A Slice of Orange - May 2012 - Going organic

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A SLICE OF ORANGE Refreshing Your Health

GOING ORGANIC • Organic for a healthy you • Keeping the Earth healthy • How do you know if it is organic?

Going organic YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT, AS THE SAYING GOES. KNOW WHAT ORGANIC FOODS CAN DO FOR YOU. All you have to do is visit the weekend markets at The Bonifacio Global City in Taguig, Legaspi and Salcedo Villages in Makati, or the Lung Center of the Philippines, in Quezon City, and you can already get yourself a good dose of

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organic foods. Organic what? Isn’t everything we eat organic?



V O L U M E 6 • I S S U E 5 • M AY 2 0 1 2

any of the foods we can

Organic for a healthy you

Department of Agriculture noted that

buy in the grocery or

It is a no-brainer. Many chemicals used

organically raised chickens have lower

wet market were, in fact,

in farming can be harmful to your body.

levels of arsenic. Long-term exposure

grown with the help of pesticides so that

By eating organic foods that were

to arsenic can lead to headaches,

insects will not damage them. Chemical

grown without exposure to such chemi-

confusion, diarrhea, drowsiness, heart

fertilizers were used to help them grow

cals, you avoid getting exposed to

disease, cancer, stroke, lung diseases,

bigger. Many were subjected to radia-

these chemicals as well. Studies show

and night blindness. And while there

tion to kill pests and help the food last

that foods grown organically have

are no high-quality studies to prove this,

longer. Chemical food additives and

much lower pesticide residue than non-

many consumers testify that organically

preservatives may be added to canned

organic foods.

grown free-range chickens taste better

or processed foods for better taste and

than non-organic chicken!

appearance, and for longer shelf life.

Keeping the Earth healthy While all of these processes seem to

The arguments for organic farming

do good for the food products, they

go beyond personal health reasons.

may also have deleterious effects on

By supporting organic farming, we

the body.

are also helping to keep our planet healthy—which in the circle of life leads

Organic foods are foods that are pro-

to a healthier you as well.

duced without exposure to synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, radiation,

For example, because organic farms

industrial chemicals, chemical food ad-

do not use synthetic chemicals, they

ditives, and genetically modified organ-

Aside from having less pesticide residue,

also do not release these chemicals

isms. By this definition, all agricultural

organic foods also contain less heavy

into the environment. This means no

products can be considered organic un-

metals such as lead and mercury, and

chemicals can seep into the ground

til the 20th century, when the advances

solvents such as benzene and toluene.

water, thus avoiding contamination of

in modern technology gave way to non-

Heavy metals can cause nerve damage

drinking water.

organic agriculture.

and anemia. Solvents can impair your

Organic farmers (those who grow

immunity, making you more susceptible

Most organic farmers also make extra

to infections.

effort to conserve energy by using so-

organic food) use a wide variety of

lar power-dependent greenhouses and

methods to combat the problems that

On the matter of nutritional value, the

fewer industrial machinery. These moves

chemicals were meant to address. For

jury is still out. However, an extensive

also help reduce the production of air

example, they use natural predators

review on 34 studies suggests that this

pollutants that cause lung diseases.

such as spiders to keep insects from

may be the case. Organic foods seem

destroying crops. Most products are

to contain less protein, but the quality of

Chemicals can also harm the land in the

sold in small volumes and packages to

the protein is higher (in terms of amino

long run by causing imbalances in the

ensure that they are consumed quickly,

acid composition). Organics also seem

nutrients of the soil. After several years

since they do not contain preservatives.

to have higher levels of vitamin C, fla-

of intensive non-organic farming, some

They can be stored in air-tight con-

vinoids, and up to 20% more minerals.

farms can become barren. On the other

tainers to prolong shelf life. These are

hand, organic farming can lead to a

just a few examples of how organic

Among the different livestock grown in

more sustainable form of farming, which


organic farms, poultry seem to benefit

will ensure more sustainable prosperity

the most from organic farming. The US

for farmers.


food processing.




V O L U M E 6 • I S S U E 5 • M AY 2 0 1 2

Organic dip

Furthermore, organic farming is also

end markets and chat not just with the

safer for biodiversity. By using organic

vendors, but also with the other buyers.

methods of pest control, pest destruction

Also, ask the vendors if you can visit

subject them to minimal cooking and fla-

can be kept at bay while at the same

their farms. Many farms have an open

voring. However, you can try this organic

time avoiding harm to non-destructive

day where visitors can drop by. One

dip to add flavor to your organic dishes.

insects that keep the ecological bal-

organic farmer also suggests, “If a prod-

ance of the farm.

uct has minor insect damage on it, it is

How do you know if it is organic?

The beauty of organic foods lie in their freshness and flavor, so many aficionados

Use as much organic ingredients as possible. Ingredients:

probably organic.”

• 1 clove of garlic • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

While most organic foods come at a

• 1/4 cup soymilk

American and European laws are strict

higher price, they are still worth a sec-

• 1/4 cup olive oil

regarding the labeling of organic prod-

ond look because of the benefits they

• 1/4 cup shredded cheese

ucts. However, this is not the case here

offer, not just to you, but more impor-

in the Philippines. Hence, it is best to

tantly, to the environment. After all, go-

buy products from reputable organic

ing green can help you stay in the pink

brands. I suggest you visit the week-

of health.

• 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper Just blend all ingredients together in a blender until smooth and creamy. Use as a dip for veggie sticks or chicken fingers.

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A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD

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