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c o n t e n t s Pets are like family Katie Wadington, editor
This month’s features 5
Animal etiquette
Talk with the animals
Keep these tips in mind when adopting a pet.
WNC is home to several places where kids, creatures can meet.
Furry friends
Snakes and more
24 Indoor fun
Adoption 101
28 Overnight Camp
15 18
Learn about owning a rabbit or rodent. Amphibians are just right for some young pet owners. Area shelters offer potential owners plenty of pet choices.
All about 4-H
With robotics, farming and more, 4-H clubs give kids life experiences and develop leaders.
Climb, create, golf and play your way to entertained kids.
Our comprehensive listings of residential camps throughout WNC and beyond.
50 Bake better pies
Crust is key to a tasty pie.
In every issue
On the cover
Librarian’s Picks...............42
Kate and Oliver Stryker, by Jesseca Bellemare Photography, www.jessecabellemare.com
Kids’ Voices .....................22 Story Times .....................43
Our last pet, a big orange cat named Sam, died a few years ago now. He was the sweetest cat, especially around my kids. Take this photo here, where Sam sat patiently while my 20-month-old daughter played with him, putting barrettes on this head. Note he is already sitting in her wicker baby cradle. Pets have special places in our hearts, which is why the magazine puts out an annual animal issue (it nearly writes itself). This year, we wanted to give families information on how to adopt a pet (see the story on Page 14), on furry alternative pets like rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs (Page 6) and less-than-furry pets like snakes and lizards (Page 12). If your family isn’t able to have an animal in the house, there are plenty of places in WNC to interact with one. Our story on Page 6 gives you a few suggestions. Beyond pets, the other focus in this issue is summer camp. Turn to Page 28 to find our Overnight Camp Guide, listing summertime opportunities that last a few days to the entire summer. Another story I’m excited about this month is the one on indoor winter fun, on Page 24. It takes a look at places around Asheville, new and established, that offer an indoor escape. Now I’ve got to get back to working on our day camp listings. Until next month!
Artist’s Muse ...................44 F.E.A.S.T...........................46 Divorced Families ............52 Growing Together............54 Puzzles............................60 Dad’s View ......................61 Home-School Happenings.62 Nature Center Notes ........64 Calendar .........................66
.com Are you a member? Join the conversation, post photos and connect with other parents at WNCParent.com. Look for WNC Parent on Facebook and Twitter.
P.O. Box 2090, Asheville, NC 28802 828-232-5845 | www.wncparent.com PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER Randy Hammer WNC PARENT EDITOR Katie Wadington — 232-5829 kwadington@citizen-times.com
FEATURES EDITOR Bruce Steele bsteele@citizen-times.com
ADVERTISING/CIRCULATION Tim (Bo) Head — 232-5860, thead@gannett.com CALENDAR CONTENT Due by Feb. 10 for March issue. E-mail calendar@wncparent.com ADVERTISING DEADLINE Advertising deadline for the March issue is Feb. 14.
W N C P A R E N T | FJ EA BNRUUAA RR Y 2 0 1 2
living with pets
Animal Compassion Network’s Kelly Stoner plays with a puppy available for adoption. To help avoid an animal bite, teach kids to identify signs that an animal wants to be left alone. JOHN COUTLAKIS/JCOUTLAKIS@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
Experts recommend teaching children how to interact with animals
ur furry, four-legged friends enrich our lives and can make a wonderful addition to a loving family. There are, however, some important things to keep in mind before buying or adopting a pet, especially when children are in the mix.
By Mike McWilliams, WNC Parent contributor “The most frequently asked question when people come in to adopt is, ‘Is the animal good with children?’” said Asheville Humane Society spokeswoman Meghan Jordan. “We encourage supervision of both the child and the animal, especially if there is food or toys involved. “It’s also important for the animal to
have his or her own space for eating and sleeping, and that small children respect that space.” Denise Bitz, executive director of Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, said her shelter also regularly gets questions about Continues on Page 6
living with pets
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pets and kids and echoed the idea that children and pets together should be watched. “Kids like to do things like hug dogs, hang on them, and (young kids) like to often pull the dog’s tail. Even the ‘best’ dog will have their limits as to what they will tolerate,” Bitz said. “Parents need to teach their kids from an early age not to do these things and to respect a dog’s space. Some dogs will tolerate these actions just fine, but then the child will think that all dogs will tolerate the hugging, leaning, etc., and can end up getting bit.” About half of all children in the United States are bitten by a dog before their 12th birthday, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Roughly 800,000 bites are severe enough to require medical attention, with an additional 1 million to 2 million unreported. The vast majority of bite injuries are from animals known to the children, including their own pets, according to ASPCA. To help avoid a dog, cat or other animal bite, the ASPCA recommends teaching your child to read your pet’s body language and identify signs that your pet wants to be left alone, such as retreating to a bed or a crate designated as a safe spot. When your child and pet are first getting to know each other, create games that require your child to rely on words and toys rather than on direct physical contact with your pet, the ASPCA suggests. This will minimize the risk that your child or pet will be accidentally injured because one or the other is overexcited. Before a family welcomes a pet to their home, the parents must make sure they have the time to care for the animal, said Kim Brophey, a certified dog behavior consultant and owner of Asheville-based Dog Door Canine Services LLC. “(Parents) think, ‘I’ll get a dog and it will be a baby sitter and it will tolerate anything and everything from a child,’ but most dogs will not,” Brophey said. “They get a dog, bring it home and throw it in with the kids and the menagerie, and that results in a lot of dog bites.” Dogs that bred for companionship, such as retrievers and Labradors, might work better with children, but thoroughly re-
It is important that animals are given their own space in a home and that children are taught to respect that space. JOHN COUTLAKIS/JCOUTLAKIS@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
PET SAFETY TIPS Whether your child and family pet are just getting to know each other or are already on their way to becoming lifelong friends, the following tips will help to benefit their relationship, while keeping both pet and child healthy and safe: » Teach your child to recognize your pet's body language and when it wants to be left alone. » Teach your dog to respond to the word “stop” and encourage your child to practice using that word when appropriate. » Don’t let your child’s friends bring their pets into your home without adult supervision. » Don’t let your pet play with your child’s toys—they may not be pet-safe. The reverse is also true. » Don’t give your child balloons to play with around your pet, and don’t give your pet balloons to play with. Your pet may be frightened by the noise of a popping balloon and could choke on one if chewed. A child can burst a balloon and choke should she try to imitate the way a pet uses his teeth. » Establish that your pet’s right to end a play session is just as important as your child’s right to do so. » Reasonable consequences should be
searching breeds before getting a dog is essential, Brophey said. “It’s still always going to come down to adult supervision,” Brophey said. “My favorite rule of thumb is to let the dog come to you, don’t go to the dog. Teach the
set for a child who neglects his pet-care chores—letting your child determine the consequence is often more effective in changing his behavior. » Never threaten to get rid of a pet if your child fails to perform certain duties. Kids may stop caring about the pet to keep from feeling vulnerable to the possible loss. » To help your child develop a good relationship with your family pet, arrange fun games and activities that produce positive responses all around. » Show your child that he can get your pet to listen by using rewards. This will reduce his feelings of frustration. » If anyone gets upset during play, a brief time-out is effective for both children and animals. Establish safe areas where your child and your pet can spend time by themselves, separately, for a brief period. For pets, 30 to 60 seconds is a reasonable time-out period. One minute for every year of age is the general rule for children. However, you may wish to consult with your pediatrician to determine an appropriate time-out period. Source: American Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
child to sit down or stand still and call the dog to them. Remember that a dog is still an animal, and our expectations of their behavior needs to be realistic and everyone’s safety needs to be our No. 1 priority.”
visiting nature’s creatures
FENCE offers children a chance to interact with horses through its Equestrian Center and its therapeutic riding program for those with physical and developmental disabilities. FENCE also is home to a nature center with woodland animals. /SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT
ANIMALS Several spots around WNC offer families the opportunity to interact with nature’s creatures
By Paul Clark WNC Parent contributor
No book can take the place of watching animals scurry about in their natural habitats. No video lesson can approximate what it’s like to feed a lamb with a bottle. Want to give your child the experience of seeing some native (and some not-sonative) animals up close and personal? There are several places in Western North Carolina for parents to show children how animals live and what their lives are like. Here are some of them:
WNC Nature Center
The Western North Carolina Nature Center (www.wncnaturecenter.com for Continues on Page 8
visiting nature’s creatures
MEET ANIMALS Continued from Page 7
hours and admission) has more than 60 species of animals including river otters, black bear, red wolves and cougars — and more than 100,000 human creatures who come to see them every year. In the coming months, the turtles in the pond next to Otter Falls (full of North American river otters) will start emerging from the mud and leaves on the bottom to sun themselves on the rocks. Enter the doors of Appalachian Station to see the center’s collection of snakes, including the (well-contained) timber rattlesnake and northern copperhead. All snakes play vital roles in the local ecosystem, including the center’s black rat snake, corn snake and Eastern king snake. The center also has a variety of local frogs, toads and salamanders. Far cuddlier (but not so close that they can be cuddled) are the bobcat, coyotes, and red and gray wolves in the Appalachian Predators section, the endangered red wolves in Red Wolf Run (one of the center’s top conservation initiatives) and the American black bears, hawks, owls and white-tailed deer in the center’s Black Bear Ridge. Its Western North Carolina Farm features Cotswold sheep, rabbits, donkeys, goats and a chicken or two.
Foothills Equestrian Nature Center
Foothills Equestrian Nature Center, a 384-acre nature education and recreation center in Tryon, offers several opportunities for children to see horses and woodland animals up close. The kids will like birdwatching in hikes through FENCE’s meadows, wetlands and hardwood forests. Some of the birds they’ll see are the cute downy woodpecker, the gentle mourning dove and the vigilant red-tailed hawk. During the school year, school children from Buncombe, Henderson, Rutherford and Polk counties take part in programs like “Schoolyard Kids & Turtle Scavenger Hunt” and “Insects and Creepy-Crawlies.” FENCE hosts children’s birthday parties, where they can learn about funny insects, hooting owls and Christina, its very sweetnatured corn snake.
Grandfather Mountain
Grandfather Mountain (www.grandfather.com) near Linville has seven animal habitats that give children a close view of
visiting nature’s creatures rides, guides drive guests through more than 70 acres of the park. Many members of the herds of free-roaming animals will come to the vehicles to be fed. Some of the animals there and elsewhere in the park have been featured on TV shows and in films, including Tank, a white rhinoceros.
Hawkesdene House
Visitors watch black bears at the bear habitat area at Grandfather Mountain. Bears are just one of the animals that people can interact with at the park. BILL SANDERS/ WSANDERS@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
how native animals live. Cougars, whitetailed deer, black bears, river otters and a golden eagle are some of the animals children will see. Click on Grandfather Mountain’s “Activities for Families” tab to learn more about its “Behind the Scenes” tours that take small groups to where the cougars and otters sleep overnight.
lovely house and cottage, a barn, a smokehouse, a blacksmith shop - and animals. The farm is owned by Henderson County Schools, one of only three school systems in the United States to own a farm. The farm, open to the public, demonstrates what farm life is like on its 15 acres of farmland, forest, fields and stream.
Historic Johnson Farm
Hollywild Animal Park
Animals have the run of the farm at Historic Johnson Farm in Hendersonville (www.hendersoncountypublicschoolsnc. org/johnson-farm). Once the home of a wealthy tobacco farmer, the late 19th century farm has a
Located in Inman, S.C., Hollywild (www.hollywild.com) is a 100-acre park with more than 500 animals. Children can hand-feed fallow deer and zebra, donkey and emus and other animals, many of them babies that need to be bottle-fed. On safari
Here’s something different — a llama trek. Hawkesdene House (www.hawkbb. com) in Andrews offers llama treks (mid April to October) to the peak of Hawkesnest Mountain, with supper and a sunset view The llamas Hawke, Dene, Scooter and Crazy Horse do all the heaving lifting so that your kids can thrill at being in their sure-footed company. In warmer months, English Mountain Llama Treks (www.hikinginthesmokies.com) out of Hot Springs takes hikers on day hikes through the Pisgah and Nantahala national forests. “The llamas are very popular with kids,” said Lucy Lowe, owner of English Mountain Llama Treks. “They quiet and gentle, and they don’t crowd the kids, like goats. They’re smaller than horses, and they don’t seem to intimidate kids the horses sometimes do. And, they’re soft and fuzzy and cute.”
Christmas tree farms
Here’s something to file away for next holiday season — many pick-you-own Christmas tree farms have farm animals to children to pet and feed. Among them are Sandy Hollow Farm in Leicester and What Fir Tree Farm and Circle C Tree Farms in Boone.
pets in small packages
Small and furry, rabbits and rodents are high-maintenance fun By Paul Clark WNC Parent contributor
Nearly every child wants a pet sooner or later. Pets provide nonjudgmental companionship that children often can’t get from family or friends. But not everyone has room for — or an inclination to get — a dog or a cat. For some families, space, money and temperament make them more interested in
smaller furry animals such as rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs and gerbils — good first animals, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. They aren’t nearly as popular as dogs, cats, birds and horses (in that order), according to a study the association did in 2007. But it found that nearly 2 million households had a pet rabbit —
Rabbits are able to live freely in a house like cats and dogs. They can even be taught to use a litter box.
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pets in small packages about 10 times more than claimed gerbils, by far the least popular rodent. Pet Sitters International recommends that the choice of these smaller animals — of any pet, really — be a family decision that takes into account everyone’s level of busyness and responsibility. Like all companion animals, rodents need daily care (feeding, watering, cleaning of the cage). And they live for only a few years, so at the often-sudden end of their lives, they provide “teaching moments” about life and its passing. On its website (www.petsit.com), Pet Sitters International notes that guinea pigs are timid, social creatures happiest in pairs. Rats are intelligent, clean and like to be cuddled. Hamsters are best kept alone in small cages. Gerbils like living in pairs. Mice, social and lively, prefer living in groups. Rabbits, which exhibit personalities as readily as dogs and cats do, live quite happily inside, roaming the house freely, and can learn to use litter boxes. They’re delicate, however, and may not like to be
TIPS FOR KEEPING YOUR RODENT HAPPY » Line cages with absorbent bedding (hay or shavings), change weekly and clean droppings and dropped food daily. » In addition to their normal food, gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs need a small amount of fresh veggies and fruit daily. » All pets need clean water at all times, and rodents need “chew sticks” to keep their teeth chiseled.
Guinea pigs’ docile nature makes them good pets for kids. JOHN
Source: Disney Treasure Buddies
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pets in small packages
Small and furry
digestion and chew sticks to keep their teeth whittled down. Some food pellets are premixed with hay and vitamin C in a compound that keeps their teeth at a comContinued from Page 11 fortable length, she said. “They don’t play a lot, and they need a held. As with all animals, pair males with hideaway space,” Fischer said. They can males and females with females to prevent be skittish until they get used to you. “Just a sudden (and often unwelcome) poptake your time with them,” she said. Your ulation explosion, Pet Sitters International child can raise more than one if you get advises. them at the same time and they’re about Around age 7 is a good time to invest a the same age. child with the responsibility of owning and Fischer usually doesn’t advise hamsters caring for a furry little creature, acfor young children. “They have atticording to Michelle Fischer, an tudes,” she said. “They’re cute lookinventory and price departing, but they’re not cute.” ment manager at Petco, a That’s not to say they’re not pet store in Asheville. right for some children. Younger than 7, the They’re pretty easy to care upkeep “usually falls for, Fischer said. Just make on mom,” she said. sure they have chew blocks She’s worked for their teeth and a place with rodents at in their cage to hide. They Petco for seven love to run in the wheels years (the compayou can buy for their ny no longer sells cage. Providing them with rabbits, she said), one is a good way to help and knows their them keep healthy. habits well. Petco Gerbils are a lot calhas handouts that mer, but that’s because list the needs of they don’t do a whole lot, each animal, and Fischer said. They typically she recommends stay holed up in a hiding people read them space, all of them together before they indulge snoozing away. Many children their child’s request for find watching them sleep to be a furry companion. precious. Gerbils (and ham“A lot of times, parents sters) liven up at night – they’re will look at out handouts Hamsters are cute but nocturnal – and will spin and and say they didn’t realize “have attitudes” and spin in the wheel in their cage if how much care was inmay not be the right pet they have one. That might keep volved,” she said. She has for every young pet some people up. They eat the seen several parents — owner. JOHN same “rodent block” that hamand children — change FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@ sters and rats do. their minds about owning CITIZEN-TIMES.COM Generally, expect to pay a rodent or owning the about $10 or so for gerbils and type they had in mind up to $20 or so for hamsters. Rabbits and after they read about the work involved. guinea pigs are about twice as expensive. Hamsters are high on the “cuteness” To help customers get started, Petco sells factor, but they’re not as social as rats, she kits for $40-$50 that have the cage, a said. Rabbits and guinea pigs have fragile wheel, food, bedding and a water bottle. backs and need to be handled by children Once your family has a rodent, make old enough to treat them delicately. sure you keep it by keeping an eye on it, Guinea pigs make great pets, Fischer because if it gets out of its cage, it may said. They’re very docile and oh so cute. stay out, Fischer said. Your ability to lure Many people buy balls or wheels for them, it with food will depend largely on how but because of their backs, that’s not a friendly it is, she said. good idea, she said. It’s important to make “Their natural instinct is to find a hidsure they get vitamin C. You can add drops ing place,” she said. “They’re going to to their water, or throw a few orange slices revert to their natural instincts.” into their cages. They also need hay for
W N C P A R E N T | FJ EA BNRUUAA R Y 2 0 1 2
living with slithery pets
Bearded dragon lizards might interact with owners by eating crickets out of their hands. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@ CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
aren’t ‘starter’ pets, but they can be slithery fun By Paul Clark, WNC Parent contributor This is the way it usually starts: Your child spends the night with a friend who has a lizard or a snake or a turtle in a terrarium. And now, your child wants one, too. And maybe you’re thinking, why not? Unlike dogs, you don’t have to walk them when it’s raining. They won’t tear up your new leather slippers. They won’t knock the
pictures off the mantel or shred your new sofa while sharpening their claws. They just sit there, right? They’re easy to take care of, right? Well, yes and no, according to Steve Longenecker, an Asheville resident who puts on animal programs for school groups, summer camps and scout troops in the area.
Snakes, frogs and lizards are more work than you think, and they’re not particularly good “starter” pets. For one thing, they’re low on “cuteness,” Longenecker said. Hog snakes, which can be bought at pet stores (Longenecker strongly opposes catching creatures in the wild Continues on Page 14
living with slithery pets
Slithery fun Continued from Page 13
for pets or otherwise), are appealing because they play dead when confronted by people. But by the time they’ve been in a pet store for a few weeks, they don’t do that any more. Their one trick is over. And after that, they just sit there, at the bottom of their glass cage. Amphibians and reptiles don’t move much, Longenecker said — not unless they have to, which they don’t in a terrarium. So kids get bored with them pretty quickly. Things heat up a bit when you feed them. A bearded dragon lizard — a large, nonthreatening lizard that Longenecker said is kind of affectionate — will actually snatch a cricket out of your hand. But feeding them can be problematic, because for snakes it involves either thawed bits of frozen mice (buy the food at pet stores or through the Internet) or — not for the squeamish — live mice. Some people are fascinated watching a king snake wrap itself around a live mouse. Others hate to hear the mouse squeak. You’ve got to know — which one is your child? (Or better, which one are you, since you’ll end up doing it.) And if the snake won’t eat the mouse, now you’ve got two live creatures to deal with. And, creatures being creatures, you’ve got to clean up after them. Which entails lifting them out of the cage or pushing them aside, wiping surfaces and replacing bedding. Then there are heat lamps and thermometers to buy, not to mention escape-proof cages … . “It can get quite expensive,” Longenecker said. “At a store, a corn snake may be $200. And it’s another $200 for the cage and the lights and the heating. And what do you do if they get sick? It’s hard to tell when a snake is sick.” A few animal clinics in the Asheville area treat “exotics,” which is what reptiles and amphibians are called. Among them are Haw Creek Animal Hospital and Sweeten Creek Animal Hospital (your regular vet may have a referral, but don’t bring your slithery creature in — call instead). But for the right kind of child, owning and taking care of a snake, lizard, frog or turtle can be fascinating, Longenecker said. Watching them go about their lives,
Owning a snake is not for the squeamish. Parents should make sure they and their children are OK with feeding their snake live animals, for instance. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT
For the right kind of child, owning and taking care of an amphibian can be fascinating, says Steve Longenecker, a local expert. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM on the little stage that their cage provides them, is spellbinding, an activity that has led many a child into careers in herpetology, animal husbandry, veterinarian sciences and the like. There’s plenty of information on caring for amphibians and reptiles on the Internet. The Western North Carolina Nature Center has several habitats for snakes, and your children can learn a lot by looking at how they are set up. Owners of amphibians and reptiles seem to be happy to pass along what they know.
Shane Cook is president of the Southern Appalachian Herpetology Society in Asheville. He has several large snakes — anacondas and Burmese pythons. But he’s held several smaller snakes, the kinds children might have as pets, and seen what children like in them. “When you handle them, your attitude toward them really changes,” Cook said. “It’s the way they feel on you. And they flick their little tongues on your arm. They won’t lick you or kiss you or come when you call. But they know who you are.”
rescuing a pet
Denise Bitz, founder of Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, holds Holly and Shelly, two of the many animals recently available for adoption at the shelter. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
How to
By Veronica Williams, Special to WNC Parent When Haley Wolfe entered the Asheville Humane Society shelter, she instantly fell in love with a cat that reminded her of Bette Davis because of its “huge, beautiful green eyes.” “When I walked in the cat room for the first time, Bette was lying at the back of her cage. As soon as she saw me, she leapt up and started meowing at me, literally straight at me. She didn’t do this to anyone else in our group. I felt like she knew we were meant to be good friends.” Wolfe and her husband adopted Bette, the tortoiseshell cat, “whose face looks like a Picasso painting, with different splotches of color everywhere,” and Bogo, a white cat with dark gray spots at the same time. For her, the decision to adopt the two cats was easy. “My family has a long history of taking in strays, and they’ve all been some of the most wonderful pets you could ask for. I just don’t see the point of paying hundreds of dollars for a pet from a breeder, when there are so many loving animals in shelters who will (in many cases) be euthanized if they can’t be placed in a home.” Denise Bitz, executive director of Brother Wolf Animal Rescue said, more than 5 million animals are euthanized each year in the U.S. “It’s a wonderful thing to do, giving a homeless pet a home,” Bitz said. Adopting a cat or dog from a shelter can be rewarding if you are willing to put in the time and effort. There are several shelters in Asheville that
adopt a pet
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rescuing a pet
Adopt a pet Continued from Page 15
help potential owners in their quest to find the next member of their family.
Considering adoption
There are a few things to keep in mind when considering adoption, the first being the expectations you put on the animal. Angie Wilt, director of operations for the Animal Compassion Network, says that “you’re not going to get a perfect animal.” She emphasizes that “with any animal, you have to invest time in it.”
The process
“First you fall in love with a pet,” Wilt says. But that’s only the starting point. Asheville’s shelters have a matchmaking process for pets and potential owners . At Brother Wolf, prospective owners may find an animal on the website and then go to the shelter to meet the animal. There, they fill out an adoption application and meet with an adoption counselor. “We’re trying to match the right person
Winter is one of the cats waiting to to be adopted at Pet Harmony. JOHN COUTLAKIS/JCOUTLAKIS@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
with the right animal; instead of saying yes or no, we try to match them with the appropriate pet,” Bitz said. For example, people who enjoy running might be better suited to an energetic dog, and people who have less active lifestyles might want a dog that only
has to be walked once a day. Once an owner is approved, Brother Wolf often conducts a home visit. Dog adoption fees at Brother Wolf are $125 for dogs 6 months and older; $150 for younger puppies 6 months; $200 for purebred dogs and puppies (to help offset the costs for non-purebred dogs, Bitz said). The price of cats and kittens was reduced to $50 because of the recent rise in the number of cats at the shelter. When adopting through ACN, the process is similar. They shelter also uses a matchmaking process, but conducts home inspections for every animal and checks references. When a person is matched with an animal, the potential owner meets with the animal and its foster parents and signs a contract. Wilt says, “it sounds like a lot, but it can take less than 24 hours.” ACN’s adoption fee is $125. The Asheville Humane Society has a similar adoption process to the ACN and Brother Wolf, but it does not require an application or home visit. Pam Burgess, the adoption center manager for AHS, said the adoption process is started by filling out a “meet your match survey,” which asks
rescuing a pet questions about a person’s lifestyle. “After that you look around and see what dog or cat you’re interested in, and then you meet with and adoption counselor,” said Burgess. “When you’re meeting with the adoption counselor, you’re discussing your lifestyle and your fit for the animal.” She pointed out that AHS denies “very few” adoptions. When animals leave, they are up to date on their shots, have microchips and are spayed or neutered. New owners also get a bag of food and 30 days of free health care.
Preparing your home
There are several things that must be taken care of before a pet comes home. For cats, Wilt says, it is important to have a set place for the litter box and food. If a dog is in the house, too, situate the box and food away from the dog’s space. Wilt also suggests securing screens and doors, putting away electrical cords and moving plants and vases until the personality of the cat fully comes out. For dogs, Wilt recommends having their beds ready, checking fences for holes and providing lots of toys for enrichment. She says it is important to have a leash
WHERE TO ADOPT » Animal Compassion Network: www.animalcompassionnetwork.org, 803 Fairview St., Asheville; 274-3647. » Asheville Humane Society: www.ashevillehumane.org, 14 Forever Friend Lane, Asheville; 761-2001. » Animal Haven of Asheville: www.animalhaven.org, 65 Lower Grassy Branch Road, Asheville; 2991635. » Brother Wolf Animal Rescue: www.bwar.org, 31 Glendale Ave., Asheville; 505-3440
ready and a quick exit route when training the dog to use the bathroom. If a dog is going to be crate trained, Bitz suggests having a crate ready and comfortable. Wilt advises that owners of both dogs and cats need to go online and look up the list of household toxins for pets.
Happy pets
Although most shelters provide initial
Animal Compassion Network offers animal adoptions through its store, Pet Harmony, off Hendersonville Road. JOHN COUTLAKIS/JCOUTLAKIS@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
vaccines and medications, it is the owner’s responsibility to keep up with them. Dog owners are required to keep up with heartworm preventative medication, according to ACN’s contract, Wilt says. Brother Wolf, ACN and the Humane Society put microchips into their animals . Bitz says every animal rescue, veterinarian’s office and shelter around has a microchip reader. If a pet is found, a contact person is known almost instantly.
4-H in WNC
Competitions contribute to the overall 4-H experience. Here, Haywood County 4-H’ers show goats. /SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT
Clubs give hands-on learning, in everything from farming to science
By Susanna Barbee, WNC Parent contributor Asheville mom Gina Sprinkle knows a little something about 4-H. All five of her children — Jabin, 13, Rebekah, 12, Nathan, 10, Rachel, 9, and Andrew 7 — have been involved in 4-H for as long as they can remember. These 4-H’ers are collectively involved in a number of activities including sewing, talent shows, craft shows, the Mountain State Fair, community service/volunteer projects, fundraising projects, walk-athons and mini-garden projects. Gina says she is proud of all that her children have learned through 4-H. “They learn that things just don’t happen,” she says. “Things happen because someone makes them happen. 4-H pro-
vides the backbone for a beautiful experience for all children.”
4-H basics
With roots in the agricultural world, 4-H has not only grown to become the nation’s largest youth development organization but also broadened its scope. From farming to fashion to robotics, today’s 4-H members are provided a multitude of opportunities to “learn by doing.” The green four-leafed clover with a white H on each leaf is an integral part of Americana that sparks memories for people of all ages. While 4-H activities, projects and competitions have evolved with the times, the ideals of the program with
CONTACT 4-H » Buncombe County 4-H
Agent: Holly Jordan Phone: 255-5522 Website: http://buncombe.ces.ncsu.edu/ Blog: http://buncombecounty4h.wordpress.com/
» Henderson County 4-H
Agent: Denise Sherrill Program Assistant: Sue Janowiak Phone: 697-4891 Website: http://henderson.ces.ncsu.edu/
» Haywood County 4-H
Agent: Coley Phillips Phone: 456-3575 Website: http://haywood.ces.ncsu.edu/ Blog: haywoodcounty4h.blogspot.com
» Other West District 4-H Counties and Cooperative Extension phone numbers:
Avery 733-8270, Cherokee 837-2917, Cherokee Reservation 497-3521, Clay 389-6305, Graham 479-7979, Jackson 586-4009, Macon 349-2054, Madison 649-2411, McDowell 652-8104, Mitchell 688-4811, Polk 894-8218, Swain 488-3848, Transylvania 884-3109, Yancey 682-6187.
» Other Resources:
North Carolina 4-H website: www.nc4h.org/ National 4-H website: www.4-h.org/
its focus on Head, Heart, Hands and Health have remained constant. A century-old program, 4-H has grown to include 6 million members nationwide and 240,000 members in North Carolina . The age range for 4-H is 5-19 years with members being divided into three groups: Cloverbuds (ages 5-9), Junior 4-H’ers (ages 10-13) and Senior 4-H’ers (ages 1419). Though 4-H provides programs for schools, 4-H is not a school club; therefore, members can be public school students, private school students, or home-schooled students. Unlike many other organizations, 4-H is free to join. Some clubs or special interest groups may require some payment for materials, but for the most part, activities and supplies are provided by 4-H programs. 4-H is a partnership involving N.C. Cooperative Extension, local governments, N.C. State University, N.C. A&T University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National 4-H Council. Each county Continues on Page 20
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has a 4-H agent who oversees the program.
Growing leaders
Local 4-H programs focus on leadership skills, hands-on learning, community service, public speaking, job skills, life skills, citizenship, recordkeeping and more. The goal of 4-H is to produce leaders, individuals who will step up to local and global challenges. “4-H provides a safe place for kids to learn. They not only learn skills, but they learn who they are as individuals through a wide array of opportunity and exploration,” said Coley Phillips, Haywood County 4-H agent. A number of 4-H members participate in leadership and citizenship building activities such as 4-H teen retreats, 4-H County Council, 4-H Citizenship NC Focus and 4-H Congress, which is held at N.C. State University each summer. Clubs focus on a number of interest areas including livestock, horticulture, horse care and training, science, technol-
Henderson County 4-H’ers work on a science experiment. Statewide, 4-H has almost a quarter-million members. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT ogy, sewing, photography, fashion, etiquette, shooting sports and environmental protection. One purpose of 4-H is to teach young people how to set goals and keep records. Club members set yearly goals for what they want to learn and accomplish. Members keep a scrapbook and write an essay about their 4-H year.
The organization also provides area schools with enrichment programs that are developed by N.C. State University and aligned with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. “We have curriculum and kits available free of charge to be loaned to the schools. Most of our curriculum focuses on science, technology, engineering and math.
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However, students also learn problem solving, communication, leadership and other life skills through the 4-H lessons,” said Holly Jordan, Buncombe County 4-H agent.
Benefits of membership
Competitions that contribute to the overall 4-H experience are county awards, district awards, county fairs, the Mountain State Fair and the N.C. State Fair. And 4-H hosts a variety of annual competitions such as public speaking, photography, shooting sports, livestock and horticulture judging, baking, arts and crafts, posters, project records and more. “One thing I like to stress to any interested 4-H family is that competitions should not be the focus of their 4-H experiences,” Jordan said. “Although competitions are one type of activity, we try to ensure that our 4-H youth have a wellrounded 4-H experience.” Scholarships are also provided through 4-H. They may be awarded to members so they can attend state and national events or awarded to graduating seniors who are attending college. 4-H provides a realm of opportunity for children and young adults to meet new people and make friends. Because the
Sewing may be something that 4-H’s across the nation have offered from their early days. But the clubs now offer everything from robotics to farming. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT
choices for 4-H are so vast, students can join groups specifically to meet others with similar interests. “The kids really enjoy the camaraderie and making friends. There is a shared vulnerability among them as they grow and learn,” Phillips said. As a parent, Gina feels the same way. Her kids “really enjoy the monthly meetings where they get together with their friends for learning, playing games, and food.”
4-H clubs and activities are led by adult leaders who provide a caring, supportive environment where children feel comfortable exploring and learning. For many young people, 4-H leaders serve as mentors that guide these youth and affect them in intangible ways. There are also long-term benefits to participating in 4-H. Tufts University has been conducting a study since 2002 called “The 4-H Study of Youth Development.” After surveying more than 7,000 adolescents across 44 states, the results have found that 4-H participants demonstrate higher educational achievement and motivation for future educational experiences, are more civically involved with their communities, are nearly two times more likely to plan to go to college, and are more likely to pursue a future career in science, engineering or computer technology. Further, 4-H youth show significantly lower drug, alcohol, and cigarette use than their peers and are over two times more likely to exercise and be physically active, the study has found. When considering her own family’s 4-H adventures, Gina said, “Overall, I love 4-H and the endless opportunities it provides.”
kids voices
We love our moms
Kids can be so compassionate and loving. For Valentine’s Day, we wanted to showcase that. We asked first- and second-graders at Candler Elementary, “If money were no object, what would you give your mom for Valentine’s Day?” Here is a sampling of their responses. “I would give her a free plane pass to New York. (I would) buy her a butler. I would give her $100. I would top it off with another plane pass.” Grayson Bruce, 7
“Love, because my brother is 11 and he thinks that he is too old to give my mom love. Or sometimes she gets home late and I don’t get a chance to give her love. I want to make this the best Valentine’s Day ever and I want to make it to be in memories.” Lauren Keith, 7
“A painting set because she likes to paint a lot.” Larson Scholtz, 7
“I would make her a good picture that she would love and I would give her some flowers from a field.” José Ruiz, 7
“I will get my mom a flower car because she doesn’t have a car to go buy groceries.” Isaiah Morrison, 6
“I’m going to buy my mom a big house for Valentine’s Day.” Cameron McClain, 7
“I would buy as much food as I can and give her breakfast in bed. I think she would love having not to cook for me every morning. I want to do something nice for her on Valentine’s Day. I want to do it because I love her!!!!” Brooke Elliott, 7
“I would give my mom a ring and ride in a limousine to Chicago for three days.” Lucas Parker, 7
“I would get my mom a brand new van because she needs it for family vacations.” Deanna Bowman, 7
“I would give my mom a letter that says ‘Mom, I love you so go in your bedroom and look on your bed, I left you something.’ It would be a heart full of candy and roses.” Caden Briggs, 6
“For Valentine’s Day I will give my mom a chocolate and then I will give her a hug.” Savannah Stafford, 6
(Photo unavailable) “I would give her something from the heart. ... If I could get her anything in the whole wide world, I would get her her mom back.” Taylor M. Tate
Astrid-Reed Kennedy, 8, climbs a wall at Climbmax on Wall Street. JOHN COUTLAKIS/JCOUTLAKIS@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
What do golf, art and a wall have in common? All can provide winter entertainment
Get inside — and have some fun
By Betty Lynne Leary
you can test your rock climbing skills, get creative with clay or practice your putting.
WNC Parent contributor
While Old Man Winter was a kindly gent in the early weeks of 2012, one never knows when he’ll get testy and send bitterly cold winds and snow our way. And while playing outside in the snow can be fun, you can’t spend countless hours outdoors this time of year. What to do with your kids when the weather is too harsh for outdoor fun? Head to some of these fun indoor places where
Go golfing
The popular and portable Sweet Tee Mini Golf has moved to the Biltmore Square Mall for the winter. All ages are welcome at Sweet Tee, which has a free toddler play area, a five-hole toddler course, a 10-hole adult course, a birthday party area and a game area. “The thing parents appreciate most about us is that we have created an environ-
ment where you can connect with your family for a while,” says Justin Kaiser, owner of Sweet Tee. “We have no wi-fi or loud TVs blaring, just some good music mixed with a great time. We are affordable family fun.” And when the weather turns warm, this portable golf course will be packed into a truck and headed out for private parties around town. For more information, visit www.sweetteeminigolf.com.
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Indoor fun
motor skills. “The biggest benefit is that parents have the option to sit and relax with coffee or choose to interact and play with their children,” says owner Tanya Jennings. “They like that our space is clean and educational, and their kids stay entertained for hours with quality materials. Parents don’t worry when they know their child is safe and engaged in meaningful play.” For more information, check out www.ashevilletreehouse.com.
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Get artsy For more than a year now, both novice and accomplished artists have been enjoying the relaxed atmosphere at Canvas Paint & Mingle in West Asheville. Even children can create a completed masterpiece in a two-hour class, thanks to fast-drying acrylic paint. “There are very few rules,” says owner Anna Blair Publow, “although there is consistent structure to every class.” She notes that parents are usually shocked to see the level of focus even in classes with very young children. “This step-by-step, instructor-led method really is a no-fail process,” she adds, “and parents love that.” Children are outfitted with aprons and have their own easel, canvas, paint brushes and palette full of colorful paints. Although everyone in the class paints the same picture, the children enjoy choosing their own colors to add their own flair. “The looks on their faces at the end of the class is priceless,” says Publow. For the full lineup of classes, home-
Canvas Paint & Mingle’s classes teach kids how to paint using the same design but allowing them to customize a bit. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT
school offerings and birthday party information, see www.paintandmingle.com.
Go play
For those kids who need to burn off steam even though it’s cold outside, visit the Asheville Tree House, an indoor play space complete with a treehouse with slides, rope ladders, peep holes, secret hiding spots, binoculars and more. There is soft play equipment for younger kids and a separate area for infants with equipment emphasizing both large and fine
Climb a wall
Older kids might need a bit more adventure this winter and the professionals at ClimbMax are ready to provide just that. The indoor climbing center, on Wall Street in downtown Asheville, offers 25 roped climbing walls all tied together. This means that instead of just climbing up and down, kids can climb sideways too for hundreds of continuous feet. The certified instructors work with all ages, but owner Stuart M. Cowles notes that kids really start to pick up the sport around age 5 or 6. “This is healthy fun and managed participation in a controlled environment absent from video games or violent activities,” Cowles says. “Parents also love being able to participate. It’s fun for them, too.”
Find details about Climbmax at www.climbmaxnc.com. The city of Asheville also offers indoor climbing at the Montford Climbing Wall, just one of 11 different recreation centers throughout the city. Children as young as 4 can use the Montford wall, and there is free harness and helmet rental with a climbing session. Belaying is offered when available. “The wall has many routes for beginners and is set up so that as climbers progress, there are routes available at each level,” explains Christen McNamara, the Outdoor Recreation Program coordinator. “The wall is a great way to get your heart rate going, have fun and boost your confidence.” For advanced climbers, there are harder routes as well as an overhang and a crack climb. Climbers may also boulder on the wall. Sessions are $2 for city residents, $5 for nonresidents. The wall is open 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesdays from 10am-1pm and is also available for parties. For more information, email McNamara at outdoorprograms@ashevillenc.gov.
Play with clay
The winter doldrums can bring out a creative streak in some and one of the best
places to unleash your creative spirit is at Claying Around. From paint-your-own pottery to mosaics, glass fusing, hand-building with clay and wheel lessons there is something for everyone at every age and skill level. Located on Hendersonville Road, just north of the Blue Ridge Parkway, Claying Around offers a stress-free environment for families to relax and create. “I really like it there because they have lots of things to pick from to paint, and the staff is very helpful to the kids,” says Hope Dotson, of Fairview. “My kids love it in general because they know it’s a treat just to go there and birthday parties are awesome, too.” Another option is Fired Up! Creative Loung, with locations in downtown Asheville and downtown Hendersonville, owned by Mark and Linda Chester. In addition to a large selection of paintyour-own pottery, Fired Up! offers mosaics, glass fusing and working with clay. And the second Friday of every month is the popular parents night out, where parents get a threehour date while their kids paint pottery, play games and eat pizza at Fired Up! “Parents like us because they like the keepsakes from the kids,” Mark Chester says. “It’s a form of entertainment to come in together and create something, but then you walk away with a treasure.”
Explore nature Although most people think of going to the N.C. Arboretum for hiking and biking, winter is a great time to visit. The Nature Discovery Room on the ground floor of the Education Center offers a self-guided tour of a nature museum, which includes a bird viewing area, live reptiles and amphibians in natural habitats, and other small exhibits. The Wee Naturalist program also begins in February and will meet weekly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays until May 29. For information on the program, visit www.ncarboretum.org/education/ youth-education-programs/wee-naturalist. On Feb. 18-19, the Arboretum will host Books and Boots, a two-day event featuring special presentations by select authors, as well as indoor and outdoor winter activities. “Join us for a fireside story at the Baker Center,” says Jonathan Marchal, youth education coordinator at the Arboretum. “Then we’ll take a short woodland hike to see how our forests look in the winter.” And before you know it, the snow will be melting, bulbs will be poking through the dirt, and spring will be just around the corner.
By Katie Wadington WNC Parent editor
Everyone benefits when kids spend a week or more at overnight camp. Children Rockbrook Camp for Girls experience all that in Brevard offers a nature has to offer, traditional build friendships that summer camp experience for last a lifetime and girls ages 6-16. gain self-confidence. It was founded in Parents get the oppor1921. SPECIAL TO tunity to spend more WNC PARENT time with younger siblings who aren’t at camp — or might be lucky enough to get the house to themselves for a few days. On the following pages, you’ll find dozens of residential camp opportunities for your children. There are coed and same-gender camps for all ages and covering several price points. Even though the calendar still says winter, make no mistake — it’s time to think about booking your summer camps. Some programs listed here will already have waiting lists.
Where are the day camps, you ask? They will appear in the March issue, along with spring break camps.
2012 CAMP GUIDE / COED OVERNIGHT Adventure Treks
adventuretreks.com; 888-954-5555; info@adventuretreks.com June-August; 16- to 29-day trips Ages 12-18. Travel camp with backpacking, rock climbing, mountaineering, canoeing, mountain biking, sea kayaking, sailing, canyoneering and whitewater rafting. Blue Ridge Adventure visits North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Other locations around U.S. available. $2,995.
Appalachian Institute for Creative Learning, Swannanoa
appalachianinstitute.org; 800-951-7442; info@appalachianinstitute.org July 15-21 and 22-28; 1-week sessions Rising 3rd- to 12th-graders. Campers are called “motivated learners,” figuring that anyone who shows up to take biology, math or art in July is motivated. Campers classes in topics include science and math, history, society and culture, visual arts, drama, more. At Warren Wilson College. $600 one week, $1,150 for both weeks. Day camp available through age 12.
Asheville TAASC
ashevilletaasc.com; 299-9844; ashevilletaasc@gmail.com Ages 8-18, divided by age group. Asheville’s branch of The American Adventure Service Corps offers multiday wilderness adventure trips that include backpacking, rock climbing, paddling and service projects. TAASC is a year-round program and students can join at any time. Contact TAASC for dates and nonmember tuition.
Blueprint Summer Programs
bpsummerprograms.com; 877-415-1111 June-July Rising high-schoolers. Blueprint offers a chance for students to discover what it is like to be in college before students get there. Take courses, live on campus in residence halls, participate in Q&A sessions with college admissions teams and take a road trip to major cities or popular attractions near the college. Explore Coker College in Hartsville, S.C.; George Washington University in Washington, D.C.; Stonehill College in Easton, Mass., or Haverford College in Haverford, Pa.
Blue Star Camps, Hendersonville
bluestarcamps.com; 692-3591; fun@bluestarcamps.com; @bluestarcamps June 10-Aug. 3, 4- to 8-week sessions Rising 1st- to 12th-graders. Jewish coed camp with separate boys and girls camps (4th- to 9th-graders). Riding, swimming, land and water sports, trips, dramatic arts, kayaking, ropes course, rock climbing, tennis, more. Founded in 1948. Starts at $5,075.
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2012 CAMP GUIDE / COED OVERNIGHT Continued from Page 29
Buffalo Cove Outdoor Education Center Earth Camp, Blowing Rock
buffalocove.com; 964-1473; charleecamp@aol.com July 1-14 (ages 12-17) and July 18-23 (ages 8-12) Experiential education in the lessons of the Southern Appalachian Mountains including but not limited to traditional earth skills, camp craft, woods lore, woodworking, archery, backpacking, low-impact camping and river canoeing. With home-cooked, family style meals from organic and local foods. Camper-staff ratio of 3:1. $550-$1,500.
Camp Cedar Cliff
campcedarcliff.org; 450-3331; camp@campcedarcliff.org June 16-July 27; half-, 1- and 2-week sessions Rising 2nd-graders to graduated seniors. Christian camp at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove with archery, BB guns, zip line, high ropes courses, swimming, whitewater rafting, climbing wall, rappelling, Bible studies, and more. $370$1,300.
Camp Celo, Burnsville
campcelo.com; 675-4323 June 10-Aug. 11; 1-, 2- and 3-week sessions Ages 7-12. Camp program is born out of the Quaker values of nonviolence, simplicity and environmental awareness. There is no religious program but there is a spiritual element to life at camp. Swimming, picnics, crafts and daily farm chores. $875-$1,825.
Camp Chatuga, Mountain Rest, S.C.
campchatuga.com; 864-638-3728 June 11-July 28; 1- to 4-week sessions Ages 6-16. Campers choose from over 30 activities including horseback riding, waterskiing, athletics, outdoor skills, animal care, archery, mountain biking, crafts, more. $635-$2,940.
Camp Cheerio, Glade Valley
campcheerio.org; 800-226-7496; director@campcheerio.org June 3-July 7 (girls only) and July 8-Aug. 17 (coed); 1- and 2-week sessions Ages 7-15. YMCA camp with kayaking, climbing, fishing, cheerleading, golf, horseback riding, arts and crafts, rocketry, sports, high ropes, canoeing, tennis, hiking and more. $795-$1,750.
Camp Harrison, Boomer
campharrison.org; 800-514-1417; campharrison@ymcacharlotte.org June 6-Aug. 11; 4-day and 1- and 2-week sessions. Ages 6-16. At this traditional resident camp, camp-
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2012 CAMP GUIDE / COED OVERNIGHT ers choose from over 21 land activities including archery, paintball, ropes course, sports and crafts, and enjoy water activities like kayaking, swimming, canoeing, water zip line, more. Campers can personlize their experience through adventure tracks, which include the Dude Ranch, Vet Camp, Mom & Me, Beyond the Ridge Teen Leadership, Farm to Feast, Sportsman and CIT. $300-$925.
Camp Henry, Canton
camphenry.net; 646-7230; camphenry@lakelogan.org June 13-Aug. 11, 2- and 3-night and 1- and 2-week sessions Rising 1st-graders through graduating seniors. At Lake Logan Episcopal Center. Camp, on 300 acres, founded in 1958. Activities include swimming, boating, fishing, hiking, sports, games, arts/crafts, alpine tower climbing, wilderness expedition trips, singing, and storytelling. Camp Henry is a Christian camp with programs and worship run by staff and clergy. $250-$1,105.
Camp Highlander, Mills River
camphighlander.com; 891-7721; email@camphighlander.com June 10-Aug. 3; 6- to 20-day sessions Ages 5-16. Canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking, hiking, horseback riding, swimming, water skiing, arts and crafts, pottery, archery, riflery and more. Family camp offered Memorial Day weekend. Founded in 1957. $1,100-$3,700, discounts available.
Camp Judaea, Hendersonville
campjudaea.org; 404-634-7883; info@campjudaea.org June 18-Aug. 9; 2- and 4-week sessions Ages 8-14. Coed pluralistic Jewish summer camp offering Israeli educational programs, sports, swimming, art, theater, tennis, scoutcraft, dance, music, Hebrew, horseback riding, archery and more. $2,000-$4,000.
Camp Lakey Gap, Black Mountain
christmount.org/camplakeygap; elsa.berndt@yahoo.com; 669-8977 June 3-July 20; 1-week sessions Ages 4-adult. For campers with autism. Campers will have a 1:1 or 1:2 staff ratio to provide support while participating in hiking, swimming, outdoor games, art, music, canoeing and more. All activities are adapted using visual structure so campers with autism can participate as independently as possible. $1,650. Scholarships may be available.
Camp Living Water, Bryson City
camplivingwater.com; 488-6012; dclw@dnet.net June 27-July 30; weeklong sessions Ages 7-17. Activities include handcrafts, tubing, horseback riding, gem mining, climbing wall and Alpine Tower, swimming, archery, riflery, and much much more. Teen Camp is a 12-day program for ages 13-17 focuses on sharing the Gospel, discipleship and
Adventure Treks introduces campers to wilderness adventure activities like caving, rock climbing, backpacking, whitewater rafting and more. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT fun, and includes traditional camp activities. High Trek Adventures takes campers ages 13-16 on weeklong wilderness trips. Places emphasis on spiritual growth, with time for Bible reading, prayer and group discussions. $215-$395.
Camp Lutherock, Newland
lutherock.com; 684-2361; van@lutherock.com June 10-July 28, 1-week sessions Rising 4th-graders through high school. Christian outdoor adventure camp with hiking, caving, rafting, rock climbing, ropes course, Alpine tower, creek walking, campfires, skits, worship and more. Starts at $459, with discounts before May 15 and earlier.
Camp Pinewood, Hendersonville
camppinewood.net; 692-6239; sue@camppinewood.net June 10-Aug. 5; 4- and 8-week sessions Rising 1st- to 11th-graders. Traditional camping program including a water skiing program, tubing, archery, go-karts, horseback riding, tennis, field trips and more. $2,700-$6,950, with sibling discount.
Camp Pinnacle, Flat Rock
camppinnacle.com; 855-378-1928; info@camppinnacle.com July 7-Aug. 4; 2- and 4-week sessions Ages 8-14. Program with 28 in-camp activities and all-inclusive pricing for Venture Program featuring rafting, mountain biking, paddling and rock climbing. $2,695.
Camp Tekoa, Hendersonville
camptekoa.org; 692-6516 June 11-Aug. 10; 4-day to 1-week sessions Ages 7-17. Camp owned by the United Methodist Church offers classic activities like boating, swim-
ming, arts and crafts, hiking and more, along with adventure options like all-girls adventure camp, water adventures, fishing, plus devotions and more. Starts at $210 for mini-camps, $415 for full week.
Camp Wayfarer, Flat Rock
campwayfarer.com; 696-9000; info@campwayfarer.com June 17-July 26; 2- to 6-week sessions Ages 6-16. Traditional camp with archery, arts and crafts, culinary arts, horseback riding, dance, drama, fencing, land sports, chorus, fly-fishing, guitar, kayaking, riflery, rock climbing, swimming, tennis, water skiing and more. $1,800-$4,400.
Camp Woodmont, Cloudland, Ga.
campwoodmont.com; 423-472-6070; alyson@campwoodmont.com June 3-July 27, 1- and 2-week sessions Ages 6-14. Traditional camp with deep-seated traditions and family atmosphere. Horseback riding, high ropes course, climbing, sports, dance, crafts, canoeing, archery and more in a warm, Christian environment. Open House is May 20. $725-$1,150.
CLIMBE, Montreat
CLIMBE.org; climbe@montreat.edu June 17-Aug. 3, 5-day sessions 8th- to 12th-graders. Center for Learning and Investigation in Mountain Backcountry Ecosystems (CLIMBE) offers science-intensive adventure trips. Each camp focuses on a different aspect of nature — rivers, rocks, forests and caves — and integrates science with outdoor activities like paddling, rock climbing, hiking and caving. $475.
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Eagle’s Nest Camp, Pisgah Forest
enf.org; 336-761-1040 (winter), 884-2788; info@enf.org June 9-Aug. 12; sessions are 8-20 days. Rising 1st- to 10th-graders. Camp established in 1927 includes backpacking, rock climbing, gardening, whitewater paddling; arts and music; sports and more. All campers participate in baking bread, preparing meals and composting. $1,350-$3,600.
Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont
gsmit.org; 865-448-6709; mail@gsmit.org June-July; 5- to 10-day sessions Ages 9-17. Spend time in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park just outside of Townsend, Tenn. Tremont offers an in-depth experience that fosters an understanding of these beautiful mountains and encourages a lifelong appreciation and stewardship of the environment. Splash around in a cold mountain stream, climb ridges to an unbelievable view or choose from a variety of activities to discover nature through hands-on explorations, day hikes and crafts. From backpacking in the wilderness to learning about the secret haunts of salamanders, the Institute offers a variety of opportunities to serve different interests, abilities and age groups. Starting at $498.
greenriverpreserve.org; 698-8828; info@greenriverpreserve.org June 10-Aug. 10; 6- to 19-day sessions Rising 2nd- to 12th-graders. On a 3,400-acre wildlife reserve. Daily explorations with naturalists, fly-fishing, gardening, canoeing, outdoor skills, painting, pottery, archery and more. Two-week expedition programs for rising high schoolers. $1,225-$3,450.
Gwynn Valley Camp, Brevard
gwynnvalley.com; 885-2900; mail@gwynnvalley.com June 8-Aug. 12; 1-, 2-, 3-week and 10-day sessions Ages 5-14. Farm, wilderness and traditional programs on 320 acres. Horseback riding, rock climbing, working farm, sports, arts, natural history, whitewater canoeing and kayaking, swimming, more. Open since 1935. $1,425-$3,750.
Land of the Sky Wilderness School, Haywood County
lotswild.com; Spencer, 280-0847 June 4-August; 1-week sessions Ages 10 and up. Sessions include living Appalachian skills and traditional martial arts training, with hiking, Cherokee lore, woodcraft, swimming, blacksmithing, self-defense, tracking, shelters, knots, sailing, first aid, teamwork and more. Starting at $350.
holstoncamp.org; 898-6611 June 10-July 20; 1-week sessions Ages 8-16. Christian camp with rock climbing, kayaking, canoeing, archery, sling shot, swimming, crafts, team building, cookouts, backpacking, hiking, bible study, recreation, fishing. Campers choose daily activities. Starts at $415.
Kanuga.org/camps; 692-9136 » Camp Kanuga, June 5-Aug. 10, 9- to 13-day sessions. Christian camp at Kanuga Conferences, an Episcopal center, for ages 7-15. Archery, backpacking, ropes course, rock climbing, canoeing, fishing, swimming, arts and crafts, sports and performing arts. Sessions are nine or 13 days. Offering camp since 1928. $460$1,350. » Trailblazer Adventure and Paddle and Pack Trailblazer Adventure, June 16-July 14, 13-day sessions. Ages 15-17. Trailblazer Adventure is a nine-day, 44mile backpacking trek along the Appalachian Trail. Paddle and Pack Trailblazer Adventure is a four-day backpacking trek and a four-day flat-water canoe camping trip. $1,460-$1,675.
Green River Preserve, Cedar Mountain
Holston Presbytery Camp, Banner Elk
Eagle’s Nest campers explore in a local stream. All campers at the camp in Pisgah Forest participate in baking bread, preparing meals and composting. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT
Lutheridge, Arden
lutheridge.com, 684-2361 June 3-Aug. 4; 1-week sessions Rising second-graders through high school. Half-week sessions for younger campers. Swimming, crafts, horseback riding, rafting, canoeing, climbing, more.
Music, drama and Night Owls theme weeks offered. $239 for half-week; full week starts at $395. Discounts before March 15, April 12 and May 12.
MAHEC Health Careers Camp
http://healthcamp.wcu.edu June 17-23 Rising 7th- and 8th-graders. Camp for 24 students interested in a health care career. Campers will participate in tours of regional hospitals, visit The Health Adventure, earn CPR certification, whitewater rafting, personal growth activities, cultural diversity discussions, work session with the College Foundation of N.C., as well as opportunities to interact with health care professionals. $100 with scholarships available. $10 nonrefundable application fee. Students live on WCU campus.
Missions Camp, Fletcher
hollerministries.com; 651-9827; brackin.kirkland@live.com June 17-29 Ages 13-19. Holler Ministries hosts a camp where experienced missionaries share their experiences and train Missions Camp participants for international missions work in an authentically simulated African village. See website for financial details.
North Carolina Outward Bound NCOutwardBound.org; 888-756-2627; info@ncobs.org June-August; 4-, 8-, 14- and 21-day sessions Parent-child course is for ages 12 and older; other
2012 CAMP GUIDE / COED OVERNIGHT sessions ages 14-16 and 16-18. Wilderness-based programs that may include backpacking, rock climbing and/or whitewater canoeing. Some include a formal service project; all include learning to use a map and compass for navigation and leadership and outdoor skill development. Starting at $795.
N.C. Trout Unlimited, Canton
rivercourse.org; nctu.rivercourse@gmail.com Rivercourse Coldwater Conservation and Fly-Fishing camp, June 17-22 Ages 13-15. Emphasizes Trout Unlimited’s mission, the conservation of cold water fisheries, with activities like fly-fishing, fly tying, field trip to Fish Hatchery in Pisgah National Forest, swimming. At Lake Logan. $595.
Quaker Lake Camp, Climax
quakerlakecamp.org; 336-674-2321 June 9-Aug. 10 Ages 5-17. Christian camp near Greensboro. Bible study, crafts, swimming, theater, climbing tower, hayrides, boating and organized recreation.
Ridge Haven, Brevard
ridgehaven.org/camps; 877-862-3916 June 4-Aug. 3 Rising 3rd- to 12th-graders. Christian camp on 902 acres at Presbyterian Church in America’s conference center. Ropes courses, climbing tower, archery, swimming, games, whitewater rafting, more. Starts at $275. Discounts before Feb. 15, March 15, April 15.
South Mountain Christian Camp, Bostic
southmountainchristiancamp.org; 245-3322; smcc@blueridge.net 1-week sessions Ages 7-15. Fishing, boating, swimming, climbing, ropes courses, sports, small-group Bible devotionals, nightly chapel services, more. Financial assistance available. Founded in 1972.
Summer College in Biotechnology and Life Science, N.C. State
http://harvest.cals.ncsu.edu/academic/index.cfm?pageID=1975 Students interested in a career in science participate in a college-level program in state-of-the-art labs at N.C. State.
Swannanoa 4-H Camp
swan4h.com; swan4h@yahoo.com; 686-3196 June 12-Aug. 5; 1-week and 10- and 12-day sessions Ages 8-16. Arts and crafts, hiking, archery, daily swim lessons and free swim, ropes courses, plus whitewater rafting, zip line tours, caving, mountain biking and more. $440-$990.
Continues on Page 34
True Nature Camp teaches nature awareness, wilderness survival, traditional living, native skills and more. Continued from Page 33
True Nature
truenaturecamp.org; truenaturecamp@gmail.com July-August Ages 11-17. Camp bordering Pisgah National Forest teaches nature awareness, wilderness survival, traditional living, native skills and philosophy, wildcrafting, more. Overnight camp for ages 11-13 is four nights (July 23-27) with hands-on instruction on firemaking, shelter construction, knife use and safety, more. $400. Advanced overnight camp for ages 14-17 is six nights (July 7-13) and covers Native American scouting techniques, stealth movement, more. $600. Day camps offered for ages 8-10, as well as family weekends.
Western Carolina University
Camps hosted on campus in Cullowhee. Contact learn@wcu.edu or 828-227-7397 Dulcimer U: July 15-20. All ages. Learn all about the mountain dulcimer. Skill building is the core of the programs. Classes include music theory, techniques, history and even technology applications for the dulcimer. $149. Visit dulcimer.wcu.edu. Health Careers Camp: Dates to be announced. Rising 7th- and 8th-graders. Introduces participants to the variety of educational and career opportunities available in today’s health care field. Organizers encourage attendance by minority and economically disadvantaged students. Space is limited and applications are required. Summer Symposium for Marching Arts: July 8-12. High school students join directors of the WCU Pride of the Mountains Marching Band for a week of learning and fun. Call 227-2259.
YMCA Camp Greenville, Cedar Mountain
campgreenville.org; 864-242-1111, ext. 34 June 3-Aug. 4; 1- and 2-week sessions Ages 7-17, with specialty camps for 5- and 6-yearolds with parents. Traditional has arts and crafts, horseback riding, target sports, swimming and boating, field sports and more. Adventure programs include backpacking, mountain biking, rock climbing, whitewater, caving, fly-fishing and more. Starts at $700.
2012 CAMP GUIDE / BOYS Blue Star Camps, Hendersonville
www.bluestarcamps.com; 692-3591; fun@bluestarcamps.com; @bluestarcamps June 10-Aug. 3, 4- to 8-week sessions Rising 1st- to 12th-graders. Jewish coed (first- to third-graders and 10th- and 11th-graders) and separate boys and girls camps (fourth- to ninthgraders) on 500-acre campus. Riding, swimming, land and water sports, trips, dramatic arts, kayaking, ropes course, rock climbing, tennis, more. Founded in 1948. Starts at $5,075.
Camp Arrowhead, Tuxedo
camparrowhead.org; 692-1123; office@camparrowhead.org; @camparrowhead June 16-Aug. 4, 1- to 4-week sessions Ages 6-16. Christian high adventure camp on 217 acres with activities including paintball, water skiing, archery, traditional blacksmithing, swimming, backpacking, fly-fishing, horseback riding, enameling, sports, rock climbing, friendly tribal competitions and more. With 1- to 8-day wilderness adventure trips. Founded in 1937. $1,200-$6,700.
Camp Carolina, Brevard
campcarolina.com; 884-2414; info@campcarolina.com June 3-Aug. 10, 12-day to 10-week sessions 1st- to 12th-graders. Activities at 220-acre camp and
off-site include mountain boarding, horseback riding, mountain biking, skateboarding, kayaking, canoeing, rafting, rock-climbing, caving, wakeboarding, team sports, arts and crafts, yoga and more. Founded in 1924. $2,750-$9,950.
Camp Chosatonga, Pisgah National Forest
kahdalea.com; 884-6834; office@kahdalea.com June 8-Aug. 6; 2 weeks to full summer Ages 8-17. Emphasis on Christian ideals but respectful of Jewish roots. Backpacking, tennis, horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, high ropes challenge course, nature study, mountain biking, drama, arts and crafts, rock climbing, archery, fishing, more. Sister camp is Camp Kahdalea. $2,500-$6,990.
Camp Daniel Boone Boy Scout Camp, Canton
campdanielboone.org; Robert Garrett, 800-526-6708, rgarrett@bsamail.org Boy Scouts register through their troops. Merit badges, rock climbing, rafting, hiking, more.
Camp High Rocks, Cedar Mountain
highrocks.com; 885-2153; mail@highrocks.com; @CampHighRocks June 10-Aug. 11, 6-day to 4-week sessions Ages 7-16. Starter camp and mini sessions for younger
campers. Activities at 1,000-acre facility include horseback riding, sailing, swimming, sports, canoeing, backpacking, mountain biking, rock climbing, crafts and archery/riflery. $1,250-$4,825.
Camp Mondamin, Tuxedo
mondamin.com; 800-688-5789; mondamin@mondamin.com May 30-Aug. 19; 5-day to 5-week sessions Ages 6-17. Backpacking, kayaking, canoeing, sailing, mountain biking, rock climbing, horseback riding, overnight camping trips, mountaineering, more. Sister camp is Green Cove. Founded in 1922. $1,040-$5,800.
Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Ridgecrest
ridgecrestcamps.com; 800-968-1630; rscamps@ridgecrestcamps.com June 10-Aug. 10; 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-week sessions, plus starter camp Ages 7-16. Christian camp with archery, mountain biking, Bible study, horseback riding, riflery, swimming, canoeing, tennis and volleyball. Founded in 1929. $650-$5,800 with sibling discounts.
Continues on Page 38
2012 CAMP GUIDE / BOYS Camp Rockmont is a Christian camp on Lake Eden in Black Mountain that offers dozens of activities, from sports to the arts to group events and more. SPECIAL
Continued from Page 35
Camp Rockmont, Black Mountain
rockmont.com; 686-3885; info@rockmont.com June 10-Aug. 10; 1- to 4-week sessions Ages 6-16. Christian camp on 550 acres with hiking, kayaking, blacksmithing, homesteading, canoeing, crafts, guitar, Bible study, more. $1,115-$4,725.
Camp Timberlake, Black Mountain
camptimberlake.com; email@camptimberlake.com; 669-8766; @Camp_Timberlake June 10-Aug. 11; 6-day to 5-week sessions Ages 7-16. Christian camp offers riding, backpacking, tennis, rock climbing, wrestling, paintball, archery, spelunking, riflery, mountain biking, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, guitar, soccer, ropes course, fencing and more. Tribal system gives boys a sense of belonging and helps develop healthy sense of competition. Sister camp is Camp Merri-Mac. $1,200$5,300.
Christ School Lacrosse Camp, Arden
revolutionlaxcamp.com; 684-6232, ext. 107; laxcamp@christschool.org July 1-5; 1-week session with day and overnight campers
Ages 10-18. Designed for all skill levels and known throughout the Southeast as the premier instructional lacrosse camp. Staff includes professional players, Division I college coaches and top-level high school coaches. Camp has sold out the past three years; register soon. $395 for day campers (8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.), $445 for boarding campers.
Deep Woods Camp or Boys, Brevard
www.deepwoodscamp.com; deepwoods@citcom.net; 885-2268 June 10-Aug. 18; 4-, 5-, 9- and 10-week sessions Ages 10-14. Hiking, backpacking, whitewater canoeing and rafting, mountain biking, rock climbing.
$500 per week.
Falling Creek Camp, Tuxedo
www.fallingcreek.com; 692-0262; mail@fallingcreek.com June 3-Aug. 10; 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-week sessions Grades 1-10. Mountain biking, rock climbing, backpacking, canoeing and whitewater kayaking, water activities, sports, horseback riding, more on 525 acres. Adventure trip offered during two-, threeand four-week sessions. Camp’s mission is to give boys an opportunity for personal growth and fun as they develop an understanding of their relationships with nature, their fellow man, and God. Founded in 1969. $1,225-$4,850.
2012 CAMP GUIDE / GIRLS Ballet Conservatory of Asheville Summer Intensive
Asheville Ballet offers a summer intensive, Blue Ridge Dance Camp, for ages 11-18 with daily dance classes.
balletconservatoryofasheville.com; 255-5777 June 25-July 21 Ages 10 and older. Includes advanced program for ages 13 and older, intermediate program for ages 10-12. Both programs are geared toward talented dancers with a serious interest in ballet. At BCA Studios, 6 E. Chestnut St., Asheville. Auditions are Feb. 19. Out-of-town students stay with host family.
Blue Ridge Dance Camp
ashevilleballet.com; Ann Dunn, 258-1028 July 29-Aug. 3 Ages 11-18. Asheville Ballet’s summer intensive with daily classes in ballet, pointe, repertoire, modern, jazz, choreography and dance history, with additional special workshops. Classes held at state-ofthe-art studio at 4 Lynnwood Road, Asheville. Limited to 15 students. $650.
rock climbing, tennis, more. Founded in 1948. Starts at $5,075.
Blue Star Camps, Hendersonville
Camp Carysbrook, Riner, Va.
bluestarcamps.com; 692-3591; fun@bluestarcamps.com; @bluestarcamps June 10-Aug. 3, 4- to 8-week sessions Rising 4th- to 9th-graders (coed for other grades). Jewish camp with riding, swimming, land and water sports, trips, dramatic arts, kayaking, ropes course,
campcarysbrook.com; info@campcarysbrook.com; 540-382-1670 June 24-Aug. 12 1- to 7-week sessions Ages 6-16. Horseback riding, outdoor living skills, sports, nature study, caving, rock climbing, more. Founded in 1923. $865-$4,600 with sister discount.
Camp Cheerio, Glade Valley
campcheerio.org; 800-226-7496; director@campcheerio.org June 3-July 7 (girls only) ; 1- and 2-week sessions Ages 7-15. YMCA camp with kayaking, climbing, fishing, cheerleading, horseback riding, arts and crafts, rocketry, sports, high ropes, canoeing, tumbling, hiking, basketball and more. $795-$1,750.
Continues on Page 40
2012 CAMP GUIDE / GIRLS Continued from Page 39
arts, more. “Progression system� allows girls to set their own pace within activity schedules. Founded in 1951. $2,500-$4,750.
Camp Crestridge, Ridgecrest
ridgecrestcamps.com; 800-968-1630; rscamps@ridgecrestcamps.com June 10-Aug. 10; 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-week sessions with a 1-week starter camp Ages 7-16. Christian camp with archery, mountain biking, Bible study, horseback riding, riflery, swimming, canoeing, tennis, volleyball, off-campus trips and more. Sister camp to Ridgecrest. $650-$5,800 with sibling discounts.
Camp Ginger Cascades, Lenoir
camplikeagirl.org June 17-Aug. 3; weeklong sessions Ages 6-17. Open to registered and nonregistered Girl Scouts alike. Activities include rock climbing, swimming, canoeing and kayaking, arts and crafts, rafting, adventure trips and more. Discount before March 15.
Camp Glen Arden, Tuxedo
campglenarden.com; 692-8362; tajarden@aol.com June 3-Aug. 2; 2- to 4-week sessions Rising 1st- to 11th-graders. Archery, horseback riding, canoeing, gymnastics, sailing, rock climbing, pottery, photography, kayaking, sports, performing
Camp Green Cove, Tuxedo
Greencove.com; 800-688-5789; greencove@greencove.com May 30-Aug. 19; 5-day to 5-week sessions Ages 6-17. Noncompetitive and nonregimented camp with swimming, kayaking, canoeing, sailing, mountain biking, backpacking, rock climbing, horseback riding, overnight camping trips and more. Founded in 1945. Brother camp is Mondamin. $1,040-$5,800.
Camp Greystone, Tuxedo
campgreystone.com; office@campgreystone.com; 693-3182 May 28-Aug.10; 5-day to 4-week sessions Rising 1st- to 12th-graders. A 150-acre camp on Lake Summit founded in 1920. Horseback riding, gymnastics, rope course, water skiing, sailing, tennis, softball, archery, ceramics, jewelry making, knitting, painting, Bible classes and more. $1,100-$5,650.
Camp Hollymont, Asheville
hollymont.com; 686-5343; 4info@hollymont.com June 17-Aug. 10; 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-week sessions
Ages 6-15. Christian camp for girls offering variety of daily activities like horseback riding, cooking, sewing, tennis, swimming, dance, arts and crafts, lodge-style housing, off-campus trips, night activities and more. Starts at $1,520.
Camp Illahee, Brevard
campillahee.com; 883-2181; mail@campillahee.com June 3-Aug. 10; 1-week to 4-week sessions Ages 7-16. Traditional camp on 110 acres that opened in 1921. Activities including swimming, arts and crafts, tennis, gymnastics, horseback riding, marksmanship, field hockey, lacrosse, team sports, ropes course, rock climbing, canoeing and kayaking and more. $1,275-$4,850.
Camp Kahdalea, Pisgah National Forest
http://kahdalea.com; 884-6834 June 8-Aug. 6; 2 weeks to full summer Ages 7-17. Camp with backpacking, tennis, horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, high ropes challenge course, nature study, mountain biking, drama, sign language, arts and crafts, riflery, rock climbing, archery, fishing, dance, more. Camp has a Christian philosophy but loves and respects Jewish roots. Brother camp is Camp Chosatonga. $2,500-$6,990.
2012 CAMP GUIDE / GIRLS Camp Merrie-Woode, Sapphire
merriewoode.com; phyllis@merriewoode.com June 4-Aug. 11; 2- to 4-week sessions Ages 7-17. Established in 1919, camp offers canoeing, kayaking, sailing, climbing, hiking, riding, nature, tennis, drama, studio art, photography and pottery. Registration packets are mailed in August for the following summer to current campers and families who have inquired in the past 18 months; new campers are considered for enrollment starting in October. $2,175-$4,850.
Camp Merri-Mac for Girls, Black Mountain
merri-mac.com; mail@merri-mac.com; 669-8766; @CampMerriMac June 12-Aug. 13; 6-day to 5-week sessions Ages 6-16. Christian camp with riding, backpacking, tennis, rock climbing, gymnastics, archery, spelunking, riflery, swimming, canoeing, music, sports, ropes course, fencing, rafting, dance, drama, more. Tribal system gives girls a lifelong group within camp family and teaches tradition. Brother camp is Camp Timberlake. $1,200-$5,300.
Camp Pisgah, Brevard
camplikeagirl.org June 14-Aug. 2; weeklong sessions Ages 6-17, Open to registered and nonregistered Girl Scouts alike. Activities include rock climbing, horseback riding, swimming, canoeing and kayaking, arts and crafts, rafting, adventure trips, llama treks and more. Discount before March 15.
Camp Ton-A-Wandah, Flat Rock
Camptonawandah.com; 800-322-0178; info@camptonawandah.com; @CampTonawandah June 3-Aug. 10, 2- and 3-week sessions Ages 5-16. Starter session for ages 5-8, short sessions for ages 6-11, regular sessions for ages 6-16. Founded in 1933, camp offers horseback riding, archery, dance, photography, drama, sports, arts and crafts, riflery, rock climbing, tennis, swimming, backpacking, pottery, wood burning, basketball, cheerleading, ropes course, hiking, more. $1,150-$3,300.
Keyauwee Program Center, Sophia
camplikeagirl.org June 17-Aug. 10; weeklong sessions
Ages 6-17. Open to registered Girl Scouts and nonregistered girls alike. Activities include rock climbing, Alpine Tower, horseback riding, swimming, canoeing and kayaking, arts and crafts, rafting, adventure trips and more. Discounts available before March 15.
Keystone Camp, Brevard
keystonecamp.com; 884-9125 June 10-Aug. 10; 5-day to 4-week sessions Kindergarten to 9th-graders. Founded in 1916, camp offers daily horseback riding, archery, riflery, arts and crafts, swimming, canoeing, adventure sports, performing arts, golf, tennis, team sports, more. $1,250-$4,825.
North Carolina Outward Bound
NCOutwardBound.org; 888-756-2627; info@ncobs.org; @NCOutwardBound July 3-23; 21-day trip Ages 14-16. Girls-only backpacking, rock climbing and whitewater trip in the Appalachian Mountains. Includes 9-12 days backpacking, up to 3 days rock climbing and rappelling, up to 3 days whitewater canoeing, and more. Wilderness-based, overnight program that includes a service project. $3,425.
Rockbrook Camp for Girls, Brevard
rockbrookcamp.com; 884-6151; office@rockbrookcamp.com; @Rockbrook June 3-Aug. 9; 2-, 3- or 4-week sessions Ages 6-16. Traditional summer camp on 215 acres with diverse program of horseback riding, outdoor adventure activities, whitewater rafting, ceramics, crafts, gymnastics, riflery, more. Founded in 1921. $2,500-$4,700.
Camp Lakey Gap, Black Mountain
christmount.org/camplakeygap; elsa.berndt@yahoo.com, 669-8977 June 3-July 20; day and overnight camps Ages 4-adult. Campers will have a 1:1 or 1:2 staff ratio to provide support while participating in hiking, swimming, outdoor games, art, music, canoeing and more. All activities are adapted using visual structure so campers with autism can participate as independently as possible. Day camp is 8:15 a.m.-5 p.m. July 4-6 for ages 4-17. $1,650 per week. Scholarships available.
Camp Spring Creek, Bakersville
campspringcreek.org; 776-5032; info@campspringcreek.org June 10-Aug. 3, 4- to 8-week sessions Ages 6-14. One-on-one Orton-Gillingham language tutoring; 1:7 keyboarding and written expression; supervised oral reading; study hall; and other academic activities intermingled with creative arts projects, swimming, wood shop, paintball, hiking, more. $7,620 to $14,520. Limited partial scholarships available. Math enrichment available at $125 per week.
SOAR, Balsam
soarnc.org; admisCamp Spring Creek helps campers sions@soarnc.org; with dyslexia gain confidence and 456-3435; work toward being better readers June 9-Aug. 19; 10-, 12-, and spellers through academic 15-, 18- and 26-day programs intermingled with arts sessions projects and traditional camp Ages 8-25. SOAR is an adventure program for activities. /PECIAL TO WNC PARENT youth diagnosed with LD and/or ADHD. Emphasis is placed on developing self-esteem and life skills. Rock climbing, rafting, SCUBA, fishing, kayaking and more. Programs also in Florida, Wyoming, New York, California and Belize. Starts at $2,900.
Talisman Programs, Zirconia
Skyland Camp for Girls, Clyde
talismancamps.com; Laura Centers, admissions director, 888-458-8226 June 17-Aug. 10, 2- and 3-week sessions Ages 8-22. Talisman Programs offers a residential program for campers with ADHD, Asperger’s, high-functioning autism and related disorders. Talisman offers both traditional on-campus sessions, as well as adventure-based programming in the backcountry. Adventure-based programs include: backpacking, high-ropes course, whitewater canoeing and kayaking, rock climbing, and more. Campers focus on social and communication skills, personal growth and development, and building self-esteem, in a structured, safe and fun environment. $2,665-$3,895.
Upper 90 Soccer & Adventure Camp, Swannanoa
Victory Junction, Randleman
skylandcamp.com; 627-2470; @skylandcamp June 24-July 28; 2 1/2- to 5-week sessions Ages 6-15.Since 1917. Camp offers horseback riding, tennis, swimming, archery, arts and crafts, drama, culinary arts, yoga, dance and mountain trips. $2,650-$4,900.
upper90soccer.com Ages 11-18. Residential camp for individuals, June 11-15. Team camp for residential or day participants is June 17-20.
victoryjunction.com; 336-498-9055; aseeley@victoryjunction.org June-August; 6-day sessions Ages 6-16. Camp for children with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses. Activities include horse barn, petting zoo animals, pool, gym, archery, boating, fishing, bowling, climbing tower, zip line, mini-golf, talent show. Free.
librarian’s picks
Sometimes, kids need to be
LOUD Jennifer Prince
WNC Parent columnist
Reading bedtime stories together is a great way for families with kids to share a little serenity. Quiet stories about sleepy baby animals and periwinkle, star-flecked pages are comforting antidotes to the stresses of work and school. Sometimes though, a quiet story just will not suffice. In that case, consider these two new books that demand to be read not just aloud, but loudly. Dancing and wiggling around a little would not be out of order either. Children’s book veteran Denise Fleming brings her trademark exuberant style to her new book, “SHOUT! Shout it out!” The scene opens with an adult, presumably a teacher, instructing a group of kids, “Everybody loves to shout. So, if you know it, SHOUT it out! Ready. Set. Go!” What follows is a series of dynamic two-page spreads in which kids shout out what they know. The kids shout out numbers 1-10. They shout out the ABCs. Then they shout out basic colors, animals and vehicles. Fleming uses bold, colorful letters to label each thing. Fleming’s stunning illustrations are created by pulp painting. Pulp painting is a
area story times Buncombe County Libraries Visit buncombecounty.org Black Mountain, 250-4756 Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Mother Goose: 11:30 a.m. Tuesday Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Thursday East Asheville, 250-4738
papermaking technique in which wet, dyed cotton fibers are poured through handcut stencils. Once the images are dry, accents are added using patterned pieces of paper, pastel pencils and colored Indian inks. Set against bright, solid backgrounds, the cheerful images stand out.
Though comparatively new to the world of children’s publishing, author and illustrator Kristen Balouch makes her presence known with her new book, “The Little, Little Girl with the Big, Big Voice.” In the book, the very little girl with the very big voice sets off to find a playmate. She comes across an elephant playing in the water, “but something scared the elephant away.” The girl comes across other animals, but each time something scares the animal away. The girl’s voice is not indicated by text. Rather, her voice is indicated by her huge, open mouth that takes up most of her face. Young readers will enjoy picking up on that visual clue and knowing that the girl’s loud voice is the something that scares the elephant and the other animals away. Too, readers will applaud the happy ending in which the girl finds a playmate who is just as loud as she is. Balouch’s bright, vivid illustrations complement her lively story. Using a palette of yellow, green, pink and orange, Balouch enlivens the story with lean, stylized animals set against backgrounds of wide, concentric circles. The girl is perfectly winsome with her pigtails, striped dress and pink, laughing smile. “SHOUT! Shout it Out!” and “The Little, Little Girl with the Big, Big Voice” are winners no matter what time of day they are read. These books are available in the Buncombe County Public Libraries. To learn more, visit www.buncombecounty.org/library.
Preschool: 11 a.m. Wednesday and Saturday Enka-Candler, 250-4758 Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Thursday Fairview, 250-6484 Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Thursday Leicester, 250-6480 Mother Goose: 11:30 a.m. Tuesday Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday
North Asheville, 250-4752 School Age: 3:15 p.m. Thursday Preschool: 11 a.m. Wednesday Toddler: 10 a.m. Wednesday Oakley/South Asheville, 250-4754 Mother Goose: 11 a.m. Thursday Toddler: 11 a.m. Wednesday Preschool: 10 a.m. Wednesday Pack Memorial Library, 250-4700 Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Mondays
area story times Mother Goose: 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Thursdays School Age: 3:30 p.m. Wednesdays Skyland/South Buncombe, 250-6488 Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Thursday Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Swannanoa, 250-6486 Preschool: 11 a.m. Thursday Toddler: 10 a.m. Thursday Weaverville, 250-6482 Mother Goose: 11 a.m. Wednesday Toddler: 11 a.m. Thursday Preschool: 11 a.m. Tuesday West Asheville, 250-4750 Mother Goose: 11 a.m. Monday Toddler: 11 a.m. Wednesday Preschool: 11 a.m. Thursday
Haywood County Public Library
Visit www.haywoodlibrary.org. Waynesville, 356-2512 or 356-2511 Baby Rhyme Time: 9:30 a.m. Mondays Ready 4 Learning: 11 a.m. Tuesdays Family story time: 11 a.m. Wednesdays Movers and Shakers: 11 a.m. Thursdays Canton, 648-2924 Family story time: 11 a.m. Tuesdays Rompin’ Stompin’ Story Time: 10 a.m. Thursdays
Henderson County Public Library Visit www.henderson.lib.nc.us. Main, 697-4725 Bouncing Babies: 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays Toddler Time: 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays Stories Alive: 4 p.m. Thursdays Edneyville, 685-0110 Family: 10 a.m. Mondays Etowah, 891-6577 Family: 11 a.m. Tuesdays Fletcher, 687-1218 Toddler Time: 10 a.m. Wednesdays Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays Bouncing Babies: 11:15 a.m. Wednesdays Green River, 697-4969 Family: 10 a.m. Thursdays Mills River, 890-1850 Familiy: 10 a.m. Mondays
Barnes & Noble
Asheville Mall, 296-7335 11 a.m. Mondays.
Blue Ridge Books
152 S. Main St., Waynesville, 456-6000 10:30 a.m. Mondays for ages 3 and under.
artist’s muse
By Ginger Huebner WNC Parent columnist
Valentine’s Day is a holiday that has a simple focus: sharing love. I always look forward to finding new and unique ways to share love with my family and surrounding community during the month of February. I think it is a great opportunity to make something with our hands — spending time and energy to symbolize the wonderful feeling of love — and a fun way for children of any age to celebrate family and friends. For generations, gifts have been given and cards exchanged on Valentine’s Day. Creating a collograph plate is a distinctive way to make strikingly dynamic cards. It is fun and easy and certainly unique. Here are items you will need: » thick cardboard » matte board » masonite or wood » glue To create create layers on the plate, you’ll need: » scraps of paper » foam shapes » textured fruit or vegetable wraps/ bags » corrugated cardboard » matte board » buttons » cork pieces And for printing, you’ll need: » printmaking ink or paint mixed with glue » brayer (roller) and/or paintbrushes
1. For the plate, you will need a rigid surface: thick cardboard, matte board, masonite or wood. Using any white glue or mod podge, glue materials onto the
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rigid surface to create a design. Keep in mind that if you want to spell words you must glue them down backward! Cover your completed design with one thin layer of glue or mod podge and let it dry for a hour or so (depending on how thick the layers of glue are).
If you are interested in seeing local artists work and/or would like to make some of your own art, please consider coming to Share Love, a benefit for Roots and Wings School of Art. The school is striving to create more accessible opportunities for those in the Asheville community to engage and participate in the arts. Share Love is Feb. 12 at Pink Dog Creative, and is focused on raising money for the school’s general scholarship fund, our visiting artist fund, and the Asheville Community Design Lab program. For more information, visit www.rootsandwingsarts.com.
folded card or other surface you would like to print onto. Using your fingers and fist, push down on the plate, rubbing it evenly for about one minute.
2. Once dry, you will use printmaking ink or paint mixed with glue (to thicken it up) for your printing color(s). You can either use a small paintbrush to paint sections of the plate with different colors or you can paint or roll the entire plate with one color. 4. While holding a corner of the paper with one hand, gently peel the plate off the paper with the other hand. Your print is complete! Once this print dries, you can add fabric, more paint, pen, etc., to high light or add emphasis to particular areas of the card. 3. Once the plate has the colors of choice on it, turn it over onto your paper,
Ginger Huebner is the director of Roots + Wings School of Art, which offers visual art classes for all ages. Contact her at info@rootsandwingsarts.com or visit www.rootsandwingsarts.com.
eating well
Good-for-you treats, made with love By Kate Justen
WNC Parent columnist
“February.” The moment that is said, there is an instant image of hearts, cupid, love and, of course, more candy and chocolate. As a child, I loved another month centered on cookies, chocolates and candy. As a parent and director of a program that has a focus on healthy cooking and eating, I am looking for a replacement to all of that sugar! Don’t get me wrong, I still like traditional sweet treats. I just have the added challenge of exploring fun and easy ways to make Valentine’s Day treats that adults and kids love and can make together. Some days it is easier to just stop at the store or local bakery and grab a bag of treats. But other days, it is fun to play around in the kitchen and get the whole
family involved. Here are some ideas with a Valentine’s Day twist. Kids and adults of all ages like to make smoothies. They are a quick, healthy snack that can easily be changed to go with the season or holiday. Garnish you smoothie with sliced fresh strawberries — they often look like hearts. I have tried making heart-shaped pink pancakes, but they always end up looking like a fish or elephant. My kids make a game out of deciding what my pancakes look like — it is like finding shapes in clouds. Have fun with the trail mix by adding other pink or red dried fruits, making your granola from scratch. Try using shaved chocolate as a topping for these shacks. One chocolate bar can go a long way, and you still get the chocolate flavor. And these valentine truffles are packed with protein and fiber, but they look and taste just like a cookie. You can get creative with the decorating — I have even added a little cayenne powder for a sweet and spicy kick!
Valentine smoothies 1 cup nonfat strawberry yogurt 1 cup frozen strawberries, raspberries, blueberries 1/2 of a ripe banana 1/2 cup apple, pomegranate or mixed berry juice 3 tablespoons peanut butter or other nut butter (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a blender. If too think for blender to mix well, add another 1/4 cup of juice. Garnish with fresh strawberries and shaved chocolate.
Kate Justen is the program director of FEAST — Fresh Easy Affordable Sustainable Tasty, a program of Slow Food Asheville. Contact her at feast.avl@gmail.com or visit www.slowfoodasheville.org.
Valentine’s Day trail mix
Truffles made with oatmeal pack more of a nutritional punch. Decorate them with cocoa, powdered or colored sugars. KATE JUSTEN/SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT
No-bake valentine “truffles” 1/2 cup powdered sugar 1/2 cup quick oats 1 tablespoon cocoa powder 1/2 cup peanut butter or almond butter 1 tablespoon milk, soy milk or almond milk
Combine powdered sugar, oats and cocoa. Add nut butter and milk and mix well. Form
into balls about the size of a large grape. Mixture will get drier as it sits and the milk absorbs into the oats. If it is too dry, add a few drops of milk. Roll the “truffles” in cocoa powder, powdered sugar, or pink or red colored sugar. Place each one in a mini muffin paper and serve with a side of fruit. Makes 12 truffles.
1/2 cup granola 1/2 cup sunflower seeds 1/2 cup raisins and/or cranberries 1 cup peanuts, almonds, cashews and/or walnuts 1/4 cup sesame seeds 1/4 cup flax seeds 1 cup white chocolate chips
Slowly melt white chocolate in a sauce pan, mix in nuts, seeds, granola and dried fruit. Let cool completely before serving.
Find a recipe for pink pancakes at www.wncparent.com.
Mom’s real-life food guide guarantees ‘Cleaner Plate’ By Mary Lynn Mitcham Gannett
Listen up, moms! If you’ve got a picky eater at your dinner table, then we know what your goal is: to get your kid to eat more vegetables, less sugar and basically be more willing to try new things — even green things — at meal times. Are we right? Well then, have we got a book for you: “The Cleaner Plate Club” by Beth Bader and Westchester native Ali Benjamin (2010, Storey Publishing, $16.95). Before you dismiss it as another fingerpointing, eat-your-vegetables parenting book, be warned: It’s not. This book comes with lots of information, a witty sense of humor, and even an any-mistake-youmade-we-made-it-too attitude. “The Cleaner Plate Club” focuses on the importance of eating whole foods instead of processed foods, and welcoming kids to take part in the locavore food movement, rather than being a dissertation on why eating your greens is so important. I mean haven’t we heard enough of that? “‘(It) is the book that I myself needed — and couldn’t find — when my first daughter (Merrie, now 10) was young,” says Benjamin. “I really struggled with feeding her, in ways that I hadn’t expected. When I went to the supermarket, everything in the ‘toddler/kids’ aisle was hyper-processed. And even though I knew that those foods weren’t the best option, it was what everyone around me was offering their kids. I wasn’t a confident cook and my daughter turned her nose up at the recipes I tried, so it was an easy path.” Meanwhile, she and her husband had just started to pay more attention to the
Carrot-orange souffle This sweet, light almost mousse-like vegetable dish is an easy one for kids to like and an elegant classic side for the bigger kids-at-heart.
2 1/2 pounds carrots, about 12 medium, peeled and chopped into 1-inch pieces 2/3 cup sugar 1/4 cup unbleached all-purpose flour 3 tablespoons plain low-fat yogurt 3 eggs 2 tablespoons butter, melted 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground mace or nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon orange extract
Steam the carrots until very soft, about 30 minutes. You can do this in an electric steamer. Alternatively, fill a large pot with a couple of inches of water, set a steaming basket in it, and bring to a boil. Set the carrots in the basket, cover, and let steam. Let cool completely. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit Place the carrots in a food processor
foods they were eating and where they were coming from. They had joined a community supported agriculture network which entitled them to a “shar” of a local farmer’s harvest, and were filling their fridge with vegetables they had never so much as blanched before: beets in their raw form, kale, turnips, kohlrabi. So she began her research — reading books about food, brushing up her own cooking, and launching a blog — never realizing it would become “The Cleaner Plate Club.” “The Cleaner Plate Club” is a busy mom’s guide to food that reveals how to select, store and prepare whole foods. The book also includes recipes for 100 or more tasty dishes that have been given the thumbs-up by both kids and adults. But perhaps most important is the fact that they were written and tested by moms who made these recipes as the book notes, “in our real kitchens, in the middle of real life — as phones rang and dogs barked and small children clung to our legs.” The book’s divided into five easy-toread chapters — and by “easy to read” we mean easy for a mom to digest after a
or blender, and pulse until pureed. Add the other ingredients separately in order, from the sugar through the extracts, pulsing as you go. Run the food processor until all the ingredients are well mixed. Spray a souffle dish with cooking spray. Pour in the souffle batter. Bake for about 50 minutes, until the sides are puffed up and just golden on the edges and the center is set. Serves 8 to 10. Source: “The Cleaner Plate Club” (2010, Storey Publishing)
full day of work, carpooling, errands, laundry and anything else you have on your list. There are charts, pull-out boxes with fun facts, (i.e. “Eighty percent of candy purchased at the supermarket is bought on impulse.” Who knew?), and whole pages devoted to specific veggies with photos, illustrations, and sections starting with “Good for Your Family Because.” You’ll learn how to effectively navigate the grocery store , why farmers markets are worth the trip, and how to make quick go-to dinners that still offer nutritional value . But most of all, you’ll learn that any and every effort you make counts and even when you try and fail — and Benjamin is the first to admit, we all do — there’s nothing to feel guilty about. “Food is such a loaded thing,” she says. “So many parents are busy judging one another. ... It’s like what your kid is chewing at any given moment reflects whether you’re a good person or a horrible one, June Cleaver or Joan Crawford. Combine that with a busy life that includes working parents, kids’ busy schedules, and the afternoon hungries, and you can see why so many parents just don’t want to deal.”
“The Cleaner Plate Club” author Ali Benjamin tells you how to get your kids on the road to healthy eating: » Eat a family dinner now and then. Even eating together as a family just a few times each week can make a big health impact. For example, there was a study published in May that found that kids who ate meals with other family members on a regular basis were 24 percent more likely to eat healthy foods than kids who were likely to eat alone. Most of us aren’t able to eat family dinners every single night; that’s OK. Even doing it a few times a week makes a big difference. » Quit cajoling. Research is pretty clear: the more you cajole kids to eat something, the less likely they are to like it. Serve up a variety of foods, make sure there’s something they enjoy eat at each meal, and make sure you enjoy the food yourself — over time, they’ll take their cues from you. » Remember kids don’t have to like everything. It’s not a character flaw — in you, or in them — if they don’t care for a particular vegetable. We don’t all need to like everything. My older daughter likes all kinds of vegetables, but she just isn’t a fan of winter squash. I don’t force the issue. It still appears on the table now and then — I figure, you never know. » Eat outside the box. Join a CSA. Shop a farmers market. Visit a farm. Garden. Get out of the big-box supermarket once in a while — you might find the whole dynamic of your conversation changing. » Put on a thick skin. Don’t take it personally if your efforts are rebuffed. Sure, it can be frustrating to spend time preparing something and then have it be rejected by a small human who can’t even be counted on to put on his own socks. But like any other aspect of parenting, it’s not an overnight process. » Forget about the Joneses. Know a family that eats only steamed vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner? And the kids love it? Whatever. That’s not most of us. Or, maybe your kids might speak wistfully about the families that eat wings and pizza at every meal. None of that matters. Your family is different — you have your own rhythms, stresses, joys and taste buds. Parenting is never about trying to do what other families think is right. You’ve got to figure out what works for you.
Pastry chef shares secret to good pie: By Jennifer Justus Gannett
The pie-crust-making process has been known to strike fear in the hearts of home bakers -- and maybe even send a few flourdusted cookbooks flying in frustration. Not that we’re speaking from experience. But Lisa Donovan, a self-taught pastry chef, promises it doesn’t have to be difficult. So we asked Donovan to show us how it’s done. She invited us into her East Nashville kitchen — where The Kinks played softly, the cookbooks looked worn and we stayed far from the fancy equipment of a restaurant kitchen. “I feel like pie should be all-around comforting,” she says.
Pie in her past
Of all the desserts Donovan has made over the years, pie remains her favorite. “I guess I got really excited about pies about 10 years ago,” she says. Donovan prepared her workspace on the kitchen table near a basil plant and a bowl of satsumas and lemons. She scooped flour into a bowl without measuring. “I never really knew where it came from,” she says, because the sweets of her childhood were mostly courtesy of Little Debbie. But about two years ago, when her grandfather died, she traveled to her father’s home of Floyd, Va., where she met her 95-year-old Aunt Ruby. “Since she was 5 years old, she would make fried dried apple pies,” Donovan says. “It was the most significant puzzle piece I’ve ever discovered about who I am.” And even now, each autumn, Aunt Ruby’s daughter brings her bushels of apples, which Aunt Ruby will slice and place on a porch screen for drying in the sun for a few days. “Then she’ll make them for the whole community,” Donovan says. Donovan, too, has made a few pies in her day for friends and family. She considered starting a pie-making business, but she got so busy with word-of-mouth orders that the official parts of the business (web-
Lisa Donovan’s double pie crust
3 cups plus 3 tablespoons flour 2½ teaspoons salt 10½ ounces (2½ sticks) butter Ice water
Cut the butter into about 1-inch cubes (Donovan likes to cut it twice longways first, and then short-ways into chunks). Place butter in a metal bowl. Keep butter cold in the refrigerator or freezer. Combine flour and salt. Prepare ice water, so it will be ready to use. Remove butter from freezer and, using fingers and thumbs, quickly work butter into flour until consistency is partly mealy, and partly left with smaller and larger hunks of butter. Add water slowly (1/4 cup, then by tablespoons) until dough comes together enough to form a moist but somewhat shaggy ball. Then turn dough out to knead very gently until it works together. Wrap in plastic and chill, either in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, or if you’re working quickly, in the freezer for five minutes. Meanwhile, finish combining filling ingredients. Pull dough from freezer and unwrap onto lightly floured surface. Cut dough into two pieces and fashion into rounds. In one of the pieces, make indentions in dough with
Lisa Donovan makes crust for a Shaker Meyer lemon pie at her Nashville, Tenn., home. DIPTI VAIDYA/GANNETT fingers — just around the edges — to help prevent splitting. Roll the dough out thinly. Place dough into pie plate and trim. Pour filling into pie. Then roll out top of pie crust. Place on top of filled pie crust and crimp the edges. Dust the top of the pie with sugar. Place pie in an oven preheated to 400 degrees for about 15 minutes (Donovan likes to “shock” the cold butter in a hot oven at the start of cooking.) Then turn heat down to 375 and continue to bake for about 45 minutes to an hour. If the crust begins to get too brown, tent it with aluminum foil. Source: Lisa Donovan
Shaker Meyer Lemon Pie filling 2 medium-size Meyer lemons 2 cups sugar Large pinch of salt 4 eggs A dash of almond extract
Slice the lemons in rounds as thinly as possible. Place them in a bowl with sugar and allow to macerate for 2 hours. In separate bowl, beat eggs with salt and almond extract. Combine egg mixture with lemons and sugar. Source: Lisa Donovan
site, etc.) fizzled in favor the important parts — making pies.
A simple process
Donovan continued to work, cutting sticks of butter into 1-inch pieces for her pie. She often sees new bakers cut the butter into pieces that are too small, she
says. She dropped the cubes into a metal bowl (it works best for keeping the butter cool) and placed the bowl in the freezer. Cold is key. “I have really hot hands,” she says. Then she prepared a measuring cup with ice water and set it aside, and she added salt to the flour. “I think a salty
crust is really nice with something sweet.” After taking the butter out of the freezer, she moved quickly and calmly, working the butter in with her thumbs, showing us the texture of the dough as she went along. “If it starts to look like a shaggy cookie dough before you add liquid, you’ve gone too far.” It should have a mealy consistency, with a few smaller and larger chunks of butter remaining. Then Donovan slowly added some of the ice water — about one-fourth cup, then a tablespoon at a time until the dough sticks together when squeezed. She turned the dough out onto a plastic, floured cutting board and worked it over just a few times until a ball formed. She wrapped it in plastic and then put it in the freezer for about 5 minutes. As the dough cooled, she combined the ingredients for the pie’s filling — a bowl of very thinly sliced Meyer lemons that had macerated in sugar with eggs, salt and almond flavoring. This time of year, Donovan likes a Shaker Meyer Lemon Pie. “I sort of block the months of the year off with types of pie,” she says. “I get really tired of buttermilk and sweet potato pies by this time. I just love citrus in winter.” In the Shaker way, this pie combines simple ingredients and makes no waste — even using the skins of the lemons with just a few basic ingredients. “It’s essentially like a lemon custard,” she says. The pie speaks to Donovan’s philosophy since she prefers church cookbooks purchased at flea markets over pricey celebrity chef versions. She doesn’t have a lot of expensive tools in the kitchen, and while she can certainly appreciate a good bakery, she gets just as excited “about women who were making divinity in the ’60s.” Donovan pulled the dough from the freezer. She mashed divots in it with her fingers (a trick that keeps dough from splitting that she learned from an elderly friend). She rolled the dough into a thin piece, placed it in the pie pan, filled it with the lemon mixture and then topped the pie with a second layer of dough. She crimped the edges, demonstrating her technique, and then dusted it with sugar before slipping it into the oven. While the lemon pie began baking, she formed the remaining pastry into fruitfilled hand pies, cutting them into round shapes with the back of a tea plate. “It’s not how fancy you can make it, it’s how good you can make it with what you’ve got,” she says.
divorced families
Take care of pets during divorce By Trip Woodard WNC Parent columnist
Many times when articles are written about pets and divorcing families, the focus tends to be on the effects that losing or adopting pets have on the children. Today I would like to explore a very different area — how does divorce affect the pet? Do pets have any feelings about the process? Should their guardians take any special measures to help there pets through a mutually difficult process? My answer is as absolute “YES!” But, don’t believe me … ask any dog what he or she thinks about the divorce process they are undergoing and I bet he or she will answer, “Ruff!”
OK, no more bad jokes. Pets suffer from an inability to know what is going on. They feel the growing tension in the family and in a sense of the word may blame themselves for it. They can’t explain the changes in schedules, the angry outbursts between their owners and/or the crying of the children. I did a home visit once in which I watched a pet dog literally shake every time the husband and wife would raise their voices and start to yell at one another. His owners seemed oblivious to what he was feeling. When one would stop yelling and start crying, he would go over to his owner’s face and start licking it. Stress affects people in terms of emotional and physical health. Is it not reasonable to assume that our pets are affected as well? Make sure a pet’s veterinarian is aware of what is going on at home. Some pets have required antidepressant treat-
ment to get through the divorce process. Don’t worry about the costs … pet meds are often much cheaper than the same people meds. Also, try to keep pets isolated from extreme fighting as much as possible. Keep their feeding and walking schedules as normal as possible (as with children, sameness equals saneness). Find friends willing to foster your pet during your most high stress times. If the pet moves back and forth between to newly established homes, expect your pet to have some transition anxiety that may range from exuberant bursts of running around to wetting the carpet. If pets do soil the carpet, minimize your emotional reaction to this and lavish attention instead when proper potty behavior is shown. If your pet acts exceptionally strange and, for example, becomes extremely
Stress affects people in terms of emotional and physical health. Is it not reasonable to assume that our pets are affected as well? hand shy, get your pet checked out for possible abuse. If abuse is indicated by the vet and/or there are other signs of maltreatment such as starving or marks on the pet, report this to the local humane society. Share this information with your attorney and the courts may remand the pet completely into your custody. Pets bring so much to our lives. They love us unconditionally, ask little in return and are always happy to see us despite how hard our lives can get. The least we can do is not treat them like they are invisible parts of painful divorce process. Trip Woodard is a licensed family and marriage therapist and a clinical member of the N.C. Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Contact him at 606-8607.
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growing together
Milestones you won’t find in a book By Chris Worthy
WNC Parent columnist
Like most new parents, I had a copy of “What to Expect the First Year” that was dog-eared and tabbed with sticky notes by the time my first child was born. I knew the milestones and kept a mental running list of whether my child was ahead of schedule (“She’s brilliant. See?”) or lagging behind (“Something must be wrong!”). It took awhile before I accepted that developmental charts are great for screening children for real issues. But the biggest problem with developmental charts is that kids can’t read them. Try explaining to your 6-month-old baby, “But you are supposed to sleep through the night now.” If that works, let me know. Now that my daughter is semi-grown, I am making my own chart. Here are the
“firsts” that change your life as a parent: » You nurse your child without thinking, “I can’t do this.” This is a big one. Make it to this point and the rest is cake. » You wake and feel rested. This is followed closely by a moment of panic and a mad dash to make sure the baby is OK, which pretty much ruins the effects of peaceful slumber, but it is a milestone nonetheless. » Baby smiles at you. Ah, yes, a positive feedback loop begins. » Your child can eat from a restaurant menu. Sure, it’s a kids’ menu, but you can now leave the house with less stuff and fewer restrictions. » The potty is mastered. Huge! This is perhaps the most delightful of all the milestones. No more diapers and wipes. No odiferous car rides. On the downside, you will know the location of every bathroom in a three state area. (Also, potties that flush automatically are monsters, or so I’ve been told. Be prepared.) » Your child can handle bath time alone.
Sure, you’ll stand out in the hall a few (dozen) times in case the water gets too hot or the shower floor is slippery, but personal hygiene is now out of your domain. » Your child can use the microwave, then the stove, then the oven. This takes a long time to master and requires an abundance of supervision, but the payoff is amazing. » You can leave your child home alone — with a cell phone and the neighbors watching. And though you might only drive around the block a few times, everyone survives. » Your child is deemed qualified to drive by an independent state examiner. Slowly, but surely, you may come to agree with that determination. Reach that point and you never have to go to the post office again. New moms, when the little milestones seem daunting, keep your eyes on the big picture. Hang in there.
Chris Worthy is an attorney who took down her shingle to be a stay-at-home mom. Contact her at chris@worthyplace.com.
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School lunches get makeover By Nanci Hellmich USA TODAY
Students: Get ready for pizza with whole-grain crust and bigger portions of fruits and vegetables on your school lunch tray. You’re still going to get french fries, but they’ll probably be baked and sprinkled with less salt. Late last month the government released new nutrition standards for school meals that spell out dramatic changes, including slashing the sodium, limiting calories and offering students a wider variety and larger portions of fruits and vegetables. These changes will raise the nutrition standards for meals for the first time in more than 15 years. “When we send our kids to school, we expect that they won’t be eating the kind of fatty, salty, sugary foods that we try to keep them from eating at home,” first lady Michelle Obama said in a statement. She is announcing the new standards today along with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Vilsack says this is a historic opportunity “to improve the quality and quantity of the school meal programs.” The quality of school meals has been hotly debated for years because a third of children in the USA are overweight or obese. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 directed the U.S. Department of Agriculture to set new nutrition standards for all food served in schools. The rules released Jan. 25 apply to school meals. New regulations for other foods such those served in la carte lines, vending machines and stores will come later. The changes are designed to improve the health of nearly 32 million children who eat lunch at school every day and almost 11 million who eat breakfast. Overall, kids consume about 30 percent to 50 percent of their calories while at school. The new standards for school lunch: » Establish maximum calorie and sodium limits for meals. The sodium limits are phased in over 10 years. » Require schools to serve a fruit and vegetable every day at lunch, and in larger portions than previously offered. Portion sizes vary by age group. For instance, high school students will have to be offered one cup of vegetables and one cup of fruit a day. Right now they have to be offered a total of three-quarters cup of fruit and veggies.
Here’s how elementary school lunch menus might change on two sample days: DAY 1 » Before regulation: Hot dog on bun with ketchup (4 tablespoons) Canned pears (1/4 cup) Raw celery and carrots (1/8 cup each) with ranch dressing (1.75 tablespoons) Low-fat (1 percent) chocolate milk (8 ounces) » After the regulation: Whole-wheat spaghetti with meat sauce (½ cup) Whole-wheat roll with soft margarine (5 grams) Green beans, cooked (½ cup) Broccoli (1/2 cup) Cauliflower (1/2 cup) Low-fat ranch dip (1 oz.) Kiwi halves, raw (1/2 cup) Low-fat (1 percent) milk (8 oz.) DAY 2 » Before the regulation: Cheese pizza (4.8 oz) Canned pineapple (1/4 cup)
» Require schools to offer a minimum number of leafy green vegetables, redorange vegetables, starchy vegetables and legumes each week. The amount varies by age group. For example, high school students have to be offered at least a half-cup of green leafy vegetables a week. » Require that after the two years of implementation, all grains offered to students must be rich in whole grains such as brown rice. Breads, buns, cereals and pastas must list whole grain as the first ingredient. » Require milk to be either low-fat (1 percent) or fat-free. (This is already in effect.) Flavored milk, such as chocolate, must now be fat-free. » Require that foods that are served contain no trans fats. The new standards for lunch go into effect the next school year. Changes for breakfast will be phased in. Margo Wootan of the Center for Science in the Public Interest says the changes “are landmark. These are the
New rules governing the contents of school lunches will require more fruits and vegetables to be offered. Food will also need to be lower in sodium and higher in whole grains. KATYE MARTENS/USA TODAY Tater Tots (1/2 cup) with ketchup (2 tablespoons) Low-fat (1 percent) chocolate milk (8 ounces) » After the regulation: Whole-wheat cheese pizza (1 slice) Baked sweet potato fries (1/2 cup) Grape tomatoes, raw (1/4 cup) Low-fat ranch dip (1 oz.) Applesauce (1/2 cup) Low-fat (1 percent) milk (8 ounces)
first-ever standards for sodium, trans fat and whole grains and the first time ever they’ve had an upper limit for calories.” Congress blocked the proposal to restrict starchy vegetables, and it required that pizza continue to count as a vegetable, she says. The federal government will give schools an additional 6 cents a lunch to meet the standards. When fully implemented, the cost of preparing a healthier lunch that meets the new rules is estimated to rise by about 11 cents, and the cost of preparing a breakfast is estimated to increase by 28 cents, the USDA says. The agency estimates that the increased cost of producing meals that meet the standard will be $3.2 billion over five years. Vilsack says companies that supply commodities to the USDA are already responding to the standards by offering foods that are lower in fat, sugar and sodium. Frozen fried potatoes are being replaced with potatoes that have been roasted or baked, he says.
puzzles for parents Across
1. Large, imposing house 6. “Lake” in France 9. “Que ____,” sang Doris Day 13. Unwritten exams 14. Spermatozoa counterparts 15. Hollywood legend quality? 16. Laker great 17. Judge on “Dancing with the Stars” 18. L on clothes 19. “The Big Sleep” leading lady 21. He played “Spartacus” 23. Before, old English 24. Ancient Greeks’ harp 25. Cattle prod 28. “For” in Spanish 30. “Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship,” in “Casablanca,” e.g. 35. Port of Yemen 37. Comedy Central’s 1990s animated series “Dr. ____, Professional Therapist” 39. Country singer _____ Tucker 40. Irritate 41. _____ of parsley 43. What Perkins did in the shower in “Psycho” 44. Accord or comport with 46. Yugoslavian communist 47. Location of Dante’s nine circles 48. Eastwood’s Josey Wales, e.g. 50. 2009 Daniel Day-Lewis musical 52. Charlotte of
“Facts of Life” fame 53. First, second or third in baseball 55. Follow ems 57. Last name of two female legends 61. He called for Stella 64. Relating to axis 65. Second person of “be” 67. “Unbearable Lightness of _____” 69. Pulitzer winner _____ Cather
70. Decorate cake 71. Dam 72. Flower holder 73. Once around 74. Undo
1. Garland to Minnelli 2. United ____ Emirates 3. Hindu serpent deity 4. New York is famous for it
5. Protective embankment 6. Be lazy or idle 7. ____ Maria 8. Canadian funny man 9. Ore smelting by-product 10. Basketball great ____ “The Pearl” Monroe 11. Capital of Latvia 12. Greek god of war 15. Like a native speaker
20. Accidental holes 22. Mine deposit 24. Soldier’s bathroom 25. Famous for her low, husky voice 26. ”Farewell” from Catherine Deneuve 27. Blue and white pottery style 29. Wholly engrossed 31. 100m ____ 32. Prefix for “among” 33. African antelope 34. He said, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” 36. A Broadway legend, given name 38. Tubular pasta
42. One who’s doomed 45. Singular of tabulae 49. It engulfed the world in the 1940s 51. Render capable 54. Escargot 56. Express contempt 57. Hems and ____ 58. Sign of escape 59. Arrange in a stack 60. Healing ointment 61. Road Runner sound 62. Cher or Celine Dion? 63. Dollar bills 66. AV manufacturer 68. “____ whiz!”
Solutions on Page 69.
the kids page will return next month
dad’s view
Smother with praise, spoil the persistence By Scott Tiernan WNC Parent columnist
Popular parenting wisdom goes something like this: To best prepare children for challenging situations — academic, social, or physical — pump them full of praise. Praise boosts self-esteem, which in turn promotes selfconfidence, and ultimately, success. Sounds good to me. I mindlessly (shamelessly?) dish praise to my 4-year-old daughter for coloring projects (“Excellent work!”), making her bed (“Nice job!”) and naming sharks (“Aren’t you smart today.”). If they were assembling a parenting Laud Squad, I’d be a first round pick. Then I read the first chapter of “Nurture Shock” by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman. The authors cite several studies that show too much praise actually weakens children’s defense mechanisms and reduces their ability to respond to failure. A frequently praised child become risk adverse and less autonomous, has a harder time delaying gratification, is more likely to cheat and becomes more competitive with peers. These are difficult parenting pills to swallow. We want to empower our children. We want them to feel confident. We want them to be successful. Isn’t constant praise part of the equation? Ultimately, it depends on the type of praise. According to the research, many forms of popular praise can be detrimental. The biggest offender: intelligence. Constantly emphasizing intelligence (“You’re such a smart girl”) takes success out of a child’s hands. If she fails at a task, how is she supposed to respond? What coping strategies does she have to fall back on when IQ isn’t enough? On the other hand, a child who is praised for effort tends to feel more in control of an outcome. She better develops what many researchers have identified as the trait that trumps IQ when it comes to success: persistence. As Bronson and Merryman note, persistence means being able to rebound well and “sustain motivation through long periods of delayed gratification.” In childhood language this means kids who are better sharers, listeners and learners.
Hollow, nonspecific praise is also a no-no. Children balk at vacuous praise and often interpret it as an expression of perceived weakness by Mom or Dad. Such praise can also warp motivation. Kids start doing things primarily to earn the “Good job!”, which diminishes a task’s intrinsic value and inevitably leads to the familiar meltdown that occurs when desired praise is unexpectedly delivered to a sibling or playmate (or the family pet). The research suggests that children benefit instead from specific praise that relates to a milestone or area of improvement. Even better is when a suggestion for advancement is attached to the praise. “Yes, that’s great you can now do a layup with your right hand. Now let’s practice layups with your left hand.” With this research in mind, I’m committing to a monthlong praise reform with my daughter. Step One will be an attempt to limit IQ praise (“Wow, that was a smart answer.”), nonspecific praise (“Good job.”) and expected behavior praise (“Great job
cleaning up your room.”). In other words, when it comes to these types of praise, enough is as good as a feast. Step Two will be to replace empty praise with praise for behavior that demonstrates persistence (the second-effort moments that show true grit), delayed gratification or measured improvement. I’m curious how a change in praising style and substance will influence how I feel as a parent. (Will I go through praise withdrawal?) I’m also curious how my daughter will respond to the change. Will she act less agitated when other children are complimented but she isn’t? Will she show clear signs of improved persistence and fewer signs of impulsivity? Look forward to sharing the results of my experiment next month. Until then, please send me your thoughts and strategies on praising children. Scott Tiernan is an education and communications consultant and a freelance writer. Read more at http://scott-tiernan.blogspot.com.
home-school happenings
Foster a love affair with reading By Nicole McKeon WNC Parent columnist
This is a love story. A love story about children and reading, because I really believe that a love of reading is one of the greatest gifts I ever received from my parents, and hopefully one of the greatest gifts I will ever give my children. Reading is a gift that lasts a lifetime, and never stops giving. It never runs out, becomes too expensive or discriminates. Recently, I received an inquiry from a reader asking what phonics program I would recommend for her almost 5-year-old daughter. My answer to her? None. (Now, I am not a professional reading teacher, I have no credentials in this area other than the facts that I am a published writer, a college graduate and an avid reader. I am also severely dyslexic. So, the advice I am about to give comes with no professional evaluation behind it at all. Take it for what it’s worth.) I think phonics is boring. Yup. Boring. And, it’s been my experience that anything that’s boring doesn’t work well for my kids. Not that I didn’t try the phonics route. Back when my first child (subjected to many bad experiments of mine, as most first children are) was about 5 , I checked the book “How to Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons” from my library. I read through the beginning of it, and to tell you the truth, I was bored. But, I was convinced that I had to teach my child phonics to get her to be a successful reader. We sat together on the couch and proceeded to go through the first lesson. Less than half way through it, my child was climbing over the back of the couch trying to get away. Thus, ended our foray into phonics. About a week later, I heard my daughter talking to someone in her room. I walked in
BOOK SUGGESTIONS For happy reading together, try these: » “The Courage of Sarah Noble” by Alice Dalgliesh » Any of the “Little Bear” stories by Else Homelund Minarik » Anything by Laura Ingalls Wilder » “The Boxcar Children” by Gertrude Chandler Warner » Anything by Robert Lawson, especially “Rabbit Hill” » Anything by Roald Dahl
and found her reading to her Barbies from the book I had read to her the night before. Sure, she was repeating a lot from memory, but she was also recognizing many of the words from multiple exposures during our daily/nightly reading sessions. A month later, she was reading easy readers. We started making word families, with similar words on pages she had created in the shape of houses, living together. (For example, hot, pot, lot, cot, rot all lived in the -ot house.) We kept a word bank, a notebook with each letter of the alphabet on a tab, which she used to add newly learned words. Sure, you eventually have to do something in the phonics department. But it doesn’t have to be a program. We had a long discussion about letters that get married and like to be together, like sh, th, qu, ch. I made up long stories to tell about how the letters fell in love. She remembered, and she wasn’t bored. Both of my children learned to read this way, successfully. My daughter is now an excellent and avid reader, as is my son, who is 7 and can now read, over my shoulder, just about anything I read. My son also was very motivated to increase his reading skill by his desperation to be able to read the hockey articles in Sports Illustrated and on the NHL website. Reading is a treat, a delight, a gateway to growth. I don’t recommend eliminating phonics altogether; however, I do recommend waiting to introduce phonics until you have established a positive and exciting reading program in your home that has nothing to do with phonics. You will be pleasantly surprised with how much of phonics is learned naturally and organically through reading aloud . Trust me. Trust yourself. And, most importantly, trust your child. Just give him a chance to show you. Now, go read something together! Nicole McKeon is a home-schooling mom and owner of Homeschool Station in Fairview. Email her at homeschoolstation@hotmail.com.
nature center notes
Resist temptation to make wild animals pets Special to WNC Parent
Nothing much gets to the heart of an animal lover faster than a baby animal. Unfortunately for many young wild animals, this irresistible charm gets them into trouble: confined as a house pet. Keeping a wild animal as a pet is never a good idea. Your dog loves living in your house with you, and your cat enjoys perching on the inside of the window, but the difference is domestication. They have been bred, over thousands of years, to need human company just as much as we need theirs. Dogs might act like wolves sometimes, but wolves — even born in captivity and raised by humans — will always act like wolves. Many people find baby animals in the spring and take them home. The rescuers may mean well, but the problem with baby animals is that they grow up, and fast. Wild animals are hardwired to survive. They want space, they want to breed and claim territory, they want to hunt, and
Sassy and Bandit at the WNC Nature Center are imprinted raccoons, and so cannot survive in the wild. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT
they want to hide. Wild animals want to be wild animals. Most wild animals kept as pets are imprinted to humans. Naturally, baby
animals imprint to their parents, but animals raised by humans will imprint to humans instead. No human can train a deer to be a deer. Imprinted animals can never be released back into the wild because they lack the skills needed to survive. The best way to enjoy wildlife is where those animals belong — in the wild. Or come to the Nature Center and see more than 60 species of native animals up close and behaving naturally. Animals at the center cannot be released due to injury or imprinting, and pains are taken to give them a life that satisfies their wild instincts. If you have an injured wild animal, contact a local rehabilitator. They are trained to treat and raise wild animals so they can be released back into the wild. Learn more about wildlife found in WNC at the WNC Nature Center, 75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville, and www.wncnaturecenter.com.
calendar of events
Family friendly calendar Feb. 6
Items for the March calendar are due by Feb. 10. Email information to calendar@wncparent.com .
ASHEVILLE YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Four-week session of classes for ages 6 months-12 years on Mondays and Wednesdays, Feb. 6-29. Register by Feb. 3. Call 210-9622. REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Classes for ages 6 months-12 years on Mondays and Wednesdays, Feb. 6-29. Registration deadline is Feb. 1. Starts at $40. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org.
Jan. 31
SCI GIRLS: Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute hosts a program at 6-8 p.m. for girls ages 9-14. January’s topic is “High-Tech Fashion — Electrical Circuits.” $10. Registration required. Adults must accompany children. Call 862-5554 or email cwhitworth@pari.edu. Group meets at the Transylvania County 4-H Office, 98 E. Morgan St., Brevard.
Feb. 7
SPANISH FOR KIDS: Class teaches Spanish by exposing children ages 3-5 to the language sounds through games, singing and dancing, storytelling and fun. Classes start first week of February at French Broad Food Co-op. Email risitasavl@gmail.com or call 335-2120.
Feb. 1
CRITTER TIME FOR TIKES AND TOTS: WNC Nature Center’s program for ages 3-5 and parents. With activities geared toward the basic understanding of animal life, forest ecology and conservation. Includes indoor fun and games, crafts and more. $7 per child/adult combination (does not include admission to Nature Center); additional children or adults $3 each. (Friends of the WNCNC members, $5 per child/parent.) 2:30-3:30 p.m. Call 298-5600, ext. 305, to register. At 75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville. Visit www.wncnaturecenter.com. LET’S GET MOVING!: Hands On! A Child’s Gallery hosts a music and movement class at 11 a.m. with Ms. Nicole for all ages. At 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org or call 697-8333. PRESCHOOL ART CLASS: Roots + Wings School of Art offers a four-week art class for ages 3-6. Sessions are 1:30-2:30 and 3:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Feb. 1-22 and focus on printmaking. $50 per child. Classes at The Cathedral of All Souls, 3 Angle St., Biltmore Village. Visit www.rootsandwingsarts.com or call 545-4827.
Feb. 2
GROUNDHOG DAY: Learn to draw a groundhog, all day, at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery. Free with admission. At 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org or call 697-8333. GROUNDHOG DAY EVENT: WNC Nature Center presents Carlton Burke’s whimsical presentation on groundhogs, 2-4 p.m. Explore the folklore of this native rodent species with stories and song. Meet live groundhogs who have been reared by humans from infancy. Free with regular admission. Call 298-5600 or visit www.wncnaturecenter.com. OPEN HOUSE: French Broad River Academy hosts an hourlong open house with parent-led tour and Q&A
WNC Nature Center groundhog Nibbles predicted an early end to winter last year. What will he find this Feb. 2? JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
session. Groups limited to five families. Prospective students are not required but are encouraged to attend. Sessions at 9 and 10 a.m. To sign up, email admissions@fbriveracademy.org. Visit www.fbriveracademy.org.
Feb. 2 and 9
CHILDBIRTH CLASSES: A free two-session class, on Feb. 2 and 9, for expectant parents covering the labor and delivery process, relaxation, breathing patterns, birth options, positioning and comfort measures. 6:30–9 p.m. Registration required. At Pardee Hospital, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Call 866-790-WELL or visit www.pardeehospital.org to register.
Feb. 4
FACE PAINTING: Free face painting (tips appreciated), noon-5 p.m. at Asheville’s Fun Depot, 7 Roberts Road, Asheville. No purchase necessary. Call 277-2FUN to confirm event hasn’t been canceled. Visit www.ashevillesfundepot.com. REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Classes for ages 6 months-12 years on Saturdays, Feb. 4-March 1. Registration deadline is Jan. 31. Starts at $20. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. YMCA PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT: At Downtown Asheville YMCA for ages 2-12. Activities include swimming, arts and crafts, inflatable obstacle course, snacks and a movie. Register online or in person (at least 24 hours before scheduled program). Offered 6-10 p.m. the first Saturday of each month. $15 for members ($23 for nonmembers), with $2 sibling discounts. Call 210-9614 or visit www.ymcawnc.org.
ASHEVILLE YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Four-week session of classes for ages 6 months-12 years on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Feb. 7-March 1. Register by Feb. 3. Call 210-9622. REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Classes for ages 6 months-12 years on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Feb. 7-March 1. Registration deadline is Feb. 1. Starts at $40. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. VALENTINE CRAFTS: Make a valentine, all day, at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery. Through Feb. 10. Free with admission. At 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org or call 697-8333. WEE NATURALIST PROGRAM: N.C. Arboretum offers program for ages 2-5 with age-appropriate nature lessons including walks, garden exploration, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. This week's theme is “Walking with Dinosaurs.” Runs 10-11 a.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m.). $6 per child ($5 if registered in advance online). Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. “Wee Card” offers four visits for $20. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. For information, contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org.
Feb. 8
HOLISTIC PARENTING FORUM: Free group to provide support, education and resources for a community of parents committed to natural living. Meets 6-8 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month at Earth Fare in West Asheville. Children welcome. Call 230-4850 or email shantisunshine@gmail.com. WEE NATURALIST PROGRAM: N.C. Arboretum offers program for ages 2-5 with age-appropriate nature lessons including walks, garden exploration, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. This week's theme is “Walking with Dinosaurs.” Runs 10-11 a.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m.). $6 per child ($5 if registered in advance online). Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. “Wee Card” offers four visits for $20. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. For information, contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org.
Feb. 9
calendar of events hosts origami club for all levels, 4-5 p.m. second Thursday of the month. Learn new folds, share favorites and meet fellow origami enthusiasts. Paper available at museum store or bring your own. Free with admission. At Biltmore Square Mall, off Brevard Road. Call 665-2217 or visit www.thehealthadventure.org.
Bright Star Touring Theatre returns with two shows on Feb. 11, including "Heroes of the Underground Railroad." SPECIAL
Feb. 10
FATHER/DAUGHTER VALENTINE’S DANCE: Reuter Family YMCA hosts a dance open to all dads and daughters, ages 7 and older, 7-9 p.m. in the gymnasium. Music, dancing, snacks, valentine crafts. Checkin starts at 6:30 p.m. Reservations required by Feb. 6. $5 per couple, additional daughters $2. Contact Karyn Kattermann at 651-9622 or kkattermann@ymcawnc.org for information. HAND IN HAND FUNDRAISER: First Presbyterian Church of Swannanoa, 372 Bee Tree Road, hosts spaghetti dinner fundraiser for Hand In Hand, a charitable organization that raises money for lowincome students in the Owen School District. All proceeds go directly to the counseling offices of the schools in Owen district to benefit students who need school supplies and other necessities. 5-7 p.m. Snow date is Feb. 17. Call Rev. Alex McLean for more information, 686-3140. PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT: Fired Up! Creative Lounge offers fun for kids, 6-9 p.m. Children will paint a bisque item, have pizza and play games. $25. At 26 Wall St., Asheville, call 253-8181, and 321 N. Main St., Hendersonville, call 698-9960. Reservations required. SING-ALONG: Join Tania for music and movement, 10:30 a.m. at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free with admission or membership. All ages. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org.
Feb. 11
BALLOON ARTIST: Asheville’s Fun Depot hosts a balloon artist and Boomer the Clown, 1-5 p.m. Free balloon art (tips appreciated) with no purchase necessary. At Exit 51 off I-40. Call 277-2FUN to confirm event hasn’t been canceled. Visit www.ashevillesfundepot.com. BOOK SIGNING: “Pretending” by Shirley Schaeffer Parkin and “Did You?” by Amy Tiller book signing children’s event, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Grateful Steps Publishing House & Bookshop 159 S. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Call 277-0998. BRIGHT STAR TOURING THEATRE: Asheville Community Theatre hosts two productions for families on the Mainstage. “Aesop’s Fables,” best for ages 3-10, is at 10 a.m. “Heroes of the Underground Railroad,” for ages 8 and older, is at 11 a.m. All tickets $5. FATHER/DAUGHTER DANCE: Fletcher Parks and Recreation’s annual semiformal Valentine’s Day event. Two dances, at 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. $16 for fathers, $6 for each daughter for residents ($18/$8 for nonresidents). Visit www.fletcherparks.org. ‘WRINKLE IN TIME’ PARTY: Spellbound Children’s Booshop celebrates the 50th anniversary of this landmark book, 4-6 p.m. The store will be live streaming an event from NYC featuring readings by celebrity authors, including Asheville native Hope
Larson. With giveaways and prizes, refreshments, and more. Free. At 21 Battery Park Avenue. Call 232-2228.
Feb. 15
DO TELL STORYFEST: Listen to tales from rhymes to folk tales to history to modern personal stories from the region’s best performers. Festival concert is with renown storyteller and singer Michael Reno Harrell. 1-5 p.m. and show at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Abraham Lincoln birthday celebration at 2:30 p.m. Tickets 10-15. At Flat Rock Playhouse Downtown Theatre in Hendersonville. Call 693-0731 for tickets or 388-0247 for information.
CRITTER TIME FOR TIKES AND TOTS: WNC Nature Center’s program for ages 3-5 and parents. With activities geared toward the basic understanding of animal life, forest ecology and conservation. Includes indoor fun and games, crafts and more. $7 per child/adult combination (does not include admission to Nature Center); additional children or adults $3 each. (Friends of the WNCNC members, $5 per child/parent.) 2:30-3:30 p.m. Call 298-5600, ext. 305, to register. At 75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville. Visit www.wncnaturecenter.com.
Feb. 12
Feb. 16
Feb. 11-12
FACE PAINTING: Free face painting (tips appreciated), noon-5 p.m. at Asheville’s Fun Depot, 7 Roberts Road, Asheville. No purchase necessary. Call 277-2FUN to confirm event hasn’t been canceled. Visit www.ashevillesfundepot.com. NATIONAL GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORTS DAY: Community event giving women of all ages a chance to try a new sport or activity. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at UNC Asheville’s Sherrill Center. $15 per person. Call Allison at Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 350-2058. VERITAS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY OPEN HOUSE: Community is welcome to tour school and learn more about its philosophy and curriculum during an open house, 2-4 p.m. At 17 Cane Creek Road, Fletcher. Visit www.veritasnc.org or call 681-0546.
Feb. 13
ART CLASS: Roots + Wings School of Art offers a four-week art class for students in grades K-5. Sessions are 4-5 p.m. Mondays, Feb. 13-March 5 and focus on sculptures. $50 per child. Classes at The Cathedral of All Souls, 3 Angle St., Biltmore Village. Visit www.rootsandwingsarts.com or call 545-4827.
Feb. 14
CRITTER CRAFT: Learn about dogs and hearts All day, and free with admission, at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Call 697-8333 or visit
ART OF BREAST-FEEDING: Pardee Hospital offers free class for new moms, 6:30-8 p.m. at hospital, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Registration is required. Call 866-790-WELL or visit www.pardeehospital.org to register. PAINT ROCKS: Create art with water and rock, 3-4:30 p.m. at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free with admission or membership. All ages. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org.
Feb. 17
BENEFIT CONCERT: A valentine benefit concert “Love Songs for a Lifetime” at White Horse in Black Mountain, to benefit the Black Mountain Pastoral Care and Counseling Center. Valentine treats at 7 p.m., showtime 7:30. Door prizes from local merchants. Suggested donation: $10 per person. Tickets at www.whitehorseblackmountain.com or call 669-0816. For more information on Black Mountain Pastoral Care & Counseling Center, call 779-1932 or 669-9798.
Feb. 17-18
MISSION CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL RADIOTHON: KISS Country’s Eddie Foxx and Sharon Green will host Friends for Life Radiothon to benefit Mission Children’s Hospital, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. at Asheville Mall. Event will include face painting, caricatures and a teddy bear clinic. Kids can meet clowns, Lewis the Duck, the Tooth Fairy and Mission’s therapy dogs. There will also be health screenings and safety
Continues on Page 68
calendar of events
Continued from Page 67 information. Visit www.missionchildrensradiothon.org.
Feb. 18
ASHEVILLE YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Four-week session of classes for ages 6 months-12 years on Saturdays, Feb. 18-March 10. Register by Feb. 17. Call 210-9622.
Feb. 18-20
WEE TRADE CONSIGNMENT SALE: Biggest sale yet, offering two weekends of public sale with restocking. Gently used children’s items, with clothing sizes from infant to juniors, books, toys, children’s furniture and equipment. Also maternity clothes. Now in larger Davis Event Center at WNC Agricultural Center, Fletcher. Shop 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Feb. 18, noon-6 p.m. Feb. 19 and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Feb. 20. Also runs Feb. 23-25. Visit www.wee-trade.net.
Feb. 21
MARDI GRAS: Make masks all day and enjoy special snack at 10:30 a.m. at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free with admission or membership. All ages. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org.
East Asheville Little League: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 11 and 18 at East Asheville Community Center. $65. Visit www.eayouthsports.org. Fletcher baseball and softball: 2-6 p.m. Feb. 4 at Dick’s Sporting Goods and 2-5 p.m. Feb. 5 at Fletcher First Baptist church on Hendersonville Road. $75 per player (maximum $150 per family). Visit www.facebook.com/fletcheryouth baseball. North Asheville Little League: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 18 and 25 at North Asheville Community Center. $55 resident, $60 nonresident. Visit
www.northashevillelittleleague.com. South Asheville Little League: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 4 and 18, and 2-6 p.m. Feb. 11 and 25. At Oakley Recreation Center. $75 first child, $70 second child, $65 third child. Visit www.southashevilleaa.com. South Buncombe Recreation and Athletic Association: 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Feb. 4 and 11 at Valley Springs Middle School cafeteria. $65 residents, $70 nonresidents. Visit www.sbraa.baberuthonline.com. West Asheville Little League: 6-8 p.m. Feb. 24 and March 2, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 25 and March 3 at West Asheville Community Center, 970 Haywood Road. $65. Contact Mike Hayes, 768-5819.
SOCCER REGISTRATION Henderson County Parks and Recreation: Ages 5-17 (as of Aug. 1, 2011). $70. Returning Fall 2011 players with green and blue jersey receive $20 discount. Register by Feb. 12. Games begin March 31. Call 697-4884 or visit www.hendersoncountyrecreation.org.
Upward soccer at Biltmore Baptist Church: Early registration ends March 5, $75. Late registration March 6-15, $90. Age 3 to eighth grade. Register at www.bluesombrero.com/biltmorebaptist. Call 687-1111, ext. 112, or e-mail upward@biltmorebaptist.org. Evaluations start March 12.
Feb. 23
BUBBLES: Learn to blow bubbles using your hands,
2-4 p.m. at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free with admission or membership. All ages. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. INFANT CARE CLASS: Pardee Hospital offers free class covering basics of infant care, 6:30-8 p.m. at hospital, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Registration is required. Call 866-790-WELL or visit www.pardeehospital.org to register. OPEN HOUSE: North Asheville Christian School hosts and open house, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Visit www.northashevillechristian.org.
Feb. 23-25
WEE TRADE CONSIGNMENT SALE: Biggest sale yet, offering two weekends of public sale with restocking. Gently used children’s items, with clothing sizes from infant to juniors, books, toys, children’s furniture and equipment. Also maternity clothes. Now in larger Davis Event Center at WNC Agricultural Center, Fletcher. Shop 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Feb. 23-24 and 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Feb. 25 (half-price day). Visit www.wee-trade.net.
Feb. 24
OPEN HOUSE: French Broad River Academy hosts an hourlong open house with parent-led tour and Q&A session. Groups limited to five families. Prospective students are not required but are encouraged to attend. Sessions at 9 and 10 a.m. To sign up, email admissions@fbriveracademy.org. Visit www.fbriveracademy.org. OPEN HOUSE: North Asheville Christian School hosts and open house, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Visit
Feb. 25
BALLOON ARTIST: Asheville’s Fun Depot hosts a balloon artist and Boomer the Clown, 1-5 p.m. Free balloon art (tips appreciated) with no purchase necessary. At Exit 51 off I-40. Call 277-2FUN to confirm event hasn’t been canceled. Visit www.ashevillesfundepot.com.
Feb. 29
CRAZY CHEMISTS: Make volcanoes with crazy chemists at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery. At 10:30 a.m. for ages 3 and older. Call to register, 697-8333. At 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org. CRITTER TIME FOR TIKES AND TOTS: WNC Nature Center’s program for ages 3-5 and parents. With activities geared toward the basic understanding of animal life, forest ecology and conservation. Includes indoor fun and games, crafts and more. $7 per child/adult combination (does not include admission to Nature Center); additional children or adults $3 each. (Friends of the WNCNC members, $5 per child/parent.) 2:30-3:30 p.m. Call 298-5600, ext. 305, to register. At 75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville. Visit www.wncnaturecenter.com.
March 3
FACE PAINTING: Free face painting (tips appreciated), noon-5 p.m. at Asheville’s Fun Depot, 7 Roberts Road, Asheville. No purchase necessary. Call 277-2FUN to confirm event hasn’t been canceled. Visit www.ashevillesfundepot.com.
calendar of events REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Classes for ages 6 months-12 years on Saturdays, March 3-24. Registration deadline is Feb. 28. Starts at $20. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org.
March 5
REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Classes for ages 6 months-12 years on Mondays and Wednesdays, March 5-28. Registration deadline is Feb. 29. Starts at $40. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org.
March 6
REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Classes for ages 6 months-12 years on Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 6-29. Registration deadline is Feb. 29. Starts at $40. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org.
March 7-18
‘THE BOXCAR CHILDREN’: Flat Rock Playhouse presents a touching tale of family togetherness. The story follows four children and their struggle to survive on their own during America’s Great Depression. For all ages. Adults $18, children $10. Performances at Downtown Playhouse in Hendersonville. Call 693-0731 or visit www.flatrockplayhouse.org.
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W N C PA R E N T | JA N UA R Y 2 0 1 2