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Building relationships

This month’s features

It happens every year. I pull together the overnight camp listings and I’m ready to chuck this job and work at a camp. Or somehow time travel back to age 10 so I can go to camp all summer. Or hit the lottery so I could send kids to a week at a resident camp because it seems like something every child should experience at least once. I’ve watched magical things occur because of camp. This summer will mark my daughter’s eighth summer at a local overnight camp. She’s created the best of memories there. She’s made best friends there. And she’s discovered she is capable of doing things she didn’t think possible. “I love that place,” she’s said. On Page 15, you’ll find a directory of dozens of overnight camps. Chances are you’ll find a camp perfect for your child. Look in our March issue for the day camp listings, as well as stories about summer camp. Beyond the directory, this is an issue about relationships. Building a good relationship with a teenager takes work. One tip: Put yourself in their shoes. (I should listen to my own advice here.) Find more ideas in the story on Page 4. It’s a tough topic, but take the time to look at the article about helping children cope with the death of a loved one on Page 6. And if you have love to spare, consider developing a relationship with a “Little.” On Page 8, read more about Big Brothers Big Sisters. I’m off to work on the day camp directory. I’ll see you in March!


Getting along


Dealing with death


Bigs and Littles

How do you find common ground with your teenager?


Being real about death can help children cope when a loved one passes away. Big Brothers Big Sisters gives kids and adults alike a chance to connect.


Finding college cash


Winter fun


Tips for securing financial aid for higher education. Find ways to entertain your family around WNC this season.

In every issue

Artist's Muse ...................28 Nature Center Notes.........31 Trip Woodard...................34 Librarian’s Picks...............36 Story Times .....................36


2014 Camp Guide A directory of spring break camps and overnight camps that are coed, girls-only, boys-only, and for special needs children.

Fight bullying Dr. Susan Mims offers advice on how to handle bullying.

Katie Wadington, Editor

On the cover Luke and Ellen Banks, by Kaelee Denise Photography, www.kaeleedenise.com. Photographed at WNC Nature Center, www.wncnaturecenter.com.

P.O. Box 2090, Asheville, NC 28802 www.wncparent.com

Michael Miller .................38 Susanna Barbee ...............40 Chris Worthy ...................42 FEAST .............................46 Kids Page ........................51 Calendar .........................52


.com Are you a member? Join the conversation, post photos and connect with other parents at WNCParent.com. Look for WNC Parent on Facebook and Twitter.

WNC PARENT EDITOR Katie Wadington — 232-5829 kwadington@citizen-times.com

ADVERTISING Katy Graziano — 236-8994 kgraziano@gannett.com

Special thanks to features editor Bruce Steele and designer Val Elmore. CALENDAR CONTENT Due by Feb. 10. E-mail calendar@wncparent.com ADVERTISING DEADLINE Advertising deadline for the March issue is Feb. 11.




HOW TO FIND COMMON GROUND By Penny Williams Special to WNC Parent


hen parents feel they have nothing in common with their kid, particularly in the teen years, how does a parent bridge that gap? As my teen daughter explained to me so vividly, she feels like “a confused chameleon in a bowl of Skittles.” I have to accept the fact that being a teen today is inherently different than my experience a few decades ago. Kids are being pulled in all sorts of directions. As much as I think I can relate to my teen daughter, we really don’t have much common ground to stand on. How do parents bridge the gap between the wisdom we gleaned from our experiences a generation ago and the reality that is being a teen today? Parents must first understand what creates and widens that gap to build a stable bridge. Fear, generational differences and the need for control from both sides push parents and their teens further away from each other. Don’t worry though — there are simple ways to narrow and bridge the divide. First, don’t accept that it’s status quo for teens and their parents to misunderstand each other. It’s crucial in any relationship to recognize and respect one another’s needs. Respect that it’s hard to be a teen today and refrain from telling them it was harder when you were their age. “It’s more helpful to acknowledge how things can be harder now and sup-

port them,” says Tara Noid, MA, LPC, a local family therapist at Balance Point. Don’t let fear control your relationship. Let your children see your vulnerabilities by communicating your fears instead of allowing them to wedge between you. Margit Crane, author of “How to Train Your Parents in 6 1/2 Days: A teen’s guide to raising people you can live with,” says, “It was hard for our parents to explain to us what dangers lurked outside the home too. Teens very often feel invincible and make decisions based on that.” It’s important to share your feelings, not just commands. Take an interest in your teen’s interests. “If they have a favorite book series, read the books with them,” Noid suggests. If they have a favorite sport, watch it together. There are many opportunities to do something mutually enjoyable as well, like going to a concert, seeing a funny movie, or sharing outdoor activities like hiking or biking.

You could even “do something as simple as make a cup of hot chocolate for both of you before bedtime,” says Susan M. Ward, MA, MS, LPCA, NCC, an Asheville-area therapeutic counseling consultant and author. Don’t make these activities a gateway to heavyduty conversations and parenting moments though — merely focus on enjoying time with each other. “Many kids complain to me that their parents are never totally ‘there,’” Ward says. “Both parents and teens need to put down their electronic devices when they’re spending time together. Time together doesn’t necessarily need to be long, but it does need to be focused on each other.” Noid agrees, “Dinner at the table with no electronics cannot be overstated.” Lastly, keep in mind how important it is for teens to feel good about themselves. “We need to ask ourselves daily, ‘Am I giving my teen the chance to shine?’” Crane suggests. “Often, our own ego or insecurities get in the way and we do too much for our teens.” Provide your teen with opportunities to do a chore correctly without parental input, react appropriately when they don’t get their way, or choose to come home rather than engage in behavior that could be dangerous. Find ways to connect consistently, where they are, and without judgment — this will strengthen your relationship and provide your teen with some much-needed stability they can count on.



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DEATH By Paul Clark, WNC Parent contributor


he day Theda Rudd was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer, she and her husband told their two children what was up. “We told them that it was very serious, that we were in for a fight, but that mom was up for it and we would do everything possible to take care of it,” Haig Rudd said. But he and she had a sense of the way things would go. Theda, 43, died June 5, 2013. Their daughter, Sadie, was 15. Son Keith was 12. What started that day was a journey that has been heartbreakingly hard, incredibly dear and impossible to predict. “There is no roadmap for this,” Haig said. The death of a loved one can seem even more stark during the frozen winter. A child’s sadness can overwhelm as frost burns the ground outside, when a suffocating quiet descends upon his or her world. How as parents and caregivers can we help children cope with the loss of a parent, a sibling, someone significant, even a pet? By being real about it, said Marsha Rand, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Asheville with specialized training in grief and loss. Family members who address death and dying as a natural part of living are better able to cope with it when it happens, she said. Rand was ill-equipped to handle her own mother’s death at 15. “My family was one of those Southern families that tried to protect the children. It wasn’t explained to me what was going on,” she said. “I felt really isolated and didn’t feel I had anyone I could talk to. So when my dad was dying of cancer, I talked openly with my children, who were 7, 9 and 12. I asked them — they’re adults now — if they remembered what that was like. They have all said they


thought it was very helpful to have that open approach.” Haig, an IT department manager for Buncombe County, asked his daughter how real she wanted him to be about her mother’s treatment and progress. “And she said ‘I want you to be very real with me,’” he said. After the initial shock of diagnosis, the Rudds spent as much time together as they could. They did things they always loved doing together, like going to the beach. They talked all the time. Haig and the children were there when Theda died. “We were looking into her eyes and had her hands in ours. We heard her last words, and we saw her take her last breath,” Haig said. “I had closed my eyes, and my children took the oxygen tubes off her face and rolled that stuff up. And they immediately started doing what had to be done. They both showed this quiet strength that I knew they had in them. Our motto was, just do the next thing.” In the sad months ahead, there was some anger — “misplaced anger,” Haig said. “My daughter in particular was

able to say ‘I’m not mad at you, I’m frustrated with the situation,’” he said. Things blew up, but “every time, the family member responsible came back and apologized,” he said. “We always came back to ‘I love you.’” He’s glad he and Theda got the children established with counselors before she died. Seeing them, which they still do on occasion, gave them a safe place to talk about things they didn’t want to discuss with their father. They told him that they felt better after the appointments. “You may see of lot of unexpected behaviors that can be pretty confusing,” said Joel Ledbetter, a counselor in Asheville. A child’s grief will likely look different from yours, he said. Like yours, it may change over time, resurfacing at Christmas and high school graduation. “There’s nothing abnormal about that,” said Lyla Yaner, the youth bereavement counselor at Kids Path, a part of CarePartners Hospice Bereavement. Children are much better at compartmentalizing their lives, so don’t be shocked if they’re playing and laughing,

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Theda Rudd died in June 2013, when daughter Sadie was 15 and son Keith was 12. After Theda’s breast cancer diagnosis, her husband Haig Rudd said the family spent as much time together as they could. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

Yaner said. It’s not that they don’t feel bad; it’s just that they need relief. And perhaps better than adults, they realize that life isn’t black or white. It’s OK not to feel terrible all the time. Haig said that everyone in his family held the title “saddest family member” for some length of time. Consistency has helped. “I had no idea that it would be so important do keep doing things the same way,” he said. “The children wanted to keep the Christmas tradition the same way. They wanted me to put the Christmas lights on the tree like Mom would. And light the Advent candles they way she did. The children love doing things that remind them of their mother. Even

if it doesn’t seem important to me, I make time to accommodate that.” Haig tries to spend time with each child. And he doesn’t hide his own feelings. He still cries on occasion. “I want them to know that that’s OK,” he said. He’s grateful to the women in the neighborhood and their church — “mothers of friends and friends of their mother,” he said — who have stepped in. He is trying to set a good example by taking good care of himself. Since the first time since Sadie was born, he got a massage. “I know that my children recognize that doing things that make me happy make me a better father and there an indirect benefit for them,” he said. “I’ve processed a lot of grief, which


allows me to be more emotionallt available to my children.” He’s closer to the children than he was before. “If we’re looking for silver linings, my children know that they can cope with real adversity and they can survive,” he said. “I myself decided not to be afraid of anything because I’ve lived through the worst thing I can possibly imagine and survived. I’ve heard my children say very similar things to that.” Now, there’s more swearing in the Rudd household than Haig is comfortable with. “But that’s a battle I decided not to fight,” he said. “Sometimes it’s two steps forward and one step back. It’s not a linear destination.”


Roy Borden, from left, Kiraji Maeweather, Pat Borden and their friend Xavier. The Bordens have been a “Big Couple” to Maeweather for 10 years now. PAUL CLARK/SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT




t one point, Roy and Pat Borden wondered if they were doing Kiraji Maeweather any good. Long after they’d been matched through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina, Kiraji still hadn’t opened up. Eight years old when the Asheville couple became his “Big Couple,” Kiraji was still quiet and reserved. The Bordens talked to his great-grandmother, with whom he lived. Maybe they weren’t doing him any good, they told her. New relationships present challenges


as well as opportunities, but few organizations facilitate those changes better than Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina, which matches “Bigs” with young people the organization calls “Littles.” Littles, signed up for the program by their caregivers, and Bigs do lots of things together, usually once a week. The goal is to give Littles a constant, consistent adult in their lives, a relationship that enriches a child and may well be the only one of its type in his or her life. Debbie Knight has been a Big Sister for almost three years. From what she can tell, she gives her “Little,” a student at Asheville Middle School, the attention, affirmation and guidance she

doesn’t get at home. “I’m not her parent, and I don’t try to be,” Knight, a former camp director, said. “But I’ve been working with kids a long time, and some things are just not appropriate and I’m going to hold her accountable.” They meet once a week to hike, cook, listen to music or whatever. Her Little is there when Knight’s family comes over to her house in Pisgah Forest. Knight has noticed that her Little’s confidence has risen. The girl is more verbal now and takes better care of herself. She’s able to stand up for herself and seems to have more pride. “She’s learning to ask for help when she needs it,” Knight said. “If she thinks something’s not OK, she will tell me or call someone else.” Knight, too, is changed. Empathetic by nature, she’s experienced empathy at a whole new level, she said. She has a young friend to do things with. So does Becky Mojica. Her Little is 10-year-old Stephanie Mead, a student at Hall Fletcher Elementary School. They’ve known each other almost two years and have been to the Biltmore House and the N.C. Arboretum, as well as contra dancing at Warren Wilson College. Recently they tried English country dancing at Homewood in Asheville’s Montford neighborhood.

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Becky Mojica, with her “Little,” Stephanie. PAUL CLARK/SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

Mojica, a school nurse, loves kids. Her sons are grown, and she misses the days when they were little. “I just love the curiosity and enthusiasm that kids have,” she said. “You remind me of me when I was a kid,” she said to Stephanie. “You see a tree and have to climb it. I lived in trees. The first day we were together, we went to Biltmore. And we were walking around and there was this beautiful tree. And she just took off for the tree.” Mojica is “a one of a kind,” Stephanie said, affection clearly in her voice. Her natural-born bigger sisters are in Raleigh, and she doesn’t see them much. She was happy when her father signed her up for a Big Sister. “It’s a great match,” she said. “I can’t imagine life without my Little Sister,” Mojica said. The Bordens certainly had their challenges with Kiraji. They’d take him places, and it seemed like he didn’t want to be there. “But I really did,” Kiraji said. “I just wasn’t able to open up yet.” The Bordens, who have been Kiraji’s Big Couple for 10 years now, took him to Asheville Tourists baseball games (he remembers being captivated by the balloon twister). They invited him to family gatherings in their home overlooking downtown. They went to his extended family’s events as well. And gradually, they noticed him opening up. “It was his great-grandmother’s insistence,” Roy said. “She told us to hang in there, that Kiraji needed us, he’d had a lot of loss in his life. You know what the moral of the story is?” “Don’t give up!” Pat said. “Don’t give up,” her husband repeated. Kiraji laughed, a grateful laugh.




COLLEGE By Pam J. Hecht, WNC Parent contributor

Your baby may be heading off to college one day. Whether that blessed, albeit, bittersweet, day is one year or 10 years away, it’s never too late to begin considering how to pay for it. But take heart: only 5 percent of families actually pay the college sticker price, says Laura Misner, regional representative for the College Foundation of North Carolina, an organization that helps families plan, apply and pay for college. Most use a combination of funds, including savings, financial aid and loans. The key is to arm yourself with information ahead of time and be a savvy college shopper. Here are some tips from the experts.

Start saving



As soon as the kids are born is not too early to begin saving up, says Misner. “Start planning as soon as you can and put aside as much as possible, but be aware of different saving options

and how it will boost aid eligibility later,” says Kal Chany, Manhattanbased college financial aid consultant and author of the book, “Paying for College without Going Broke.” Don’t make the mistake of not saving in order to be eligible for more financial aid (income is the primary factor in financial aid determination), Chany adds. Consider a college investment plan such as the NC 529, which provides tax-free earnings on investments for college expenses.

Strategize in advance

The key is to understand how financial aid is awarded, and to plan ahead — at least two or three years before college if not earlier — so that your financial picture will allow for enough financial aid, says Chany. Bone up on the financial aid process and the formulas used to determine aid by doing research online or checking the library or bookstore. For complicated financial situations, or if

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as possible to increase the chances for both need- and merit-based aid, experts add. Even if you don’t expect need-based aid, submit the FAFSA to be eligible for federal student loans, Misner adds. Check in with a tax adviser to take advantage of tax credits for education. Above all, Misner says, don’t assume that college is not within reach. If family income is $30,000 or less, the actual cost for tuition and fees would be zero at many North Carolina colleges, with additional grant money to help reduce cost of living expenses and textbooks, she says. While online net price calculators can give a general idea about the net price you’ll pay at a particular college, they aren’t completely accurate, says Chany.

Connect with colleges

Laura Misner, regional representative for the College Foundation of North Carolina, says only 5 percent of parents pay the full sticker price of college tuition. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

your child is focusing on private or elite colleges, you may want to confer with an independent financial aid consultant or a knowledgeable financial planner. After getting filing tips and gathering the necessary documentation, visit www.fafsa.gov to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). And, Misner says, for the schools that require it, complete the College Scholarship Service (CSS) PROFILE to deter-

mine eligibility for government and college-based financial aid, including subsidized federal loans, work-study and grants, certain scholarships, and to find out how much your family is expected to pay (Expected Family Contribution, or EFC). Submit these forms as soon as possible after Jan. 1. If your tax return is not ready, estimate and revise later. Meet the school’s deadlines and reapply every year. It helps to apply as early


Trying to decide on a particular university? First, check in with a knowledgeable high school counselor to help determine which colleges it makes sense to consider, says Misner. Compare individual college specs on admission criteria, costs and financial aid history. Some schools are more generous than others, and/or have a strong desire for students who fit particular academic or other profiles. Chany says to remember that higher education is a business — parents should negotiate for the best aid package they can get. “Apply strategically to colleges — if a student exceeds their admission criteria, you’re likely to get more free aid from the school,” he adds. Tell a college’s financial aid office if your family has other financial issues or Continues on Page 12


COLLEGE COSTS Continued from Page 11

changes that are not reflected in the FAFSA, such as a death in the family or other expenses. They can often override an initial offer and give more money, Misner says. Owen High School senior counselor Kitty Kelly says families should stay in continual contact with the financial aid office every year. If eligible for workstudy aid, students must apply quickly once on campus — jobs can go quickly, she adds. Meanwhile, don’t assume a large state or public school is the only affordable option, says Kelly, whose daughter, Jordan, has been able to attend Washington University in St. Louis at a price nearly equivalent to a North Carolina public university. With more money available for merit scholarships and grants, a higher-priced private or more elite school may be just as within reach or even less costly, than some public universities, particularly for a high-achieving student, Kelly says. Misner says students should be involved in the process because, “once in college, they’ll be in the driver’s seat, responsible for their finances, even if their parents are paying,” Also, when they feel they have a stake in it, they’re less likely to squander their education, Misner adds.

Apply for scholarships and grants

She also suggests focusing on local or regional scholarships awarded by community organizations and employers. Find these by checking with your high school’s counseling department or website, for starters. Colleges themselves also may grant scholarships, which are typically renewable. Kelly says to “cast those nets,” check individual college websites, as well as www.cfnc.org, for different types of scholarships. Some websites allow you to customize a scholarship search, but national scholarship search sites tend to send loads of scholarship offers, most of which will not be applicable to your child, adds Misner. Register on just a few, or it can become overwhelming, she adds. Most scholarships are merit-based for students with particular qualifications, like academics, athletics, a special




1. From birth: start saving. 2. First grade and beyond: Encourage academics and extracurricular interests. 3. 9th-10th grade: Make sure finances are maximized for financial aid. 4. 11th grade: Research colleges for specs on admission criteria and both merit and needbased aid given. Start reviewing possible scholarships. Consider taking Advanced Placement (AP) classes or dual enrollment courses to earn college credits. 5. Fall, 12th grade: Prepare and send college applications — meet individual college deadlines. Complete FAFSA and/or CSS forms and submit, as soon as possible after Jan. 1. Apply for scholarships. 6. Spring, 12th grade: Discuss and/or negotiate payment options with colleges.

» Financial Aid for College, 6-7 p.m. Feb. 18, MAHEC, register at healthcareers@mahec.net or call 257-4461. » FAFSA Day, 9 a.m.-noon Feb. 22, various locations. Get help filling out FAFSA forms. Register at cfnc.org/ fafsaday. For more information, visit www.cfnc.org or call 866-866-2362. » Planning for College, 6-7 p.m. March 11, MAHEC. College planning and financial aid process. Register at healthcareers@mahec.net or call 2574461. » Jumpstart to College, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. June 11, MAHEC. Choosing a major and college, college applications and financial aid process, scholarship information. Register at healthcareers@mahec.net or call 2574461. For additional event dates, call 257-4461 and for online webinar dates, visit www.cfnc.org or call 866-8662362. Workshops are also offered at area public schools; contact individual schools for dates. To schedule a workshop for a group, contact Laura Misner, laura.misner@cfi.org.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: » College Fund of North Carolina (CFNC), cfnc.org (parents and students can each set up accounts), 866-866-2362 » Other websites: finaid.org, collegeboard.org, studentaid.ed.gov, fafsa.gov, thecollegesolution.com » Paying for College Without Going Broke, The Princeton Review, 2014 Edition, by Kalman A. Chany, amazon.com

talent or community service. Some are available for students who are interested in particular fields of study, are members of underrepresented groups, live in certain areas of the country or have financial need. Check each school’s outside scholarship policy, to determine if scholarships lessen other types of financial aid offered. “Schools can revise the aid package they’ve offered up until the day your bill is paid,” Misner says. Avoid scholarship scams. For example, Misner warns you should never pay for scholarship information or applications. Be wary of free meal offers, claims that sound too good to be true, unusual requests for personal information, phone solicitations, or websites that promise scholarships.

flexible repayment options. Other federal loans are unsubsidized and most qualify for them, as they are not need-based, says Misner. Go online to compare the different federal and other loans available. Before resorting to a private loan, contact CFNC or call your college financial aid office for other options. Take advantage of college payment plans. Consider free college credits and lower-cost community and online colleges High school students can take free college credit courses — ask your high school counselor what’s available. Save money by enrolling in a community college the first two years or an online college program offered at both community colleges and a growing number of four-year universities.

Learn about loans

Pam J. Hecht is a freelance writer, editor and educator/tutor based in Asheville, North Carolina. E-mail her at pamjh8@gmail.com.

Some loans are better than others. For example, the federal Stafford loan offers low, fixed interest rates and

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TO HAVE FUN IN WINTER By Bryan Alper, Special to WNC Parent

arents, get out and take charge this season because there is family fun in a Western North Carolina winter. You’ll find here review of destinations with diverse activities that will encourage you to not let another frigid season fall off the calendar. Sure, home is where the heart is. However, cabin fever is for the birds and sleeping in is for the bears. “Getting out of the house can be rewarding for family members,” said Natalie Faulkner, a licensed clinical social worker who works with Buncombe County elementary students. “After the excitement of the holidays wear off, families find the winter boredom setting in, which frequently presents itself as restlessness and can lead to trouble. But when a family works toward a common goal, bonds are strengthened.”


Faulkner encourages parents to get out with their kids and volunteer, which can be exciting while creating belonging and responsibility to a child’s community, sending an important, but fun message. “Volunteering as a family gives that warm fuzzy feeling during a cold winter season,” she said. Work to have fun? Well, according to volunteer manager Maxwell Gruber of MANNA FoodBank, volunteering at MANNA is fun. Its mission is to involve, educate and unite people in the work of ending hunger in WNC. And it is a large facility that can accommodate a variety of schedules. “Family members like to get involved here and enjoy their experience of volunteering


with us because they are kept busy during their shifts,” Gruber said. “We utilize our volunteers well. They can see the importance of their work and they know that their efforts as a family are directly assisting other families within the community. Volunteering together is a great way for parents to teach their children the importance of community involvement.”


Before or after a volunteer shift at MANNA, plan to visit WNC Nature Center. It is just over the river and up the hill. It is one of the primary facilities in WNC offering children opportunities to learn about and develop an understanding of their responsibility for this area’s native Continues on Page 14




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wildlife and habitats. Families and the community can learn about the plants and animals that are native to the Southern Appalachians. Jordon Crawford, Americorps outreach associate for the Friends of the Nature Center, says the Nature Center has many interactive educational experiences for kids and families, including two “animal moments” per day including, for example, an otter feeding and an opportunity to meet a barred owl or a screech owl. “Animal moments are great because people are able to get up and personal, which is a great way to learn about wildlife,” Crawford said. There are also reptiles and amphibians that people can meet.


Along the Blue Ridge Parkway, at Milepost 384, is the Blue Ridge Parkway Visitor Center. The center has family friendly trails and features an award-winning film and exhibits, which highlight the natural and cultural heritage, economic traditions, and recreational opportunities found in WNC and along the Parkway. “We try to live up to the National Park mission statement, which is to preserve and protect for future generations,” said National Park Service Ranger Greg Mitchell. “We want the kids to understand that this belongs to them. Making a connection to nature benefits them to understand that nature needs our help. Kids love it when you put it in a dialect that makes them feel like they are a part of something that they are helping.”


For the younger kids who are just starting to get interested in arts and crafts, the Folk Art Center, just up the parkway at Milepost 382 is a great introduction to see what’s being crafted by regional, professional artists. Families may see guest appearances by artists creating their crafts and art pieces; for example, a wood turner who will make a mess with his or her shavings. “Kids know where these things come from when they see, for example, a vase, a bowl, a spoon or a broom here at The Folk Art Center,” said National Park Service Ranger Gail Fox. Also, at the Folk Art Center is an interpretive nature walking trail, which focuses on native tree species and is a nice walk for families.


Make the most out of a Blue Ridge Parkway day experience and continue to explore nature at the N.C. Arboretum, at Milepost 393. Arboretum visitors will connect with plants in personal ways that are as diverse and rich as the land itself. Whether you enjoy strolling through gardens, exploring exhibits, enriching your mind or hiking and biking, the Arboretum offers activities for all ages. The N.C. Arboretum prides itself on offering the opportunity for safe outdoor experiences. There are call boxes on the property, its own campus police staff, an enclosed border fence around the property’s perimeter and everybody goes through the gatehouse when they first enter onto the campus. “For parents that are maybe just getting interested in taking their kids outside, this is a really good spot for them,” youth education manager Jonathan Marchal said. “There’s a lot of parents who blaze trails all through national forests, but If you’re kind of new to outdoor recreation, this is a great spot.”


In the far western mountain town of Bryson City, the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad offers a 4.5-hour, 44-mile tour as it follows the Tuckasegee River, runs over the Fontana Lake Trestle and passes through the Nantahala River Gorge. The tour makes a one-hour sightseeing stop at the Nantahala Outdoor Center. This historic railroad offers tourists a unique way to see some of the most beautiful mountain areas of North Carolina. Get more interactive with the mountains themselves at Sugar Mountain in Banner Elk. It’s a longtime favorite with families and is the largest ski area in North Carolina. There are 115 ski-able acres and 20 runs, along with seven lifts, including one triple, four doubles, and two surface lifts. It’s also home to another great winter activity: ice skating. Visitors will find Sugar Mountain Resort’s 10,000square-foot ice skating rink is perfect for all kinds of activities, including hockey, figure skating, and good, old-fashioned ice skating. The rink opens for business at 10 a.m. each morning, and sessions, which last for 1 hour and 45 minutes each, begin every other hour, on the hour, until 8 p.m.

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YMCA Camp Harrison at Herring Ridge near Boomer offers campers a traditional residential camp experience. LAURA MUELLER PHOTOGRAPHY/SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

ADVENTURE AWAITS I Katie Wadington WNC Parent Editor

magine just getting away from it all, for a week or even a month. Reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. Getting out into nature. Playing games. Learning new skills you won’t find at home, like archery or horseback riding. All of this is within reach at the dozens of summer camps that call WNC home. Summer camp is good for more than just fun. While campers enjoy themselves, they are gaining life skills, building self-confidence, learning to be leaders and more. On pages 16-27 of this issue, you'll find residential camp opportunities for children who have finished kindergarten or are heading to college. There are boys camps, girls camps and coed camps. They focus on nature, or spirituality or academics. Now is just the right time to think about summer camps. Browse this directory, find more details on camps’ websites, then book a summer of adventure for your little ones. First off, you’ll find a few spring break day camps. Coming next month, we’ll give you the details on Asheville-area summer day camps.


SUMMER CAMP EXPO & FAMILY FUN DAY » Mark your calendar now for the magazine’s fourth-annual Summer Camp Expo, set for 11 a.m.-3 p.m. March 1 at the WNC Agricultural Center in Fletcher. You can gather information and talk to camp staff to help plan your summer. And bring the children along — there will be entertainment for them, including a bounce house. For details, visit CITIZENTIMES.com/campexpo. » Also at this event: Your chance to enter your child to be part of the magazine’s Cover Kids contest.


2014 CAMP GUIDE / SPRING BREAK See individual listing for dates.

ABYSA, FUNdamentals Camp

» www.abysa.org; 299-7277, ext. 304; shane@abysa.org » 9 a.m.-noon (ages 5-6) or 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (ages 7-14) March 31-April 4 Ages 5-14. Games-centered teaching approach to soccer education. Campers organized by age group and skill level. Camp will use games, designed to build technical foundations for soccer skills. Ages 11-14 will be exposed to individual and small-group tactical implications of the game. At John B. Lewis Soccer Complex at Azalea Park in East Asheville. $115 half-day; $195 for full day.

Art Buzz Kids

» www.wineanddesignus.com/Asheville; 255-2442; wineanddesignasheville@gmail.com » 10 a.m.-2 p.m. March 31-April 4 Ages 6 and older. Spring into creativity by exploring drawing, painting and sculpture. Snack provided, bring lunch. At 640 Merrimon Ave. $150.

Bricks 4 Kidz

» www.bricks4kidz.com/asheville; wland@bricks4kidz.com » 10 a.m.-2 p.m. April 1 and 3


Ages 5-12. Come build with Legos, making motorized models, making crafts and having fun. Held in a party room at Fun Depot, 2 Roberts Road, Asheville. Send a lunch and water bottle. Register online. $35.

Hahn’s Gymnastics

» www.hahnsgymnastics.com; hahnsgymnastics@hotmail.com; 684-8832 » 8 a.m.-12:30 or 6 p.m. March 31-April 4 and April 14-18 Ages 3-12. Gymnastics, games, crafts, snack, outdoor activities, more. Half-day camp for ages 3-12, $18 per day or $90 per week. Full day for ages 5-12, $34 per day or $170 per week. At 18 Legend Drive, Arden.

Muddy Sneakers

» www.campmuddysneakers.org; l indsay@muddysneakers.org; 862-5560 » 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. March 24-28 (Brevard/Pisgah Forest) and April 14-18 (Mills River/Fletcher/Arden/ Asheville) Rising grades 4-7. Campers will explore different ecosystems around WNC, learning animal habitats, aquatic ecosystems, geology, FBI! (fungus, bacteria and insects), weather and more. $295.


» www.playballasheville.com;

maxyplayball@gmail.com; 575-3000 » 9 a.m.-1 p.m. April 14-17 Ages 3-5. Each day is a discovery of movement, sport, song, dance, and crafts. Outdoor activities, including favorite Playball games and grass sports like football, soccer, cricket, rugby, field hockey, plus relay races, coordination games, and obstacle courses. Indoor games are held in large recreation hall and bring out the tennis player, volleyball player and basketball star in everyone. At St. Paul's United Methodist Church Preschool, 223 Hillside St., Asheville. $40 per day or $140 for four-day session.

Roots + Wings School of Art and Design

» www.rootsandwingsarts.com; info@rootsandwingsarts.com; 545-4827 » 9 a.m.-1 p.m. April 14-18 Ages 3-6 and grades K-5. “Dragons, Castles and Crowns: Imaginative Adventures in Make Believe.” Explore animals, lands and characters that live in our imaginations. Campers will work in a diverse collection of art and design media and gain experience working collaboratively as well as individually. Students will work with drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, bookmaking, sculpture and more. At R+W classrooms in The Cathedral of All Souls, Biltmore Village. $155, sibling discount of $15.

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2014 CAMP GUIDE / COED OVERNIGHT Adventure Treks

before students get there. Take courses, live on campus in residence halls, participate in Q&A sessions with college admissions teams and take a road trip to major cities or popular attractions near the college. Explore George Washington University in Washington; Stonehill College in Easton, Mass.; Lehigh University in Behtlehem, Pa.; UCLA in Los Angeles; University of California, San Diego; and University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

» www.adventuretreks.com; 888-954-5555; info@adventuretreks.com » June-August; 16-day and longer trips Ages 12-18. Travel camp with backpacking, rock climbing, mountaineering, canoeing, mountain biking, sea kayaking, sailing, canyoneering and whitewater rafting. Blue Ridge Adventure visits North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Other locations around U.S. available. Starts at $2,850.

Blue Star Camps, Hendersonville

Appalachian Institute for Creative Learning, Swannanoa

» www.appalachianinstitute.org; 800-951-7442; info@appalachianinstitute.org » July 13-19 and 20-26 Rising 3rd- to 12th-graders. AICL creates an environment in which it’s safe to laugh and learn, to risk and fail, to experiment with something outside of one’s competence. Campers are called “motivated learners,” figuring that anyone who shows up to take biology, math or art in July is motivated. Campers classes in topics include science and math, history, society and culture, visual arts, drama, more. At Warren Wilson College. $695 residential one week, $1,315 residential two weeks, $425 day camp.

Xplore USA offers two weeks in England partaking in many classic camp activities in an international setting. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

Blueprint Summer Programs

» www.bpsummerprograms.com; 877-415-1111 » June-July Rising high-schoolers. Blueprint offers a chance for students to discover what it is like to be in college


» www.bluestarcamps.com; 692-3591; fun@bluestarcamps.com; @bluestarcamps » June 15-Aug. 3, 4- to 8-week sessions Rising 1st- to 12th-graders. Jewish coed (first- to third-graders and 10th- and 11th-graders) and separate boys and girls camps (fourth- to ninth-graders) on 500-acre campus. Riding, swimming, land and water sports, trips, dramatic arts, kayaking, ropes course, rock climbing, tennis, more. Founded in 1948. Starts at $2,600.

Buffalo Cove Outdoor Education Center Earth Camp, Blowing Rock » www.buffalocove.com; 964-1473; charleecamp@aol.com

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2014 CAMP GUIDE / COED OVERNIGHT Continued from Page 17

Experiential education in the lessons of the Southern Appalachian Mountains, with orienteering, ropes course, trekking, canoeing, rafting, tracking, basketry, wilderness survival, organic gardening, archery, woodworking and more. $550-$1,500.

» June 16-Aug. 7; 10- and 25-day sessions Rising 2nd- to 10th-graders. Coed pluralistic Jewish community that celebrates the diversity of all denominations of Jewish life around the world. Strengthening Jewish identity is a core product of the program. This results in strong future Jewish leaders empowered to lead their communities in tikkun olam, repairing the world. $2,000-$4,150.

Camp Cedar Cliff

Camp Living Water, Bryson City

2012 CAMP GUIDE / COED OVERNIGHT » July 5-18 (ages 12-17) and July 22-27 (ages 8-12)

» www.campcedarcliff.org; camp@campcedarcliff.org; 450-3331 » June 14-Aug. 1; half-, 1- and 2-week sessions Rising 2nd- to 10th-graders. Christian camp at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove with archery, BB guns, zip line, high ropes courses, swimming, whitewater rafting, climbing wall, rappelling, Bible studies, and more. $370-$1,3080.

» www.camplivingwater.com; 488-6012; dirclw@gmail.com » July 6-Aug. 1 Ages 7-17. Activities include handcrafts, tubing, horseback riding, gem mining, climbing wall and Alpine Tower, swimming, archery, riflery, and much much more. Offers Teen Camp, CIT and Junior Camp. Places emphasis on spiritual growth, with time for Bible reading, prayer and group discussions.

Camp Celo, Burnsville

Camp Lutherock, Newland

» www.campcelo.com; info@campcelo.com; 675-4323 » June 15-Aug. 16; 1-, 2- and 3-week sessions Ages 7-12. Family run camp for more than 50 years. Farm setting is basis for much of camp activity. Campers care for animals, harvest the garden, hike, camp, swim and tube. With arts and crafts, skits, wood shop, nature appreciation and big group games. $1,000-$2,150.

Camp Chatuga, Mountain Rest, S.C.

» www.campchatuga.com; 864-638-3728 » June 16-July 26; 1- to 4-week sessions Grades 1-11. Established in 1956, Camp Chatuga is the only private, independent resident camp in South Carolina. Family run, offering more than 30 daily activities including horseback, water skiing, BMX bikes, crafts, drama, archery, riflery and sports. Depending on the camper’s number of years at Chatuga and session choice, day trips include rafting Chattooga River, a canopy zipline tour, visiting a water park or rollerskating party. $665-$2,465.

Camp Cheerio, Glade Valley

» www.campcheerio.org; 800-226-7496; director@campcheerio.org » June 8-July 5 (girls only) and July 6-Aug. 15 (coed); 6-day to 2-week sessions Ages 7-15. YMCA camp with aquatics, kayaking, climbing, fishing, cheerleading, horseback riding, arts and crafts, rocketry, sports, high ropes, canoeing, tumbling, hiking, more. $930-$1,860.

Camp Harrison, Boomer

» www.campharrison.org; facebook.com/ycampharrison; campharrison@ymcacharlotte.org; 800-514-1417 » June 8-Aug. 16; 1- and 2-week sessions (2- and 4-week teen leadership sessions) Ages 6-16. Through traditional camp a variety of land activities are offered: ropes course, sports and crafts. Traditional resident camp activities provide adventure as vast as the great outdoors. Exploring


» www.lutherock.com; info@llmi.org; 733-5868 » June 8-Aug. 2, 1-week sessions Ages 8-19, completed grades 3-12. Christian outdoor adventure camp with creek walks, hiking, group interaction course, rock climbing, rafting, rock slides, camp outs, making ice cream, worship, ropes courses, backpacking. Starts at $470, with discounts before May 15.

A camper rides the zip line over the lake at Camp Tekoa, which offers residential and day camp programs. WNC PARENT PHOTO nature builds knowledge of the environment and appreciation for the delicate balance of the world around them. Starting at $830.

Camp Henry, Canton

» www.camphenry.net; 646-7230; camphenry@lakelogan.org » June 15-Aug. 16, 4-day mini camp, 1-week sessions Ages 7-17. At Lake Logan Episcopal Center. Activities include swimming, boating, fishing, hiking, sports, games, arts/crafts, alpine tower climbing, more. Teen challenge camp options. With environmental education and more. Camp Henry is a Christian camp started in 1937, with programs and worship run by staff and clergy. $275-$535.

Camp Highlander, Mills River

» www.camphighlander.com; email@camphighlander.com; 891-7721 » June 8-Aug. 1; 6- to 20-day sessions Ages 5-16. On-camp and off-camp adventures and activities including canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking, hiking, horseback riding, swimming, water skiing, arts and crafts, pottery, archery, riflery and more. Family camp offered Memorial Day weekend. Founded in 1957. $1,225-$3,950.

Camp Judaea, Hendersonville

Camp Pinewood, Hendersonville

» www.camppinewood.net; 692-6239; sue@camppinewood.net » June 15-Aug. 10; 4- and 8-week sessions Completed grades 1-10. Traditional camping program including a water skiing program, tubing, archery, go-karts, horseback riding, tennis, field trips and more. First-timer sessions for campers who have completed grades 1-3. $2,350-$7,350. New camper discount available.

Camp Pinnacle, Flat Rock

» www.camppinnacle.com; info@camppinnacle.com; 855-378-1928 » June 20-Aug. 3; 2- and 4-week sessions Ages 8-14. Separate programs for boys and girls. With swimming, boating, riflery, archery, tennis, disc golf, game room, crafts, drama, yoga, painting, nature program, field sports and more. Promotes nondenominational values. Venture Program offers day and overnight trips. $2,750-$5,150.

Camp Tekoa, Hendersonville

» www.camptekoa.org; 692-6516 » June 8-Aug. 9; 4-day to 1-week sessions Ages 7-17. Camp owned by the United Methodist Church offers classic activities like boating, swimming, fishing, high ropes course, climbing tower, arts and crafts, hiking, devotions and more, along with adventure options like all-girls adventure camp. Starts at $220 for mini-camps, $440 for full week.

» www.campjudaea.org; info@campjudaea.org; 404-634-7883

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COED OVERNIGHT Camp Thunderbird, Lake Wylie, SC

www.campthunderbird.org; 800-732-3855 June 8-Aug. 15, 1- and 2-week sessions Ages 7-16. Nationally-recognized water program with variety of water sports and activities. Experienced instructors, latest in boating and equipment, and the perfect lakefront backdrop for a summer on the water. Starting at $860.

Camp Wayfarer, Flat Rock

www.campwayfarer.com; 696-9000; info@campwayfarer.com June 16-Aug. 1; 5- to 40-day sessions Ages 6-16, completed grades 1-11. Traditional camp with aquatics program, creative arts, equestrian program, fine arts, sport and fitness program, target sports, and high adventure and wilderness program. $1,800-$4,600.

Camp Woodmont, Cloudland, Ga.

www.campwoodmont.com; 423-472-6070; alyson@campwoodmont.com June 1-July 25, 1- and 2-week sessions Ages 6-14. Traditional camp on Lookout Mountain in northwest Georgia with horseback riding, high ropes course, climbing, sports, dance, crafts, canoeing, archery and more in a Christian environment. $805$1,275 with discounts before March 31.

Cheerio Adventures, Mouth of Wilson, Va.

www.cheerioadventures.com; 800-226-7496; info@cheerioadventures.com; June 8-Aug. 9; 6-day, 1- and 2-week sessions Ages 10-17. YMCA camp with backpacking in Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, climbing in Grayson Highlands State Park, caving, rafting the New River, overnight canoe trip, and more. $930-$2,080.


www.crossfireministry.com; 255-9111

Eagle’s Nest Camp, Pisgah Forest

www.enf.org; 336-761-1040 (winter), 884-2788; info@enf.org; @EaglesNestCamp June 7-Aug. 8; 8-, 14- and 20-day sessions Grades K-11. Encourages boys and girls to live and grow simply, rooted by intentional experiences and connection to community. Activities promote selfexpression, personal growth, skill building and fun. Eagle’s Nest provides campers the opportunity to slow down and reconnect with the core values of nature, friendship and joyful living. $1,470-$3,990.

Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont, Townsend, Tenn.

www.gsmit.org; 865-448-6709; mail@gsmit.org June-July; 5- to 10-day sessions Ages 9-17. Tremont offers nature exploration camps, science camps and backpacking camps inside Great

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2014 CAMP GUIDE / COED OVERNIGHT Continued from Page 19

1935. $1,475-$4,050.

Smoky Mountains National Park. $539-$1,130.

Holston Presbytery Camp, Banner Elk

Green River Preserve, Cedar Mountain

www.greenriverpreserve.org; 698-8828; info@greenriverpreserve.org June 8-Aug. 10; 6- to 22-day sessions Rising 2nd-graders to college freshmen. On a 3,400-acre wildlife preserve. Noncompetitive camp connecting kids with nature. Daily explorations with naturalists, fly-fishing, gardening, canoeing, outdoor skills, painting, pottery, archery and more. Programs include theater intensive, mountain biking, artist in residency, Trout Unlimited youth fly-fishing program. Two-week expedition programs in Blue Ridge Mountains and at Outer Banks for rising high-schoolers. $1,275-$3,600.

Gwynn Valley Camp, Brevard

www.gwynnvalley.com; 885-2900; mail@gwynnvalley.com June 7-Aug. 10; 1-, 2-, 3-week and 10-day sessions Completed grades K-8. Traditional summer program with a working farm and wilderness trips. Includes kayaking, mountain biking, climbing, backpacking, arts, drama, music, sports, archery, horseback, campcraft, nature lessons. Open since


Land of the Sky Wilderness School, Haywood County

www.holstoncamp.org; 898-6611 June 15-July 18; 1-week sessions Christian camp with rock climbing, kayaking, canoeing, archery, swimming, crafts, cookouts, backpacking, hiking, Bible study, recreation, paintball, fishing. Campers choose daily activities. See website for ages, rates.

www.lotswild.com; lotswilderness@gmail.com; 2800847 June 16-Aug. 1 Ages 8-17. Highland Scout Camp summer courses include team tasks, martial arts training, Appalachian history, Cherokee lore, survival training, blacksmithing, drumming, Leave No Trace, more. See website for themes and details. Limited to 10 campers per week. $385; discount before May 1.


Lutheridge, Arden

www.kanuga.org; 692-9136 Camp Kanuga, June 5-Aug. 4, 4- to 13-day sessions. Ages 7-15. Christian camp at Kanuga Conferences, an Episcopal center. Programs include adventure activities, sports and crafts, which designed to build independence and self-confidence while teaching the importance of respect towards each other and the world around them. Offering camp since 1931. $475-$1,395. Trailblazer Adventure, June 15-July 11, 13-day sessions. Ages 15-17. Backpacking trek along the Appalachian Trail or Paddle and Pack Trailblazer Adventure includes a backpacking trek and a flat-water canoe camping trip. $1,500-$1.700.

www.llmi.net; facebook.com/lutheridge; info@llmi.org June 8-Aug. 2; 1-week sessions Completed grades 1-12. Half-week sessions for younger campers. Crafts, games, swimming, singing, worship, and Bible study with an emphasis on creativity and Christian community. Specialized programs can include music or outdoor specialization. Middle and high school programs can feature “night owl� schedule. Half-week $245; full week starts at $460. Discounts before May 15.

Missions Camp, Fletcher

www.hollerministries.com; 651-9827; info@hollerministries.com June 22-29 Ages 13-19. Holler Ministries hosts a camp where

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2014 CAMP GUIDE / COED OVERNIGHT experienced missionaries share their experiences and train Missions Camp participants for international missions work. Trainees are young people age 12-20 who have an expressed interest in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ locally and internationally. Register by April 15. $100 security deposit required.

Mountain Adventure Guides, Pisgah National Forest www.mtnadventureguides.com; 866-813-5210

North Carolina Outward Bound

www.ncoutwardbound.org; 888-756-2627; info@ncobs.org June-August; 4-, 9- and 14-day sessions Parent-child course is for ages 12 and older; other sessions ages 14-16 and 16-18. Wilderness-based programs that may include backpacking, rock climbing and/or whitewater canoeing. Some include a formal service project; all include learning to use a map and compass for navigation and leadership and outdoor skill development.

N.C. Trout Unlimited, Canton

www.rivercourse.org; nctu.rivercourse@gmail.com Rivercourse Coldwater Conservation and Fly-Fishing camp, June 15-20 Ages 13-15. Emphasizes Trout Unlimited’s mission, the conservation of cold water fisheries, with fly

fishing, fly tying, field trip to Fish Hatchery in Pisgah National Forest, swimming. At Lake Logan. $595.

O’Connor Method Camp Charleston, Charleston, S.C.

www.oconnormethodcampcharleston.com; oconnorcharleston@gmail.com July 27-Aug. 1 Strings camp. Classical, fiddle, blues, jazz. For violin, viola, cello, bass. In Historic Downtown Charleston. For all playing levels. Accredited teacher training in The O’Connor Method, a New American method of string playing. See website for details.

Quaker Lake Camp, Climax

www.quakerlakecamp.org; 336-674-2321 June 7-Aug. 2 Ages 5-17. Christian camp near Greensboro. Bible study, crafts, swimming, organized recreation, group games, canoeing, ping-pong, frisbee golf, gardening, fishing, singing, campouts, and a closing campfire worship service. One-day camp for 5- and 6-year-olds.

Ridge Haven, Brevard

www.ridgehaven.org/camps; 877-862-3916 June 2-Aug. 1 Rising 3rd- to 12th-graders. Christian camp on 902 acres at Presbyterian Church in America’s conference


center. Ropes courses, climbing tower, archery, swimming, games, whitewater rafting, more. Discounts before Feb. 17, March 17, April 17.

South Mountain Christian Camp, Bostic

www.southmountainchristiancamp.org; 245-3322; smcc@blueridge.net 1-week sessions Ages 7-15. Christian programming with ropes course, climbing wall, giant swing, crafts, swimming, hiking, boating, small group Bible devotionals, nightly chapel services. $165. Financial assistance is available.

Summer College in Biotechnology and Life Science, N.C. State

http://harvest.cals.ncsu.edu/academic/index.cfm?pageID=1975 July 7-Aug. 1 Rising juniors and seniors with 3.5 GPA and recommendation. Students interested in a career in science participate in a college-level program in state-ofthe-art labs at N.C. State. Coursework includes introductory courses in molecular biology, microbiology and biochemistry lab practices, and microbial

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Continued from Page 21 biotechnology for college credit. $1,752 (includes program fee, tuition and housing but not food).

Swannanoa 4-H Camp

www.nc4h.org/centers/swannanoa-4-h-camp/; 6863196

True Nature, Candler www.truenaturecamp.org; truenaturecamp@gmail.com

Western Carolina University, Cullowhee

Intensive Musical Theater Summer Camp: July 6-20. Ages 15-22. Triple Arts is a unique musical theater intensive designed to give aspiring performers, at any level, the opportunity to work directly with top industry professionals. Founded by Broadway veterans, and current stars of the Tony-winning Broadway revival of “Pippin,” Terrence Mann and Charlotte d’Amboise. Triple Arts workshops build a strong foundation of confidence and skills while challenging students to reach new levels of personal achievement in acting, singing, and dancing. Students live on campus, with sessions 9 a.m.-10 p.m. daily. $1,600 tuition, $800 housing and meals. Details here: http://bit.ly/1mXwK5K


www.xploreusa.org; 651-8502; info@xploreusa.org Intercultural/International adventure travel camp with trips to Washington, D.C.; Orlando, Fla.; and Westonbirt, England, all leaving from Asheville. Visits to museums, monuments theme parks, national parks etc. With activities including volleyball, tennis, soccer, dance, crafts, swimming, wake boarding, climbing, kayaking, dine outs, movies, team competitions, community service, cultural workshops and more. England, July 5-19 (ages 12-16); Washington, July 26-Aug. 2/Aug. 2-9 (ages 10-14/15-18); Orlando, Aug. 2-9 (ages 10-14/15-18) one week program. Starting at $1060.

YMCA Camp Greenville, Cedar Mountain

www.campgreenville.org; 864-242-1111, ext. 34 June 8-Aug. 9; 1- and 2-week sessions Ages 7-17, with specialty camps for 5- and 6-yearolds with parents. Traditional has arts and crafts, horseback riding, target sports, swimming and boating, field sports and more. Adventure programs include backpacking, mountain biking, rock climbing, whitewater, caving, fly-fishing and more. Starts at $675 for Y members, $805 nonmembers.

2014 CAMP GUIDE/ BOYS’ OVERNIGHT Blue Star Camps, Hendersonville

» www.bluestarcamps.com; 692-3591; fun@bluestarcamps.com; @bluestarcamps » June 15-Aug. 3, 4- to 8-week sessions Rising 1st- to 12th-graders. Jewish coed (1st- to 3rdgraders and 10th- and 11th-graders) and separate boys and girls camps (4th- to 9th-graders) on 500-acre campus. Riding, swimming, sports, trips, dramatic arts, kayaking, ropes course, rock climbing, tennis, more. Founded in 1948. Starts at $2,600.

Camp Arrowhead, Tuxedo

» www.camparrowhead.org; office@camparrowhead.org; 692-1123 » June 22-Aug. 9, 4-day to 6-week sessions Ages 6-16. Since 1937, building character, confidence, courage and compassion in a Christian environment. With archery, kayaking, rock climbing, biking, blacksmithing, swimming, backpacking, horseback riding, nature/ecology, fishing, tribal competitions, more. $275-$995.

Camp Carolina, Brevard

» www.campcarolina.com; 884-2414; info@campcarolina.com » June 8-Aug. 15, 1- to 10-week sessions

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2014 CAMP GUIDE / BOYS’ OVERNIGHT Completed grades K-12. Activities at 220-acre camp and off-site include mountain boarding, horseback riding, mountain biking, skateboarding, kayaking, canoeing, rafting, rock-climbing, caving, wakeboarding, team sports, arts and crafts, yoga and more. Founded in 1924. Starts at $1,500.

sailing, swimming, sports, canoeing, backpacking, mountain biking, rock climbing, crafts and archery/ riflery. $1,400-$5,400.

Camp Mondamin, Tuxedo

» www.mondamin.com; 800-688-5789; mondamin@mondamin.com » May 28-Aug. 17; 5-day to 5-week sessions Ages 6-17. Backpacking, kayaking, canoeing, sailing, mountain biking, rock climbing, horseback riding, overnight camping trips, mountaineering, more. Sister camp is Green Cove. Founded in 1922. $1,110-$6,050.

Camp Chosatonga, Pisgah National Forest

» www.kahdalea.com; 884-6834; office@kahdalea.com » June 6-Aug. 4; 2 weeks to full summer Ages 8-17. Emphasis on Christian ideals but respectful of Jewish roots. Backpacking, tennis, horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, high ropes challenge course, nature study, mountain biking, drama, arts and crafts, rock climbing, archery, fishing, more. Sister camp is Camp Kahdalea. Starts $2,850.

Camp Daniel Boone Boy Scout Camp, Canton » www.campdanielboone.org; Brian Estler, 800-526-6708, brian.estler@bsamail.org Boy Scouts register through their troops. Merit badges, rock climbing, rafting, hiking, more.

Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Ridgecrest

Camp Carolina, outside Brevard, offers programs for boys in grades K-12. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

Camp High Rocks, Cedar Mountain

» www.highrocks.com; 885-2153; mail@highrocks.com; @CampHighRocks » June 9-Aug. 10, 6-day to 4-week sessions Ages 7-16. Starter camp and mini sessions for younger campers. Smaller camp with 145 campers at a time. Activities at 1,000-acre facility include horseback riding,


» www.ridgecrestcamps.com; 800-968-1630; rscamps@ridgecrestcamps.com » June 8-Aug. 9; 2- to 8-week sessions, plus starter camp Ages 7-16. Christian camp with archery, mountain biking, Bible study, horseback riding, riflery, swimming, canoeing, tennis, more. Founded in 1929. $650$6,200 with discounts.

Camp Rockmont, Black Mountain

» www.rockmont.com; info@rockmont.com; 686-3885 » June 8-Aug. 8; 1- to 4-week sessions

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BOYS’ OVERNIGHT Continued from Page 23 Ages 6-16. Camp Rockmont’s focus is male development in an intentional Christian community. Activities include camping, hiking, kayaking, blacksmithing, homesteading, canoeing, crafts, guitar, Bible study, and more! Campers live in a cabin of 8-12 boys their age, select four skills to learn and develop, and participate in large-group activities with their age group. Established in 1956, Camp Rockmont offers a big dose of naturebased challenge, inspiration, and rejuvenation. $1,250-$4,950.

Camp Timberlake, Black Mountain

» www.camptimberlake.com; email@camptimberlake.com; 669-8766 » June 2-Aug. 7; 6-day to 5-week sessions Ages 7-16. Christian camp offers riding, backpacking, tennis, rock climbing, wrestling, paintball, archery, spelunking, riflery, mountain biking, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, guitar, soccer, ropes course, fencing and more. Tribal system gives boys a sense of belonging and helps develop healthy sense of competition. Sister camp is Camp Merri-Mac. $1,400-$5,000.

Christ School Lacrosse Camp, Arden

» www.revolutionlaxcamp.com; 684-6232, ext. 107; laxcamp@christschool.org » June 29-July 3; 1-week session with day and overnight campers Ages 9-17. Designed for all skill levels and known throughout the Southeast as the premier instructional lacrosse camp. Staff includes professional players, Division I college coaches and top-level high school coaches. $395 for day campers, $465 for boarding campers.

Deep Woods Camp or Boys, Brevard

» www.deepwoodscamp.com; deepwoods@citcom.net; 885-2268 » June 8-Aug. 16; 4-, 5-, 9- and 10-week sessions Ages 9-14. Hiking, backpacking, whitewater canoeing and rafting, mountain biking, rock climbing. $2,000-$5,000.

Falling Creek Camp, Tuxedo

» www.fallingcreek.com; 692-0262; mail@fallingcreek.com » June 1-Aug. 8; 6-, 13-, 20- and 27-day sessions Completed grades 1-10. Mountain biking, rock climbing, backpacking, canoeing and whitewater kayaking, water activities, sports, horseback riding, more on 525 acres. Adventure trip offered during two-, three- and four-week sessions. Camp’s mission is to give boys an opportunity for personal growth and fun as they develop an understanding of their relationships with nature, their fellow man, and God. Founded in 1969. $1,350-$5,375.


2014 CAMP GUIDE / GIRLS’ OVERNIGHT Ballet Conservatory of Asheville Summer Intensive

» www.balletconservatoryofasheville.com/ summer; 255-5777 » June 23-July 19 Ages 10 and older, with serious interest in ballet. Daily classes with concentrated, professional instruction in ballet, pointe, variations, partnering, men’s class, modern, jazz, hip-hop, Pilates, acting for dancers, nutrition, injury prevention, and ballet history. Classes meet 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9:30 a.m.-noon Saturdays. Housing available for out-of-town residents. Admission by audition or video. Audition is Feb. 16 at 5 Points Studios, 6 E. Chestnut St., Asheville. See website for audition details. $1,700-$1,800 tuition; $1,600 room and board.

Blue Ridge Dance Camp

» www.ashevilleballet.com; Ann Dunn, 252-4761 » Aug. 3-8 Ages 10-18. Asheville Ballet’s summer intensive with daily classes in ballet, pointe, repertoire, modern, jazz, choreography and dance history. Limited to 15 students, who stay at home of director Ann Dunn. $650.

Blue Star Camps, Hendersonville

» www.bluestarcamps.com; 692-3591; fun@bluestarcamps.com; @bluestarcamps » June 15-Aug. 3, 4- to 8-week sessions Rising 1st- to 12th-graders. Jewish coed (first- to third-graders and 10th- and 11th-graders) and separate boys and girls camps (fourth- to ninthgraders) on 500-acre campus. Riding, swimming, land and water sports, trips, dramatic arts, kayaking, ropes course, rock climbing, tennis, more. Founded in 1948. Starts at $2,600.

Camp Carysbrook, Riner, Va.

» www.campcarysbrook.com; info@campcarysbrook.com; 540-382-1670 » June 22-Aug. 10 1- to 7-week sessions Ages 6-16. Horseback riding, outdoor living skills, sports, nature study, caving, rock climbing, more. Founded in 1923. $950-$5,355 with sister discount.

Camp Cheerio, Glade Valley

» www.campcheerio.org; 800-226-7496; director@campcheerio.org » June 8-July 5 (girls only) and July 6-Aug. 15 (coed); 6-day to 2-week sessions Ages 7-15. YMCA camp with aquatics, kayaking, climbing, fishing, cheerleading, horseback riding, arts and crafts, rocketry, sports, high ropes, canoeing, tumbling, hiking, basketball and more. $930-$1,860.

Camp Crestridge, Ridgecrest

» www.ridgecrestcamps.com; 800-968-1630; rscamps@ridgecrestcamps.com

» June 8-Aug. 8; 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-week sessions with a 1-week starter camp Ages 7-16. Christian camp with archery, mountain biking, Bible study, horseback riding, riflery, swimming, canoeing, tennis, volleyball, off-campus trips and more. Sister camp to Ridgecrest. $650-$6,200 with sibling discounts.

Camp Ginger Cascades, Lenoir

» www.camplikeagirl.org » June 15-July 11; weeklong sessions Rising grades 1-12. Open to registered and nonregistered Girl Scouts alike. Activities include rock climbing, swimming, canoeing and kayaking, arts and crafts, rafting, adventure trips and more. Discount before March 17.

Camp Glen Arden, Tuxedo

» www.campglenarden.com; 692-8362; tajarden@aol.com » June 9-Aug. 5; 2- to 4-week sessions Rising 1st- to 11th-graders. Archery, horseback riding, canoeing, gymnastics, sailing, rock climbing, pottery, photography, kayaking, sports, performing arts, more. “Progression system” allows girls to set their own pace within activity schedules. Founded in 1951. $2,900-$4,950.

Camp Green Cove, Tuxedo

» www.greencove.com; 800-688-5789; greencove@greencove.com » May 28-Aug. 17; 5-day to 5-week sessions Ages 6-17. Noncompetitive camp with swimming, kayaking, canoeing, sailing, mountain biking, backpacking, rock climbing, horseback riding, overnight camping trips and more. Founded in 1945. Brother camp is Mondamin. $1,100-$6,050.

Camp Greystone, Tuxedo

» www.campgreystone.com; office@campgreystone.com; 693-3182 » May 26-Aug. 8; 5-day to 4-week sessions Rising 1st- to 12th-graders. A 150-acre camp on Lake Summit founded in 1920. Horseback riding, gymnastics, rope course, water skiing, sailing, tennis, softball, archery, ceramics, jewelry making, knitting, painting, Bible classes and more. $1,150-$6,300.

Camp Hollymont, Asheville

» www.hollymont.com; 4info@hollymont.com; 686-5343; » June 15-July 25; 7-, 13-, 20 and 27-day sessions Ages 6-15. Activities and skills include archery, arts and crafts, basketball, cooking, dance, digital photography, drama, horseback riding, sewing, swimming, volleyball, tennis, and more. Large group evening activities include talent show, counselor hunt, Navajo race, Big Sis/Lil Sis nights, country fair night, more. High adventure trips include ziplining, whitewater rafting and more. $1,645$6,290.

Camp Illahee, Brevard

» www.campillahee.com; mail@campillahee.com; 883-2181 » June 1-Aug. 8; 1-week to 4-week sessions Rising grades 2-11. Traditional camp on 110 acres that

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Continues on Page 26



2014 CAMP GUIDE / GIRLS’ OVERNIGHT Continued from Page 24 opened in 1921. With swimming, arts and crafts, weaving, pottery, drama, cooking, tennis, gymnastics, horseback riding, marksmanship, fitness, team sports, ropes course, rock climbing, canoeing and kayaking and more. $1,375-$5,250.

Camp Kahdalea, Pisgah National Forest

» http://kahdalea.com; 884-6834 » June 6-Aug. 4; 2 weeks to full summer, with 6-day starter camp Ages 7-17. Camp with backpacking, tennis, horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, high ropes challenge course, nature study, mountain biking, drama, sign language, arts and crafts, riflery, rock climbing, archery, fishing, dance, more. Camp has a Christian philosophy and respects Jewish roots. Brother camp is Camp Chosatonga. $1,320-$7,850.

Camp Merri-Mac for Girls, Black Mountain

» www.merri-mac.com; mail@merri-mac.com; 669-8766 » June 2-Aug. 7; 6-day to 5-week sessions Ages 6-16. Christian camp with riding, backpacking, tennis, rock climbing, gymnastics, archery, spelunk-


ing, riflery, swimming, canoeing, music, sports, ropes course, fencing, rafting, dance, drama, more. Tribal system gives girls a lifelong group within camp family and teaches tradition. Brother camp is Camp Timberlake. $1,400-$5,000.

Ages 5-16. Traditional camp activities including archery, riflery, rock climbing, horseback riding, hiking and camping, kayaking, canoeing, drama and acting, arts and crafts, soccer, lacrosse, basketball, volleyball, softball, fishing, nature and more. $1,100-$3,650.

Camp Merrie-Woode, Sapphire

Keyauwee Program Center, Sophia

» www.merriewoode.com; phyllis@merriewoode.com » June 2-Aug. 9; 2- to 5-week sessions Ages 7-17. Established 1919, camp offers structured adventure and traditional programming: canoeing, kayaking, sailing, climbing, hiking, riding and swimming; sports, nature, arts and performing arts. $2,350$5,300.

Camp Pisgah, Brevard

» www.camplikeagirl.org » June 11-Aug. 1; weeklong sessions Rising grades 1-12. Open to registered and nonregistered Girl Scouts alike. Activities include rock climbing, horseback riding, swimming, canoeing and kayaking, arts and crafts, rafting, and more. Prices vary. Discount before March 17.

Camp Ton-A-Wandah, Flat Rock

» www.camptonawandah.com; 800-322-0178; info@camptonawandah.com; @CampTonawandah » June 8-Aug. 15; 1-, 2- and 3-week sessions

» www.camplikeagirl.org » June 15-Aug. 1; weeklong sessions Rising grades 1-12. Open to registered Girl Scouts and nonregistered girls alike. Themes include “Color Wars,” “Holidays,” “Hawaiian,” and more. Activities include rock climbing, alpine tower, horseback riding, swimming, canoeing and kayaking, arts and crafts, rafting, adventure trips and more. Prices vary. Discounts available before March 17.

Keystone Camp, Brevard

» www.keystonecamp.com; office@keystonecamp.com; 884-9125 » June 8-Aug. 8; 6-day to 4-week sessions Completed grades K-9. Founded in 1916, camp offers daily horseback riding, archery, riflery, arts and crafts, swimming, canoeing, performing arts, golf, tennis, team sports, more. $1,375-$5,225.

North Carolina Outward Bound » www.NCOutwardBound.org; 888-756-2627;

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GIRLS’ OVERNIGHT info@ncobs.org » June-August; 9- and 14-day trips Ages 14-18. Girls-only backpacking, rock climbing and whitewater trip. Wilderness-based, overnight program that includes a service project. Starts at $1,775.

Rockbrook Camp for Girls, Brevard

» www.rockbrookcamp.com; 884-6151; office@rockbrookcamp.com; facebook.com/ rockbrook » June 8-Aug. 14; 12-, 19- or 26-day sessions Ages 6-16. Traditional summer camp with diverse program of horseback riding, outdoor adventure activities, whitewater rafting, ceramics, crafts, gymnastics, riflery, more. Founded in 1921. $2,000-$5,000.

Skyland Camp for Girls, Clyde

» www.skylandcamp.com; 627-2470 June 22-July 29; 2 1/2- to 5-week sessions, plus 1-week starter camp Ages 6-15.Since 1917. Camp offers horseback riding, tennis, swimming, archery, arts and crafts, drama, games, dance and leadership development. Starter camp for rising 1st- to 5th-graders. $1,800-$6,850.

2014 CAMP GUIDE / SPECIAL NEEDS Camp Lakey Gap, Black Mountain christmount.org/camplakeygap; camplakeygap@gmail.com; 669-8977 June 8-Aug. 1 Ages 4-adult. Program approach of therapeutic recreation for people with autism using visually structured programming with 1:1 or 1:2 staff ratio. Includes hiking, swimming, creek games, music, outdoor activities, daily special events and more. Campers must have a diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder or a related communication disorder; manageable behavior and health care needs, to the level of the staff’s training; and guardians must live, be vacationing, or have an emergency contact within eight hours of camp. $1,725 per week first child, $1,525 second child. Scholarships available.

Camp Spring Creek, Bakersville

campspringcreek.org; info@campspringcreek.org; 766-5032 June 15-Aug. 9, 4- to 8-week sessions Ages 6-14. An academic and recreational camp supporting dyslexic children. Intense one-on-one OrtonGillingham reading, writing, and spelling remediation intermingled with robust confidence boosting recreational activities that tap into the strengths of campers. Each day consists of four hours of academic instruction and an equal amount of time exploring natural talents such as woodworking, art, rock climbing, and water sports. $7,700-$15,400.


SOAR, Balsam

soarnc.org; admissions@soarnc.org; 456-3435; June 7-Aug. 9; 10-, 12-, 18- and 26-day sessions Ages 8-18. Success Oriented Achievement Realized (SOAR) is an adventure program for preteens, teens and adults with LD and/or ADHD. Emphasis is placed on developing self-confidence, social skills, problem-solving techniques. Programs include llama trek, canoeing, horseback riding, rock climbing, rafting, SCUBA, fishing, kayaking and more. Programs also in Florida, Wyoming, New York, California and Belize. Starts at $2,900.

Talisman Programs, Zirconia

talismancamps.com; 888-458-8226 June 14-Aug. 7, 13- and 19-day sessions Ages 8-22. Talisman Programs offers a residential program for campers with ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and other learning differences. Talisman offers both traditional on-campus sessions, as well as adventure-based programming. Campers focus on communication and cooperation skills, personal growth and development, and building self-esteem. Starts at $2,995.

Victory Junction, Randleman

victoryjunction.com; 877-VJG-CAMP or 336-498-9055 June 8-Aug. 7; 4- and 5-day sessions Ages 6-16. Camp for children with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses. Each weeklong session is disease specific. Activities include horse barn, petting zoo animals, pool, gym, archery, boating, fishing, bowling, climbing tower, zip line, mini-golf, talent show. Free.


artist's muse

ctural design. n about archite ar le ts en ud st ge Middle school-a

After-sc h student ool Communit s explo y Desig re n paper a nd tape d build house Lab s out of . PAREN PHOTO T S SPECIA L TO WN C



By Ginger Huebner, WNC Parent columnist


s we embrace this month of sharing love, I wanted to reflect on my love of working with students each day exploring the worlds of art and design. I am so thankful for all the people that have trusted us with their kids, volunteered their time, shared a sweet story with a friend about an experience their child had with us, collaborated with us, and more. All of these experiences have allowed us to grow and truly feel loved by this community. As I was looking back over our fall season, I loved seeing so many projects that explored the wide world of architecture. As


Young s recycle tudents use a d item s to bu collection o f ild citie s.

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you know, here at Roots + Wings School of Art and Design we do not just do art. We love to get students engaged in critical thinking using form, space, and other elements of design alongside artistic mediums. It always blows my mind to watch young minds grasp design concepts, both abstract and concrete. Our youngest students used a collection of recycled items to build cities during one of our Art + Design Semester Programs. They were challenged with finding ways to keep their sculptures stable. This included thinking about how each element was stacked, how they needed to use the tape to secure elements together, and — in the end — how to find a way to carry it home without it falling apart! At our After-school Community Design Lab, students explored constructing houses out of paper and tape one day and structures with toothpicks and clay another day. The paper sculptures were more concrete structures with elements more realistically representing objects. Yet the same students were able to explore the abstractions of building with toothpicks. Our middle school students from a home-school group are in the midst of learning how to draw different types of architectural drawings. They began with plans and have designed their dream bedroom. They learned how to scale a drawing — which can be a very abstract concept to grasp — and learned many of the symbols used to represent items in a plan drawing. They loved it! We will be moving on to elevations and sections this winter. Of course, all of these projects could be explored at your home. And the above ideas should be thought of as points of departure to inspire your own family’s creativity to soar! Ginger Huebner is the director of Roots + Wings School of Art and Design, offering visual art and design education for all ages. Email her at info@rootsandwingsarts.com or visit www.rootsandwingsarts.com.



guest columnist

How to handle bullying By Dr. Susan Mims Special to WNC Parent

As a parent, you instinctively cringe when you see news reports of bullying. If you have a child in school, there’s a good chance that they have been exposed to some form of bullying — as a victim, perpetrator or a witness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines bullying as a form of youth violence, and can affect more than 20 percent of public school children on a daily or weekly basis. Bullying affects both boys and girls, and all races and economic backgrounds. There are several types of bullying: physical (hitting, kicking, punching, pinching, spitting); verbal (teasing, name calling, taunting, threating harm); social


(ostracizing people, spreading rumors, embarrassing someone in public); and cyberbullying (spreading rumors or harmful messages by texting, emailing or posting on social website). What can you do to help stop bullying? » Know the signs of bullying. Most bullied children suddenly avoid their friends and social situations. Also look out for lost or destroyed clothes, books and electronics; frequent headaches or stomachaches; changes in eating habits, not eating lunch at school; nightmares; bad grades and disinterest in schoolwork. » Help your children understand bullying. Talk to your children about what bullying is. Make sure they understand that it’s unacceptable to bully someone, or to stand by while someone else is being bullied (they should tell a teacher). As a parent it’s important to lead by example and treat others with kindness and respect. » Be involved in your children’s

lives. Keep the lines of communication open — ask them about their friends, what’s going on at school, are there any problems. And really listen to what they have to say. » Build confidence in your children. Encourage your kids to get involved with their peers in after-school activities, sports and hobbies. All of these activities help build strong, positive friendships. Children with friends are less likely to be victims of bullying. » Know where to turn for help. If you suspect your child is being bullied, contact the school. Your child’s doctor can also help by making a referral to a mental health professional and other resources in your community. For more information visit www.stopbullying.gov. Susan Mims, MD, MPH, is VP for Women’s and Children’s at Mission Hospital and Medical Director for Mission Children’s Hospital.

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nature center notes

Winter can be wild too By Jordon Crawford Special to WNC Parent

We all know that winter in the mountains of Western North Carolina may be unpredictable; snow showers morph into sunny days, and mild weather turns to frigid cold overnight. It’s common knowledge that some animals — like black bears, groundhogs and box turtles — hibernate through the winter, but what about other animals? How do they survive the harsh wintry conditions? It turns out that many animals are well adapted to winter in the Southern Appalachians. River otters, for example, are undisturbed by cold temperatures; in fact, their playful nature shines through even when their rivers are covered with ice. Otters are specially equipped to handle the cold because their dense, waterproof fur keeps them warm. They are also able to dry off quickly by rubbing on grass, rocks, or

The cold weather doesn’t bother otters, including Olive at the WNC Nature Center. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

logs. When their rivers are frozen, otters don’t seem to mind; they playfully slide across the ice, diving in and out of the water through holes in the ice. Red foxes are also unfazed by winter in the mountains; a red fox wraps its


long, bushy tail around its body when sleeping, as if snuggling inside a fluffy blanket. This behavior allows the fox to maintain its body temperature and keep warm, much like an otter’s waterproof fur protects the otter from the elements. Red foxes also have a unique method of hunting in the winter when snow covers the ground. They use their keen sense of hearing to track mice and voles under the snow — then they pounce and dive into the snow with nearly perfect accuracy, often emerging with a yummy prize. To see some of these behaviors for yourself, stop by the WNC Nature Center this winter. You’ll see many active animals, including the otters and foxes, and daily animal encounters allow you to learn about some of your favorite wildlife. For more information, visit www.wncnaturecenter.com.



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families & relationships

Getting through Valentine’s Day By Trip Woodard WNC Parent columnist

I always look forward to Valentine’s Day, the famous holiday in which we celebrate by shooting our Tommy guns in the air and shouting, “This is for Bugsie and youse guys from Al.” Imagine my surprise when I found out from some of my clients that this is considered to be some kind of “romantic holiday” apparently celebrated with cards and flowers. As usual, this is yet another testimony of power of the national greeting card companies to override the celebration of an important event in American history. (In case you didn’t know, members of Al Capone’s gang massa-


cred remaining members of Bugs Moran’s gang on this date in Chicago, 1929. This resulted in public support to do something about organized crime.) I decided to research this greeting card/floral/candy-inspired holiday so I could write an article about its mental health implications. To make a long story short, Valentine’s Day was originally a religious holiday that had nothing to do with romantic love. It grew into the current “sweetheart emphasis” with mechanized card production in the 19th century. The contemporary celebration is not especially a mental health issue for a lot of people who are in meaningful relationships; but that is the problem. A growing population of Americans are living as single adults and see this holiday as a reminder of their loneliness. Not that people particularly complain about it. Many people just suck it up and

try their best to just go on with life and ignore their loneliness. But those of us in human service-oriented professions know better. We understand that there is a direct relationship between isolation and physical or mental illness. So, here are some suggestions to use this day to fight the war on loneliness: » Do enjoy celebrating your romantic relationship if you have one, and try not to ignore those around you who don’t. If there is a friend, relative or neighbor who is spending this time alone, spread a little joy in their life and send them a card to let them know you are thinking of them. » Keep in mind people who have lost loved ones to death within the past two years. It is always easy to comfort and remember people during their recent experience with death, but it is holidays like this that can uniquely trigger a most painful grief. A word of con-

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dolence at this time can mean a lot. » Along the same lines, be sensitive to those who are fresh in undergoing a separation or divorce, especially if it wasn’t “their idea.” An offer to watch their kids at another time so that they themselves could just go out and have fun would be a thoughtful gesture. » If you know someone who is an assisted living facility where wi-fi is not an option, please consider advocating that administration make wireless Internet available to all residents. Say what you will about the Internet, but it remains a power link for some people to grow relationships in the outside world through social networking such as Facebook. Internet ability can be acquired by people on limited income through buying a good used Kindle or Nook. » If you are actually a member of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (which has been my

case in the past more times than I would care to admit), consider making this a special friendship day and hang out with your unattached buddies. If you all find the holiday to be annoying, host an “AntiValentine’s Party” and have a go at poking fun at it. » If you are down on people, donate time to spend with animals at the shelter of your choice. Whatever you do, don’t resign yourself to being isolated. One thing I have learned in 30 years of clinical practice is that there are always options. If that is wrong, then my real name is Elliot Ness. THINKSTOCK.COM

Trip Woodard is a licensed family and marriage therapist and a clinical member of the N.C. Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Contact him at 606-8607.



librarian's pick

A modern-day ‘Jane Eyre’ Jennifer Prince Buncombe County Public Libraries

There is no shortage of adaptations of beloved novels. Case in point —“Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë. Since the novel’s publication in 1847, the fraught relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester has undergone scores of revisions on the silver screen, on television, and on stage. It has been made into musicals and radio dramas. Dozens of prequels and sequels have been inspired by it. So does the world need another reworking of “Jane Eyre?” The world needs this one —“Jane, the Fox and Me.” “Jane, the Fox and Me” was written by Fanny Britt and illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault. It is a graphic novel — or perhaps more appropriately, a graphic short story. The story is that of Hélène. Perhaps 11 years old, Hélène, for reasons unknown to the reader — or perhaps for no reason at all — is an outcast at school. The other girls write mean things about Hélène on the bathroom walls. They make fun of her weight. They say she stinks. To cope, Hélène keeps her eyes downcast and stays quiet. The only bright spot in her life is that she is reading “Jane Eyre” for the

area story times Buncombe County Libraries Visit www.buncombecounty.org. Mother Goose: 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Black Mountain; 11 a.m. Tuesday, Fairview; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, North Asheville; 11 a.m. Thursday, Oakley; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Pack; 2:30 p.m. Thursday, Swannanoa; 11 a.m. Wednesday, Weaverville; 11 a.m. Monday, West Asheville. Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Black


first time. She adores it. The story is told from Hélène’s point of view. Occasionally, she interrupts the narrative about her life with references to what she has just read in “Jane Eyre.” Hélène, wanting to believe there is something heroic about herself, searches for similarities between herself and Jane. She finds none — at first. A dreaded school camping trip proves to be pivotal for Hélène. She has a chance encounter with a fox, and she makes a friend. The intensely dramatic, sometimes

Mountain; 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Enka; 11 a.m. Wednesday, Fairview; 10 a.m. Wednesday, North Asheville; 11 a.m. Wednesday, Oakley; 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Pack; 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, S. Buncombe; 10 a.m. Thursday, Swannanoa; 11 a.m. Thursday, Weaverville; 11 a.m. Wednesday, West Asheville. Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Black Mountain; 11 a.m. Wednesday and Saturday, East Asheville; 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Enka; 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Fairview; 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Leicester; 11 a.m. Wednesday, North Asheville;

surreal illustrations are as integral to the story as the text. The illustrations were done in mixed media — pencil, color crayon, gouache, ink and watercolor. During the parts of the story where Hélène describes her life at school, the illustrations are black, gray and white. The people looked pinched and there is a lot of dramatic, scratchy shading. When Hélène describes what she is reading in “Jane Eyre,” the illustrations bloom with color. The people look more polished. Still, the differences are subtle, lending the overall work a sense of visual continuity. “Jane, the Fox and Me” was translated into English from the French “Jane, le Renard et Moi” by Christelle Morelli and Susan Ouriou. The writing is precise. Each conversation, thought and remark has bearing on the story. Hélène’s intense internal dilemma is captured with poignancy and authenticity. In the end, “Jane, the Fox and Me” is about an ordinary little girl who is made the outcast of her peers. Gradually, with the passage of time, self-realization and development of a support network outside of school, Hélène reaches a happier place in her life. Hélène is an Every-girl. Young readers, especially tweens, will empathize with Hélène’s plight. This book is available in the Buncombe County Public Libraries. To learn more, visit www.buncombecounty.org/library.

10 a.m. Wednesday, Oakley; 10:30 a.m. Monday, Pack; 10:30 a.m. Thursday, South Buncombe; 11 a.m. Thursday, Swannanoa; 11 a.m. Tuesday, Weaverville; 11 a.m. Thursday, West Asheville. Reading Corner (ages 6-12) 3:30 p.m. first Wednesdays, Pack.

Haywood County Library

Visit www.haywoodlibrary.org. Waynesville, 356-2512 or 356-2511: Movers and Shakers: 11 a.m. Thursdays; Ready 4 Learning: 11 a.m. Tuesdays; Family story time: 11 a.m. Wednesdays

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area story times

Canton, 648-2924: Family story time, 11 a.m. Tuesdays; Rompin’ Stompin’ story time, 10 a.m. Thursdays

Henderson County Library

Visit www.henderson. lib.nc.us. Bouncing Babies (0-18 months) 11 a.m. Thursday, Main Toddler Time (18 months-3) 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Main; 10 a.m. Wednesday, Fletcher. Preschool (3-5) 10:30 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday, Main; 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Fletcher Family 10 a.m. Monday, Mills River; 10 a.m. Thursday, Green River; 10 a.m. Tuesday, Etowah; 10 a.m. Monday, Edneyville. 4 O’Clock Club (K-5) 4 p.m. Thursdays, Main

Barnes & Noble

Asheville Mall and Biltmore Park Town Square: 11 a.m. Saturdays

Spellbound Children’s Bookshop

50 N. Merrimon Ave., Asheville. www.spellboundbookshop.com Story time: 11 a.m. Saturdays, ages 3-6. Free. Book vs. Movie Club: 6-8 p.m. Feb. 21. Free, all ages. Club for the whole family meets the third Friday of each month to watch a movie based on a book and discuss the differences between them. This month: “James and the Giant Peach.” Potluck optional. All ages.



navigating education

Accountability is double-edged sword

By Michael Miller WNC Parent columnist

“Accountability” is a buzz word that has driven public education policy for the last 20 years. As with many pieces of legislation, those that address accountability have been given names that paint a false promise to the general public. Names like “No Child Left Behind,” “Race to the Top” and now the “Excellent Public Schools Act” are all smoke screens for the average voting citizen. After all, who would want to leave any child behind? Who doesn’t want excellent public schools that “win” the race to the top? But, as with any legislation, it is important for parents to know how these laws impact their children where it counts; in


the classroom. Unfortunately, all of the laws mentioned have aspects to them that have been detrimental to public education and the students it serves. There isn’t room here to get into specifics of current legislation, but if you’ve been paying attention to the news since last May, you have some idea of how such legislation isn’t necessarily creating “excellent” public schools. For most lawmakers, these are attempts at holding public schools accountable for how they use taxpayer funds. Since the 1990s, the yardstick by which the effectiveness of a given school is measured has been some form of standardized testing; All of this in the name of accountability. Now, don’t get me wrong. Schools and school personnel should be held accountable for quality instruction. You will find very few, if any, educators that would shun accountability. However, the approach that our state and federal government has taken

has created cultures in schools and school systems that have had unintended and harmful consequences. At no time has this been more apparent to me as through my transition from 15 years in the public school to the private school sector. During my time in the public schools, both as a teacher and administrator, I witnessed what legislation based on accountability has done to our schools and students. It has created a culture of fear in which schools are often paralyzed in making the right decisions for their students because they have to check with any number of “higher ups” in case the results don’t go as planned. Those “higher ups” are often driven by “accountability” and are too afraid to take the risk of allowing a school or individual teacher to take a risk for the benefit of the student. In the private sector, we are accountable to our parents. If we are doing a poor job educating their children, they

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come to see us. And rightly so! Our students do take one standardized test each year, but we are able to maintain perspective when it comes to the result of that test. It is one piece of data among very many that determine the success of that student. We can look at the whole child by using numerous assignments,

observations and scores. This gives us much more complete information by which to make decisions. And teachers, parents and administrators can actually sit together, and make the best decision for the student. Imagine that! The accountability model that has been used for the last 20 years, and has


been intensified by the current legislators, will only continue to handicap our schools and the people who have the expertise to make the best decisions for students; the teachers and administrators. If any parents were asked to describe their child, good or bad, successes and failures, they would not use numbers and charts to do so. Likewise, any teacher, asked to describe his or her students would seek to talk about the individuals as people rather than statistics. Yet the current accountability model forces us to do just that: boil our students down to a number. This number is used in myriad ways to make very important decisions about your child’s education. The major flaw in this process is that the people crafting the legislation have no idea what it really means for your student in the classroom. However, it looks good on paper, it has a catchy name, and if the average voter is none the wiser, it just might get them re-elected. Miller is principal of Asheville Catholic School. Visit www.ashevillecatholic.org.


educator's view

Good-bye, worksheets

By Susanna Barbee

WNC Parent columnist

While it’s disappointing that funding inhibits schools from using a significant amount of technology in the classroom, good teachers are still finding ways to stimulate, interest and challenge students at all levels. Students have been learning throughout time without technology, so computers and other gadgets are not necessities for brains to develop and knowledge to be had. In fact, research suggests that many types of activities and teaching methods encourage significant


brain growth. My first year teaching, I read an amazing book, “Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites,” by Marcia L. Tate. The premise is that worksheets do very little for the young brain, and that using them in isolation is essentially a waste of time. While there are situations where a worksheet may be used in conjunction with other teaching methods, it certainly should not be the primary activity. In her book, Tate discusses 20 strategies that promote the growth of dendrites and challenge a child’s or adolescent’s brain. Parents should be seeing their children participating in these types of activities at school, and teachers should be striving to move away from worksheets and toward these 20 strategies, if they are not already.

These strategies lend themselves very well to home-school environments, where there are often fewer children involved than in a traditional classroom; however, some of the activities, such as cooperative learning, work better with at least three or four students. Further, parents are often searching for ways to motivate brain development during vacation or summer months. These strategies are wonderful ways to get children off the couch or away from technology and doing something that will promote the growth of dendrites. Children can even plan their own activities which adds an additional level of higher-order thinking. There is a concern among some that American schools are behind other nations in regards to technol-

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ogy. That may be true, but there are a number of ways to stimulate brain growth and development that do not require any type of technological device whatsoever. Further, young folks are so savvy with technology that they will learn much of it outside of the classroom walls. Instead of worrying about the amount of technology in modern American schools, parents and teachers need to focus on moving away from boring worksheets that do little for a developing brain and incorporate stimulating activities such as the ones suggested by Tate. The brain is an amazing and mysterious organ with potential for greatness. Let’s not mock and disrespect it by asking it to complete a worksheet in isolation. Susanna Barbee is a local mom, writer and educator. Find more on her blog, www.zealousmom.com. Reach her at susanna.barbee@gmail.com.

20 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES THAT ENGAGE THE BRAIN “Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites” by Marcia L. Tate 1. Brainstorming and Discussion 2. Drawing and Artwork 3. Field Trips 4. Games 5. Graphic Organizers, Semantic Maps, Word Webs 6. Humor 7. Manipulatives, Experiments, Labs, and Models 8. Metaphors, Analogies, and Similes 9. Mnemonic Devices 10. Movement 11. Music, Rhythm, Rhyme and Rap 12. Project-based and Problem-based Instruction 13. Reciprocal Teaching and Cooperative Learning 14. Role Plays, Drama, Pantomimes, and Charades 15. Storytelling 16. Technology 17. Visualization and Guided Imagery 18. Visuals 19. Work Study and Apprenticeships 20. Writing and Journals THINKSTOCK.COM



growing together

Finding the gray By Chris Worthy WNC Parent columnist

There was a time when I believed my youngest child would never be capable of an abstract thought. To him, there are no gray areas. As a preschooler, he was the kid who had 9,427 Lego creations spread all around his room. Each was instantly recognizable because each set was crafted precisely according to the picture on the box. Time and again, I would sit on the floor and say, “Let’s make a farm (or a playground or whatever).” He would balk at the idea of free play with Legos. In his eyes, I was nuts. That was the wrong way to play. Eventually, he did catch on to the idea of making his own creations. And I am happy (deliriously happy) to report that in our


home school, he actually writes wonderful literary analysis papers, even if he hates doing them and they never come easy. Like so many of the traits I see in my children, he came by this propensity for linear thought quite naturally. I usually blame/credit my husband, but I have to own it, too. Usually, I can cope, but there is a reason I don’t write fiction and every crafty thing I do comes from Pinterest. When pancreatitis landed me in the emergency room last summer, I lapsed into my old ways. I am still trying to wrap my head around an answer to the nurse’s question. Maybe I will email her when I decide. I’m sure she’s waiting to hear. I was doubled over in pain when the nurse held up a chart and asked me to tell her my pain level. “It hurts a lot” wasn’t definitive enough, I guess. The chart ran from 1 (no pain) to 10 (the worst pain) with a smiley face at one end and an agonized face at the other. In between, the faces grew progressively sadder.

Even in the midst of my pain, I thought the chart was funny. I am thinking about making placemats out of it. “Look at the chart and describe your level of satisfaction with the curried chickpeas and tofu I just served you.” In any event, it was tough to answer. In my mind, it went like this: “I know my face looks like I am at level 10, but what is the worst pain, really? I wasn’t run over by a garbage truck or dismembered by farming equipment. I’m not lying in the street missing a limb. Sure, this is probably as painful as childbirth, but I got a tiny human when I was done with that, so I am not sure it compares. Does the chart mean the worst pain anyone could ever experience or just me? Maybe I have a high tolerance for pain. Did you think of that, chart makers?” What I said out loud: “An eight.” The episode was much like my son’s assignment to write about what Nathaniel Hawthorne meant by a passage in “The Scarlet Letter.” He wanted to write, “How should I know? It’s not like I can ask him.” I’ve learned — and I’m teaching my son — that sometimes the world has more gray than I care to admit. And sometimes an X-wing fighter really can become a farmhouse, even if it’s a struggle to get there. Contact Chris at chris@worthyplace.com.

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By Karen Fernau, Gannett

Versatile omelet a simple, filling meal, any time of day


melets, with their sunny and chameleonlike nature, offer the perfect antidote to holiday excess. A quick-serve standard made of basic, wholesome kitchen staples, the omelet cooks in minutes. The everyday simplicity of this unpretentious, centuriesold egg dish especially hits the spot after weeks of eating rich, complicated foods. At the same time, omelets are prized for their versatility. Eggs serve as the basic delivery system. Sure, an all-egg omelet is an option. But why eat a plain omelet when there are no limits to the range of ingredients that

add layers of flavor and color? The possibilities are endless: crumbled bacon, diced vegetables, beans, chiles, shredded cheeses, tapenade, artichokes, smoked salmon, fresh herbs, plus leftover anything. Omelets have other attributes. They are inexpensive and, with the right technique, easy enough for a novice cook to make. They can be enjoyed any hour of the day. Serve with toast for breakfast, a salad and crusty loaf of bread for lunch or dinner. “There’s nothing new or trendy about omelets, and that’s what makes them so appealing. They are an age-


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What are the differences among organic, cagefree and all-natural eggs? Does color or grade matter? A rundown on egg terms and classifications: » Grade: U.S. Department of Agriculture seals signify that eggs have been voluntarily inspected and graded according to how the yolk and white stand up to cooking. Eggs are ordered by decreasing quality, from top grade AA to A, the middle grade for most eggs sold. All ungraded eggs sold to consumers are labeled B. » Size: The weight of an egg determines its size. Choose large eggs for baking cakes. Different sizes may scramble the outcome. » Color: Whether white or brown, color comes from the hen’s breed. In general, hens with white feathers and white earlobes lay white eggs, and hens with darker feathers and red earlobes lay brown eggs. There’s no difference in flavor or nutrition. » Organic: This is the only classification with clear, enforceable federal standards. Eggs with an organic seal must pass inspections by the USDA. Other labels are guidelines only and imply (but do not necessarily deliver) safer, more healthful food. For organic, hens must be given feed with no animal byproducts or genetically modified crops. They must be produced on land that has been free from the use of toxic and persistent chemical pesticides and fertilizers for a minimum of three years. The hens themselves must be maintained without hormones and other intrusive drugs, and antibiotics may be used only in cases of outbreak of disease. The hens also are kept in a cage-free environment and allowed access to the outdoors. » Cage-free: There is no legal description, but cage-free generally means the birds are not raised in traditional cages. The classification, however, does not guarantee that birds are raised outdoors, or that they are running free. Typically, the birds are maintained on the floor of a poultry house or barn, and they may or may not have access to outdoor pens. » Free-range: A category for hens that graze or roam outdoors. Typically, a rancher may employ a combination of barn and outdoor pens. The hens can go outdoors in the daytime, but are typically housed at night for protection from the elements and predators. » Nutrient-enhanced: These eggs have higher levels of an omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin E or lutein. The higher levels are reached by adding flax, marine algae or fish oils to the feed. » Certified humane: These are eggs from hens in the Humane Farm Animal Care, a non-profit group devoted to improving the lives of farm animals. Hens must be cage-free. Additional housing and nesting guidelines allow for natural behaviors. » Vegetarian: Eggs from hens fed a plant-based diet, with no animal by-products in the feed.

less, simple meal that can be customized to your taste,” said Cameron Froment, executive chef of Scramble, A Breakfast Joint in Phoenix. Entertaining? Set up an omelet bar with a choice of up to 10 fillings and a cooking station, and allow guests to create their own. Eggs also are enjoying a nutritional renaissance. For years, eggs took a beating because they are high in dietary cholesterol, but a new study shows that eggs today contain a lot less cholesterol than they did a decade ago. A large egg has about 185 milligrams of cholesterol, down from 215 milligrams, according to research from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The drop in cholesterol may be because of changes in hens’ diets, the way the animals are bred or other factors. Meanwhile, the government’s latest dietary guidelines allow for an egg a day. One egg has about 75 calories and 6.25 grams of protein, plus vitamins A and D, folic acid and calcium, and less than 1 gram of carbohydrates. The origins of the omelet — nothing more than a light and fluffy pancake made by frying a

beaten egg in a pan — remains somewhat sketchy. According to legend, Napoleon Bonaparte and his army were first to taste the omelet. When marching through France, they stopped to rest at an inn near the town of Bessières. The innkeeper whipped up an omelet for Napoleon, who relished it so much that he ordered the staff to gather enough eggs to make a large omelet for his army the next day. Thus began the annual tradition of cooking a giant Easter omelet at Bessières, Haute-Garonne. Although the French coined the term omelet, various incarnations of egg pancakes filled with meat or vegetables and seasonings have existed since ancient times. The Chinese claim egg foo young as the original omelet; the Italians, the frittata. Today, omelets in a multitude of flavors, shapes and styles, from thin-rolled eggs to pillowy eggs filled with a laundry list of ingredients, belong to the world. At Scramble, chefs opt for light, fluffy and just enough flavor from add-ins to offset the natural creaminess of eggs. When cooking an omelet, technique, timing and pan matter, Froment said. Omelets cooked too long or in the wrong pan can be tough and rubbery. Undercooked omelets turn out runny. “They require full concentra-


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Continued from Page 43

Meat lovers omelet 1 tablespoon cooked pork sausage 1 tablespoon cooked applewood bacon 1 tablespoon diced smoked ham 3 large eggs, beaten 1 tablespoon shredded Monterey Jack cheese Chopped cooked bacon for garnish

Heat a nonstick saute pan over medium and lightly coat with oil. Saute sausage, bacon and ham for 1 minute until warm. Add beaten eggs and cook for 3-4 minutes. With a rubber spatula, pull the edges of the eggs away from the edges. Next, flip the eggs and cook another 2-3 minutes. Add cheese, then gently fold the omelet over. Gently slide the omelet from the pan onto a plate. Garnish with chopped bacon before serving. Makes 1 serving. Per serving: 436 calories, 34 g fat, 669 mg cholesterol, 28 g protein, 1 g carbohydrates, 0 fiber, 702 mg sodium, 72 percent calories from fat. Source: Scramble

tion,” he said. “You do not want to put the eggs in the pan and walk away. It takes patience to cook eggs.” Froment recommends using an omelet pan, which is designed to prevent the egg batter from spreading out and becoming paper-thin. For an omelet cooked to perfection, he shares these steps and tips: » Always use the freshest eggs possible. Eggs from local farmers typically are freshest because of the short farm-to-market travel time. » Crack eggs into a bowl and briefly whisk to combine the yolks and whites. About 15 seconds with a whisk (or fork) does the trick. “You do not want to beat the daylights out of the eggs because it makes them tough,” Froment said. » Do not add water, milk or cream to the eggs. All dilute the flavor and vibrant color of the egg. » For one large omelet, heat an 8- or 81⁄2-inch omelet pan on medium to medi-

The meat lovers omelet JOHN SAMORA/GANNETT

Vegetable omelet

1 tablespoon sun-dried tomatoes 1 tablespoon soybean oil 1/4 teaspoon herbes de Provence 1/4 cup diced mixed vegetables (yellow squash, zucchini, bell pepper, onion) 3 large eggs, beaten 1 tablespoon shredded Monterey Jack cheese Chopped fresh parsley for garnish

Toss sun-dried tomatoes with oil and herbes de Provence. Heat a non-stick saute pan over medium and lightly coat with oil. Saute vegetables for 1 minute until warm. Add sun-dried tomato mixture and stir until warm. Add beaten eggs and cook for 3-4 minutes. With a rubber spatula, pull the edges of the eggs away from the edges. Next, flip the eggs and cook another 2-3 minutes. Add cheese and fold omelet over. Slide from pan onto a plate and garnish with parsley before serving. Makes 1 serving. Per serving: 408 calories, 33 g fat, 642 mg cholesterol, 21 g protein, 6 g carbohydrates, 1 g fiber, 314 mg sodium, 73 percent calories from fat. Source: Scramble

um-high. Brush generously with oil. Froment prefers soybean oil for its neutral flavor and healthful properties, but canola oil, butter or bacon grease work as well. » When oil is hot, add all ingredients except cheese and cook until hot. Saute vegetables until al dente. Next, pour eggs into the pan. This method allows for the add-in ingredients to be distributed throughout the omelet instead of being encased in the middle. » Pour the eggs into the pan and allow to cook 3-4 minutes. Gently push the egg pancake away from the edges of the pan. Use a thin spatula to flip the egg over. The goal is for bright-yellow eggs with no spots of brown, a sign the eggs have burned. After turning, cook another 2-3 minutes. If adding cheese, sprinkle evenly on top and use a spatula to gently fold the omelet in half. Allow cheese to melt for about 30 seconds and serve immediately.




By Kate Justen

WNC Parent columnist

I have been surprised to hear so many people talking about the food cleanse they did, or at least attempted, in January. Really, when we think of cleansing our digestive systems, shouldn’t we do it more than once a year? Many of us take time every week to clean our house, our clothes, our vehicles and various other possessions we have and value. But don’t we also value our bodies, not just what is on the outside but what is going on inside as well? The idea behind a body or digestive cleanse is to get rid of the toxins that build up in our bodies. Our bodies do this naturally every day, or at least attempt to. What we put into our bodies every day either helps this process that process or blocks it. Changing the way you eat makes this process easier. It is like cleaning your house every day, so when you do your big spring cleaning it is not so painful and it doesn’t take so long. Create a habit of drinking more water. Aim to drink at least eight glasses or 2 quarts of water throughout the day. Have a glass first thing in the morning and with every snack or meal throughout the day. You can also eat fruit and veggies with high water content, such as watermelon, strawberries, cucumber and tomatoes. Water flushes toxins and impurities out of your system by helping both the kidneys and the bowel to maintain their normal functions — eliminating waste. Eat more fruits and veggies with every meal. Even people who claim to have a healthy diet may not get enough fruits and veggies every day. Eating more than the daily recommended amount of fruits and veggies is not going to hurt you. Find a way you like to eat veggies and add them to everything. Increase your fiber intake. Eating



Asian noodles with rainbow veggies 1 cup diced carrots and/or sweet potatoes 2 green onions diced 2 cups chopped kale, chard, cabbage 1 cups snow peas, broccoli, green beans 1 cup red or yellow bell pepper 2 cloves garlic 1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger root 1 to 2 tablespoons peanut or sesame oil 1 package whole grain linguine Sauce: 1/3 cup tahini or nut butter 1/3 cup soy sauce 2 tablespoon water

more fiber helps the body to rid itself of the toxins, preservatives and other harmful waste materials that have built up in the digestive tract over time. Increasing your fiber intake helps to cleanse your body by stimulating reg-

1 tablespoon sugar or honey 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon fresh chopped cilantro 2 tablespoon sesame seeds

Sauté vegetables in 1 to 2 tablespoons peanut or sesame oil for 5-10 minutes, until they are the texture you like. Cook pasta according to ingredients on package, drain and rinse. In sauce pan, combine tahini, soy sauce, water, sugar and vinegar warm over low heat until thoroughly combined, remove from heat. Combine vegetables, sauce and pasta in a large bowl. Top with cilantro and sesame seeds. Add cooked lentils, adzuki beans or chopped almonds for added fiber.

ular bowel movements, leaving you feeling light and healthy, rather than bloated and sluggish. Stick to whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables (especially with the skins left on), beans, lentils and almonds.

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Kids’ page




calendar of events

week. Register now by email or phone. Contact Marna Holland at 350-2904 or marna.holland@asheville.k12.nc.us. Dates and school locations include: » 9 a.m. Mondays, starting Feb. 3, at Hominy Valley Elementary » 10:15 a.m. Mondays, starting Feb. 3, at Haw Creek Elementary » 9 a.m. Fridays, starting Feb. 7, at Leicester Elementary.

Things to do

Feb. 3

Feb. 4

FRANKLIN SCHOOL OF INNOVATION INFO SESSION: 6:30 p.m. Feb. 3, Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road. Franklin School of Innovation, a new public charter school, is enrolling students in grades 6-9 for the 2014-15 school year through March 31. Learn more about the school at this information session. Visit www.franklinschoolofinnovation.org. PLAY & LEARN (PRESCHOOL): Parents/caregivers and children ages 3-5 in Buncombe County who are not in regulated child care may attend a free eightweek series of 45-minute classes, focusing on preliteracy and school readiness skills. Activities include songs, puppets, games, hands-on activities, and crafts. Must be age 3 by class start date. Younger siblings may attend, but materials are not provided. Children new to the program receive a book each


ART & DANCE COLLABORATION: 4-5:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Feb. 4-25, Studio Zahiya, 90 N. Lexington Ave., downtown Asheville. Explore the art and dance of the Middle East with Studio Zahiya and Roots + Wings School of Art. $80 per month. Visit www.rootsandwingsarts.com. ASH DEVINE SHOW: 6-7 p.m. Feb. 4, The Hop, 640 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Songwriter and musical caring clown performs a family-friendly show. Free. Visit www.thehopicecreamcafe.com. SWANNANOA VALLEY MONTESSORI INFO SESSION: 6-8 p.m. Feb. 4, REI, Community Room, Biltmore Park, 31 Schenck Parkway, Asheville. Learn about Swannanoa Valley Montessori School’s middle school program, opening an Asheville campus in 2014. For more information, contact LuAnn Wilks, head of school, at 669-8471 or or swanmont@mac.com MAD SCIENTIST LAB: 11-11:30 a.m. Feb. 4, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 3 and older. Join Dr. Bunson and Dr. Beaker in the lab as they make crazy concoctions.

Comedic amphibians joined by acrobatic larvae, circus boulders and metamorphosing humans form the cast of “FROGZ,” which stages at Western Carolina University at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 11. /SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

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This week, focus is on volcanoes. $7 nonmembers/ free for members. Limited space; call to register. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org.

Feb. 5

READING CORNER: BOOK SPEED DATING: 3:30 p.m. Feb. 5, Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St., Asheville. Fall in love with a book! Popular fiction and nonfiction titles for young readers will be on display. Participants will move from book to book every three minutes, until they find a perfect match. Adventurous readers can opt to leave with a book wrapped in brown paper, a “Blind Date with a Book.” Free. For ages 6-12. Call 250-4720 or email pack.children@buncombecounty.org. SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING FAIR: Feb. 5-6, register projects by Jan. 31. At Western Carolina University, Ramsey Regional Activity Center. Western Regional Science and Engineering Fair focused on climate change. Includes 9:15 a.m. presentation by NOAA physical scientist Karsten Shein on what climate change means. Elementary project showcase Feb. 5; grades 6-12 on Feb. 6. To learn more, visit http://sciencefair.wcu.edu or call 227-3688. VISUAL ART ADVENTURES: 4-5 p.m. Wednesdays, Feb. 5-26, Roots + Wings School of Art and Design, at Cathedral of All Souls, Biltmore Village. Art class for ages 3-6. $55 per month. Register at www.rootsandwingsarts.com. Email info@rootsandwingsarts.com.

Feb. 6


Authors Colin Meloy and Carson Ellis will read from and sign their new “Wildwood Imperium” at 7 p.m. Feb. 8 at Asheville’s Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St. Thursdays, Feb. 6-27, Roots + Wings School of Art and Design, at South Side Studio classrooms, 3 Mulvaney St., Asheville. Art class for K-5. $55 per month. Register at www.rootsandwingsarts.com. Email info@rootsandwingsarts.com.


HEALTHY KIDS CLUB: 11-11:30 a.m. Feb. 6, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. All ages. In observance of American Heart Month, the 30-minute program will focus on the importance of nutrition, exercise and a “happy” attitude. Free with $5 admission/free for members. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. INCREDIBLE YEARS PARENT PROGRAM: Feb. 6-May 22 for School Age Basic Series for parents of ages 6-12. An evidence-based program that fosters healthy development in young children by strengthening parenting competencies and promoting effective strategies for managing children’s challenging behaviors. Parents and caregivers attend weekly group sessions for 16 weeks to practice skills that promote children’s academic, social and emotional skills. Parents learn the basics of parenting: playing with their children, offering praise and rewards, creating household rules and setting limits, and using positive discipline strategies. Offered in Hendersonville. Call 698-0674 for more information. SHAKE, RATTLE & RHYTHM: 4-4:30 p.m. Feb. 6, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 5 and older. Music instructor Sydney Levitt leads participants in rhythms and teachs different isntruments. Runs each Thursday in February. Free with $5 admission/free for members. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org.

Feb. 7

FACE AND BODY PAINTING: 4:30 p.m. Feb. 7, The Hop West, 721 Haywood Road, Asheville. Free. Each first and third Friday of the month, Asheville Face

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calendar of events Continued from Page 53 and Body Art stops by to entertain and decorate kids and adults alike. Visit www.thehopicecreamcafe.com.

Feb. 8

CRAFTY HISTORIAN: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Feb. 8, Asheville History Center at the Smith-McDowell House, 283 Victoria Road, Asheville. Children will make a decoupage box decorated with Victorian valentine images. Suggested for grade school-age children. Younger children may participate with the assistance from a parent or other adult. $5. Reservations required by Feb. 6 by calling 253-9231 or by emailing Lisa Whitfield at education@wnchistory.org. ‘MAGIC, MIRTH AND MEANING’: 6:30 p.m. Feb. 8, St. Mary’s Church, 337 Charlotte St., Asheville. “Magic, Mirth & Meaning” is a family-friendly production featuring the talents of the disabled and those who wish to help them. Opens with interactive walk-around performances, then moves into an inspirational stage show. Free, with donations appreciated. Proceeds benefit The Vanishing Wheelchair Inc., which will use money raised to begin monthly dinners at which people with disabilities can enjoy a meal together and attend workshops learning skill in performing, painting, photography, music, crafts, writing, and wood working. Suggested donation of $10 for adult tickets and $5 for children


tickets is appreciated. Tickets may be available at the door, but advanced reservations are strongly encouraged. Buy tickets online at www.VanishingWheelchair.org, or call 645-2941. For more information contact T.J. Shimeld at tjshimeld@gmail.com. SPELLBOUND ADOPTION EVENT: 2-5 p.m. Feb. 8, Spellbound Children’s Bookshop, 50 N. Merrimon Ave. #107, Asheville. Find your family’s furry valentine at an adoption event featuring dogs and cats from Brother Wolf Animal Rescue. With free activities for kids and pet care books to all who adopt. All ages. Free. Call 708-7570 or visit www.spellboundbookshop.com. ‘WILDWOOD’ AUTHOR EVENT: 7 p.m. Feb. 8, Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St., Asheville. Colin Meloy and Carson Ellis, the husband-and-wife team behind the magical, engrossing books of the Wildwood series, will read from and sign their newest book. Blending their artistic talents since they met in college, Meloy, songwriter and lead singer of The Decemberists, and Carson Ellis, artist and official illustrator for the band, create an unforgettable realm in Wildwood. Tickets are $15 and include a coupon for $5 off the price of the new book, “Wildwood Imperium,” which expires Feb. 9. A Malaprop’s receipt for Wildwood Imperium” is required to get in the signing line. Visit www.malaprops.com.

Feb. 9

AZALEA MOUNTAIN SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 2-3:30 p.m. Feb. 9, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 587 Haywood Road, Asheville. Teachers and parents will share about using Waldorf Education to create a learning environment that ignites a love of

learning, protects the sanctity of childhood, and fosters an evolving quest for truth. School offers early childhood through middle school program based on the Waldorf curriculum. Visit www.azaleamountain.org.

Feb. 11

FITKIDS ASHEVILLE: 5-6:15 p.m. Feb. 11-March 6, Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 George Washington Carver Ave., Asheville. New program designed for children ages 6 -11 to show children that leading an active lifestyle is fun. Participants will play active games, be introduced to different sports, and explore the active side of our city with different field trips. Each meeting will focus on a different type of activity exercise recommended for youth: cardio, muscle strengthening and bone strengthening. Three 4-week programs that meet each Tuesday and Thursday. $10 per child per 4-week session. Next sessions: March 18-April 10, April 22-May 15. For more information, call the StephensLee Center at 350-2058. “FROGZ”: 7:30 p.m. Feb. 11, John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center, Western Carolina University. Imago Theater’s “FROGZ,” a family-friendly show that combines Cirque du Soleil-style acrobatics with outlandish masks, mime and music. Recommended for ages 3 and older. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the Bardo Arts Center box office, online at bardoartscenter.wcu.edu or by phone at 227-2479. HOME-SCHOOL ART PROGRAM: 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Feb. 11, Asheville Art Musuem, 2 S. Pack Square,

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Continues on Page 56



calendar of events Continued from Page 54 Asheville. Series of home-school programs for students in grades 1-4. Next classes March 11 and April 8. $4 per student, per session. Registration is required. Visit www.ashevilleart.org. MAD SCIENTIST LAB: 11-11:30 a.m. Feb. 11, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 3 and older. Join Dr. Bunson and Dr. Beaker in the lab as they make crazy concoctions. This week, focus is on 3-D sand paint. $7 nonmembers/free for members. Limited space; please call to register. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org .

Feb. 11-13

PRESCHOOLERS WE LOVE YOU: Popular variety show for children began as a special valentine to the library’s youngest book lovers and continues to be a favorite events. Each year, shows regularly draw more than 1,000 children throughout the week. A book-inspired musical revue especially designed for preschoolers, with puppets, dancing and other lighthearted fun. The talented performers are drawn from the library staff across the county. Free. All school groups must call 250-4754 to make a reservation. If either Asheville City Schools or Buncombe County Schools are closed on the performance day, shows will be canceled. If either school system is delayed, shows will go on ahead as scheduled.


For the full family-friendly calendar, visit CITIZEN-TIMES.com/Living. To submit events, email details to calendar@wncparent.com.

» 10:30 a.m. Feb. 11, Pack Memorial Library » 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Feb. 12, Black Mountain Library » 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Feb. 13, Weaverville United Methodist Community Center (across the street from the Weaverville Library)

Feb. 12

CRITTER TIME: 10 a.m.-noon Feb. 12, WNC Nature Center, 75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville. Five-week program, every other Wednesday into mid-March, for ages 3-5. This session focuses on “Flocks of Fun.” Per session, $10 child/parent for members, $12 nonmembers. Call 259-8082 to register. Minimum of 10 participants. Visit www.wncnaturecenter.com.

Feb. 13

FRANKLIN SCHOOL OF INNOVATION INFO SESSION: 6:30 p.m. Feb. 13, South Buncombe/Skyland Library, 260 Overlook Road. Franklin School of Innovation, a new public charter school, is enrolling students in grades 6-9 for the 2014-15 school year through March 31. Learn more about the school at this information session. Visit www.franklinschoolofinnovation.org.

SCI FI YOUNG ADULT BOOK PANEL: 7 p.m. Feb. 13, Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St., Asheville. A panel of women-in-the-know will discuss science fiction and young adult novels. Join Meagan Spooner and Amie Kaufman, authors of “These Broken Stars,” which was named Best Overall Book in The Huffington Post’s Best Young Adult Books of 2013; Jodi Meadows, author of the Incarnate series, the most recent of which is “Infinite”; and Lissa Price, whose new novel, “Enders,” completes the story begun in Starters. Visit www.malaprops.com. SHAKE, RATTLE & RHYTHM: 4-4:30 p.m. Feb. 13, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 5 and older. Music instructor Sydney Levitt leads participants in rhythms and teaches different instruments. Runs each Thursday in February. Free with $5 admission/free for members. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org.

Feb. 15

‘HOW TO GET UNSTUCK’: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Feb. 15, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, Rhododendron, Room 351, 340 Victoria Rd., Asheville. Workshop offering a guide to finding motivation and building better habits. Learn how to muster the motivation to make changes and grow, with American Buddhist nun Gen Kelsang Nyema. Includes guided meditation, a talk and discussion. Everyone welcome. $20 or $15 students/seniors. Call 668-2241 or visit www.meditationinasheville.org. WEE TRADE: 9 am.-6 p.m. Feb. 15, WNC Ag Center, Davis Event Center, Fletcher. Wee Trade Children’s Consignment Event with 45,000 square feet of

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Feb. 18

gently used children’s clothing, shoes, books, toys, furniture and equipment for a fraction of retail cost. Runs Feb. 15-16 and 21-22. Visit www.wee-trade.net.

Feb. 16

WEE TRADE: Noon-6 p.m. Feb. 16, WNC Ag Center, Davis Event Center, Fletcher. Wee Trade Children’s Consignment Event with 45,000 square feet of gently used children’s clothing, shoes, books, toys, furniture and equipment for a fraction of retail cost. Runs Feb. 15-16 and 21-22. Visit www.wee-trade.net

Feb. 17

BABY ORAL HEALTH SEMINAR: 10 a.m. Feb. 17 and 5 p.m. Feb. 24, Great Beginnings Pediatric and Orthodontic Specialists, 10B Yorkshire St., Asheville. Great Beginnings is a Baby Oral Health Care Program provider, for infants 14 months and younger at no cost. Free seminars for parents and caregivers will offer more information on infant oral health care. RSVP to 274-9220 or www.appts.greatbeginningspedo.com. SAT PREP CLASS: 6-8:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, Feb. 17-March 5, UNC Asheville Graduate Center. The prep course will cover all aspects of the SAT test, and includes test-taking techniques, timesaving methods and logical reasoning. Includes 18 hours of instruction, textbooks and all materials. $295. SAT offered at area high schools March 8, May 3 and June 7. Visit http://agc.unca.edu/sat for registration information. SATURDAYS AT ACT: 9:30 and 11 a.m. Feb. 17, Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St., Asheville. Attic Salt Theatre presents “Free Water,”

Sally Ann Mertens looks over childrens books at the Wee Trade Consignment Sale in August in the Davis Event Center at the WNC Ag Center. The consignment sale runs eb. 16-18 and 21-22, featuring clothing, toys, books, strollers, and furniture for children. BILL SANDERS/ WSANDERS@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM

an Irish folktale performed with puppets, masks and audience participation at 9:30 a.m. Catch “The Sultan’s Wife,” a Swahili fable about a hapless sultan at 11 a.m. Tickets $5 at door. Visit www.ashevilletheatre.org or call 254-1320.


AFTER-SCHOOL ART CLASS: 4-5:30 p.m. Feb. 18-March 25, Art Buzz Kids at Wine and Design Asheville, 640 Merrimon Ave. #208, Asheville. Printmaking and collage for ages 6-10. Call 255-2442 or visit http://bit.ly/1b4xy3o. GAGGLE OF GIGGLES YOUTH IM PROV: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Feb. 18, The Hop, 640 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Directed by Chris Martin, this youth improv troupe makes its monthly appearance. Expect a night full of family laughter. Interested in joining the troupe? Email cwaremartin@yahoo.com. Visit www.thehopicecreamcafe.com. MAD SCIENTIST LAB: 11-11:30 a.m. Feb. 18, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 3 and older. Join Dr. Bunson and Dr. Beaker in the lab as they make crazy concoctions. This week, focus is on instant snow. $7 nonmembers/free for members. Limited space; please call to register. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org . NEW VOICE SUPPORT GROUP: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Feb. 18, Balance Point Collaborative, 263 Haywood St., Suite 100, Asheville. A new peer-led support group for those in recovery from eating disorders. Meets the third Tuesday of each month. Hear speakers share their stories of hope and success on their road to recovery from eating disorders. Speakers include staff, former clients, and community members. There will also be topic-centered and open discussion among participants. For more information, call 348-6922 or visit www.balancepointnc.com.

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Feb. 19

AFTER-SCHOOL ART CLASS: 4-5:30 p.m. Feb. 19-March 26, Art Buzz Kids at Wine and Design Asheville, 640 Merrimon Ave. #208, Asheville. Printmaking and collage for ages 11 and older. Call 255-2442 or visit http://bit.ly/1b4xy3o. BOOK N’ CRAFT: 11 a.m. Feb. 19, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Listen to a book that teaches children to love their name, “Chrysanthemum,” by Kevin Henkes. Free with $5 admission/free for members. All ages. Free with admission. Call 697-8333. Visit www.handsonwnc.org. LOVESTRUCK TOUR EVENT: 7 p.m. Feb. 19, Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St., Asheville. The ladies of the The Lovestruck Tour — Megan Shepherd, Megan Miranda, Robin Constantine and Kasie West — make a stop in Asheville to talk about their new books. Asheville’s own Shepherd is the author of “The Madman’s Daughter” and now “Her Dark Curiosity.” Visit www.malaprops.com.

Feb. 20

CRITTER CRAFT: All day Feb. 20, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Drop-in, self-directed activity focused on dogs and cats. Free with $5 admission/free for members. All ages. Free with admission. Call 697-8333. Visit www.handsonwnc.org.


SHAKE, RATTLE & RHYTHM: 4-4:30 p.m. Feb. 20, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 5 and older. Music instructor Sydney Levitt leads participants in rhythms and teaches different instruments. Runs each Thursday in February. Free with $5 admission/free for members. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org.

Feb. 21

BOOK VS. MOVIE CLUB: 6-8 p.m. Feb. 21, Spellbound Children’s Bookshop, 50 N. Merrimon Ave. #107, Asheville. Free, all ages. Club for the whole family meets the third Friday of each month to watch a movie based on a book and discuss the differences between them. This month: “James and the Giant Peach.” Potluck optional. All ages. Visit www.spellboundchildrensbookshop.com. FACE AND BODY PAINTING: 4:30 p.m. Feb. 21, The Hop West, 721 Haywood Road, Asheville. Free. Each first and third Friday of the month, Asheville Face and Body Art stops by to entertain and decorate kids and adults alike. Visit www.thehopicecreamcafe.com. WEE TRADE: 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Feb. 21, WNC Ag Center, Davis Event Center, Fletcher. Wee Trade Children’s Consignment Event with 45,000 square feet of gently used children’s clothing, shoes, books, toys, furniture and equipment for a fraction of retail cost. Visit www.wee-trade.net

Feb. 22

PARENTING CLASS: 2-4 p.m. Feb. 22, Nest Organics, 51 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Free class for parents-to-be and new parents covers cloth dia-

SPRING SPORTS REGISTRATION REUTER YMCA SOCCER: Registration through March 2 at the Reuter YMCA front desk. First week of practice March 10, with games March 22-May 17. Practice held at Avery’s Creek Elementary, games at Carolina Day School Complex. $72 member, $95 nonmember. Contact: Ashley Hamer at ahamer@ymcawnc.org. EAST ASHEVILLE LITTLE LEAGUE: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 1 and 8 at Groce United Methodist Chruch, 954 Tunnel Road. $65. Visit www.eayouthsports.org. FLETCHER BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL: Online registration through March 1 at www.fletcheryouthsports.com. First player is $105, second player $85, third player $65, fourth player $45. HENDERSON COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION: Coed, ages 5-18 (as of Aug. 1, 2013). New players must submit birth certificate. $70. Returning player $20 discount with burgundy/ silver jersey. Register by Feb. 23. Matches April 5-June 7. Call 697-4884, email lrice@hendersoncountync.org or visit www.hendersoncountyrecreation.org. NORTH ASHEVILLE LITTLE LEAGUE: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 8 and 15 at North Asheville Community Center, 37 E. Larchmont Drive. Visit www.northashevillelittleleague.com. REUTER YMCA T-BALL/COACH PITCH: Registration through March 2 at the Reuter YMCA front desk. First week of practice March 10, with games March 22-May 17. Practice held at Avery’s Creek Elementary, games at Carolina Day School Complex. $72 member, $95 nonmember. Contact: Ashley Hamer at ahamer@ymcawnc.org. REUTER YMCA 7v7 FOOTBALL: Registration through March 4. First week of practice March 10. Games start March 21. Team fee $800. Contact Dana Hammitt at dhammitt@ymcawnc.org. REUTER YMCA INTRO TO TUMBLING: Contact Dana Hammitt at dhammitt@ymcawnc.org. SOUTH ASHEVILLE LITTLE LEAGUE: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 8, 15 and 22 at Oakley Community Center, 749 Fairview Road. $75 per player. Visit www.salittleleague.net. SOUTH BUNCOMBE YOUTH SPORTS: 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Feb. 8 at Valley Springs Middle School cafeteria or register by Feb. 15 at www.sbraa.leaguetoolbox.com. Email southbuncombesports@gmail.com. SWANNANOA BABE RUTH BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL: Visit www.swannanoa.baberuthonline.com or email SwannanoaBabeRuth@gmail.com for more information. WEST ASHEVILLE LITTLE LEAGUE: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 1, 8 and 15 at West Asheville Community Center, 970 Haywood Road. $65 with family discount. Visit www.eteamz.com/westashevillelittleleague2/ or email info@wavlball.com.

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pering, baby-wearing, how to protect your child from harmful chemicals and more. Runs the last Saturday of each month. RSVP to 258-1901 or nestorganics@gmail.com. PUPPET SHOW: 11 a.m. Feb. 22, Diana Wortham Theatre, Pack Place, Asheville. Red Herring Puppets present “Electricity!” Puppets portray famous scientists as part of Asheville Puppetry Alliance’s 2013-14 young audience series. Find more information at www.ashevillepuppetry.org. Tickets $8 by calling 257-4530 or visiting www.dwtheatre.com. STORY TIME: 3 p.m. Feb. 22, Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St., Asheville. Award-winning author and illustrator Vanessa Brantley-Newton will present her latest picture book, “We Shall Overcome,” which brings the iconic and enduring song alive with her bright and evocative illustrations. Brantley-Newton is the author and illustrator of “Let Freedom Sing” and illustrator of “The Girl Who Heard Colors,” “One Love” and “Every Little Thing.” Recommended for ages 4-8. Free. Visit ww.malaprops.com. WEE TRADE: 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Feb. 22, WNC Ag Center, Davis Event Center, Fletcher. Wee Trade Children’s Consignment Event with 45,000 square feet of gently used children’s clothing, shoes, books, toys, furniture and equipment. Half-price sale on final day. Visit www.wee-trade.net.

Feb. 24

BABY ORAL HEALTH SEMINAR: 5 p.m. Feb. 24, Great Beginnings Pediatric and Orthodontic Specialists, 10B Yorkshire St., Asheville. Great Beginnings is a Baby Oral Health Care Program provider, for infants 14 months and younger at no cost. Free seminars for parents and caregivers will offer more information on infant oral health care. RSVP to 274-9220 or www.appts.greatbeginningspedo.com.

Feb. 25

FRANKLIN SCHOOL OF INNOVATION INFO SESSION: 6:30 p.m. Feb. 25, West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Franklin School of Innovation, a new public charter school, is enrolling students in grades 6-9 for the 2014-15 school year through March 31. Learn more about the school at this information session. Visit www.franklinschoolofinnovation.org. MAD SCIENTIST LAB: 11-11:30 a.m. Feb. 25, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 3 and older. Join Dr. Bunson and Dr. Beaker in the lab as they make crazy concoctions. This week, focus is on gummy worms. $7 nonmembers/free for members. Limited space; please call to register. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. YOUNG ADULT BOOK CLUB: 5 p.m. Feb. 25, Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St., Asheville. Join host and bookseller Robin for a discussion of “Grasshopper Jungle” by Andrew Smith. Visit www.malaprops.com.

Feb. 26

CRITTER TIME: 10 a.m.-noon Feb. 26, WNC Nature Center, 75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville. Five-week program, every other Wednesday into mid-March, for ages 3-5. This session focuses on “Scales and Tails.” Per session, $10 child/parent for members, $12

Continues on Page 60



calendar of events PARENTS’ NIGHTS OUT

Continued from Page 59 nonmembers. Call 259-8082 to register. Minimum of 10 participants. Visit www.wncnaturecenter.com. FIRST IN SERIES CLUB: 5 p.m. Feb. 26, Spellbound Children’s Bookshop, The Lofts at Reynolds Village, 50 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. For grades 4-6. Meets the last Wednesday of each month to discuss the first book in a series. January’s book is “Spirit Animals No. 1: Wild Born” by Brandon Mull. Free. Visit www.spellboundchildrensbookshop.com.

Feb. 27

SHAKE, RATTLE & RHYTHM: 4-4:30 p.m. Feb. 27, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 5 and older. Music instructor Sydney Levitt leads participants in rhythms and teachs different isntruments. Runs each Thursday in February. Free with $5 admission/free for members. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org.

Feb. 28

TEEN AWESOME GROUP: 4-5:30 p.m. Feb. 28, Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. Teens and parents, watch the documentary “America the Beautiful” (PG-13), along with time for collage and discussion after the movie. Ages 13 and older, parents welcome. Please arrange for prompt pickup as the library closes at 6 p.m. For more information, call 250-6482 or email weaverville.library@buncombecounty.org.

March 1

WNC PARENT CAMP EXPO: 11 a.m.-3 p.m. March 1, WNC Ag Center, Fletcher. Meet representatives from dozens of Western North Carolina’s residential and day camps. Participate in our Cover Kids contest. For details, visit CITIZEN-TIMES.com/campexpo.

March 4

ART & DANCE COLLABORATION: 4-5:30 p.m. Tuesdays, March 4-25, Studio Zahiya, 90 N. Lexington Ave., downtown Asheville. Explore the art and dance of Egypt with Studio Zahiya and Roots + Wings School of Art. $80 per month. Visit www.rootsandwingsarts.com.

March 5

VISUAL ART ADVENTURES: 4-5 p.m. Wednesdays, March 5-26, Roots + Wings School of Art and Design, at Cathedral of All Souls, Biltmore Village. Art class for ages 3-6. $55 per month. Register at www.rootsandwingsarts.com. Email info@rootsandwingsarts.com.

March 5-7

‘SERVANT OF TWO MASTERS’: 7 p.m. March 5-7, North Buncombe High School. Written by Carlo Goldoni in 1743, this Italian comedy is reminiscent of the Comedia Dell’arte style full of physical comedy, mistaken identity, stage combat, audience participation, music, acrobatics and juggling. $5. For information, contact Ricky Webb at 645-4221 or ricky.webb@bcsemail.org.


FEB. 21

Need a date night? Here is a roundup of upcoming parents’ nights out. Have an event to submit? Email information to calendar@wncparent.com.

FEB. 7

REUTER FAMILY YMCA: In Parents’ Morning Out, children participate in various activities, like games and crafts. Includes healthy snack. Ages 6 weeks-12 years. 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Members: $13 for first child, $11 additional. Nonmembers: $25 per child. Register at front desk, 3 Town Square Blvd., Asheville.

FEB. 14

FIRED UP! CREATIVE LOUNGE: Kids paint pottery, have pizza and play games, 6-9 p.m. the second Friday of the month. At 26 Wall St., Asheville, and 321 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 5-12. $25. Registration required. Call Asheville shop at 253-8181 and Hendersonville shop at 698-9960. REUTER FAMILY YMCA: Parents’ Night Out with various activites for children ages 6 months-12 years. Themed nights include a healthy snack, games and crafts. 6:15-9:45 p.m. Cost: Members: $13 for first child, $11 additional. Nonmembers: $25 per child. Register at front desk, 3 Town Square Blvd., Asheville.

FEB. 15

HAHN’S GYMNASTICS: Gymnastics activities, games, pizza and a movie. Ages 3-12. Runs 5:30 p.m.-midnight. $15 for the first child; $10 extra for each sibling if enrolled at Hahn’s; $20/$15 for unenrolled children. Visit www.hahnsgymnastics.com.

March 8

UNC ASHEVILLE SUPER SATURDAYS: Saturdays, March 8-April 12 at UNCA campus. Registration open for Super Saturday program for creative, highly motivated and/or academically gifted students in grades 3-8. The 17 courses cover topics including stage acting, wildlife exploration, logic, movie making, martial arts, more. Some courses are restricted by grade. Mail-in registration deadline is Feb. 28, and online registration closes March 2. Late registration for unfilled courses will be available in-person only March 8 in Carmichael Hall, with a $15 late fee. $69 for each six-week course. Limited number of need-based scholarships available. For details or to register, visit cesap.unca.edu/super-saturday-program, or call UNCA’s Cultural Events and Special Academic Programs at 251-6674.

REUTER FAMILY YMCA: In Parents’ Morning Out, children participate in various activities, like games and crafts. Includes healthy snack. Ages 6 weeks-12 years. 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Members: $13 for first child, $11 additional. Nonmembers: $25 per child. Register at front desk, 3 Town Square Blvd., Asheville.

FEB. 28

REUTER FAMILY YMCA: Parents’ Night Out with various activites for children ages 6 months-12 years. Themed nights include a healthy snack, games and crafts. 6:15-9:45 p.m. Cost: Members: $13 for first child, $11 additional. Nonmembers: $25 per child. Register at front desk, 3 Town Square Blvd., Asheville. WOODFIN YMCA: Neighborhood Y at Woodfin offers Parents’ Night Out the fourth Friday of each month, 6-9 p.m. Themed nights include healthy snacks, games and crafts. $12 member/$18 nonmember, with $2 sibling discount. Ages 2-13. Register online at www.ymcawnc.org or in person at 40 N. Merrimon Ave., Suite 101, Asheville. Call 505-3990.


ASHEVILLE YMCA: Evening of fun and games, including craft, movie, and swimming. Runs 6-10 p.m. the first Saturday of the month. $15 for members/$23 nonmembers. Optional pizza, fruit and veggie dinner for $5; meal starts at 5:30 p.m. Register at Asheville YMCA, Woodfin Street, downtown. For more information, call 210-2271.


CLOGGING CLASSES: Asheville Clogging Company offers classes for ages 5 to adult. All skill levels. Visit www.ashevillecloggingcompany.com or email ashley@ashevillecloggingcompany.com or call Ashley Shimberg at 329-3856. DEVELOPING FUTURE MALE LEADERS: Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts will offer a Developing Future Male Leaders program for boys in third to eighth grades, 5-7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fall session runs September-December, and costs $5 per youth. A spring session will begin in February. The program will teach young men leadership and life skills. Topics include: being a leader, outdoor skills, cooking and giving back. Registration required in advance. For more information or to register, contact William Hoke at 253-3714, whoke@ashevillenc.gov, or Seth Jackson at 259-5483 sjackson@ashevillenc.gov. TINY TYKES: 10 a.m.-noon Wednesdays and Fridays, Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 George Wash-

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MOM’S GROUPS Asheville Stay-At-Home Moms Playgroup: Visit www.meetup.com/AshevilleStay-At-Home-Moms-Playgroup/ Arden Moms Meetup Group: Visit www.meetup.com/arden-moms or contact Susan Toole at ArdenMoms@gmail.com. AshevilleMommies.com: Meet and greets for moms while kids play. Two sessions, 11 a.m.-noon and 3-4 p.m. Wednesdays at The Hop Ice Cream and Coffee Shop, 640 Merrimon Ave. Asheville Moms of Multiples: Group for moms with multiples meets monthly, usually 7 p.m. the first Thursday of each month, location varies. Meetings are an opportunity to share experiences and offer support in a social setting. Visit www.ashevillemom.com for details and contact information. Biltmore Baptist MOPS: Group for all mothers of children from infancy through kindergarten. Meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month, September-May at Biltmore Baptist Church, 35 Clayton Road, Arden. Call 687-1111, email mopsofbbc@yahoo.com or visit www.biltmorebaptist.org/mops/. Hiking with Preschoolers: Visit www.meetup.com/hiking-with-Preschoolers/ La Leche League of Asheville/Buncombe: For all those interested in breast-feeding. Nursing babies, toddlers and pregnant wom-

ington Carver Drive, Asheville. Program resumes for the fall. Organized crafts and active play. Great way for you and your toddler to socialize. $1/class for toddlers and parents. Visit www.ashevillenc.gov. SWIM LESSONS: ISR Survival Swimming Lessons for infants and children are taught weekday mornings at the Asheville Racquet Club Downtown location, year round. Limited number of scholarships available. Visit www.ISRasheville.com. CELEBRATION SINGERS: Thursdays, First Congregational Church, 20 Oak St., Asheville. Celebration Singers of Asheville Community Youth Chorus invites singers ages 7-14 to join. Rehearsals are Thursdays; Canti Dolci from 6-6:45 p.m. and Canti Spiritu (older group) from 6:45-7:45 p.m. Contact artistic director Ginger Haselden at 230-5778. LINWOOD CRUMP-SHILOH COMPLEX PROGRAMS: Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts offers a variety of community activities and programs at the complex, 121 Shiloh Road. Registration ongoing. Photo ID required for center access after 5:30 p.m. For more information, contact Tameka Crudup at 274-7739 or tcrudup@ashevillenc.gov » Afternoon Adventures Program, 2:45-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday on Buncombe County schooldays. Grades K-5. Homework assistance, group games, arts/crafts and special activities. $40/week/ first child, $30/siblings; families on reduced school

en welcome. Meetings are second Monday of every month, 10-11 a.m., at First Congregational Church, Oak Street, and third Monday of every month, 7-8 p.m., Awakening Heart Chiropractic, Ravenscroft Drive. Please call a leader for more information or directions: Susan 303-6352 or Adrienne 603-505-0855. Visit www.lalecheleagueofnc.org La Leche League of Hendersonville: Offers information and mother-to-mother support for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Meets at 9:30 a.m. the third Saturday of the month at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville, 2021 Kanuga Road. Babies and toddlers are welcome. For more information email LLLofHendersonville@gmail.com or contact a leader: MC 693-9899, Andrea 6766047, Margaux 242-6405. Mom2mom: Christian moms group meets at St. Paul’s Church, 32 Rosscraggon Road, Rosscraggon Business Park Building B, Asheville. Moms with any age children are welcome. Call 388-3598. Moms Club of Hendersonville: A support group open to mothers of all ages in the Henderson County area, including mothers who have home-based businesses and those who work part-time but are home with their children during the day. The group meets for speeches and topics for discussion, park days, playgroups, nights out, holiday activities and service projects benefiting needy children in the community. Meets 9:30 a.m. the first

meal plan: $30/week/first child, $20/siblings; families on free school meal plan: $10/week/each child » Teen Club Program, 2:45-5:30 p.m. MondayFriday, on Buncombe County schooldays. Grades 6-9. Homework assistance, group games, arts/crafts and special projects or trips. $40/week/first child, $30/ siblings; families on reduced school meal plan: $30/week/first child, $20/siblings; families on free school meal plan: $10/week/each child


Thursday of the month at Hendersonville Church of Christ, 1975 Haywood Road, Hendersonville. Children welcome. Call Tamara Betteridge at 699-6292 or email tamara@networkedneighbors.com, or visit http://hendersonvillemomsclub.wordpress.com. Moms’ Support Group: For new moms (children ages 0-5 years) who cope with depression. This group focuses on challenges of parenting, building positive coping skills and sharing experiences in a safe, private environment with professional guidance. Next session begins the first week of July, meets weekly in the evening. Email momsupportgroup@outlook.com for more information. MOPS at Mud Creek: Mothers of Preschoolers provides an open, faith-based atmosphere for moms of infants through kindergartners. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, 9:15-11:15 a.m., September-May, at Mud Creek Baptist Church, 403 Rutledge Drive, Hendersonville. Email Melissa Thorsland, melthor@tds.net, or MOPS.MudCreek@gmail.com or visit http://mopsatmudcreek.webs.com/links.htm. WNC Mountain Mamas: Moms and kids can meet up and play at 11 a.m. Wednesdays the Hop Ice Cream Shop, 640 Merrimon Ave. Enjoy half-priced coffees and ice cream. Encompassing, supporting and uniting WNC families. Visit www.wncmountainmamas.proboards.com.

» Teen Hip Hop Dance Club, 6-7 p.m. Wednesday. Learn an array of new style dancing and a culture of dance moves from the 1970’s that involve breaking, locking and popping. Mix your own freestyle form and develop unique routines. $2 per class. » Family ZUMBA, 6-7 p.m. on second, third and fourth Mondays. Family oriented fitness with focus on maintaining a healthy weight through fun cardio.



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