ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Technology and education news • September 2010 summary
Technology & education in the press in September 2010
M.I.T. Weighs Charges for Online Lectures LinkedIn Integrates with Windows Live, Hotmail, Windows Live Messenger Teachers and Students: Apple iPad and other Tablets Good for Multiple Purposes 50 iPads to be trialled in Qld schools BlackBerry tablet may appear next week, report says How Starbucks is Assembling its Forthcoming Digital Content Network College's attempt to block Facebook, Twitter, IMs fails Watching the watts with green IT Barnes & Noble expects $1B in digital book sales by 2013 Barnes & Noble Sells More Than 80% of Nooks In Stores New Platform puts Mobile Magazines in Pockets Around the World Education portfolio split a plus for ICT University bans Facebook, Twitter for one week Adelaide Uni students to receive free iPads University adopts iPhone app Wikipedia for Credit In-store book printing lets college students save big Social Media Blackout How the internet makes us stupid Google Voice offers a lot, but not yet for Google Apps Schmidt says Google TV on track for fall release Digital technology should be university 'priority' Learning Amongst the Riches: Students in the Cloud Apple and Google to clash in music space by Christmas What's hot on campus: Textbook rentals Students generating power on UNT campus Sony's latest e-readers: Understanding the trade-offs and global strategy 5 Lessons From Longshot, a Magazine Made in 48 Hours Let a Thousand Personalized Newspapers Bloom Google Beat to Highlight Hottest Google Searches in YouTube Series ACUMA and subscriber higher education updates in a fresh format
M.I.T. Weighs Charges for Online Lectures International Herald Tribune via NYT September 26 2010 The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has announced that it is considering charging for access to online lectures and class notes, which are currently available free on the Web. Speaking at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Institutional Management in Higher Education conference in Paris this month, Lori Breslow, director of M.I.T.’s Teaching and Learning Laboratory, said that free access…. Full article: LinkedIn Integrates with Windows Live, Hotmail, Windows Live Messenger September 23 2010 Windows Live group program manager Jeff Kunins detailed the recent integration of professional networking site LinkedIn with Hotmail, Windows Live Messenger, and Windows Live in a guest post on the LinkedIn Blog. Highlights (including a video): ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / /