Welcome to the ACUI Region VII Newsletter, where I hope you’ll find everything you need to stay up to date on the happenings of Region VII. If you’re a seasoned ACUI Veteran, I hope you continue to find the community, connections, and development you’ve known for years. If you’re new to ACUI, I hope you, like me, realize how great of a family ACUI and Region VII can be in supporting your personal and professional development.
Inside this issue you’ll learn about how graduate students and professional staff alike shined at the annual conference in Denver, as well as learn more about unique opportunities to continue your development with Region VII throughout the summer!
In Campus Community,
Zac LomasRegional Director
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Summer is officially here and this should be a time for reflection and reconnection Hopefully you have time to look back at such a busy year with pride since many of our undergraduates and graduate students have graduated from our institutions. This time should also be where we reserve space for reconnection without our colleagues as we close out our fiscal years
Let’s keep in mind that this year has been a very tough year for many of our students with the potential for another stressful year on the way. Our collective goal in higher education and student unions is to make sure that we are creating and maintaining spaces that allow our students to succeed and thrive with a sense of belonging In order to do that we need to make sure they we are refilling our cups.
You are important and you matter. Remember our students need us in order to for them to be the people they are meant to be So have a great summer and enjoy this newsletter!
Also . . . big shout out to your new Regional Director - Elect: Chrissie King. I am excited for this transition and look forward to her leadership
Muchas Gracias Be healthy and safe
Anthony Otero Region VII DirectorSaniyaMyers, Angelica Martinez,& MaryAnnVargas, Graduate Interns 2024 ACUI Annual Conference
We often speak about how our students are the center of our work and specifically our graduate students are the future of our profession Nowhere was that more abundantly clear than in April, when 3 of the 4 graduate interns at the ACUI Annual Conference in Denver represented Region VII.
Saniya Myers and Angelica Martinez of Montclair State University and Mary Ann Vargas of Rutgers University served at the conference, ensuring that the event was an outstanding success. Here is what they had to say about their experiences
For Angelica Martinez, this was her second year serving as a graduate intern and she believes the greatest lesson she’s learned is “the ability to pivot. In this field, we are often thrown curveballs
and you need to be flexible During the annual conference, things can go awry and something may not work out the way we thought it would so often we'll have to adjust and make changes I think the skills I gained from this experience will be with me throughout my entire career
However, Martinez’s work supporting Member Services throughout the conference was not just valuable because of its applicable lessons to the field of student affairs and innumerable networking opportunities, but for the shared memories
“I think my favorite memory from the conference is Saniya pushing me down
hallways and in the elevator in a trolley cart during one of our big signage moves I cherish sharing this experience with both Saniya and Mary Ann, they were my rocks!
On the topic of ACUI and her involvement in Region VII, Martinez remarks: “I have met so many amazing professionals and built my network extensively - it's exciting to have mentors, or friends, to reach out to who understand what I may be experiencing in my grad role or program”
For Vargas, she was most struck by the lessons of professionals on how to make one’s career in student affairs sustainable, stating “the educational sessions have really put it into perspective about the field I appreciated the folks who have shared their wisdom and strategies to not feel burnout or over stressed at work Reminding myself about what I began the journey in the first place motivates me to continue and strive for success My success is the success of undergraduate students who need my support and guidance. “
Not only did Mary Ann cherish these lessons from colleagues in the field, but also the lessons from her ACUI Adventure at the Colorado Convention Center, where she got to see how a major event space operated, remarking that “it was enjoyable to witness (cont on p 6)
“ . . . how the same procedures (of her internship at Rutgers - New Brunswick in Operations) still applied to a multipurpose facility ”
Vargas believes that her experience at the conference was more than just practical, reflecting that “the journey was existential and a reflection period of my life because I recently finished my culminating exam and needed more clarity in my life This conference helped with it!”
Martinez, assisting attendees and proving that even on little to no sleep, you can still provide an exceptional conference experience
Myers was particularly impressed by the level of authenticity displayed at the annual conference, emphasizing that “Everyone at the conference was different but showed up 100% themselves It was such a welcoming community and it showed me how no matter what job or space I am in I should be able to show up as myself. This conference allowed me to meet so many different people who taught me many things, and I will carry that with me in all future endeavors ”
Myers hopes that other students take advantage of this opportunity and ways to get involved with ACUI, encouraging folks to “Try new things! It sounds super cliché, but I was a business student and at first, didn't think ACUI would pertain to me. However, I left with SO much more than I ever expected So my one piece of advice is to do it all, you never know what you'll get out of it
If you are interested in hiring one of the individuals in this article, they are all currently going through the job search and information on their desired geographic locations, functional area interests, and contact information can be found below:
Angelica Martinez:
New Jersey/ NYC Metro Area, as well as Central New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D C Orientation, Student Activities, Student Centers/Operations, and/or Mentorship/Leadership/First-Gen Programs angelicaabarbara@gmail.com
Saniya Myers:
East Coast, but willing to consider further for the right position!
Student Activities or Athletics saniya.myers12@gmail.com
Mary Ann Vargas:
New Jersey, New York (Closer to New Jersey), Philadelphia, Boston Student Center Operations, Involvement/Leadership, Student Advising mv704@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Region VII is incredibly proud of its members and their contributions to not only the Region, but the association at large. The 2024 annual conference once again saw multiple Region VII members receiving recognition for both their volunteer and scholastic success
Please take the time to visit https://acui.org/awards/ to not only read more about the wonderful work of those celebrated from Region VII, but all of those within ACUI who continue to make us a premier destination for student affairs professionals.
In the following pages you will learn more about those individuals and institutions from Region VII who were recognized at the conference and remember to think about nominating a colleague or yourself for next year so folks continue to receive the accolades they deserve!
The Collaborative Program of the Year is awarded to creative programs which exemplify the positive outcomes of a collaboration within or between institutions. The award advances the value and credibility of the college union on campus, while improving communication, leadership, and campus partnerships.
The Joseph H Benedict Jr Social Change Award for Racial Justice honors an institution that develops an outstanding social justice program that stimulates conversation and action among campus constituents. The recipient institution will receive $800 in recognition of their campus’s engagement with inclusive conversations and strategies which encourage institutional change and address racial injustices
The Shirley Bird Perry Staff-Driven Program of the Year recognizes an innovative and impactful program implemented primarily by staff on campus. For their contributions to student learning and advancing campus community through programming excellence, the institution will receive up to $1,000 towards ACUI membership dues to continue to be a leader in the profession.
The Distinguished Faculty Award recognizes a faculty member for demonstrated support of college unions and campus community building.
The Revis A. Cox Memorial Award honors the passion of professionals who contribute relentless support for multicultural education and social justice through their leadership on campus. The recipient will receive $400 to support their professional development at an ACUI event to continue to grow as a mentor, advisor, and advocate for student learning and inclusion.
The ACUI Research and Education Grant awards up to $1,500 towards research-based projects that increase the knowledge-base of the college union and student activities profession In addition to the financial support for conducting research, recipients will have the opportunity to be featured in The Bulletin as well as gain recognition of peers by presenting the research at the Annual Conference.
The Chester A. Berry Scholar Award is presented to an individual in recognition of outstanding writing that honors ACUI’s first executive director’s timeless and intellectual contributions in the field of college unions and student activities. The award provides a $400 cash prize to the recipient
Outstanding dissertation research that contributes to the knowledge of the college union and student activities field is acknowledged through this award. The recipient will receive a reward of $400 in addition to published research in The Bulletin and recognition of peers at the annual conference.
Student Unions are nothing without our students and especially our student employees. From building managers to information desk employees to graduate assistants and interns, our student employees are vital to advancing campus community and so we’re proud to celebrate those students who have not only contributed to the work we do, but completed their academic journey by graduating!
See below for a list of students whose names were submitted by their supervisors.
If you or your student’s name was not submitted, we are still proud of your accomplishments!
If you supervise students, make sure to follow us on Instagram at @acuiregionvii to stay informed of opportunities like this in the future!
Daemen University
Lindsey Rieger, BS
Juliette Corbett, BA
Georgetown University
Amira Fisher, BA
Fatir Muhammad, BA
Lehigh University
Gianna LaMena BA
Crystal Buchanan, BA
Amani Fanning, BFA
Ashlyn Moreira, BA
Jada Dawson, BS
Kofi Agyemang, MBA
Jevon Jordan, MBA
Montclair State University
A'Lysai Robison, BFA
Valery Alcantara
Taverez, BS
Maddison Chin, BA
Angelica Martinez, MA
Saniya Myers, MBA
Frank Yang, BA
Isabela Paredes, BA
Jane Cai, BA
Liam Russell, BA
Megan O'Malley, BA
Nicolas Stewart, BA
Scott Jackson, BS
Andrew Wilps, MS
Caroline Russell, MA
Morgan State University
Summer Adkins
Rasir Ahmed
London Blackwood
Jade Berryman
Langston Fraley
Joseph Ibanga
Joi Jones
Boluwatiwi Odutola
Myles Pollard
Amaya Verly
Pratt Institute
Arianna Mazzuera, BArch
Shantala Mehta, BArch
Alyssa Bermejo, BArch
Vivian Vazquez, BFA
Morgan Nunes-Scher, BFA
Mae Evans, BFA
Rowan University
Lucas Vu
Taryn Larsen
Rutgers UniversityCamden
Lorena Vargas, BN
Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick (cont.)
Junesoo Kim
Trinity Meads
Sumayyah Hayes
Ama Hopkins
Kenechukwu Adibe
Jacqueline Accardi
Jamie Ivan
Dakota Jones
Dante Paterna
Emma Stanley
Goldie Burnett
Jonathan Medina
Julianna Menna
Rae Kumor
Sean Kwak
Alexandra Austin
Alina Austin
Ava Grignon
Xavier Whitcraft
Aarushi Gupta
Lily Snow
Yonatan Casas-Ruiz
KJ Green
Louis Santos
Alexis Robinson, MBA
Eve Li, MBA
Alia Elbanna, MBA
Hailey Gould, BN
George Gandour, BN
Marleigh Ziolkowski, MEd
Virginia Mulligan, MA
Ryan Fader, JD
Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick
Ada Lin
Allana John
Amaresh Chittigidde
Anthony Falcone
Arya Kommera
Aryaman Patel
Carlos Ortiz
Connor Doyle
Dante Tedesco
Jack Harvey
Jaiden David
Jenish Patel
Jenny Zhang
Joey Copsetta
John Bang
Jovi Williams
Justin Lee
Kelly Chang
Krishna Patel
Lex Michel
Mary Ann Vargas
Melanie Samudio
Namisha Shrivastava
Noura Agbere
Rebecca Shi Won Choi
Roma Mitra
Rouan Esmail
Shiddah Patel
Shravan Patel
Subiksha Surianarayanan
Tajinder Singh
Temileyi Olukoju
Tiffany Chan
Visshwa Magesh
Yaneli Rios
Zoriyah Reevey
St. Peter’s University
Kiara Suero, MEd
Tatiana Henriques, MBA
Stockton University
Ramon Zamora
Frank Wendling
Tabasoomara Sarwar
Matthew Long
Natalie Russo
Kevin Mistry
Sean Lopez
Brianna Aguiar
Daniel Habina
Vanessa Bawuah
Phillip Young
Lehigh University
Gianna LaMena BA
Temple University
Sarah Bachman
Mark Challman
Connor Frugoli
Jenny Herman
Brian Hertz
Dylan Hollywood
Anabel Keagy
Semon Khan
Jaydn Knorr
Kayleigh Lewis
Justin Mimms
Elise Payne
Luke Pelcher
Natasha Rodriguez
Allison Ward
University of Delaware
Megan McQuillan, BA
Aretha Korsah, BA
Eden Groum, BS
Mariah Kincaid, BA
Alyssa Deonarine, BA
Lucy Stern, BS
Keegan Hoover, BS
David Boyer, BS
Aidan Kennard, BA
Ayelet Gutman, BS
Carlson Cheng, BE
Rachel Sukonnik, BS
Gabby Kemp, BS
Christele Jean-Louis, BS
University of Delaware (cont.)
Ashley Rodney, BCE
Kailey Nichols, BS
Mackenna Kerrick, BS
Rachel Krams, BS
Kelsey Breuer, BS
Zoe Lefkowitz, BS
Angela Remirez-Rivas, BS
Ooha Imandi, MBA
University of Maryland, College Park
Abby Patnaude
University of Maryland, College Park (cont.)
Divya Swaminathan
University of Maryland, College Park (cont.)
Joshua Pollack
Aditi Gujaran
Akshaya Balaji
Anderson Wanteu
Andrea Cagurangan
Annie Tang
Apoorva Ajith
Arianna Bocchino
Armaan Singh
Ashley Awoseye
Auzinea Bacon
Ava Bucci
Ava Lamberty
Bridget OHara
Caela Berrie
Caleigh Larkin
Camille Clingan
Carey Cameron
Catherine Dangel
Charlotte Yang
Chase Akumiah
Chisom Maduka
Christina Bodziak
Cloe Noble
Collette Anyiam
Danica Choi
Danielle Kim
Divija Sadula
Dora Hu
Dunyasha S M Yattogoda
Dylan Kapustensky
Ella nazzaro
Emily Jacob
Emily Miller
Fatima Yazdi
Fejiro Tereben
Gabriel Storfer
Gianna Cinque
Grace Lee
Grace White
Gwen Mather
Hanna Teshome
Hayden Renaghan
Heydy Herbert
Isaiah Griffith
Islamiyya Aina
Jaelen Seriki
Jason Grayer
Jenna Levy
Jeremy McCallum
Jessica Brian
Joanne Jeong
Jordan Abraham
Josephine Ekenya
Josh Digiorgio
Joyce Yu
Julia Kallaur
Julia Wall
Juliette Caban
Kaitlin Mui
Karenna Aparece
Kaylin Castles
Kellen Parks-Gardener
Krish Pandya
Laniya Davidson
Lauren Reeder
Lei Danielle Escobal
Lilly Patneaude
Madison Carter
Maggie Letvin
Malachi Gaines
Maleah Williams
Manasa Nittala
Maya Wheeler
Mel Calabrese
Michael Wu
Nathan Steighner
Naveen Harish
Nicole Selig
Nikita Bandarupalli
Nina Moore
Nusirat Fahm
University of Maryland, College Park (cont.)
Nyla Lewis
University of Maryland, College Park (cont.)
Alexander Koch
University of Rochester
Aminata Kaba, BS
Chasity England, BA
Oge Odidika
Oluwasemilore Ayo-Gbenjo
Omoleye Adeyemi
Palrika Kasondra
Payton Furr
Precious Ogunsola
Rebecca Barnholtz
Rebecca Scherr
Riley Blaugrund
Ruma Dewal
Ryan Kenna
Selam Wehabe
Sophia Andreas
Stephanie Irving
Stephanie Ton
Swait Patel
Sydney Bernstein
Tana Zifodya
Thomas Mariano
Justinah Bashua
Tyler Nasuta
Veronica Tsaturov
Wadi Ahmed
Warren Dansou
Zayan Matin
Andrea Espinoza Jones
Angie Osorio
Bilal Murtaza
Casey Lopes
Delyar Delavari
Kait Wachter
Diana Centeno, BA
Eldryn Steele, BA
Emily De La Cruz, BA
Md Fahad Hossain, BS
Kayla Howard, BA
Lisbeth Hernandez Navarrete, BA
Margaret Carpenter, BA
Mahlet Tedla, BA
Marissa Carlson, BS
Mekhai Morrison-Gaskins, BA
Michael Michielli, BA
Nadia Todd, BA
Nadia Tolosa
Rachelle Gomez-Guevara, BA
Renee Taillie, BA
Ruchita Makhun, BA
Sennett Turner, BA
Shelinee Hernandez Espino, BS
Vanessa Velas Romero, BA
Oluwaseyori Adagunodo, BS
Vassar College
Roswell Wendel
Jeffrey Sergio
West Chester University
Brianna Joseph
Jamie Martinez
Gwynne Smith
Sophia Shaloka
Andrew Rubas
Nolan Hibsman
Emily Coyne
Grace Gilmore
Princess Ogujiofor
Emily Lonergan
Evan Parker
Kate Amtmann
Leah Crespy
Samuel Botnick, MS
It’s that magical time of year where YOU are able to make a difference for colleagues and students in the field…it’s Region VII’s Annual Day of Giving on July 17th!
This year, along with being able to make direct cash donations towards scholarships, we have created a limited edition “Transform Tomorrow” Day of Giving tshirt that you can purchase! All proceeds from t-shirt purchases will go directly to Region VII scholarships to help you, your colleagues and your students attend all of the amazing events that our Region hosts.
T-shirt sales will be available from July 10th at 9am and will close on July 17th at midnight!
Follow our Instagram for more information on how to secure your shirt and support the Region at @acuiregionvii
Registration is now open for Region VII’s Grad & Grow on July 25th from 9 AM to 4 PM at Rutgers University - Camden.
The Grad & Grow Institute will give first- and second-year graduate students the opportunity to meet and learn from other graduate students and attend relevant sessions that will develop skills in their roles. We will also be offering an advisor/supervisor track for those that attend to support their graduate students.
Registration information can be found here:
We understand that sometimes folks in ACUI use acronyms or terms that not all members are familiar with. While we try our hardest to avoid this, you still may hear these terms and phrases and not be sure what they mean. To help everyone stay in-theknow, here is a glossary of commonly used ACUI acronyms or terms that you may hear in the future.
ACUI - The abbreviation for Association of College Unions International Annual Conference - Association-wide meeting held each year
Board of Trustees - Volunteers that work on determining and advancing strategic directions, governing over long-term goals, representing the association to other members, and setting the tone for member experience
The Bulletin - ACUI’s online member magazine
CAS - Council for the Advancement of Standards
CO - Central Office
Community of Practice - A term referring to networks of members that share a common interest.
CPT - Conference Planning Team (team planning Regional conferences or could refer to Conference Program Team (team planning annual Conference)
CUPSI - The abbreviation for College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational
ERF - Education and Research Fund
ILEAD® - Institute for Leadership Education and Development, I-LEAD® is ACUI’s premier student program, designed to emphasize the key concept areas of leadership, community development, and change
IPDS - IPDS: New Professionals Orientation is an introduction to the profession that offers ample idea sharing, discussion of theory and skills, and opportunities to network
RD - Regional Director Regional directors serve as the chief administrator of their region, representing regional activities to other ACUI leaders and members.
Region VII - ACUI is broken down into eight separate regions that cover the globe. Region VII is made up of Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland , New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Quebec.
RLT - Regional Leadership Team
VDT - Volunteer Development Team
As communication coordinators, Dom Hannon and I, have a goal to consistently provide our Region VII members with content about our members, events, student unions, and more.
However, we can’t do that without you! Our members are the lifeblood of our Region and so we want to hear your stories, your successes, see your building, and more. To be featured just fill out our content form which can be found by scanning the QR code on this page.
We can’t wait to hear from you!
-Zac LomasScan Here or Click the Link Below to Submit to Be Featured in the Newsletter or on Region VII’s Social Media