Regional Director
Dr. Stephen McCay (He, Him, His)
Associate Director for Operations
University of Southern Mississippi
August is such a busy time in higher education. It is a season in itself. I was talking with a colleague earlier this month about how a new professional navigates August for the first time. They referenced it as a rite of passage and something that you are not fully prepared for. It is a transition period that we must meet with excitement. A new academic year holds so many unknown pieces that are awaiting us. I think about this year in particular and what it may hold for us individually, our campuses, and our region. So much of what we do has the ability to impact others and that is important to remember as we navigate each day.
Specifically, I think about Region III and what August means for us. We get the opportunity to prepare for the upcoming regional conference. This is a time when we gather professionals and emerging professionals (students) to share ideas over a few days. This year's Conference Planning Team is truly putting together an amazing event for us to celebrate our 10 years together. I hope that you will get registered for the conference and bring a few colleagues and students with you. Education session submissions and awards are live, take full advantage of those as well. This conference will truly be an event you will not want to miss We will be able to reflect on the past 10 years and look forward to the future. The future looks fruitful with people like you being engaged with the region.
There are still plenty of days before us and we can write them if we are prepared. We must be ready to assist our communities. They need us and we need them, especially now. August has started and it will go with another month facing us. Away we will be in this new year ready to face it. We must be there for one another, and especially the students we serve. That is how we have thriving communities and provide the support that is needed.
Regional Director (2022-2024)
Dr. Stephen McCay (He, Him, His)
Associate Director for Operations University of Southern Mississippi
Business Manager (2024-2026)
Jim Greene (He/Him/His) Director, Plemmons Student Union
Appalachian State University greenejj2@appstate.edu
Communications Coordinator (RLT) (2024)
Boyd Beckwith (He/Him/His)
Assistant Vice President, Student Life Georgia State University bbeckwith@gsu.edu
Communications Coordinator (CPT)
Kimberly Joyner
Program Support Coordinator Georgia Institute of Technology kjoyner9@gatech edu
Educational Program Coordinator
Daniel McFadden
Assistant Director for Student Organizations East Carolina University mcfaddend23@ecu
Inclusivity Coord
Vacant Title
Institution email@
Member Experience Coordinator (2022-24)
Sammie Kunz (She, Her, Hers)
Assistant Director, Signature Events & Student Engagement
East Carolina University, Greenville, NC kunzs19@ecu edu
Recognition Coordinator
Robert Edmiston (2024-2026)
Assistant Director, Student Centers & Events
University of South Florida - St. Petersburg edmistonr@usf.edu
2024 Regional Conference Program Coordinator
James Contratto (He/Him/His)
Executive Director for Student Life College of Charleston, Charleston, SC contrattoj@cofc.edu
2025 Regional Conference Program Coordinator
Darien Garrison (She, Her, Hers)
Associate Director, Hill Student Center University of Alabama at Birmingham dmgarrison@uab.edu
Student Involvement Coordinator (2022-2024)
Brooklyn Barnes
Facilities & Operations Coordinator, Student Centers
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN brooklyn.barnes@vanderbilt.edu
Student Member (June 2024-May 2025)
Krystal Alvarez Figueroa
Biology Major
University of South Florida - St Petersburg kalvarezfigueroa@usf edu
SalimaSubratie,astudentatGeorgiaStateUniversity receiveda scholarship toattendILEAD July 15–18atCaliforniaState University–SanBernardino.
“Attending ACUI'sI-LEAD program wasatransformativeexperience formeasaninternational student.Itinspiredmetoadvocatefor moreopportunitiesforinternational studentsandpeopleof color oncampus.My goal istoenhanceourschool'sdiversity and leveragetheuniquestrengthswebring tothecommunity, fostering amoreinclusiveandenrichedenvironmentforall.”
ArinPatterson,seniorassociatedirectorof thePopp Martin
StudentUnionatUniversity of NorthCarolina- Charlottereceived ascholarship toattendtheJuly 9 - 11Aspiring DirectorsInstitute.
“Beyondthelearning,itwastheconnectionsI madethattruly madethisexperienceunforgettable.I hadtheprivilegeof meeting andnetworking withsomeof themostpassionateanddriven professionalsinHigherEd.
A hugethank you toACUI,RegionIII forthisamazing opportunity andtoeveryonewhomadethisexperiencesoenriching.Here'sto continuedgrowth! ��”
The Region III recognition coordinator, Robert Edmiston is excited to announce that nominations are being accepted for the 2024 Region III Awards.
Seven Awards will be given this year:
Last year’s silent and live auctions at the regional conference raised over $2,000 to support the Region III Scholarship Fund. The Scholarship Fund allows Region III to offer scholarships to support members accessing this year’s regional conference experience at The University of Alabama at Birmingham in Birmingham, Alabama from October 2325, 2024. These scholarships will cover conference registration costs for its recipients. Please note, the scholarship will only cover registration; all travel and lodging costs will be at the expense of the scholarship winner/institution
The following scholarship opportunities are available:
(3) Student Attendees
(2) First-time ACUI Conference Professional Attendees
(2) Education Session Presenters
Applicants should meet the following criteria: Professional or Student at a Region III member institution or with an individual membership
Those interested must complete the application which includes providing reasoning as to why they should receive the scholarship. Commit to sharing the knowledge gained through the experience upon return with others at their institution.
Please submit the application and any supplementary documents by October 1, 2024
Optional: Letter demonstrating support and/or need from institution leadership. For any questions or assistance, please email Robert Edmiston at edmistonr@usf.edu.
As of July 1, 2024, Solange Douglas was named Interim Director for Community and Belonging at the University of Florida (UF). She previously served as Associate Director, Student Organizations & Advisor Resources at UF. She'll continue to support UF's 1,000+ student organizations and lead initiatives that center on community connections and student engagement.
Caleb Eubanks
Caleb moved from ACUI Region II to III to begin work as the Union and Student Progamming Manager at Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi. He was previously the Elliott Student Union’s Marketing & Communications Manager at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Missouri. While he was in Region II he volunteered on their Regional Leadership Team as the Inclusivity Coordinator.
James Contratto
James, who currently serves as the 2024 Fall Conference Program Coordinator won the election to serve as Region III's next Director from January 2025 to December 2027. James serves as the Executive Director for Student Life at the College of Charleston, in Charleston, South Carolina.
Get a new position or add a new staff member to your department? Run a 5k or marathon? Complete a degree or certificate? Achieve a personal or professional goal of any type? ACUI Region III wants to know and celebrate you!
Any questions? Please reach out to Robert Edmiston, Recognition Coordinator at edmistonr@usf.edu.
OCTOBER 23 - 25, 2024
Registration and Ed Session Proposals are Now Open!
Registration is now open for the 2024 Region III Conference at the University of Alabama at Birmingham!
Full Registration: $275
Pre-conference Activities: $10 - $30
The Conference Planning Team is now accepting educational session proposals for the 2024 Region III Conference. With this year's theme, "Toward a More Perfect Union: Strengthening Community Through Collaboration," we're looking for educational sessions on active dialogue, managing campus protests, and building inclusive student union environments. Students and new professionals are highly encouraged to submit a proposal. The priority deadline for submissions is Friday, August 30.
Contact James Contratto, 2024 Conference Coordinator contrattoj@cofc.edu Subheading
Be the among the first to know the location of the 2025 Fall Conference. It will be revealed on the last day of the 2024 Fall Conference!
OCTOBER 23 - 25, 2024
The Hill Student Center (The HILL) is the home of several student services and activities on the UAB campus. Construction of the facility was completed on the site of the former Hill University Center, on the block between 7th Avenue South and University Boulevard and between 14th and 15th Avenue South. Construction of the 162,00-square-foot, four-story facility began in 2013 and ended Spring of 2016. It was designed by Hastings & Chivetta Architects of St Louis, Missouri with Herrington Architects of Birmingham. Doster Construction built the center for $35 million. Like its predecessor, the building was named for former UAB President S. Richardson Hill. Within the facility are multiple functional areas focused on serving students including; a multi-media campus visitors' center, a 700+ seat multi-purpose room which can be divided as required, a 250+ seat theater, a food court with established franchises like Panera and ChickFil-A student serving offices and reservable meeting spaces. Retail tenants include the UAB Bookstore (Barnes & Noble), Starbucks Coffee, Panera, Chick-Fil-A, Mein Bowl Asian, and UAB AskIT TechConnect.
Click the link below to watch a highlight video of the "HILL".
James Contratto
2024 Conference Coordinator Darien Garrison
2025 Conference Coordinator
Michael Anibal Keynotes
Kimberly Joyner Promotions
Will Thomas Conference Engagement
David Murkison
Sadie Katie Hampton Registration & Hospitality
Jeremiah Johnson Host Site Coordinator
Kyle McAlear Corporate Sponsors
Not Pictured
Kathleen McGirty Educational Sessions
Amy Morgan Central Office Liaison
It is the Conference Program Team’s belief that guided by these themes and in partnership with our own ACUI Core Values we’re already working to create an impactful and meaningful Conference experience for everyone.
The 2025 Conference Program Team is creating a meaningful and memorable experience you in New York City, March 16–20. Through the planning process, the team was drawn to three main themes: Connecting, Innovating, and Big Ideas.
Connecting: We want you to connect with each other, yourself, or and your work. We hope you’ll leave New York with a fuller heart than you came.
Innovating: We look forward to providing an educational experience that’s worldclass, following in the footsteps of the city, which is led by creativity and the idea that anything is possible.
Big Ideas: New York is the Big Apple after all. We invite big ideas to be shared, so that when we leave, we’re ready to keep ourselves, our profession, and this Association moving forward.
Be ready to join your Region III colleagues for a meal, a great time and some swag.
Don't forget to submit your educational sessions by Tuesday, September 10!