A Slice of Orange - October 2013 - Keeping drugs out of the office, part 2

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A SLICE OF ORANGE Refreshing Your Health

KEEPING DRUGS OUT OF THE OFFICE, PART 2 • The road to rehab • Why go to rehab? • The drug-free workplace • New beginnings


Last month, we discussed how drug abuse harms you and your relationships; and some

warning signs of possible addiction.

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Now you notice that your husband seems to be having trouble, both at work and getting some good night’s sleep. Or maybe your girlfriend no longer hangs out with her best friends, and has taken to smoking. Or maybe you tried taking ecstasy over one weekend, which has now turned into a weekly joint. What do you do?



The road to rehab

jor stumbling blocks of drug users is the per-

him or her into drug use in the first place.

Rehab, short for rehabilitation, is a pro-

vasive denial that accompanies addiction. In

Furthermore, cravings and withdrawal symp-

gram that helps people trapped in addiction

most cases, the drug addict tends to minimize

toms can become overwhelmingly strong to

get out of this dark pit.

his drug use and its harmful effects. Attending

withstand, highlights Dr. Bautista.

Many misconceptions have surrounded

rehab will assist the person see reality, allow-

However, despite these pressures, one

rehab. Most people think that rehab is a jail

ing him to tackle the problem head on. This is

needs to remain abstinent, because as long

filled with criminals. That it is a place of tor-

done through various clinical techniques that

as some drug is in the body, one’s mental

ture, torment, or brain washing. And that it is

eventually lead to the addict taking responsi-

fitness and judgment is distorted. Since this

just a way to separate the “adik” from society.

bility for his actions. This is a crucial first step

period of detox may take weeks, rehab can

These are farthest from the truth. Most

to recovery.

help you handle these pressures throughout

rehabilitation centers are well equipped fa-

this period.

cilities with professional staff of psychiatrists,

psychologists, professional counselors, social

With all of these

that it places the addict in a supportive envi-

benefits, getting

ships tend to deteriorate, and loneliness and

workers, and other specialists to focus on the personal needs of each person. Some rehab centers even allow you to simply attend ses-

rehab is the best

sions and let you go home afterwards. Most rehab programs employ a well-rounded program using a wide variety of modalities, such as behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, group therapy, and medications to soothe with-

ronment. During addiction, personal relationdepression set in. The supportive environment of rehab slowly begins to repair the emotion-

thing a drug addict

al and relational damages done by addic-

can do for himself

support between recovering people is best in

and his loved ones.

drawal symptoms and underlying anxiety and

Another reason why rehab is so helpful is


tion. It is well established that the bond and providing a new support system. Lastly, classes and lectures aimed at replacing old harmful beliefs that led to addiction, with new empowering ones, help main-

Why go to rehab?

According to Dr. Irces G. Bautista, a

get help through rehab is the difficulty of ab-

diplomate of the Philippine College of Oc-

staining from the addiction. Without rehab,

is the best thing a drug addict can do for

cupational Medicine, and the occupational

the addict may be poorly equipped to handle

himself and his loved ones,” Dr. Bautista en-

health physician of ActiveLink, one of the ma-

the emotional and social prodding that led


The second reason why an addict should

tain long term recovery. “With all of these benefits, getting rehab



The drug-free workplace The workplace is a major cause of stress for

In efforts to identify and assist people

most people—stress that can lead to a person

with or at risk for addiction, the company is

to turn to drugs. Therefore, the workplace has

obliged to enforce strict confidentiality during

a responsibility to foster a drug-free environ-

these procedures. Drug testing should con-

ment for its employees.

form to strict procedures, and performed only

The Department of Labor and Employment

through accredited testing centers. Tested

has issued Department Order 53-03 (Series

employees must be informed of test results,

of 2003), also known as the Guidelines for

whether positive or negative. All cost of drug

the Implementation of a Drug-Free Work-

testing should be borne by the employer.

tling drug addiction, The New Beginnings Foun-

place: Policies and Programs for the Private

The Order also specifies that company

dation Inc. is a place where you can find help

Sector. According to the Order, “it shall be

policies should include provisions for em-

and refuge. The New Beginnings Foundation was

mandatory for all private establishments em-

ployee assistance and counseling programs

ploying 10 or more workers to formulate and

for emotionally-stressed employees. Follow-

implement drug abuse prevention and control

ing rehabilitation, the employer may allow

programs in the workplace, including the for-

resumption of the employee’s job if he/

mulation and adoption of company policies

she poses no serious danger to his/her co-

against dangerous drug use.” This Order is

employees and/or the workplace. However,

meant to ensure that every employee is safe-

repeated drug use even after ample opportu-

guarded from the harmful effects of drug use.

nity for treatment and rehabilitation should be

from all mood-altering chemicals; significant im-

According to this Order, companies

dealt with the corresponding penalties under

provement in the quality of life; and ongoing

should try to increase awareness and educa-

the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of

tion of employees on the adverse effects of

2002. However, these penalties shall be de-

You can visit them at Room 101, Midland Man-

dangerous drugs. The company should also

livered only after due procedure.

sions on 839 Pasay Road Makati City. You may

monitor employees susceptible to drug abuse,

also call (02) 894 5399; (02) 622 6874; or

to be able to institute preventive measures.

ployees and their loved ones may be safe-

Interventions and treatment or rehabilitation

guarded from the ills of drug abuse.

New beginnings If you or your loved ones ever need help bat-

formed in 1990 by a group of Filipinos who realized the need to provide the Philippines with a humane, caring and effective treatment option for drug and alcohol dependency. The New Beginnings Foundation is the Asian pioneer of the 12-Step based treatment approach combined with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Treatment is aimed at complete abstinence

maintenance of a recovery program.

With all these measures in place, all em-

(+63) 917 807 3422. You may also email breakfree@drugrehabphilippines.com.

services should also be made available.

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A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD

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