A SLICE OF ORANGE Refreshing Your Health
SYSTEM IN FOCUS: THE SKELETAL SYSTEM • Stand up straight • Brittle bones
System in focus: The skeletal system STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK YOUR BONES, BUT THE FOLLOWING WORDS WILL MAKE THEM HEALTHIER! Bones are what gives us, humans, together with all other vertebrates in the planet, our shape and form. Without our 206 bones, we would probably look like jel-
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lyfishes crawling along pavements. It’s most defining characteristic is its hardness
imagine that bones can become damaged—unless under the impact of high stress.
compared to the other tissues of the body. And because of its toughness, it is hard to
nfortunately for all of us, time is not
an S or a C, instead of being aligned in a
Certain exercises can help strengthen the
on our side, and years have a way
straight line.
muscles of the back, which can slow down
of slowly chipping away at our
Around a fourth of all scoliosis cases are
the movement of the spinal bones. One ex-
bones. Here, we will examine two medical
inborn or due to muscular disease. However,
ercise that you can do at home to strengthen
conditions that can slowly affect your bones.
the vast majority have no identifiable cause.
your back is as follows:
They say that bones are like a bank: you
Nonetheless, the vertebral bones somehow
save up slowly, because what you do today
begin to shift in alignment, ever so slowly,
1. First, lie on your stomach with your arms
can make all the difference to your bones in
until one day, you just notice that your spine
the future.
is no longer straight.
2. Slowly lift your left foot and knee off the
Because the curvature of the spine starts
floor. At the same time, slowly lift your
Stand up straight
slight, it can take years before the condition
right arm from the floor around 6 inches.
When I was a child, I was surprised that
is diagnosed. Sometimes, instead of notic-
Hold this position for a few seconds.
I encountered the the word “scoliosis” very
ing the curved spine, some people notice
3. Repeat step 2 with the right foot and
often. A friend here, a neighbor there, and
instead that their shoulders or hips are not
a classmate or two, said they had scolio-
level with each other. Others first complain
4. Repeat these steps 15 to 20 times.
sis. Now I understand why—as it turns out,
of back pain at a young age. However, a
scoliosis is quite common: it affects up to
full-length standing spine x-ray is the most re-
Bracing can help slow down scoliosis
3 people in a hundred, which means that
liable way to diagnose scoliosis.
when used in children. However, in adults,
in a typical private school, you can expect
extended, like Superman flying.
left arm.
this is not possible. Nonetheless, some adults
around a hundred students to have or eventu-
Staying healthy
can benefit from some relief of pain when us-
ally develop scoliosis.
ing a correctly fitted brace as advised by a
The goal of treatment for scoliosis is dif-
It is also important to know that scoliosis
ferent for children and adults. In children, the
starts during late childhood in 85% of the
main goal is to prevent the progression of
time. The rapid growth spurt seems to ag-
the disease. However, in adults, the main
performed to correct the spinal curvature.
gravate the situation.
goals are relief of pain and, if the curvature
What exactly is this common bone condi-
is severe to the point that it compresses on
Brittle bones
tion? Scoliosis is actually a descriptive term
the lungs or impairs daily function, possible
for a spine that curves from side to side, like
correction of the curve.
porosis affects the elderly—55% of them,
If the scoliosis is severe, surgery can be
If scoliosis affects children mostly, osteo-
in fact. This means that, if the fates allow,
• Exercise, especially resistance training
we reach old age, 55% of us will develop
(e.g., weight lifting, resistance bands,
osteoporosis, mostly the women.
isometric exercises, etc.)—if you don’t
Osteoporosis is a slowly progressing
use it, you lose it;
bone disease that is characterized by the
• Diet rich in calcium (dairy products, sar-
bones becoming less and less compact. This
dines including the bones, dark leafy veg-
makes bones easier to fracture. The bone
etables such as spinach) and protein
loss is usually age-related, but some diseas-
(meats, eggs, dairy, soy products, legumes)
es and medications may also increase the
• At least 5 minutes of sunlight exposure
risk of osteoporosis. The implicated diseases
(preferable in the early morning) to stimu-
include thyroid disease, diabetes, other en-
late the body’s vitamin D production;
docrine diseases, malnutrition, some gastro-
• Cigarette cessation; and
intestinal diseases, lactose intolerance, liver
Staying healthy
• Alcohol moderation.
disease, bulimia, kidney diease, and alco-
If osteoporosis is a disease of the elderly,
holism. Concerned drugs include steroids
why is it important to talk about it now? Be-
Because menopause seems to play a
and anticonvulsants, thyroid hormone, anti-
cause your bone health in the future is de-
role in osteoporosis, hormone replacement
coagulants, and some cancer drugs.
termined by what you do today. If you wait
therapy (HRT) may be used by some wom-
In itself, osteoporosis does not cause
until you have osteoporosis before you do
en. However, HRT also has its own risks, so
symptoms. However, everything goes down-
something (whether it be in your diet, exer-
it is important to consult a physician to know
hill as soon as the first fracture occurs. The
cise, or supplements), it’s already too late.
if HRT is right for you.
fact that almost all people with osteoporosis
Instead, what you should do is to make sure
are elderly makes them at high risk of falling,
your bones are as dense as possible today,
of falls in the elderly in your household.
which is the usual cause of their fractures.
so that even if age-related bone loss occurs,
Remove obstacles, loose carpets, or other
Elderly people may have poor eyesight, bal-
you are still left with a significant amount,
things that the elderly might trip on. Ensure
ance problems, poor muscle strength, de-
making your bones less likely to fracture.
that your bathroom has non-slip mats. And
mentia and memory disorders—conditions
advise them to avoid climbing, and walking
that increase the risk of falls.
teoporosis later are:
Things you should do now to prevent os-
Looking to enhance your corporate healthcare benefits? E-mail us at benefits@activelinkbenefits.com. The information in this newsletter is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Consult a doctor for all matters relating to your health, particularly for symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. © 2014 ActiveLink
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Lastly, it is important to minimize the risk
on slippery floors.
A Slice of Orange
is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.
Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD