A Slice of Orange - December 2014 - Give the gift of health for Christmas!

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A SLICE OF ORANGE Refreshing Your Health

GIVE THE GIFT OF HEALTH FOR CHRISTMAS! • Healthy body for Christmas • Fit for summer • Stress busters

Give the gift of health for Christmas! WHAT MORE COULD BRING BETTER TIDINGS AND GOOD WILL TO YOUR FELLOW MEN THAN A LONGER AND HEALTHIER LIFE? The holidays have always been a time of indulgence, merriment, and expanding waistlines. While joy is undoubtedly good for the heart, over-indulgence is not, and

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the results of these thoughtless merriment fill emergency rooms the day after. But no, we will not be Scrooges today. Instead, we will give you fantastic and healthy ideas to spread the cheer and health this season of hope. Read on!



Healthy body for Christmas Try these gift suggestions that promote

uid asthma medicine such as salbutamol in

A health basket

the health of your dearest loved ones.

nebules into breathable mist. This is perfect

Many people give gift baskets or fruit

for severe attacks not relieved by an inhaler,

baskets for the holidays. How about giving

Automatic blood pressure monitor

or for children who do not have the hand

a health basket this year? While many phar-

Many people don’t take their blood pres-

coordination to use an inhaler yet. Nebuliz-

macies have their own version of this bas-

sure (BP) because they don’t have a BP ap-

ers are available at drugstores and medical

ket, make your own so you can control your

paratus, and even if they do, they are not

supply stores. The price ranges from P1,000

budget and customize your gift depending

sure if they are taking it properly. An auto-

to P6,000 depending on brand, size

on the recipient’s needs. Here are some sug-

matic BP monitor (ABPM) is a battery-pow-

and portability.

gestions, based on what generally healthy

ered gadget that works much like a usual BP

people need to maintain their health:

apparatus, minus the other person. There are

Pre-paid health coverage

• Fiber supplements (capsules or sachets)

many kinds available, but I prefer the one

Most people have health insurance or

• Low- or zero-calorie sweeteners

worn over the arm over the one on the wrist.

coverage from their employers. However,

• Multivitamin/mineral tablets

The ABPM has some degree of error, but this

these policies or products usually have an

• Portable first-aid kit

can be minimized by ensuring your batter-

age cut-off. This means that many people,

• Povidone iodine wound antiseptic

ies aren’t drained. ABPMs are available in

including those who are self-employed,

• Alcohol-based hand sanitizer

pharmacies and medical supply stores. The

contractually employed, or the elderly, do

• Pocket tissue

price ranges from P1,000 to P3,500, and

not have any form of coverage except for

• Moisturizing body cleanser

averages at P2,000.

Philhealth. For these people, even a year’s

Place the contents in a nice basket or

worth of coverage could be helpful during

container, wrap in cellophane, gift wrapper


times of need. Why not give them a pre-

or craft paper, and tie with a ribbon.

Do you know someone who has moder-

paid health coverage card? There are many

ate to severe asthma (those who have called

kinds available from various clinics, health

Fit for summer

in sick from work because of it), or someone

providers, health insurers, or health mainte-

with an asthmatic child? A nebulizer may be

nance organizations (HMOs). Visit their re-

for a summer body. Immediately after New

a perfect gift. For its cost, it is a worthwhile

spective websites for more information. An

Year’s Day, put down the ham and fruitcake,

investment that could prevent inconvenient

ideal New Year’s gift, these products can be

and coax your loved ones to get active with

and costly hospital visits. Nebulizers turn liq-

bought for as low as P999.00

these fitness suggestions.

The New Year is the best time to prepare



Shoe bag Many office workers now have options to

as the crunches and the plank. It is also es-

take a quick run after work with the develop-

sential for stretching. Some kinds of mats can

ment of running paths in many business dis-

be bought for less than P500.00.

tricts, such as Makati, Fort, and Eastwood.

Aromatherapy Scents, perfumes, and air fresheners

But running shoes can be bulky, and some-

Stress busters

have always been a staple for trinket gifts.

times stinky. You wouldn’t want to mix those

Stress is one of the most common causes

However, many of us just buy them mind-

with your other stuff. A shoe bag, with or

of high blood pressure, gastrointestinal prob-

lessly. But scents are powerful triggers of

without handles, can be a thoughtful gift for

lems, and mental distress. Keep the season

emotion, and can be used to bring forth

a runner-friend.

jolly for your loved ones with these stress-

mental wellbeing. Here are some of the

relieving gift ideas.

effects of scents to guide you in your scent

Resistance bands


Resistance training is one of the best

Other versions of the stress ball

• Relieve anxiety: bergamot, cedar wood,

ways to get fit. Not only can it burn fat, but

Stress balls are great distractions for re-

frankincense, lavender, orange,

more importantly it helps tone muscles. If

lieving stress. Who hasn’t felt better after

peach, rose

your friend finds the gym too intimidating or

squishing that ball in frustration? However,

• Ease depression: bergamot, jasmine,

time consuming, get them resistance bands

for many people, stress is less about de-

so they can work out at home, even while

mands and frustration, but about inactivity


watching TV. A set of three resistance bands

and monotony (yes, idleness can be just as

• Overcome fatigue: camphor, carda-

for varying levels of resistance, costs less

stressful). These other “versions” of the stress

mom, cinnamon, eucalyptus, lemon,

than P1,000, and comes in many cheerful

ball can be great gifts for officemates:

peppermint, pine, spiced apple


• The Kooshball

• Relieve tension and insomnia: bergamot,

lavender, lemon, orange, sandalwood,

• A big box of paperclips to bend and

chamomile, cinnamon, lavender,

Yoga mat

straighten during boring meetings and

nutmeg, orange, rose, sandalwood,

phone calls.

vanilla, violet, ylang-ylang. Just remember, a healthy mind and body

A yoga mat is a thoughtful gift for a yoga

practitioner, but it can also be used for other

• A big box of rubber bands to make

purposes. It can be used to do basic and

rubber band chains or to stretch and

is the best gift you could give. Enjoy your

advanced core (abdominal) exercises, such

squish for tactile stimulation.

Christmas shopping!

Looking to enhance your corporate healthcare benefits? E-mail us at benefits@activelinkbenefits.com. The information in this newsletter is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Consult a doctor for all matters relating to your health, particularly for symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. © 2014 ActiveLink

Benefits Made Better

ActiveLink 7/F Electra House Building 115-117 Esteban St., Legaspi Village, Makati City www.activelinkbenefits.com

A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD

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