Professional Practice in Health and Social Care (CYP) Level 4

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Professional Practice in Health and Social Care (Children and Young People) Level 4


Professional Practice in Health and Social Care


The Level 4 Professional Practice in Health and Social Care will enable learners to develop and demonstrate their knowledge, understanding, behaviours, skills and practice within the context of their chosen pathway.


Apprenticeship Framework

Level 4 CYP Professional Practice

Essential Skills Qualifications

Welsh Language Development

Apprenticeship Framework

The aim of the CYP Professional Practice Apprenticeship Level 4 is to enable learners to develop and demonstrate their advanced knowledge, skills and understanding in the context of children’s settings.

The programme prepares learners for roles such as:

• Childcare Practitioners working at an Advanced level

• Childcare workers who hold a CYP L3 or legacy qualification

• NHS Practitioners, School staff within ALN, Residential Childcare Practitioner

Who is this apprenticeship for?

This qualification aims to develop the knowledge, understanding, behaviours and skills that underpin Professional Practice within the Health and Social Care sector. This qualification has been developed in close collaboration with key sector stakeholders, including Social Care Wales and Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW). This qualification is practice-based and assesses learners’ knowledge and practice.

It is designed for learners in work-based learning, further education and higher education. This qualification provides progression for learners who have completed Level 3 Health and Social Care: Practice (Children and Young People) a legacy equivalent qualification or have relevant experience in the sector.


On completion of this apprenticeship you will achieve the following:

• Apprenticeship Level 4 CYP Professional Practice

• Level 2 Essential Skills

• Prentis-iaith Welsh Language Development

On the following pages, you will find information relating to the main qualification (Level 4 CYP), as well as other aspects that will make up this apprenticeship programme, including Essential Skills and Welsh Language Development.

Level 4 CYP Professional Practice

This is the qualification you will be completing alongside your employment within a children’s Health and Social Care setting.

Length of time to complete

This qualification runs in cohorts which start in February and September each year. We will tailor your learning programmes to suit your needs, so that each learner’s experience is unique. While learner’s needs will be different, the recommended time to complete this programme is 18 months.

Course Delivery

This programme will primarily be delivered through mandatory workshops and 1-to-1 sessions with a member of the ACT delivery team, using a mixture of face-to-face and remote learning sessions. An ACT assessor will meet with the learner, either in the workplace or through digital means (for example, Microsoft Teams) once a month for approximately two hours to support progress.

Learners will also be set tasks to complete between each visit, for approximately 4 hours per month (please note – this is just a guide and will vary based on learner needs).

Examples of some of the tasks that might be set by our assessors include:

• Research legislation relating to children’s Rights

• Evaluate the role of other Professionals

In addition, there are a series of online workshops that provide practical and applicable support to work-based activities. These workshops are available for all learners to book onto – see below for more details.

The use of Office 365 and related tools will be essential to the course. With participants being set tasks which will allow them to practice and demonstrate their learnt skills in the workplace. All of these workshops can be made bespoke for your business needs, at your workplace or ACT’s Head Office, provided there are a sufficient number of learners.

What you will learn

Subject aims and objectives

In particular, learners will be able to demonstrate that they:

• Develop and apply knowledge, understanding and skills in the chosen pathway;

• Develop and apply knowledge and understanding of theories, models and approaches applicable to the chosen pathway;

• Develop and apply knowledge and understanding of how to maintain and improve outcomes for individuals within the chosen pathway;

• Develop as effective and independent learners, and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds in the context of the chosen pathway;

• Use an enquiring, critical approach to distinguish facts and opinions; to build arguments and make informed judgements in the context of chosen pathway within health and social care settings/contexts;

• Develop self-awareness in order to improve practice in the chosen pathway;

• Develop knowledge and understanding of person/child-centred approaches across a range of settings/contexts

• Use literacy, numeracy and digital competency skills as appropriate within their role.


To achieve the Level 4 Professional Practice in Health and Social Care qualification, learners must achieve a minimum of 62 credits in total. The minimum guided learning hour requirement for this qualification is 280.

The learners must complete one of the following pathways;

• Leading practice with individuals living with a learning disability/autism. Learners must achieve the following mandatory unit(s):

o Legislation, theories and models of person/child-centred practice

o Professional practice

Plus the following additional unit(s):

o Leading practice with individuals living with a learning disability/autism

• Leading practice for disabled children and young people. Learners must achieve the following mandatory unit(s):

o Legislation, theories and models of person/child-centred practice

o Professional practice

Plus the following additional unit(s):

o Leading practice for disabled children and young people

• Leading practice for children and young people who are looked after. Learners must achieve the following mandatory unit(s):

o Legislation, theories and models of person/child-centred practice

o Professional practice

Plus the following additional unit(s):

o Leading practice for children and young people who are looked after

• Leading practice with families/carers. Learners must achieve the following mandatory unit(s):

o Legislation, theories and models of person/child-centred practice

o Professional practice

Plus the following additional unit(s):

o Leading practice with families and carers

* Don’t worry! During the first visit/meeting, our assessors’ work with all learners and employers to review which of the pathways is the most appropriate for your programme.

Have any questions about our Level 4 CYP Professional Practice?

We are here to help. If you have any further questions or enquiries about the main qualification element of the programme, please contact our Route Manager:

Essential Skills Qualifications

When you agree to undertake an apprenticeship, you may be required to complete Essential Skills as part of your Apprenticeship framework.

What are Essential Skills?

The Essential Skills Wales (ESW) will be initially assessed via an online Wales Essential Skills Toolkit (WEST) Assessment. If a Learner already holds an ESW certificate or equivalent qualification this can provide a proxy and learners will not need to complete that ESW element of the programme. Where a Learner is not exempt an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) will be generated from the initial WEST assessment. The modules delivery will include independent learning via WEST, prior to guided learning sessions preparing the Learner for their assessment. ESWs are assessed via controlled tasks and confirmatory tests for Communication and Application of Number, Digital Literacy is assessed via a controlled task and structured discussion.


If you already hold qualifications, these may be used as ‘proxy’ towards your apprenticeship framework. As a result, you will be exempt from achieving that particular Essential Skill, if you wish. This will be discussed with you before you sign up. Below are some examples, although this list is not exhaustive.

Welsh Language Development

As part of your Welsh Government funded framework, you will be supported to develop and maintain your Welsh language skills for the workplace.

What is Welsh Language Development?

ACT are committed to playing their part in the Welsh Government Million Speakers strategy. All learners will complete the Prentis-iaith Welsh Language Development course as part of your framework with us.

Don’t panic – this is as a means of development and is aimed to support you with the development of your Welsh Language skills. This course is specially designed to give apprentices a basic knowledge of Welsh for the workplace and consists of 6 interactive modules to complete online. The course will be completed throughout your framework, with support from your assessor.

Already bilingual?

If you are Welsh speaking you will undertake your learning bilingually. In practice this means that you can choose the elements of your learning that you would like to complete through the medium of Welsh. You will be able to discuss your particular preferences with your assessor.

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