Level 3 Apprenticeship
Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development
This programme assesses and develops the knowledge and skills of those employed working with children in settings or services where the main purpose is care, learning and development e.g. nurseries, day-care, crèches, NHS children’s services or childminders.
Apprenticeship Framework
Level 3 CCPLD
Essential Skills Qualifications
Welsh Language Development
Apprenticeship Framework
The aim of the CCPLD apprenticeship is to provide learners with the skills and knowledge needed to work within the sector.
The programme prepares learners for roles such as:
• Nursery Practitioner
• Playgroup practitioner
• NHS Children’s support worker
is this apprenticeship for?
The level 3 is suitable for people who operate more autonomously, undertaking curriculum planning, activity planning and some aspects of staff supervision. Suitable candidates will be a Nursery Practitioner, NHS Support Worker or Crèche Leader. This qualification is suitable for people who have achieved a level 2 qualification or have 2 or more years’ experience in employment in a childcare setting.
On completion of this apprenticeship you will achieve the following:
• Apprenticeship Level 3 CCPLD
• Level 2 Essential Skills in Communication and Application of Number*
• Prentis-iaith Welsh Language Development
On the following pages, you will find information relating to the main qualification (Level 3 CCCPLD), as well as other aspects that will make up this apprenticeship programme, including Essential Skills and Welsh Language Development
* If you already hold qualifications, these may be used as ‘proxy’ towards your apprenticeship framework
Level 3 CCPLD
This is the qualification you will be completing alongside your employment within an early year setting.
Length of time to complete
We will tailor your learning programmes to suit your needs, so that each learner’s experience is unique. While learner’s needs will be different, the recommended time to complete this programme is 18 months The minimum time on programme for this course is 15 months.
Course Delivery
This programme will primarily be delivered through mandatory workshops and 1-to-1 sessions with a member of the ACT delivery team, using a mixture of face-to-face and remote learning sessions. An ACT assessor will meet with the learner, either in the workplace or through digital means (for example, Microsoft Teams) once a month for approximately two hours to support progress.
Learners will also be set tasks to complete between each visit, for approximately 4 hours per month (please note – this is just a guide and will vary based on learner needs).
Examples of some of the tasks that might be set by our assessors include:
• Research theories relating to child development in practice?
• Observe and assess and plan for child development?
In addition, there are a series of online workshops that provide practical and applicable support to work-based activities. These workshops are available for all learners to book onto – see below for more details.
What you will learn
The qualification is divided into two components: The Core qualification, which develops and assesses your knowledge and the Practice qualification, which focuses on and assesses your practical competencies. You may have already completed this.
All evidence and learning resources will be stored and accessed through e-portfolio OneFile.
The core qualification will take the learner 6 months to complete and is delivered first –knowledge is gained towards the practice qualification.
Between months 2 and 8 the candidate will be required to take part in observations (supported by their employer) to confirm competency and develop the skills to enable them to put what they have learnt into practice. These sessions will take approximately 2 hours each month.
When the assessor and employer are confident that the candidate is ready for Assessment they will become a learner – we envisage that this will be in approximately 8 months.
Between months 8 and 18 the learner will be required to complete 4 Assessments – the employer is required to be involved in this process and support with the planning and delivery.
At the end of the programme (month 18) the learner will carry out a Professional Discussion to confirm overall competency and knowledge gained throughout the qualification.
Completion of the CCPLD Core – within the first 6 months
• 3 hour minimum monthly visits – this is training, so the learner will be required time away from the children in an appropriate environment. If this is not possible, arrangements need to be made for the learner to come into centre.
• 1 multi choice test – 1 hour 15 mins. This will need to be in an appropriate environment, when this is not available the learner will need to come to the centre. Twilight sessions will be offered as well as during the day.
Time taken for delivery will depend on the needs of each individual learner, and the outcome of initial assessment. On the following page(s) is a realistic expectation of what we think will be required for most learners.
7 – 17 Monthly visits are required – our assessor will support the completion of observations (minimum of 6) and assessments in a real-working environment
Completion of the CCPLD L3 Practice Qualification
Mandatory Units
• Promoting core practice in children’s care, play, learning and development
• Promoting play, learning, growth and development
• Promoting nutrition and hydration in early years
• Responding to childhood illness, infestation, disease and immunisation
Optional Units*
There are a range of optional units available, to include:
• Promoting the acquisition of a new language through immersion
• Supporting families to develop parenting skills
Time taken for delivery will depend on outcome of initial assessment – below is realistic expectation of what we think will be required for most learners
Month Activity
2 – 8
Practice observations (ready for assessment) following the full assessment process against standards
Task A
Carry out day to day activities. Complete reflective log, portfolio of evidence of workplace documentation
Task B
Carry out four observations of children – Using pro-forma
Task C
12 - 13
14 – 15
16 - 17
Produce an evaluation of all four observations
Task D
Planning next steps linked to observations. Include planning meetings, completing planning form
Task E
Assessor observations of practice - four
Task F
Attend professional discussion
Have any questions about our Level 3 CCCPLD?
We are here to help. If you have any further questions or enquiries about the main qualification element of the programme, please contact our Route Manager:
Helen Clarke Route Manager helenclarke@acttraining.org.uk
Essential Skills Qualifications
When you agree to undertake an apprenticeship, you may be required to complete Essential Skills as part of your apprenticeship framework.
What are Essential Skills?
The Essential Skills Wales (ESW) will be initially assessed via an online Wales Essential Skills Toolkit (WEST) Assessment. If a Learner already holds an ESW certificate or equivalent qualification this can provide a proxy and learners will not need to complete that ESW element of the programme. Where a Learner is not exempt an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) will be generated from the initial WEST assessment. The modules delivery will include independent learning via WEST, prior to guided learning sessions preparing the Learner for their assessment. ESWs are assessed via controlled tasks and confirmatory tests for Communication and Application of Number, Digital Literacy is assessed via a controlled task and structured discussion.
If you already hold qualifications, these may be used as ‘proxy’ towards your apprenticeship framework. As a result, you will be exempt from achieving that particular Essential Skill, if you wish. This will be discussed with you before you sign up. Below are some examples, although this list is not exhaustive.
Communication Level 1
Communication Level 2
Communication Level 3
Application of Number Level 1
Application of Number Level 2
Application of Number Level 3
GCSE G or above, Key Skills or Essential Skills Wales
GCSE C or above, Key Skills or Essential Skills Wales
AS/A Level E or above, Key Skills or Essential Skills
GCSE G or above, Key Skills or Essential Skills Wales
GCSE C or above, Key Skills or Essential Skills Wales
AS/A Level E or above, Key Skills or Essential Skills
Welsh Language Development
As part of your Welsh Government funded framework, you will be supported to develop and maintain your Welsh language skills for the workplace.
What is Welsh Language Development?
ACT are committed to playing their part in the Welsh Government Million Speakers strategy. All learners will complete the Prentis-iaith Welsh Language Development course as part of your framework with us.
Don’t panic – this is as a means of development and is aimed to support you with the development of your Welsh Language skills. This course is specially designed to give apprentices a basic knowledge of Welsh for the workplace and consists of 6 interactive modules to complete online. The course will be completed throughout your framework, with support from your assessor.
Already bilingual?
If you are Welsh speaking you will undertake your learning bilingually. In practice this means that you can choose the elements of your learning that you would like to complete through the medium of Welsh. You will be able to discuss your particular preferences with your assessor.