Sample Report on Leadership Management by Academic Experts

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Sample Report On Leadership Management

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1 APOLLO 13 ....................................................................................................................................1 LEADERSHIP LESSONS ..............................................................................................................3 Leadership theories ....................................................................................................................3 Leadership framework ................................................................................................................5 Leadership styles ........................................................................................................................7 Relevance with 21st century ......................................................................................................9 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................10 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................11

Illustration Index Illustration 1: Crippled Spaceship (Apollo 13) ................................................................................2 Illustration 2: Leadership Framework .............................................................................................5 Illustration 3: Situaltional leadership styles .....................................................................................7

INTRODUCTION Leadership is one of the most critical segment of a project, mission, business or task. A leader is the one who leads a team or group of individuals to influence them to attain the set objective. A leader inspire, influence, integrate and involve group members to achieve the desired goal. The concept of leadership is not new to the world. Various authors and theorists have shed light on the term to create a better understanding about the same. Grint, 2008 defined leadership as a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of team members towards achievement of goals. Keneddy, States leadership as indispensable learning form others. Similarly, Kotter, 2008 examined the term as a process of giving purpose to collective effort, and causing willing effort to be expended to achieve purpose. Hence, it is evident that the term has gained a relevant focus from various scholars and learners to develop a deep and effective understanding about the same within the set area. It is one of the most crucial element for the success of task. Current report will analyze the impact of leadership on one of the historic event which inspires whole world and will determine a detailed evaluation of factors which helped in the outcome of the same. Apollo 13 was a historic mission whose successful failure and inspiring integration of leadership values set an impressive example of leadership values and principles (Gopee and Galloway, 2009). Team cohesion and integrated working of a team led in delivering favorable outcome from the failure of lunar landing mission. Current study will focus on analyzing factors and attributes which helped a team of highly skilled scientists to overcome the adverse situation. It will evaluate the application of various models and theories to seek relevance of the event in 21st century.

APOLLO 13 Forty five years ago in the year 1970 NASA set a mission for human landing on lunar surface after its first huge success in the year 1969 (Apollo 11). It became one of the greatest death-defying adventures in history due to technical failure of the space craft. Movie entails the detailed situation of the failure of mission which was named as a successful failure to develop a

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historic relevance due to effective leadership skills and management of activities (Frontiers of Space, 2015).

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Kindly Contact us at: Movie Apollo 13 details about the mission where three astronauts set out for lunar landing to make a historic relevance for USA. The story trails around the failure of mission due to blast in the oxygen tanks due to some technical imparity which left the three astronauts (Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, and Jack Swigert) orbiting around the moon with almost no power and heat. The disaster happened after 2 days of the launch of spaceship. A shot in wire led to blast in oxygen tanks which crippled the spaceship and left the three astronauts striving hard for life. The movie clearly defines an inspirational and influential leadership lesson about how NASA a massive organization set a leadership example for the entire world by managing to save the life of the astronauts in nearly impossible situation.

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Illustration 1: Crippled Spaceship (Apollo 13) (Source: Frontiers of Space. 2015) Film efficiently describes various steps taken by the teams at various level to attain the ultimate objective of safe arrival of the three astronauts. A well defined leadership lessons were learnt form when the whole unit controlled the mission about assuring the safety of crew. Gene Kranz, mission controllers led the overall mission tactfully by effective delegation of roles, responsibilities and direction in order to attain the set objective. Moreover, the movie defines a detailed analysis of numerous problems faced by the team and how the commander intent to take an effective evaluation of the extent of issues prevailing and make decisions in time to direct actions for the group (Apollo 13: Facts About NASA's Near-Disaster, 2012). Apollo 13 entails the story about triumph of NASA of successful returning of a crippled spaceship to earth by setting most influential leadership examples for the world through accomplishing almost impossible task (How Apollo 13's Dangerous Survival Mission Worked (Infographic), 2015). Apollo 13 is a lunar mission which is well known as a successful failure mission as it failed Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers top quality Leadership Management Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price

human landing on lunar surface but successfully achieved the objective on safe arrival of crew back on earth.

LEADERSHIP LESSONS Leadership theories Leadership theories has helped researcher and analysts in analyzing the impact of various leadership styles on the overall organizational objectives. Management of work has faced various eras which shaped them in order to reach to the current situations. Leadership theories created a valid impact on the growth and development of organization. The concept of leadership has been shaping form 19h century and is successfully guiding management how to manage the work. Various significant leadership theories which helped in developing current management era are mentioned henceforth. 

Trait Theory: This leadership theory was defined in 1930s to 1940. The theory argues that an effective leader possess certain well defined attributes and qualities which proves him to be an effective leader within the society. Trait theories helped to identify traits and qualities (for example, integrity, empathy, assertiveness, good decision-making skills, and likability) that were helpful when leading others (Leadership Theories, 2015). This theory considered all the external attributes of a person which helped in leading a set of people. This theory was criticized on the basis of its rigidity. Various authors the philosophers questioned the applicability of theory in various situations. Moreover, the theory was overunned as it has no valid impact on various situation factors that society, group of organizations faced. Moreover, the theory was qualitative and ignored various internal attributes and presence of skills and tact to deal with the given situation.


Behavioral theory:In such type of theory it mainly focuses upon the behavior of leaders. For example, it is essential for leaders to involve within the team and formulate decision making power in order to motivate support and acceptance within firm. It involves autocratic, democratic and laissez faire leaders. Autocratic leaders are required to make decisions on their own without consulting with their team members (Lorinkova, Pearsall Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us:

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and Sims, 2013). Thus, here leaders are required to make quick decisions therefore team engagement is not done. Further, democratic leaders involve all the team members in decision making so that best results can be attained. However, they face issues in managing the team as different ideas are gathered. At the end, laissez faire leaders possess the attribute that they do not interfere within team and allow individual to make decisions on their own.

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Contingency theory: Furthermore, such type of leadership theory has been currently used by businesses. Apollo 13 undertakes contingency theory as it helps the leaders to make quick decisions in regard to support the team. Such theory is also effective as it helps in supporting the team to become more people oriented and not task oriented.


Power and influence theory- Such leadership theory is entirely different approach as it is based on different ways that has been adopted by leaders such as power and influence. However, such theory helps in accomplishing the things done and attain best results within firm (Bains, 2009). It is another form of transaction leadership and provides reward to people for their actions. Further, such leadership approach mainly focuses on designing the tasks and reward structures. Also, it can be evaluated that such leadership Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us:

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aspect has not been adopted by leaders in regard to build relationship and developing motivation work environment within business. It is useful in order to carry out the things on daily basis. Leadership framework

Illust ration 2: Leadership Framework (Source: Useem, Jordรกn and Koljatic, 2013) According to Boin and Fishbacher-Smith, 2011 leadership is a situational attribute which demands a tactful analysis of the situation to analysis the situation and act skilfully to resolve the issues in order to attain the set target. As mentioned above a leader is a person who influence the overall group mission towards achievement of set organizational objective. Leadership is thus an Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers top quality Leadership Management Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price

integral part of the organizational working which helps the companies in creating a valid impact on overall achievement of objectives of the company. Leadership framework defines an effective flow of information from individual to the overall company. It helps in creating a wide impact on the organizational growth and development (Lepak, 2009). Various authors has defined leadership framework which helps in laying a well measured impact on goal achievement. Moreover, this also develops an in-depth understanding on human strategic goals along with the human values in order to gain the required result. The framework emphasize on gaining the required outcome for the activities of the business unit, team or group of individuals.

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The analysis of lunar mission Apollo 13 clearly represents a well structured framework of leadership in NASA helped various individuals involved in the process in attaining the set target in the worst situation. The leaders Gene Kranz who was controlling the mission immediately analyzed the situation and adopted the most effective leadership style in order to control the situation in favor of organization and team benefit (Lorenz and Dittman, 2011). The framework of leadership values the situation analysis as a very critical factor for creating a valuable impact Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers top quality Leadership Management Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price

on the attaining the set outcome. As the movie entails Kranz analyzed the situation and used his capabilities and power to delegate various roles and responsibilities to save the crew in space. Leader leads a team by analyzing the needs of team and acts accordingly to gain favorable outcomes. In the mentioned case the leader was thoroughly aware of strengths and weaknesses of his team. Moreover he very efficiently analyzed the major issues that was being faced in the overall process of lunar landing missions thus he acted immediately to attain the favorable outcomes. The actions of leader helped in neutralizing the situation in order to accelerate the overall outcomes for the mission. The actions and efforts of leadership is anther crucial part of gaining the results.

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REFERENCES Books and Journals Bains, W., 2009. Leadership and innovation. How consensus management blocks genuine innovation. Bioscience Hypotheses. 2(5). pp. 277-281. Boin, A. and Fishbacher-Smith, D., 2011. The importance of failure theories in assessing crisis management: The Columbia space shuttle disaster revisited.Policy and Society. 30(2). pp. 77-87. Campbell, K. D., 2013. Mythology as the Original Framework in the Development of Leadership Principles. Journal of Leadership Studies. 7(2). pp. 48-54. Druce, S., 2009. Leadership and Management in a Disaster. Disaster Nursing: A Handbook for Practice. pp. 37. Gopee, N. and Galloway, J., 2009. Leadership and management in healthcare. London: Sage. Grint, K., 2008. Leadership, management and command: rethinking D-Day. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Hamel, G., 2008. The future of management. Human Resource Management International Digest. 16(6). Johnson, M., 2012. Designing Visionary Leadership Teams. Technological Change and Societal Growth: Analyzing the Future: Analyzing the Future. pp. 36. Kotter, J. P., 2008. Force for change: How leadership differs from management. Simon and Schuster. Launius, R. D., 2008. Managing the unmanageable: Apollo, space age management and American social problems. Space Policy. 24(3). pp. 158-165. Lepak, J. J., 2009. Creating a knowledge management strategy. ARMY WAR COLL CARLISLE BARRACKS PA. Longstaff, P. H. and Yang, S. U., 2008. Communication management and trust: their role in building resilience to “surprises” such as natural disasters, pandemic flu, and terrorism. Ecology and Society. 13(1). pp. 3. Lorenz, L. and Dittman, K., 2011. Project Managers: Born Or Made?. Journal of College Teaching & Learning (TLC). pp. 1(10). Lorinkova, N. M., Pearsall, M. J. and Sims, H. P., 2013. Examining the differential longitudinal performance of directive versus empowering leadership in teams. Academy of Management Journal. 56(2). pp. 573-596. Useem, M., Jordán, R. and Koljatic, M., 2013. 10. Bringing up the Thirty-Three: emergent principles in multi-tiered leadership. Extreme Leadership: Leaders, Teams and Situations Outside the Norm. pp. 117. Online Apollo 13: Facts About NASA's Near-Disaster. 2012. [Online]. Available Through: <>. [Accessed on 27th October 2015].

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study situational leadership model. 2015. [Online]. Available Through: <>. [Accessed on 27th October 2015]. Frontiers of Space. 2015. [Online]. Available Through: <>. [Accessed on 27th October 2015].

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