Sample Report On
Marketing Intelligence
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 2 TASK 1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Stages of the purchase decision making process ............................................................................... 2 1.2 Theories of buyer behaviour ................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 Factors affecting buyer behaviour ....................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Relationship between brand loyalty, corporate image and repeat purchase ....................................... 5 TASK 2 .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Evaluation of types of market research techniques ............................................................................. 5 2.4 Preparation of marketing research plan............................................................................................... 6 4.1 Techniques used to assess customer response .................................................................................. 7 4.2 Design of customer satisfaction survey ............................................................................................... 9 2.2 Sources of secondary data to achieve marketing research objective ................................................ 13 4.3 Reviewing success of completed survey ........................................................................................... 15 2.3 Validity and reliability assessment of market research findings ......................................................... 15 TASK 3 ........................................................................................................................................................ 16 3.1 Market size trend assessment in mobile market................................................................................ 16 3.2 Competitive analysis of Acer ............................................................................................................. 18 3.3 Evaluation of opportunities and threats of Acer laptops .................................................................... 20 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................. 21 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 22
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INTRODUCTION Marketing intelligence is the data which is relevant to company’s external market. It is gathered and analysed for a specific purpose that is to take decision to analyse the opportunity prevailing the market environment (Aaker, 2011). It is generally done when the business wants to enter into new market. When the firm plans to enter into new market it needs to formulate a marketing plan as well as penetration strategies. The present report covers the customer’s purchase decision making process. Along with this, the study includes the factors which influence the buyer’s purchase decisions. Further, the study investigates market research techniques and methods of assessing customer response. At last, the current report tries to assess the market size trends and SWOT analysis of a product and service. TASK 1 1.1 Stages of the purchase decision making process There are five stages of the purchase decision making process. This process is described as under:
Recognising the problem: It is the first and the most significant step in the buying process. If the customer has no need then there is no purchase. At this stage, the customers identify the need which they want to satisfy (Abraham, 2012). They analyse the problem which they want to sort by making the purchase decision. Sainsbury can design its product as per the need of the customer so as to satisfy them.
Search process: At this stage the customer searches for various alternatives in order to satisfy their need (Avlonitis and Indounas, 2006). The customer finds the information in order to make choice. For searching the information, the customer may use two sources i.e. internal and external. Internal means the customer uses his own memory for producing the information. This may come from his past experience. External means that the customer searches for the information by obtaining the data from their relatives, friends or through advertisements (Cacciolatti and Fearne 2013). Sainsbury can plan its promotion strategy which they feel is important for the customer to know.
Evaluation of alternatives: When the consumer collects the information, he/she evaluates the alternatives on the basis of the risk associated with it. Also, the buyer examines each alternative
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with respect to the benefits attached with it (Charles, 2007). The customer puts in his/her own assessment criteria for evaluating the various alternatives of Sainsbury.
Decision to purchase: After the evaluation, the consumer selects the alternative which he/she feels is the best out of the available ones (Hill, and Alexande, 2006). At this stage, the customer decides to purchase the product of Sainsbury.
Post purchase decision: When the consumer is satisfied with the product or service then he/she makes the post purchase decision (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2008). This means, in order to satisfy their needs they make purchase decision of the same product on the basis on their experience from the product.
1.2 Theories of buyer behaviour There are various theories of buyer behaviour in terms of individuals and markets. These theories are described as under:
Generic theory: While making the buying decision, the customer follows the generic model. This means that the consumer will first recognize the need and then make research on the product and the price in order to satisfy a particular need (Michman, 2006). The customer, as per this model, analyses the need and then searches the information and further evaluates different alternatives based on price and relative benefits attached with the product or service (Layton, 2011). The decision of the consumer to make future purchases depends on the performance of product in present.
Internal theory: This theory states that buyer is influenced by their lifestyle. This can be reflected when some people examine the product on the basis of prices while others evaluate the product on the basis of its features by giving no importance to the price of the product (Kotler, 2003). Sainsbury needs to analyse the requirement of both the types of people.
Cultural theory: This theory implies that the buying behaviour is affected by the culture of an individual. Buying decision is affected by the social class, income, occupation, values and beliefs of the individual (Nwokah and Ahiauzu, 2009). Sainsbury is required to design its products and services in such a way that it overcomes the cultural barriers. Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us:
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1.3 Factors affecting buyer behaviour There are different factors which influences the buying behaviour. These factors are explained as under:
Cultural factors: Different cultural factors such as religion, nationality, geographic region, racial group etc. have a great impact on the buying behaviour (Paswan and et. al., 2011). The influence of culture varies from country to country. The values and beliefs of the individual play an important role in evaluating the product and service features of Sainsbury.
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Social factors: Social factors which affect the buying behaviour of an individual can be reference group, family, role and status (Rust and Verhoef, 2005). These factors possess the capacity to influence the attitude and behaviour of an individual. The status of an individual that is his background including his social group, club, and organisation also has a greater impact on his purchase behaviour. Sainsbury can analyse all such factors in designing its products and services.
Personal factors: These factors include income, occupation, life style, personality, and other factors which influence the consumer behaviour (Thomas and, 2008). Income level as well as the occupation of an individual will affect the consumer perception in making the decision to purchase. Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us:
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Moreover, the lifestyle and the personality have a major impact while an individual evaluates the purchase criteria. Sainsbury can evaluate the need of different segments so that it can satisfy the necessity of all the individuals. 1.4 Relationship between brand loyalty, corporate image and repeat purchase Brand loyalty refers to the commitment of the consumer to repurchase the product of Sainsbury. This loyalty is reflected when the buyer makes repeated purchase of the products and services of the same brand. This type of loyalty has great benefit to the firm (Ward and Lewandowsko, 2008). That is when the customers are brand loyal then they are ready to purchase the product even at high prices. Moreover, this also helps the company to attract new customers. Thus, it builds the corporate image of Sainsbury. Corporate image refers to the position of Sainsbury in the mind of the people. It also states the perception of the people towards the company (Yan, 2009). When the customer makes repeat purchase, it means he/she is loyal to the company which would result in strengthening the corporate image of the business. Likewise, when Sainsbury has a strong corporate image in the market, the customer will buy its products regularly and this will make the customer loyal to Sainsbury. Thus, there is a strong relationship between corporate image, brand loyalty and repeat purchase. TASK 2 2.1 Evaluation of types of market research techniques There are various techniques of market research available so that the perceptions of the customers, their need, taste and preferences can be known. These techniques can be evaluated as such:
Quantitative research technique SPSS and excel: Through spss and excel the data which is collected through questionnaire is analysed. This technique is helpful to business analyst in evaluating the responses of the customers. The results of the questionnaire are analysed using spss. Thus business analyst can the taste and preferences of different individuals.
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Interview: In Interview technique individuals are interviewed personally. Thus this assist business analyst to indentify the responses of people. This interview can be taken by more than one person. This is very tiring process and moreover the responses through this may not be accurate as the interviewee might not feel comfortable when he is asked his responses personally. Qualitative research techniques Surveys: Under this technique, the business analyst asks questions to a sample group through questionnaires so that the need of the target segment can be analysed. If the sample size is large then the results would be more reliable (Trainor and, 2013). These surveys can be conducted through mail, telephone, and interview. The benefit of using this technique is that it can reach large number of respondents to gather larger amount of data. However, the con of survey method is that the response rate of people is low. Focus groups: In this method a moderator leads to discussion among a group. The members of the group are from different locations and their perceptions are recorded by the facilitator. Under this method, people give feedback on the product of a brand (Richards and Padilla, 2009). There can be a difference in the preferences of the people which may be difficult for the moderator to judge. Observation: Individual responses to survey and focus group are inefficient. To overcome this, observation technique can be used. Under this, the consumers are observed at stores, work, and home so that it helps in knowing the taste and preferences of the people (Yong and Thomas, 2005). It is time consuming as it is difficult to keep an eye on each consumer. However this technique may give better results. 2.4 Preparation of marketing research plan Marketing research plan for Sainsbury is designed as follows: 
Background: Sainsbury is one of the UK’s largest retailers. It operates over 1000 stores, including 400 convenience stores. The company focuses on building strong values and culture and it commits to provide excellence (Johns and Van Doren, 2010). Sainsbury aims at satisfying the customer by offering them greater quality of services at reasonable price thus making their lives easier. Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us:
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Rationale: This research will help in knowing the areas where improvements need to be made by the company.
Objective of research: To know the level of satisfaction among Sainsbury customers.
Methodology: The research is conducted by using methods such as observation, surveys and data collection method such as questionnaires (Secondary Data in Marketing Research: Definition, Sources & Collection, 2014).
Data analysis: The data collected is analysed by using thematic analysis for qualitative data.
Time frame: Time frame can be depicted using Gantt chart. Table 1 Gantt chart Activity
Preparation of Research Plan Objectives of the Research Research methodology Data analysis Revising the research plan 4.1 Techniques used to assess customer response There are various techniques which can be used in order to assess the customer responses. These techniques are evaluated as under:
Suggestion scheme: When the company needs to improve its services, it can take suggestions from the customers by making them fill suggestion forms. These recommendations can provide an opportunity in the present research to listen to the complaints of the consumers (Marketing intelligence, 2014). This technique can help in analysing what type of product the customer wishes to purchase. Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us:
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Questionnaire: In this technique variety of questions are formed which assist business analyst in evaluating the response of customers. Both open ended and close ended questions are prepared. This provides brief idea on taste, preference and opinion of customers (Szwarc, 2005).
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Focus group: It is a qualitative research technique in which group of heterogeneous people is asked about their belief, attitude and perception regarding company’s product. This will facilitate business analyst to analyse response of customers towards product and services Sainsbury.
Open meeting: Under this technique open meeting is conducted with customers in order to gain insight to what they feels regarding particular product of company (Mofatt, 2014).
Customers complain: The responses of the customers can be assessed by using technique of customer complain. In this method the feedback which are received from the customers are analyzed in order to evaluate their responses towards these products. Complains regarding products are investigated by business analyst within this technique. Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us:
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4.2 Design of customer satisfaction survey Customer satisfaction survey is conducted through questionnaire. Name: ____________ Occupation: ___________ 1. How long have you been buying the product of the company? 1 to 2 year
2 to 3 year
More than 3 year
2. How often do you make purchase of the products and services offered by company? Regularly
Very often
3. What reasons persuade you to visit the store? (reas Price factor
Availability of product
Location of store
Other factor if any_________ 4. How long did you stayed in store during your visit? 5 minutes
6 to 15 minutes
16 to 25 minutes
More than 25 minutes
5. Are the employees of the company courteous? Agree
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6. How attentive was the salesperson to your needs? Very attentive
Least attentive
7. Do you receive the product on time? Yes
8. To what extent the product meets your expectations? High
9. How important is pricing of the products and services? Very important
Less important
Not important
10. Are you happy with the promotion strategy? If no, give reasons. Yes
11. How far is store’s return policy satisfactory to you? Satisfied
12. Is the product of quality standard? Yes
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If not, then why? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13. Are you satisfied by the overall customer service offered by the company? Yes
14. Recommend improvement required by the customer service department of the company. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15. What could be done to enhance the ambience within the store? There is a presence of decreased satisfaction in consumers towards Sainsbury product. Responses
No of customers
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There is a presence of decreased satisfaction in consumers towards Sainsbury product. 56%
As per the analysis of the responses of the Sainsbury customers it has been found that maximum number of customers are dissatisfied with the products and services offered. This type of dissatisfaction is seemed among customers as the products are not as per the taste and preferences of the customers. However 24% of customers have responded that they are satisfied with the products offered by Sainsbury as it is relaying of their expectation. Rest of the customers are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. Improvements are required in consumer satisfaction levels of the Sainsbury Responses
No of customers
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Improvements are required in consumer satisfaction levels of the Sainsbury
On analysing the responses of the customers it was found that improvements are required in the satisfaction level of Sainsbury. This is because the services provided by employees are not as per the expectation of the customers. 80% customers agree that improvements are required. However 20% feels that services and products provided by company are satisfactory. 2.2 Sources of secondary data to achieve marketing research objective Secondary data is the data which has been gathered for a purpose rather than for current research (Prasad, 2010). But further this data is used as it has relevance with the study. Sources of secondary data can be classified as internal and external. 
Internal sources: These sources can be profit and loss, balance sheet, sales figures; inventory records etc. These sources can facilitate in knowing the level of customer satisfaction (Richards and Padilla, 2009). By analysing the sales figures one can understand the demand of its product in the market. Thereby the business analyst can record the opinion of its customers. By evaluating the profit and loss statement and balance sheet, the organization’s position can be known. Thus it will help in learning about the operations of the company and its various activities. This will assist the business analyst in achieving marketing research objective. Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us:
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External sources: Data can be collected through various external sources such as trade journals, literature reviews, internet etc (Oudan, 2007). These sources include the various research fields which help in understanding the ways company satisfies its customers. Internet has become excellent source of information which enables business analyst to obtain information as per their need.
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Kindly Contact us at: The sales records and the market share of the company are investigated by the researcher in 2013. The relationship between market share as well as satisfaction level provided to customers can be reflected through the secondary data collected from different sources. 16.5% of grocer market in UK is covered by Sainsbury (Sainsbury’s grows market share as rest of big four contract, 2013). The responses of customers towards the company are satisfactory. The customers are satisfied with the quality, pricing policy and the services provided by Sainsbury. Thus such factors have assisted the company to increase its market share. Hence Sainsbury has gained sufficient share in retail market within UK. The customers who are satisfied will help the company to increase its share in market. Thus with this they make purchasing of the product repeatedly as good words of mouth are generated when the Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers Best quality Accounting Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price
customer satisfaction level is high. Therefore it can be concluded that satisfaction level among the customers impacts the sales and growth of company at a greater extend. 4.3 Reviewing the success of the completed survey The success of surveying the customer in order to know the level of satisfaction can be reviewed in the following manner. The questionnaires which were provided to the customers were completed in every aspect (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin and Cardy, 2008). With the help of survey satisfaction level of the customers was measured. The questionnaire which was offered to customers comprises of open ended and close ended questions. The close ended questions have provided that customers are dissatisfied with the products provided by the company. It is found that products are not provided with respect to taste and preferences of the customers. There is dissatisfaction among the customers regarding services offered by Sainsbury. The open ended questions have provided in-depth opinions of customers regarding products. Moreover, the response of the customers was excellent. The survey was found to be successful as it was easy in analysing the satisfaction level of the people through close ended questions. Multiple choices were provided to the customers and responses were gathered. Though open ended question were replied by the customer, but there are differences in the perception of each individual which become difficult to analyse. Thus customer satisfaction survey was found to be efficient in knowing the level of satisfaction of Sainsbury’s customers. The data available through internal sources are valid as they provide true information to the business analyst in carrying out the research. It is a reliable source as researcher can get an easy access to this. The external source of data may not be valid sometimes. This is every information available on internet is not accurate. Data present on internet may not be reliable as there is no authority to monitor the information available it. 2.3 Validity and reliability assessment of market research findings Validity is defined as an extent which the findings or conclusions correspond in accurate manner with respect to real world. Validity reflects the degree to which the outcomes are accurate. Reliability can be defined as degree to which same results are yield when experimenting something. That is it is reliable in meeting its specification.The response of the customer cannot be considered as accurate so they may not Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers Best quality Accounting Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price
be reliable and valid. Sainsbury cannot rely on the response of the customers as they respond to the survey in different natural settings (Galliers and Leidner, 2013). In the present report the findings are reliable and accurate as the respondents were provided the environment where they can reply with ease. So this can provide accurate and reliable findings. Moreover the researcher has used observation and innovation market research to know the level of satisfaction. So, the results are considered to be accurate and valid (Fleisher and Bensoussan, 2003). Sainsbury can rely on the findings of the research carried out by the researcher. TASK 3 3.1 Market size trend assessment in mobile market Market is the area where market forces such as demand and supply operate. It is the place where the seller comes in contact with the buyer for the potential exchange of commodity. Mobile service market in the UK has shown tremendous growth from past years (Craig and Campbell, 2012). The major operators in the UK are O2, Vodafone, Orange, T-Mobile and Hutchinson 3. In the year 2010, the mobile service market share of O2 was the largest with 27 per cent. This was followed by Vodafone which was the second largest player in the market with 24 per cent share. T-Mobile and Orange followed Vodafone with 21 per cent and 20 per cent share respectively. Hutchinson 3 had the lowest market share of 8 per cent in the UK mobile service market. As compared t this, in the year 2010, merger of Orange and T mobile made the share of ‘Everywhere Everywhere’ to 41 per cent. Share of Vodafone remained stable to 24 per cent.
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Figure 1: UK mobile service market share-2010 (Source: UK Mobile Network Operator Subscriber Data 2007-2011, 2011)
Figure 2: UK mobile service market share 2011 (Source: UK Mobile Network Operator Subscriber Data 2007-2011, 2011) Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers Best quality Accounting Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price
The UK has the largest mobile market in Europe. This market has been characterized by new developments in data service provider. Mobile phones saw a decline of 3%. This is because of lack of innovation in smart phones. The manufactures are looking forward to provide mobile phones at cheaper rates so that they can maintain the growth (Doole and Lowe, 2005). Through this, the sellers of mobile phones can also capture greater market share.
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Kindly Contact us at: 3.2 Competitive analysis of Acer Competitive analysis is the assessment of a firm’s performance with respect to its competitors. The competitive analysis of Acer is carried here. Competitive analysis includes competitor’s objectives, competitor’s strategy, competitor’s resources and competitor’s capabilities (Acer, 2014). The major competitors of Acer are hp, Lenovo, Dell and Samsung. Hewlett Packard is planning to enter in to the field of cloud computing and security. The company provides best hardware and software in the world. Dell provides technology products to its wide range of customers. Dell has different products for varied market segments. These segments are consumers, enterprises, education and government sector. This is the strategy of Dell in order to get an edge over competitors. Acer has provided low cost laptops in order to get Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers Best quality Accounting Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price
competitive advantage (Flekel, 2014). Dell then tried to lower down its prices but still Acer products are cheaper than Dell. Acer has also provided products for different segments to win over competition. Acer has the ability to find new market as it has brought innovation in its product by entering into various market segments. Acer, in order to ensure quality, has provided three pricing segments. That is its products are available in high, low and medium price range. Porter’s five force analysis for Acer The threat of new entrant is low as this market requires heavy investment. The threat from substitute is high as there are many competitors of Acer who are providing laptop at reasonable cost and as with the quality standards. The bargaining power of the buyer is high as there are many substitutes available to them. In case prices are lowered by other brand then the customers switch to another brand. The bargaining power of supplier is low as there are many suppliers of hardware and software available in market. The intensity of competitive rivalry is high. This is because Acer as many competitors whose products are differentiated with one another.
Figure 3 Porter's five force analysis (Source: Porter’s Five Forces Model, 2009) Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers Best quality Accounting Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price
3.3 Evaluation of opportunities and threats of Acer laptops The opportunities and threats of Acer laptop have been evaluated as under: 
Opportunities: Acer is reliable in delivering laptops at a competitive price. It would be a good competitor in the eBook reader market and iPad market. Acer has the capability to enter into new market. It has the opportunity in leveraging its relationships with other Taiwanese companies (Aaker, 2011). This will help Acer in finding efficiency and technology for the laptops. It has an opportunity to grow in the Chinese market as well. Because of the economic downturn, its low price products can be demanded. It has the choice of entering in various countries by joint ventures. It can enter into different market segments by producing multiple products. Acer has opportunity to enter Asian market by lowering the prices of its product. Growth of tablet market can provide chance to Acer in showing its presence in such emerging market. Another opportunity that lies for Acer is to obtain more patents through acquisitions. Emerging markets, for example, possess numerous opportunities for Acer to strengthen its presence. Growth in the tablet market can also be used by Acer as an opportunity to develop.
Threat: The laptop market is very wide and competitive. Acer needs to keep on making innovations in order to survive in the market. Lowering the cost of the laptops may not be the effective strategy to get an edge over competitors (Charles, 2007). It may decrease the profitability also. Samsung entering into laptop market can be a threat to Acer. One of the dangers to Acer is the expansion of Dell which is its biggest competitor. As the features of laptops are coming in tablets and smart phones, it may capture the market of Acer. This can be the biggest danger to the company (Yan, 2009). The corporation has the risk from substitutes available in the market. This is because the competition is developing new technologies day by day. Also, there is high awareness among the competitor companies to produce new products in a shorter span of time. Growing demand for the smart phones and tablets present a threat for Acer. These products can take away its market share. Decline in the profit margin for hardware products is also a threat for Acer. Decrease in profit margin will decrease the revenue of the organization.
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CONCLUSION It can be concluded from the study that there is a process followed by the buyer while making the decision to purchase. Further, it is analysed that there are factors such as personal, social and cultural which affect the customer behaviour (Prasad, 2010). There are various techniques of marketing which are used by the business analyst in order to conduct customer satisfaction survey. A research plan has been designed by the research analyst to carry out the survey. The results of the survey are reliable and valid as the research analyst has used techniques such as innovative market research and observation. The market size trend of mobile market is examined. Competitive analysis of Acer reviewed that it has formed the strategy to get an edge over competitor. Lastly, there are various opportunities for Acer which it can grab in order to attain success.
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REFERENCES: Aaker, D., 2011. Marketing Research. John Wiley and Sons. Abraham, C. S., 2012. Strategic Planning: A Practical Guide for Competitive Success. 2nd ed. Emerald Group Publishing. Avlonitis, G. and Indounas, K., 2006. Pricing practices of service organizations. Journal of Services Marketing. 20(5). pp.346–56. Cacciolatti, A. L. and Fearne, A., 2013. Marketing intelligence in SMEs: implications for the industry and policy makers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. 31(1). pp.4–26. Charles, W. L., 2007. International business: competing in the global marketplace. New York: McGraw-Hill. Craig, T. and Campbell, D., 2012. Organisations and the Business Environment. 2nd ed. Routledge. Doole, I. and Lowe, R., 2005. Strategic Marketing Decisions in Global Markets. Cengage Learning EMEA. Fleisher, S. C. and Bensoussan, E. B., 2003. Strategic and Competitive Analysis: Methods and Techniques for Analyzing Business Competition. Pearson Prentice Hall. Galliers, D. R. and Leidner, E. D., 2013. Strategic Information Management. Routledge Publication. Gomez-Mejia, L.R., Balkin, D.B., and Cardy, R.L., 2008. Management: people, performance, change. McGraw Hill. Hill, N. and Alexande, J., 2006. The Handbook of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Measurement. Ashgate USA. Johns, P. and Van Doren, C. D., 2010. Competitive intelligence in service marketing: A new approach with practical application. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. 28(5). pp.551-570.
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Johnson, G., Scholes, K., and Whittington, R., 2008. Exploring Corporate Strategy. 8th ed. Prentice Hall. Kotler, P., 2003. Marketing Management. 11th ed. Prentice Hall. Layton, R., 2011. Marketing: is management all that there is?. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. 3(2). pp.194–213.
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