BIM and the Integrated project team

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Multidisciplinary BIM & the Intergrated project team

BE1338 Information management |

James Charlton | W12033145

What is BIM?

Why BIM?

Who is using BIM?

Managing the process

Contributors Stephen Hamil Director of Design and Innovation RIBA Enterprises

Stefan Mordue Architect & Business Solutions Consultant NBS (National Building Specification)

Figure 1- Manchester central Library Bim porject (RICS, 2015)

Introduction The purpose of Building Information Modelling (BIM) is intended to provide information about a construction, in a method which can be shared or exchanged between different disciplines of the integrated project team, leading to better quality information that can be used to make informed decisions about the asset. Coordinated information cuts down on errors and saves time and money as everyone is using the same information. This information is also used further along the chain, from Client to Facility Manager, and should therefore avoid the need to re-enter it, sometimes wrongly. The significant benefits that companies who employ BIM can appreciate are: faster project approvals, more predictable outcomes, sustainable design and analysis services, and improved collaboration and information sharing for integrated project delivery strategies.

What is BIM?

‘‘BIM is a process for combining information and

technology to create a digital representation of a project that integrates data from many sources and evolves in parallel with the real project across its entire timeline, including design, construction and in use operational information.’’ (Mordue, Philp and Swaddle, 2015)

Figure 2- St. Paul’s cathedral physical model (Thelondonphile, 2013)

The construction industry has been operating the

same way for many years with a lot of processes working in silos leading to costly delays and errors. The need for earlier and better communication, collaboration and project team integration has proven evident. This is where BIM steps in as it helps address these issues. There are many definitions of BIM provided by various organisations. Some say BIM is a type of software, some say it is a 3D virtual model of the building while others refer to it as a process. To understand what BIM is, it is easier to clarify what it isn’t. BIM is not just: • A software • 3D model • File format • For buildings • Organised collection of data BIM is combination of the above and more as it is a process enabled by technology and not technology. Most people agree BIM stands for Building Information Modelling but some argue that it should be Building Information Management Figure 3- What is BIM? (Graphisoft, 2015)

BIM is not a new concept. Models can be dated as far back to 1673 when Sir Christopher Wren designed a physical model of St. Paul’s cathedral. The model, which exists today in the cathedral, holds geometric information about the proposed construction. It can be argued that it is an early Building Information model. However, since it does not correspond to the finished building, it was not useful in the post construction phase. This is where modern BIM comes into place. (Mordue and Finch, 2014) In 1975 Chuck Eastman, researcher specialist in the areas of BIM, described in his paper `The use of computers instead of drawings in building design’ a working prototype `building Description System (BDS)’ which included ideas of parametric design, extracting 2D drawings from a model and a ‘single integrated database for visual and quantitative analyses. `Eastman also suggested that this representation would help contractors with scheduling and ordering materials. (, 2015) “In 2006, BIM had begun to make its mark on the industry; the magnitude of its impact was reflected in Reports and Papers around the UK and internationally.” (Morton, 2012)

Why BIM?

• Up to 80% reduction in time taken to generate a cost estimate. The case provided in appendix A provides greater evidence of the benefits of BIM implementation as BIM was demonstrated on a live project. Through coordination sessions, the design team was able to quickly identify and resolve conflicts leading to an estimate cost saving of $600,000 and avoiding months of potential delays. Figure 5- Benefits of BIM process (Calvert, 2013)

BIM implementation enables design team members to participate and provide their inputs much earlier in the design process, rather than early design decision are locked. This early participation and input enables all design team members to assess the impacts of their design decisions and processes downstream. When the team members coordinate their work and share design inputs, they can easily assess the impacts of design alternatives and hone in on the best options earlier in the project. This collaborative approach enables designers to respect the requirements of the other design disciplines and avoid costly and time-consuming conflicts and design rework. (Au-

Figure 4- BIM Benefits (Laytonconstruction, 2012), 2014)

By adopting BIM, architects, engineers, contractors and owners can easily create coordinated, digital design information and documentation and use that information to accurately visualize, simulate and analyse performance, appearance and cost; and reliably deliver the project faster, more economically and with reduced environmental impact. Figures produced by Stanford University Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering (CIFE) based on 32 major projects using BIM indicates benefits such as (CIFE, 2007): • Up to 40% elimination of unbudgeted change. • Cost estimation accuracy within 3%. • A savings of up to 10% of the contract value through clash detections. • Up to 7% reduction in project time.

The UK Government’s Construction Strategy, published on May 2011, is a document issued by the cabinet office to improve the construction industry’s efficiency leading to 20% cost savings. This strategy will replace adversarial cultures with collaborative ones. One of the strategy objects in this document is the government’s intention to require fully collaborative 3D BIM on all centrally procured construction contracts by 2016 with all project and asset information, documentation and data being electronic. (Cabinet office, 2011)

Figure 6- Government four year strategy BIM implementation (BIMtaskgroup,2014) Figure 7- Construction 2025 (Constructioncode, 2013)

Figure 8- BIM wedge (BIS, 2011)

The Government then published the 2025 construction strategy, on July 2013, that sets out the industries long term vision and how industry and government can work together to put Britain at the forefront of global construction. It sets out high level targets that we should be building faster, cheaper and more sustainably while improving exports. BIM can help towards these targets by bringing the integrated project team together to work in a collaborative environment while adopting an integrated project delivery approach.

The purpose of the BIM Maturity model is to provide clear levels of expected competence and the supporting standards and guidance notes, their relationship to each other and how they can be applied to projects and contracts in industry. The purpose of defining the levels 0-3 is to categorise types of technical and collaborative working to enable a concise description and understanding of the processes, tools and techniques to be used. • Level 0 Unmanaged 2D CAD files for design and production information. This information can then be sent as a pdf file or printed off on paper. • Level 1 Managed CAD in 2D or 3D using BS1192:2007 with a collaboration tool providing a common data environment., possibly some standard data structures and formats. Commercial data managed by standalone finance and cost management packages with no integration. • Level 3 This represents full collaboration between all disciplines enabled by the use of web services complaint with IFC/IFD standards, managed by a collaborative model server with all parties being able to access and modify the same model. This approach is regarded as iBIM (Integrated BIM) and it removes the risk of conflicting information. (, 2014)

• Level 2 This level is distinguished by collaborative working where federated information models come together in a shared space, namely a Common data environment. Integration on the basis of proprietary interfaces or bespoke middleware could be regarded as “pBIM” (proprietary). Level 2 requires collaborative working using new methods of procurement. The government defined BIM level 2 in the construction strategy as: “Managed 3D environment held in separate discipline “BIM” tools with attached data….” (Bimtalk., 2015)

Who is using BIM? BIM awareness has increased over the years with the governments mandated use of BIM for publicly funded projects by 2016. BIM Awareness has risen from 58% in 2010 to 95% in 2013 according to the National BIM report 2014. Only 5% of participants were unaware of BIM. Contrast this with 2010, when 43% of respondents had not heard of BIM. Only 13% of survey participants adopted BIM in 2010 compared to 54% in 2013.(Thenbs, 2014)

Participants aware of BIM where asked about their current and future usage of BIM on projects with Just over 93% predicted that in the next three years (i.e. by 2016) they would be using BIM, and 81% that they would be using it in one year’s time. (Thenbs, 2014)

The table above represents the participant’s increasing awareness and usage of BIM moving from 2010.

What is it?

Multidisciplinary BIM brings the integrated project team together allowing team members to create, share, coordinate, and negotiate essential project information from the early stages using integrated project delivery processes to achieve the client’s goals and objectives faster and more efficiently.

(Design Academy, 2015)

Figure 9- Federated model (Oneltd, 2014)

The design team is composed of members from different disciplines that come together to work in a collaborative environment creating a wide diversity of design backgrounds. Typically, a design team may bring together architects, civil engineers, structural engineers, building services engineers, planners, surveyors and a host of technical specialists—each with their own ideas and goals on what features will create the best design. This project team may also be joined by key supporting participants such as constructors and fabricators who will build the project, as well as the facilities manager who will eventually operate the facility. Design teams must produce and manage extensive amounts of information about the project such as existing and as-built conditions, project goals, design options considered, results of design analyses performed, construction planning and fabrication strategies in order to achieve their design goals. All

reviewed, and agreed upon by the entire team. Each team member must develop the information needed and design the features required for their own portion of the design work, and this information must be shared with other members of the design team who are impacted by and depend upon these design decisions. (, 2014) Different stages of the construction project require participation and collaboration of all team members. Therefore, it is important for all members to communicate and share information while customizing BIM. The roles and responsibilities of the various designers and contracting parties need to be considered at the early stages, especially in relation to the performance specified work. The required outputs at each stage will also require greater definition, and in turn this will require the Lead Designer to clarify the inputs that are required at each stage of the design in order to co-ordinate the design as it progresses.

Multidisciplinary BIM

For years, designers have worked independent of each in the first stages of design, focusing on a single project discipline or function then passing the outputs of their design decisions to the next discipline. In some cases, design team members become involved in the project just in time for their part, in which then causes the project team to work around decisions or redo work. Even in some of the most collaborative schemes, communication between teams still needs improving and others who need to input and use building data, for example the occupiers of the building are sometimes the last to be involved. This process can create many barriers to effective communication, leading to costly mistakes.

Integrated Project Team Figure 10- BIM and IPD (Autodesk, 2008)

The integrated project team (IPT) is made up of the client’s project team and the supply team of consultants, constructors and specialist suppliers that work together to enhance whole-life value while reducing total cost, improve quality, innovate and deliver a project far more effectively than in a traditional fragmented relationship that is often adversarial. Collaborative working should be a core requirement for each element of every project. Putting it into practice through team working requires commitment from all project participants, but brings benefits much greater than the effort involved. Team working is based on mutual trust and openness, where problems and risks are shared and resolved collectively by the integrated project team. It is the starting point on which relationships with other parties should be based and applies just as much to the internal relationships between the members of the client’s in-house project team as to the working relationships between members of the client organisation and those of the supply team. It does not replace proper and appropriate management structures and procedures. It is an efficient way of working together to deliver the project on time, within budget and to the required standard. It should promote greater openness and encourage earlier involvement by the supply team (The integrated project team, 2007)

Assembling the IPT requires identifying the most appropriate specialists and involving them at key stages of the project where their skills and expertise can contribute to the design and construction processes. An integrated team creates the best environment for all who contribute to the design process – consultants, specialists and manufacturers – to generate the design solutions that improve value for money for the client.

Figure 11- Collaboration (Lauren, 2014)

Figure 12- The Integrated project team (OGC, 2007)

Integrated Project Delivery

Integrated project delivery (IPD) is a project delivery approach that requires intense multidisciplinary collaboration from the early stages and throughout the projects. With BIM, project teams make better, more-informed decisions throughout the project lifecycle since it provides greater potential for early collaboration and information sharing than traditional methods. (Realizing the Benefits of BIM, 2011) Traditionally, construction and design professionals tend to work in silos and if problems arise, the tendency was to protect one’s financial interests in which cooperation suffers and difficulties arise delivering the project. In contrast, with IPD, all project participants must work together to overcome problems that may arise during the design or construction phase of the project. Therefore, the composition of the integrated project team, the ability of team members to adapt to new ways of performing their services and the individual team member’s behaviour within the team are critical.

“BIM and IPD assist us because they bring a

level of predictability to projects. We know the schedule. We know the cost, We have also been able to drive costs down with BIM because we get input from the various trades regarding the optimal way of doing things.” Mervin Dixon, Senior project Manager, Sutter Health/CPMC (Autodesk, 2010)

Figure 14- BIM and IPD (Autodesk, 2008)

The case study provided in appendix B presents the benefits realised by adopting an integrated project delivery approach on a live project. In which an integrated project team relied on collaboration and data management solutions to help virtually design and construct project. Project risks and rewards were contractually shared and models produced by various trades were combined into an integrated model which was used for spatial coordination, clash detection, project communication, and construction simulation. This led to reduced costs and allowed the design team to integrate and optimize a fragmented flow of design and fabrication information.

Figure 13- Design and fabrication models aggregated in Autodesk Navisworks. (Autodesk, 2010)

Managing the process

Figure 15- Cyber security (RWU Law, 2015)

BIM cannot be bought as a package as it is a process, which is enabled by technology and not a single software package. Alongside the available software are a set suite of standards and documents that help share, exchange and collaborate the outcomes produced in such tools and software.

There is a large variety of available

software and tools on the market that are used by different disciplines. BIM tools can be described as task specific applications that produce specific outcomes. Some tools can undertake a variety of tasks such as construction management tools that can carry out scheduling, 4D scheduling and model checking while other tools may only focus on a specific task. (Mordue, Philp and Swaddle, 2015)

Design information is shared by the use of a common file format, such as IFC (Industry foundation course) or COBie (construction operation Building Information exchange), which allows any party to combine that data with their own in order to create a federated model. However, some authoring tools may not offer interoperability capability such as import/ export to IFC. To achieve level 2 The UK now has the framework in place for the industry to use. Standards such as PAS 1192:2 (Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using building information modelling) which provides the framework for collaborative working and information management in a BIM Level 2 environment and other standards such as PAS 1192:3 BS 1192:4 PAS 1192:5 and BS 1192 2007 +A1 2015 are available to the industry for free.

Figure 16- BIM Toolkit (NBS, 2015)

The NBS have also recently completed work on the free to use BIM tool kit for the government. This tool provides step by step help to define, manage and validate responsibility for information development and delivery at each stage of the asset lifecycle. The project also included providing Level of definition (Level of detail and level of information) to nearly 6000 objects and also completed work on an industry unified classification system, Uniclass 2015.

Government Soft Landings (GSL) is a key element of the design and construction process maintaining the “golden thread” of the building purpose through to delivery and operation. Adopting GSL enables end user involvement at the early stages and throughout the project and provides an asset that meets the end users’ needs and required operational outcomes. (Gov-

ernment Soft Landings, 2013)

Figure 17- GSL (Cabinet ofice, 2014)

Specific obligations, liabilities and associated limitations on the use of models produced by different disciplines are referenced in CIC BIM protocol that is for use on all common construction contracts and supports BIM working on level 2. Suppliers prepare this pre and post contract document, setting out a structured, consistent process for how the project will be carried out, common terminology for job titles, responsibilities and processes. The primary objective of the Protocol is to enable the production of Building Information Models at defined stages of a project. The Protocol is aligned with Government BIM Strategy, and incorporates provisions which support the production of deliverables for ‘data drops’ at defined project stages. Another objective of the Protocol is that its use will support the adoption of effective collaborative working practices in Project Teams. (BIM Protocol, 2013) Figure 18- CIC (theconstructionindex, 2013)



Figure 19- BIM Level 3 (Digital Built Britain, 2015)

The face of the UK construction industry is changing with BIM implementation increasing as the government 2016 mandate gets closer. BIM has changed the way buildings are designed, constructed, operated and maintained leading to reduced costs, faster delivery and improved quality and building performance. The shift from level 0 to 3 has been compared to the shift from drafting on tracing paper to CAD. However, the first shift is more significant as it requires collaborative and integrated working methods and teamwork with closer ties between all designers on a project, including designing trade contractors. According to BIM task group’s report for the Government Construction Client Group, Level 3 integrated BIM will bring greater opportunity for the formation of ‘Integrated Project Teams’. (A report for the Government Construction Client Group, 2011)

Concerns arising within the industry around issues such as copyright and liability, where various design elements produced by separate consultants are fed into a composite model and then adapted, are being resolved by the use of appointment documents and software originator/ read/write permissions for copyright issues and by shared-risk procurement route such as partnering for the latter. The CIC BIM Protocol makes provision for these. (, 2014) One of the greater construction industry challenges with BIM adoption relate to cost and time investment in training, particularly in relation to teamwork and collaborative approaches to design and construction, and the next generation of collaborative designers and contractors will need to embrace new working methods and leave behind some old assumptions and role stereotypes. (Sinclair, 2012)

“Everyone talks about 2016 as if it’s an end, but for me it’s just the beginning... Level 3 is the game changer, it’s the paradigm shift. Where Level 2 was deterministic in nature, Level 3 is more real time and probabilistic. There has never been a more exciting time to be part of this whole thing called the built environment.” (Philp, 2015) The Government has recently announced plans regarding validating BIM data from suppliers by October 2016 and the establishment of a new website www. which will contain all the BIM mandate documents

and support material. The UK BIM Task group will now be winding down to make way for ‘Digital Built Britain’ from 3rd October where we will be defining how level 3 BIM will change the way the global industry operates.

“The idea of an ‘Integrated BIM’ will hopefully form part of level 3. We have a long way to go before this happens, my best guess at least 10 years before the requirements are fully established. This will be centred around open standards such as IFC, IFD (Information framework for Dictionaries) and IDM (Information Delivery Manual) and will require above all else a real change in culture.”


Figure 20- Level 3 (Digital Built Britain, 2015)

“In the future we will see organisations sharing structured digital data in the cloud. This will be: • Consultants sharing project information on design, specification and cost into a federated model in the cloud. • Manufacturers and project teams exchanging digital information based on common schemas and classifications. • Organisations and the wider industry re-using historic data from previous projects digitally so that they have the correct information at the right time to make the correct decisions.” (Hamil, 2015)

Figure 21- Collaboration is key to the delivery of BIM (BIM today, 2015)

Conclusion BIM has made an impact on the construction industry and the way in which different disciplines collaborate and share information. The need for lower cost, increased productivity, reduced errors, coupled with the emerging goals of sustainable design and carbon dioxide emissions reduction, will require fully integrated design, construction and operation. BIM can help provide that integration by providing process enhancements that save time and money. With BIM, the integrated project team can adapt an integrated project delivery approach to increase collaboration between disciplines leading to improved profitability, better time management, and improved customer/client relationships.

A successful implementation plan will integrate all functional levels. BIM is the platform to implement integration and provide a structure to communicate information. By integrating program controls, communication, and information, teams will be able to make business decisions with the correct information and manage assets from a central location It is logical given the move toward Integrated BIM (iBIM), new procurement models which consider ways of harnessing the skills of all of the parties involved in the design, construction and management of a building will need to be developed alongside the new collaborative and multi-party contractual documents.

“BIM promotes greater collaboration and more informed decision-making within unified delivery teams, while allowing the supply chain to see beyond their own activities to a more holistic view of the client’s objectives. Equally important, BIM also acts as a valuable communication tool by bringing the project to life in a virtual world for clients and the workforce.”

Laing O’Rourke (Digital built Britain, 2015) Figure 22- future cummunication methods (Digital Built Britain, 2015)

“We have travelled a long way since the days of typewriters and drawings boards. But there is still some really exciting opportunities in terms of where we can still go in the coming years.”

(Hamil, 2015)

““success is all in the preparation.” Getting the fundamentals right before starting your BIM journey will stand you in good stead and put you in the front of the competition.”

(Mordue, Philp and Swaddle, 2015)

Case study: Hilton Aquarium, Atlanta, Georgia

The case study provided illustrates the cost and time savings realized by developing and using BIM for an actual construction project. The data for this case study is provided by Holder Construction Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Holder Construction created 3D models of the architectural, structural and MEP systems of the proposed building as shown in Figure A. These models were created during the design development phase using detail level information from subcontractors based on drawings from the designers.

This method allowed project team members to perform their work in the comfort of their traditional 2D, drawing-based delivery process and eliminated the potential risk that is often associated with open sharing of digital models across stakeholders. Through frequent 3D coordination sessions, the project team was able to quickly identify and resolve system conflicts, saving an estimated $600,000 in extras and avoiding months of potential delays as shown in figure y. During the construction process,

Figure x- Building Information Modeling for Hilton Aquarium, Atlanta, GA (Azhar, Hein and Sketo, 2014)

Figure y- An Illustration of Cost and Time Savings via BIM in Hilton Aquarium Project (Azhar, Hein and Sketo, 2014)

non-BIM-savvy stakeholders made use of Holder’s visualization models through a free viewer (i.e. Navisworks). The collaborative 3D viewing sessions also improved communications and trust between stakeholders and enabled rapid decision making early in the process. Finally, Holder’s commitment to updating the model to reflect as-built conditions provided the owner, Legacy Pavilion, LLC, a digital 3D model of the building and its various systems to help aid O&M procedures down the road (CIFE, 2007). (BIM: Benefits, Risks and Challenges, 2014)

Project details: • Project name: Hilton Aquarium, Atlanta, Georgia • Project scope: $46M, 484,000 SF hotel and parking structure • Delivery method: Construction manager at risk • Contract type: Guaranteed maximum price • Design assist: GC and subcontractors on board at design definition phase • BIM scope: Design coordination, clash detection, and work sequencing • File sharing: Navisworks used as common platform • BIM cost to project: $90,000 - 0.2% of project budget ($40,000 paid by owner) • Cost benefit: $600,000 attributed to elimination of clashes

Case study: Cathedral Hill Hospital (CHH)

Sutter Health, one of Northern California’s largest health-care providers, is a forerunner in the use of innovative construction concepts on its projects. The firm encourages the use of building information modelling (BIM) and integrated project delivery (IPD) to facilitate lean construction. One of the projects it carried out is the California Pacific Medical Center’s (CPMC) new Cathedral Hill Hospital in San Francisco, Which is a 914 thousand square foot 15-story hospital 555 bed facility costing a billion dollars. Sutter Health assembled an integrated project delivery team that relied on collaboration and data management solutions to help virtually design and construct the hospital. The core of the project team included Sutter Health and CPMC projects managers, architect SmithGroup, and construction manager and general contractor HerreroBoldt. Project risks and rewards were contractually shared amongst these team members, as well as their trade partners, being bound by Sutter’s relational contract—an integrated form of agreement (IFOA). To foster collaboration, the major participants were co-located at the onset of

the project and were required to use BIM. HerreroBoldt used Autodesk® Navisworks® Manage software to aggregate the CHH design and fabrication models, creating an integrated project model that the team relies on to facilitate communication and collaboration. “The team used over 30 different versions of software,” says John Mack, BIM Manager at HerreroBoldt. “But we combined all their trade models to produce a more accurate integrated computer representation of the hospital.” This Navisworks model was used for spatial coordination, clash detection, project communication and review, and construction simulation and planning. Mack says “The use of BIM with collaboration and data management tools on this project allowed us to integrate and optimize an otherwise fragmented flow of design and fabrication information”. He then moves on to say “IPD can only work when the customer, the designers, and the contractors are truly working together and leveraging the same information. BIM is essential for that teamwork, and will continue to serve us well as we enter the construction phase of this project.” (Autodesk, 2010)

Figure B- Contractors can pull pieces out of the aggregated model for fabrication in a controlled environment (Autodesk, 2010) Figure A- Cathedral Hill Hospital Render (Mayes, 2010)

Project OVE Project OVE, a virtual replication of the human anatomy, exemplifies the

potential of Building Information Modeling. OVE was born. Standing 170 meters tall on his full steel skeleton, OVE breathes, sweats, gets hungry and has a heart and brain. OVE’s hypothetical home town is Las Vegas and his size competes with Arup’s high-rise projects such as the Gherkin while the great pyramid of Giza barely touches his shoulder.

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