Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care (Adults) Level 5

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HIGHER APPRENTICESHIP Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care


Higher Apprenticeship Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care - Adults

The Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care Higher Apprenticeship aims to develop the knowledge, understanding, behaviours and skills that underpin professional practice within the health and social care sector. This qualification is practice-based for those with experience in a leadership or management role seeking to become registered managers. The qualification will assess learners’ knowledge and practice through their work.


Apprenticeship Framework

Level 5 Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care; Adults

Essential Skills Qualifications

Welsh Language Development

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Apprenticeship Framework

The qualification requires learners to develop the knowledge, understanding, behaviours and skills required for leadership and management of health and social care settings. The programme is aimed at learners in roles who lead and manage adult provisions/services who exercise autonomy and judgement. This qualification is required for professionals who will be registered managers.

For more information, please visit:


The programme prepares learners such as:

Successful completion of this qualification will enable learners to become registered managers. Please refer to the ‘Qualification framework for social care and regulated childcare in Wales’, which can be accessed on the Social Care Wales’ website.

https://socialcare.wales/resources/qualificationframework-for-the-social-care-sector-inwales. The qualification also allows learners to progress their employment opportunities or to continue to further study at a higher level.

Who is this apprenticeship for?

This programme is for individuals who are currently leading and managing a service in the health and social care sector who require the qualification for Social Care Wales purposes such as management registration.

It is suitable for learners who demonstrate the following;

• Learners who understand and apply in practice a range of leadership and management concepts, theories and techniques

• Learners who reflect on their own and others’ leadership and management styles and understand how this impacts on those they work with, both within and outside of their setting

• Learners who lead and manage performance improvement in health and social care settings

• Learners who lead and manage person centred approaches in practice

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• Learners who lead and manage the improvement of service within health and social care

• Learners who work as effective and independent learners, and as critical and reflective thinkers to make informed judgements which includes using and interpreting data

• Learners who use communication, numeracy and digital competency skills as appropriate within their role


The qualification will provide a thorough introduction to the knowledge and practical skills around:

Knowledge Practice

• Legislation, theories and models of personcentred practice*

• Theoretical frameworks for leadership and management in health and social care

• Leadership and management of effective team performance in health and social care services

• Lead and manage person centred practice

• Lead and manage effective team performance

• Lead and manage the quality of service provision to meet legislative, regulatory and organisational requirements

• Professional practice

• Lead and manage practice that promotes safeguarding of individuals

• Lead and manage health, safety and security in the workplace/setting

Plus a range of optional within this qualification


• Written assignments

• Oral assessments

• A formal presentation

• Portfolio of evidence

• Business plan / project

• Professional discussion

• Observations

These will be completed through a range of internal and external assessments

*Learners who have progressed from the Level 4 Professional Practice will already have Legislation, theories and models of person-centred practice

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On completion of this apprenticeship, you will achieve the following:

• City and Guilds Level 4 Preparing for Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care

• City and Guilds Level 5 Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care; Practice

• Level 2 Essential Skills: Communication

• Level 2 Essential Skills: Application of Number

• Level 2 Essential Skills: Digital Literacy

• Prentis-iaith Welsh Language Development

On the following pages, you will find information relating to the main qualification (Level 5 Health and Social Care), as well as other aspects that will make up this apprenticeship programme, including Essential Skills and Welsh Language Development.

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Level 5 Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care - Adults

This is the qualification you will be completing alongside your employment.

Length of time to complete

We will tailor your learning programmes to suit your needs, so that each learner’s experience is unique. While learner’s needs will be different, the recommended time to complete this programme is 24 months

Course Delivery

This qualification is divided into two components:

1. Preparing for Leadership and Management (knowledge)

2. Leadership and Management (Practice) qualifications.

They will both be delivered through a mixture of online remote learning sessions and 1to-1 sessions with tutors and an assessor. The online sessions will take place once or twice a month and will be between one to three hours long. Assessments will take place with your ACT assessor and with a City and Guilds external assessor. Written assignments and oral assessments will require learners to have good verbal and written communication skills and it is essential for learners to be demonstrating managerial responsibilities on a regular basis in order to collect product evidence for their portfolio.

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Course delivery plan:

session, induction and book in for all workshops


• Attend Task C workshop & prep for oral assessment

• Complete sample case study / assessment within 2 weeks – this to be marked and assessed within 1 week. Practice / mock

• Review with assessor and assessor book learner in for live oral assessment – 2 weeks pre book. Gather evidence for portfolio


• Attend Task D (i) workshop based on report writing

• Complete a report on a change to practice within 4 weeks

• Review with assessor and feedback on assignment. Gather evidence for portfolio

• Attend Task D (ii) workshop on presenting the project

• Complete the presentation and carry out the presentation

• Review with assessor and feedback on assignment. Gather evidence for portfolio




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Time frame
Attend IALP
1 180 minutes 2
Discuss building up a portfolio of evidence for Task
Attend Task A workshop
assignment within 4 weeks
Review with
Gather evidence for portfolio 180 minutes 60 minutes 3
assessor and feedback on assignment.
Attend Task B workshop
Complete assignment within 4 weeks
180 minutes 60 minutes
with assessor and feedback on assignment. Gather evidence for portfolio
180 minutes 60 minutes 60 minutes 5
Attend oral external assessment
Review with assessor and gather
for portfolio 120 minutes 60 minutes

7 acttraining.org.uk Month Activity Time frame 8 • Attend Task E workshop • Complete the assignment within 4 weeks
Review with assessor and feedback on assignment. Gather evidence for portfolio 180 minutes 60 minutes 9 • Attend Task F workshop & prep for oral assessment
Complete sample case study / assessment within 2 weeks – this to be marked and assessed within 1 week. Practice / mock
Review with assessor and
for live oral assessment – 2 weeks pre book. Gather evidence for portfolio 180 minutes 120 minutes 60 minutes 10 • Attend oral external assessment • Review with assessor. Gather evidence of portfolio 120 minutes 60 minutes 11 • Attend Task G workshop • Complete assignment within 4 weeks • Review with assessor. Gather evidence of portfolio 180 minutes 120 minutes 60 minutes 12 • Ensure any ESW’s have been completed • Use time for resits / additional overflow • Review with assessor. Gather evidence of portfolio 60 minutes 13
Attend Task 2A workshop planning for the rational for business plan project
assessor book learner in
Complete the rational within 4 weeks
Complete review with assessor. Gather evidence for portfolio 180 minutes 60 minutes 14 • Attend Task 2B workshop to support implementation plan
Complete implementation plan within 4 weeks
Review with assessor. Gather evidence for portfolio 180 minutes 60 minutes 15 – 20 • Attend Task 2C workshop to prepare for delivery of plan • 2 internal observations
1 external observation
6 x reviews with assessor. Gather evidence for portfolio 180 minutes 240 minutes 120 minutes

*The Essential Skills will run alongside the practice qualification so timeframes can slightly change therefore giving the framework requirement of 24 months to complete all of the elements.

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Additional support throughout 720 minutes 21
Attend Task 2D workshop to write evaluation
Complete evaluation within 4 weeks
Review with assessor. Gather evidence for portfolio 90 minutes 60 minutes 22 • Submit Task 1 – portfolio of evidence
Attend Task C workshop to prepare for professional discussion with external assessor
Book for Professional discussion • Review with assessor 120 minutes 60 minutes 23
Take part in a professional discussion
Review with assessor 90 minutes 60 minutes 24
End of framework. End review

What you will learn

To achieve the Level 5 qualification, learners must complete all of the mandatory knowledge units and mandatory practice group A (20 credits). Learners must also achieve 70 credits from mandatory practice Group B and a minimum of 30 credits from optional Group C

Mandatory knowledge Units

• Legislation, theories and models of person-centred practice*

• Theoretical frameworks for leadership and management in health and social care

• Leadership and management of effective team performance in health and social care services

Mandatory practice Group B

• Lead and manage effective team performance

• Lead and manage the quality of service provision to meet legislative, regulatory and organisational requirements

• Professional practice

• Lead and manage practice that promotes the safeguarding of individuals

• Lead and manage health, safety and security in the work setting

Mandatory practice Group A

• Lead and manage person-centred practice

Optional practice Group C

• Lead and manage care and support for individuals living in their own homes

• Lead and manage services for individuals living in care home settings

• Lead and manage practice in dementia care

• Lead and manage services for individuals living with mental ill-health

• Lead and manage support for individuals with a learning disability and/or autism

• Lead work with individuals with sensory loss

• Lead and manage adult placement/shared lives services

• Lead and manage independent advocacy services

• Lead and manage work with carers

• Lead support for carers

• Using assessments for the development of personal plans

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We run a series of workshops that will help learners develop the knowledge needed for the programme. Workshops are delivered using online programmes such as Microsoft Teams on a 1-1 basis or group basis with the learner’s assessor. This will be planned to suit the learner’s availability

Each workshop runs for between 1.5 and 3 hours and are run frequently. We have provided an overview of some of these workshops below.

Preparing for Leadership and Management Workshops

Workshop 410.1A – Legislation, conventions and guidance

This workshop will cover:

• Equality and rights

• Person-centred practice

• Safeguarding

• Welsh language

• Advocacy

• Preparation for assignment writing

Workshop number 410.1B – Supporting person-centred practice

The workshop will be on exploring a number of theories and models that are used to support person centred practice and how these theories and models can be applied within person centred practice to support the well-being, rights and liberties of individuals. A reference of theories/models that cover each of the following factors:

• biological

• sociological

• psychological

This workshop will also support preparation for assignment writing

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Workshop number 410.1C – How to promote voice and control of individuals

Workshop based on how you promote voice and control of individuals and your learning of the following topic areas in your responses:

• Dignity and respect

• Citizenship and inclusion

• Advocacy and co-production

This workshop will also support preparation for oral discussion

Workshop number 412.3F – how your leadership role plays in supporting teams within a health and social care setting

Workshop based on how your leadership role plays in supporting teams within a health and social care setting and your learning of the following topic areas in your responses:

• Equality, diversity and inclusion, and the impact of these on workers and teams

• The impact of leadership qualities on teams

• The role of effective delegation in a team environment.

This workshop will also support preparation for oral discussion

Leadership and Management (practice)

In addition to attending workshops, you will be required to collect a number of pieces of evidence. Your assessor will discuss these with you in greater detail, but a summary is below:

1. Portfolio of evidence. Provide at least 5 of any ‘showcase’ examples of evidence that capture key activities and achievements that you have undertaken as part of your practice from across the period of assessment. Examples may include workplace documentation / products, witness testimony, question responses, reflections, supportive case studies.

2. Business Project, detailing:

a. Rationale. Clear reasoning and justification for why you have selected this opportunity as opposed to any other should support the rationale for the chosen opportunity. You must support your rationale through appropriate use of statistics, research or organisational documentation.

b. Business project plan, including:

i. How the project will be managed and delivered

ii. Assessment of areas of risks, benefits and contingencies

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iii. A defined implementation plan, that details how all activities will be co-ordinated, including responsibilities and time scales

iv. Strategy to monitor, measure and report on the outcomes of the opportunity

c. Delivery of implementation plan. You will be required to maintain a critically reflective log throughout the delivery of your implementation. You will be observed in practice on a minimum of three occasions during the delivery of your implementation plan; a minimum of two by your internal assessor and one by an external assessor.

d. Evaluation of plan. You will be required to write an overall evaluation of the business project that you have undertaken.

3. Professional discussion. You will be invited to attend a professional discussion to discuss work completed as part of your portfolio and your business project (for of around 75 minutes). The professional discussion will be held with an external assessor. Evidence from your portfolio and business project will be submitted to the external assessor who will use this to prepare for your discussion.

The main discussion points that the external assessor will ask you to focus on are listed below. The external assessor is looking for evidence that you can apply the objectives of the qualification within your job role and that you demonstrate evidence of working in ways that reflect these competencies, with examples that are drawn from, and reflect on your assessment tasks and your own work practice.

Have any questions about our Level 5 Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care?

We are here to help. If you have any further questions or enquiries about the main qualification element of the programme, please contact our Route Manager:

Hannah Piles


for Health and Social Care


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Essential Skills Qualifications

When you agree to undertake an apprenticeship, you may be required to complete Essential Skills as part of your apprenticeship framework.

What are Essential Skills?

Essential Skills qualifications develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of Application of Number (Numeracy), Communication (Literacy) and Digital Literacy. These qualifications enable learners to demonstrate that they can apply these vital skills to a range of situations whilst at work, in learning and throughout life.

The Essential Skills qualifications you are required to complete depend upon your previous qualifications, the apprenticeship level you are completing and your own particular needs.

The Essential Skills qualifications are all available at four levels, depending on your individual needs (Entry 3, Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3) and includes:

Essential Application of Number Skills

• Understand numerical data

• Carry out calculations

• Interpret and present results findings

Essential Communication Skills

• Speaking and listening

• Reading

• Writing

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Essential Digital Literacy Skills

• Digital responsibility

• Digital productivity

• Digital information literacy

Wales Essential Skills Toolkit (WEST)

• Digital collaboration

• Digital creativity

• Digital learning

All learners will undertake WEST when signing up for an apprenticeship. These are a set of online skills assessments that calculate the level of ability and understanding in Literacy (Communication), Numeracy (Application of Number) and Digital Literacy.

The WEST assessments are not exams and have no pass or fail criteria. WEST assessments can be completed in Welsh or English, and the Application of Number assessment is bilingual (any learners who would like to explore this, just ask!). There are no set time limits for any of the assessments, but they must be taken under supervised conditions.

WEST is a vital part of your learner journey. The results help your Essential Skills Tutor plan your learning programme to meet your specific needs. As well as assessments, you will also be encouraged to use WEST to develop your skills throughout your apprenticeship programme. Your Essential Skills Tutor will provide guidance on how to use WEST fully.

Course Delivery

If you are required to complete your Essential Skills as part of the apprenticeship framework, they will be discussed at your first visit with your Assessor and employer.

Through analysis of your WEST results and a detailed conversation, a learning plan will be put in place to support the achievement of any Essential Skills you are required to complete.

Together you will agree the best times and locations for the support for both you and your employer, balancing your personal needs and your work life commitments.

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Examples of how we will support you with this include:

• Support with a member of our Essential Skills team

• Attendance at group workshops

• Digital workshop sessions

If you have already achieved qualifications in literacy, numeracy or digital literacy, but would like to further develop these skills with the support of our Tutors, just let your Assessor know and this can be arranged for you.

Length of time to complete

We tailor your learning programme to your needs; every learner’s learning programme is unique. Whilst we cannot say for certain how long it will take to complete your Essential Skills qualification(s), we are able to give you a little guidance on time frames. These guidelines depend on the apprenticeship level you are completing and your own particular needs. For example:



*Includes Task and Test

Please note:

• Each skills session is between 1.5 to 2.5 hours, depending upon method of support. Your Essential Skills Tutor will discuss the time required for your Essential Skills assessments with you, which will also depend upon the level you are taking.

• We often find that where we need to work with you to upskill by more than one level, we may ask you to attend some extra sessions with us. Don’t worry – we have a range of ways that we can help you to do this (for example through skills sessions)

• We can support you on a one to one basis, but as you may appreciate these spaces are limited. Please discuss with your Assessor.

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Application of Number
7-8 weeks* Communications
8 weeks* Digital Literacy
4 weeks*


If you already hold qualifications, these may be used as ‘proxy’ towards your apprenticeship framework. As a result, you will be exempt from achieving that particular Essential Skill, if you wish.

Below are some examples, although this list is not exhaustive. All applications for proxy will be checked and confirmed at the start of your apprenticeship. Please be aware that original certificates will need to be produced within the first 8 weeks in order to be exempt from Essential Skills.

This will be discussed with you before you sign up with us, and will also be followed up by your assessor before and during your first visit from us.

Have any questions about Essential Skills?

We are here to help. If you have any further questions or enquiries about Essential Skills element of the programme, please contact our Essential Skills Manager:

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Proxy Communication Level 1 GCSE G or above, Key Skills or Essential Skills Wales Communication Level 2 GCSE C or above, Key Skills or Essential Skills Wales Communication Level 3 AS/A Level E or above, Key Skills or Essential Skills Wales Application of Number Level 1 GCSE G or above, Key Skills or Essential Skills Wales Application of Number Level 2 GCSE C or above, Key Skills or Essential Skills Wales Application of Number Level 3 AS/A Level E or above, Key Skills or Essential Skills Wales
Essential Skill

Welsh Language Development

As part of your Welsh Government funded framework, you will be supported to develop and maintain your Welsh language skills for the workplace.

What is Welsh Language Development?

ACT are committed to playing their part in the Welsh Government Million Speakers strategy. All learners will complete the Prentis-iaith Welsh Language Development course as part of your framework with us.

Don’t panic – this is as a means of development and is aimed to support you with the development of your Welsh Language skills. This course is specially designed to give apprentices a basic knowledge of Welsh for the workplace and consists of 6 interactive modules to complete online. The course will be completed throughout your framework, with support from your assessor.

Already bilingual?

If you are Welsh speaking you will undertake your learning bilingually. In practice this means that you can choose the elements of your learning that you would like to complete through the medium of Welsh. You will be able to discuss your particular preferences with your assessor.

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