A Step by Step Guide to Design a Website

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3 TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3 Design concepts that have been considered during website design.............................................3 TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4 2.1 Design interactive website to meet user requirements...........................................................4 TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7 Implementation of a fully-functional interactive website............................................................7 TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10 4.1 Review and test the website.................................................................................................10 4.2 Analyses of actual test results against expected results to identify discrepancies..............11 4.3 Evaluate independent feedback and make recommendations for improvements................11 4.3 Create on screen help to assist the users..............................................................................13 4.4 Documentation for support and maintenance of website.....................................................13 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................14 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................15

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INTRODUCTION The main aim of the project is to understand website concept and design interactive website for CP Sport Company to meet given requirements. Website is designed by collecting all requirements of users and evaluates website design with other user. For designing the website, notepad was used (Bosley and Bosley, 2015.). CP sport enterprise is well known firms in a field of deliver sports shoes, clothing, bags, shirts, watches and other sports related accessories to their customers in reasonable price and at stipulated time. However, organizations mainly focus on delivering cricket and football sports items.


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TASK 1 Design concepts that have been considered during website design Web design concepts are always in evolution and by considering different variables include accessibility, flexibility and user attractions website is designed effectively (Liu, 2014). In order to develop quality of website, it is essential for web designer to understand needs of users and identify how they interact with web-sites and basic patterns of users’ behavior towards use of website. In addition, during website design, developer has considered some factors in his minds such as theme of website, user centric website, appropriate color combination of fonts used in web-page, grids created for creating a horizontal and vertical rhythm, web technology used, navigation concepts and web-page layout etc. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655

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The website is designed for CP Sport Company by following various stages that can be describes as follows: A good website design has some unique features such as text, navigation, links, graphics, logical road map, crucial information about company and services and products offer, contact information, security, FAQ and good hosting features etc. Website designer produces a fully functional interactive website for a sport company to meet user requirements in proper way. During the process of website design, web designer considered some web design concepts include appearance of website (create psychological impact on canvas of the mind of users and evoke an emotion of the visitors), simplicity and attractiveness of website, selection of graphics and color scheme and connectivity of web page with social networking websites (Bosley and Bosley, 2015). Hence, it can be said that web designer should consider these factors during website design to make it more attractive and user friendly to attract visitors and convert them into regular customers as well. To meet the requirements of users, CP sport website has been prepared to provide detail information about enterprise and services offer by it to its user using website. Sufficient amount of content and enough text are also defined on each page to identify layout of the page and aware user about firm and its services. The whole project is created in Notepad and not use of any tools for website development (Saxena, 2015).

Figure 1: User requirements TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655

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(Source: Bosley and Bosley, 2015) Table 1: User requirements Application runs on any browsers Transactions should be secure Site visitors should be able to purchase goods or services Users should be able to view a complete list of specified sports items and able to modify the quantities of items. Large number of users should be able to use the application simultaneously and able to search for items by related attributes.

TASK 2 2.1 Design interactive website to meet user requirements As per the present case concerned, website was created for CP sports enterprise which offers variety of sports products and services to their customers online (Shelly, 2010). The website contains 5 pages. First page of sport website is home page which provides clear information about company and services which it is offering to its customers (Marrinan and et.al., 2014). Second page of website is about use page and this page provides detail information regarding firm establish and detail descriptions about how it has started its business and expanded properly. History page of company describes about founder and established year of firm. Contact us webpage is designed to establish direct communication between enterprise and user. FAQ page is designed to explore features of website in order to solve customer queries. Through shared sports events and include new emerging technologies in business, it is trying to further in building relationships with its customers (Umar, 2014). By introducing free events, it gives the chance to customers with their family and colleagues to participate in sport.The story board of CP sport website are described as follows:

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Table 2: Story Board

CP Sport.com Home page

Our services Men Ladies Kids

About Us


Contac t use

Product information



Quantit y +


CP sport provides a wonderful piece of memorabilia sport products to user as per their requirements

Top football, Cricket and other accessorize Products

Popular links Adidas Puma Camping

My account Delievery FAQ About Us

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Order Payments history Tracking Terms & Conditions

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Table 3: Website layout



CP Sports.com Welcome to the sport -world Customer service FAQ

About Us CP sport

Contact Us provides a




memorabilia sport products to





requirements. It is passion of






make and

performance innovation is major characteristic of our brand. Our services: Better quality and branded Footwear of different companies

Buy our products

Variety of clothes for men, women and kids We also offer other accessories items We Sell ever thing about sports but our main focus on cricket and football. @2014 Copyright by CP sports. All Right reserved. Site description: When user will open website then home page will show. It describes information about company and five links of web-pages include home, history, and customer service, FAQ, About Us and Contact Us. User click on home page then it explored detail description about firm and services offer by it to customer. History page will provide detail about CP sports established year and owner or founder of firm. (Vodnik, 2011) Customer service page will give details about different categories of products offer by Sport Company (Marrinan and et.al., 2014). When user will click on FAQ page then it will provide information about unique features of website. Contact us page provides details about office location of firm with contact TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655

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details. Appropriate colour combination is used in web page design and show description about company and its products to customer as well as proper integration of website is provided with social media.


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TASK 3 Implementation of a fully-functional interactive website CP sport website was created by using notepad platform and no other tools were used in developing this interactive website. Complete code was written in notepad and save its using html extension. Notepad is a simple text editor and resulting files are saved in this typically with the .txt extension. Without using any formal tags, web designer can making the program suitable for editing system files. Source code is complied and executed through a command prompt. As per the present case concerned, web designer is developed sport website using Notepad because it offers he most basic text manipulation functions and it supports both left-to-right and right-toleft based languages (Woods and Shelly, 2008). It uses a built-in window class named EDIT and accepts text from the Windows clipboard. To make web-site more interactive, various types of web pages include home, About Us, services, history, FAQ and contact us were prepared. Home page of the enterprise detail description about CP sports enterprise and services offered by it to its customer's. Category option is provided on home page of website which provides facility to user to search product on the basis their requirements. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655

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Illustration 1: Home page of CP sport When user will click on service page then it shows detail about services offer by CP sports to its customers. The most important thing which is considered during development of website is selection of colour combination. This feature of website will be helpful for sport enterprise to attract visitors and convert them into regular customer's. Table was designed in service page in which all information regarding to sport products are clearly mentioned so that user can easily check product availability and price of products (Shelly, 2010). Along with this, on the main page of the website, social media connectivity is provided so user can login into CP

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sport website by using their g-mail and Face-book accounts. In addition, CP sports website offers, various facility to user include search facility on basis of different categories (men, women and kids) and detail information about products with their features (Umar, 2014). Website also offer copy right information through effective use of client-side scripting language. Validation is applied on each page to check and if customer's will not fill form then it will produce an error message if the form has not been filled in properly.

TASK 4 4.1 Review and test the website The present website of CP sports is designed in an well manner through which company can easily attract large number of customers towards their services. The present website of CP sports is running on different browsers. In order to test the website it is essential to check its functionality. Present website is running on different browsers and designed in HTML. For this purpose, user needs to drag and drop or double-click any of the HTML file. After this it should be open in default browsers (Rivers and et.al., 2010). If there are any type of errors than user can

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use different web editors. In case if notepad file fails and not working due to some errors than user need to rename the file followed with .html. Further, user can easily test the functionality of their website with the help of functionality testing such as: 

Functionality testing: It helps in test the all type of links in web pages, database connection as well as different forms used in the website (Marrinan and et.al., 2014). It is the best way through which user can test all their pages such as home page, about us page, services etc. By using functionality testing user can test if there are any orphan pages as well as any type of broken links. At the time of running about us page user gets the broke authentication message. This is the major problem and it is necessary to test the internal as well as external links (Lim and et.al., 2015).


Usability testing: At the time of running website in different browsers different types of errors may occur and it is essential to check the validity of code. It is necessary that website should be easy to use. All the instructions should be clearly provided. While testing the usability of website it is necessary to check the content also. Content is easy and understandable (Marrinan and et.al., 2014).

4.2 Analyse actual test results against expected results to identify discrepancies For testing the website, web-designer checks every page of CP sports website and finds the issues arise in implementation of web-page effectively. To identify discrepancies, user was clicked on About US page then error will show that can be shown in below figure. This type of error was raised due to broken link of About us page. After identifying the mistake, web designer corrected the error and make website more interactive (Shelly, 2010).

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Illustration 2: Illustration 2: Error occur during website testing

4.3 Evaluate independent feedback and make recommendations for improvements After the preparation of website, when it provided users to use then they provided various feedbacks regarding to improvement of website to make it more lucrative. Feedbacks came from client-side can be described with help of feedback form. Feedback

Recommendations to solve out issues

Client 1: Initially in website not connectivity

After reviewing the comments, web-site

was provided.

designer of CP sports were included this feature in website.

Client 2: Complained about color combination

By choosing appropriate colour combination,

choose in website

this kind of problem was solved out appropriately (Umar, 2014)

Client 3: Complained About us page link

When user click on this page then it was shown


error. By after providing clear link this type of problem was solved out.

Contact us page was prepared to solve customer query at stipulated time and one client sent comment regarding to colour combination.

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I llustration 3: Contact Us form with client feedback

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4.3 Create on screen help to assist the users Customer contact Us form was prepared to solve queries regarding to website such as product availability features, price, image of products and integration provide between different web-pages of CP sports enterprise.


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User assistance is provided to user regarding to solve critical issues such as browser compatibility, customer contact use form and feedback form on website etc. (Woods and Shelly, 2008) On screen manual is prepared which contains all information related internal and external links and help function was used in website to solve queries of customers. FAQ page was designed to aware users about CP sports company and familiar with products offers by it to them. It will aware clients about quality of sports products and clear product image. Website was tested using different browsers including Internet explorer, Firefox and Google Crome. 4.4 Documentation for support and maintenance of website For the purpose of maintenance company needs to regularly update their website as per the increasing demands of customers. They can make their website more friendly by providing high support to the customers (Shelly, 2010). In addition to this, regular updation of website is necessary to provide clear information about products and services to its customers on time. Not on the regular basis but company should check their website as well as code. For the proper maintenance it is necessary that company update all their information on regular basis. At the TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655

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time of maintenance if any type of discrepancies occurs than feasible solution should be find out by the analyst. Further, company can display their regular updates with the latest fashionable sports clothing as well as accessories (Woods and Shelly, 2008). Goals of website

The main purpose of designing the website for CP group is to sell quality of sports products to its customers in compatible price.

Provide link of major pages of website

Clearly provide

Provide detail information about products and

Categories products to provide better detail


about products.

Colour combination use in website

Red and blue colour combination was used in website.

Communicate with customers

Contact us is prepared.

CONCLUSION On the basis of the present result, it can be concluded that CP sport website is designed by web designer helpful for customers in term of getting details about sports products and their availability. This current report provides detail information about web design using Notepad platform. CSS was used to make CP company website more interactive and user-friendly for customers in term of product search and purchase online effectively.

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REFERENCES Bosley, R. and Bosley, M., 2015. Start building a website and then ‘run with it. pp.25. Lim, S. H. and et.al., 2015. The Innovation Resistance of IT Workforce to Mobile Commerce. Journal of Society for e-Business Studies. pp.20(1). Liu, Y., 2014. Customized website creation for University of Hargeisa IPCS. pp.105. Marrinan, T., and et.al., 2014. A new approach for data intensive collaboration using Scalable Resolution Shared Displays. Sage. pp. 177-186. Rivers, O. and et.al., 2010. Microsoft Expression Web 3: Complete. Cengage Learning. pp.512. Saxena, M., 2015. Determinants of online buying behaviour: a study of undergraduate students. Business review (gbr). pp.31. Shelly, B., 2010. HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Comprehensive. Cengage Learning. Umar, A., 2014. Best Free HTML5 CSS3 Responsive Website Templates. Vodnik, S., 2011. HTML5 and CSS3, Illustrated Complete. Cengage Learning. pp.101. Woods, D. and Shelly, G., 2008. HTML: Complete Concepts and Techniques. Cengage Learning.

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