures of risk prevention and preparedness at regional, national and local level; it facilitates the deployment of regional warning systems and improves the co-ordinated action of relevant operational centres, while actively involving the populations at risk; it also introduces post-disaster recovery planning into national civil protection systems, and raises the awareness of civil society stakeholders who could potentially be involved in disaster prevention and response actions.


The new PPRD South II project builds on the achievements of the PPRD South I project.


Actions in brief: n Develops initiatives to enhance in-country capacities and ad hoc prevention structures.

n n n n

Assesses risks and provides mapping methodologies and tools. Establishes appropriate regulatory (and legislative when possible), organisational and operational measures to implement preventive measures. Promotes the use of the regional risk atlas developed under PPRD I, to inform decision making, and envisages extending it to risks not covered in the first version. Maintains and intensifies the PPRD South I national correspondent network and converts and/or enlarges it to a 24/7 permanent operational contact point network Co-ordinates with the EU's monitoring and information centre (MIC), including testing of responsiveness. Establishes a database on Mediterranean partner's resources, with a view to integrating it in the existing database of the EU civil protection mechanism. Regularly updates and disseminates the civil protection operational manual produced under the PPRD South I project. Carries out relevant training on host nation support issues Runs table-top simulation exercises. Analyses the status quo of partner countries' systems. Prepares agreements on the governance elements of post disaster recovery at local, national and regional level; prepares agreements on specific elements of post disaster recovery planning, such as psycho-social support, gender, health, shelter, infrastructure, with relevant administrative and civil society players, from local to regional level; prepares a bilateral or trilateral recovery plan incorporating co-operation between countries that are close to each other and could possibly be affected by the same disaster. Conducts capacity building and awareness raising of local authorities and civil society outside the realm of the humanitarian field on the questions of disaster prevention and preparedness.

A simulation exercise in Lebanon - what you should do if an earthquake hits a school. The event is part of the Euro-Mediterranean Programme on Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-Made Disasters (Photo A. Ajoury©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).

62 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

MED-ENEC II - Energy efficiency in construction

MED-REG II – Energy regulators

Encourages energy efficiency and the use of solar energy in the construction sector, through capacity building, fiscal and economic instruments and pilot projects

Supports the development of a modern and efficient energy regulatory framework in the Mediterranean Partner Countries and strengthens their cooperation with EU energy regulators

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Turkey

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2009-2013 Budget: €5 million Objectives: The project encourages energy efficiency and the use of solar energy in the construction sector, playing a major role in the design and implementation of cooperation efforts between the EU and its Mediterranean Partners and among the Partners themselves. The Energy Efficiency in the Construction Sector II (MED-ENEC) project, which follows on from MED-ENEC I, carried out between 2005-2009, also endeavours to raise public awareness and involve civil society in climate-oriented building techniques, energy efficiency and renewable energy use in buildings. What does it do? It focuses on strengthening business services and supporting markets, improving institutional capacities and establishing favourable institutional structures as well as fiscal and economic instruments. Pilot projects are carried out to demonstrate best practices and for training purposes. Established dissemination structures are used to ensure knowledge transfer.

To build capacity, it organises national and regional workshops and consulting events, while encouraging the creation of information, communication and cooperation networks. The project also offers instruments, standards and incentive measures to policy makers, supports communities, real estate developers and building owners with comprehensive and cost effective services. Actions in brief: n Raising awareness of the potential, the benefits and the feasibility of EE measures n Disseminates information on best practices, while highlighting the need to adopt an integrated perspective covering aspects like tariff-setting, standards and regulations, economic incentives and disincentives, adequate financing schemes etc n Negotiates agreements with public bodies (including Ministries), business associations, consumers associations, local banks and municipalities, with the aim of developing EE schemes. n Builds the auditing, accreditation or installation capacities to support these undertakings.

64 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Timeframe: 2010-2013 Budget: €1,119,200 Objectives: The project aims at strengthening cooperation between the EU energy regulators and those of the Mediterranean Partner Countries helping them to develop a modern and efficient regulatory framework. This is important for the setting up of an integrated Euro-Mediterranean energy market. The project "Support to Cooperation between the EuroMediterranean Energy Regulators (MEDREG II)" endeavours to facilitate information exchanges and concerted approaches between EU and Partner Countries’ regulators, assist the Mediterranean countries in establishing independent energy regulators, empowering those which already exist, and developing the technical capacities of their staff. This second phase follows up from work started under MED-REG I in 2008-2009.

Its main activities are carried out through the General Assembly and ad-hoc groups, comprising officials working within the national regulatory authorities. It will organise the training of Mediterranean Regulatory Authorities' staff by the Florence School of Regulation. MEDREG action will result in consolidation of the network of EuroMed energy regulators and implementation of minimum competences and organisational structure of EuroMediterranean Regulatory Authorities. Actions in brief: n Facilitates information exchanges and concerted approaches between EU and Partner Country regulators. n Assists the Mediterranean Partner Countries establish independent energy regulators and develops their capacity. n Supports the transfer of knowledge, mainly through the General Assembly and ad-hoc groups. n Consolidates a network of EuroMed energy regulators.

What does it do? The project focuses on the creation of a network for information exchange and assistance between EU and Mediterranean Partner Countries regulators. It supports the transfer of knowledge, as well as the signature of Memoranda of Understanding and/or Recommendations on the minimum competencies and requirements that Euro-Mediterranean Regulatory Authorities would need in order to reach a consistent, harmonized and investment-friendly regulatory framework.


Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -65

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

MED-ENEC II - Energy efficiency in construction

MED-REG II – Energy regulators

Encourages energy efficiency and the use of solar energy in the construction sector, through capacity building, fiscal and economic instruments and pilot projects

Supports the development of a modern and efficient energy regulatory framework in the Mediterranean Partner Countries and strengthens their cooperation with EU energy regulators

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Turkey

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2009-2013 Budget: €5 million Objectives: The project encourages energy efficiency and the use of solar energy in the construction sector, playing a major role in the design and implementation of cooperation efforts between the EU and its Mediterranean Partners and among the Partners themselves. The Energy Efficiency in the Construction Sector II (MED-ENEC) project, which follows on from MED-ENEC I, carried out between 2005-2009, also endeavours to raise public awareness and involve civil society in climate-oriented building techniques, energy efficiency and renewable energy use in buildings. What does it do? It focuses on strengthening business services and supporting markets, improving institutional capacities and establishing favourable institutional structures as well as fiscal and economic instruments. Pilot projects are carried out to demonstrate best practices and for training purposes. Established dissemination structures are used to ensure knowledge transfer.

To build capacity, it organises national and regional workshops and consulting events, while encouraging the creation of information, communication and cooperation networks. The project also offers instruments, standards and incentive measures to policy makers, supports communities, real estate developers and building owners with comprehensive and cost effective services. Actions in brief: n Raising awareness of the potential, the benefits and the feasibility of EE measures n Disseminates information on best practices, while highlighting the need to adopt an integrated perspective covering aspects like tariff-setting, standards and regulations, economic incentives and disincentives, adequate financing schemes etc n Negotiates agreements with public bodies (including Ministries), business associations, consumers associations, local banks and municipalities, with the aim of developing EE schemes. n Builds the auditing, accreditation or installation capacities to support these undertakings.

64 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Timeframe: 2010-2013 Budget: €1,119,200 Objectives: The project aims at strengthening cooperation between the EU energy regulators and those of the Mediterranean Partner Countries helping them to develop a modern and efficient regulatory framework. This is important for the setting up of an integrated Euro-Mediterranean energy market. The project "Support to Cooperation between the EuroMediterranean Energy Regulators (MEDREG II)" endeavours to facilitate information exchanges and concerted approaches between EU and Partner Countries’ regulators, assist the Mediterranean countries in establishing independent energy regulators, empowering those which already exist, and developing the technical capacities of their staff. This second phase follows up from work started under MED-REG I in 2008-2009.

Its main activities are carried out through the General Assembly and ad-hoc groups, comprising officials working within the national regulatory authorities. It will organise the training of Mediterranean Regulatory Authorities' staff by the Florence School of Regulation. MEDREG action will result in consolidation of the network of EuroMed energy regulators and implementation of minimum competences and organisational structure of EuroMediterranean Regulatory Authorities. Actions in brief: n Facilitates information exchanges and concerted approaches between EU and Partner Country regulators. n Assists the Mediterranean Partner Countries establish independent energy regulators and develops their capacity. n Supports the transfer of knowledge, mainly through the General Assembly and ad-hoc groups. n Consolidates a network of EuroMed energy regulators.

What does it do? The project focuses on the creation of a network for information exchange and assistance between EU and Mediterranean Partner Countries regulators. It supports the transfer of knowledge, as well as the signature of Memoranda of Understanding and/or Recommendations on the minimum competencies and requirements that Euro-Mediterranean Regulatory Authorities would need in order to reach a consistent, harmonized and investment-friendly regulatory framework.


Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -65

Economic integration and sustainable development Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Paving the Way for the Mediterranean Solar Plan Helps Mediterranean Partner Countries to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP) and to create conditions that are conducive for its realisation Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

2. 3. 4. 5.

Timeframe: 2010 - 2013 Budget: €4,642,500 Objectives: The Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP), one of the flagship initiatives of the Union for the Mediterranean, aims to develop renewable energy in the region and contributes to developing an integrated ‘Euro-Mediterranean green electricity market’. In order to achieve this objective, a number of framework conditions must be in place, involving regulation, legislation, a business development framework, infrastructure, technology transfer, and industrial development in the region. This project aims at tackling these essential aspects. The project aims to assist Mediterranean Partner Countries in creating conditions conducive to greater use of renewable energy in general and solar energy in particular, and to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the MSP, thus contributing to a significant increase in deployment of sustainable energy systems based on solar, wind and other renewable energy sources, combined with energy efficiency and savings in the partner countries. It also seeks to provide a platform for dialogue between the countries on both sides of the Mediterranean and for the preparation of joint activities, contributing analytical work on key issues involved in order to facilitate progress through wellinformed debate. What does it do? The project works along five lines of activity: 1. Harmonisation of the Legal and Regulatory Framework;

Transfer of Knowledge and Capacity Building; Sustainable Energy Policy; Support to Investment; Infrastructure requirements for the MSP

In this context, the project assists the relevant authorities in developing and implementing a regulatory and legislative framework that supports renewable energy. It works to strengthen existing renewable energy and energy efficiency networks and helps partner countries implement sustainable energy policies, working closely with authorities on pricing policies and subsidies favourable for investment in the sector, while at the same time preserving energy affordability for consumers. The project also facilitates efforts to draw up a roadmap for implementation of the MSP and, when needed, contributes to its implementation. The project’s activities involve the largest number of stakeholders concerned. Actions in brief: n Prepares a benchmarking of the legal and regulatory framework in the Mediterranean Partner Countries n Develops national and regional road maps for regulatory reform, for institutional development, and for transfer of knowledge; n Conducts training courses on the opportunities for industrial development of the MSP; n Prepares suitable national policies for the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources; n Facilitates the closure of the financing gap of renewable energy source infrastructure development.

The Koraymat solar energy site in Egypt is becoming a regional leader on the renewable energy market (Photo Bassam Al-Zoghby ©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre). 2012-2014

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -67

Economic integration and sustainable development Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Paving the Way for the Mediterranean Solar Plan Helps Mediterranean Partner Countries to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP) and to create conditions that are conducive for its realisation Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

2. 3. 4. 5.

Timeframe: 2010 - 2013 Budget: €4,642,500 Objectives: The Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP), one of the flagship initiatives of the Union for the Mediterranean, aims to develop renewable energy in the region and contributes to developing an integrated ‘Euro-Mediterranean green electricity market’. In order to achieve this objective, a number of framework conditions must be in place, involving regulation, legislation, a business development framework, infrastructure, technology transfer, and industrial development in the region. This project aims at tackling these essential aspects. The project aims to assist Mediterranean Partner Countries in creating conditions conducive to greater use of renewable energy in general and solar energy in particular, and to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the MSP, thus contributing to a significant increase in deployment of sustainable energy systems based on solar, wind and other renewable energy sources, combined with energy efficiency and savings in the partner countries. It also seeks to provide a platform for dialogue between the countries on both sides of the Mediterranean and for the preparation of joint activities, contributing analytical work on key issues involved in order to facilitate progress through wellinformed debate. What does it do? The project works along five lines of activity: 1. Harmonisation of the Legal and Regulatory Framework;

Transfer of Knowledge and Capacity Building; Sustainable Energy Policy; Support to Investment; Infrastructure requirements for the MSP

In this context, the project assists the relevant authorities in developing and implementing a regulatory and legislative framework that supports renewable energy. It works to strengthen existing renewable energy and energy efficiency networks and helps partner countries implement sustainable energy policies, working closely with authorities on pricing policies and subsidies favourable for investment in the sector, while at the same time preserving energy affordability for consumers. The project also facilitates efforts to draw up a roadmap for implementation of the MSP and, when needed, contributes to its implementation. The project’s activities involve the largest number of stakeholders concerned. Actions in brief: n Prepares a benchmarking of the legal and regulatory framework in the Mediterranean Partner Countries n Develops national and regional road maps for regulatory reform, for institutional development, and for transfer of knowledge; n Conducts training courses on the opportunities for industrial development of the MSP; n Prepares suitable national policies for the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources; n Facilitates the closure of the financing gap of renewable energy source infrastructure development.

The Koraymat solar energy site in Egypt is becoming a regional leader on the renewable energy market (Photo Bassam Al-Zoghby ©EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre). 2012-2014

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -67

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Euromed Aviation II Promotes the emergence of a Euro-Mediterranean Common Aviation Area, and supports an open and secure aviation market in the Mediterranean Partner Countries with a view to further integrating it into the EU Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2012-2014 Budget: €4 million (Main contract €2 million; Project for the setup and running of the Mediterranean Aviation Safety Cell (MASC) €2 million) Objectives: The aim of the project is to support partner countries in the implementation of the Regional Road Map and Country Road Maps towards the implementation of a Euro-Mediterranean Common Aviation Area (EMCAA) with a view to further integrating the aviation market of the Mediterranean partner countries with that of the EU. The main contract of the project, which involves all Mediterranean partner countries, focuses on the approximation of the entire EU aviation acquis. It targets the signature of additional comprehensive air service agreements with ENPI South countries, following the examples of Morocco, Jordan and Israel. It also seeks to enhance cooperation among the partner countries themselves so as to come to a full common aviation area. The second contract i.e. the project for the set-up and running of the Mediterranean Aviation Safety Cell (MASC), implemented by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), involves Morocco, Tunisia, Israel, Jordan and Lebanon and seeks to enhance and coordinate cooperation in aviation safety with the Mediterranean countries. What does it do? The main contract under Euromed Aviation II supports the implementation of the adopted Road Map towards the implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean Common Aviation Area (EMCAA) through regulatory approximation, liberalisation of the air transport market and the gradual removal of competition distortive measures; in the field of Air Traffic Management (ATM), it seeks to enhance the participation of beneficiaries into the Single European Sky initiative and cooperating with Eurocontrol to ensure the proper implementation of the three pan-European functions. In the area of safety and security, the project works to enhance security awareness and implementation of effective measures. The project continues to deliver the technical assistance initiated under the previous phase EuroMed Aviation I. Under the contract for the set-up and running of the Mediterranean Aviation Safety Cell (MASC), the project focuses on the setting-up and management of the MASC within the EASA organisation.

Contributes to the improvement of the efficiency, environment impact and safety of road, rail and urban transport in the Southern Mediterranean partner countries Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Actions in brief Main contract n Facilitates the convergence of partner countries’ air traffic management systems with the Single European Sky legislation; n Organises 4 regional workshops and possible expert missions in the area of licensing with a view of applying equivalent financing requirements and similar conditions related to the granting / withdrawal of operating licences in the partner countries; n Organises technical assistance by experts on competition issues and passenger protection and ensures the creation of a service/unit, within all the beneficiaries countries devoted to passengers rights; n Promotes the opening-up of the ground-handling sector and the implementation of an airport charges scheme; n Assists Mediterranean partners in aligning their ramp inspection regime with the common European procedures and in the establishment of an independent safety regulator and harmonisation of certification rules applicable to aeronautical products and staff; n Provides assistance and training in the areas of harmonisation of the regulations and national programmes and passengers and baggage screening; n Presents and promotes EU regulations on greenhouse gas emission and the ongoing development of a trading mechanism within the EU also applicable to third country flights coming into the EU. MASC project n Assists participating partner countries in incorporating EU aviation safety rules in their national legal and regulatory systems and in the follow-up of the results of the fact-finding inspections; n Organises the participation of experts from participating partner countries to EASA organised technical tasks and organises two steering committees of the MASC per year n Organises, through audits on-site, fact-finding inspections in participating partner countries to assess the level of implementation of safety rules; n Establishes and manages, in cooperation with the partner country, a system to collect, exchange and analyse safety data

68 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean

EuroMed Road, Rail and Urban Transport regional programme


Timeframe: 2011-2014 Budget: €4 Million Objectives: This project aims to assist the implementation of the Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP) related to terrestrial transport modes: road, rail and urban transport, by supporting the implementation of the Trans Mediterranean Transport network and promoting sustainable and efficient transport in urban areas. It seeks to create a regional level-playing field which would facilitate gradual liberalisation and harmonisation of cross-border road and rail haulage. This complements other efforts to develop the Transmediterranean transport infrastructure network.

n n n


What does it do? This project supports the implementation of Action 10 of the RTAP i.e. creating similar operational conditions as to facilitate cross-border road freight operations and competition in view of the development of the Trans Mediterranean Transport network.


It also provides support to reforms in the road transport industry and substantial support to the management of urban transport systems in the partner countries and to improve efficient fleet management. The project also seeks to involve the partner countries in the CIVITAS network (Cleaner and Better Transport in Cities) which allows cities to learn from each other and facilitate the exchange of ideas.


The project will provide technical assistance and support to enhance interoperability and regional freight and railway safety.


Actions in brief: n Promotes the application of regional transport conventions - facilitates national and regional discussions among trans-





port administrations and industry representatives and sets out possible national road maps towards the ratification of these conventions. Provides technical assistance in the field of driving tests, road worthiness tests, driving times, axle load, etc. and promotes the EU road transport acquis. Organises visits and exchanges on mobility challenges between local and regional authorities in the partner countries and in the EU. Provides technical assistance at national and subregional level relating to urban transport needs, and training on issues related to regulatory reforms in the field of public transport. Supports the participation of partner countries in the CIVITAS forum and contacts with EU demonstration cities. Prepares an inventory of the technical assistance needs in fleet management and provides assistance for the integration of safety, environmental and ITS standards in fleet management. Supports better public transport route design and the greening of urban transport. Provides technical assistance for implementing national railway reform plans, on railway standards, for the establishment of an Independent Railway Safety and Accident Investigation Authority and the draſting and implementation of a multi-annual safety programme. Organises regional exchanges on rail transport practice and experiences between railways authorities of neighbouring countries. Develops strategic plans as to further enhance the development of rail freight business. Monitors the state-of-play of the RTAP land transport actions in the beneficiary countries.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -69

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Euromed Aviation II Promotes the emergence of a Euro-Mediterranean Common Aviation Area, and supports an open and secure aviation market in the Mediterranean Partner Countries with a view to further integrating it into the EU Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Timeframe: 2012-2014 Budget: €4 million (Main contract €2 million; Project for the setup and running of the Mediterranean Aviation Safety Cell (MASC) €2 million) Objectives: The aim of the project is to support partner countries in the implementation of the Regional Road Map and Country Road Maps towards the implementation of a Euro-Mediterranean Common Aviation Area (EMCAA) with a view to further integrating the aviation market of the Mediterranean partner countries with that of the EU. The main contract of the project, which involves all Mediterranean partner countries, focuses on the approximation of the entire EU aviation acquis. It targets the signature of additional comprehensive air service agreements with ENPI South countries, following the examples of Morocco, Jordan and Israel. It also seeks to enhance cooperation among the partner countries themselves so as to come to a full common aviation area. The second contract i.e. the project for the set-up and running of the Mediterranean Aviation Safety Cell (MASC), implemented by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), involves Morocco, Tunisia, Israel, Jordan and Lebanon and seeks to enhance and coordinate cooperation in aviation safety with the Mediterranean countries. What does it do? The main contract under Euromed Aviation II supports the implementation of the adopted Road Map towards the implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean Common Aviation Area (EMCAA) through regulatory approximation, liberalisation of the air transport market and the gradual removal of competition distortive measures; in the field of Air Traffic Management (ATM), it seeks to enhance the participation of beneficiaries into the Single European Sky initiative and cooperating with Eurocontrol to ensure the proper implementation of the three pan-European functions. In the area of safety and security, the project works to enhance security awareness and implementation of effective measures. The project continues to deliver the technical assistance initiated under the previous phase EuroMed Aviation I. Under the contract for the set-up and running of the Mediterranean Aviation Safety Cell (MASC), the project focuses on the setting-up and management of the MASC within the EASA organisation.

Contributes to the improvement of the efficiency, environment impact and safety of road, rail and urban transport in the Southern Mediterranean partner countries Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Actions in brief Main contract n Facilitates the convergence of partner countries’ air traffic management systems with the Single European Sky legislation; n Organises 4 regional workshops and possible expert missions in the area of licensing with a view of applying equivalent financing requirements and similar conditions related to the granting / withdrawal of operating licences in the partner countries; n Organises technical assistance by experts on competition issues and passenger protection and ensures the creation of a service/unit, within all the beneficiaries countries devoted to passengers rights; n Promotes the opening-up of the ground-handling sector and the implementation of an airport charges scheme; n Assists Mediterranean partners in aligning their ramp inspection regime with the common European procedures and in the establishment of an independent safety regulator and harmonisation of certification rules applicable to aeronautical products and staff; n Provides assistance and training in the areas of harmonisation of the regulations and national programmes and passengers and baggage screening; n Presents and promotes EU regulations on greenhouse gas emission and the ongoing development of a trading mechanism within the EU also applicable to third country flights coming into the EU. MASC project n Assists participating partner countries in incorporating EU aviation safety rules in their national legal and regulatory systems and in the follow-up of the results of the fact-finding inspections; n Organises the participation of experts from participating partner countries to EASA organised technical tasks and organises two steering committees of the MASC per year n Organises, through audits on-site, fact-finding inspections in participating partner countries to assess the level of implementation of safety rules; n Establishes and manages, in cooperation with the partner country, a system to collect, exchange and analyse safety data

68 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean

EuroMed Road, Rail and Urban Transport regional programme


Timeframe: 2011-2014 Budget: €4 Million Objectives: This project aims to assist the implementation of the Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP) related to terrestrial transport modes: road, rail and urban transport, by supporting the implementation of the Trans Mediterranean Transport network and promoting sustainable and efficient transport in urban areas. It seeks to create a regional level-playing field which would facilitate gradual liberalisation and harmonisation of cross-border road and rail haulage. This complements other efforts to develop the Transmediterranean transport infrastructure network.

n n n


What does it do? This project supports the implementation of Action 10 of the RTAP i.e. creating similar operational conditions as to facilitate cross-border road freight operations and competition in view of the development of the Trans Mediterranean Transport network.


It also provides support to reforms in the road transport industry and substantial support to the management of urban transport systems in the partner countries and to improve efficient fleet management. The project also seeks to involve the partner countries in the CIVITAS network (Cleaner and Better Transport in Cities) which allows cities to learn from each other and facilitate the exchange of ideas.


The project will provide technical assistance and support to enhance interoperability and regional freight and railway safety.


Actions in brief: n Promotes the application of regional transport conventions - facilitates national and regional discussions among trans-





port administrations and industry representatives and sets out possible national road maps towards the ratification of these conventions. Provides technical assistance in the field of driving tests, road worthiness tests, driving times, axle load, etc. and promotes the EU road transport acquis. Organises visits and exchanges on mobility challenges between local and regional authorities in the partner countries and in the EU. Provides technical assistance at national and subregional level relating to urban transport needs, and training on issues related to regulatory reforms in the field of public transport. Supports the participation of partner countries in the CIVITAS forum and contacts with EU demonstration cities. Prepares an inventory of the technical assistance needs in fleet management and provides assistance for the integration of safety, environmental and ITS standards in fleet management. Supports better public transport route design and the greening of urban transport. Provides technical assistance for implementing national railway reform plans, on railway standards, for the establishment of an Independent Railway Safety and Accident Investigation Authority and the draſting and implementation of a multi-annual safety programme. Organises regional exchanges on rail transport practice and experiences between railways authorities of neighbouring countries. Develops strategic plans as to further enhance the development of rail freight business. Monitors the state-of-play of the RTAP land transport actions in the beneficiary countries.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -69

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Rail, Road and Urban Transport – Road Safety programme

Euromed Satellite Navigation: GNSS II

Contributes to the reduction of road crash death and injury in the Mediterranean partner countries

Provides technical assistance and infrastructure to promote the introduction of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) services in the Mediterranean region.

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Timeframe: 2011-2014 Budget: €1 Million Objectives: The main aim of this project is to put in place a regional approach that results in sustainable road safety activity being developed in the region across the three sectors. The project aims to help partner countries develop stronger road safety planning and management, a coordinated multi-sector and multi-disciplinary cooperation on road safety and sustainable mobility, as well as a transnational regional network on road safety with shared vision for road safety. What does it do? The scope of the project encompasses a regional dimension, as well as specific interventions in the EuroMed partner countries. At a regional level, the project seeks to develop a regional Euromed road safety strategy to set the direction of concerned stakeholders over the medium-term. It identifies risk factors both at a regional and national level based on priorities, and determines solutions to address them, and carries out capacitybuilding and training activities on road safety management. It also develops partnerships at both regional and national level to deliver good practice road safety. At the national level, the project seeks to create or strengthen national multi-sectoral structures or partnerships capable of coordinating and guiding the delivery of road safety interventions in pilot communities. It conducts situational assessments to determine the needs of each country and helps pilot communities address identified risk factors through an integrated approach involving legislation enforcement, education, etc.

Pilot communities will be identified to enhance road safety improvement. The successful models will be evaluated so that the lessons learned could be applied to other localities in the EuroMed region. Actions in brief: n Promotes the setting up of a EuroMed regional road safety body at government level and develops partnerships and relations with other regional bodies n Develops a regional road safety strategy that will include goals and targets for reducing road death and injury over the next 10 years n Organises and facilitates regional workshops on good practice data systems and major road safety risk factors, and an annual Euromed regional road safety conference with regional and national actors in the last two years. n Compiles a number of case studies as part of the communication strategies and activities to capture and share knowledge and experience of good practice across the region. n Integrates regional actors (e.g. the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, UNESCWA, WHO EMRO, Arab League, World Bank, EIB) into the EuroMed road safety sphere through advocacy, capacity-building and partnerships. n Performs situational assessment studies to collect data and provide information and analysis on the road safety situation in the particular country, institutional strengths/gaps, and identify professional training needs and build teams to coordinate, manage, monitor and improve implementation of Road Safety initiatives at the community level. n Creates national road safety advisory groups.

70 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisiay

Timeframe: 2012-2014


Budget: €2.1 million (contract with the Medusa consortium); €0.8 million (contract with Eurocontrol); €1.6 million (contract with European Space Agency) Objectives: The project aims to support the further introduction and use of GNSS services in the Mediterranean region in different transport domains, with a large emphasis on the aviation sector and enhancing the safety and efficiency of operations. What does it do? The programme supports the roll out of ground infrastructure, the completion of the necessary regulatory and service provision framework for the use of GNSS in the Mediterranean region, as well as 'proof of concept' and knowhow transfer. The project supports countries in developing the elements needed for enabling the operational exploitation of GNSS services for safety critical applications, such as the design of procedures to use the EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) signal, operational approval, and certification for its use in transport domains (i.e. aviation). Actions in brief Medusa contract n Organises introductory workshops in each partner country explaining the results of GNSS I; prepares specific country reports; n Analyses the chain of responsibilities for the provision of GNSS services and the identification of the necessary regulations to be followed in order to render Safety of Life (SOL) and other GNSS services to final users; n Identifies the institutional means to achieve a common interface of regulations applied in Europe and the regulations to be applied in the ENPI South countries for the use of GNSS; draſts a road map to achieve the proper institu-



tional means for each beneficiary country; Develops service enablers in the domain of safety critical transport applications: definition of specific GNSS-based operational concepts and procedures, safety assessment, definition of interface with traffic control centres, preparation of ad-hoc business cases; Sets up a long term cooperation and operation structure of GEMCO (Mediterranean cooperation office for Galileo) with a proper regional participation of the various beneficiary countries and a long term work plan.

Eurocontrol contract n Assesses the status in target countries of the introduction of performance-based navigation according to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) requirements as well as of GNSS-based navigation services; n Holds workshops with Civil Aviation Authorities and Air Navigation Service Providers in the beneficiary countries to inform them about the status of EGNOS Safety of Life (SoL) service provision in Europe; n Produces an analysis that will specifically examine certification procedures; n Establishes road maps for the introduction of EGNOS Safety of Life services for aviation; prepares regional guidance material for national civil aviation authorities and air navigation service providers ESA contract n Complements Euromed GNSS-1 deliverables by concluding the necessary infrastructure developments required to provide an EGNOS signal over the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (MEDA) countries; n Delivers at least four RIMS sites with dual channels (A and B) in order to provide the EGNOS signal.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -71

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Rail, Road and Urban Transport – Road Safety programme

Euromed Satellite Navigation: GNSS II

Contributes to the reduction of road crash death and injury in the Mediterranean partner countries

Provides technical assistance and infrastructure to promote the introduction of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) services in the Mediterranean region.

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia

Timeframe: 2011-2014 Budget: €1 Million Objectives: The main aim of this project is to put in place a regional approach that results in sustainable road safety activity being developed in the region across the three sectors. The project aims to help partner countries develop stronger road safety planning and management, a coordinated multi-sector and multi-disciplinary cooperation on road safety and sustainable mobility, as well as a transnational regional network on road safety with shared vision for road safety. What does it do? The scope of the project encompasses a regional dimension, as well as specific interventions in the EuroMed partner countries. At a regional level, the project seeks to develop a regional Euromed road safety strategy to set the direction of concerned stakeholders over the medium-term. It identifies risk factors both at a regional and national level based on priorities, and determines solutions to address them, and carries out capacitybuilding and training activities on road safety management. It also develops partnerships at both regional and national level to deliver good practice road safety. At the national level, the project seeks to create or strengthen national multi-sectoral structures or partnerships capable of coordinating and guiding the delivery of road safety interventions in pilot communities. It conducts situational assessments to determine the needs of each country and helps pilot communities address identified risk factors through an integrated approach involving legislation enforcement, education, etc.

Pilot communities will be identified to enhance road safety improvement. The successful models will be evaluated so that the lessons learned could be applied to other localities in the EuroMed region. Actions in brief: n Promotes the setting up of a EuroMed regional road safety body at government level and develops partnerships and relations with other regional bodies n Develops a regional road safety strategy that will include goals and targets for reducing road death and injury over the next 10 years n Organises and facilitates regional workshops on good practice data systems and major road safety risk factors, and an annual Euromed regional road safety conference with regional and national actors in the last two years. n Compiles a number of case studies as part of the communication strategies and activities to capture and share knowledge and experience of good practice across the region. n Integrates regional actors (e.g. the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, UNESCWA, WHO EMRO, Arab League, World Bank, EIB) into the EuroMed road safety sphere through advocacy, capacity-building and partnerships. n Performs situational assessment studies to collect data and provide information and analysis on the road safety situation in the particular country, institutional strengths/gaps, and identify professional training needs and build teams to coordinate, manage, monitor and improve implementation of Road Safety initiatives at the community level. n Creates national road safety advisory groups.

70 - Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean


Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisiay

Timeframe: 2012-2014


Budget: €2.1 million (contract with the Medusa consortium); €0.8 million (contract with Eurocontrol); €1.6 million (contract with European Space Agency) Objectives: The project aims to support the further introduction and use of GNSS services in the Mediterranean region in different transport domains, with a large emphasis on the aviation sector and enhancing the safety and efficiency of operations. What does it do? The programme supports the roll out of ground infrastructure, the completion of the necessary regulatory and service provision framework for the use of GNSS in the Mediterranean region, as well as 'proof of concept' and knowhow transfer. The project supports countries in developing the elements needed for enabling the operational exploitation of GNSS services for safety critical applications, such as the design of procedures to use the EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) signal, operational approval, and certification for its use in transport domains (i.e. aviation). Actions in brief Medusa contract n Organises introductory workshops in each partner country explaining the results of GNSS I; prepares specific country reports; n Analyses the chain of responsibilities for the provision of GNSS services and the identification of the necessary regulations to be followed in order to render Safety of Life (SOL) and other GNSS services to final users; n Identifies the institutional means to achieve a common interface of regulations applied in Europe and the regulations to be applied in the ENPI South countries for the use of GNSS; draſts a road map to achieve the proper institu-



tional means for each beneficiary country; Develops service enablers in the domain of safety critical transport applications: definition of specific GNSS-based operational concepts and procedures, safety assessment, definition of interface with traffic control centres, preparation of ad-hoc business cases; Sets up a long term cooperation and operation structure of GEMCO (Mediterranean cooperation office for Galileo) with a proper regional participation of the various beneficiary countries and a long term work plan.

Eurocontrol contract n Assesses the status in target countries of the introduction of performance-based navigation according to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) requirements as well as of GNSS-based navigation services; n Holds workshops with Civil Aviation Authorities and Air Navigation Service Providers in the beneficiary countries to inform them about the status of EGNOS Safety of Life (SoL) service provision in Europe; n Produces an analysis that will specifically examine certification procedures; n Establishes road maps for the introduction of EGNOS Safety of Life services for aviation; prepares regional guidance material for national civil aviation authorities and air navigation service providers ESA contract n Complements Euromed GNSS-1 deliverables by concluding the necessary infrastructure developments required to provide an EGNOS signal over the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (MEDA) countries; n Delivers at least four RIMS sites with dual channels (A and B) in order to provide the EGNOS signal.

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects – Southern Mediterranean -71

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Mediterranean Motorways of the Sea – Maritime transport connections

SAFEMED III – Maritime Safety and Pollution Prevention

Promotes the Motorways of the Sea concept and the creation of better maritime transport connections in the Mediterranean through support to Ministries, port authorities, customs and relevant private sector stakeholders

Strengthens co-operation in maritime safety and security and promotes the prevention of pollution from ships by providing technical advice, training and support Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Turkey

Timeframe: 2013-2015/6 Budget: €3 million

Timeframe: 2007-2013 Budget: € 9 million Objectives: It aims at improving transport connections between the EU and its Mediterranean neighbours and to promote the Motorways of the Sea (MoS) concept and assisting the partner countries in further implementing the maritime transport and port operations actions as adopted in the Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP), a road map for transport cooperation adopted in 2007 (covering 2007-2013). Acting as a catalyst for economic and social development, the MoS project seeks to make martime transport connections connecting the north and the south of the Mediterranean more efficient and more reliable by improving and integrating intermodal and integrated port and transport services. What does it do? It promotes the MoS concept, fosters the development of transport intermodality in the region, and supports pilot initiatives with a higher maturity, quality, relevance and potential impact. It focuses on the selection and design of a number of Maritime Motorways to link the (non-EU) East and Southern Mediterranean Transport Systems and the European TEN-T and develops innovative partnerships between public and private stakeholders.

The MoS project facilitates partners in understanding the markets, current flows, trends and forecasts, it helps them adapt infrastructures, equipment and technologies and promotes cooperation and services integration. It also supports the designing of an MoS organisation framework, the marketing of innovative services and improvement of regulations and facilitating proecedures, while simultaneously stimulating market trades on the new axes. It promotes progress of port transit facilitation, in the double function of ports as maritime and land transfer points and border crossing. Actions in brief: n Promotes the MoS concept and fosters the development of transport intermodality; n Implements pilot projects, West-Med and East-Med, to improve the efficiency, regularity and reliability of maritime transport axes and schemes, and increase the use of maritime routes; n Follows up the implementation of the RTAP Road Map and carries out impact assessment; n Sets up stakeholders’ groups committed to the concept and projects and increases the visibility of MoS and model building; n Facilitates awareness-raising, the exchange of best practices and training.

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Objectives: It seeks to improve the capacity of maritime administrations in the Mediterranean partner countries to make shipping safer and more secure. It also aims at assisting the further implementation of actions related to maritime safety and security as outlined in the Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP), a road map for transport cooperation adopted in 2007 and covering 2007-2013. Through its activities, the project aims to achieve an improved capacity of maritime administrations, reduced maritime pollution caused by ships, better information regarding vessel movements and increased sharing of data among countries, a reduction in human error as a contributing factor in maritime accidents, and better secured port facilities and vessels. What does it do? The project focuses its activities on six themes: Flag State Implementation (the responsibilities of states in ensuring the compliance with IMO conventions of the vessels belonging to their fleets) through assessing the current situation and providing short and long-term training and assistance; Port State Control (PSCcontrol of ships by the port States which is a second line against sub-standards Flag State) providing support and technical assistance both to Mediterranean MoU on PSC and its Members by updating its PSC procedures and supporting tools and by organizing tutoring projects; Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System focusing on the development of traffic monitoring systems at national, sub regional and regional level; Human element


relating to the International Safety Management code and the provision of training to staff of maritime administrations on key issues such as the convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for seafarers (STCW), the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006; Protection of the Marine Environment by providing training on international and EU legislation on environmental areas as well as preparing Beneficiaries to make use of selected EMSA’s services (CSN and Network of stand-by oil recovery Vessels); Security of ships and port facilities in the Mediterranean sea by addressing the institutional capacity of the Beneficiaries and training on the International Ship and Port Facility Code (ISPS). Actions in brief n Improves the capacity of the partners countries to perform as Flag, Port and Coastal State in order to prepare them for the voluntary audits (VIMSAS) of the International Maritime Organisation n Reinforces standard models for flag State administrations (including the establishment of a quality system), monitors flag performance and offers dedicated assistance to overcome the identified impediments n Organises information sessions on SafeSeaNet, the European electronic data platform to exchange maritime information including cargoes and ships movements n Offers technical assistance related to the implementation of international conventions n Provides trainings for the promotion of the International Labour Organisation Maritime Labour Convention (working and living conditions on board ships) as well as the International Safety Management code (maritime safety on board ships and in the shipping companies)

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Economic integration and sustainable development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Economy Environment and Climate Change Civil Protection Energy Transport

Mediterranean Motorways of the Sea – Maritime transport connections

SAFEMED III – Maritime Safety and Pollution Prevention

Promotes the Motorways of the Sea concept and the creation of better maritime transport connections in the Mediterranean through support to Ministries, port authorities, customs and relevant private sector stakeholders

Strengthens co-operation in maritime safety and security and promotes the prevention of pollution from ships by providing technical advice, training and support Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia, Turkey

Timeframe: 2013-2015/6 Budget: €3 million

Timeframe: 2007-2013 Budget: € 9 million Objectives: It aims at improving transport connections between the EU and its Mediterranean neighbours and to promote the Motorways of the Sea (MoS) concept and assisting the partner countries in further implementing the maritime transport and port operations actions as adopted in the Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP), a road map for transport cooperation adopted in 2007 (covering 2007-2013). Acting as a catalyst for economic and social development, the MoS project seeks to make martime transport connections connecting the north and the south of the Mediterranean more efficient and more reliable by improving and integrating intermodal and integrated port and transport services. What does it do? It promotes the MoS concept, fosters the development of transport intermodality in the region, and supports pilot initiatives with a higher maturity, quality, relevance and potential impact. It focuses on the selection and design of a number of Maritime Motorways to link the (non-EU) East and Southern Mediterranean Transport Systems and the European TEN-T and develops innovative partnerships between public and private stakeholders.

The MoS project facilitates partners in understanding the markets, current flows, trends and forecasts, it helps them adapt infrastructures, equipment and technologies and promotes cooperation and services integration. It also supports the designing of an MoS organisation framework, the marketing of innovative services and improvement of regulations and facilitating proecedures, while simultaneously stimulating market trades on the new axes. It promotes progress of port transit facilitation, in the double function of ports as maritime and land transfer points and border crossing. Actions in brief: n Promotes the MoS concept and fosters the development of transport intermodality; n Implements pilot projects, West-Med and East-Med, to improve the efficiency, regularity and reliability of maritime transport axes and schemes, and increase the use of maritime routes; n Follows up the implementation of the RTAP Road Map and carries out impact assessment; n Sets up stakeholders’ groups committed to the concept and projects and increases the visibility of MoS and model building; n Facilitates awareness-raising, the exchange of best practices and training.

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Objectives: It seeks to improve the capacity of maritime administrations in the Mediterranean partner countries to make shipping safer and more secure. It also aims at assisting the further implementation of actions related to maritime safety and security as outlined in the Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP), a road map for transport cooperation adopted in 2007 and covering 2007-2013. Through its activities, the project aims to achieve an improved capacity of maritime administrations, reduced maritime pollution caused by ships, better information regarding vessel movements and increased sharing of data among countries, a reduction in human error as a contributing factor in maritime accidents, and better secured port facilities and vessels. What does it do? The project focuses its activities on six themes: Flag State Implementation (the responsibilities of states in ensuring the compliance with IMO conventions of the vessels belonging to their fleets) through assessing the current situation and providing short and long-term training and assistance; Port State Control (PSCcontrol of ships by the port States which is a second line against sub-standards Flag State) providing support and technical assistance both to Mediterranean MoU on PSC and its Members by updating its PSC procedures and supporting tools and by organizing tutoring projects; Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System focusing on the development of traffic monitoring systems at national, sub regional and regional level; Human element


relating to the International Safety Management code and the provision of training to staff of maritime administrations on key issues such as the convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for seafarers (STCW), the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006; Protection of the Marine Environment by providing training on international and EU legislation on environmental areas as well as preparing Beneficiaries to make use of selected EMSA’s services (CSN and Network of stand-by oil recovery Vessels); Security of ships and port facilities in the Mediterranean sea by addressing the institutional capacity of the Beneficiaries and training on the International Ship and Port Facility Code (ISPS). Actions in brief n Improves the capacity of the partners countries to perform as Flag, Port and Coastal State in order to prepare them for the voluntary audits (VIMSAS) of the International Maritime Organisation n Reinforces standard models for flag State administrations (including the establishment of a quality system), monitors flag performance and offers dedicated assistance to overcome the identified impediments n Organises information sessions on SafeSeaNet, the European electronic data platform to exchange maritime information including cargoes and ships movements n Offers technical assistance related to the implementation of international conventions n Provides trainings for the promotion of the International Labour Organisation Maritime Labour Convention (working and living conditions on board ships) as well as the International Safety Management code (maritime safety on board ships and in the shipping companies)

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Multi-country cooperation instruments The EC supports the reform and transition processes underway in the

The projects funded are: 76 77 78 79 80

EU’s Neighbouring Partner countries through a number of operational

Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) Twinning Sigma

and highly complementary cooperation instruments: Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC), the Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF), SIGMA, TAIEX, and Twinning.

Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) reinforces cooperation between regions of EU Member States and Partner Countries on EU's external borders. The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) supports the Partner Countries in carrying out necessary infrastructure investments in view of their sustainable economic development.

These effective tools facilitate the enforcement of the agreements between the EU and the Partner Countries. They ensure practical transfer of European know-how, supporting the Partners upgrade and modernising of their institutions.They promote approximation to EU law and policies, enhance co-operation, economic integration and democratic governance, and cover a number of fields including trade, energy, environment, education, health and research.

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Multi-country cooperation instruments The EC supports the reform and transition processes underway in the

The projects funded are: 76 77 78 79 80

EU’s Neighbouring Partner countries through a number of operational

Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) Twinning Sigma

and highly complementary cooperation instruments: Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC), the Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF), SIGMA, TAIEX, and Twinning.

Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) reinforces cooperation between regions of EU Member States and Partner Countries on EU's external borders. The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) supports the Partner Countries in carrying out necessary infrastructure investments in view of their sustainable economic development.

These effective tools facilitate the enforcement of the agreements between the EU and the Partner Countries. They ensure practical transfer of European know-how, supporting the Partners upgrade and modernising of their institutions.They promote approximation to EU law and policies, enhance co-operation, economic integration and democratic governance, and cover a number of fields including trade, energy, environment, education, health and research.

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Multi-country cooperation instruments

Multi-country cooperation instruments

Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC)

The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF)

CBC promotes cooperation between the EU Member States and Partner Countries along the external EU borders

It contributes to kick-starting key infrastructure projects that require considerable financial resources and supports private sector development in the neighbourhood region

Budget: €1,1 billion Timeframe: 2007-2013 Objectives: CBC aims to promote economic and social development in border areas. It strives to address common challenges, ensure efficient and secure borders and promote people-topeople cooperation. What does it do? CBC provides for a fully balanced partnership: Partner Countries and EU Member States work together within a common management structure, applying a single set of implementing rules and sharing one single budget. The aim is

to help local administrations in the border regions to develop the necessary skills and capacities. Common needs are identified by local partners on both sides of them border for activities that are most relevant to their local situation.

Budget: €745 million (from the European Commission complemented by direct contributions from EU Member States)

Two types of programmes have been established: Land border programmes between two or more countries sharing a common border (or short sea crossing); and multilateral programmes covering a sea basin. In total, 13 CBC programmes (9 land border, 3 sea crossing and 3 sea basin programmes) have been identified on both sides of the EU’s external borders in the East and in the South.

Objectives: The NIF is aimed at creating a partnership, pooling together grant resources from the European Commission and the EU Member States and using them to leverage loans from European Finance Institutions as well as contributions from the partner countries.

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Timeframe: 2007-2013

What does it do? The NIF brings together grant funding


from the European Commission and the EU Member States and loans from European Public Finance Institutions. It supports infrastructure projects in the transport, energy, social and environment sectors as well as well private sector initiatives (in particular SMEs) in the EU Neighbourhood region. To benefit from the NIF, a project has to be submitted by one of the authorised European Public Finance Institutions, such as the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) or European bilateral development finance institutions from one of the Member States.

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Multi-country cooperation instruments

Multi-country cooperation instruments

Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC)

The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF)

CBC promotes cooperation between the EU Member States and Partner Countries along the external EU borders

It contributes to kick-starting key infrastructure projects that require considerable financial resources and supports private sector development in the neighbourhood region

Budget: €1,1 billion Timeframe: 2007-2013 Objectives: CBC aims to promote economic and social development in border areas. It strives to address common challenges, ensure efficient and secure borders and promote people-topeople cooperation. What does it do? CBC provides for a fully balanced partnership: Partner Countries and EU Member States work together within a common management structure, applying a single set of implementing rules and sharing one single budget. The aim is

to help local administrations in the border regions to develop the necessary skills and capacities. Common needs are identified by local partners on both sides of them border for activities that are most relevant to their local situation.

Budget: €745 million (from the European Commission complemented by direct contributions from EU Member States)

Two types of programmes have been established: Land border programmes between two or more countries sharing a common border (or short sea crossing); and multilateral programmes covering a sea basin. In total, 13 CBC programmes (9 land border, 3 sea crossing and 3 sea basin programmes) have been identified on both sides of the EU’s external borders in the East and in the South.

Objectives: The NIF is aimed at creating a partnership, pooling together grant resources from the European Commission and the EU Member States and using them to leverage loans from European Finance Institutions as well as contributions from the partner countries.

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Timeframe: 2007-2013

What does it do? The NIF brings together grant funding


from the European Commission and the EU Member States and loans from European Public Finance Institutions. It supports infrastructure projects in the transport, energy, social and environment sectors as well as well private sector initiatives (in particular SMEs) in the EU Neighbourhood region. To benefit from the NIF, a project has to be submitted by one of the authorised European Public Finance Institutions, such as the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) or European bilateral development finance institutions from one of the Member States.

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Multi-country cooperation instruments

Multi-country cooperation instruments

TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange)


Supports partner countries with regard to the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation by mobilizing "tailor-made" short-term technical assistance to partner administrations

This institution-building instrument helps partner countries acquire the necessary skills and experience to adopt, implement and enforce EU legislation. Budget: €41.6 million Timeframe: 2006-2013 Objectives: TAIEX aims to pave the way for bigger Twinning actions or even technical assistance interventions in the area of reforms and capacity-building. It serves as a catalyst for twinning projects and helps to test whether deeper exchanges of best practices between administrations in relation to the EU acquis are called for in a particular area.

to direct request sent by partner administrations. Assistance is given through expert missions, workshops or seminars and study visits. The main target groups are civil servants working in public administrations at national level; the judiciary and law enforcement authorities; parliaments and civil servants working in parliaments and legislative councils; (professional and commercial associations as well as representatives of trade unions and employers’ associations can also take part in TAIEX seminars when the action is led by a public body). Objectives: Twinning seeks to help transfer, adopt and/or adapt to EU legislation, standards and practices and to modernise partner countries’ administrations through reorganisation, drafting of laws and regulations and through capacitybuilding. It is based upon close cooperation between a public administration institution in a Neighbourhood country and the equivalent institution in an EU Member State (MS) in a specific field related to the acquis communautaire or any other relevant field of cooperation.

What does it do? The instrument provides public sector expertise from EU Member States. Each Twinning project also has at least one civil servant seconded from an EU MS administration for a minimum of 12 months, bringing much-needed practical expertise with EU laws and administration. In addition, there are carefully planned and timed missions by other civil servants from the EU Member State partner; training events; and awareness raising visits to drive the reform process towards the desired result.

What does it do? It is a demand-driven tool that aims to react

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Multi-country cooperation instruments

Multi-country cooperation instruments

TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange)


Supports partner countries with regard to the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation by mobilizing "tailor-made" short-term technical assistance to partner administrations

This institution-building instrument helps partner countries acquire the necessary skills and experience to adopt, implement and enforce EU legislation. Budget: €41.6 million Timeframe: 2006-2013 Objectives: TAIEX aims to pave the way for bigger Twinning actions or even technical assistance interventions in the area of reforms and capacity-building. It serves as a catalyst for twinning projects and helps to test whether deeper exchanges of best practices between administrations in relation to the EU acquis are called for in a particular area.

to direct request sent by partner administrations. Assistance is given through expert missions, workshops or seminars and study visits. The main target groups are civil servants working in public administrations at national level; the judiciary and law enforcement authorities; parliaments and civil servants working in parliaments and legislative councils; (professional and commercial associations as well as representatives of trade unions and employers’ associations can also take part in TAIEX seminars when the action is led by a public body). Objectives: Twinning seeks to help transfer, adopt and/or adapt to EU legislation, standards and practices and to modernise partner countries’ administrations through reorganisation, drafting of laws and regulations and through capacitybuilding. It is based upon close cooperation between a public administration institution in a Neighbourhood country and the equivalent institution in an EU Member State (MS) in a specific field related to the acquis communautaire or any other relevant field of cooperation.

What does it do? The instrument provides public sector expertise from EU Member States. Each Twinning project also has at least one civil servant seconded from an EU MS administration for a minimum of 12 months, bringing much-needed practical expertise with EU laws and administration. In addition, there are carefully planned and timed missions by other civil servants from the EU Member State partner; training events; and awareness raising visits to drive the reform process towards the desired result.

What does it do? It is a demand-driven tool that aims to react

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Recently completed projects

Multi-country cooperation instruments

SIGMA This demand-driven instrument helps partner countries strengthen public management in areas such as administrative reform, public procurement, public sector ethics, anti-corruption, and external and internal financial control. Budget: €15 million Timeframe: 2008-2013 Objectives: SIGMA aims to assist countries in installing governance and administrative systems appropriate to a market economy, functioning under the rule of law in a democratic context. What does it do?: SIGMA is a joint European Commission and

OECD initiative, mainly funded by the EU, which helps mobilize European expertise to support reforms in partner countries’ public administration in fields such as public internal financial control or public procurement. It carries out seminar and workshops targeting public governance institutions, which are responsible for horizontal management systems of government – civil service, administrative law, expenditure management, financial control, external audit, public procurement, policy and regulatory capacities, and property rights’ management.

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Recently completed projects

Multi-country cooperation instruments

SIGMA This demand-driven instrument helps partner countries strengthen public management in areas such as administrative reform, public procurement, public sector ethics, anti-corruption, and external and internal financial control. Budget: €15 million Timeframe: 2008-2013 Objectives: SIGMA aims to assist countries in installing governance and administrative systems appropriate to a market economy, functioning under the rule of law in a democratic context. What does it do?: SIGMA is a joint European Commission and

OECD initiative, mainly funded by the EU, which helps mobilize European expertise to support reforms in partner countries’ public administration in fields such as public internal financial control or public procurement. It carries out seminar and workshops targeting public governance institutions, which are responsible for horizontal management systems of government – civil service, administrative law, expenditure management, financial control, external audit, public procurement, policy and regulatory capacities, and property rights’ management.

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Social and human development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Civil Society Regional Programme

Agadir Agreement

The project aimed to strengthen the capacities of the Southern Mediterranean civil society so as to allow it to make a better contribution to a more democratic debate at national level and within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the Union for the Mediterranean. It sought to strengthen the institutional capacity of civil society, in order to promote dialogue and coordination mechanisms within civil society and between civil society and public institutions; it also aimed to promote debates and activities at national and regional levels on the policies, institutions and mechanisms of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the Union for the Mediterranean.

The project aimed to contribute to progress in the realisation of a Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area and promote economic integration between countries in the region, through consolidating the institutional framework set up under the Agadir Agreement, signed by Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia, and worked to identify the potential for, and removing constraints on, expanded intra-regional trade. The Agadir Agreement sought to promote faster economic integration and cooperation between these four countries, reinforcing south-south cooperation. It contributed to the ongoing process of economic liberalisation throughout the Mediterranean region, and supported the Euro-Med Partnership’s goal of creating a regional Free Trade Area.

The project timeframe was from 2010 to 2012 with a budget of €1.5 million.

The project timeframe was from 2008 to 2012 with a budget of €4 million.

Euromed Heritage IV Based on the objectives defined in the “Strategy for the Development of Euro-Mediterranean Heritage: priorities from Mediterranean Countries (2007-2013)”, it focused on the appropriation by the local populations of their cultural heritage and favoured access to education and knowledge of cultural heritage. It supported a framework for the exchange of experiences, channels for the dissemination of best practices and new perspectives aimed at the development of an institutional cultural environment. It followed on from three Euromed Heritage II-III Programmes. The first aimed at the creation of inventories and networking among institutions, and the other two on increasing the capacities of the partner countries in managing and developing their cultural heritage.

EAMGM II – Euro-Arab Mashreq Gas Market Project The project aimed at improving regional integration of the energy market, in general, and of the gas market in particular, in the Partner Countries, in order to achieve legislative and regulatory harmonization amongst themselves and with the EU. During the first phase (EAMGM I), Iraq and Turkey participated as observers. In EAMGM II, Iraq was a full partner. The project timeframe was from 2010 to 2013 with a budget of €5 million.

Euromed Transport Project

PPRD South

The project aimed to assist the implementation of the Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP) for the Mediterranean (2007-2013), contributing to the establishment of an integrated, efficient, safe and secure transport system in the region, recognised as a key factor for the development and stability and the increase of intra-regional trade. Specifically, it sought to pursue the modernisation and strengthening of administrative capacities, improve infrastructure networks, ensuring technical and administrative interoperability, to mobilise national, regional and international sources of funding, and to enhance safety and security, especially in road and maritime sectors.

The “Programme for Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters” (PPRD South) contributed to the improvement of the civil protection capacities of Mediterranean partner countries at international, national and local levels. Building on the achievements of two previous programmes it contributed to the development of a civil protection culture based on prevention rather than response. It worked with the Civil Protection Authorities of the participating countries and was managed by a consortium consisting of the Civil Protection Authorities of Italy, France, Egypt and Algeria as well as the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR).

The project timeframe was from 2010 to 2012 with a budget of €6 million.

The project timeframe was from 2009 to 2012 with a budget of €5 million (ENPI/IPA).

MED-EMIP – Energy cooperation

Support to the Mediterranean component of the EU Water Initiative-MED EUWI

It aimed at enhancing the integration of the energy markets in the Euro-Med region and promoting improved security and sustainability. It supported the transfer of knowledge on renewable energy related issues, encouraging its use in the Mediterranean Partner Countries. The project MED-EMIP (Support for the Enhanced Integration and the Improved Security of the Euro-Mediterranean Energy Market) was hosted in the same premises as the Cairobased Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) and established a close collaboration with it. The Centre also received direct support from Denmark and Germany. The project timeframe was from 2007 to 2012 with a budget of €4.3 million.

The project provided technical support to the MED EUWI Secretariat in the framework of the Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative, one of the components of the EU Water Initiative (EUWI) launched in 2002 as a common European approach to meet the challenges of water-related Millennium Development Goals. The fundamental objectives of the EUWI referred to water supply and sanitation, and Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). The project aimed to promote the adoption of IWRM governance principles through their use for the definition and implementation of water management policies and measures at both national and regional levels, mainly through the implementation of national policy dialogues. The project timeframe was from 2010 to 2012 with a budget of €1.02 million.

The project timeframe was from 2008 to 2012 with a budget of €17 million.

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Social and human development

Economic integration and sustainable development

Civil Society Regional Programme

Agadir Agreement

The project aimed to strengthen the capacities of the Southern Mediterranean civil society so as to allow it to make a better contribution to a more democratic debate at national level and within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the Union for the Mediterranean. It sought to strengthen the institutional capacity of civil society, in order to promote dialogue and coordination mechanisms within civil society and between civil society and public institutions; it also aimed to promote debates and activities at national and regional levels on the policies, institutions and mechanisms of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the Union for the Mediterranean.

The project aimed to contribute to progress in the realisation of a Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area and promote economic integration between countries in the region, through consolidating the institutional framework set up under the Agadir Agreement, signed by Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia, and worked to identify the potential for, and removing constraints on, expanded intra-regional trade. The Agadir Agreement sought to promote faster economic integration and cooperation between these four countries, reinforcing south-south cooperation. It contributed to the ongoing process of economic liberalisation throughout the Mediterranean region, and supported the Euro-Med Partnership’s goal of creating a regional Free Trade Area.

The project timeframe was from 2010 to 2012 with a budget of €1.5 million.

The project timeframe was from 2008 to 2012 with a budget of €4 million.

Euromed Heritage IV Based on the objectives defined in the “Strategy for the Development of Euro-Mediterranean Heritage: priorities from Mediterranean Countries (2007-2013)”, it focused on the appropriation by the local populations of their cultural heritage and favoured access to education and knowledge of cultural heritage. It supported a framework for the exchange of experiences, channels for the dissemination of best practices and new perspectives aimed at the development of an institutional cultural environment. It followed on from three Euromed Heritage II-III Programmes. The first aimed at the creation of inventories and networking among institutions, and the other two on increasing the capacities of the partner countries in managing and developing their cultural heritage.

EAMGM II – Euro-Arab Mashreq Gas Market Project The project aimed at improving regional integration of the energy market, in general, and of the gas market in particular, in the Partner Countries, in order to achieve legislative and regulatory harmonization amongst themselves and with the EU. During the first phase (EAMGM I), Iraq and Turkey participated as observers. In EAMGM II, Iraq was a full partner. The project timeframe was from 2010 to 2013 with a budget of €5 million.

Euromed Transport Project

PPRD South

The project aimed to assist the implementation of the Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP) for the Mediterranean (2007-2013), contributing to the establishment of an integrated, efficient, safe and secure transport system in the region, recognised as a key factor for the development and stability and the increase of intra-regional trade. Specifically, it sought to pursue the modernisation and strengthening of administrative capacities, improve infrastructure networks, ensuring technical and administrative interoperability, to mobilise national, regional and international sources of funding, and to enhance safety and security, especially in road and maritime sectors.

The “Programme for Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters” (PPRD South) contributed to the improvement of the civil protection capacities of Mediterranean partner countries at international, national and local levels. Building on the achievements of two previous programmes it contributed to the development of a civil protection culture based on prevention rather than response. It worked with the Civil Protection Authorities of the participating countries and was managed by a consortium consisting of the Civil Protection Authorities of Italy, France, Egypt and Algeria as well as the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR).

The project timeframe was from 2010 to 2012 with a budget of €6 million.

The project timeframe was from 2009 to 2012 with a budget of €5 million (ENPI/IPA).

MED-EMIP – Energy cooperation

Support to the Mediterranean component of the EU Water Initiative-MED EUWI

It aimed at enhancing the integration of the energy markets in the Euro-Med region and promoting improved security and sustainability. It supported the transfer of knowledge on renewable energy related issues, encouraging its use in the Mediterranean Partner Countries. The project MED-EMIP (Support for the Enhanced Integration and the Improved Security of the Euro-Mediterranean Energy Market) was hosted in the same premises as the Cairobased Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) and established a close collaboration with it. The Centre also received direct support from Denmark and Germany. The project timeframe was from 2007 to 2012 with a budget of €4.3 million.

The project provided technical support to the MED EUWI Secretariat in the framework of the Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative, one of the components of the EU Water Initiative (EUWI) launched in 2002 as a common European approach to meet the challenges of water-related Millennium Development Goals. The fundamental objectives of the EUWI referred to water supply and sanitation, and Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). The project aimed to promote the adoption of IWRM governance principles through their use for the definition and implementation of water management policies and measures at both national and regional levels, mainly through the implementation of national policy dialogues. The project timeframe was from 2010 to 2012 with a budget of €1.02 million.

The project timeframe was from 2008 to 2012 with a budget of €17 million.

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Find out more

European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) It was developed after the EU’s enlargement in 2004 with 10 new countries, in order to avoid the emergence of new dividing lines in Europe. Through it, the EU offers its neighbours a privileged relationship, building upon a mutual commitment to common values democracy and human rights, rule of law, good governance, market economy principles and sustainable development. The ENP offers a deeper political relationship and economic integration through reforms as a means of achieving peace, stability and economic prosperity. Following an extensive review, in 2011, the EU launched a renewed ENP, seeking to strengthen ties through a ‘more for more’ approach – making more funding available, for those countries more committed to reform. The participating countries are: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,

Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine. Although Russia is also an EU neighbour, and benefits from the ENPI, relations are developed through a Strategic Partnerhsip. ex_en.htm The Partnership Instrument: from ENPI to ENI The financial arm of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), in place since January 2007. It is the single financial instrument that replaced the MEDA (South), TACIS (East) and various other financial instruments. The ENPI aims at supporting partner countries achieve sustainable development and approximation to EU policies and standards, based on agreed priorities. For the budgetary period 20072013, approximately €12 billion in EC funding are available to support reforms in neighbouring states.

From 2014, the ENPI will be replaced by the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), an in-creasingly policy-driven instrument, which will provide for increased differentiation, more flexibility, stricter conditionality and incentives for best performers. ere/neighbourhood/overview/ind ex_en.htm

Useful links Commissioner Enlargement and ENP ENP website Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid External Action Service (EEAS)

Find out more

European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) It was developed after the EU’s enlargement in 2004 with 10 new countries, in order to avoid the emergence of new dividing lines in Europe. Through it, the EU offers its neighbours a privileged relationship, building upon a mutual commitment to common values democracy and human rights, rule of law, good governance, market economy principles and sustainable development. The ENP offers a deeper political relationship and economic integration through reforms as a means of achieving peace, stability and economic prosperity. Following an extensive review, in 2011, the EU launched a renewed ENP, seeking to strengthen ties through a ‘more for more’ approach – making more funding available, for those countries more committed to reform. The participating countries are: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,

Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine. Although Russia is also an EU neighbour, and benefits from the ENPI, relations are developed through a Strategic Partnerhsip. ex_en.htm The Partnership Instrument: from ENPI to ENI The financial arm of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), in place since January 2007. It is the single financial instrument that replaced the MEDA (South), TACIS (East) and various other financial instruments. The ENPI aims at supporting partner countries achieve sustainable development and approximation to EU policies and standards, based on agreed priorities. For the budgetary period 20072013, approximately €12 billion in EC funding are available to support reforms in neighbouring states.

From 2014, the ENPI will be replaced by the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), an in-creasingly policy-driven instrument, which will provide for increased differentiation, more flexibility, stricter conditionality and incentives for best performers. ere/neighbourhood/overview/ind ex_en.htm

Useful links Commissioner Enlargement and ENP ENP website Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid External Action Service (EEAS)

European Commission

Panorama of EU Regional Programmes and Projects

Southern Mediterranean Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid

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