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PROLOGUE Under the urban context, the ancient buildings set within are seeking their own way to fit in the vitality of the modernized cities. What are those architectures’ roles within this environment?They should be more than just ancient heritages.When cities are expanding towards the outside, places within are also continuously evolving and adapting. Over the years, architecture preservation and restoration have been discussed from different perspectives of different architects by western academics such asJohn Ruskin andViollet-leDuc.JohnRuskinstatedthatitisnotpossibletorestoreabuildingandreachitsmostbeautiful originalversion.Therefore,onlypropercareisneededinsteadofrestoration.WhereasViolletle-Ducsawrestorationasonewayforarchitecturetoreachthefinishedstate. Atthesametime,Chinesearchitectsandlocalgovernmentsarealsoseekingtheirownways to transform ancient architectures to metabolize and transform that is neither preservation nortraditionalrestoration.Assymbolsfromthepastwithrichculturalandtraditionalecology, ancient buildings should not do the bare minimum – as statues and museums statically. In China, the eagerness of preserving ancient architecture has skyrocketed over the years. Architects are suggesting restoring those buildings effectively not only with architectural understandingbutalsovitalizingthemwiththesurroundingcommunityandresidents.They believe there is a balance between the modern city and ancient architecture, and there is a way to revive the buildings with new values.They hope a nuanced environment could be builtforancientarchitecturerevivalthatcouldbeadaptiveandtransformativeinthefuture.

北京 Peking


智珠寺 Zhizhu Temple

济南 Ji Nan



火车站 Train Station

香港 Hong Kong



1881 Heritage

成都 Cheng Du



宽窄巷子 Kuanzhai Alley

渭南 Wei Nan 黄土上的院子 The Yard on Loess


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北京是中华人民共和国 的首都,也是世界历史 文化名城和古都之一, 有 3000 多 年 建 城 史, 800 多年建都史,曾为 辽、金、元、明、清五 朝 帝 都。1949 年 10 月 1 日中华人民共和国成 立,北京从此成为新中 国的首都。

BeijingisthecapitalofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaandoneoftheworld'sancientcapitalswithrichhistoricalandcultural backgrounds. It has a history of more than 3,000 years as a city and a history of more than 800 years for being a capital. It was the capital of the five dynasties of Liao,Jin,Yuan, Ming, andQing.The People's Republic ofChina was established on October1st,1949,andBeijinghasbecomethecapitalofNewChinasince.


北京拥有众多的文物古迹,故宫、 长城、周口店猿人遗址、天坛、 颐和园、明十三陵等,被联合国 列入世界文化遗产。2011 年末, 全 市 拥 有 博 物 馆 162 个, 文 物 藏 品 达 430 万 件, 参 观 人 数 达 3500 万人次。除了那些宏伟的 历史遗迹,北京还有数以百计的 地方古代建筑。

Beijing has many cultural relics, such as the Forbidden City, Great Wall, Zhoukoudian Ape Man Site,Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, Ming Tombs, etc. These are listed as World Cultural Heritage by the United Nations. At the end of 2011, the city had 162 museums, with 4.3 million cultural relics and 35 million visitors. Other than those grand historical monuments, Beijing also contains hundredsofancientlocalarchitectures.


Heritage Preservation Area


Heritage Points


智珠寺 智珠寺——这片悠然古雅的建 筑群,保留了 600 多年的历史 记忆。作为曾经最重要的藏传 佛教圣地,其历史地位曾在雍 和宫之上。大约在公元 1409 年, 即明成祖永乐七年,伴随着故 宫的修建,永乐皇帝选址故宫 东北角和景山东沿创建皇家御 用印经厂,是皇家印刻汉文和 梵文经文典籍之所。在巅峰时 期,曾有 60 至 80 位秀才组成 的团队与大约 860 名僧人共同 在印经厂内工作。而这就是智 珠寺古建筑群的前生。


ZHI ZHU TEMPLE ZhizhuTemple-This quiet and quaint building complex retains more than 600 years of memory. As the most important spiritual place of Tibetan Buddhism, its historical status was once beyond the Lama Temple. Around 1409, at the seventh year ofYongle – the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, together with the construction of the Forbidden City, EmperorYongle chose the northeast corner of the Forbidden City and along the east side of Jingshan Mountain to create the Royal Imperial Printing Factory, which was the place where the Chinese and Sanskrit scriptures were imperially engraved. At its peak, a team of 60 to 80 artists and about 860 monks worked together in the printingfactory.ThisisthebeginningofZhizhuTemple.

建国后,智珠寺经历了翻天覆地的变化。从金漆镶嵌厂到自行车厂,从医 疗器械厂到东风电视机厂,古寺的部分建筑在反复改建中遭到灾难性的拆 毁。2007 年,东景缘的创始人 Juan Van Wassenhove 和他的合伙人们选中 这里时,古寺已是破败不堪,不同时代的房屋混搭而成的建筑群早已淡忘 在人们的记忆中。专家们花了 5 年多的时间对古寺进行精心修复。这整个 过程不是做加法,也不是为了改而改,而是「力求保留每个时间点所留下 的痕迹」。现在的东景缘以智珠寺为中心,曾经的僧寮和厂房车间化身成 了客房,古色古韵的明代建筑里开设了法式餐厅,部分殿堂成了举办活动 和展览的理想之所。

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhizhu Temple has undergone earth-shaking changes. From the gold lacquer inlay factory to the bicycle factory, the medical equipment factory to the DongfengTV factory, parts of the ancient temple were disastrously demolished during repeated renovations.WhenJuanVanWassenhove, founder of Dongjingyuan, and his partners chose this place in 2007, the old temple was already dilapidated.The complex of buildings made up of houses of different eras has long been forgotten in people's memory. Experts have spent more than five years repairing the ancient temple meticulously.This whole process is not adding, nor is it changing for the sake of change, but "striving to retain the traces left at each point in time."The current Dongjingyuan is centered inZhizhu Temple.Theformermonk'sresidenceandworkshopshavebeentransformedintoguestrooms.French restaurants were opened in the Ming Dynasty buildings.Some of the halls have become ideal places for holdingeventsandexhibitions. 6



济 南 JI

济南是山东省省会,黄河中 下游和环渤海南翼的重要战 略城市,国家历史文化名城 之一。济南位于山东省中西 部,具有 4000 多年的历史, 是中华文明的重要发祥地之 一, 是 闻 名 世 界 的 史 前 文 化-龙山文化的发祥地。



Jinan is the capital ofShandong Province; a critical city sits at the middle part of theYellow River and the southern wing of the Bohai Rim. It is one of the national historical and cultural cities. Jinan is located in the central and western parts ofShandong Province. It has a history of more than4,000years.ItisoneoftheimportantbirthplacesofChinesecivilizationandthebirthplace oftheworld-famousprehistoricculture—LongshanCulture.

秦始皇建立郡县制时,今天的济南地区属于济北 郡。汉初,设立济南郡,含义为“济水之南”,是地 理方位形成的地名。济水即俗称大清河,古济水 发源于现河南省济源市,流域大致相当于现在的 黄河山东段。后因黄河改道被其夺取河床,成为 了黄河下游的干流河道。而济源、济南、济阳、 济宁等地名还是保存了下来,济南由此得名。自 明朝以来,济南一直是山东省省会。1929 年 7 月 设立济南市。

When Qin Shihuang established the system of prefectures and counties, Jinan belonged to Jibei County. In the early Han Dynasty, Jinan County was established, meaning "the south of Jishui," a city named after the geographic location. Jishui is commonly known as the Daqing River. The ancient Jishui River originated in Jiyuan City, Henan Province, and its range was roughly equivalent to the current Shandong section of theYellow River. Later, due to the diversion of theYellow River, the riverbed was drained and became the mainstream of the lowerYellow River. However, name of Jiyuan, Jinan, Jiyang, Jining have been preserved. Since the Ming Dynasty, Jinan has been the capital of Shandong Province. JinanCity was established in July1929.


Heritage Preservation Area


Heritage Points



济 南 火 车 站

津浦铁路济南站曾是亚洲最大的火车站;它 曾登上清华、同济的建筑类教科书;它曾被 战后西德出版的《远东旅行》列为远东第一 站,是中国一处享誉世界的著名地标。该站 是由十九世纪末二十世纪初德国著名建筑师 赫尔曼·菲舍尔设计建造的,是一座典型的德 式车站建筑。那伸向蓝天的高大钟楼体现了 欧洲中世纪的宗教理念,但设计者又把与他 们信仰中的上帝相衔接的尖顶改换成了罗马 式的圆顶。

Jinan Railway Station was once the largest railway station in Asia. It was listed inTsinghua andTongji architecture textbooks and as "the First Station" by the book "Travel to the Far East" published by West Germany after World War Two. It was a world-known architecture in China.The station was designed and built by German architect Hermann Fischer at the end of the 19th century. It is a classical German-style station.The bell tower that stretches out to the blue sky embodies the religious ideals of the MiddleAges in Europe.Still, the designer changed the spire connected to the god of their faith into a Roman domeanddecoratedthewallunderthedome.


1992 年,在一片反对声中,有着百年历史、被称为远东第一站的济南老火车站被拆除。

In 1992, despite the opposition, the old Jinan Railway Station, which had a century-old history and was known as “the First Station of the Far East”, was demolished.




香港地区早于公元前 214 年纳为秦朝领 土,直至 19 世纪中叶以后,由于清廷积 弱,香港岛、九龙半岛和新界被分阶段 割让和租借予英国成为殖民地。从开埠 到 20 世纪初,香港由一个寂寂无名的小 渔港,逐渐发展成为远东重要的转口港。 二战以后,香港经济和人口急速增长, 一跃成为亚洲四小龙之一,经济重心也 逐渐转移至金融和服务业。至 1980 年代, 中英两国就香港前途问题达成共识,英 国在 1997 年 7 月 1 日结束对香港的统治, 并把主权移交中华人民共和国。

The Hong Kong area was incorporated into the territory of the Qin Dynasty as early as 214 BC, and until the middle of the 19th century, due to the weakness of the Qing Government, Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula, and the New Territories were ceded and leased to the British to become colonies. From the opening of the port at the beginning of the 20th century, Hong Kong has gradually developed from a small and unknown fishing port to an essential entrepot in the Far East. In the 1980s,China and Britain reached a consensus on the future of Hong Kong. Britain ended its rule of Hong Kong on July 1st, 1997, and transferred its sovereigntybacktothePeople'sRepublicofChina.


Heritage Preservation Area


Heritage Points



Former Marine Police Headquarters 1881 前水警总部大楼位于香港九龙尖沙咀,于一八八四年 落成。 在 1884 年至 1996 年期间,水警总队一直是水警的 总部,并于 1996 年迁往西湾河,成为香港警务处的一个分队。 The Former Marine Police Headquarters Compound, completed in 1884, is located inTsim ShaTsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. From 1884 to 1996, the Compound served as the headquarters for the Marine Police, which moved to SaiWan Ho in 1996 and becameabranchintheHongKongPoliceForce. 在 2002 年,香港政府宣布竞投自 1996 年起空置的前 水警总部的活化再用概念 ; 为了吸引投标,竞标条件 包括允许在主楼下方建造 77,640 平方英尺的建筑面 积。 该批准允许开发商保存和重新开发历史建筑成为 遗产旅游设施。 赢得投标的飞雪公司将该建筑改造成 一个具有餐饮和零售设施的传统酒店。 该计划是本港 首个由私营机构主导的文物保护计划 ; 根据土地出让 条款,需要保留和恢复特定的家具和设施。 该项目于 2009 年以 1881 遗产 (1881 Heritage) 的名称开放,并 因将这片曾经长满草的山丘上的大部分树木移走而受 到批评。


In 2002, the Hong Kong Government announced a competitive tender for an adaptive reuse concept for the former Marine Police Headquarters, which had been vacant since 1996; to entice tenders, the conditions included permission to create up to 77,640 square feet of floor space below the Main Building.The approval allowed the developer to preserve and redevelop the historical building into a heritage tourism facility. Flying Snow, the company who won the tender, has transformed the building into a heritage hotel with food and beverage outlets, and retail facilities.The project was the first private sector-led preservation project in Hong Kong; under the terms of the land grant, specific furnishings and features were required to be preserved and restored.The project opened as 1881 Heritage in 2009, and was criticized for removingmostofthetreesfromwhatwasonceagrassyhill.


成 都


成都市是中国开发最早、持续繁 荣时间最长的城市之一,据史书 记载 , 大约在公元前 5 世纪中叶的 古蜀国开明王朝九世(前 367 年) 时将都城从广都樊乡 ( 今双流县 ) 迁往成都 , 构筑城池,至 2019 年 已有 2386 年历史。但依据现实挖 掘的金沙遗址看来,成都建城史 可以追溯到距今 3200 年前。


Chengdu is one of the earliest cities in China that has been developed and prospered for the longest time.According to historical records, the capital was moved from Fanxiang to Chengdu during the ninth dynasty of the ancient Shu Kingdominthemiddleofthe5thcenturyBC(367 BC). By 2021, Chengdu is a city with 2388 years of history. But according to the Jinsha ancient site, the history of Chengdu's city development canbetracedbackto3,200yearsago.

成都拥有青城山,都江堰灌溉系统等多项世界自然和文化遗 产遗址,以及武侯祠、三星堆博物馆、杜甫草堂等众多历史 文化景点。现代化和城市化同样也是这座古都的标志。天府 广场、新世纪环球中心、成都国际金融中心等现代化活动中 心从另一方面塑造了这座城市的性格。

Chengdu has many world’s natural and cultural heritage sites, such as Mount Qingcheng and Dujiangyan Irrigation System, and many historical and cultural architecture heritages such asWuhouTemple,Sanxingdui Museum, DufuCottage, etc. Modernization and urbanization are also the symbols of this ancient capital. Modern activity centers such as Tianfu Square, New Century Global Center, and Chengdu International Financial Center have vitalized the character of this city from another aspect.


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Heritage Points


在追加了现代商业文化 巷子的建筑,内部装饰 仅可以感受到包括休闲 一的蜀绣等所带来的地 成都闲适的生活影子。

宽窄巷子 KUAI ZHAI ALLEY 宽窄巷子位于四川省成都市青羊区长顺街附近,由宽巷子、窄巷子、井巷子平行 排列组成,全为青黛砖瓦的仿古四合院落,这里也是成都遗留下来的较成规模的 清朝古街道,与大慈寺、文殊院一起并称为成都三大历史文化名城保护街街区。 KuanzhaiAlley is located nearChangshun Street,Qingyang District,Chengdu, Sichuan Province. It consists ofWide alleys, Narrow alleys, andWell alleys arranged parallelly. It is an ancient courtyard complex with Qingdai bricks and tiles. It is also a relatively largescale ancient street left by Qing Dynasty in Chengdu. Kuanzhai Alley, together with DaciTemple and Wenshu Monastery, are knownasChengdu'sthreemostfamoushistoricalandculturalcityprotectionblocks.


业文化的同时,保留了具备老成都特色的元素。 部装饰设计都紧密地结合了巴蜀的文化,你不 括休闲成都的特有文化茶馆,名列四大刺绣之 来的地域文化,你还可以在巷子里找到那份老 影子。 While adding modern commercial elements to the reformation, architects retained the elements with the characteristics of old Chengdu. Thus, the architecture of the alley and the interior design are closely integrated withthecultureofBashu.Youcannotonlyfeeltheculture brought by the unique teahouse, Shu embroidery but also capture the essence of the leisurely life of old Chengduinthealley.


渭南是中华民族的发祥地之一。 据考证,中华民族的又称“华夏” 即源于渭南:“华”即华山,“夏”指“夏 阳”(今韩城市),特指横亘于这 区间的狭长地域。由这里产生的 文明即就是“华夏文明”。因其卓著, 故延伸为后世中华民族之典。距 今约 20 万年前的“大荔人”曾经在 这里繁衍生息,刀耕火种。沙苑 文化,龙山文化,西岳庙,太史祠, 仓颉庙等,如绝本的经典,记载 着华夏文明悠久的历史;韩城俩 周古墓群,蒲城桥陵等数十座唐 帝王陵墓,如遥远的星座,闪烁 着神奇的亮光。 渭南悠久的历史 孕育了灿烂的文化。秦腔、同州 梆子、碗碗腔、迷胡、阿宫腔等 多种戏曲剧种蕴积深厚,是中国 北方梆子剧声腔的发源地;石雕、 木雕、面花、皮影等民间艺术独 具匠心,誉满中外。 27

渭 南


Weinan is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. According to research, "Hua Xia," another name of China, originated from Weinan. "Hua" means Huashan, "Xia" means "Xiayang. The civilization created here is the "Chinese Civilization." About 200,000 years ago, the "Dali people" used to thrive here. Shayuan Culture, Longshan Culture, etc., these ancient tribes nurtured the long history of Chinese civilization. Hancheng two Zhou ancienttombs,PuchengBridge,XiyueTemple, Taishi Temple, Cangjie Temple, provided Shanxi province with rich architectural heritage. Qinqiang, Tongzhou Bangzi, Wanwanqiang, Mihu,Agongqiang, and other traditionaloperasaretheancientversionofthe BangzioperasinnorthernChina.Folkartssuch as stone carvings, wood carvings, face flowers, shadow puppets are well-known all over the world.


Heritage Preservation Area


Heritage Points



黄土上的院子项目地点位于陕西 省渭南市李家沟村的山沟里。村 子呈现出中国西北地区传统的乡 村面貌,黄土高原、千沟万壑、 民风淳朴,建筑形式以传统的窑 洞为主。当地条件好点的家庭建 起了砖房,或是整家迁往临近的 县城。正如中国大部分的偏远村 庄一样,成年的劳动力大都在城 市打工,村里更多的是留守儿童 和空巢老人,很多窑洞也是年久 失修,几近坍塌。


TheYard on Loess Project site is located in a ravine in Lijiagou Village, Weinan, Shaanxi Province. The village represents the traditional rural appearance of Northwest China with a loess plateau, thousands of gullies, simple folk customs, and traditional cave dwellings. Families with better financial conditions built brick houses or moved their entire families to nearby county towns. Like most rural villages in China, most of the adult laborers work in the cities.The villages are filled with left-behind children and empty-nest older people. Many cave dwellings are in disrepair and nearly collapsed.


建筑师注重新建筑与当地环境的融合。在空间体量方面,新建筑被严格控制在原先建筑的平面红 线与高度之内。在空间语言上面采用延续当地传统窑洞拱形的空间元素。在关键材料选择方面, 新建筑采用了传统的夯土技艺,就地取材。

The architect focused on the integration of the new addon building with the local environment. In terms of massing, the new portion is strictly controlled within the building envelope and height of the original building. For spatial, traditional elements have been chosen on the arches to value the local ancient cave dwelling. In terms of selecting the materials, the new building uses traditional rammed earth techniquesandlocalmaterials. 33

黄土是选自山顶的粘土,结合山下的碎石石渣混合而成,既节省了成本,也具备当地特色。这样 的做法使这个建筑只能出现在这个村子里,可能到了隔壁村子,其土与岩石的颜色会随之更改, 会有不同的呈现效果。这样最后建造出了一个全新的当地“土”房子。

Loess is made of clay selected from the top of the mountain, combined with the gravel and rocks at the bottom of the mountain, which not only saves costs but also maintains local characteristics. In this way, the building is only designed for in this village, as the color of the soil and rock will change accordingly.Therefore the effect will be different when it reaches the neighboring town. In this way, a brand new local "earth"housewasbuiltattachedtotheoldcavehouse. 34



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