EU Neighbourhood
The choice of multilateralism
EU Neighbourhood
The choice of multilateralism
February 2014
The choice of multilateralism
EU and UN Organisations joint work in the Neighbourhood
EU and UN Agencies active in the Neighborhood
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Supporting the people Council of Europe and IOM
Supporting the economy OECD and World Bank
PHOTO GALLERIES Gaza Youth UNWRA photo competition FLEG: protecting forests in Moldova and Russia EUBAM border events
VIDEOS SUCCESS STORIES This publication exists only in electronic format. It has been prepared by the European Neighbourhood Info Centre, a project funded by the EU. It does not represent the official view of the EC or the EU Institutions. The EC accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to its content.
2013 Children will make the difference: interview with EU Commissioner Piebalgs 2013 Ukraine and Moldova border management: EUBAM
EU Neighbourhood
The choice of multilateralism
Over the years the EU has embraced more and more the choice of multilateralism, it has harmonized its work with several International Organizations and increased significantly the volume of multi donor development assistance.
Cooperation with the United Nations (UN) takes place on a broad range of areas, such as development, peace building in conflict ridden countries, humanitarian assistance in crises, fighting corruption and crime, global health concerns, labour issues, education and culture.
EU response to the Syrian crisis The European Union and its Member States have so far committed more than €1.25 billion in response to the crisis in Syria and its spill-over into neighbouring countries – of which €850 million were already mobilised by the European Commission and its EU Member States. While the bulk of the funds are committed to humanitarian interventions inside Syria, an increasing amount is going to alleviate pressures in neighbouring countries, in particular Jordan and Lebanon. Aid is delivered in cooperation with several UN agencies, notably UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF, UNFPA.
With a financial contribution to the UN worth 1 billion euros in 2012, the European Union is the single largest financial contributor to the UN system and it funds 38% of the UN’s regular budget. More than two-fifths of UN peacekeeping operations and about one-half of all UN Member States’ contributions to UN funds and programmes come from the EU, according to the conclusions of the latest EU-UN working meeting. To regulate multi donors activities, in 2003 a Financial and Administrative Framework Agreement (FAFA) was signed between the EU and the United Nations. And in the following years strategic partnerships were concluded with several UN partners.
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Lebanon EU Response to the Syrian Crisis
Apart from a strong and special relation with the UN, the EU also works with other International Organizations engaged in global challenges, be it to support the people, through projects with the Council of Europe and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), or to support economic development through collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) or the World Bank.
Jordan EU response to the Syrian Crisis
United Nations Population Fund UNFPA FNUA 4%
25% United Nations Development Programme UNDP PNUD
World Health Organization WHO OMS 5% United Nations Relief And Works Agency For Palestine Refugees In The Near East UNRWA 5% United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-HABITAT 6% United Nations Office For Project Services UNOPS 6%
22% United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF
World Food Programme WFP PAM 8% Top 10 UN Bodies 2012 receiving EU funding Source
The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations FAO 8% DOCUMENTS
11% United Nations Office On Drugs And Crime UNODC STAY CONNECTED
EU Neighbourhood
EU and UN Organisations: joint work in the Neighbourhood
UN Organizations are bodies directly responding to the UN Secretariat.
Some UN Organisations are working together with the EU in the Neighbourhood region to improve people’s lives.
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Georgia Disaster Risk Reduction programme UNICEF along with local Government and NGO partners, have been implementing the EU-funded Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) programme among vulnerable communities in Georgia.
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Equal access to development opportunities for all The EU and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are natural partners, sharing the same values and objectives that have been set down in a strategic partnership with the EU. Common values include respect for human rights and the rule of law, as well as equal access to development opportunities for all. In 2012 European Union contribution to UNDP was €232 million. In the Neighbourhood East, cooperation includes the EU Border assistance to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) fully funded by the EU and implemented by UNDP, that provides border and customs services to the citizens of Moldova, Ukraine and the European Union. Other projects seek to promote equal rights for women in Armenia, improve environmental monitoring in the Black Sea region, developing business support in Moldova, or promoting human rights of vulnerable migrants in Belarus. In the South a project provided support to the Judiciary system related to the elections in Jordan. Armenia Empowering women to lead their communities Ukraine Promoting Change at the Local Level
EXAMPLES of joint projects are presented on a UNDP webportal, which highlights just some of the projects where the EU and UNDP are working together.
UNICEF and EU A partnership for children The relationship between the EU and UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, has deepened in recent years, as the EU has joined forces with UNICEF to secure the highest possible quality of life for children the world over. In 2012 European Union contribution to UNICEF was €220 million. The EU is also the largest donor to UNICEF’s appeal to help the children victims of the war in Syria. By the end of 2013, the EU contribution to UNICEF’s operations in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey is expected to reach more than €75 million. This is only one of many important activities. Read more about EU-UNICEF cooperation in the Southern and in the Eastern Neighborhood in the Info Centre EU & UNICEF press pack: A partnership for children. Syria Arab Republic Continuing studies amid continuing unrest Jordan Strengthening the water infrastructure in the Zaatari camp Ukraine Changes that save lives: a story of success
EXAMPLES of joint projects are presented on a UNICEF webportal, which highlights just some of the projects where the EU and UNICEF are working together.
UNRWA and EU Assisting Palestinian refugees The United Nations Relief And Works Agency For Palestine Refugees in the near East (UNWRA) is one of the top ten UN organisations to which the EU contributes. In 2012 European Union contribution to UNWRA was €47 million. Projects with UNWRA aim at assisting Palestinian refugees in their daily life through a variety of activities such as the improvement of living conditions in Jerash Camp in Jordan, the construction of buildings, setting up temporary wastewater overflow systems, as well as improving health infrastructure for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, providing temporary employment opportunities in Gaza or supporting sustainable economic growth by increasing the proportion of students that complete secondary education. Lebanon Run for peace: 2013 Beirut youth marathon Palestine Unstoppable Girl Education for Sara Lebanon Stopping diabetes one step at the time
EXAMPLES of joint projects are presented on a UNWRA webportal, which highlights just some of the projects where the EU and UNWRA are working together. STAY CONNECTED
EU and UN Agencies: active in the Neighbourhood UN specialized agencies are autonomous from the UN Secretariat and are covered by the 2003 FAFA agreement only if they individually adhere to it. Several agencies, such as FAO, ILO, UNESCO, UNWOMEN and WHO, have concluded strategic partnerships with the EU. Some UN agencies that are active with the EU in the Neighbourhood region.
EU Neighbourhood
“The world of work is everywhere confronted with challenges such as the intensification of globalization, demographic developments, persisting poverty, climate change and the impact of the global financial, economic and social crisis.”
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Guy Ryder, ILO Director-General
ILO and EU
FAO and EU
Decent work for all
Saving and improving lives
The partnership between the EU and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) is growing fast. FAO is currently implementing over 150 EU-funded projects, mostly in Africa, Asia and Latin-America. The Report “Saving and Improving Lives” presented in October 2013 showcases the UN-EU partnership for food and nutrition security from 2008 to 2012. In 2012, the European Union contribution to FAO was €69 million. Some projects are also to the benefit of Europe’s Neighbours to the East and to the South. In Georgia, FAO implements an EU funded project in support to Internationally displaced persons’ livelihoods, as well as a project on food security information systems.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the European Union (EU) share the same foundational values. The EU and the ILO support the promotion of decent work for all. In 2012, the European Union contribution to ILO was €121 million. EU and ILO projects in the Neighbourhood range from promoting social protection in Jordan and Morocco, to job creation and youth employment in North Africa, in particular promoting youth employment in Tunisia where 69% of the unemployed are below the age of 30, as well as combating human trafficking in Eastern Europe.
The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD) is one of FAO’s oldest EU funded programmes. It started in 1954 to control the disease within Europe, and today it implements projects in the Caucasus, Syria and Egypt.
In Moldova, consultations contributed to the drafting of the national action plan to prevent trafficking in human beings. In Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, labour migration information centres were established to provide information on work permits, legal rights and working conditions. In Moldova and Georgia indicators were developed to help identify victims of trafficking. In Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia substantive input was provided to the national action plans to prevent and tackle human trafficking.
video The foot-and-mouth-disease programme
brochure The ILO and the EU, partners for decent work and social justice
SUCCESS STORIES Libya Don’t touch, stay safe Palestine The Old Khan restored to its former glories Ukraine A pearl of world heritage is back on the map Moldova The young say ‘no’ to corruption
EU Neighbourhood
EU & INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS “Education, Science, Culture and Media Freedom form an important part of the EU’s engagement around the world. We work together with UNESCO because we believe in the role these issues play in advancing international peace and prosperity.” EU High Representative Catherine Ashton
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UNESCO and EU Culture and education as vectors for development UNESCO, the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation, and the EU share the common values of peace, security and sustainable development and common goals like governance, strengthening institutions, education, science, culture and media freedom. In 2012, to further boost cooperation and help to share information and best practice the UNESCO-EU partnership was signed and in the same year the European Union contribution to UNESCO was €8 million. Making culture and education vectors of social human and economic development, as well as promoting science and innovation are among the renewed objectives of this partnership. Also in the Neighbourhood region, the EU and UNESCO work together to this purpose. Some of the actions include: restoring the old city of Nablus, support to the Implementation of the Teacher Education Strategy in Palestine, Emergency Education as well as Media and Elections in Jordan, or putting back the Greek city of Chersonese in Crimea on the world’s heritage maps. Palestine The Old Khan restored to its former glories Ukraine A pearl of world heritage is back on the map
WHO and EU
Empowering women and gender equality
Improving health conditions
The Memorandum of Understanding between the EU and UN Women was signed in April 2012 to strengthen cooperation between the two organizations on empowering women and gender equality. Cooperation focuses primarily on ensuring women’s representation in decision-making fields like economics, politics and justice, as well as better access for women to work and social opportunities. Another fundamental commitment is the action against gender-based violence. The EU-UN joint programme ‘Spring Forward for Women’ was launched in October 2012, to advance the economic empowerment of women in the Southern Mediterranean region and to assist them to reposition themselves in the political and decision-making spaces, as well as to support their economic empowerment. In several countries the EU and UN WOMEN work together towards the full adoption and implementation of the Convention on the Elimination on All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), also known as the international bill of rights for women. In Jordan, for example, this is done through projects such as Using CEDAW in the Jordanian Legal System Jordan or Monitoring CEDAW implementation.
The EU has a strong voice on health matters and in 2004 a Memorandum of understanding between the EU and the World Health Organisation (WHO) was signed to make specific contributions and improving health outcomes, especially among the poor. Special attention is given to reducing maternal mortality, and accelerating action on communicable diseases. In 2012, the European Union contribution to WHO was €326 million. WHO works together with the EU Institutions, but also with several EU agencies involved in health issues such as the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC); the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the European Environment Agency (EEA), the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA); the European Corporate Security Association (ECSA); the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work (EU-OSHA); and Eurostat. In the West Bank and Gaza, a common EU/WHO project aims at improved availability and quality of mental health services.
EU Neighbourhood
Supporting the people: Council of Europe and IOM
EU & INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS “We all want these two neighbouring regions – the South and the East – to enjoy stability and prosperity, which would in turn strengthen stability of Europe. The best way to contribute to this cause is to promote democratic security.”
CoE and EU Human rights, democracy and rule of law
Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe
The European Union and the Council of Europe (CoE) are built upon and share common values – human rights, rule of law and democracy. The EU contributes more than €20 million per year to projects on improving the independence of the judiciary, fighting corruption and organised crime or promoting good governance.
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In the Neighbourhood East the Council of Europe Facility for the Eastern Partnership supports partner countries in core areas such as public administration and electoral standards, judicial reform, fight against cybercrime and corruption, and good governance. Projects vary from backing the Council of Europe’s ‘Common Rules against Corruption in the Funding of Political Parties and Electoral Campaigns’ in Moldova, to supporting the establishment of a specialised high-tech crime unit in Georgia. In the Neighbourhood South in the aftermath of the ‘Arab Spring’, a new joint EU-Council of Europe programme called “Strengthening democratic reform in the southern Neighbourhood” has started, to support partner countries from the southern Mediterranean, engaged in building deep and sustainable democracy. The programme has rolled out in Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan and aims at strengthening the independence and efficiency of the judiciary; promoting good governance and preventing corruption and money laundering; combating the problem of trafficking in human beings; and promoting democratic values. Some projects include the whole Neighbourhood region like the Youth Partnership for social inclusion of disadvantaged youth.
IOM and EU
Humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all The EU established a strategic partnership with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in July 2012, based on a shared interest in bringing the benefits of well-managed international migration to migrants and society. It also serves as a basis for exchange, development and structuring of the relationship between the EU and IOM. The partnership follows the signature of a Framework Agreement in November 2011. In 2012, the European Union contribution to IOM was €35 million for development and cooperation.
Interview Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, European Union and Council of Europe back ambitious reforms in wake of Arab Spring
In the Neighbourhood East common projects include strengthening surveillance capacity on the green and blue border between Belarus and Ukraine, strengthening migration management in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova; developing effective readmission mechanisms in the South Caucasus; supporting the Eastern Partnership Panel on Migration and Asylum. In the Neighbourhood South projects include START, enhancing migration management in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt, and protecting migrant workers in the Middle East and North Africa.
Supporting the economy: OECD and World Bank
EU Neighbourhood
EU & INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS 1 2 3a 3b 4 5 FLEG: Forest law enforcement and governance
Towards the Millennium Development Goals Most EU Member States are also members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and development is a key word for both the EU and OECD. In 2012, the European Union contribution to the OECD was €55 million. The EU is committed to implement the Paris Declaration (2005), an agreement between aid recipients and donors which aims to improve the way aid is provided so as to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. In the Neighbourhood area, examples of common EU-OECD projects include: EaP GREEN a programme to assist the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries in their efforts to shift to a greener economy by freeing economic growth from environmental degradation and resource depletion. ISMED
a programme to increase private infrastructure investment in the Mediterranean by providing advisory services to governments and informing investors of available risk mitigation instruments.
Reducing global poverty and shift toward sustainable growth EU Member States are major shareholders and partners in the work of the World Bank Group (WBG). The WBG cooperates closely with the EU institutions to promote shared goals such as reducing global poverty and shifting economies onto environmentally sustainable growth paths.
Together with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the World Bank, the EU is working to protect forests of the Eastern Neighborhood countries. The ENPI FLEG project (which started in 2008) fights against illegal logging and associated trade, and takes into account the full social, environmental and economic value of forests. Azerbaijan Young green patrols in action Moldova Moldovan Forest under EU Protection
A Framework Agreement was signed in 2009, and applies for a ten-year period. The Bank and EC meet regularly to discuss at the Annual Consultations held in the spring. The WBG is in constant dialogue with relevant EC departments to ensure joined-up and effective action. In the Neighbourhood South, dialogue also takes place through the Luxembourg Process, which brings together the EC, EIB, EBRD, WBG and IMF to discuss operational priorities. Meetings during 2012 focused on joint responses to the Arab Spring. In 2012 the European Union contribution to the World Bank was €295 million.Projects in the Neighbourhood region include support for the modernisation of Ukraine’s Gas Transit System and the support to an improved Lebanese business environment more conducive to business creation and development.
EU Neighbourhood
Useful Links
International Organisations as EU partners – EuropeAid website United Nations and the European Union – website
The EU’s Relations with the United Nations – website Documents related to the United Nations – EuropeAid website
UNICEF and the European Union – website Interviews with EU Official on EU-UNICEF cooperation – videos
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CEE/CIS Regional Office partnership with the EU – website UNDP and the European Union – website UNWRA and the European Union – website
FAO and the European Union – website ILO and the European Union – website
UNESCO and the European Union – website WHO and the European Union – website EU relations with the Council for Europe – website
EU Neighbourhood Handbooks From the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre website, a number of different handbooks can be downloaded, offering tips to media professionals for improved coverage of EU cooperation activities, but also providing information on how to access EU funding or to navigate through EU jargon. A wealth of knowledge at your disposal, just a click away on
IOM and the European Union – website The World Bank and the European Union – website
EU Neighbourhood
EuropeAid - UN statistics for 2012 EU Strategic partnerships with UN bodies
Financial contributions of all DGs to the United Nations in 2010 Financial and Administrative Framework Agreement between the European Community and the United Nations
Memorandum of understanding between the EU and UN Women
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EU & UNICEF cooperation agreement – 2013 Memorandum of understaning between the EU and the Council of Europe EuropeAid - World Bank (WBG) statistics for 2012
EuropeAid - Financial contribution to IOM in 2012 EuropeAid - OECD statistics for 2012
Joint Visibility Guidelines for EC-UN actions in the field
EU Neighbourhood Library Our online database Action plans Agreements Country reports Declarations
Resolutions Strategy documents
Other Info Centre Press packs are available online: EAST SOUTH DOCUMENTS
EU Neighbourhood
EU & INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS The EU: a major donor for the Neighbourhood
EU support to the region is mainly channeled through the European Commission’s Directorate General for Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid.
The European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) funding approved for the period 2014-2020 is € 15.4 billion. The ENI replaces the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), for which the funding was € 11.2 billion for the period 2007-2013. The new instrument provides faster and more flexible funding, allowing for incentives for best performers, to 16 partner countries to the East and South of the EU’s borders.
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East: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine. South: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria*, Tunisia. * EU Cooperation with Syria is currently suspended due to the political situation
The EU Neighbourhood Info Centre is an EU-funded Regional Communication project highlighting the partnership between the EU and Neighbouring countries.
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A project implemented by
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre An ENPI project The EU Neighbourhood Info Centre is an EU-funded Regional Communication project highlighting the partnership between the EU and Neighbouring countries. This presspack has been produced by the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre.
Photos: AFP/EPA for the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre, as well as photos from UN websites