© 2 0 1 5 S P O TL I G H T B I L L I N G | 1 (5 6 1 ) 2 9 9 -3 0 0 2
HIGHER RETURNS BEGIN WITH BETTER RELATIONSHIPS Everyone wants to do business with people they like and trust. Rather than fighting insurance providers on your behalf, we focus on building positive relationships with them. This genuine rapport allows insurance providers to trust that your claims are accurate, therefore they process them faster and reimburse you at a higher rate.
Š 2 0 1 5 S P OTLIGHT BILLIN G | 1 (561) 299-3002
CONCENTRATE ON YOUR CLIENTS, LET US FOCUS ON YOUR BILLING Our collaborative approach to medical billing not only increases your revenue, but also enables you to provide your clients with the premium care they deserve.
Š 2 0 1 5 S P OTLIGHT BILLIN G | 1 (561) 299-3002
ADD BILLING EXPERTISE TO YOUR TEAM We partner with your facility, taking on the role of an internal billing department, to streamline your processes and increase your returns. Enhance your team by adding our team.
Š 2 0 1 5 S P OTLIGHT BILLIN G | 1 (561) 299-3002
THE SPOTLIGHT IS ON YOUR CLAIMS We guarantee complete transparency on how your claims are being managed. With customized weekly reports and 24/7 access to your personalized dashboard, you can oversee the entire collections process. You are encouraged to see firsthand how diligently we work to maximize your returns.
Š 2 0 1 5 S P OTLIGHT BILLIN G | 1 (561) 299-3002
OUR SERVICES Our team works diligently to provide you with exceptional services to improve your medical billing process and increase the percentage of claim reimbursements. The Spotlight Billing Process:
Our onboarding team makes
We simplify your admissions
We work compliantly with
We manage your billing and
the transition to Spotlight
process to get your clients
insurance companies, building
collections performance until
Billing seamless.
the treatment they need as
trust through excellent
you are paid.
soon as possible.
communication, while providing exceptional service.
Š 2 0 1 5 S P OTLIGHT BILLIN G | 1 (561) 299-3002
TRAINING AND ONBOARDING We send the very best. Our training specialists are licensed clinicians with over 25 years of experience in the behavioral health industry. Our team’s extensive experience ensures that
the transition phase doesn’t require a lot of heavy lifting from your team.
In addition to onboarding training, we offer continual support
Expert training done at your facility. Up to date information on reimbursement trends.
through the entire revenue management cycle; staying at the
Continual support through the entire revenue management cycle.
front end of industry news to deliver up to date information
Audit of all clinical documentation.
on reimbursement trends. We’ll be your partner and improve your business from the inside out.
Collaborative approach on improving clinical documentation.
© 2 0 1 5 S P OTLIGHT BILLIN G | 1 (561) 299-3002
VERIFICATION OF BENEFITS Your dedicated team of experts works directly with your staff in order to verify your clients’ benefits in a timely manner. We’ll start processing your request immediately
after receiving it and complete a double verification process to ensure accuracy and a shorter turnaround time. Guaranteed response within 30 minutes. Our extensive insurance verification document confirms every detail of your clients’ insurance coverage is accurately recorded. We have professionals on call 24/7 to thoroughly verify your clients’ insurance information right when you need it, allowing treatment to begin as soon as possible.
Pre-certification and policy exclusions. Notification of potential road-blocks during reimbursement. Double verification process. Reporting on changes of insurance coverage.
© 2 0 1 5 S P OTLIGHT BILLIN G | 1 (561) 299-3002
UTILIZATION REVIEW We advocate on behalf of all clients, even the most complex cases. Our Utilization Review experts are licensed clinicians with a true understanding of what is needed to meet
medical necessity and how to communicate this to insurance companies. We also have team members with years of experience in managed care, offering a much different perspective any other billing company focused in the behavioral healthcare arena.
Our collaborative approach to medical billing establishes
Advocate on behalf of even the most complex cases. Follow up with concurrent reviews in a timely manner. Work collectively with case managers. Ensure maximized benefits, resulting in premium care for clients.
rapport and results in a higher reimbursement percentage of claims. With maximized benefits, you will not only increase your revenue, you’ll be able to provide your clients with the premium care they deserve.
Š 2 0 1 5 S P OTLIGHT BILLIN G | 1 (561) 299-3002
BILLING AND COLLECTIONS You have access to the status of all claims and any returns at every moment. We provide customized weekly reports detailing
the disposition of claims so you can oversee the entire collections process.
Our team of experts thoroughly evaluates every claim, moving your claims accurately and efficiently through the collections process— all while delivering you a higher reimbursement percentage in a shorter period of time.
Assigned a dedicated account manager. Customized weekly reports. 24/7 access to your personalized dashboard. Transparency on status of claims and returns. Dependable follow-up on each claim. Claims are evaluated to minimize denials. Online bill pay option.
Š 2 0 1 5 S P OTLIGHT BILLIN G | 1 (561) 299-3002
A BILLING COMPANY YOU CAN TRUST As a billing company specializing in behavioral healthcare, we understand the importance of properly managing every detail of the revenue cycle. Spotlight Billing’s transparent approach to medical billing keeps you informed on the current state of your claims at all times. We know that strong relationships are an integral part of any treatment center’s success, which is why we put an extreme emphasis on building lasting relationships with both your treatment center and insurance providers.
© 2 0 1 5 S P OTLIGHT BILLIN G | 1 (561) 299-3002
CONTACT US We are big picture people who believe in long term solutions; especially when they result in shorter turnaround times and a higher percentage of returns for our partners.
1 (561) 299-3002 i n fo @spo tl i gh tbi l l i n g. c o m www. spo tl i gh tbi l l i n g. c o m
Š 2 0 1 5 S P OTLIGHT BILLIN G | 1 (561) 299-3002
www.spotlightbilling.com 1 (561) 299-3002