Common Illness: A Slice of Orange - December 2013 - Don’t be yellow, part 2

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A SLICE OF ORANGE Refreshing Your Health

DON’T BE YELLOW, PART 2 • Avoiding the virus • Hepatitis B in the workplace • Other ways to save your liver • Yellow Warriors Society of

the Philippines

• The truth about Silymarin

Don’t be yellow, part 2 TO CELEBRATE THIS SEASON OF WHITE, RED AND GREEN, HOW DO YOU COPE WITH THE YELLOW SCOURGE KNOWN AS HEPATITIS B? FIND OUT HERE IN THE LAST OF THIS TWO-PART SERIES. With one in around every 6 adult Filipinos living with hepatitis B, how do you keep

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yourself healthy amid this yellow plague? This is a real challenge, since we learned in Part 1 that antiviral treatments only lower the number of viruses in the body and slow down liver damage, but are unable to completely eliminate the virus.



Because hepatitis B can be transmitted

Other ways to save your liver

through transfer of infected blood, sharing

Hepatitis B is not the only disease that can

of needles during drug use, and sharing of

harm your liver, your body’s largest internal

items such as razors and toothbrushes, can

organ. Here are other tips—which coinci-

transmit the virus and should be avoided.

dentally are very appropriate during the Holidays—to keep your liver in the pink of

Avoiding the virus


But according to Dr. Irces G. Bautista, a

1. Eat a diet low in fat. Excess fats

diplomate of the Philippine College of Oc-

don’t just go to your hip and waistline, but

cupational Medicine, and the occupational

also to your liver. Avoid junk food and

health physician of ActiveLink, fighting hep-

fried, fatty foods. Instead, feast on grains,

atitis B is not a hopeless battle. Hepatitis B

dairy, fruits, and vegetables.

has a vaccine—the most important weapon

2. Keep your weight in check. If

in fighting hepatitis B through prevention.

you are overweight, fat molecules circulate

The hepatitis B vaccine needs to be given in three doses—the second one after a month of the first dose; and the third after

Yellow Warriors Society of

6 months of the first. After that, a booster

the Philippines

shot may be given every 5 years especially

those with poor response to the initial three

Since hepatitis B can be a long-term

battle for those infected, social support is im-

doses, or those especially at high risk of

Hepatitis B in the workplace

infection such as healthcare workers.

The good news is that hepatitis B can-

vigilant in your journey, and give you access

not be transmitted through food or casual

to important information and resources.

contact. Because of this fact, the chance of

Hepatitis B can also be sexually

catching the virus from a co-worker is virtually zero.

portant. This will help you remain strong and

The Yellow Warriors Society of the Philip-

pines (YWSP) is a national organization of hepatitis B patients and advocates who fight

To emphasize this, the Department of

for and believe in the eradication of Hepatitis

Labor and Employment (DOLE) issued De-

B. Starting online in April 2007, it used to

partment Advisory No. 5, series of 2010,

be just a virtual venue for sharing, motivating

which is the Guidelines for the Implementa-

and inspiring those affected by the virus. In

tion of a Workplace Policy and Program on

2010, the YWSP was formalized as a na-

Infected pregnant women are also at

Hepatitis B.

tional organization and now represents the

high risk of transmitting hepatitis B to their

According to this advisory, employers

Filipino hepatitis patient in the World Hepati-

newborn, so it is important for pregnant

should have a policy and program to ad-

tis Alliance in Geneva, Switzerland.

women to know if they are infected or not.

dress hepatitis B in the workplace. The pol-

In addition, according to the Expanded

icy and program should cover employee

Program of Immunization, all newborn in-

education, provision for protective equip-

fants need to receive three doses of vac-

ment when performing high risk tasks (more

cine within the first 6 months of life. The first

relevant among healthcare workers), and

dose should be given within 24 hours of

confidentiality and non-discrimination for


employees with hepatitis B. The advisory

Hepatitis B can also be sexually trans-

also states that anybody may not be de-


mitted, so it is important to avoid sex with people you are unfamiliar with, and to use a condom during sex.

nied gainful employment only on the basis of a positive Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) test result.

For more information, visit and like www.



in your blood in excess levels, and these can harm your liver. Aside from eating right, exercise to burn off these excess fat molecules. This will also prevent gallstones, which can also hurt the liver.

ry s r e M stma i Chr

3. Avoid toxins. Your liver acts as your body’s detoxifier. But it, too, can be The truth about Silymarin

Milk thistle or Silymarin has been touted

as a liver vitamin that many people use to

harmed by the toxins it tries to clear. Wash fruits and vegetables before serving, to wash off as much chemicals such as fertil-

treat liver diseases. Laboratory studies show

izers and pesticides as possible. Cigarette

that silymarin exerts anti-oxidant and anti-

smoke also contains liver-harming toxins, so

inflammatory properties and may help in liver

stay away from that too.

cell regeneration. In addition, studies show

4. Minimize alcohol intake. Alcohol

that taking Silymarin extract may improve

is one of the toxins that affect your liver di-

liver function among patients with cirrhosis.

However, studies also show that it cannot

treat or prevent viral hepatitis, including hepatitis B. It also has little effect among patients with liver cancer and liver damage due to drugs and toxins.

In conclusion, the role of Silymarin is lim-

ited in liver health, and should not be used as a substitute for treatment using more established and proven medications and approaches.

rectly. Avoid alcohol, or at least drink moderately.

6. Grab a Cup o’ Joe. Coffee when

5. Mind your medications. When

taken in moderation (one to two cups a

medicines are taken incorrectly by taking

day) can help prevent cirrhosis due to alco-

too much, the wrong type, or by combin-

hol. However, more than this and you risk

ing with other medicines, the liver can

turning this salve into a toxin. So don’t go

be affected. As much as possible, take


medications only after consulting a health

professional, and follow instructions cor-

ing the season of parties and fanfare, and

rectly. Even large amounts of the popular

you can expect a more colorful and less

paracetamol can cause liver damage.

yellow Christmas!

Follow these simple tips, especially dur-

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A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD

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