A Sample Report On Key Concepts and Relevance to Deliver Compassionate Patient User

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Role of nurses to deliver compassionate patient service in Nursing sector

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INTRODUCTION Service users assume a central position in the delivery care and support. This is required so that proper response and respect is provided to the needs and values of patients (Dewar and Nolan, 2013). It indicates the importance of understanding the centrality of service users in relationship centered care. In this regard, one of the key principles of NHS constitution is to place the patient at the heart of every service provided (The NHS Constitution for England, 2015). The key concepts such as communication, ethical and legal considerations form the base of this principle. The present report is based on the ways in which nurses can uphold the principle of NHS constitution which is concerned with placing patients at the heart of every service. In the report, the importance of patient story for providing compassionate care, has been discussed. Further, discussion has been done on the key concepts and their relevance in delivery of compassionate care. Lastly, the role nurses in upholding the NHS constitution has been analyzed. Importance of patient’s story as foundation for compassionate care Patient story is defined as the narrative of the health experiences of an individual. These are either told by the patient or by someone who is close to them such as career or family member. According to Central London Community Health care, patient stories can be positive or negative or can contain both the elements. These help in gaining information about the feelings of service users (Patient stories, 2016). According to Bishop and et.al., (2016), with the help of service user stories, the health care organizations can focus on determining ways in which patient and career experience can be transformed by improving the quality of service. This can be done by listening to the voice of the service users and learning from it (Bishop and et.al., 2016). Importance of listening to patient’s stories In order to deliver compassionate care, it is important to listen to service user stories. Compassionate care is considered to be a key component of good nursing care. Compassionate care is concerned with being close to patient and empathizing with their situation (Compassion in nursing, 2009). Enabling compassionate care matters as the health care professionals want to become capable of caring for the service users with the same humanity and decency as they would expect for themselves. By listening to patient’s stories, the health care professionals and nurses are able to know about the positive and negative elements of their experiences. This enables Assignment Prime is one of the most trustworthy assignment writing solution providers all over Australia. Contact us to get quality academic work for all kinds of assignment help services

them to gain information about the ways in which patient feels and the issues faced by them. Following this, the nurses can bring changes in their ways of providing care to the patients. Listening to service user stories will make the nurses to focus on the functional components of ‘doing’ role as well as ‘being’ role. This is important for provision of compassionate care because through it, the nurses become capable to acknowledge as well as act (Grohar-Murray, DiCroce, and Langan, 2016). This comprises of focusing on the needs of the patients and channeling the emotions into active responses. In order to provide proper meditation by health care professionals, it is essential to listen. It enables to know the issues that are faced by patients and they can be provided with high quality services when they are heard.

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There are many sets of stories that are captured by health care organizations in order to make sure that they provide their patients with proper services (Hamric, Hanson and O'Grady, 2013). When a patient shares their experience and issues, then it becomes favourable for health care providers as they get to know the areas in which they lack. By considering these areas, improvement can be made and other patients can be taken care effectively. When patient/service user stories are provided to nurses, then they understand the way that people expect to get care and how they should be treated. When patient is admitted to healthcare organization, then they know closely about the issues or the quality of services that are provided to them. In this context, it is important that they make sure that proper services should be provided to patients. For example, when a nurse gets to know that patients who are old are to be provided information in a loud voice, then they will remember this (Dougherty and Lister, 2015). From this, it can be stated that nurses will get to know the areas in which they lack. Accordingly, they make changes in the type of service they provide. Further, it is also helpful in developing Assignment Prime is one of the most trustworthy assignment writing solution providers all over Australia. Contact us to get quality academic work for all kinds of assignment help services

healthy relationship with patients and the issue can be solved. There are cases in which organization fail to understand the type of issue they are facing. In this context, it is important that they ensure experienced healthcare professional who will be able to come up with appropriate solution through which problem can be solved. This is possible as they have interacted by stories from patients/service through which it is possible for them to know the actual issue that is faced (DiCenso, Guyatt and Ciliska, 2014). From this, it can be stated that stories that are provided by service/patients are helpful for health care providers and organizations to make sure that they provided adequate services. Key concepts and relevance to deliver compassionate patient/service user centred care In order to provide patient with proper services, it is important health care A Sample Report on Key concepts and relevance to deliver compassionate patient user To Buy Complete Assignment Writing Service *Contact Us* Email Website-

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professional to follow certain concepts like communication and ethics so that patients can be satisfied (Chinn and Kramer, 2013). Patient centred care can be determined as a way in which patient are provided with equal opportunity to provide their suggestions in the type of meditation they should be given. In other words, they are considered equal partners in monitoring, planning and development so that they make sure that they meet up the required needs. It focuses on keeping the families and related people of patient at the centre of decision making. There are different aspects of patient care below given are few of them:

Providing proper respect to patients and services and keeping them at the centre for decision making (Hockenberry, Wilson and Wong, 2012). Assignment Prime is one of the most trustworthy assignment writing solution providers all over Australia. Contact us to get quality academic work for all kinds of assignment help services

Integrating care and coordinating Both patient and healthcare providers should work together and they should make sure that there is education, communication and information.

Involving friends and families.

It is very important aspect as it makes sure that people are provided with high quality services. It has many importance and it includes benefits like:

Helping patients to get what they wanted (Oermann and Gaberson, 2013). Make sure that the quality of service is maintained. Reduces pressure of social and health services. In order to deliver proper care, nurses play vital role and they are referred to the heart of healthcare (Kozier, Madeleine Buck and Lucia Yiu, 2013). There are many importance of nurses and in order to understand it below given are the roles that are played by nurses in delivering care:

Decision making: Nurse gets to interact with different patients and they know what type of meditation they should be provided so that they can overcome their issues. Further, they also conduct critical thinking that enables them to evaluate the patient and their issues and other interventions through which promotion is made for the health of patients (LeMone, Burke aDO NOT COPYnd Reid-Searl, 2015). They are helpful to provide adequate information to patient so that they take appropriate step to overcome the problem. Patients get confused regarding in what way they can cure their issues. However, in this type of situations nurses are very helpful as they in supporting patients in taking decisions (LeMone, Burke and Reid-Searl, 2015). It enables to patients to develop trust confidence over the suggestions that are provided by the nurse.

Communicator: It is the responsibility of nurse to make sure that they have effA Sample Report on Key concepts and relevance to deliver compassionate patient user active interaction with patients. There are cases in which people do not share all the Assignment Prime is one of the most trustworthy assignment writing solution providers all over Australia. Contact us to get quality academic work for all kinds of assignment help services

issues related to their health (Lehne and Rosenthal, 2014). However, when there is proper communication, then they develop trust and confidence among their mind and share their problems.A Sample Report on Key concepts and relevance to deliver compassionate patient user. There are different set of rights that are provided to people in health and social care. In this context, it includes public awareness regarding different type of diseases that affects the health negatively. In this context, there are different type of sources that are used by organizations related to health and social care with an aim to make sure that proper information is provided to public (Grohar-Murray, DiCroce and Langan, 2016). These reports related to make public aware enables them to take proper steps so that they can protect their health.

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As stated above there are many ethical and legal consideration that has to be followed through which they can make sure that proper services are provided. In this context, it is important that there is confidentiality among all type of things that are conveyed by patient (Hamric, Hanson and O'Grady, 2013). These are cases in which people do not want their family or friends to know about the issue. In such situation, it is essential that health professionals do not leak the information. In addition to this, there are laws that are made in this aspect and that is data protection act. As per this act, it is important that all the information that is provided by patient is stored in a proper software and it is made access to everyone but only to those who are allowed.

There are many people who are involved in providing care to patient. In this context, Assignment Prime is one of the most trustworthy assignment writing solution providers all over Australia. Contact us to get quality academic work for all kinds of assignment help services

it includes patient, health professional, nurses, family, friends, etc. All are essential and together is enables to provided effective care (DiCenso, Guyatt and Ciliska, 2014). There are cases in which patient do not proper information but it is conveyed by close once. In such situation, it becomes helpful for health care providers to provide proper services. All the people involved should be provided with the opportunity to ensure that their suggestions are considered for treatment.

There are many barriers because of which nurses fail to adopt concept proper. With this respect, below given are the barriers that are faced:

Miscommunication: When patient convey their issues to nurses, then there are situations in which they fail to understand the problem. This results in providing wrong meditation and it causes serious issues (Hockenberry, Wilson and Wong, 2012). In this context, there are also situation in which patient misunderstands the meditation that they need to follow. With this respect, it is important that their type of barriers should be solved by effective communication.

Lack of training: There are different type of tools that are used by nurses so that health conditions can be evaluated (Kozier, Madeleine Buck and Lucia Yiu, 2013). However, it becomes an issue or barrier when they fail to make use of these tools. It happens when nurses are not provided with proper training. It is important that management understand the areas in which they lack. Accordingly, they should be provided training so that barriers can be solved. Role of the nurses in upholding the NHS Constitution in promoting choice

NHS Constitution for England assists in bringing together for the first time the principles, values, rights and beliefs which underpins the NHS to work effectively in respect of care users. However, it is essential for care home to provide comprehensive and equitable health service and empowering care users, service providers and public to assess and carry out the rights in regard to assists and drive enhancements in quality, efficiency and responsiveness throughout NHS (Bishop and et.al., 2016). It can be evident from the constitution that care users and NHS staff requires to prepare a constitution so that awareness can be created regarding public care services. However, there is still little evidence that patients are using NHS Constitution as a means of exercising their rights. Developing NHS Constitution also Assignment Prime is one of the most trustworthy assignment writing solution providers all over Australia. Contact us to get quality academic work for all kinds of assignment help services

helps in upholding awareness among nurses and thus provides benefits to individuals so that better care be provided to patients. Also, it can be evaluated that statistically there has been significant increase in the understanding of the NHS Constitution among staff and thus increase NHS staff morale to perform outstanding in terms of fulfilling the actions (Chinn and Kramer, 2013). Thu,s there are around 81% of the NHS staff which believes that it is crucial for NHS to have constitution.

In regard to enhance the impact of NHS Constitution and for it is essential to be truly valued, supported and used by care users, service providers, carers and public. Also, it helps in improving the awareness among NHS and thus attain desired results. It also raises pride among workers to carry out he operations within NHS. It is essential for NHS Constitution to bring together the principles, values, rights and responsibilities in order to carry out the operations effectively within NHS (Dewar and Nolan, 2013). It helps in setting out framework in primary legislation and thus establishes Health Act 2009. It involves different bodies such as private and voluntary sector and helps in taking effective decisions and actions. Preparing NHS Constitution helps in empowering care users, staff and public in order to assess their needs and fulfil it accordingly so that set results can be attained. Main role of NHS Constitution in satisfying the needs of staff and fulfil their rights and responsibilities so that engagement can be enhanced in regard to develop better services for care users (DiCenso, Guyatt and Ciliska, 2014). Also, it is created in order to provide a better sense of cohesion and develop communication so that better results can be attained. There are different legal duties that assists in promoting the NHS Constitution such as introducing The Health Act 2009 which results into carrying out effective commissioning and promote the choices of care users so that it can be fulfilled appropriately. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 has been created in relation to identify the requirements of local authorities so that care facilities can be provided (Dougherty and Lister, 2015).

It is essential to identify the duty that requires anyone who provides NHS services under the contract, agreement or arrangements. NHS Constitution amends different acts that helps in providing awareness regarding different legislation that needs to be provided in HSC and thus it helps patients, staff and public to attain desired objectives. It intends to attain two core objectives i.e. to safeguard the NHS as an efficient and equitable health system and thus empower patients within NHS (Hamric, Hanson and O'Grady, 2013). Following are the different objectives that NHS Constitution sets out such asAssignment Prime is one of the most trustworthy assignment writing solution providers all over Australia. Contact us to get quality academic work for all kinds of assignment help services

Moreover, it can be assessed that nurses play a significant role in regard to uphold the NHS Constitution so that choices of individuals can be promoted in an effective manner. NHS staff believes that it requires significant improvement within care setting and thus attain success. Also, it is essential for the NHS nurses to possess effective awareness of the Constitution and thus significantly enhance the public choices (Hockenberry, Wilson and Wong, 2012). Further, in regard to improve the awareness of nurses it helps NHS Constitution to develop appropriate strategy so that better results can be attained in terms of fulfilling the patient’s choices. NHS Constitution views that staff is required to uphold the constitution in an effective way and thus work in an effective manner. Also, it is essential for business to significantly improve the the values and principles of staff so that they can promote the choices in an appropriate manner and thus improve patient’s performance. Setting NHS Constitution helps in outlining principles and values of the NHS in England in order to identify the rights of patients, staff and public so that desired results can be attained. It also essential to undertake the pledges entitles within NHS Constitution such as rendering better quality services to care users and attain satisfaction (LeMone, Burke and Reid-Searl, 2015). Also, it entitles that nurses are required to behave appropriately while dealing with care users and encounter the needs of individuals in order to fulfil them and attain desired results. Thus, it is essential for nurses to provide better care and support in relation to satisfy their needs.

Furthermore, it is also essential for care home to assess the importance of offering choice so that better care opportunities can be provided to them. It is significant to assess the significance of offering choices so that best care facilities could be rendered to patients and thus assists in satisfying individual’s needs. HSC needs to promote the choices effectively and thus help patients in providing them different information that would help them to attain maximum goals. Thus, it is essential for care providers to assess the significance of offering choices and promote the same in regard to gain better results (Oermann and Gaberson, 2013).

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From this report, it can be articulated that it is important that issues or problems that are faced by patient should be effectively communicated. From this it can be stated that there should be proper communication so that they get to know the main cause of issue and then meditation can be provided. Further, suggestions should be taken from patients as they are the one who make use of services. This will enable in make improvements or changes in the services. Moreover, nurses should be provided with proper training. However, it is being provided with management identify the areas in which they lack, then they will get desired results. Suggestions should be taken from nurses as they have direct interaction with patients so they know.

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Bishop, T. W. and et.al., 2016. Innovative patient-centered skills training addressing challenging issues in cancer communications Using patient’s stories that











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nd RosenthThe International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 51(4). pp.357-366.

Chinn, P. L. and Kramer, M. K., 2013. Integrated theory & knowledge development in nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Dewar, B. and Nolan, M., 2013. Caring about caring: developing a model to implement compassionate relationship centred care in an older people care setting. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 50(9). pp.1247-1258.

DiCenso, A., Guyatt, G. and Ciliska, D., 2014. Evidence-based nursing: A guide to clinical practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Dougherty, L. and Lister, S., 2015. The Royal Marsden manual of clinical nursing procedures. John Wiley & Sons.

Grohar-Murray, M. E., DiCroce, H. R. and Langan, J. C., 2016. Leadership and management in nursing. Pearson.

Hamric, A. B., Hanson, C. M. and O'Grady, E. T., 2013. Advanced practice nursing: A Sample Report on Key concepts and relevance to deliver compassionate patient user. An integrative approach. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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Hockenberry, M. J., Wilson, D. and Wong, D. L., 2012. Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing9: Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences.


Kozier, B. J., Madeleine Buck, R. N. and Lucia Yiu, R. N., 2013. Fundamentals of Canadian Nursing: Concepts, Process, and Practice. Pearson Education Canada.

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