Higher education news summary for September 2010: Australia, New Zealand focus

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ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news summary • September 2010

Higher education news summary for September 2010

Uni fees legislation likely to pass House of Reps Student union fees to return Govt reintroduces student fees bill Walk a mile in students' shoes The numbers are out - and they're not pretty Quality conflict deemed unlikely Voluntary student membership a step closer Government Funding Fails To Keep Pace With University Costs High marks for tertiary finances Labor to bring back compulsory university amenities fees Labor reintroduces student fees bill Labor moves to reverse Howard's student-union laws Parity call for VET students Improved access needs on-campus support UOW enrolment slump to cost region $9 mil Labor has second shot at student services levy I'm barely surviving Students see the option of nonprofit jobs during career fair on campus Minister meets WA’s tertiary education leaders National Fails To Listen To Mainstream Students fail to insure belongings Uncertainty for student leaders Australia's Chancellors Turn to New Government as Foreign Enrollments Drop Title bout, but Oz academy has bigger fights ahead Last year's grades may affect loan access No gain without paying Student membership Bill nears end of debate From where I sit - Logos do not deliver popularity Shergold to Head Advisory Group on Gambling A vision for the future of the RMIT Quarter First modular student housing stacks up at ANU Group of Eight to boost standards with external examiners Lecturers face up to post operatives Text theft variously punished Rumblings about the business of ranking US stars lift UTS to the top Regional unis must be community partners Franchise deals only a short-term fix Principles allow global assessment of postgrad degrees Transgressing the boundaries Tertiary regulator TEQSA stands alone Call for mandatory 'green' study UQ welcomes Japanese immersion students Ministerial mess for higher education Barbarians breach the halls of learning The Macquarie University 2010 Vice-Chancellor's Annual Debate: 'Australia is producing too many university graduates' Murdoch University wields axe to find $20m savings Union affiliation ‘to fire up’ student activism in city How to save money on textbooks–rent them Students Prefer Printed College Newspapers over Online Adam Bandt launches social enterprise forum Commercial pressures 'will shut a UK university' Vale higher education ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


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