Sample Report On Travel & Tourism Sector
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 LO1: History and structure of the travel and tourism sector .......................................................... 2 1.1................................................................................................................................................ 2 1.2................................................................................................................................................ 5 LO2: Influence of local and national governments and international agencies on TTS:................ 7 2.1................................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2................................................................................................................................................ 9 2.3.............................................................................................................................................. 10 LO3: Effects of supply and demand on travel and tourism sector ............................................... 11 3.1.............................................................................................................................................. 11 3.2.............................................................................................................................................. 13 LO4: Impacts of tourism .............................................................................................................. 14 4.1.............................................................................................................................................. 14 4.2.............................................................................................................................................. 16 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 18 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 1: UK's Tourism .................................................................................................................. 1 Figure 2: Britain's Super-destinations ............................................................................................. 3 Figure 3: Structure of UK Tourism ................................................................................................. 6 Figure 4: UK Government policy ................................................................................................... 8 Figure 5: Sustainable Tourism ........................................................................................................ 9 Figure 6: Tourism Summit ............................................................................................................ 11 Figure 7: Factors affecting demand of Tourism Sector ................................................................ 12 Figure 8: Green Environment ....................................................................................................... 16 Figure 9: Heritage in Great Britain ............................................................................................... 18
INTRODUCTION Tourism is the commercial organization of travelling and outing for pleasure. Tourism is UK’s best performing sector for the decade visitors (Annual review 2012, 2012). Year 2012 is going to become landmark because of two reasons one is Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and another is London Olympic games which is going to set more than 31 million global (Curtis, 2011). Here, the study is conducted to prepare an effective plan for opening a small museum at London including the design, structure and layout of the same (Swarbrooke and Horner, 2012). The museum plan is proposed after reviewing the British tourism history and development. Various factors were also considered before proposing the plan that could impact it like government intervention, technological and social developments.
Figure 1: UK's Tourism (Sources: Britain's image overseas, 2014)
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LO1: History and structure of the travel and tourism sector 1.1 Developments have witnessed of British travel and tourism sector over last few decades although it has a long history behind the structural reinforcement of this industry. The history of British tourism can be explained in the following points: Pilgrimages: Certainly it started with the medieval pilgrimages which are known as associating travels and tourism with religious reasons. It clearly showed the interest of people in experiencing holiday far from their normal lives. Pilgrims were the association of the shrines with the pleasure for roaming (Appiah-Adu and et. al., 2000). They were the drivers in ancient time for UK’s tourism development but still important for this industry. The Grand Tour: It was the second phase in the history of tourism sector of United Kingdom. The grand tours were initiated by the parents who sent their children to visit educational and cultural tours for improving the insights and enhancing knowledge on certain areas. It was the time of sixteen century (Dyde, 2014). Today’s backpackers are counterpart to it for extended tour in search of more knowledge of various places in the world.
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Figure 2: Britain's Super-destinations (Source: Curtis, 2011) Industrial revolution: With industrialization of Britain it became easier for people to afford more as they found themselves in the position to dispose income in such activities and it also initialized the new businesses in this industry as travel companies (Witt, 2013). UK’s first dedicated travel company was Cox & Kings and the first company to introduce travel and tour package was Thomas Cook which is also known as father of contemporary mass tourism.
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Post war: Since the war ended in 1945 it had emerged as a significant industry worldwide. Change in government reforms helped in boosting it up by entitlement of couple of weeks as paid holidays. Increased unemployment after war has increased need of leisure activities in UK (Robinson, 2012).
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Kindly Contact us at: Current scenario: UK today has become one of the world’s most attractive travel destinations. It has become an essential part of Britain’s GDP which is contributing about 3.5% to it. Moreover, approx 1.4 million people are employed in this industry there (Middleton and Lickorish, 2007). There are many factors responsible for the growth of this industry which is described below:
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Technology: Technology advancement has allowed more transport facilities for more people in minimum time. Time and money:
Time and money are two major factors. Widespread air travelling
facilities have minimized the gap between countries of world which has reduced time in travelling and also increased income level of UK people has helped in the growth of TTS (Travel and tourism sector) (Haley and et. al., 2005). Freedom of movement: Freedom of movement refers to the movement of resources which is facilitated by travel agencies and companies it affects this industry by making the organization and travel possible. Infrastructure facilities: It includes communication, transport and other basic infrastructure facilities which have made easier to travel with safety. 1.2 Structure of TTS: The structure of UK tourism is comprised of various elements like transport, distributors, public and private sector organizations, regulatory bodies, accommodation, market sectors and specialist activities (Thompson, 2011). The structure of UK TTS can be explained under these broad points. Mainstream sectors/activities: These are the common travel and tourism activities which are planned and organized by the travelers either on their own or by some travel management company. It includes campaigning, sporting, attending conferences and events, recreational activities, visiting natural places, trekking, museum activities and many more (Matias and et. al., 2009). Accommodation and destination: Most of the tours are more than a day which requires accommodation facilities. Many hotels with different themes are available in Britain for providing these facilities. TTS structure Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers top quality Tourism Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price
is having this important element for facilitating grand tours. It also includes moving passengers to the destinations and travelling (Swarbrooke and Horner, 2012). Emerging markets: It includes emerging markets of UK as an integrated destination for travelling. The systems of tourism were best explained by Leiper’s model which concluded three major components of organizing tour. Those elements are Tourists, geographical elements (emerging markets) and tourism industry (Williams, 2004). Specialist organizations: It is comprised of public, private and voluntary sectors and organizations having various tour agencies, government bodies like Visit Britain and other regulatory systems. These organizations in the TTS work for facilitator of tourism by planning, organizing and affecting the activities of tourism by managing chain of distribution, facilitating integration and building relationships and links. The below figure is having important elements of TTS structure.
Figure 3: Structure of UK Tourism Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers top quality Tourism Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price
(Source: Thompson, 2011)
LO2: Influence of local and national governments and international agencies on TTS: 2.1 There are various functions of local, national government and international agencies that impact UK tourism industries because it acts as a central leadership force in tourism sector by providing central source to various elements like strategy, policy, investment and stakeholder alignment (Middleton and lickorish, 2007). The basic functions of these bodies are described below in following points.
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Kindly Contact us at: Strategy formulation: Local tourism plan is made by local government whereas national government of UK woks for economic development strategy. Here local tourism plan provides
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basis for local government involvement. Internal agencies also help in framing national/ regional tourism strategy. Investment decisions: the annual budget of government comprises of sector preferences and governmental spending thereon. Thus investment decisions on TTS are taken and initiated by local and national state (Perdu and et. al., 2004) Stakeholders’ alignment: Various stakeholders’ of tourism sectors and companies are travelers, society, and tour organizing companies. Government takes necessary decisions considering their interest into view. Thus it is the main function of these organizations to align their interests as well (Haley and et. al., 2005). Marketing: UK government promotes British TTS by establishing various agencies like VisitBritain. The aim is to do so is growing the value of Britain tourism while working with range of partners in both UK and overseas. These bodies help in achieving global reach of visitors and by tourism marketing they aim to improve British ranking in eyes of international visitors.
Figure 4: UK Government policy Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers top quality Tourism Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price
(Source: Hogan, 2013) 2.2 Local and international policies influence the success of travel and tourism sector in two ways direct and indirect. Direct influences: Direct influences are the government rules and regulation made for promoting tourism in UK. European Union is also promoting travel and tourism in Britain by making tax policies. Higher taxes would decrease the growth of this sector because international travelers would prefer to travel in those countries which are providing cheap travels (Witt, 2013). Moreover by implementing policies of travels like passport and visa rules would influence the growth of the TTS. Strict rules and regulation for allowing visa would negatively impact the United Kingdom’s tourism (Perdu and et. al., 2004). Government’s initiative also affects the success of the industry for example: for opening up a history museum in London the government approval is required to taken. If government would appreciate tourism promotion initiative then it would be helpful for the success of industry (Matias and et. al., 2009).
Figure 5: Sustainable Tourism (Source: Environment for development, 2014). Indirect influences: Indirect influences are those which are not associated with decisions regarding travel and tourism in Britain but they affect the growth of this industry. Government policies on prices of oil, communication sector, import, export, monetary policy indirectly influence it. International Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers top quality Tourism Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price
policies on currency also affect it indirectly (Ritchie and et. al., 2004). If UK government will promote export import then it would increase the number of business visitors and thus museum authority would be targeting this segment of business visitors and thus it would empower the sector. Hence, indirect influences can also affect the success. Higher the positive initiative taken by these government regarding infrastructure facilities higher the museum would attract domestic and overseas visitors (Novelli and et. al., 2006). Thus museum planning is based on the direct and indirect influences of local and national government as well as international agencies. 2.3 The change in political scenario of countries can considerably impact the travel and tourism sector as it would directly impact the prospects of tourism industry. It impacts from both ends the policies made by local government and international government. US government had seen negative impact on its TTS by restricting its citizens to travel to Cuba. It can either increase or decrease attractiveness for tourism. If the political situations are not favorable and perceived as unsafe then it would slower down the growth of that country as the case recently witnessed in Egypt. The international agencies like World Travel and Tourism Council, World Tourism Organization are non profit bodies which have supportive governments of various countries also influence the TTS as they are also subject to political change of various governments. United Nations provide the right to travel safety across international borders (Miller, 2001). It adopts visa and border security policies to promote travel and tourism. Regulatory interferences of International Civil Aviation Organization, International Air Transport Association also impact the growth of TTS.
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Figure 6: Tourism Summit (Source: Dangler, 2012) Their interrelationships also impact due to various collaborations of these political bodies as they conduct conferences and summits on various issues. Change in political environment of any country would show implication on its travel and tourism sector (Boniface and et. al., 2012). Currency devaluation has impacted the growth of British travel sector adversely. Olympic in London will be promoted on policy aspects like ‘war on terror and safety and health to drive the growth of UK travel and tourism sector. Other political changes concern over in Britain is security and safety issues of Rails, Airports. Health and safety policies also influence as recently adverse effect was experienced by UK travel and tourism industry on effect of skin disease in Britain (Novelli and et. al., 2006).
LO3: Effects of supply and demand on travel and tourism sector 3.1 Following factors are affecting the demand of UK’s travel and tourism sector.
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Figure 7: Factors affecting demand of Tourism Sector (Source: Factors Affecting Global Tourism, 2013) Factors
Description Demographic factors significantly influence the demand of British tourism as old age people prefer to visit less and mostly visit spiritual places
whereas young population would increase the demand in the industry. Due to this old age people dominant UK has decreased demand of local people (Thomas, 2000). Advanced technology for travelling and tourism increases the demand of the
TTS because it makes easier for people to roam, visit and do many activities.
Political stability and emerging economies
Increased political stability would accelerate the demand whereas political violence would diminish the demand of travelling within and outside UK. Emerging economies have targeted by UK for boosting up its travel and tourism industry as they can be prospects for it (Ritchie, 2004).
Changing work
People employed in this industry are the workforce whose capability and
patterns and
efficiency can improve the demand of tourism and inefficiency of the same Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us:
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would probably decrease the demand. Integrated world is result of globalization which has enabled the movement
of people and resources across the world. Globalization definitely increases the industry demand because people will show interest in international trade, visits and collaborations (Boniface and et. al., 2012). Macro economic factors are uncontrollable and demand cannot be
Other Macro
influenced. These factors are currency influences, exchange rates,
economic factors
fluctuating interest rates and various economic situations like inflation and deflation. Inflation and deflation would also impact UK’s TTS by affecting purchasing power of the peoples in specific situations (Hudman and Jackson, 2003).
3.2 Supply is dependent on the demand in the industry because demand drives the supply. For meeting the demand effects that is increased or decreased demand in United Kingdom’s travel and tourism industry many provisions can be taken to change the supply. This is because supply is dependent upon the demand and other factors. Provisions considered by industry are accommodation, tour operators, quality of service rendered, seasonality, technology and sustainability (Miller, 2001). If demand increases then new entries of tour operators and tour agencies are registered in the industry and decreased demand results in outgoing firms from this industry. Low fared accommodation and high quality services are good example of supply in the industry in decreased demand in off season.
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Increased demand is met by tour operators by increasing prices of the services so that supply can be managed against demand (Novelli and et. al., 2006). Thus use of more sophisticated technology is an example of changing the supply. Increased demand is more critical condition because there is need to increase the supply for travelling and tourists facilities. Using airplane carrying more passengers could lead to good step taken by airport authority to change the supply for meeting demands of the industry. Thus changing the provision of facilitating the travel and tourism industry can be helpful in meeting the demands.
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Economic factors: Economic factors such as direct and indirect income, employment, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are positive impacts of tourism. Increased tourism activities in UK will increase the per capita and national income of Britain (Turner and et. al., 2001). It will also improve the GDP as service sector in United Kingdom contributes GDP the most and in recent years the higher growth in service sector is witnessed there. Increased GDP would automatically boost up contribution in gross national product and generate more foreign currency and it will further influence the growth of economy and other sectors (Ritchie, 2004). Environmental factors: Natural places are protected by the UK government therefore it is promoting its travel and tourism industry. It helps in protection of scare natural resources in UK. Therefore historical museums are protected by the British government. Tourism will help it for improving infrastructure and enhance natural areas (Wong and Song, 2002). TTS helps in spreading environmental awareness among communities. It helps in keeping environment clean and healthy to create better future. Government undertaking the responsibility of certain natural areas gives safety to the places (Shaw and Coles, 2004).
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Figure 8: Green Environment (Source: Green Economy in the Blue World, 2014) Social factors: TTS helps in preserving natural and cultural heritage and aid in gaining cross cultural insights for creating better and healthier environment by sharing education. Tourists visit various places in UK for its cultural and heritage value and these include the students who visit for education and knowledge. It increases the exchange of social values and provides cross cultural benefits to countries across the world (Hudman and Jackson, 2003). 4.2 Following are the negative impacts of the tourism and travel industry in UK. Economic factors: Various economic factors are impacted adversely too by British TTS and it is important to understand those impacts so that proper policies can be framed. Increased roaming activities across the world sometime become dangerous for economies. UK government can be negatively impacted by it because of leakage of important and confidential information of the countries which can be related to political or economical aspects (Wong and Song, 2002). Additionally Toll Free No. +61 879-057-034 Mail Us: Assignment Prime offers top quality Tourism Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at pocket friendly price
Britain has noticed overdependence on service industry especially on TTS which can be harmful for it. It also affects its seasonality because throughout the year industry is not demanded same which increased fluctuations in national income gained by this sector. Environmental factors: Improvement in this industry on the one side gives various benefits to the environment but on the other hand it produces disadvantages for the British environment by increasing the pollution because outsiders does not care about country’s cleanliness and they are also not confronted with the strict rules on environment of UK (Thomas, 2000). Additionally it damages the natural as well as artificial built environment which affects the environment and their renovation also requires huge funds. Its negative impacts also include danger to wildlife and water and other resources’ wastage and overuse. Social factors: British tourism had evolved with Pilgrimages having certain cultural, historical and social values. Many people with wrong intention travel and use tourism as weapon for wounding the social values of UK (Wong and Song, 2002).
Extended commercialization of culture,
reinforcement of stereotypes are major harms to the social values because of travel and tourism. It also impacts it negatively by increasing crime and crowd (Saarinen and Tervo, 2006).
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Figure 9: Heritage in Great Britain (Source: Wood, 2011)
CONCLUSION The study concludes the UK travel and tourism industry’s development, structure and analysis of its functions in order to make plan for opening up a Historical museum in London to attract the visitors of Olympic 2012 to be held in London. It is proposed to be established in the heart of London and having historical and cultural significance (Middleton and lickorish, 2007). The floor design will divided in two parts, one part having arts and images regarding history of Britain and another will be having old ornaments and utensils of cultural use (Turner and et. al., 2001). The aim of this museum is to promote travel and tourism sector of UK. Additionally impacts of tourism were also analyzed in order to review the museum setup plan
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Factors Affecting Global Tourism, 2013. [Online]. Available at: <>. [Accessed on July 7th, 2014]. Hogan, J., 2013. [Online]. Available at: <>. [Accessed on July 7th, 2014].
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