February 2011 International education news summary

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ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand International higher education news summary for February 2011

International higher education news summary for February 2011

British Educators Telling Students: Go Abroad Visa proposals threaten UK interests Police beat International students at Adelaide Oval University of California becoming a federal university, chancellor says Universities, Students Need To Discuss Process Of Campus Elections - Muhyiddin Yorkshire looking abroad for student income Overseas students lose visas at airport (International) Student accommodation too costly Hong Kong's Universities Decide Bigger Is Better Foreign universities keen to set up branches in Sri Lanka Global offerings Raw deal for sushi workers 17 Indonesians get Australian scholarships Universities of Birmingham, Nottingham announce partnership Invasion of the union snatchers? From where we sit - Quality and inequality International Student Barometer report International uni students happy in Australia Surf safety for foreign students Bid to counter University of Newcastle exodus Over 5,000 expected at Education Fair Canadian Education Fair in Malaysia He's doing well, but some Muslims battle Higher education becomes more costly Only way is down for state funding, think tank warns global academy Speaking the lingo: case of the ERA When standards falter in favour of profits Short-sighted Julia Gillard to blame for drop in Chinese students Recruiting in China Pays Off for U.S. Colleges Are you ready for the latest university challenge? Student visa applications still plummeting Universities must safeguard intellectual vitality Egypt: Alternatives sought after universities close New universities fear budget squeeze on access rules UNE partners with CME to offer IELTS preparation Curtin University's off-shore campus had 'master-slave' relationship Thai universities face a brave, new world Highlands and Islands' UHI wins university status Volunteering spirit catches fire Will Academic Freedom Be Protected at Yale's New College in Singapore? Students flee indifferent country Critics say top-rated Chinese education system has a flaw Should Italian and Chinese lead the new curriculum? Australian and New Zealand Higher education resources: ACUMA Incorporated

British Educators Telling Students: Go Abroad The New York Times February 27 2011 Caught between the rising cost of university tuition in England and the falling percentage of applicants offered places, one British school is giving its students some surprising advice. By any measure Hockerill Anglo-European College is one of the most successful schools in Britain. Named last month as one of the government’s flagship academies, its students regularly.... ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 || Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 || admin.acuma@acuma.org.au http://www.acuma.org.au || http://twitter.com/acumainc || http://www.scribd.com/acumainc

ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand International higher education news summary for February 2011

Full article: http://goo.gl/Mw1pm Visa proposals threaten UK interests The Financial Times February 28 2011 Almost five years ago, I was invited to apply for the deanship at Manchester Business School. The principal reason for my interest was the international orientation of the school and, indeed, the global nature of the entire UK higher education sector, especially compared with the US universities in which.... Full article: http://goo.gl/mQkYq Police beat International students at Adelaide Oval ABC Adelaide February 28 2011 A group of 11 international students launched a vicious attack on two South Australian police in the middle of the Adelaide Oval this afternoon. The students opening bowler sent one officer back to the pavilion as the students opened the Community Cup cricket match with.... Full article: http://goo.gl/DQrhF University of California becoming a federal university, chancellor says San Francisco Chronicle February 24 2011 Less state money, more from U.S. transforming the university, UC Chancellor Robert Birgeneau says. As it gets more funding from the federal government and less from Sacramento, UC Berkeley is effectively morphing from a state university into a federal university, according to Chancellor.... Full article: http://goo.gl/GeDcs Universities, Students Need To Discuss Process Of Campus Elections - Muhyiddin Bernama, Malaysian Nat'l News February 24 2011 Universities, especially their student affairs departments need to hold healthy discussions with students leaders on the process of campus polls to avoid untoward incidents, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said the two parties need to establish.... Full article: http://goo.gl/0QPiq Yorkshire looking abroad for student income The Yorkshire Post ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 || Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 || admin.acuma@acuma.org.au http://www.acuma.org.au || http://twitter.com/acumainc || http://www.scribd.com/acumainc

ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand International higher education news summary for February 2011

February 24 2011 MOST Yorkshire universities want to expand their international recruitment to boost income when the new tuition fees system is brought in despite the threat of tighter rules being imposed over who will be allowed into the country to study. Higher education bosses are warning that restricting access to foreign students could result in.... Full article: http://goo.gl/D6CED Overseas students lose visas at airport The Australian February 23 2011 IMMIGRATION officers appear to have stepped up a practice of cancelling the visas of returning international students in a way that deprives them of appeal rights, according to an immigration expert. If a visa is cancelled before the student clears immigration at the airport, there is no right to independent review by.... Full article: http://goo.gl/waCjf (International) Student accommodation too costly The Age February 22 2011 International students are mostly satisfied with studying in Australia, but a large minority say the costs of accommodation and living are too high, a survey has found. The International Student Barometer, a survey for Universities Australia, the peak representative body for universities, received responses from more than.... Full article: http://goo.gl/SJ18Q Hong Kong's Universities Decide Bigger Is Better The New York Times January 31 2011 Universities in Hong Kong are counting down toward one of the most significant transformations ever attempted in the territory’s higher education sector, and the logistics are daunting: thousands of extra students, hundreds of new lecturers, realms of new curricula to write and hours of additional courses.... Full article: http://goo.gl/mgfZO Foreign universities keen to set up branches in Sri Lanka The Sunday Observer, Sri Lanka February 06 2011 Universities from India, China, Japan, Singapore and Australia have shown a keen interest in setting up branches in Sri Lanka, said Secretary to the Ministry of Higher Education, Dr. Sunil Jayantha Nawaratne. ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 || Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 || admin.acuma@acuma.org.au http://www.acuma.org.au || http://twitter.com/acumainc || http://www.scribd.com/acumainc

ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand International higher education news summary for February 2011

He said representatives from around 20 foreign universities had visited Sri Lanka to.... Full article: http://goo.gl/HJVfs

Global offerings The Star, Malaysia February 06 2011 The heads of foreign branch campuses share their account of Malaysia’s pull factors as an education hub. BY any measure, the University of Southampton’s recent move to establish a Malaysian campus was epoch-defining. Taking two years to complete, the seemingly endless process of due diligence – on both sides – was finally concluded with the varsity agreeing to set up shop at the Educity@Iskandar, the education hub.... Full article: http://goo.gl/LVM5E Raw deal for sushi workers The Sydney Morning Herald February 06 2011 A LEADING sushi restaurant chain has admitted it paid some foreign staff as little as $9 an hour, in what workplace experts warn is the tip of a ''massive black economy'' in Australia's hospitality industry. Following claims that restaurants in the Sushi Train and Sushi Samurai franchise were.... Full article: http://goo.gl/7NySw 17 Indonesians get Australian scholarships The Jakarta Post February 04 2011 The Australian Government awarded scholarships to 17 “high achieving” Indonesians to continue study or research programs in Australia and eight Australians to conduct research in Indonesia under the 2011 Endeavour Awards program.... Full article: http://goo.gl/rCh4P Universities of Birmingham, Nottingham announce partnership The Guardian, UK February 03 2011 Birmingham and Nottingham plan to share staff and teaching facilities because of the 'constrained funding environment'

ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 || Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 || admin.acuma@acuma.org.au http://www.acuma.org.au || http://twitter.com/acumainc || http://www.scribd.com/acumainc

ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand International higher education news summary for February 2011

Two leading universities have announced a new partnership which will see them jointly awarding degrees and.... Full article: http://goo.gl/szZyF Invasion of the union snatchers? Times Higher Education February 03 2011 UCU trio claim body is being 'taken over' by SWP and left-wing members. John Morgan reports Senior members of the University and College Union have accused the Socialist Workers Party and a lecturers' Left group of seeking to "take over" the union while using its members and resources as "cannon fodder".... Full article: http://goo.gl/iCQHx From where we sit - Quality and inequality The Times Higher Education February 03 2011 After British higher education's autumn of discontent, neither the coalition government nor the sky has fallen. Yet the UK academy has changed fundamentally in the wake of confirmed spending cuts. Universities will survive, and many will flourish, but the current cap on fees will seem quaint in five years' time. Fees will go through the roof, as they have in the US, and universities will.... Full article: http://goo.gl/89N2p International Student Barometer report Universities Australia February 21 2011 In 2009 Universities Australia initiated a benchmarking exercise into the experiences and expectations of international students pursuing higher education in Australian universities. The project aimed to provide feedback to the sector, captured by a survey instrument, the International Student Barometer.... Full article: http://goo.gl/MZ9dP International uni students happy in Australia Sydney Morning Herald/AAP February 21 2011 A survey of international students at Australian universities has found the vast majority were happy with their experiences. The 2010 International Student Barometer found 86 per cent of the approximately.... Full article: http://goo.gl/b2tgW ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 || Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 || admin.acuma@acuma.org.au http://www.acuma.org.au || http://twitter.com/acumainc || http://www.scribd.com/acumainc

ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand International higher education news summary for February 2011

Surf safety for foreign students Coffs Coast Advocate February 21 2011 INTERNATIONAL university students calling the Coffs Coast home have learnt the key beach safety lesson – “white is right and green is mean.” The easy-to-remember slogan was highlighted by Coffs Harbour lifeguards during a day at the beach.... Full article: http://goo.gl/5zEyX Bid to counter University of Newcastle exodus The Herald, Australia February 19 2011 The University of Newcastle has been forced to refocus its marketing campaign in an effort to continue to attract lucrative international student enrolments following an exodus of wealthy Saudi students from the institution. Saudi students have been a major growth market for the University of Newcastle over the past.... Full article: http://goo.gl/SrdyQ Over 5,000 expected at Education Fair Macau Daily Times February 18 2011 The Macau Education Fair is one of 40 specialised exhibitions Venetian resort will organise this year, vice-president for convention and exhibition Wolfram Diener said During the upcoming three day Macau Education Fair to be held at The Venetian, between.... Full article: http://goo.gl/BZM1C Canadian Education Fair in Malaysia The Sun, Malaysia February 18 2011 AT least 25 Canadian institutions are in Malaysia to offer a variety of tertiary education programmes including engineering, business, actuarial sciences, biotechnology, computer science and pre-university studies. The Canadian Education Fair which took place in Kota Kinabalu.... Full article: http://goo.gl/gOhk0 He's doing well, but some Muslims battle The Australian ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 || Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 || admin.acuma@acuma.org.au http://www.acuma.org.au || http://twitter.com/acumainc || http://www.scribd.com/acumainc

ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand International higher education news summary for February 2011

February 18 2011 THESE days, Mohamad Assoum is just another studious face among the sandstone at Sydney University eyeing a career in medicine. In his final year of a science degree, Mohamad- Moe to his friends - plans to be a cardio-thoracic surgeon. As a devout Muslim and second-generation Lebanese-Australian, Mohamad is a migrant success.... Full article: http://goo.gl/MO8N4 Higher education becomes more costly University World News February 16 2011 University students are having to meet more of the cost of their higher education in countries with existing mass higher education systems and "ageing demographics" - and the trend towards reduced public spending on universities looks set to continue. A new report, released today, says.... Full article: http://goo.gl/hQaMj Only way is down for state funding, think tank warns global academy Times Higher Education February 16 2011 Public funding for higher education among members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development may have reached its peak, according to a study published today. The report, Tuition Fees and Student Financial Assistance, by Canadian think tank Higher Education.... Full article: http://goo.gl/2wsxH Speaking the lingo: case of the ERA The Australian February 16 2011 AN Australian, I have spent almost 17 years experiencing Britain's Research Assessment Exercise in various capacities, and almost as long assessing research for international research councils. Advising British universities, and an Australian university or two, on recent research assessment strategies.... Full article: http://goo.gl/sCL0v

When standards falter in favour of profits The Australian February 16 2011 THE US Department of Education was recently swamped by 90,000 submissions on its proposal to clamp down on low-quality higher education programs that leave students with large debts and poor prospects for employment, a move explicitly targeting the.... ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 || Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 || admin.acuma@acuma.org.au http://www.acuma.org.au || http://twitter.com/acumainc || http://www.scribd.com/acumainc

ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand International higher education news summary for February 2011

Full article: http://goo.gl/x08TX Short-sighted Julia Gillard to blame for drop in Chinese students The Australian February 16 2011 CHINA'S biggest student agent for Australian universities and colleges has accused the Gillard government of policy mistakes that have caused a sharp drop in student numbers from the $18 billion sector's biggest market. Li Ping, chief executive of Beijing-based student agency Aoji, also has slammed the government.... Full article: http://goo.gl/L0Ljv Recruiting in China Pays Off for U.S. Colleges The New York Times February 11 2011 The glossy color brochures, each crammed with photos depicting a Chinese student’s high-achieving life from birth to young adulthood, pile up in the admissions office at Grinnell College here. Mr. Allen, Grinnell’s dean of admission and financial aid, has gone on recruiting trips to China for the last two summers.... Full article: http://goo.gl/gu9OS Are you ready for the latest university challenge? The Telegraph, UK February 12 2011 Maureen Rice finds that simply working hard and getting top grades is no longer enough to guarantee a student’s place on a university course At a recent dinner, the Bateman cartoon moment came just after the main course. We had been discussing university entrance – for parents of a certain age, there is no other subject.... Full article: http://goo.gl/3D9SB Student visa applications still plummeting The Sydney Morning Herald February 12 2011 THE number of international students choosing to come to Australia continues to fall. Data released yesterday by the Department of Immigration will further alarm universities and colleges already reeling from a steep decline in international student numbers in.... Full article: http://goo.gl/VADrL ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 || Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 || admin.acuma@acuma.org.au http://www.acuma.org.au || http://twitter.com/acumainc || http://www.scribd.com/acumainc

ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand International higher education news summary for February 2011

Universities must safeguard intellectual vitality The Irish Times February 10 2011 OPINION: Those who run higher education intend it to serve the economy, a far cry from the republic of knowledge THIS ELECTION could be regarded as a test run about the direction higher education should take.... Full article: http://goo.gl/LFWRX Egypt: Alternatives sought after universities close University World News February 09 2011 Egypt has informed governments with large numbers of foreign students that at least three major Cairo universities could remain closed for up to a year, leaving students scrambling to find alternatives to complete their education.... Full article: http://goo.gl/9gXY2 New universities fear budget squeeze on access rules BBC, UK February 07 2011 New universities in England warn they could face unfair financial pressures when setting tuition fee levels. The government is expected this week to set out how universities must protect access for poorer students.... Full article: http://goo.gl/9LNjh UNE partners with CME to offer IELTS preparation University of New England news February 07 2011 The Centre for Macquarie English (CME) at Macquarie University is to supply online IELTS preparation for the University of New England (UNE). An agreement was signed between the two institutions in early January 2011 to seal the partnership.... Full article: http://goo.gl/c5jZw Curtin University's off-shore campus had 'master-slave' relationship The Australian February 09 2011 QUALITY controls had been tightened after rule bending and a lowering of English standards at Curtin University's campus in Malaysia, according to a study of offshore teaching. ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 || Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 || admin.acuma@acuma.org.au http://www.acuma.org.au || http://twitter.com/acumainc || http://www.scribd.com/acumainc

ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand International higher education news summary for February 2011

The study, which identifies Curtin's Miri campus without naming it, also quotes.... Full article: http://goo.gl/lw40s Thai universities face a brave, new world The Bangkok Post February 08 2011 For a long time the education system in Thailand has been facing a dilemma over policies. Reminiscent of the Orientalist versus Anglicist debate which took place in most countries, policy makers in Thailand have also been caught between education inspired by Western universities vis-a-vis the indigenous model.... Full article: http://goo.gl/6WN5O Highlands and Islands' UHI wins university status The BBC, UK February 02 2011 UHI is made up of a network of 13 colleges and research centres A higher education institute has been confirmed as Scotland's newest university. The UHI Millennium Institute has become the University of the Highlands and Islands following.... Full article: http://goo.gl/Uu5y8 Volunteering spirit catches fire Boston.com February 01 2011 Young adults donate time, embrace the chance to give back Harvard sophomore Julie Zauzmer turned 20 on Jan. 22, and her birthday couldn’t have been better: She got to work the overnight shift at the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter.... Full article: http://goo.gl/VNu2f Will Academic Freedom Be Protected at Yale's New College in Singapore? The New Republic December 30 2010 The current issue of the Yale Alumni Magazine includes an unusual column by its editor bemoaning the lack of debate-or even interest-regarding Yale's September announcement that it was in serious discussion with the National University of Singapore about creating a liberal arts college, based on.... Full article: http://goo.gl/sajTR

ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 || Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 || admin.acuma@acuma.org.au http://www.acuma.org.au || http://twitter.com/acumainc || http://www.scribd.com/acumainc

ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand International higher education news summary for February 2011

Students flee indifferent country The Australian February 02 2011 WHILE new figures from Australian Education International show last year was a bumper year for international student contributions to the Australian economy, there are clear indications the pot has come rapidly off the boil. The federal government faces a series of challenges over how to move forward on the issue.... Full article: http://goo.gl/ObcIG Critics say top-rated Chinese education system has a flaw USA Today February 02 2011 Last month's announcement that Shanghai students had outperformed the rest of the world in math, science and reading has sparked a surprising reaction in parts of this region: criticism of.... Full article: http://goo.gl/hGf3Y Should Italian and Chinese lead the new curriculum? The Sydney Morning Herald February 01 2011 Italian and Chinese head a new second-language push for primary school-aged children. Should all students have to study a second language before year 7 as planned under the new national curriculum? The curriculum will cover 11 foreign languages with.... Full article: http://goo.gl/5orgJ Australian and New Zealand Higher education resources: ACUMA Incorporated

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ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 || Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 || admin.acuma@acuma.org.au http://www.acuma.org.au || http://twitter.com/acumainc || http://www.scribd.com/acumainc

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