IN THIS ISSUE • Note from the Regional Director • ACUI Annual Conference • Scholarships • Upcoming Educations Program • Student Member Position Open • Student Ambassador Applications Open • Save the Date for 2021 Regional Conference • Highlight This!
Entering into the new year, we’re tempted to think that we can “flip the switch” on many things – old habits, work priorities, personal preferences – but it’s taken a global pandemic to show just how little we sometimes control. If any of us were hoping for the first quarter of 2021 to be more calm or controlled than 2020, we have probably been disappointed. We’re still tallying up lost revenues, still worrying about our campus’ health, still wondering when things will return to normal – and wondering what “normal” even means. And if you live in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, or Arkansas, your 2021 has started with record-setting upheavals in our recent winter storm. Still, there is room for hope in darkness, as evidenced at a number of our institutions. Many of us are fortunate to be hosting vaccinations in our facilities – and still others even luckier to receive them ourselves. Spaces handed over during the day for classes are becoming more lively in the evening, as events slowly return to campus. Even the return of college baseball – a personal favorite of mine – gives reason to think better times lie ahead. We are, it seems, finally able to see and consider the future, and not overwhelm ourselves worrying about the present. ACUI and Region II are prepared to help us flip our switches in a robust, smart, and just way. The Virtual Conference last week provided a phenomenal opportunity to engage colleagues, find inspiration and focus, and re-emphasize our values and work. Our region will continue to host listening sessions and virtual programs that will meet our unique institutional and member needs – and give us time to rekindle connections and partnerships. ACUI’s DE&I Program Series continues to push us into honest reflection and tough work. And yes, we’re looking at an in-person regional conference this fall at Mizzou. Regardless of our work – custodial, administrative, programmatic – we continue to find value in our shared experiences and knowledge. Perhaps switches aren’t flipped at all. Maybe progress is more of a dimmer knob – slowly turning in the direction of making our lives brighter. Whatever the speed, it’s my hope ACUI and Region II can help flip a switch for you. As always, please let us know how we can continue to serve you and your institution!
Dr. Rob Stagni
This year, Region II is proud to offer at least two scholarships to cover registration to various ACUI events! The Regional Leadership Team is opening up our scholarship application for general support to help defray costs for I-LEAD®, IPDS, and other ACUI professional development programs. Applications are welcome from professionals, undergraduate students, and graduate students alike. Aside from the I-LEAD® scholarship, scholarship funding may vary depending on the registration cost associated with the scholarship(s) awarded. • Region II has set aside funding for one (1) I-LEAD® student scholarship. This scholarship will cover registration for I-LEAD®. • Click to fill out an application.
INTERESTED IN VERBAL AIKIDO?! Region II will offer the first educational program of 2021 on Tuesday, March 9 from 1:30-3:00 p.m. CST. This 90-minute Zoom workshop will discuss Verbal Aikido with Dr. Ken Hendrickson, the dean of the Graduate School and professor of history at Sam Houston State University. In its simplest form, Verbal Aikido is a rhetorical system designed to help you manage verbal attacks. The aim is to de-escalate verbal confrontation, saving face for both parties, and achieving an open-ended resolution with hope for a continued relationship in the future. Participants will learn the ideas behind Verbal Aikido and engage in some interactive demonstrations of how to apply the concepts. For more information and to register for this virtual workshop, visit
The Region II Regional Leadership Team is currently accepting applications for the student member position. For more information or to apply, visit
BECOME A STUDENT AMBASSADOR FOR REGION II! Region II is currently accepting applications for Student Ambassadors. To apply to be a student ambassador, visit
SAVE THE DATE The 2021 Region II Conference will be held November 6-8 at the University of Missouri. Keep an eye on our social media and website for the most up to date information.
LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY The Louisiana State University Student Union recently celebrated Mardi Gras. LSU Student Union staff surprised building guests with a little pop up celebration over the lunch period with music, King Cake samples, and a t-shirt toss from their third floor balcony into our main lobby areas! This pop up event put a smile on the faces of both students and staff! Departments throughout the building also decorated their office entrances like Mardi Gras floats to create a walk through parade! They were able to "lassiez les bon temps rouler" or "let the good times roll" in a COVID-safe way!
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO The UTSA Student Union just opened a new art gallery exhibit called "The Joy of Art: turning a pandemic into beauty." This concept was created by student staff in the UTSA Student Union. The exhibit features artwork and creative pieces from current UTSA students. The gallery will be open until April. In addition to the physical space, UTSA's Student Union team did a live tour and artist interview on Instagram Live when the gallery opened. You can view the live tour on IGTV @UTSA_StudentU.
We love to highlight the various events and activities our members are doing across the region! If you have something from your campus to highlight to the region, submit the form linked below!
Follow Us! Facebook: ACUI Region II Instagram: @ACUIRegionII Twitter: @ACUIRegionII