ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Technology and higher education news summary • August 2010
Technology & higher education in the press in August 2010
Google renews licensing deal with AP for news content Strangers help university succeed, virtually Blinding Technology of Online Learning iTunes U Downloads Top 300 Million The ABCs of E-Reading Social Networking and the Overshare Generation Melbourne Uni begins 50 student iPad pilot Kaplan Publishing Is Giving Away eBooks Inkling for iPad: A Vision of What e-Textbooks Should Look Like Christoper Newport University closing bookstore and launching Web site IBM launches its 'Master the Mainframe' competition Google Chrome tablet computer ‘on sale in November’ Beyond the Barcode: Combining Print and Mobile Platforms Nook e-reader software ready for iPhone, iPod touch Get college textbooks for less by renting instead of buying Survey: Publishers Could See as Much as $3 Billion from Interactive Periodicals Subs Google buys online currency management company Jambool Google Buys Jambool: Social Networking Battle Begins Shanda launches new e-reader in China Flattr opens beta of its micropayment platform Education IT Poised for Growth GoogleTV's Next Frontier: Google's DirecTV Partnership Nomad Editions to Debut Weekly Mobile Mini-Magazine Canterbury University signs alliance with Microsoft Mobile Internet More Popular in China than in U.S. Can college students learn as well on iPads, e-books Google, Verizon make net neutrality proposal Nicholas Negroponte: The Physical Book Is Dead In 5 Years Mass Paperback Publisher Goes All Digital Schools in Maryland Opt to "Go Google" University of Western Sydney to deploy Microsoft webmail F.C.C. Chief Opposes Fees for Internet Priority Google and Verizon Near Deal on Web Pay Tiers Are students, parents too connected? Google drops Google Wave 'Free' movies, songs no more as colleges bust file-sharing Campus Technology Innovators Awards 2010 Murdoch: Tablets are the future for News Corp New Sites Empower Students to Build Their Own Scholarships Report: Facebook Delays IPO Till 2012
Google renews licensing deal with AP for news content August 31 2010 After months of negotiations, Google has renewed the content licensing deal that allows it to publish fulltext news articles from the Associated Press on Google sites such as Google News. "We look forward to future collaborations, including on ways Google and AP can work together to create a better user experience and new revenue opportunities," wrote Josh Cohen, a Google senior business product manager, in… Full article: ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / /