2/28/18 - Toledo City Paper

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under the big top with the winners Hits and misses Hildo’s Best of City Politics P5

Conservation party

The Black Swamp Conservancy is saving space with Bluegrass and Green Acres, P50


February 28 • March 13


Feb. 28 - Mar. 13, 2018 • Vol. 21 • Issue 4

Adams Street Publishing Co.

Marketplace changes

Below is a list of our staff, members of “the media,” a group that our President has deemed to be “among the most dishonest people on earth.”

What imaginary “Best of Toledo” category would you win? Publisher/Editor in Chief


The locally owned lunch and breakfast restaurant Greg’s Grill has opened a second location in downtown Toledo at 840 N. Summit St., the former location of Theo’s Mediterranean Restaurant. 419-830-8776. facebook.com/gregsgrilldowntown


Collette Jacobs (cjacobs@toledocitypaper.com) Best at playing Good Cop— until i play Bad Cop.

Co-publisher/ Chief Financial Officer

Mark I. Jacobs (mjacobs@toledocitypaper.com) Best at hosting intense conversations that make you wonder whether you’re getting yelled at or praised.


Assignment Editor: Athena Cocoves (athena@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best contemporary attempt at living like a Greek goddess. Calendar Editor: Courtney Probert (calendar@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best at doing everything but answering her masthead question. Digital Media Manager Saul T. Jacobs (saul@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best at using a 3D printer for the most practical purpose. Web Guru Ashley Boardman (digitalmedia@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best at using social media but never responding to my emails. Intern Emily Modrowski Contributing Writers: Dave Kubacki, Eric Hehl, Jeff McGinnis, Kelly Thompson, Sarah Cohen, Crys Jankowski, Michael Pierce, Johnny Hildo, Christine Senack and Rob Brezsny.


Production Manager: Imani Lateef (imani@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best line dancer. Senior Designer: Leah Foley (leah@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best HUMAN LIE detector. Designers: Anita Tipton (atipton@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best homemade grape jelly maker. Kelli Miller (kmiller@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best at answering masthead questions... and sarcasm Norwin Lopez (nlopez@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best at putting up with the production department. Design Intern Sam Tolson

Advertising Sales Manager Amy Ressler Rough (arough@adamsstreetpublishing.com) BEST AT GETTING MY NAME LEFT OFF THE MASTHEAD. Sales Coordinator Jenny Leach (sales@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best local coordinator. Sales Assistant: Eddie Knight (salesintern@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best Doppleganger of Rosewood from Beverly Hills Cop.

DT’s Sportz Bar & Grill has opened at 4935 Lewis Ave., near W. Laskey Rd., in the former location of The Dog House Pub & Grub. The locally owned bar offers drink specials, DJs, and free pool on Sunday and Monday. 567-316-7023. facebook.com/dtssportzbar

Ode to the ZIP Code

Submit a poem inspired by your ZIP code by March 7 during our annual contest with The Fair Housing Center, The Arts Commission and the Toledo Lucas County Public Library. By STAFF

most read online


• Feb.

14 -


Happy Shack Smoke Shop has opened at 3820 W. Alexis Rd., near Secor Rd., and sells glassware, vaping accessories and assorted products for those who think green. 419-819-8989. facebook.com/happyshack419

27, 2017


In addition to their location at 1441 Dorr St., the Toledo Urban Federal Credit Union has opened a second branch inside Nexus Healthcare NHA in downtown Toledo at 1415 Jefferson Ave., 10am-3pm, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 419-214-5700. Toledourban.net






Toledo dates worth going on

The Ethnic Heritage Ensemble celebrates 45 years

1. The Happiest Hours In Toledo 2. Counter Culture: A Coffee Lover’s Guide to Toledo

FUJI, a new Asian fusion and sushi restaurant, has opened at 3323 W. Sterns Rd., near Secor Rd., in Lambertville, MI. 734-854-8880.

3. Toledo According To: Andrew Trumbull

Get involved. Democracy is not a spectator sport. For more activist opportunities, see toledocitypaper.com Thursday, 3.1

Sustainability, Sustenance & Stewardship: Food Activists in NW Ohio -

Kathleen Dewar (kdewar@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best Hot Sauce (Chili Hot Sauce) maker. Katie Emans (kemans@adamsstreetpublishing.com ) Best new sales hire.

Threats to Democracy: “Being Muslim in America Today” - As part of

Suzanne Bell (sbell@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best true story teller. Brittany Stahl (bstahl@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best at taking too long to come up with her own answer. Classifieds Coordinator: Catherine Bohr (classifieds@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best at loving Saul.


Accounting: Robin Armstrong (rarmstrong@toledocitypaper.com) Best person to give your money to. Distribution Ann Harrington (distribution@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best flower garden.

Advertising/General Info For advertising and general information, call

419/244-9859 or fax 419/244-9871. E-mail ads to adsin@toledocitypaper.com. Deadline for advertising copy 2 p.m. Friday before publication. Toledo City Paper subscriptions are available by mail for $28/quarterly or $75 per year at Toledo City Paper, 1120 Adams St., Toledo, Ohio 43604. One copy free per person per week; extra copies $1 each. Persons taking copies for any reason other than personal use are subject to prosecution. Letters to the editor must be limited to 300 words, are subject to editing, and should include the writer’s full name and phone number. Any letter submitted to the editor or publisher may be printed at the publisher’s discretion in issues subsequent to its receipt. © 2018 by Adams Street Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without written permission of the publisher.

Also publishers of:



Audited by

the First Thursday Luncheon series, Dr. Samina Z. Hasan will lead a discussion of unique cultural issues. The event includes lunch. $15. Noon1:15pm. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 428 N. Erie St., 419-243-4214. stpaulstoledo.org Saturday, 3.3

6th annual W.O.W. Symposium - The annual Women of the World symposium will discuss issues of sexual abuse, heath strategies, sex trafficking and workplace harassment, among other timely issues. $15/general. $5/students. Registration required. 9am-4pm. Start High School, 2010 Tremainsville Rd., 419-318-9705. Wowtoledo.org

Tuesday, 3.6

2018 Toledo Women in Leadership Symposium - A diverse mix of successful

Chef Rob Campbell, founding member of the Toledo Chef’s Collective and former owner and head chef of Revolution Grille, has taken over the kitchen of Dolce Vita Italian, a fine dining restaurant in Monroe, MI. 391 N. Telegraph Rd., Monroe, MI. 734-241-6100. Monroedolcevita.com Pumpernickel’s Deli and Cafe, in the Old West End at 2489 Collingwood Blvd., has closed. Chubby’s American Grill at 535 W. Alexis Rd. has closed. The second location of the locally owned restaurant, at 7050 W. Central Ave., is still open. chubbysamericangrill.com The Point Place gift and antique shop Lighthouse Landing Depot has closed.

All events are free, unless otherwise stated.

Hear from a panel of experts exploring issues of land use, food access, and patterns and practices of food consumption in Northwest Ohio. Hosted by the Bowling Green State University Institute for the Study of Culture & Society. 4:30-6pm. Wood County District Public Library, 251 N. Main St., Bowling Green. 419-352-5104. facebook.com/icsbgsu

Account Executives: Bonnie Hunter (bhunter@adamsstreetpublishing.com) Best Scotch Taster.

U-Haul’s parent company, AMERCO, has completed its purchased of the Willis Day building, in the Warehouse District with plans to convert the 94-yearold building into an urban storage facility.

Know of any changes in the area? Send them to editor@adamsstreetpublishing.com

4. Glass City Date Night


PflegMed and Perrysburg Yoga, an integrative medicine and wellness center, will host a grand opening on Thursday, March 1. 140 W. Front St., Perrysburg. 419-874-2041. pflegmed.com

women leaders will discuss topics to help educate, inspire and encourage women to reflect on their own goals and status. $99. Registration required. 8am-noon. wilsymposium.com/2018symposiums/2018-toledo

Wednesday, 3.7

Lecture: Lathrop House and Harriet Tubman - Following Black History

Month, the Friends of the Lathrop House will discuss the Lathrop House and HarrietTubman. 6:30-7:30pm. West Toledo Branch Library, 1320 W. Sylvania Ave., 419-259-5290. toledolibrary.org Thursday, 3.8

Accountability: Women & Leadership- The African American Leadership

Council of United Way will host a lunch and a panel discussion as an opportunity for networking and professional development. Please register by 5pm on Thursday, March 1. $10/non-members. Free for members. 11:30am-1pm. African American Leadership Council, 424 Jackson St., 419-254-4632. unitedwaytoledo.org/aalc WEE Power Hour Luncheon: International Women’s Day - On

International Women’s Day, Women of Toledo (WOT) and the Toledo Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will present a Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) one-hour luncheon, which includes a panel of experts in gender equality and economic empowerment. Register by Wednesday, March 7. $15/includes lunch and a gift bag. $30/includes lunch, a gift bag, and helps fund a ticket for a woman who cannot otherwise afford to attend. 11:30am1pm. The Oliver House, 27 Broadway St., 419-377-5457. womenoftoledo.org Friday, 3.9

PB & Jammies: A March is Hungry Party! - Join Food for Thought for their

party of the 2018 March is Hungry campaign season, which brings awareness to those in

February 28 • March 13

our community suffering from food insecurity. Help stock the organization’s shelves by bringing donations of creamy peanut butter and jelly, or snacks, to pack weekly lunches. 6-7pm. Food for Thought, 316 Adams St. Fl. 2, 419-972-0022. feedtoledo.org Saturday, 3.10

Crimethinc: From Democracy to Freedom - Drawing from their latest book,

“From Democracy to Freedom”, the folks from the Crimethinc Collective will discuss the issues of Democracy from an Anarchist perspective. 6-8pm. The Common Good, 113 Crim St., Bowling Green. 419-806-4407. Commongoodbg.org See “BG Food Not Bombs” or “BG Anarchist Reading Group” on Facebook. Monday, 3.12

Diversity University: Toledo Holzhacker Buam - Learn about our

active German community through family programming, stories, music, dance, and other activities. Held as part of the King Road Branch Library’s series of Diversity University workshops to celebrate our community’s diversity. 7-8pm. King Road Branch Library, 1 Meeting Room A & B, 3900 King Rd., 419-259-5380. toledolibrary.org/events Tuesday, 3.13

The Third Battle for a Clean Lake Erie- Imagine the water emergency of

August 2014 is ongoing and join Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie for a S.A.V.E. Lecutre on keeping the water in the Western Lake Erie Basin clean. 7:30-9pm. Franciscan Center of Lourdes University, 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania. 419-824-3691. advocatesforacleanlakeerie.org


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Women taking charge

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Women hold almost 52 percent of all professionallevel jobs, yet American women only hold 20 percent of board seats and make up only 6 percent of CEOs at S&P 500 companies, according to americanprogress.org. Women looking to advance in leadership should consider joining E. Michelle Mickens, CEO of Live 4 Change, LLC, during Women’s Leadership Development Workshop. This six-week mini workshop will provide participants with a workbook to accompany lessons on self-awareness, leadership styles, action plans and more. Register in advance. 5:30-6:30pm. Mondays, March 12 through April 16. The Catharine S. Eberly Center for Women at the University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft St., 419-530-8570. utoledo.edu/centers/eberly Live4Changellc.com Free

People, incorporated

The United States is “of the people”— not the corporation— but that preamble to our constitution was redefined on January 21, 2010 with the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which granted corporations personhood and constitutional rights. To combat that, Toledo voters established Democracy Day on March 5, 2016, which functions as an annual, mandatory hearing between the public, the mayor, and city council members concerning the influence of money on local politics and the impact of political contributions from corporations, unions, PACS and Super-PACS. Following Democracy Day, the mayor is required by law to send a letter to our congressional representatives urging them to support a constitutional amendment that says corporations are not people. Join the conversation at 4pm on Monday, March 5 in the City Council Chambers of 1 Government Center. movetoamend.org/oh-toledo Free

Steinem supports Fedor

The 83-year-old feminist icon Gloria Steinem and the 61-yearold democratic Ohio House Representative have more than a few things in common: they are both Toledo natives, fierce advocates for a women’s right to choose, and supporters of Toledo’s Capitol Care Network, which was set to close until ProMedica agreed to sign a long awaited transfer agreement earlier in February. Join both women’s rights leaders during Gloria Steinem’s Kick-Off Event for Teresa Fedor’s bid to become the next Ohio State Senator. Stay tuned online at toledocitypaper.com for further updates on Fedor and Steinem’s relationship and advocacy for Capital Care. Please RSVP to Tahree Lane at 419-385-2628 or creed@triumphcomm.com. $30/young professional. $100/ individual. $500/sponsorship, with reserved seating. $1000/ host, includes reserved seating and a photo-op with Steinem. Doors at 6:30pm, program at 7:15pm. Wednesday, March 7. Toledo Club, 235 14th St., teresafedor.com —AC

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Sylvania Area Family Services, Inc

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February 28 • March 13


The Very Best of City Politics by Johnny Hildo We been gettin’ a bad rap. Some folks accuse of us being too negative, of always finding the gray cloud for every silver lining. But, in the spirit of the good and the great, and the theme of this special issue, we bring you our own paean to the pols of Frogtown USA. This is our Best of City Politics, Hildo-style. And the first category is 1. Best spelling bee stumper in a leading role. Hands down, the runaway winner is Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz. Wade is a smart policy-wonk. He takes the reins during a true Toledo renaissance, and has the right balance of rootedness in Toledo and vision of something far beyond our rusty confines to push the envelope. He has populated his administration with young, fresh faces. Only one distracting setback. Wade has a last name that, well it is not in keeping with his predecessors and notable Froggy Bottom names from the history books. Previous occupants of the 22d floor had names like Ford, Bell, Collins and before them, Owens, McHugh, Kessler and DeGood. Ok, there was a hyphenation with HicksHudson and even HWSNBN had a moniker that could be spelled phonetically. Names from our more distant and broader community history include Jones (the Golden Rule variety), Start, Waite, Scott, Willys all fairly easily spelled. Us locals become accustomed to Dorr, with one ‘o’ and two ‘r’s’ and Libbey, with an ‘e’, but a last name with 13 letters. What’s a writer to do? Here’s to you, intrepid respeller of your last name — 5 vowels, 2 ‘k’s’ and 2 ‘z’s’. You are the Best of Toledo! 2. Biggest overachiever. This category has never been as hotly contested as it is right now. For years it has been dominated by the obvious choice, County Auditor Anita Lopez. Let’s face it, Anita has her obstacles to greatness. She once memorably held a press conference to refute rumors that she couldn’t speak publicly without coaching from the sidelines, then interrupted it to get some coaching from the sidelines. Her Blutarsky-esque speeches are the stuff of legend. Even so, Anita has been elected to the Toledo School Board, then County Recorder, then took on the incumbent County Auditor and won. Even her futile run for Mayor in twenty thirteen, thought by some to be so inept that it would have derailed a lesser pol, was only a minor setback. This year, however, presents a tie in the overachiever category. The odd sojourn of County Treasurer Lindsay Webb from wannabe attorney to Trea-



surer appointee, accomplished against the odds after revelation of Lindsay’s abysmal, junk bond credit score — over achievement in the greatest sense. Lindsay has cobbled together a weighty political career from ashes and red ink. And is now the lead financial officer for a major Ohio county. Congrats, Anita and Lindsay, you are the Best of Toledo! 3. Best extreme makeover. Sandy Spang is a straight up, true believer Republican. She votes with Republicans. she caucuses with Republicans, she even meets with Republicans behind the scenes to decide their weird Republican stuff. Yet she styles herself an “Independent” with a capital “I.” It’s tough to admit you’re a Republican in blue Toledo, and even in slightly less blue Lucas County. What’s an ambitious budding pol to do? Sandy’s done a wizard-like job of hiding her identity from the average voter. For that, Sandy, you are the Best of Toledo! 4. Best sky-diving parachute in a crash-landing role. In a new category this year, we have to praise good ol’ Georgie Sarantou. A mediocre City Councilman, he did nothing of note amid blase comments and predictable votes. He tried real hard to run for other office, but never made the grade. Mayor D. Mike Collins, remembered the term-limited Georgie, rewarding him with a fat administration paycheck as Finance Director. A job he was illsuited for, having failed to predict the collapse of Toledo’s economy and attendant financial woes of the late aughts and early twenty tens as Finance Chair on Council. Georgie continued in the role under PHH’s administration, where he failed to account for or properly explain some eight-plus million in capital improvement money, a snafu that likely helped cost PHH her re-election bid. Alas, Georgie wasn’t there for PHH’s demise. He had already resigned. No crash landings for our Georgie. Somehow he is now the court administrator for the Probate Court. A life-long Republican, with no legal background, and two public flameouts, has a big enough parachute for a soft-landing with a Democratic judge, into another job he is ill-suited for and without qualifications. Nice work, Georgie. You are the Best of Toledo! There you have it. Our tribute to the great and near-great. Back handed compliments, you say? Masking more typically Hildoesque vitriol and derision? Oh well, folks. That’s the Best of City Politics.

Sarah Stuart 419.666.BOND



And the winner is...



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February 28 • March 13


CITY SIDE Toledo Metroparks Run With Vision Green Growth in the City By Sarah Emily

Five years into a bold 20 year plan, Toledo Metroparks is providing the community with greater access to the Parks System by creating more public parks, corridors, greenways, restored wetlands, and natural spaces. Soon, with the completion of a new Park, Manhattan Marsh (scheduled to open in 2019), all residents of Lucas Co. will live within five miles of a Metropark. Through combined efforts with Citizens for Buckeye Basin Parks and the Lucas Co. Land Bank, the space once lovingly referred to as ‘Detwiler Ditch’ will see a complete transformation. Named after the forgotten and defunct port-town of Manhattan, a few miles upstream from Toledo, shipping canals connected the town with the Maumee. Not long after, as Toledo quickly became the popular choice for commerce, Manhattan was incorporated into the metropolis- its canals no longer used. Through years of restoration efforts, this former wetland will once again be a natural area.


Downtown beautification

Over the last few years, several new Parks have opened, with an additional five in the final planning and creation phase. Toledo’s downtown was graced with Middlegrounds Park, which opened in Fall, 2016 making use of the riverfront and views of the skyline. Originally used for the burgeoning port economy of Toledo in the early 19th century, the 28 acre space was in disuse for decades. A key feature of the park are the ‘treatment drains’, specialized areas that capture dirty runoff from the High Level Bridge, filtering clean water back into the Maumee. Complete with walking trails, a picnic pavilion, and a dog park, Middlegrounds, situated between Owens Corning and the Norfolk Southern rail-yard, is lovely green space for a newly progressive downtown. Green is definitely in.

Restoration efforts for Lake Erie complete the puzzle

Just east of Oregon, off Rt.2, restoration efforts have led to the creation of another new Metropark, Howard Marsh scheduled to open this spring. The space, purchased by the Metroparks in 2008, has been converted from a 1,000 acre GMO cornfield back to its natural state — a wetland. Wetlands once constituted our entire region comprising the Great Black Swamp stretching from Port Clinton to Ft.Wayne. Farming, and later, city development, transformed the area.

Now, these efforts to restore the wetland also serve to clean up Lake Erie. Once revived, Howard Marsh will actively filter harmful toxins and excess nitrogen from the watershed before reaching Erie’s waters. At completion, the park will link two large preserved areas- Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge and Cedar Point Wildlife Refuge on Erie’s coast. The restored coastline, making up a substantial portion of N.W. Ohio, from Oregon to Port Clinton, is comprised of Federal, State, City, and County run lands. Together, these Reserves have a powerful impact on the big lake’s water quality. Home to countless songbirds, warblers, and Bald Eagles, the area attracts birdwatchers and nature seekers from across the nation and, in fact, the world. Howard Marsh stands out as a new park model, successfully combining critical watershed restoration with popular recreation activities.

February 28 • March 13

Community is key

With the Park District’s vision becoming a reality, Lucas Co. experiences an abundance of natural splendor. Future Metroparks are planned for Monclova, Southwyck, and Reynolds Corners. Toledo’s historic neighborhoods that would benefit from a Metropark— Onyx, Southside, Air Line Junction, and Roosevelt— are poised for green development. For these projects to continue, community support is the key. Scott Carpenter, the Park District’s Director of Public Relations explained that 90% of operating costs are funded by Lucas Co. residents through tax incentives. The latest levy last November passed with a whopping 75% of voters in support, demonstrating that a large majority of community residents endorse the beautification and restoration of Lucas County. To keep the vision moving forward, call off work, get outside and head to the park. metroparkstoledo.com



February 28 • March 13


Ladies Gentle and men, it’s tim e for th

show in the e grandest unveil world ing of our an : the of Tole n fantas do results. ual Best Lik tic it’s our flights of m e all ag au make s ever dience tha ic, ything t p ossibl Discov e r the be e. that th st has to e Glass City of see w fer and ho out on came top.

Ear, Nose & Throat Doctor Attorney

Toledo Municipal Court Judge Nicole Khoury RUNNER-UP: Rose M. Mock

Ad Agency

Madhouse Creative RUNNER-UP: Hart Inc.


Huntington Bank RUNNER-UP: Fifth Third Bank

Credit Union

Glass City Federal Credit Union RUNNER-UP: Directions Credit Union

CPA Financial Planning Firm

Savage & Associates RUNNER-UP: Titus & Urbanski Inc. Insurance Agent Jeff Traudt (State Farm Insurance Agent) RUNNER-UP: Rhonda L. Wise (Beacon Associates)

Real Estate Office

Danberry Realtors RUNNER-UP: RE/MAX Central Group


Dr. Clint D. Keifer, AuD (Great Lakes Audiology) RUNNER-UP: Dr. Randa MansourShousher, AuD (Northwest Ohio Hearing Clinic)


Dr. Nick Goin (Innate Health Chiropractic) RUNNER-UP: Dr. Shawn K. Brohl


Dr. Jon Frankel, DDS (Frankel Dentistry) RUNNER-UP: Dental Health Associates


Dermatology Associates & Ada Aesthetics RUNNER-UP: Bravia Dermatology

Dr. Christopher Perry, DO RUNNER-UP: Dr. Stephanie Cole (ProMedica Physicians)

Eye Doctor

Dr. Michele A. Schlagheck, OD (Vision Associates) RUNNER-UP: Dr. Kyle Brodie, OD (Brodie Optometry)

Tamara TCM Acupuncture & Herbs

120 W. Dudley St., 419-345-4996. TamaraTCM.com Trusting someone with a handful of needles isn’t easy, but Toledoans relax in the hands of Tamara D. Willingham L.Ac., Dipl. O.M,, MSAOM. Drawing on traditional Chinese medicine and holistic healing, Willingham brings knowledge and experience to her practice to help improve wellness for Toledoans through herbal treatments, massage therapy and acupuncture. RUNNER-UP: Dr. Mickey Frame (Frame Chiropractic & Acupuncture)


Dr. David Mallory (ProMedica Physicians) RUNNER-UP: Dr. Henry H. Naddaf, MD (Family Medicine) CONTINUED ON P.10


February 28 • March 13


Yark Automotive Group Thanks The Loyal Readers Of The Toledo City Paper For Voting Us The Best Of Toledo 16 Years Running.



February 28 • March 13




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Erin Wiley, LPCC

The Willow Center, 1446 Reynolds Rd., Suite 301, Maumee. 419-720-5800. erinwileytherapy.com Improving marriages and strengthening families is the focus for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Erin Wiley. Not only is she known in Northwest Ohio for her expertise, she is known nationally as a public speaker and has been featured in Elite Daily, Newsweek, Buzzfeed, TLC, and other popular websites and publications. Passionate and patient-driven, Wiley offers advice on a variety of platforms on family and adolescent issues. RUNNER-UP: Allison Kuhr (Zepf Center)

4:31 PM


HLS Orthodontics RUNNER-UP: Dr. Brittany L. Weaver Potts, DDS (Toledo Orthodontics)

Plastic Surgeon

Arrowhead Plastic Surgeons RUNNER-UP: Dr. Frank Barone, MD, FACS (evolv Plastic Surgery and Medical Aesthetics)


SylvaniaVET RUNNER-UP: Heatherdowns Veterinary Clinic

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February 28 • March 13

Place to Kayak

Best Festival

The German-American Festival RUNNER-UP: Old West End Festival

Best Neighborhood Sylvania RUNNER-UP: Maumee

Boat Club

Maumee River Yacht Club RUNNER-UP: Toledo Yacht Club


Wildwood Preserve Metropark RUNNER-UP: Side Cut Metropark

Riverlures Inc. Kayak Sales & Rentals (Grand Rapids, Ohio) RUNNER-UP: Farnsworth Metropark (through Riverlures Inc.)

Charity/Non-Profit Toledo Area Humane Society RUNNER-UP: Heartbeat of Toledo

Non-Profit Event

Project iAm Acoustics for Autism RUNNER-UP: Susan G. Komen Northwest Ohio Race for the Cure®

Place to Volunteer Toledo Area Humane Society RUNNER-UP: Cherry Street Mission Ministries



February 28 • March 13



Brandywine Country Club

6904 Salisbury Rd., Maumee. 419-865-2393. Brandywinecc.com Since 1967, Brandywine has offered private Club members the ultimate experience— an 18-hole Arthur Hills designed Championship Golf course, private golf lessons, fine dining fare, event hosting options, and more. In recent years, the Club has made exciting changes, giving the general public access to their scenic and picturesque landscape. In summer 2016, the Club opened their restaurant, Champions Bar & Grille, to the general public and their weekend brunch, every Sunday from 10am-2pm,is very popular. RUNNER-UP: Highland Meadows Golf Club

Institution We’re Proud of

Higher Education for Nontraditional Students

House of Worship

Toledo Zoo RUNNER-UP: The Toledo Museum of Art The University of Toledo RUNNER-UP: Owens Community College The Historic St. Patrick’s Catholic Church RUNNER-UP: Cornerstone Church

The Calabrese family and staff of ERIE DRUG would like to say

“Thank You”

Religious Leader

Bishop Michael Pitts (Cornerstone Church) RUNNER-UP: Bishop Daniel E. Thomas (Diocese of Toledo)

High School

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Notre Dame Academy RUNNER-UP: Whitmer High School (Washington Local School District)

Private School

Notre Dame Academy RUNNER-UP: Central Catholic High School





The University of Toledo RUNNER-UP: Bowling Green State University


Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-OH9) RUNNER-UP: Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz

Work Environment Chick-Fil-A RUNNER-UP: ProMedica Toledo Hospital


Toledo Federation of Teachers Local 250 RUNNER-UP: UAW Local 12 1552 Reynolds Rd. Maumee, OH 43537

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4502 Lewis Avenue - Toledo, OH 43612 (419) 476-4322



Thanks for voting us the Best Antique Mall of Toledo!

Furniture • Lamps • Toys Primitives • Americana Silver • China • Glassware • Advertising • Jewelry Clothing and much, much more. One of America’s Largest Antique Malls!



Over 110,00 Sq. Ft. • Over 200 Dealers • Over 300 Booths & Showcases


February 28 • March 13


Ladies Gentle and men, it’s tim e for th

show in the e grandest unveil world ing of our an : the of Tole n fantas do results. ual Best Lik tic it’s our flights of m e all ag au make s ever dience tha ic, ything t p ossibl Discov e r the be e. that th st has to e Glass City of see w fer and ho out on came top.

Ear, Nose & Throat Doctor Attorney

Toledo Municipal Court Judge Nicole Khoury RUNNER-UP: Rose M. Mock

Ad Agency

Madhouse Creative RUNNER-UP: Hart Inc.


Huntington Bank RUNNER-UP: Fifth Third Bank

Credit Union

Glass City Federal Credit Union RUNNER-UP: Directions Credit Union

CPA Financial Planning Firm

Savage & Associates RUNNER-UP: Titus & Urbanski Inc. Insurance Agent Jeff Traudt (State Farm Insurance Agent) RUNNER-UP: Rhonda L. Wise (Beacon Associates)

Real Estate Office

Danberry Realtors RUNNER-UP: RE/MAX Central Group


Dr. Clint D. Keifer, AuD (Great Lakes Audiology) RUNNER-UP: Dr. Randa MansourShousher, AuD (Northwest Ohio Hearing Clinic)


Dr. Nick Goin (Innate Health Chiropractic) RUNNER-UP: Dr. Shawn K. Brohl


Dr. Jon Frankel, DDS (Frankel Dentistry) RUNNER-UP: Dental Health Associates


Dermatology Associates & Ada Aesthetics RUNNER-UP: Bravia Dermatology

Dr. Christopher Perry, DO RUNNER-UP: Dr. Stephanie Cole (ProMedica Physicians)

Eye Doctor

Dr. Michele A. Schlagheck, OD (Vision Associates) RUNNER-UP: Dr. Kyle Brodie, OD (Brodie Optometry)

Tamara TCM Acupuncture & Herbs

120 W. Dudley St., 419-345-4996. TamaraTCM.com Trusting someone with a handful of needles isn’t easy, but Toledoans relax in the hands of Tamara D. Willingham L.Ac., Dipl. O.M,, MSAOM. Drawing on traditional Chinese medicine and holistic healing, Willingham brings knowledge and experience to her practice to help improve wellness for Toledoans through herbal treatments, massage therapy and acupuncture. RUNNER-UP: Dr. Mickey Frame (Frame Chiropractic & Acupuncture)


Dr. David Mallory (ProMedica Physicians) RUNNER-UP: Dr. Henry H. Naddaf, MD (Family Medicine) CONTINUED ON P.10


February 28 • March 13


Yark Automotive Group Thanks The Loyal Readers Of The Toledo City Paper For Voting Us The Best Of Toledo 16 Years Running.



February 28 • March 13




We Buy, Sell or Consign.

6925 W. Central Ave. (Just west of McCord Road)


Dress up e Your Hom 9/25/17

419.841.4663 Find us on Facebook!

Pick up & Delivery available

Re-cycle • Re-use • Re-purpose • Re-sell

Erin Wiley, LPCC

The Willow Center, 1446 Reynolds Rd., Suite 301, Maumee. 419-720-5800. erinwileytherapy.com Improving marriages and strengthening families is the focus for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Erin Wiley. Not only is she known in Northwest Ohio for her expertise, she is known nationally as a public speaker and has been featured in Elite Daily, Newsweek, Buzzfeed, TLC, and other popular websites and publications. Passionate and patient-driven, Wiley offers advice on a variety of platforms on family and adolescent issues. RUNNER-UP: Allison Kuhr (Zepf Center)

4:31 PM


HLS Orthodontics RUNNER-UP: Dr. Brittany L. Weaver Potts, DDS (Toledo Orthodontics)

Plastic Surgeon

Arrowhead Plastic Surgeons RUNNER-UP: Dr. Frank Barone, MD, FACS (evolv Plastic Surgery and Medical Aesthetics)


SylvaniaVET RUNNER-UP: Heatherdowns Veterinary Clinic

Enter as a couple and leave as one.

*with purchase of a bowl. Exp 03.13.18

Voted Best

Romantic Getaway by Voted Best Toledo City Paper &by Romantic Getaway 5231 Monroe St. Suite C. Toledo, Ohio 43623

ToledoCity AreaPaper Parent& Toledo Toledo Area Parent

1399 Conant Street Maumee, Ohio 43537

Voted #1 in USA for RomAnce 2017 & 2018

Thank you Toledo for voting us #1 for 12 years in a row.

Ultimate Jacuzzi Suites and Presidential Swimming Pool Suites

Video tours of our suites at BelamereSuites.com Two-Story Royal Swimming Pool Suites!


12200 Williams Rd. Perrysburg 419.874.2233 12200 Williams Rd. Perrysburg 419.874.2233

one Enter as a couple and leave www.toledocitypaper.com as one.

12200 Williams Road - Perrysburg • 419.874.2233 Enter as a couple and leave as . 10

February 28 • March 13

Place to Kayak

Best Festival

The German-American Festival RUNNER-UP: Old West End Festival

Best Neighborhood Sylvania RUNNER-UP: Maumee

Boat Club

Maumee River Yacht Club RUNNER-UP: Toledo Yacht Club


Wildwood Preserve Metropark RUNNER-UP: Side Cut Metropark

Riverlures Inc. Kayak Sales & Rentals (Grand Rapids, Ohio) RUNNER-UP: Farnsworth Metropark (through Riverlures Inc.)

Charity/Non-Profit Toledo Area Humane Society RUNNER-UP: Heartbeat of Toledo

Non-Profit Event

Project iAm Acoustics for Autism RUNNER-UP: Susan G. Komen Northwest Ohio Race for the Cure®

Place to Volunteer Toledo Area Humane Society RUNNER-UP: Cherry Street Mission Ministries



February 28 • March 13



Brandywine Country Club

6904 Salisbury Rd., Maumee. 419-865-2393. Brandywinecc.com Since 1967, Brandywine has offered private Club members the ultimate experience— an 18-hole Arthur Hills designed Championship Golf course, private golf lessons, fine dining fare, event hosting options, and more. In recent years, the Club has made exciting changes, giving the general public access to their scenic and picturesque landscape. In summer 2016, the Club opened their restaurant, Champions Bar & Grille, to the general public and their weekend brunch, every Sunday from 10am-2pm,is very popular. RUNNER-UP: Highland Meadows Golf Club

Institution We’re Proud of

Higher Education for Nontraditional Students

House of Worship

Toledo Zoo RUNNER-UP: The Toledo Museum of Art The University of Toledo RUNNER-UP: Owens Community College The Historic St. Patrick’s Catholic Church RUNNER-UP: Cornerstone Church

The Calabrese family and staff of ERIE DRUG would like to say

“Thank You”

Religious Leader

Bishop Michael Pitts (Cornerstone Church) RUNNER-UP: Bishop Daniel E. Thomas (Diocese of Toledo)

High School

to our loyal customers for voting us the #1 Pharmacy in Toledo. Remember to “Shop Local” Toledo!

Notre Dame Academy RUNNER-UP: Whitmer High School (Washington Local School District)

Private School

Notre Dame Academy RUNNER-UP: Central Catholic High School





The University of Toledo RUNNER-UP: Bowling Green State University


Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-OH9) RUNNER-UP: Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz

Work Environment Chick-Fil-A RUNNER-UP: ProMedica Toledo Hospital


Toledo Federation of Teachers Local 250 RUNNER-UP: UAW Local 12 1552 Reynolds Rd. Maumee, OH 43537

Mon-Sat: 10AM-8PM Sun: 11AM-6PM

2017 WINNER for Best Pharmacy

4502 Lewis Avenue - Toledo, OH 43612 (419) 476-4322



Thanks for voting us the Best Antique Mall of Toledo!

Furniture • Lamps • Toys Primitives • Americana Silver • China • Glassware • Advertising • Jewelry Clothing and much, much more. One of America’s Largest Antique Malls!



Over 110,00 Sq. Ft. • Over 200 Dealers • Over 300 Booths & Showcases


February 28 • March 13


Thank You Toledo! Elizabeth Baldwin

elizabethbaldwinsoprano.com As an award-winning, talented and internationally praised professional opera singer and vocal coach, soprano Elizabeth Baldwin, performing since 2010, has made herself known far beyond Toledo. So it’s no surprise that the Glass City has recognized our native daughter’s talent and commitment to the arts. RUNNER-UP: Chris Shutters


Distant Cousinz RUNNER-UP: Amelia Airharts

Best Club to Dance All Night Georgjz419 Fun Food & Spirits RUNNER-UP: H Lounge (Hollywood Casino)

Blues/Jazz Artist Buzz Anderson RUNNER-UP: Chris Shutters


DJ One Tyme RUNNER-UP: DJ Rob Sample

For voting us the Best Beauty School of 2017!

Music Lessons

Forte Music School RUNNER-UP: Toledo Symphony

Recording Studio

FireFly Studios RUNNER-UP: Stone Soup Recording Studios CONTINUED ON P.14

Summit Salon Academy Perrysburg is accredited by The National Accrediting Commission Of Career Arts & Sciences.

116 W. South Boundary St. Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-318-1406 | SummitSalonAcademyPerrysburg.edu

Thank You for voting us #1 Toledo Area!

Hip Hop Artist Jamie Baumgartner RUNNER-UP: Whitenoise

Instrument Shop Rettig Music RUNNER-UP: Durdel’s Music

Local Record Store Culture Clash Records RUNNER-UP: Allied Record Exchange

Jam Night to Hear Local Jams

io! Stud ! s e t la o #1 Pi ga Studi d e t o Vo #1 Y Voted

Diana M. Spiess Owner


at www.dianaspiess.com

Full Pilates Studio (classes and privates) • Yoga Classes • Yoga Therapy • Hot Yoga Indoor Group Cycling • Zumba • TRX Training • BOSU • Body Sculpting Classes Personal Training and Private Workout Time • Health Coaching • Aromatherapy • Reiki Full Fitness Assessments and Evaluations • Meditation • Yoga Teacher Training

The Village Idiot RUNNER-UP: Ye Olde Durty Bird

Karaoke Night Bier Stube RUNNER-UP: Georgjz419 Fun Food & Spirits

Music Venue

Huntington Center RUNNER-UP: The Village Idiot


725 Ford Street, Suite B • Maumee, Ohio • 419.873.mind (6463) • No membership required


February 28 • March 13



Chinese Restaurant QQ Kitchen RUNNER-UP: Jing Chuan Chinese Restaurant


Indian Restaurant


Tandoor Cuisine of India RUNNER-UP: Star of India

Italian Restaurant


Rosie’s Italian Grille RUNNER-UP: Mancy’s Italian Grill

Mediterranean Restaurant

The Beirut RUNNER-UP: Zingo’s Mediterranean

Mexican Restaurant San Marcos Restaurant RUNNER-UP: Cocina de Carlos

Thai Restaurant

Balance Pan-Asian Grille RUNNER-UP: Bangkok Kitchen


Shorty’s True American Roadhouse RUNNER-UP: Deet’s BBQ


Epic Buffet (Hollywood Casino) RUNNER-UP: Carlos’ Poco Loco Diner Schmucker’s Restaurant RUNNER-UP: Mayberry Diner

Hot Dogs

Tony Packo’s RUNNER-UP: Rudy’s Hot Dog


The Village Idiot RUNNER-UP: The Original Gino’s Pizza


Real Seafood Company RUNNER-UP: Mancy’s Bluewater Grille


Mancy’s Steakhouse RUNNER-UP: Rockwell’s Steakhouse & Lounge (Oliver House)


Sakura RUNNER-UP: Kengo Sushi & Yakitori

Thank You

for your votes Toledo! TAKE MUSIC LESSONS! Toledo’s largest music school: • More instructors • More studios • More opportunities!

't Don e t g r o F P ie ! T he

Like us on FB!

2103 N. Reynolds Rd, Toledo, OH 43615

419.535.9116 Like us!



Mon. - Sat. 5 am - 11 pm | Closed Sun. February 28 • March 13

3208 W Sylvania Ave, Toledo, OH 43613

419-540-0070 • fortemusicandarts.com www.toledocitypaper.com

House of Meats

Six locations around Toledo. 419-382-MEAT, houseofmeats.com For an old-fashioned butcher shop that carnivores trust, House of Meats is known for consistent quality, fresh cuts, reasonable prices and weekly savings. Excellent customer service— including specialty products for easy dinners and friendly cooking tips— has kept hungry customers coming back for more, year after year, since 1972. RUNNER-UP: Zavotski Custom Meat & Deli


Coffee Shop

Ethnic Grocery

Fricker’s RUNNER-UP: Buffalo Wild Wings Biggby Coffee RUNNER-UP: Black Kite Coffee & Pies

Holey Toledough RUNNER-UP: Wixey Bakery

419.866.6288 www.firenation.com 7166 Front St., Holland OH

Sofo Foods RUNNER-UP: Middle East Market

Spring Open House

Local Grocery

Boyd’s Retro Candy Store RUNNER-UP: Maumee Valley Chocolate & Candy


Christie’s Candies & Mints RUNNER-UP: Maumee Valley Chocolate & Candy

Monnette’s Market RUNNER-UP: Walt Churchill’s Market

Friday, March 2nd • 6pm to 10pm Check our website for gallery hours and upcoming glass experiences.

Natural Food Store

Claudia’s Natural Food Market RUNNER-UP: Bassett’s Health Foods

Shop the gallery for all the hard to buy for gifts!



of Independent


Candy Store


Find us on Facebook!




Best Visual Artist (glass) Matt Paskiet

Gift Certificates Available


827 Illinois Ave. • Maumee, Ohio 43537 Toledohumane.org • 419-891-0705


“Whether you adopt, volunteer, or donate, 1000’s of animals are saved every year because of you - thank You toledo!”


3/2 Jeff Stewart 3/9 Tim Oehlers 3/10 Dan Stewart



Winner of Best Place to Adopt, Best Place to Volunteer, Best Charity, and Best resale/Thrift Shop for the TAHS retail Shop.

3 Like us on Facebook!

827 Illinois Ave. Maumee, Ohio 43537 • (419) 891-0705 www.toledocitypaper.com




2036 S. Byrne Road Toledo, Ohio 43614 Toledohumane.org 419-214-0151







Kids Eat FREE!

Best Trivia

in city


UTMC Night

FREE juke box & pool after 9pm



February 28 • March 13



Late Night Bar Hangout

Place to Drink Alone

Bar to Visit Before a Mud Hens/ Walleye Game

Place to Seek Advice From a Stranger

College Bar

Favorite Locally Brewed Beer

Irish Pub

Local Personality You’d Want at Your Next Kegger

The Attic on Adams RUNNER-UP: Bier Stube

Ye Olde Durty Bird RUNNER-UP: Fleetwood’s Tap Room (Hensville)

Thank You Toledo For Voting Us Best Of Toledo

Limousines Sedans Vans Charter Buses Limousine Buses Handicap Buses

P: 419-535-7019 F: 419-866-7044




Bier Stube RUNNER-UP: Mulvaney’s Bunker (closed, now Andy’s Bar & Grill) The Blarney Irish Pub RUNNER-UP: Shawn’s Irish Tavern’


Georgjz419 Fun Food & Spirits RUNNER-UP: R House Bar

Sports Bar

Airport Transportation Casino Transportation Large Event Coordinating

Fricker’s RUNNER-UP: Shawn’s Irish Tavern

5825 Angola Road, Toledo • ChildersTransportation.com

The Attic on Adams RUNNER-UP: Bar 145

The Attic On Adams RUNNER-UP: Wesley’s Bar

Maumee Bay Brewing Co. RUNNER-UP: Earnest Brew Works

Opal Covey (six time mayoral hopeful) RUNNER-UP: Jerry Anderson (WTOL 11 News anchor)

Trivia Night

Doc Watson’s RUNNER-UP: 5th Street Pub

Restaurant is open to the public.

$10.99 Specials for Dinner Monday - Wednesday Lunch Specials Mon - Fri HAPPY HOUR MON - THURS • 4-7PM

MEMBERSHIPS • All inclusive golf memberships with carts included starting at $175.00/per month. • Swim & Fitness and Social Memberships also available, call for pricing & details.


The Heights

(Renaissance Toledo Downtown Hotel) 444 N. Summit St., 419-243-7565. theheightstoledo.com Not only does The Heights have a sleek, elegant atmosphere, chic and creative cocktails and contemporary cuisine, but the spectacular rooftop bar also offers a breathtaking 360-degree view of the ever-redeveloping downtown Toledo. Whether you want a casual craft beer after work or a late-night dinner and drinks for a special evening out, it’s obvious the hot spot to be is at this modern bar on the top floor of the Renaissance Toledo Downtown Hotel. RUNNER-UP: Bozo’s Bar & Grille



6904 Salisbury Rd., Maumee OH | 419.865.2393 16

February 28 • March13



February 28 • March 13



Antique Store

Appliance Center Home Store RUNNER-UP: Art Van Furniture

Diamond’s Men’s Shop RUNNER-UP: Szar’s Men’s Shop

Furniture Store

Maumee Antique Mall RUNNER-UP: Architectural Artifacts Inc.

Cigar Shop


The Cigar Affair RUNNER-UP: Third Street Cigar

Hoen’s Garden Center & Landscaping RUNNER-UP: Bench’s Greenhouse

Smoke Shop

Home Boutique

The Cigar Affair RUNNER-UP: The Head Shed

Lily’s at Levis RUNNER-UP: Paula Brown Shop

Comic Book Store

Locally Owned Men’s Boutique

Locally Owned Women’s Boutique Ragazza RUNNER-UP: Vivian Kate

Harold Jaffe Jewelers RUNNER-UP: Jensen Jeweler

Flooring Store


Joseph’s Beverage Center RUNNER-UP: Pauken Wine & Liquor

Local Vape Shop

Floral Shop/Service

VAPORS Electronic Cigarettes and E-Liquids RUNNER-UP: Nice Cloud Vapor Co.

Bartz Viviano Flowers & Gifts RUNNER-UP: Hafner Florist

Optical Arts RUNNER-UP: Pinnacle Eye Group

Spiritual Shop

LifeWay Christian Stores RUNNER-UP: Reger’s Church Supplies and Religious Gifts


Thrift/Resale Store

Liquor Store

Carpets by Otto RUNNER-UP: Modern Floors Carpet One Floor & Home

Optical Shop

Janet Amid RUNNER-UP: Kimmie Rose (Lite The Way)

Jewelry Store

Monarch Comics RUNNER-UP: JC Comics ‘N More

The Shops at Fallen Timbers RUNNER-UP: Franklin Park Mall

New Store

BoxLunch RUNNER-UP: Bottle Shop at Mancy’s Italian

The TAHS ReTail Shop RUNNER-UP: Clothes Mentor Perrysburg

Used Book Store

NeverMore Used Books RUNNER-UP: Gathering Volumes

Like Us On FB




- Downtown Toledo’s Gastropub -






ˇ The Bird is the Word Follow us online:

2 S St.Clair Street Toledo • 419.243.2473 • yeoldedurtybird.com 18

Everyone is welcome without prejudice

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February 28 • March13


Tattoo Artist

Place to Buy a Car

Gentlemen’s Club

Place to Get a Home Loan

Scott Biddle (Ink & Iron) RUNNER-UP: Tony Touch (Infinite Art Tattoo Studio)

Platinum Showgirls RUNNER-UP: Scarlett’s Cabaret

Naughty Business Pleasure 365 RUNNER-UP: Cirilla’s


Renaissance Toledo Downtown Hotel RUNNER-UP: Belamere Suites

Romantic Getaway Belamere Suites RUNNER-UP: Maumee Bay State Park

Dry Cleaner

Lasalle Cleaners RUNNER-UP: Twin Oaks Cleaners

Yark Automotive Group RUNNER-UP: Charlie’s Dodge Chrysler Jeep RAM NOIC Home Mortgage Lender RUNNER-UP: Directions Credit Union

Best Art Classes


Toledo Yacht Club RUNNER-UP: Meinke Marina

Needle Masters Tattoo Studio


Erie Drug RUNNER-UP: Ryan Pharmacy and Orthopedic Supply

Pet Supply Store Pet Supplies Plus RUNNER-UP: PetSmart

5801 Telegraph Rd., 419-476-9015. Needlemasters.com Rule of thumb for tattoo places: do your homework, look at the artist’s work and get lots of reviews and recommendations. Inking Toledo since 1999, Needle Masters takes great care of walk-ins and regulars and has operated without a single health code violation ever. If you’re thinking ink, think Needle Masters first. RUNNER-UP: Infinite Art Tattoo Studio CONTINUED ON P.20

Car Wash/Detailer

Face off against your friends, co-workers, neighbors and fans from across the country.

Expresso Car Washes RUNNER-UP: Russ’s Auto Wash North


FOR A PERFECT BRACKET Gift certificates to local restaurants Tickets to concerts and MudHens games Sign up, sit back and wait for us to contact you to fill in your brackets, It’s that simple!

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Any In-studio Class Art Parties for All occasions Î Bachelorette Î Girls Night Out Î Team Building & Holiday Parties Î Wood + Canvas + more No experience required! Coupon code: CP419

419-283-2484 uncorktheartist.com 5206 Monroe St • Toledo 26580 N. Dixie • Perrysburg

Sandwich Choice of: Gyro, Chicken Shawarma, Falafel, Grape Leaves with 1 Side (Salad, Fries or Soup) Steak Shawarma add $1.50

Mon-Fri (11am-3p

m) • Dine-in or pic


Mediterranean rice bowl Choice of: Gyro, Chicken Shawarma, Chicken Tawook, Falafel, Steak Shawarma

Salad with protein Protein Choice of: Gyro or Chicken Salad Choice of: Fattoush, Greek, Spinach, Tabbouli, Spring

wood fired pizza With One Topping Premium toppings add $1.50 Order online for a quick pick-up or delivery



(off Secor Red. Next to the UPS Store) 3550 EXECUTIVE PKWY, TOLEDO, OH Mon - Thurs: 11am - 10pm | Fri & Sat: 11am - 11pm | Sun: Noon -9pm


February 28 • March 13



Bridal Shop

Atlas Bridal Shop RUNNER-UP: Belle Amour Bridal

Venue (Indoor) For voting us Toledo’s Best Seamstress & Best Bridal Boutique of 2017!

Nazareth Hall RUNNER-UP: Toledo Zoo


Love is Greater Photography RUNNER-UP: JP Photography

Professional Framing Service

We’ll Frame It RUNNER-UP: Laura’s Framing Place & Gallery

Videographer/ Cinematographer

Josh Nagel Productions RUNNER-UP: Fordham Footage

Making Dreams come true since 1927! @atlasbridalshop

4895 Monroe Street, Toledo, Ohio 419.474.9119 | ww.atlasbridalshop.com

Tailor/Seamstress Jo Hafner (Atlas Bridal) RUNNER-UP: Sew-N-Such

Cleaning Company Molly Maid of NW Ohio RUNNER-UP: Maid For You

Home Improvement Arnold’s Home Improvement RUNNER-UP: Sean Patrick Builders

Kitchen & Bath Design

Arnold’s Home Improvement RUNNER-UP:MaumeeBayKitchen&Bath Landscaper Black Diamond RUNNER-UP: Toledo Lawns

Local Builder

Mavillino Custom Homes RUNNER-UP: Sean Patrick Builders CONTINUED ON P.22


Best Trainer



Best Gym!!!





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February 28 • March13


Personal readings  Parties lectures  business functions For appointments call 419-882-5510 or Janetamid@aol.com or Janetamid.com


in-office 30-60 minute reading exp 07-01-18



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BEST Psychic/Astrologer

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Thank you for voting Nazareth Hall as best wedding venue of 2017! Visit us at www.nazarethhall.com!

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Best Mexican Restaurant



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4623 W. Bancroft St. 419-531-3999 middleeast-market.com

February 28 • March 13

4625 W. Bancroft St. Toledo 419-558-3900 | sidongrille.com catering@sidongrille.com





Toledo Express Airport (Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority) RUNNER-UP: Detroit Metropolitan Airport

Limo Service

Childers Transportation RUNNER-UP: 419Shuttle


Michael’s Gourmet Catering, Cafe & Bakery RUNNER-UP: Shorty’s Back Forty

Event Planner

Bee For The Day RUNNER-UP: Your Perfect Day, LLC

The Stables

11781 Obee Rd., 419-872-1731. wheelerfarms.com/the-stables Nestled near Oak Openings Metropark and the Wheeler Farms Butterfly House, The Stables offers the ideal outdoor wedding for couples seeking a peaceful, tranquil and rustic spot for their special day. A 7,500-square-foot reception area, an open-air patio overlooking Swan Creek and friendly farm animals roaming gorgeous pastures make this the picturesque, barn-style wedding venue of your dreams. RUNNER-UP: Wildwood Preserve Metropark

Karnik Pet Lodges

Toledo: 2921 Fairbanks Ave. Waterville: 5411 Black Rd. 419-841-6621. Karnik.us Since 1973, Karnik Pet Lodges have provided pets with a safe, comfortable and fun place to play. We’re not surprised this pet-loving business— which offers dog boarding, doggy day care, dog bathing, cat lodging and cameras that provide the parents of pets with peace of mind while they are away— is the first choice of our readers.

Pet Grooming

SylvaniaVET RUNNER-UP: Sheri May Meyers Pet Styling Salon

Pet Adoption Service

Toledo Area Humane Society RUNNER-UP: Planned Pethood


Thank You Toledo!


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M-F (10am-6pm) SAT (11am- 4pm) SUN (Closed)

(All hours are subject to change with no prior notice) 18 and over unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.



February 28 • March 13



Chinese Restaurant QQ Kitchen RUNNER-UP: Jing Chuan Chinese Restaurant


Indian Restaurant


Tandoor Cuisine of India RUNNER-UP: Star of India

Italian Restaurant


Rosie’s Italian Grille RUNNER-UP: Mancy’s Italian Grill

Mediterranean Restaurant

The Beirut RUNNER-UP: Zingo’s Mediterranean

Mexican Restaurant San Marcos Restaurant RUNNER-UP: Cocina de Carlos

Thai Restaurant

Balance Pan-Asian Grille RUNNER-UP: Bangkok Kitchen


Shorty’s True American Roadhouse RUNNER-UP: Deet’s BBQ


Epic Buffet (Hollywood Casino) RUNNER-UP: Carlos’ Poco Loco Diner Schmucker’s Restaurant RUNNER-UP: Mayberry Diner

Hot Dogs

Tony Packo’s RUNNER-UP: Rudy’s Hot Dog


The Village Idiot RUNNER-UP: The Original Gino’s Pizza


Real Seafood Company RUNNER-UP: Mancy’s Bluewater Grille


Mancy’s Steakhouse RUNNER-UP: Rockwell’s Steakhouse & Lounge (Oliver House)


Sakura RUNNER-UP: Kengo Sushi & Yakitori

Thank You

for your votes Toledo! TAKE MUSIC LESSONS! Toledo’s largest music school: • More instructors • More studios • More opportunities!

't Don e t g r o F P ie ! T he

Like us on FB!

2103 N. Reynolds Rd, Toledo, OH 43615

419.535.9116 Like us!



Mon. - Sat. 5 am - 11 pm | Closed Sun. February 28 • March 13

3208 W Sylvania Ave, Toledo, OH 43613

419-540-0070 • fortemusicandarts.com www.toledocitypaper.com

House of Meats

Six locations around Toledo. 419-382-MEAT, houseofmeats.com For an old-fashioned butcher shop that carnivores trust, House of Meats is known for consistent quality, fresh cuts, reasonable prices and weekly savings. Excellent customer service— including specialty products for easy dinners and friendly cooking tips— has kept hungry customers coming back for more, year after year, since 1972. RUNNER-UP: Zavotski Custom Meat & Deli


Coffee Shop

Ethnic Grocery

Fricker’s RUNNER-UP: Buffalo Wild Wings Biggby Coffee RUNNER-UP: Black Kite Coffee & Pies

Holey Toledough RUNNER-UP: Wixey Bakery

419.866.6288 www.firenation.com 7166 Front St., Holland OH

Sofo Foods RUNNER-UP: Middle East Market

Spring Open House

Local Grocery

Boyd’s Retro Candy Store RUNNER-UP: Maumee Valley Chocolate & Candy


Christie’s Candies & Mints RUNNER-UP: Maumee Valley Chocolate & Candy

Monnette’s Market RUNNER-UP: Walt Churchill’s Market

Friday, March 2nd • 6pm to 10pm Check our website for gallery hours and upcoming glass experiences.

Natural Food Store

Claudia’s Natural Food Market RUNNER-UP: Bassett’s Health Foods

Shop the gallery for all the hard to buy for gifts!



of Independent


Candy Store


Find us on Facebook!




Best Visual Artist (glass) Matt Paskiet

Gift Certificates Available


827 Illinois Ave. • Maumee, Ohio 43537 Toledohumane.org • 419-891-0705


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3/2 Jeff Stewart 3/9 Tim Oehlers 3/10 Dan Stewart



Winner of Best Place to Adopt, Best Place to Volunteer, Best Charity, and Best resale/Thrift Shop for the TAHS retail Shop.

3 Like us on Facebook!

827 Illinois Ave. Maumee, Ohio 43537 • (419) 891-0705 www.toledocitypaper.com




2036 S. Byrne Road Toledo, Ohio 43614 Toledohumane.org 419-214-0151







Kids Eat FREE!

Best Trivia

in city


UTMC Night

FREE juke box & pool after 9pm



February 28 • March 13



Late Night Bar Hangout

Place to Drink Alone

Bar to Visit Before a Mud Hens/ Walleye Game

Place to Seek Advice From a Stranger

College Bar

Favorite Locally Brewed Beer

Irish Pub

Local Personality You’d Want at Your Next Kegger

The Attic on Adams RUNNER-UP: Bier Stube

Ye Olde Durty Bird RUNNER-UP: Fleetwood’s Tap Room (Hensville)

Thank You Toledo For Voting Us Best Of Toledo

Limousines Sedans Vans Charter Buses Limousine Buses Handicap Buses

P: 419-535-7019 F: 419-866-7044




Bier Stube RUNNER-UP: Mulvaney’s Bunker (closed, now Andy’s Bar & Grill) The Blarney Irish Pub RUNNER-UP: Shawn’s Irish Tavern’


Georgjz419 Fun Food & Spirits RUNNER-UP: R House Bar

Sports Bar

Airport Transportation Casino Transportation Large Event Coordinating

Fricker’s RUNNER-UP: Shawn’s Irish Tavern

5825 Angola Road, Toledo • ChildersTransportation.com

The Attic on Adams RUNNER-UP: Bar 145

The Attic On Adams RUNNER-UP: Wesley’s Bar

Maumee Bay Brewing Co. RUNNER-UP: Earnest Brew Works

Opal Covey (six time mayoral hopeful) RUNNER-UP: Jerry Anderson (WTOL 11 News anchor)

Trivia Night

Doc Watson’s RUNNER-UP: 5th Street Pub

Restaurant is open to the public.

$10.99 Specials for Dinner Monday - Wednesday Lunch Specials Mon - Fri HAPPY HOUR MON - THURS • 4-7PM

MEMBERSHIPS • All inclusive golf memberships with carts included starting at $175.00/per month. • Swim & Fitness and Social Memberships also available, call for pricing & details.


The Heights

(Renaissance Toledo Downtown Hotel) 444 N. Summit St., 419-243-7565. theheightstoledo.com Not only does The Heights have a sleek, elegant atmosphere, chic and creative cocktails and contemporary cuisine, but the spectacular rooftop bar also offers a breathtaking 360-degree view of the ever-redeveloping downtown Toledo. Whether you want a casual craft beer after work or a late-night dinner and drinks for a special evening out, it’s obvious the hot spot to be is at this modern bar on the top floor of the Renaissance Toledo Downtown Hotel. RUNNER-UP: Bozo’s Bar & Grille



6904 Salisbury Rd., Maumee OH | 419.865.2393 16

February 28 • March13



February 28 • March 13



Antique Store

Appliance Center Home Store RUNNER-UP: Art Van Furniture

Diamond’s Men’s Shop RUNNER-UP: Szar’s Men’s Shop

Furniture Store

Maumee Antique Mall RUNNER-UP: Architectural Artifacts Inc.

Cigar Shop


The Cigar Affair RUNNER-UP: Third Street Cigar

Hoen’s Garden Center & Landscaping RUNNER-UP: Bench’s Greenhouse

Smoke Shop

Home Boutique

The Cigar Affair RUNNER-UP: The Head Shed

Lily’s at Levis RUNNER-UP: Paula Brown Shop

Comic Book Store

Locally Owned Men’s Boutique

Locally Owned Women’s Boutique Ragazza RUNNER-UP: Vivian Kate

Harold Jaffe Jewelers RUNNER-UP: Jensen Jeweler

Flooring Store


Joseph’s Beverage Center RUNNER-UP: Pauken Wine & Liquor

Local Vape Shop

Floral Shop/Service

VAPORS Electronic Cigarettes and E-Liquids RUNNER-UP: Nice Cloud Vapor Co.

Bartz Viviano Flowers & Gifts RUNNER-UP: Hafner Florist

Optical Arts RUNNER-UP: Pinnacle Eye Group

Spiritual Shop

LifeWay Christian Stores RUNNER-UP: Reger’s Church Supplies and Religious Gifts


Thrift/Resale Store

Liquor Store

Carpets by Otto RUNNER-UP: Modern Floors Carpet One Floor & Home

Optical Shop

Janet Amid RUNNER-UP: Kimmie Rose (Lite The Way)

Jewelry Store

Monarch Comics RUNNER-UP: JC Comics ‘N More

The Shops at Fallen Timbers RUNNER-UP: Franklin Park Mall

New Store

BoxLunch RUNNER-UP: Bottle Shop at Mancy’s Italian

The TAHS ReTail Shop RUNNER-UP: Clothes Mentor Perrysburg

Used Book Store

NeverMore Used Books RUNNER-UP: Gathering Volumes

Like Us On FB




- Downtown Toledo’s Gastropub -






ˇ The Bird is the Word Follow us online:

2 S St.Clair Street Toledo • 419.243.2473 • yeoldedurtybird.com 18

Everyone is welcome without prejudice

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February 28 • March13


Tattoo Artist

Place to Buy a Car

Gentlemen’s Club

Place to Get a Home Loan

Scott Biddle (Ink & Iron) RUNNER-UP: Tony Touch (Infinite Art Tattoo Studio)

Platinum Showgirls RUNNER-UP: Scarlett’s Cabaret

Naughty Business Pleasure 365 RUNNER-UP: Cirilla’s


Renaissance Toledo Downtown Hotel RUNNER-UP: Belamere Suites

Romantic Getaway Belamere Suites RUNNER-UP: Maumee Bay State Park

Dry Cleaner

Lasalle Cleaners RUNNER-UP: Twin Oaks Cleaners

Yark Automotive Group RUNNER-UP: Charlie’s Dodge Chrysler Jeep RAM NOIC Home Mortgage Lender RUNNER-UP: Directions Credit Union

Best Art Classes


Toledo Yacht Club RUNNER-UP: Meinke Marina

Needle Masters Tattoo Studio


Erie Drug RUNNER-UP: Ryan Pharmacy and Orthopedic Supply

Pet Supply Store Pet Supplies Plus RUNNER-UP: PetSmart

5801 Telegraph Rd., 419-476-9015. Needlemasters.com Rule of thumb for tattoo places: do your homework, look at the artist’s work and get lots of reviews and recommendations. Inking Toledo since 1999, Needle Masters takes great care of walk-ins and regulars and has operated without a single health code violation ever. If you’re thinking ink, think Needle Masters first. RUNNER-UP: Infinite Art Tattoo Studio CONTINUED ON P.20

Car Wash/Detailer

Face off against your friends, co-workers, neighbors and fans from across the country.

Expresso Car Washes RUNNER-UP: Russ’s Auto Wash North


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Mediterranean rice bowl Choice of: Gyro, Chicken Shawarma, Chicken Tawook, Falafel, Steak Shawarma

Salad with protein Protein Choice of: Gyro or Chicken Salad Choice of: Fattoush, Greek, Spinach, Tabbouli, Spring

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February 28 • March 13



Bridal Shop Atlas Bridal Shop RUNNER-UP: Belle Amour Bridal Venue (Indoor)

For voting us Toledo’s Best Seamstress & Best Bridal Boutique of 2017!

Cleaning Company

Photographer Love is Greater Photography RUNNER-UP: JP Photography

Home Improvement

Professional Framing Service

We’ll Frame It RUNNER-UP: Laura’s Framing Place & Gallery


4895 Monroe Street, Toledo, Ohio 419.474.9119 | ww.atlasbridalshop.com

Molly Maid of NW Ohio RUNNER-UP: Maid For You

Arnold’s Home Improvement RUNNER-UP: Sean Patrick Builders

Kitchen & Bath Design

Videographer/ Cinematographer

Arnold’s Home Improvement RUNNER-UP:MaumeeBayKitchen&Bath Landscaper Black Diamond RUNNER-UP: Toledo Lawns


Local Builder Mavillino Custom Homes RUNNER-UP: Sean Patrick Builders

Josh Nagel Productions RUNNER-UP: Fordham Footage

Making Dreams come true since 1927!

Nazareth Hall RUNNER-UP: Toledo Zoo

Jo Hafner (Atlas Bridal) RUNNER-UP: Sew-N-Such



Best Trainer



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February 28 • March13


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Best Mexican Restaurant



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February 28 • March 13

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Toledo Express Airport (Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority) RUNNER-UP: Detroit Metropolitan Airport

Limo Service

Childers Transportation RUNNER-UP: 419Shuttle


Michael’s Gourmet Catering, Cafe & Bakery RUNNER-UP: Shorty’s Back Forty

Event Planner

Bee For The Day RUNNER-UP: Your Perfect Day, LLC

The Stables

11781 Obee Rd., 419-872-1731. wheelerfarms.com/the-stables Nestled near Oak Openings Metropark and the Wheeler Farms Butterfly House, The Stables offers the ideal outdoor wedding for couples seeking a peaceful, tranquil and rustic spot for their special day. A 7,500-square-foot reception area, an open-air patio overlooking Swan Creek and friendly farm animals roaming gorgeous pastures make this the picturesque, barn-style wedding venue of your dreams. RUNNER-UP: Wildwood Preserve Metropark

Karnik Pet Lodges

Toledo: 2921 Fairbanks Ave. Waterville: 5411 Black Rd. 419-841-6621. Karnik.us Since 1973, Karnik Pet Lodges have provided pets with a safe, comfortable and fun place to play. We’re not surprised this pet-loving business— which offers dog boarding, doggy day care, dog bathing, cat lodging and cameras that provide the parents of pets with peace of mind while they are away— is the first choice of our readers.

Pet Grooming

SylvaniaVET RUNNER-UP: Sheri May Meyers Pet Styling Salon

Pet Adoption Service

Toledo Area Humane Society RUNNER-UP: Planned Pethood


Thank You Toledo!


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February 28 • March 13



Local Theater Group

The Toledo Repertoire Theatre RUNNER-UP: The Village Players Theatre

Dance Company/ Studio

Toledo Ballet RUNNER-UP: Daryl Jervis Dance Studio

Art Classes Pop It Paint It RUNNER-UP: Uncork the Artist

Art Event

Black Swamp Arts Festival RUNNER-UP: Maker’s Mart (Handmade Toledo)

Place to Buy Local Art Thank you patrons! Ohio’s largest walk-in humidor • Over 1,000 boxes • Over 20 cigar parties yearly • Open til 10pm (Thur - Sat)

323 conant st. maumee • 419.891.0109 • thecigaraffair.com

Handmade Toledo RUNNER-UP: Shared Lives Studio & Gallery

Dani Herrera

See “paperDENIMart” on Facebook. One of Toledo’s most unique artists, Dani Herrera, the mind behind paperDENIMart, has become well-known for her distinct style. Her playful pop portraits— made with recycled materials, like old clothes, newspapers, dryer lint, and whatever else she can find— can be seen around town at art events, in galleries, and, of course, in admiring social media posts shared by your friends. RUNNER-UP: Greg Justus




Best Tattoo Shop


February 28 • March 13




From the 80s to NOW! Thank you Toledo!

101.5 The River has been voted Best Radio Station and we are truly flattered. Toledo City Paper is THE most plugged-in resource and “go to” for the City, Arts, Events, Food, Music and more. Now all of N.W. Ohio knows Toledo’s 101.5 The River is that same “go to” when it comes to a radio station where you get a great variety of music “From The 80s to Now!” Mornings, at work, on the go or wherever you are Toledo City Paper is a must read and Toledo’s 101.5 The River is a must listen.


February 28 • March 13




Supporter of Local Arts


Toledo School for the Arts RUNNER-UP: Handmade Toledo

seamstress / tailor BES


Best Acupuncturist





Independent Gallery Firenation Glass Studio & Gallery RUNNER-UP: Garden Smiles (Carruth Studio)

Favorite Mural/Piece of Public Art The Love Wall (Adams and 13th Streets) RUNNER-UP: Greetings from Toledo Mural (Corner of Main and First Streets)

120 W DuDley St MauMee, OhiO 43537

We Also Do

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George Carruth (Carruth Studio) RUNNER-UP: Tom Lingeman (Professor of Art, 3D Studies and Sculpture at the University of Toledo School of Visual and Performing Arts)

Visual Artist (Glass) Matt Paskiet (Firenation Glass Studio and Gallery) RUNNER-UP: Adam Goldberg (Gathered Glassblowing Studio)

Art Photographer Eric Ward (@littlecoal on Instagram) RUNNER-UP: Lindsay Nicole (Lindsay Nicole Studio)


Michael DeSanto (Bad Atom Studios) RUNNER-UP: Dustin Wayde Mills

Literary Artist

Justin Longacre (Creative writing and English teacher at Toledo School for the Arts) RUNNER-UP: Timothy Geiger (Professor of English at the University of Toledo)

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Pins not your thing? We have Massage too!! 26

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Call for a FREE consultation! February 28 • March 13









MEDIA - 6% Mexican Restaurant: 3,019 Pizza: 2,985 MUSIC - 6% BBQ: 2,509 Mediterranean Restaurant: 2,484 ART - 7% Italian Restaurant: 2,425 FOOD - 22% Diner: 2,388 Steakhouse: 2,348 Meteorologist: 2,337 PROFFESIONALS - 8% Best Anchor Duo: 2,334 STORES & SHOPS - 13% High School: 2,314 Donuts: 2,313 Private School: 2,296 SERVICES - 7% Hot Dogs: 2,256 COMMUNITY - 15% Chinese Restaurant: 2,034 DRINKS - 7% Best Festival: 2,027 Coffee Shop: 2,018 BEAUTY, HEALTH & Local Grocery: 1,974 WELLNESS - 9% Best Neighborhood: 1,949 Seafood: 1,943 MOST POPULAR ZIP: AVG. VOTES/CATEGORY: Park: 1,917 43551 1,099

CATEGORIES WE FORGOT: Business We Miss The Most Best Dressed Toledoan Computer Service Best Judge Bike Shop Tanning Salon 24 Hr. Restaurant Cleanest Porta Potty Company www.toledocitypaper.com

February 28 • March 13



Thanks again Toledo for choosing


Voted Best Home Store

419 931-5611 2110 Levis Commons Blvd. Perrysburg

Best tattoo shop -and-

tattoo artist -tonyTouch-






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Thank you for voting us Best Mexican Restaurant in Toledo!

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5 Locations to serve you

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February 28 • March 13








NEWLY RENOVATED! Stop in or call about our daily specials

Art and Performance Center of West Toledo

2702 W. Sylvania Ave., 419-913-9010. facebook.com/apcwesttoledo Last March, Toledoan Miriam Wagoner opened the doors to the APCWT, providing the creative community with a space for artistic collaboration. Offering a one-stop shop for all of the Glass City’s creative needs, our readers agree that this is the best place to feel comfortable and confident sharing your work during an open mic night. Whether you’re sharing literary works or catching concerts, theater performances, art exhibits or a combination of creative endeavors, you can rely on the folks at APCWT to provide a safe and constructive environment where you can hone your craft. RUNNER-UP: Love Jones & SOUL (Our Brothers Place) CONTINUED ON P.31

Best Naughty Business

Naughty or


you decided

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February 28 • March 13




Thanks Toledo


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for Voting for Us! Jensen Jewelers Family Owned and Operated since 1951

4481 Monroe St, Toledo, OH 43613 • (419) 471-1000

jensenjewelers.net • sales@jensenjewelers.net


February 28 • March 13



Thanks for voting us

BEST PIZZA!!! Available for pick up or delivery!

Healthy Options Available!

Essence Mind Body Studio

725 Ford St., Maumee. 419-873-6463. Essencembs.com Find your inner balance and discover the essential elements of a natural, healthy life with Diana M. Spiess, owner of essence mind*body studio. With 24 years in the fitness/ wellness industry, Spiess is a certified health coach, personal trainer, registered yoga teacher and clinical aromatherapist, among other credentials she has earned. Since 1996, Spiess has helped people in our area live healthy, pain-free, high-energy and passionate lives by providing over 70 classes per week. RUNNER-UP: YMCA of Greater Toledo

At Central Avenue 3981 Monroe St. Toledo, OH (419) 472-3567

6 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! Suffolk Square Plaza At Riverplace 449 W. Dussel Dr. 26597 N. Dixie Hwy Maumee, OH Perrysburg, OH (419) 897-4466 Phone: (419) 874-9170

Great Eastern Shopping Ctr. 2670 Woodville Rd. Northwood, OH (419) 690-4466

Monroe & Nantuckett 5307 Monroe St. Toledo, OH (419) 843-3567

Official Pizza of UT

Alexis Road 1280 W. Alexis Rd. Toledo, OH (419) 269-4466



February 28 • March 13



Athletic Club

YMCA of Greater Toledo RUNNER-UP: ProMedica Wildwood Athletic Club

Best Barre Studio Pure Barre RUNNER-UP: Tonic


Glass City CrossFit RUNNER-UP: LBs Circuit Training


LBs Circuit Training RUNNER-UP: Extreme Results by Vince

Yoga Studio

Essence Mind • Body Studio RUNNER-UP: Yogaja Yoga

Personal Trainer

Lindsay Bowman (LBs Circuit Training) RUNNER-UP: Vincent Ceniceros (Extreme Results by Vince)

Physical Therapy

ProMedica SportsCare RUNNER-UP: Kingston Healthcare Company

Massage Therapist

Heide Alan (Transcend by Heide) RUNNER-UP: Ashley Pedelose (Therapy and Wellness massage)

Holistic Health Center Toledo Hemp Center RUNNER-UP: Serenity Health & Wellness Center

Urgent Care ProMedica Urgent Care RUNNER-UP: The Little Clinic (Kroger)


Jarrod Del Vecchio (Ada Aesthetics) RUNNER-UP: Rachel McCarthy (AM Skin Health) CONTINUED ON P. 34


February 28 • March13




With TMS coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Exp 3/31/18

With TMS coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Exp 3/31/18

Best Anchor Duo

Lee Conklin and Diane Larson (WTVG-TV, Channel 13) RUNNER-UP: Jerry Anderson and Kristi Leigh (WTOL-TV, Channel 11)

Local TV Station With TMS coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Exp 3/31/18

WTVG-TV, Channel 13 RUNNER-UP: WTOL-TV, Channel 11

With TMS coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Exp 3/31/18

“Thank You Toledo for Voting us #1 Car Wash” Meteorologist

Jay Berschback (WTVG-TV, Channel 13) RUNNER-UP: Robert Shiels (WTOL-TV, Channel 11)


Dan Cummins (WTOL-TV, Channel 11) RUNNER-UP: Joe Nugent (WTVG-TV, Channel 13)

Morning Show

Jeff Smith and Sashem Brey (WTVG-TV, Channel 13) RUNNER-UP: Melissa Andrews and Andrew Kinsey (WTOL-TV, Channel 11)

6 LOCATIONS Radio Station ExpressoCarwash.com 101.5 The River for location near you RUNNER-UP: K-100

Laurence M. Baibak MD FACS C. Jeff Kesler MD FACS A. Thomas Dalagiannis MD FACS

Breast Lift/Augmentation Face Lifts/Eyelid Surgery Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty Liposuction/Body Contouring Body Countouring after Massive Weight Loss Rhinoplasty/Nasal Surgery Otoplasty/Ear Surgery Facial Skin Rejuvenation Sciton/Fraxel Laser BOTOX ® Fat Injections/Injectable Fillers



February 28 • March13

1360 Arrowhead Road • Maumee, OH






Beacon Associates Thanks you for recognizing Rhonda Wise as one of Toledo’s best insurance agents!

Beauty School

Summit Salon Academy of Perrysburg RUNNER-UP: Paul Mitchell School of Toledo

Day Spa

Soto Signature Salon & Spa RUNNER-UP: Serenity Health & Wellness Center


Nicole Urbanski (Soto Signature Salon & Spa) RUNNER-UP: Amanda Pizza (Wildflower Salon + Shop)

• Medigap Insurance • Affordable Health Insurance • Life Insurance Retirement Planning • Veteran Aid & Attendance Benefit

Men’s Barber Shop

The Art of Men’s Grooming RUNNER-UP: Supreme Cutz Barbershop

Nail Shop

Jonathon Khoi Nail Spa RUNNER-UP: Polished Nail Bar CONTINUED ON P.38

ROSE M. MOCK Attorney at Law & Licensed Social Worker

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Women’s Salon

Soto Signature Salon & Spa RUNNER-UP: Wildflower Salon + Shop

Thank You for Your Vote!


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Day Spa

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Women’s Salon

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580 Craig Dr #6, Perrysburg, OH 43551 February 28 • March 13




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February 28 • March 13


Thank you for Voting us BesT Coffee shop

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February 28 • March 13


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for on air DJ

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February 28 • March 13





It’s No Secret!


The votes were tallied for BOT and...


has been voted

Best Anchor Duo

Morning Show

Local TV Station

Radio Station


Local Radio DJ


Print Journalist

Lee Conklin and Diane Larson (WTVG-TV, Channel 13) RUNNER-UP: Jerry Anderson and Kristi Leigh (WTOL-TV, Channel 11) WTVG-TV, Channel 13 RUNNER-UP: WTOL-TV, Channel 11 Jay Berschback (WTVG-TV, Channel 13) RUNNER-UP: Robert Shiels (WTOL-TV, Channel 11)

Best Neighborhood Sylvania

Dan Cummins (WTOL-TV, Channel 11) RUNNER-UP: Joe Nugent (WTVG-TV, Channel 13)

Best Vet

Jeff Smith and Sashem Brey (WTVG-TV, Channel 13) RUNNER-UP: Melissa Andrews and Andrew Kinsey (WTOL-TV, Channel 11) 101.5 The River RUNNER-UP: K-100

Denny Schaffer (Q105.5) RUNNER-UP: Charlie Mack (107.3 The Juice) Jeff Klima (Toledo City Paper) RUNNER-UP: Mary Bilyeu (Toledo Blade)


Sylvania Vet

Mayberry Diner

Best Pet Grooming

Ethnic Grocery

Sylvania Vet

Sofo Foods


Best Floral Shop Hafner

Best Country Club Best Dentist

Dental Health Associates of Sylvania



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February 28 • March 13


Coffee with a guilt-free aftertaste

Wine while you shop

Whether you drink coffee first thing in the morning, or prefer a cup in the afternoon or evening, you probably don’t want it sprinkled with guilt. Cofounder of Farmers First Coffee, Matt Hohler, concerned with the fact that coffee farmers often don’t receive their fair share, made it the company’s mission to ensure that their farmers earn 50 percent of all sales. Market on the Green, now selling Farmers First Coffee, will celebrate with a release party, with Hohler sharing his story and a free cup of coffee. 10am-2pm. Tuesday, March 6 and Wednesday, March 7. Market on the Green, 1806 Madison Ave. 567-585-0055. promedica.org/marketonthegreen. Free

Captivate your senses at the Glass City Wine Festival. Sample from wineries and vendors galore at this tasteful event. Try regional wines, gourmet cheese and fare from local restaurants while you shop with a myriad of local, craft businesses. Keepsake wine glass and a 2018 wine tote is included with your ticket. General admission, $30. 1pm4pm and 6-9pm Saturday, March 3. SeaGate Convention Centre, 401 Jefferson Ave. 419-255-3300. toledo-seagate.com

Drinking for the cause The Glass City is creating an unlikely pairing of two of the worlds greatest pleasures: the high of doing something good and beer. During the 12th annual Glass City Beer Festival, 100 percent of the proceeds go directly to charities, including Camp Courageous, The Arc and the Northwest Ohio Hemophilia Foundation. The festival will feature more than 230 beers, including over 40 craft beers. Along with the brews, there will be food vendors and live music. $30, general admission in advance; $35, general admission at the door; $50, VIP admission in advance; $55, VIP admission at the door. 6pm. Saturday, March 2. LucasCounty Recreation Center, 2901 Key St, Maumee. 419-794-7150. glasscitybeerfest.com.

Something sweet Help raise funds for the Children’s Theatre Workshop, an all-inclusive organization introducing young children to the performing arts, at its 7th Annual Cupcake Showdown. Satisfy your sweet tooth with cupcake tastings from local bakeries and vote on the best picks. This year’s theme honors one of the theatre’s two upcoming summer musicals, James and the Giant Peach, based on the Roald Dahl story, a quirky book by Timothy Allen McDonald. $10/students and seniors, $15/adults. 2-5pm. Sunday, March 4. Handmade Toledo, 1717 Adams St. 419-214-1717. ctwtoledo.org

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Wine Tastings

Wednesday, 2.28

Daily Tastings Majestic Oak Winery

This winery offers wine tastings during their regular business hours. Try whites, reds, fruit, and blush. Sparkling Shade Tree Red wine is available for a limited time, so hurry before it’s gone. $5.50/four 1oz., $11/ four 2oz. 12-8pm Thursday-Saturday and 1-5pm Sunday. 13554 Mohler Rd., Grand Rapids. 419-875-6474. majesticoakwinery.com

Engineering Wine Tasting The University of Toledo

Join the Engineering Alumni Affiliate and Dr. Glenn Lipscomb, Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, in tasting sparkling and nonsparkling wines and their comfort food pairings. Register in advance. $25. Schmakel Room of the Driscoll Alumni Center, 2801 W. Bancroft St. 1-800-586-5336. utfoundation.org

Friday 3.2

Back to the Old World Walt Churchill’s Market

Take a European trip and feel like you’re wandering the country with French, German, and Italian wines. Prices vary. 4-7pm. 26625 Dixie Hwy., Perrysburg. 419-872-6900. waltchurchillsmarket.com

Tuesday, 3.6

Farmers First Coffee Release Party Market on the Green

The Market welcomes Matt Hohler, co-founder of Farmers First Coffee Company. Hohler will share his story and offer coffee tastings. 10am-2pm. Also meeting Wednesday, March 7. 1806 Madison Ave. 800-659-9400. farmersfirstcoffee.com Free

Thursday, 3.8

Travel Tastings: Saint Lucia Manhattan’s Pub ‘n Cheer

Get the taste of travel as you explore the flavors of Saint Lucia. Meet with Richard Moss of the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority and Whitney Lane of Sandals Resorts for food and conversation inspired by the fairest isle. $15. 7-8:30pm. 1516 Adams St. 419-243-6675. kraftytravel.com

Friday 3.9

Guess the Grape Variety Walt Churchill’s Market

Think you know your wine? Test your skills at this tasting where you’ll guess which grape created the wine. Prices vary. 4-7pm. 26625 Dixie Hwy., Perrysburg. 419-872-6900. waltchurchillsmarket.com

Saturday 3.10

Spring Wines Tasting Walt Churchill’s Market

Got a case of spring fever? Step into spring a little early by trying some delicate wines with layers of flavors. Prices vary. 2-6pm. 3320 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee. 419-794-4000. waltchurchillsmarket.com

Culinary Events Thursday, 3.1

Monday, 3.5

Help benefit the Glass City Dog Park at this fundraiser dining experience. Enjoy various wines and food prepared by Black Pearl, along with raffles and a silent auction. Proceeds will go towards a storage shed and park improvements. $45. Price increases to $50 after Wednesday, February 28. 5:30-8:30pm. 4630 Heatherdowns Blvd. 419-380-1616. glasscitydogpark.org

Enjoy wines from Napa and Sonoma with paired courses created by the culinary team of Plat8. Space is limited, reserve your spot in advance. $65. 6:30-9:30pm. 4330 Central Ave. 419-214-0370. plat8toledo.com

Unleash the Corks Black Pearl Restaurant

Friday, 3.2

Fish Fry Fridays Walt Churchill’s Market

The Lent tradition continues with fish fries every Friday throughout the month of March. Cod or Perch available by the pound or with your dinner, which includes coleslaw, Walt’s potato salad, lemon, homemade tartar sauce and a roll with butter. 5% of sales goes to the SeaGate Food Bank. Dinners start at $8.99. 4-7pm. 26625 N. Dixie Hwy., Perrysburg. 419-872-6900. 3320 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee. 419794-4000. waltchurchillsmarket.com

Saturday, 3.3

Grilled Cheese Bourbon Dinner Trilby Old Tyme Hall

Eat and drink local with the old Degage crew at this unique and delicious pairing experience hosted by The Sustainable Cafe. Choose from 7 courses of Bourbon pairings and grilled cheeses. Space is limited, reserve in advance. $55. 8-10pm. 5745 Gay St. 419-721-0009. facebook.com/www.grumpychef419


Grand Rapids Taproom to open in April By Dave Kubacki

There’s a depth and history to barrelaged beers and it comes as no surprise that Nicholas Scott, owner of Wild Side Brewing Company, chose downtown Grand Rapids, a place with a lot of history, as the future location, of his taproom, which will open April 15. Wild Side, which Scott characterizes as an American farmhouse style brewery, focuses entirely on barrel-aged brews. From barrels that held spirits to barrels that held wine, the aging vessels add depth and complexity to Scott’s beers. “I’m not much of a businessman,” Scott said. “This was more of an art project. Barrel-aged beers, particularly wild ales, are my favorite styles of beer and no one in the area was doing them. What’s difficult with this style is that these beers don’t adhere to a schedule. I can’t control when these beers are going to be ready.”

What exactly is a Wild Ale?

Napa vs. Sonoma Wine Dinner Plat8

Tuesday, 3.6

Cooking for 1 or 2 Lagrange Branch Library

Want to learn how to cook and prep in smaller portions? Join the library in this educational demonstration offering tips and tricks and hearthealthy food options. 6-6:45pm. 3422 Lagrange St. 419-259-5280. Also at 6-7:30pm Wednesday, March 14 at West Toledo Branch Library, 1320 Sylvania Ave. 419-259-5290. toledolibrary.org Free

Saturday, 3.10

Pierogski Pierogies! Foodology

Wild Side Brewing: A Sense of Time and Place

At this adult only class, Chef Mike from Pierogski’s will share his tips and tricks for making a variety of pierogi flavors and fillings. You are welcome to bring your own adult beverage with you. $50. 6-9pm. 2059 W. Laskey Rd. 567-970-7100. foodologytoledo.com

Wild ales derive from beers that are introduced to wild yeast or bacteria from oak barrels or other sour mash techniques. Where bourbon barrels and rum barrels often add characteristics of oak, vanilla or caramel to beers, wild ales often have acidic, tart or sour characteristics. Because wild ales utilize wild yeast strains and bacteria, they can be somewhat unpredictable. “I’m like a coach,” Scott said. “I try to encourage the environment instead of controlling the environment.”

From memberships to a taproom

Instead of releasing bottles through retail stores or opening a taproom, Wild Side Brewing Company’s brewery opted to create a membership program, Syndicate. This allows the brewers to hone their craft while gaining a reputation within the beer community for producing high quality, barrel-aged beers. Following early success and the resultant momentum, Wild Side made plans to expand the membership program and create a taproom. Scott sees downtown Grand Rapids as the ideal location. “Beyond my fishing addiction, the town itself is truly beautiful and has character that they unfortunately are not making more of these days,” Scott said. “I hope to use beer and the town as a way to both make and tell stories of who and what we are. My beer is all about a sense

February 28 • March13

of time and place, and Grand Rapids, Ohio is the perfect bedrock for that.” Wild Side Brewing Company’s taproom will add to the burgeoning beer scene in the greater Toledo area, which includes Maumee Bay Brewing Company, Earnest Brew Works, Black Cloister Brewing Company, Black Frog Brewing and Great Black Swamp Brewing Company. According to Scott, his brewery will complement these breweries well. “I do very small batch and single barrel beers that live and breath the belief of quality over quantity,” he said. “I am only trying to carve out my time and place. Whether it’s good or bad, this is my singular vision and representation of what I think beer, and just as important, the experience of drinking beer should be.”

Carving out a niche in the community

So far, the response from the beer community indicates that Wild Side Brewing Company’s approach is working. Wild Side’s beers have made it to retail outlets over the past year, selling out extremely quickly. With the opening of the taproom this month, Scott hopes that trend continues. “My hope is to build a group comprised of craft beer aficionados, seekers and collectors that I can meet with and share not only beer, but my ambitions for the brewery so I can use their collective wisdom and appreciation for this craft to help guide the future of Wild Side.” For more information, follow Wild Side Brewing Company on Facebook or visit wildsidebrewing.com.




Production on the clock

Lights, camera, possibilities CommUNITY Film Fest promotes inclusion, diversity By Kelly Thompson

Do you have what it takes to make a movie in 50 hours or less? Find out with Tree City Film Festival’s 50-Hour Challenge. Gather your team for this creative project to produce a movie, including all aspects of filmmaking— script writing, rehearsal, costume and set design, filming, editing, post-production and publishing— in 50 hours. The challenge begins Friday, March 16 and ends Sunday, March 18 with movie submission due by 8pm. Register in advance. $45/ team, $35/student team. Official team meeting at 6pm Friday, March 16 at The Sodbuster, 5758 Main St., Sylvania. 419-517-0118. sylvaniaarts.org

Girl power

Groomed for Greatness, a nonprofit organization helping to empower girls to reach their highest potential, is hosting a movie fundraiser, featuring 50/50 raffles, giveaways and an early screening of the film Acrimony (Rated R) starring Taraji P. Henson. Set to be released March 30, the film depicts the events of a faithful wife betrayed by her devious husband. See the strength and power this woman uses to her advantage, through heartache and anger. $10. 6-8:30pm. Tuesday, March 6. Rave Cinemas Franklin Park 16, 5001 Monroe St. 313-623-9313. groomedforgreatness.org

Mummy mischief

A good movie tells a story, drawing us in, making us think, and even identify with, the onscreen characters. On Sunday, March 4, The Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities hosts the CommUNITY Film Fest, a screening of films submitted by, for and about community members with disabilities. In its fourth year, the Film Fest purposely is scheduled to coincide with the Oscars— red carpet and all— promoting film as an ideal medium to tell the stories of individuals with disabilities. This year’s event features 14 films, three of which were independently made. The remaining collaborative films are given to a selected panel of judges, who place them into one of three categories: inclusion, inspiration and celebration of diversity. This year’s judges are councilperson Sandy Spang, local filmmakers Charles Wetzel and Kim Sanchez, WTOL’s Malena Caruso and Raquel Bravo from the Arts Commission of Greater Toledo. WTOL’s Jordan Strack and BCSN’s Tom Cole will act as MCs for the evening.

Creating something for everyone

As support and service administrator at the LCBDD, Lisa Comes makes sure the event runs smoothly. “We have a more diverse group of movies this year,” Comes explained. “There’s everything from independent films to people making political statements, love stories [ . . . ] something for everyone.” While participants must generate their own ideas, Comes connects them with volunteers, including herself, to provide assistance in creating the movie. “We meet with individuals who may want to submit but don’t have the physical ability and determine if there’s anyone in their life that could


help them, such as a friend, family member or provider. We also work with four or five volunteer filmmakers who are willing to assist,” she said.

Inclusive arts

Awards, given to the best in each category, are presented by winners from previous years. This year’s venue switch to the Ohio Theatre encourages attendees to visit different parts of town. Previous events were held at the Valentine Theatre in downtown Toledo and the Maumee Indoor Theatre. The stage at the Ohio Theatre is not raised, but rather set at the base of the auditorium, which will make it easier for participants and attendees. Members of the adaptive performing arts group iDance will appear and there will be an after-party in the lobby. “I’ve been able to see the benefit to the individuals who make their movies; it really builds their confidence in what they’re doing: having goals, acknowledging their struggles and getting through those hard times,” Comes said. “We wanted to remind people that folks with disabilities are your neighbors, they’re your coworkers, they’re at the movies with you, they’re everywhere you are. I feel like when you see the stories of people’s lives, you just really feel attached.”

In addition to the opening of the new mummy exhibit, Toledo Museum of Art will host multiple screenings of classic and comical mummy-themed movies. Explore the history of ancient Egypt with these family-friendly films where archaeologists search the ancient tombs and undead mummies look for their lovers. Showtimes: The Mummy’s Ghost (1944) and The Mummy’s Curse (1944)— 2pm Saturday, March 3. The Mummy (1959)— 2pm Saturday, March 10. Free/members, $5/non-members. Toledo Museum of Art Little Theater, 2445 Monroe St. 419-255-8000. toledomuseum.org

2-5pm, Sunday, March 4. Ohio Theatre and Event Center 3114 LaGrange St., 419-380-5422. Communityfilmfest.org Free Sponsored by the Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities, the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Toledo, the Superschades Foundation, Camp Courageous and The Arc of NWO.

February 28 • March 13




It’s Not Easy Eating Green

Writing through struggle

To honor the life of local artist Tary Blair, the Catharine S. Eberly Center for Women at the University of Toledo is holding a Artist in Residence Exhibit in her memory. The exhibit showcases original works of her poetry, written as a response to abuse, addiction, heartbreak, loss and multiple suicide attempts. If a picture is worth a thousand words, the Center’s website states “our hope is that through a thousand words, one will walk away with a picture of hope, strength and survival.” 8:30am-5pm Monday-Friday. Catharine S. Eberly Center for Women, 2801 W. Bancroft St. 419-530-8570. utoledo.edu/centers/eberly Free

Vegantoledo.com serves it up By Eric Hehl

Finding a good vegan meal when eating out can be daunting, but a plan and familiarity with restaurants’ offerings can prevent frustration and disappointment. To assist vegan diners, Rachel and Michael Zickar created vegantoledo.com.

The root of the problem

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Vegans need to plan ahead, especially when traveling, Rachel explains. “Whenever we travel we always try to find local sites. We really wanted to have a resource for anybody who was passing through the area.” The site has received a great response, with plenty of emails from appreciative travelers, while attracting local interest as well. “One of the most common inquiries we get is from non-vegans who are looking for a birthday or wedding cake,” says Michael. “They want to respect their guests or partner so they’ll turn to us for that information. It’s really cool to be able to offer that.” Vegantoledo.com contains almost 100 reviews and suggestions for local restaurants offering vegan options, a completely searchable guide organized by name, region and style, and a mapping feature.

Just the veganing Some say that becoming a vegetarian is a missed steak, but they don’t know how healthy and happy some people are living meat-free. Experience the wide variety of delicious, cruelty-free dishes enjoyed by vegetarians and vegans alike during the first ever Toledo Area VegBash. Savor cuisine from the Greenleaf Cafe, The Leaf and Seed, Balance Pan-Asian Grille, Stella’s Restaurant, Cocina de Carlos and Nosh Pit Detroit, sip on drinks from the cash bar, dance to live music, browse a cruelty-free product and service showcase, and enjoy more surprises during this fun and flavorful evening. $15/in advance, $17/at the door. Each ticket includes $10 in food vouchers. Children 12 and under are free. 6-9:30pm. Wednesday, March 7. Maumee Bay State Park Lodge, 1750 State Park Rd. #2. 888-504-8103. facebook.com/toledovegbash

opinion. . . . He’s looking at it with a real critical eye and he makes some pretty strong conclusions about what the science is telling us is the best thing right now.” Gathering Volumes has copies of the book for sale.

You reap what you sow

Keeping it fresh

Mike and Rachel (above) will host a book discussion March 8 at Gathering Volumes in Perrysburg, reviewing Dr. Michael Gregor’s How Not To Die, a science-focused examination on the benefits of a plant-based diet. “We try to help vegans to eat healthier because there are vegans out there that don’t always make healthy decisions. We think there are a lot of decisions that even vegans can make that’ll improve their health,” Rachel says. After reading many nutrition books, Rachel was excited with how Gregor presents the information: “He’s laying it out as a scientist, and not just his


February 28 • March 13

It can be challenging to make healthy choices without support, another reason they created the site, Rachel says. “[…] food is an emotional thing. It’s really easy for people to feel pressure— even when you’re not vegan, when you order something for a healthy reason it can feel like you’re judging others or they’re judging you, even if that’s not what’s going on. I have a lot of sympathy for that.” Michael offers this encouragement: “You can make changes in your life that will prevent you from needing to take lots of medicine later on— medicine that can be very challenging to leave behind. You don’t have to be vegan to eat vegan. A few simple changes can make a big difference.” 6:30pm. Thursday, March 8. Gathering Volumes 196 E. S. Boundary St., Perrysburg. 567-336-6188 vegantoledo.com Free


THEATER NOTES If the shoe fits

Like many folktales, Cinderella— the traditional fairytale about a polite, gracious young woman saved from unfortunate circumstances by a prince— is a little dated. See a refreshingly contemporary take on the classic tale during a local run of the Tony Award®-winning musical, Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella. $33+. Thursday, March 8 through Sunday, March 11. Prices and times vary. Stranahan Theater, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd., 419-381-8851. theaterleague.com

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Ugly spells

Another traditional fairytale will take the stage when local theater group 3B Productions presents Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Based on the Academy Award-winning animated feature, this modern Broadway classic brings new songs to the story of learning to love no matter what. Thursday, March 8 through Sunday, March 11. Prices and times vary. Maumee Indoor Theatre, 601 Conant St., 419-897-8902. 3bproductions.org

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Fear in full bloom

It’s a story everyone who loves musical theater knows— an unfortunate florist rises to fame and fortune when he discovers his plant’s hunger for humans. Discover the true meaning of “flower power” during Cutting Edge Theatre Company’s production of Little Shop of Horrors. $20. March 8-11. 8pm, Thursday-Saturday. 2:30pm, Sunday. Nederhouser Community Hall at Olander Park, 6930 Sylvania Ave., 419-704-6184. cuttingedgetheatre.org

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February 28 • March 13



Your Family is my Focus

Mapping Scientific History Rep Theatre show illuminates the work of an overlooked scientist By Jeff McGinnis

1757 Tremainsville Rd. • Toledo, OH 43613

celebratelifetoledo.com | 419.740.6151

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British scientist Rosalind Franklin, whose role in mapping the DNA molecule has been minimized by history. Depictions of the often-overlooked contributions of women in the world of science are finally becoming more common, in movies like Hidden Figures and plays like Silent Sky, performed at the Valentine earlier this year. Fitting into that mold is Photograph 51, Anna Ziegler’s play about British scientist Rosalind Franklin, whose role in mapping the DNA molecule has been minimized by history. A new production of Photograph 51 will take the Toledo Repertoire Theatre stage beginning March 9. The show’s director, David DeChristopher, said that he thinks audiences will be surprised by all the notes this particular show plays during its relatively brief running time.

Pure storytelling

“It is a dramedy based on real events,” DeChristopher said. “It makes science explicable for people. It’s also sort of an office... I don’t want to say comedy, but it’s about the relationships of people who are working together in an office. “It also is pure storytelling, narrated to the audience by all of the characters, in a fluid narration of scenes. It’s very accessible,” he added. “If you don’t know anything [about the story], you’ll find it fascinating, and if you know something about science, it will deepen your understanding.” As part of his responsibilities as the Rep’s artistic director, DeChristopher estimated that he suggests almost 80 percent of the plays that the Rep eventually puts up, including this “engaging and entertaining” piece. He noted how modern audiences will be able to identify and recognize the pattern of institutional sexism that led to Franklin’s work being overlooked.


February 28 • March 13

“It also speaks to the issue of office decorum and relationships,” DeChristopher said. “There’s no sexual anything, but in light of all the recent revelations, issues come up about workplace relationships, and proper channeling. But also, like Hidden Figures, it does speak to women getting shoved to the side or stereotypes being propagated against them.”

Quiet enthusiasm

DeChristopher looked for performers who would not be overwhelmed by the necessary British accents, while being able to embody the quiet enthusiasm scientists often have toward their work. “I was looking for people who were able to be communicative and also be subtle,” he said. “There’s a whole protocol of the way people behave in the sciences. You don’t want to see somebody excited; you want to see somebody true to what the protocol is in their world. So a lot of it is the way they use words— it’s a subtlety.” Like Rosalind Franklin and the scientists who came together to solve one of mankind’s endearing mysteries, this cast and crew’s spirit of invention and collaboration is an inspiration to DeChristopher. “Often you work on a play and you’re excited to get in rehearsal, and it feels very elemental, the bones don’t hold up, and you sort of get bored. This time, every time I go in, I find wonderful new things.” $20/general. $18/seniors. $12/students. $10/children age 13 and younger. March 9-25. 8pm, Thursdays-Saturdays. 2:30pm, Sundays. The Toledo Repertoire Theatre 16 10th St., 419-243-9277. toledorep.org


ART TO HEART Journey in Their Shoes Exhibit asks locals to follow in the steps of a neighbor By Crys Jankowski

To truly understand someone, you “walk a mile” in his shoes. That’s the idea behind “Journey in Their Shoes,” an exhibit that tells the tale of local Toledoans, opening March 15 at Heart Gallery and Studios in St Paul’s Lutheran Church on Erie Street in downtown Toledo.

Shoes tell a story

Pairs of shoes will be displayed, accompanied by a narrative that provides a glimpse into the wearer’s daily life. This show’s importance is its exploration of the lives the individuals live, the stories they share, through the words offered to readers, showing everything from accomplishments to failures, with life in between. The narratives chronicle moments of unbridled joy, examples of challenges they have faced, regrets for not taking more steps in the shoes they wore and times when they realized just how far their footwear got them. Kate Philabaum, St Paul’s director of art ministries, explains that the church wanted a way to bring the community together so, through hard work and perseverance, members created Heart Gallery and Studios in the church building’s former educational wing. Now, through this exhibit and others like it, they hope to “celebrate the diverse Toledo we share,” according to Philabaum. “Each piece represents a Toledoan’s successes and struggles, something we can all relate to and understand in our hearts. Making that connection is so important to humanize our neighbor and continue building this city up to where we want it to be.”


Kate Philabaum, Director of Art Ministries at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.

Everyone has a Journey

Toledo’s variety of citizens is well represented in this show. From athletes to teachers, medical professionals to local activists, these shoes, Philabaum hopes, will be a “vehicle of conversation” across lives and professions. Stories of love, like the one attached to a pair of stained heels from a clumsy marriage proposal, and heartache, like those that belong to a PICU nurse are displayed side by side. Photographic works by James Dickerson accompany the footwear, including black-and-white portraits of Toledo residents, which continue the storytelling. March 15-17. 5-8pm, Thursday and Friday. 11am-2pm, Sunday. Heart Gallery and Studios 428 N. Erie St., 419-243-4214. facebook.com/HeartGalleryandStudios Free, but there will be a donation basket to help cover costs of drinks and snacks provided during the showings.

February 28 • March 13


ART NOTES Saturday, 3.1

Saturday, 3.3

Canvas & Cocktails: “Family Tree” - Create your own family tree

Bath Bombs Workshop - Join instructor

with wood slices and any other embellishments you wish to bring. Sip on your favorite bottle of wine or other beverage while you design. Register in advance. $55. 6:30-9pm. 2251 Laurel Valley Dr. 419-410-3216. facebook.com/artmattersltd




- The

Perrysburg Municipal Building holds public art exhibits every month, hosted by Main Artery. From March through April 23, view the masterpieces of pencil drawings by local artist, Denise Delclerg. 8:30am-4:30pm MondayFriday. Perrysburg Municipal Building, 300 Walnut St. 419-872-7900. facebook.com/MainARTeryPerrysburg Free

Friday, 3.2 Spring Open House with Albert Young - Join the Firenation crew in

their annual opening event featuring artist Albert Young and his assistant, Ian Zapico from Detroit, Michigan where they will create a collaborative piece with sand casting. 6-10pm. Firenation Glass, 7166 Front St., Holland. 419-866-6288. firenation.com Free

Red Bird Art Walk - Music, demos,

shopping and gallery exhibitions revolve around this month’s theme of “salon style.” Experience the Friday night blowout with updos, makeup, accessories and much more. 5-9pm. Downtown Sylvania. 419-885-8381. redbirdarts.org Free

Alcohol Ink Tile Coaster - Learn the basics of working with alcohol ink and make a colorful set of 4 tile coasters. Bring your own beverage and snacks. All supplies included. $30. 7-9pm. Our Studio with alive m’lou, 3142 Markway. 734-751-2698. facebook.com/unleashingyourcreativity UNbound Artist’s Books and Experimentation After 1960 - Join the

University of Toledo Department of Art at their reception as they celebrate the opening of a new student exhibit at the Toledo Museum of Art. The exhibit presents an overview of the artist’s book genre from the 1960s to present day and their unique ways of perceiving a book. 6-9pm. The Center for the Visual Arts, 620 W. Grove Pl. 419-530-8300. utoledo.edu/al/svpa/art Free

Crafting the community

Stephanie Scigliano making a dozen handmade bath bombs with minimal ingredients and high quality essential oils. Bring your own adult beverage and snacks. $40. 7-9pm. Our Studio with olive m’lou, 3142 Markway. 734-751-2698. facebook.com/unleashingyourcreativity

Tuesday, 3.6

What helps Toledo’s creative community thrive? Collaboration and plenty of willing, helping hands. Get involved and ensure the community’s continued growth by learning about volunteer opportunities with The Arts Commission during the Good Vibrations Volunteer Mixer. Enjoy live music and tasty treats from The Original Sub Shop and meet other local art lovers. RSVP online by March 1st at TheArtsCommission.org/volunteer. For questions or late registration availability please contact Event Coordinator, Natalie TranelliJacobs at njacobs@theartscommission.org. 6:30-8:30pm. Tuesday, March 6. Handmade Toledo, 1717 Adams St., 419-254-ARTS (2787). theartscommission.org/volunteer Free

Vintage Vino Boards & Burgers - Get

Transforming space

creative and eat dinner with Uncork the Artist at their off-site class where you will paint two separate bottle projects. Choose from a variety of wood plank sizes and make them in the shape and colors of your choice. Buy your ticket in advance, space is limited. $45. 6-9pm. Bar145, 5305 Monroe St. 419-593-0073. uncorktheartist.com

Drink + Draw - In these Open Life Drawing sessions, create your own piece with a nude model provided while listening to music. Bring your own beverage and drawing tools. Space is limited. For ages 21+. $10. 7-10pm. The Art Supply Depot, 29 S. Saint Clair St. 419-720-6462. artsupplydepot.com

Wednesday, 3.7 Stolen Art of World War II - Explore the stories of the men and women who worked to protect and recover stolen art by the Nazis during WWII with Al Geha, Toledo Museum of Art docent. Register in advance. 6:30-8pm. Point Place Branch Library, 2727 117th St., 419-259-5390. toledolibrary.org Free

Artistic changes are underway on Broadway as the Jose Martinez Memorial Galeria and the Sofia Quintero Art & Cultural Center transforms their art event space into a working gallery, with the first exhibition scheduled for April 25. The Galeria will also add ceramic and screen printing studios, classes and the future option to rent studio space. Artists interested in showing or selling pieces, contact Lorenzo Flores at 419-241-1655. Submit portfolios to Flores at arts.sqacc@gmail.com. 1222 Broadway St., 419-241-1655. sqacc.org

The fine nine

Join Hudson Gallery in celebrating the wide range of talent, style, vision and voice found in our arts community during their 11th annual Group of Nine exhibit. This year, the featured artists include James Dickerson, Jane Williams, Michelle Arnold Paine, Andrew Gilliatt, Aaron Pickens, Hans Ruebel, Kelly Brown, John Mclaughlin, and Jim Yarrito. The colorful and inspiring mix of works includes sculpture, photography, painting, ceramics, metalwork and glass. Opening reception: 6-8pm on Friday, March 2. On view through March 31. Hudson Gallery, 5645 N. Main St., Sylvania. 419-885-8381. hudsongallery.net Free —AC

Thursday, 3.8 Unruly Arts Opening Ceremony -

American Frame will hold a gallery exhibit for Unruly Arts, an inclusive art studio that provides materials, instruction and skill building to artists with disabilities. The exhibit runs through March 28. 5:30-7:30pm. American Frame, 400 Tomahawk Dr., Maumee. 419-887-8030. americanframe.com Free

Friday, 3.9 Resin Pendants Workshop - Make two

collaged and multimedia pendants, finishing with resin. Supplies are included but you are welcome to bring other inclusions, along with your own beverage and snacks. $30. 7-9pm. Our Studio of olive m’lou, 3142 Marketway. , 734-751-2698. facebook.com/unleashingyourcreativity

Flow Painting with Fluid Acrylic Workshop - Create one-of-a-kind acrylic

paintings, two 4x4 wood pieces and one 12x12 canvas, using fluid acrylic and flow painting techniques. $45. 6-8pm. Create Art Studio, 422 Louisiana Ave., Perrysburg. 419-873-6240. createperrysburg.com

Saturday, 3.10 Spring Festival of Crafts - Meet area

crafters and artists and shop for crafts, gifts. 10am-5pm. Also from 11am-4pm on Sunday, March 11. Stranahan Theater, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd., 419-381-8851. facebook.com/stranahantheater Free

Sunday, 3.11 Encaustics at Hands-On Studio - Discover a new medium painting with hot wax, oil pigments, shellac, and then setting it on fire. Participants will paint a beach theme. Register in advance. $30. Hands-On Studio at Toledo Botanical Gardens, 5403 Elmer Dr., 419-902-6800. facebook.com/handsonstudio

Pyrography Workshop - Learn all about pyrography, the technique of decorating wood by burning a design on the surface with a heated metallic point. For ages 12+. $30. 1-4pm. Handmade Toledo, 1717 Adams St. 419-214-1717. handmadetoledo.com

More events updated daily at toledocitypaper.com

“My time at UT was transformative. The leadership perspective and experience I gained from my coaches and guidance counselors had a massive impact in steering my path. ”


Superintendent of Toledo Public Schools 50

utoledo.edu/alumni February 28 • March 13



Bluegrass & Green Acres

Black Swamp Conservancy is growing sustenance By Michael Pierce Despite the rise of a post-industrial society, the need for the preservation of land and natural habitats remains ever important. Without preservation efforts, there’s a risk of permanently losing wildlife and our connection to the natural world around us.

Going natural

For 25 years, The Black Swamp Conservancy has maintained and preserved areas of Northwest Ohio. “We keep the woods a woods, the wetlands a wetlands, and the farm a farm,” says executive director Rob Krain. “Our mission is to protect and preserve natural habitats and family farms, including streams and wetlands, for future generations.” According to Krain, the conservancy and its large service area has “permanently protected over 1,700 acres of land across 16 Northwest Ohio counties.”

Branching out

The conservancy’s signature fundraising event, Bluegrass and Green Acres, will be held at the Toledo Zoo’s Malawi Event Center at 6:30pm Friday, March 16. Previous events had 300-350 supporters attend, but due to increasing interest, Krain expects a larger crowd this year. “The last three years we (held the event) at the Carranor Club in Perrysburg and before that we were at BGSU,” explains Krain. “Part of the reason we switched (the location) this year is to accommodate a larger crowd.”

Up for auction

During the event, the conservancy will hold both a silent and live auction, with restaurant gift cards and works of art among the items up for bid. “Metroparks is opening up camping on Granger Island this spring. They’ve

built a couple of platforms and a rustic cabin out there. One of our auction items will be the first official camping trip to the island,” Krain explains. “They’ve been working on it for about a year and they’re getting close to completion. The experience we’ll be auctioning will be the opportunity to do a guided short paddle or long paddle that will end at the island, and we’ll have a catered dinner, and we’ll come back in the morning to take them back to shore.”

New roots

One of the event’s main attractions will be a live performance by the Mark Lavengood Band. “We’ve used this event to bring some really talented musicians to the area,” says Krain. “People from out of town that are on the cutting edge of ‘Newgrass’ music— which takes bluegrass and combines elements of rock, jazz and blues. And Mark is very talented in that area.” As part of the Earthwork Music Collective, an independent label out of Southeast Michigan, “I hold environmental and social justice initiatives in the highest regard,” says Lavengood. According to its website, the label “believes in the intrinsic and historical power of music to raise community and self-awareness.” Since the release of his 2014 album No Part of Nothin’, Lavengood has been touring. Having spent the last eight years playing with Lindsay Lou and the Flatbellys, he broke out on his own this past year and is currently working on new projects with a local/regional focus “I’ve been in the studio for about the last two and a half months,” says Lavengood. “I’m hoping to release the first single by April, and then have a new ep out this summer.”

The Conservancy’s 7th annual Bluegrass & Green Acres will feature a live performance by Mark Lavengood (above), a musician who combines bluegrass with elements of rock, jazz and blues.

Coming back

The first ever Bluegrass & Green Acres took place in 2011, and Lavengood, along with Lindsay Lou and the Flatbellys, played their debut show that night. “The first gig on their first tour was our first Bluegrass & Green Acres seven years ago. And they’ve done really well touring internationally since then,” says Krain.

$60. 6:30pm. Friday, March 16. Toledo Zoo’s Malawi Event Center, 2 Hippo Way. 419-833-1025. blackswamp.org | marklavengood.com

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February 28 • March 13


SONGS OF SUPPORT Highlighted events indicates our picks for the week

WED, FEB 28 Bier Stube: Karaoke Distillery: Karaoke Durty Bird: Amelia Airharts 7pm. Come out for a night of original music by this dynamic duo performing what they describe themselves as “outlaw rock.” Free (rock, pop/rock) Frankie’s: Kublai Khan, Varials, I Am (rock, heavy/rock) Howard’s: Mark Mikel & Friends (songwriter, rock) Manhattan’s: Chris Knopp (acoustic, pop) South End Grille: Open Jam Night w/ Black Ice Band (open mic) Village Idiot: Andrew Ellis (songwriter, acoustic) Swig: Rick & Isaac Ye Olde Cock & Bull: Danny Mettler

THURS, MAR 1 Barr’s Public House: Kyle White (songwriter, acoustic) BGSU: New Music Ensemble (new/classical, jazz) Bier Stube: Karaoke, Ladie’s Night with DJ Dynasty (party, dance) Civic Music Hall: We Came As Romans, The Plot in You, Oceans Ate Alaska, Currents, Tempting Fate, The Harbor Divide 6pm, $18-$25. From heavy riffs to progressive vocals, you’ll sure to bang your head at this hardcore showcase. (rock, heavy/rock) Cock n Bull: Capt. Sweet Shoes (covers, pop/rock) Durty Bird: Andrew Ellis (songwriter, acoustic) Manhattan’s: Kyle Smithers (acoustic, blues)

FRI, MAR 2 Bar 145: My Sister Sarah (variety) Bier Stube: The Groove (classic rock, R&B) Blarney: Sweet Tea Band (variety) Civic Music Hall: Dead Ahead Ohio, Grateful Dead Tribute (rock, jam/rock) Cock n Bull: 25’s (covers, pop/rock) Distillery: Piggyback Jones (covers, pop/rock) Doc Watson’s: Jeff Stewart (songwriter, acoustic) Dorr St. Cafe: Live entertainment every Friday Durty Bird: Chloe & The Steel Strings (country, folk) Fleetwoods: Shane Piasecki Duo (songwriter, acoustic) Frog Leg Inn: Frank Shock (covers, pop/rock) Howard’s: Coal Fire Bicycle, The Essentials, The Changing Elements, Modern Hollows (rock, indie/rock) Manhattan’s: Hector Mendoza 8pm. Mendoza’s classical guitar will soothe and delight over drinks and dinner. (acoustic, classical) Free Ottawa Tavern: Eerie Point, Human Jukebox (rock, indie/rock) The Pub: Kyle White (songwriter, acoustic) Rockys: Scooby Snacks (covers) Shawn’s Irish Tavern: Johnny Rod (classic rock, pop, folk, covers) Smoke Bar BQ: King Size Drag (americana) Sodbuster’s: Amelia Airharts (rock, pop/rock) Table 44: Screaming Heathens (covers, pop/rock) TMA: It’s Fridays, 6th Edition (jazz, pop)

Willis Sound: Estar Cohen Project 8pm, $17. Recording studio and performance space, Willis Sound, just sourth of Ann Arbor, welcomes back composer Estar Cohen and her Project. Winner of the Herb Alpert Young Jazz Composers Competition, Estar’s music is gorgeous and beautiful. (songwriter, jazz)

SAT, MAR 3 Agenda Bar: Triple Threat Bash w/ DJ Onetyme (dj, hip hop) Bar 145: Gas Station Disco (disco) Bier Stube: Baccano (rock) Blarney: Eerie Point (rock, indie/rock) Chasers: Mark Farina (dj, dance, party) Distillery: 56Daze (covers, pop/rock) Durty Bird: Laura Rain & The Caesars (soul, funk) Fleetwoods: Distant Cousinz (covers, acoustic) Frankie’s: Special K, 10/31, C Fifth, SLIT, Tony Patron, SKB Solow (rock, heavy/rock) Frog Leg Inn: The Bright Side (covers, pop/rock) Home Slice: Screams & Whispers (bluegrass, country, rock) Howard’s: Violent Bloom, Industrial Sunglasses, Tree No Leaves, Awesome Job! (rock, indie/rock) Lordes U: Toledo Symphony, Classics Series 2:30pm, $30-$35. This afternoon concert highlights the 88 keys of Mozart’s instrument with Concerto Nos. 5 and 20. (classical, orchestra) Manhattan’s: Chris Knopp (acoustic, pop) Ottawa Tavern: Tranquillity, Formerly Bodies, House Tours, Juxapost, Casket Company (rock, hard/rock) Table 44: New Fasioned (pop/rock) The Pub: Halfweed (bluegrass) Village Idiot: Kentucky Chrome (rockabilly)

SUN, MAR 4 Art & Performance Center: Adrian Szozda, Up Close Concert Series (songwriter, acoustic) Bier Stube: Open Jam Night Durty Bird: Straight Up (jazz, pop/rock) Ottawa Tavern: Kyle Cook, Jeff Stewart, Rob Vance (songwriter, acoustic) Village Idiot: Acoustics for Autism Noon-2am, donation. This popular fundraiser features six stages and over 50 musicians and performers. The streets of Historic Maumee will be alive with music and a-buzz with celebration, raising awareness and funds for Project iAm.

MON, MAR 5 Art & Performance Center: Songwriter’s Swap (open mic) Durty Bird: New Mondays (covers, pop/rock) Village Idiot: Frank May (covers, acoustic)

TUES, MAR 6 Bier Stube: Karaoke Durty Bird: Nate Kester Group (jazz, classical) Ottawa Tavern: Flat Earth Agenda, That 1 Guy, Wave Garden (funk, rock) Rockys: Open Jam with Joel Hazard and Mark Sentle 8:30pm. Join Joel and Mark every first and third Tuesday for great music and fun. Free (acoustic) Village Idiot: May and Barile (covers, acoustic)

WED, MAR 7 Bier Stube: Karaoke Black Kite: Open Mic w/ Ben Barefoot (open mic) Cock n Bull: Danny Mettler (covers, blues) Distillery: Karaoke Durty Bird: Thompson & May (covers, acoustic) Manhattan’s: Open Mic w/ Stephen Woolley 8pm. Manhattan’s Pub ‘n Cheer is once again hosting live, original music Wednesday-Saturday. Music Go Round: Up Close Concerts presents Christopher Lee Metchis (acoustic, songwriter) South End Grille: Open Jam Night w/ Black Ice Band (open mic) Village Idiot: Andrew Ellis (songwriter, acoustic)

THURS, MAR 8 Barr’s Public House: Picking Kelley 8pm. The acoustic duo is known for their eclectic setlists and expanding repertoire. With their skill sets in diverse genres, their sound appeals to a wide audience anywhere. Free (acoustic) Bier Stube: Karaoke, Ladie’s Night with DJ Dynasty (party, dance) Durty Bird: Ron Nisch, Khalid Hanifi Band (songwriter, pop/rock) Manhattan’s: Kyle White (songwriter, acoustic) Ottawa Tavern: Woven in Hiatus, September Stories, Homegrownups, Secondhand Love Cuffs (rock, modern/rock) The Pub: Blues Jam (open mic)

FRI, MAR 9 Bar 145: Not Fast Enuff (party, covers) Bier Stube: The Grape Smugglers (blues, R&B, rock) Blarney: K-OS (covers,pop/rock) Civic Music Hall: Powerful Pill, Phish Tribute (rock, jam/rock) Distillery: The Hubie Ashcraft Band (country, pop/rock) Doc Watson’s: Tim Oehlers (acoustic, songwriter) Dorr St. Cafe: Live entertainment every Friday Durty Bird: Katch Band (covers, pop/rock) Fleetwood’s: Jake Pilewski (songwriter, acoustic) Frankie’s: Best of the Best Week 1 (music competition, variety) Home Slice: Andrew Ellis (songwriter, acoustic) Howard’s: Laurel and the Love-In, Tree No Leaves, Casket Company (rock, indie/rock) Manhattan’s: Joe Woods (covers, acoustic) Ohio Theatre: Heywood Banks 8pm, $22. Comedian and songwriter Heywood Banks makes an appearance in Toledo on the historic Ohio Theatre stage. (songwriter, eclectic) Ottawa Tavern: Two Cow Garage, Cory Branan, Zimmermen Twins (rock, grunge/rock) Peacock: Eargasms w/ DJ Syck (dj, hip hop) Smoke Bar BQ: Mike Brown (blues, rock) Table 44: Beg to Differ (pop/rock) Third Street Cigar: Kelly Richey (blues, rock) The Pub: Frank Sinatra Night w/ Joel Hazard (jazz, lounge) Table 44: Beg to Differ (covers, pop/rock) Truckin’ Bozo’s Bar and Grill: Ratnip (rock ‘n roll) Rocky’s: Buzz Anderson Project (rock, jazz)

SUNDAY, 3.4 / DOWNTOWN MAUMEE Help support a good cause and enjoy a day filled with live music during Project iAm’s 11th Acoustics of Autism event, featuring over 60 musicians at six adjacent venues. All donations go directly into a scholarship fund that supports families affected by autism. Sunday, March 4, noon through 2am. The Village Idiot and surrounding area, 309 Conant St., Maumee. 419-514-9817. acousticsforautism.com. Free.


THURSDAY, 3.15 / TOLEDO MUSEUM OF ART GLASSALON Dance your way into St. Patrick’s Day weekend with a special edition concert featuring Irish music by the lively band Extra Stout, which has been bringing its energetic sound to pubs and events around town since 2000. 6:30-8:30pm. 2445 Monroe St. 419-255-8000. toledomuseum.org Free


Four-time Grammy winner and internationally known trumpet and flugelhorn player Randy Brecker brings his clean, crisp sound to Toledo. With a music career spanning 40 years, Brecker has mastered the art of crafting exciting pieces in jazz, rock and R&B. $25-$35. 8-11pm. 410 Adams St. 419-242-2787. valentinetheatre.com

SAT, MAR 10 Barr’s Public House: Whiskey Business (country) Bar 145: Radio Tokyo (R&B, hip hop) Bier Stube: Karaoke Distillery: Distant Cousinz (covers, acoustic) Doc Watson’s: Dan Stewart (acoustic, songwriter) Durty Bird: Beg to Differ (covers, pop/rock) Fleetwood’s: Bob Stevens Duo Frankie’s: Esham (rock, hard/rock) Manhattan’s: Shawn Sanders (covers, acoustic) Table 44: Not Fast Enuff (party, covers) The Pub: Old State Line 6pm. Come out and enjoy a cocktail, brew or bourbon for purchase while listening to one of Toledo’s local f avorites. Free (country, folk) Ottawa Tavern: Short Leash, Tugboat, Nailed Through, Blackstone (rock, heavy/rock) Valentine Theatre: Toledo Jazz Orchestra w/ Randy Brecker, trumpet. (jazz, classical)

SUN, MAR 11 Art & Performance Center: Michael Fisher, Up Close Concert Series (songwriter, acoustic) Bier Stube: Open Jam Night Cock n Bull: Blues Jam (open mic) Durty Bird: Jazz Brunch w/ Lori Lefevre (jazz, lounge) Frankie’s: Knuckle Puck, Boston Manor, Free Throw, Hot Mulligan, Jetty Bones (rock, hard/rock) TMA: Great Performances, Diderot String Quartet 3pm. Partake in this classical concert held in the Great Gallery. (classical, strings) Free The Village Idiot: Bob Rex & Friends (jazz)

MON, MAR 12 Durty Bird: New Mondays (covers, pop/rock) Art & Performance Center: Songwriter’s Swap 5pm, donations. Join in on this creative open mic. Village Idiot: Frankie May (covers, acoustic)

TUES, MAR 13 Bier Stube: Karaoke Durty Bird: The Quick Trio (jazz, songwriter) Rocky’s: Kyle Smither’s Open Mic (open mic) Earnest Brew Works: St. Patrick’s Day w/ Padraig’s Top Shelf 5pm. Join the celebration at the brewery with Pizza Cat, raffles, and prizes at this fundraiser benefiting the Toledo Irish American Club. (rock, Irish) Village Idiot: Bobby May and John Barile (covers, acoustic)

WED, MAR 14 BGSU: Laura Melton, piano (classical, piano) Distillery: Karaoke Durty Bird: Tony Salazar Jr. (blues, pop/rock) Cock n Bull: Danny Mettler (rock, blues) Village Idiot: Andrew Ellis (songwriter, acoustic)

OUT OF TOWN Wednesday 28 The Ark, Ann Arbor: Open Mic, Ann Arbor (open mic) Sunday 4 Majestic Theatre, Detroit: Tune-Yards, Sudan Archives, Detroit (songwriter, world/beat) Thursday 8 Snowbound, Detroit: George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic (funk, hip hop)

W E H AV E I T A L L O N L I N E ! C O M P L E T E M U S I C E V E N T S AT T O L E D O C I T Y PA P E R . C O M 52

February 28 • March 13


SOCIAL STUDIES by Christine Seneck SodBuSter r tHe

Black Panther Opening Night Peep Game Comix hosted an opening night party for the Marvel blockbuster.

Dalonna McDaniel and Rahquez Lyte.


Ragtime Rick & His Chefs of Dixieland Every Wednesday 8pm

Monique and Sedona Montgomery.



Amelia Airharts 8pm

(As Part of the Friday Red Bird Art Walk)

Capucine Dickerson, Ramona Collins and Arianna Banks. Steven Jones and Cierra Settles.

Lovers Extravaganza


Toledo’s own Lyfe Jennings helped celebrate Valentine’s weekend with a romantic R&B concert.

Sat Mar 3, 4-CloSe Alonzo Garrett and Kamia Reddick.

Nancy Thompson, Geri Griffin, Nicky Hardiman, and Dionne Waters.

B Wills, Tia Wright, Tia Greene and Pebbles Syph.

The Skittle Mar Bots Betina and Larry Layson.




(419) 517-1045

5758 Main Street Sylvania, oH 43560 LaTonya Cox and Elmore Sturdivant with Marvin and Keyawna Brock.


Evan and Teela McFadden.

February 28 • March 13


ROAD TRIP Thursday, 3.1 [health] [culinary] Food Activists in Northwest Ohio - Local food activists will discuss questions of land use, food access, and patterns and practices of food consumption with their panel discussion, “Sustainability, Sustenance, & Stewardship.” 4:30-6pm. Wood County District Public Library Meeting Room, 251 N. Main St., Bowling Green. 419-352-5104. wcdpl.org Free

[health] Wonders of Yoga - Build strength and confidence with this class based on physical postures, deep breathing and mindfulness. All levels are welcome. Register in advance. 5:15-6:15pm. Olander Park, 6930 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania. 419-882-8313. olander.recdesk.com

[donation drive] Baskets of Basics - Help out the homeless by donating basic hygiene items like soap, shampoo, toothpaste and brushes, deodorant, etc. to fill up Easter baskets. Baskets will be donated to Family House and The Cocoon shelters. Donations can be made until Saturday, March 24. 10am-8pm. Town Center at Levis Commons, 3201 Levis Commons Blvd., Perrysburg. 419-931-8888. shopleviscommons.com Free

Friday, 3.2 [health] Chair Yoga - Get a feel for this type of yoga as you practice breathing techniques, improve range of motion, flexibility, balance, and many other beneficial factors to your body health. 12-12:45pm. CC’s Lyricist Lounge, 958 S. Reynolds Rd. 419-810-1341. facebook.com/cclyricistlounge Free

[gardening] Vegetable Garden Planning: A Silver Cafe Presentation - Learn how to plan, plant, and harvest fruits and veggies with Amy Stone, OSU Extension Educator, with container, raised bed, and traditional in-the-ground methods. 10-11am. Holland Branch Library, 1032 S. McCord Rd., Holland. 419-259-5240. toledolibrary.org Free

[art] Art & Sip - Paint with Kimberly Pusey Artwork on an 11x14 panel with select wine, beer, and soda included, provided by Element 112. $40. 6-9pm. Element 112, 5735 N. Main St., Sylvania. 419-517-1104. facebook.com/kimberlypuseyart

Saturday, 3.3 [theater] Audition Boot Camp: Cold Reading-Young Rep Ed Workshop - Practice better cold reading and auditioning skills by analyzing an audition, creating compelling characters, and on-thespot acting. For ages 7-16. $25. 9am-12pm. Toledo Repertoire Theatre, 16 10th St. 419-243-9277. toledorep.org

[theater] Cyrano Auditions - The Village Players are looking for eight men and one woman to join their newest production, “Cyrano,” an Americanized version of the French classic. 2-4pm. Auditions also on Sunday, March 4. The Village Players Theatre, 2740 Upton Ave. 419-472-6817. thevillageplayers.org




Reiki 1 Training - Join instructor Jennifer Wise in this introductory holistic health class to increase your energy and spirituality, reduce stress, and heal your body through Reiki, a “universal life force energy.” $150. 12-6pm. Toledo Yoga, 4324 W. Central Ave. 419-531-0006. toledoyoga.com

Herbal First Aid - Learn how to stock an herbal first aid kit including what to put in, how to make its components, and how to use them for various ailments. Space is limited, register in advance. $15. 10-11:30pm. The 577 Foundation, 577 E. Front St., Perrysburg. 419-874-4174. 577foundation.org


Monday, 3.5

Girlpreneur Expo - Support the next generation of girl entrepreneurs from Groomed for Greatness as they highlight their products, marketing skills and sales skills on their new business. 11am-3pm. Mercy Health, 2200 Jefferson Ave. 313-623-9313. groomedforgreatness.org Free



Investing in Toledo’s Renaissance by John Scott at Code City - Will you do better in Toledo? Join John Scott in his inspirational talk about the pros and cons of investing and living in Toledo’s revitalization. 6-8pm. Rustbelt Coffee, 119 N. Ontario. 419-819-5988. codcity.co Free

Sodbuster’s 6th Anniversary Party - Celebrate Sodbuster Bar’s 6 years of business with shot specials, a raffle with two tickets for the Detroit Tigers Home opener, and a guest appearance from a surprise performer. 6pm-2am. The Sodbuster Bar, 5758 Main St., Ste. 6, Sylvania. 419-517-1045. facebook.com/thesodbusterbar

Tuesday, 3.6


Wednesday, 3.7


Toledo Area VegBash- Feast on food concessions from area vegetarian vendors, and enjoy live music, cocktails and more. $15. 6pm. Maumee Bay State Park Lodge, 1750 St. Park Rd., Oregon. 419-836-1466. vegbash.com



Art of Directing - Work with Cutting Edge Theatre Company and Artistic Director, Stephanie L. Dennehy in this 6-week course teaching the basics to directing quality work and how to master cast morale. Classes are every Saturday through April 7. $150. 9-11am. Cutting Edge Theatre Company, 10 S. Holland-Sylvania Rd., Sylvania #207. 734-717-8776. cuttingedgetheatre.org

Limitless Rewind - In celebration of their 10th season, dancers from Limitless Dance Company take the stage, bringing back audience favorites from past performances. Tickets can be purchased through the Toledo School for the Arts box office. $10-$22. 7pm. Also on Thursday, March 8. The Valentine Theatre, 410 N. Superior St. 419-246-8732. ts4arts.org

Sunday, 3.4

Thursday, 3.8



Historical Tours of the Manor House - Take a guided tour of the 30,000 square foot, Depression-era home as you learn its rich history. Every Sunday through the end of the month. 12-5pm. Wildwood Preserve Metropark, 5100 W. Central Ave. 419-535-3050. metroparkstoledo.com

Nine Lessons I Learned from My Father: An Evening with Murray Howe, MD - Dr. Murray Howe, son of legendary hockey player Gordie Howe, will lead a discussion be interviewed by Chrys Peterson, and sign copies of his book. Ticket includes a personalized book, light hors d’oeuvres and a cocktail. Proceeds will benefit the Gordie Howe Fund at ProMedica Neuroscience Institute. Register in advance. $65. 6-8pm. Holy Toledo! Tavern at Hensville, 9 N. Saint Clair St. 419-291-5459. promedica.org

Run with Joe: POSE Method Running Clinic - Whether an experienced or new runner, all skill levels welcome to learn proper running technique to be an efficient, injury free runner. Limited space, purchase ticket ahead. $85. 2-5pm. Joe’s Yoga and Fitness, 29101 Hufford Rd., Perrysburg. 419-345-0885. joeysyogafitness.com

[fundraiser] Oscar Night 2018 - Strut down the red carpet like you’re in Hollywood in support of the American Red Cross of Northwest Ohio at its black tie event. Enjoy samplings from 18 local restaurants, silent auctions and music by Distant Cousinz and Not Fast Enuff. $125. 6-10pm. Sunday, March 4. BMW of Toledo, 7600 W. Central Ave. 419-329-2573. redcross.org

Whisky business

Raise a glass at Pulp Detroit’s 2nd annual Detroit Whiskey Festival. Taste bold flavors from some of the best Whiskeys, Bourbons and Ryes from around the world during this spirited event. Stop by spirit-tasting stations with a mixed cocktail or straight taste, meet representatives from well-known and up-and-coming brands, and fuel your adventure with food (provided at an additional cost). $50, which includes 12 beverage samples. $25 for designated drivers. 6-10pm. Friday, March 2. Eastern Market Shed 3, Detroit, MI. detroitwhisky.com

Farmers First Coffee Release Party Co-founder of Farmers First Coffee Company and University of Toledo graduate, Matt Hohler will share his story and a cup of coffee for you to try. 10am-2pm. Also meeting Wednesday, March 7. Market on the Green, 1806 Madison Ave. 800-659-9400. farmersfirstcoffee.com Free

Hollywood Casino: Totally 80’s Party - Travel back in time and party like it’s the 80s with Totally 80’s, a Pittsburgh based band devoted to reviving the good old days through classic chart toppers. 8pm. Hollywood Casino, 1968 Miami St. 419-661-5200. hollywoodcasinotoledo.com Free


Looking for a quick change of scenery and a taste of something different? Curious about our favorite events going on just a short drive from Toledo? Visit toledocitypaper.com, or check out our sister publication, Current Magazine (covering Ann Arbor), at ecurrent.com, to explore film, art, music and more. Here is a list of our top March mustattend, out-of-town events:


Friday, 3.9 [art] [history] AIA-Toledo Society Lecture - Learn from Dr. Gregory Marouard, French Egyptologist, as he speaks on the ancient Egyptian harbor at Wadi al-Jarf on the Red Sea and its link to the Khufu pyramid of Giza. 7-8:30pm. Toledo Museum of Art Little Theatre, 2445 Monroe St. 419-255-8000. toledomuseum.org Free

February 28 • March 13

Motor City history

Rev your engines for America’s greatest hot rod show— the 66th annual Detroit Autorama. Check out over 800 historic and contemporary custom cars, trucks and motorcycles during this three-day nod to the Motor City’s wheely cool history. See special guests like Dale Earnhardt Jr., classic cars, and special displays, and be entertained by a vintage Pinup Contest and live music. $20, general; $7, children ages 6-12; free, children 5 and under. Noon-10pm, Friday, March 2. 9am-10pm, Saturday, March 3. 10am-7pm, Sunday, March 4. Cobo Center, 1 Washington Blvd., Detroit, MI. autorama.com/attend/detroit

Saturday, 3.10 [misc.] Workshop Weekend #4: Wheels - Toledo Bikes will teach how to fix, maintain, and improve your bike, covering wheel essentials, hub inspection and adjustment, spoke tension, and cassette inspection and replacement. Free/members, $10 suggested donation/non-members. 2-4pm. Toledo Bikes, 1114 Washington St. 419-386-6090. toledobikes.org

[misc.] ¡Azúca Social! - Take a Cuban Salsa dance lesson, known as Rueda, with the Grand Rapids Cuban Salsa Group, followed by an open dance to finish out the night. Feel free to bring your own beverage, lite refreshments will be provided. $10/ adults, $5/students, Free/minors. 5:30-9pm. The Ballroom Dance Company, 2319 S. Detroit Ave., Maumee. 419-893-1850. theballroomco.com

[misc.] Steppin’ Out - Toledo School for the Arts is hosting this funky shoe event featuring a “notso-silent” auction, student engagement, a cash bar, prizes for funky shoes and plenty more. Tickets available online until March 2. $75. 6-9pm. Renaissance Toledo Downtown Hotel, 444 N. Summit St. 419-246-8732. ts4arts.org




Literary Trivia - Think you know books? Put your knowledge to the test at this trivia night and see if you’re a true book nerd. Registration required. 7-9pm. Gathering Volumes, 196 E. South Boundary., Perrysburg. 567-336-6188. gatheringvolumes.com Free

Informational Aromatherapy Class - Learn about essential oils and all the ways it can affect our physical and emotional well-being in this introductory course. 2-3:30pm. Open Arms Massage Studio & Therapeutic Wellness Center, 2300 Navarre Ave., Oregon. 419-720-8604. openarmsmassagestudio.com Free

[art] Clay Garden/Patio Decorations - Get your garden ready for spring making a frog and ladybug garden art and a welcome sign. No experience necessary. Space is limited, register in advance. $45. 5:30-8pm. The 577 Foundation, 577 E. Front St., Perrysburg. 419-874-4174. 577foundation.org

Sunday, 3.11 [culinary] One Dish Dinners - Don’t dirty a bunch of dishes–This adult only class will focus on knife skills to cut down dinner prep time and creating unique one dish meals. $45. Foodology, 2059 W. Laskey Rd. 567-970-7100. foodologytoledo.com

[film] LGBTQ Film Fest: Brother Outsider - Watch the screening of “Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin”, the second of three films in EqualityToledo’s series. This movie shows the life of an openly gay civil rights activist during a homophobic era. 2-5pm. United Way of Greater Toledo, 424 Jackson St. 419-248-2424. facebook.com/equalitytoledo Free


Tuesday, 3.13 [advocacy] Fighting Heroin: The Heroin/Opioid Epidemic - Learn about this epidemic, how it is affecting our community, and ways to become part of the solution to end it at this informative presentation. 12-1pm. Main Branch Library, 325 Michigan St. 419-259-5200. toledolibrary.org Free

[health] Mastering Meditation - Join Pam Summons, a student for 26 years of Sri Chinmoy, meditation master and peace advocate, and find your inner peace in this three-series meditation class. Tuesdays through March 27. 1-2:30pm. The 577 Foundation, 577 E. Front St., Perrysburg. 419-874-4174. 577foundation.org Free

Wednesday, 3.14 [lit] Angie Thomas Presentation - BGSU presents Angie Thomas, young adult author of #1 New York Times Bestseller “The Hate U Give”, a book inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement. Book signing will follow the presentation. RSVP in advance. 7pm. Bowling Green State University, Bowen-Thompson Student Union Lenhart Grand Ballroom, Bowling Green. 419-372-2531. bgsu.edu Free


Strut down the red carpet like you’re in Hollywood in support of the American Red Cross of Northwest Ohio at its black tie event, Oscar Night 2018. Feel like a true star as you arrive to be greeted by paparazzi and screaming fans. Enjoy samplings from 18 local restaurants, silent auctions and music by Distant Cousinz and Not Fast Enuff. $125. 6-10pm. Sunday, March 4. BMW of Toledo, 7600 W. Central Ave. 419-329-2573. redcross.org


Show your Irish pride with the Toledo Irish American Club and Earnest Brew Works at their St. Paddy’s Day event. Brews, pizza by Pizza Cat, live music by Padraigh’s Top Shelf, raffles, giveaways, and a best dressed competition set the party vibe. Proceeds benefit the Toledo Irish American Club, with portions going to Toledo Ardan Irish dancer, Rylei Young, who is traveling to Glasgow to compete in the World Irish Dancing Championships at the end of March. $10. 5-9pm. Tuesday, March 13. Earnest Brew Works, 4342 S. Detroit Ave. 419-340-2589. facebook.com/toledoirishamericanclub


Pop culture and comic book fans won’t want to miss FantastiCon S6 EP17. Shop for rare and unique items for your collection and participate throughout the weekend in nerd trivia, cosplay contests and panels on comic book art, among other activities. Saturday, March 10: 10am-6pm, $8.50/advance, $12/day of. Sunday, March 11: 10am-5pm, $5.50/advance, $8/day of. $12.50/Two-day pass, advance only. Free for kids age 5 and under. SeaGate Convention Centre, 401 Jefferson Ave. 419-255-3300. fantasticon.net

February 28 • March 13


GET HEALTHY Self-defense is the new black (belt)

According to a 2005 survey by the United Nation Women organization, up to 70 percent of women experience physical or sexual violence from men in their lifetime, mostly by people they already know. These statistics are certainly unsettling, but we think it’s best to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. To help teach women the basics of self-defense, Sempai Shelly Blanco of the Martial Arts Center books special, one-hour clinics for private groups of up to 30 participants regularly. See what her sessions are all about during an open Self-Awareness and SelfDefense for Women training seminar, from 9-10:30am on Sunday, March 11. Register by contacting Shelly Blanco at ​ blancoshelly@gmail.com​. Martial Arts Center at the Shops at Fallen Timbers, 3100 Main St., Maumee. 419-385-1000. Ohiomartialarts.com

Early bird

Nature doesn’t compromise, and birds are more reliant on weather patterns than us humans, but we’re still excited for the many species of birds that will begin to pass through Northwest Ohio in March. Take a tip from the birds— you know, the early ones who get the worm— and start birding season early during the Toledo Naturalists’ Association Lake Erie Birding field trip to Maumee Bay State Park. Expect to see ducks, some early-arriving songbirds, other migrants, and a possible flight of hawks along the lake. Meet leader Matt Anderson at the campground parking lot. 8:30am-noon. Sunday, March 11. Maumee Bay State Park, 1400 State Park Rd., Oregon. Toledonaturalist.org Free


��TenSPOT Call to Place your $10 Car ad here! 419.244.9859

2002 SILVER HYUNDAI ELANTRA- Original owner, great runner, clean. 133k miles. Blue books for $3700 selling for only $3000. Call 419-309-3444 2002 FORD TAURUS SESGood condition, many new parts with receipts available. Daily driver. 115k miles $3200 419-932-5311 2002 OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE- 3.5 liter V-6. Maroon/ Grey leathers 142k miles. Priced to go! $2650 419-309-3444

HONDA ACCORD $900. Call 419-290-2040

2004 VOLVO 2.5T V70 WAGON; white w/ natural leather interior; safe - comfortable - smooth; $5000. Call 419-290-5535

DODGE RAMPAGE $1,000. Call 419-290-2040 91 FORD CUSTOM VAN. Original 62K. New tires, shocks, A-C 2 134, brake lines, belt, alternator, radiator and hoses. $4,500. #419-352-3335 2002 DODGE DURANGO 168k, 4x4; Runs and drives. Can be seen at 1136 Shernan St, Toledo. Call 606-215-4755

2002 BMW K1200LT Motorcycle with Hannigan Trike conversion - Just over 60,000 HONDA 2004 ALUM. miles. Excellent condition. Dealer maintained. Asking $12,000. Offers considered. 734-790Wheels 15x625, Complete Set Good condition! $100 Call 419-475-1100 0390

2004 FORD FOCUS - Sweet heat & Remote car starter $2000 OBO. Please call 419-309-5292 2015 JEEP CHEROKEE LATITUDE. Very good condition. 60,000 miles. Power locks/windows. $14,900. Call 419-559-6101 CALL TO PLACE YOUR $10 CAR AD HERE! 419.244.9859



Call to Place your $10 Car ad here! 419.244.9859


health and wellness events Saturday, 3.10 Aerial Beginner’s Workshop - Learn the fundamental elements of aerial yoga, explore poses, and try out the aerial hammock, which provides support, alignment and resistance for safer inversions. No experience necessary. Registration is required. 3:30-5pm. $30. Yogaja Yoga in Cricket West, 3145 W. Central Ave., yogajayoga.com

Sunday, 3.11 Intro to Essential Oils - Learn about the history of essential oils, their therapeutic properties, how they can improve your immune system and boost your mood during this informal class on aromatherapy. 2-3:30pm. Open Arms Massage Studio and Therapeutic Wellness Center, 2300 Navarre Ave., Oregon. 419-720-8604. Openarmsmassagestudio.com FREE


2015 CHEVY CRUZE LT; White; 16,900 miles; tinted windows; still under factory warranty; $13,400. Call 419-779-3857


Guitarists/Drummer/Keyboard/ Singer for 70s, 80s on up Rock Band!! Journey, KISS, Scorpions, AC/DC, etc. Call Joe 419-260-0084 OLD SCHOOL DRUMMER

Looking to join working 50s & 60s or country band. Call Sam 419-345-8295

50’S PLUS ACOUSTIC/Electric Guitarist looking to Jam for love of music. Call Jeff (419) 262-2184 LEAD GUITARIST SEEKS

BASS PLAYER AVAILABLE 50s & 60s Rock n Roll. Call Ralph @ 567-277-1140 SKELETON CRUE

Now auditioning rhythm 2nd lead guitar, vocals, possible keyboard talents. We do original rock, and have new booking agent. Call us ASAP! 419-297-2928. Find us on Facebook & videos on YouTube! myspace.com/ Skeletoncrue Now Auditioning Drummers. Original music. No big hot shot egos. Call ASAP 419-297-2928 or 419-2839235 find us on Myspace.com/ Skeletoncrue, Facebook or Youtube!


SINGER LOOKING TO JOIN VOCAL GROUP / band. Extensive experience. Please call 216-254-6928. Ask for Reggie


EXPERIENCED BASS PLAYER - Looking for fill in work. Blues, Classic Rock, Country. Call 419-917-3507 FROM CLASSIC COUNTRY TO 50S & 60S ROCK & ROLL, Blues & Disco, this drummer’s resume includes honky tonk bars, TV, recordings and live shows. Call Sam 419-345-8295

February 28 • March 13

Vistula Heritage Village II 817 Michigan St.

A housing community for the elderly and families 2 BDRM Waiting List is NOW OPEN Call for appt: 419-246-0832


working classic country or 50s/60s band. Please call 419-320-4925 or 419-472-4766

DRUMMER/VOCALIST looking for band. 419-754-3030


Looking for fill in work. Blues, Classic Rock, Country. Call 419-917-3507 VINTAGE 70S YAMAHA FIELD DRUM - Will sell for $150 - Call


Ads For Local Artists are Free! Ads run for 2 issues and must be renewed after the two issues. You must be: advertising for band members or selling instruments under $200 or just looking to jam. Business related ads run for $20. Limit 20 words per ad; 40 cents per additional word.

HELP WANTED DOWNTOWN OFFICE looking for administrative person with the ability to type legal documents and correspondence, handle spreadsheets and management/ supervision of independent contractors. This job provides a tremendous amount of variety and the successful candidate will be an individual who can juggle several tasks at one time. Likely part time, but could be full-time, looking for someone who will thrive as part of a team working towards a common goal. Established employer with long-term track record. Tasks will include typing, limited bookkeeping tasks, reception and phone handling, scheduling and communication with out-of-office contacts in support of office staff. This is a great opportunity for the right person. Please send resume, salary requirements/expectations and references to mijacobs58@gmail.com




MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DISH NETWORK-Satellite Television Services. Now Over 190 channels for ONLY $49.99/mo! HBO-FREE for one year, FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add Internet for $14.95 a month. 1-800-219-1271

FOR SALE DOG AGILITY EQUIPMENT - FOR SALE - Please call 419-265-9053

SERVICES FREE, HEALTH CONSULTS. Contact Health Coach Joe. 419-346-5617. SBC VIRTUAL OFFICES OR ADDRESSES - Please call Christy today 419-724-5450 for more details.

AUTOS WANTED CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All Makes/Models 2002-2016! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-368-1016

ANNOUNCEMENTS DONATE YOUR USED CELL PHONE, MAKE A DIFFERENCE! We provide free emergency-only cell phones to the needy. SecureTheCall.org


HOME SERVICE DEALING WITH WATER DAMAGE requires immediate action. Local professionals that respond immediately. Nationwide and 24/7. No mold calls. Call today! 1-800-730-9790

LESSONS SPANISH LESSONS - Have you always wanted to understand, read & speak Spanish?? Well now you can!! Experienced tutor available Affordable rates - Ages 5 thru 100. Call or text Nina 419-509-0058

Individuals may receive one free 20-word ad per issue (products offered in ads must sell for under $75). Each additional word 40 cents, payment must accompany ad. Free ads run 1 issue and are reserved for private-parties use, noncommercial concerns and free services.


$20 per issue for 20 words or less. Each additional word is 40 cents each and any artwork is $5 extra.


$10 for 20 word or less that WILL RUN UNTIL CAR SELLS. Each additional word is 40 cents and any artwork is $5 extra.

HEALTH/MEDICAL VIAGRA & CIALIS! 60 pills for $99. 100 pills for $150 FREE shipping. Money back guaranteed! 1-800-5037846

SITUATION NEEDED 2ND CHANCE APARTMENT NEEDED! Adult, mobile on benefits, non-smoker, no drugs. Faithful rent payer for 3 years, reference available! Please call 419-242-7565

FOR SALE Set of Wine Glasses - $6 / Two Wall Mirrors - $10 ea / Girls Coat - $5 / Birthstone Ring - $25. Please call 419841-7567

LOST DOG Lost Spindle Boston Terrier answers to Rosie. In the area of Flander & Alexis. Wearing Pink Collar If found please call 419.202.2198.

BELLY DANCING CLASSES! SHIMMY INTO SPRING! An Ancient Art for the Contemporary Woman. Classes begin March 5, 2018. No prior dance training required. Evening and weekend classes available. The Aegela Centers located in the Martin School, 10 S Holland Sylvania Rd, Toledo, OH. $65 for a 6 week series.

DEADLINES: Ad copy must

be received by NOON on the Friday prior to publication.

PAYMENT: Payment must be

received before an ad can be placed. We accept checks, cash, money orders and credit cards (Visa/Mastercard/American Express).



Call 419-244-9859 to advertise your pets and services for as little as $25 per issue



Refunds: Sorry, NO REFUNDS given.

Misprints: Credit toward future ads.

ANNOUNCEMENTS LUNG CANCER? And 60 Years Old? If So, You and Your Family May Be Entitled To A Significant Cash Award. Call 800-897-7205 To Learn More. No Risk. No Money Out of Pocket. STOP OVERPAYING FOR YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS! SAVE! Call our licensed Canadian and International pharmacy, compare prices and get $25.00 OFF your first prescription! CALL 1-877-625-2147 Promo Code CDC201625

FOR SALE SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB ALERT FOR SENIORS. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off

FOR SALE BUILDING MATERIALS METAL ROOFING- A real roof for your house, garage, barn. Roof, ceiling, siding. Also, 1×10 & 1×12 Pine Barn Siding Discount Prices slateroadsupply. com 717 445-5222

Face off against your friends, co-workers, neighbors and fans from across the country.


Gift certificates to local restaurants Tickets to concerts and MudHens games


Go to toledocitypaper.com to sign up now. Sign up, sit back and wait for us to contact you to fill in your brackets, It’s that simple! www.toledocitypaper.com

February 28 • March 13


TOLEDO ACCORDING TO... Ommi Aponte Years lived in Toledo: 2 Occupation: Reception Supervisor Renaissance Hotel

My story, in one sentence: A long series of goodbyes…or hellos, depending on your outlook. One song lyric to describe my ideal self: “I’m a man with a mission, in two or three editions and I’m giving you a longing look… Everyday I write the book” by Elvis Costello.



Most people know me for: Running around the hotel. I wish more people knew me for: The contents of my character. The best thing I’ve ever eaten in Toledo was: “The Godfather” Stromboli @ Calvino’s. The street I drive on/walk on most often is: Monroe. You get the full spectrum of historic neighborhoods and museums leading straight into the heart of the city.


The best time I ever had in Toledo: The best times are yet to be had… If I could change one thing about Toledo: Better conditions for the river. If I knew I could get away with it, I would: Sail around the world…that’s a childhood memory that I still have on the back burner. Watching the boats on the river from the hotel’s view is a pretty good catalyst. The best view in Toledo: The Heights! Hands Down! Panoramic city views right by the river, there’s no question about it. It’s like a different world up there! When I’m craving True Mexican fare, I go to: La Paloma Pastries on Broadway. The most authentic tasting tamales and flan cake I’ve ever had the pleasure of savoring. Nothing else will do! The artists and musicians I love: There is so much art and music that I come face to face with every day at the hotel. 1 Adam Sanzenbacher has some of his pieces permanently on display there. 2 Rick Ruiz just did some amazing renderings and paintings for a local antiques’ collector that I love. Joe Woods is playing a soundtrack in my head right now. He’ll be featured at our next hotel activation on the 23rd. I can’t wait until our location is included in the Art Loop on April 19th. It’s everything our hotel embraces.


If I could apologize to anyone: It would be: My sister, I know that she really needed me, and I wanted so badly to be there for her… My ideal day looks like, from morning to night: The metroparks at sunrise are a great excuse for me to disappear into nature. Grab some brunch @ Glass City Café, crash a workshop at Handmade Toledo and maybe meet up with some co-workers at the Tin Can after hours. What ensues after that…let the city guide you. The thing I truly need to let go of: Overanalyzing EVERYTHING! The reason I am most proud of myself right now: Is that I’ve proven my ability to be successful and land on my feet wherever the road leads. What makes me truly feel alive: Explosions of creativity/ acknowledging the signs of the universe when it speaks to me.

Three negative adjectives to describe Toledo, three positive adjectives to describe Toledo, and the adjective from that list that best describes me: Negative: Overlooked, Underappreciated and Struggling. Positive: Resilient, Unwavering, and Established. As for me….Resilient. I could be the spokesman! The Toledoan I’ve met in passing that I’d love to get coffee with: Jamie Farr. I would probably spit my coffee out! Too funny! The hardest decision I have made in the past year: was probably money related. The last time I had a serious-oh-my-godmy-stomach-hurts-now belly laugh was when: Watching Lookalikes on Netflix!

If I met the 16-year-old me, he would: Tell me not to worry so much…it clearly didn’t change or benefit the outcome of anything. You’ll never get that time back. My first kiss in Toledo was: … the one that stole my heart forever! If you could have a drink with any person or character— fictional, real, living or past— who would it be, what would you drink, and why? The perfect glass of scotch with Robert Frost.... because the workings of that man’s mind continue to inspire and amaze me. My favorite local people to follow on social media are: #Toledomatters & #Renhotels of course.

When I was in High School, I probably would have been described as: The one to watch.

February 28 • March 13


GET HEALTHY Self-defense is the new black (belt)

According to a 2005 survey by the United Nation Women organization, up to 70 percent of women experience physical or sexual violence from men in their lifetime, mostly by people they already know. These statistics are certainly unsettling, but we think it’s best to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. To help teach women the basics of self-defense, Sempai Shelly Blanco of the Martial Arts Center books special, one-hour clinics for private groups of up to 30 participants regularly. See what her sessions are all about during an open Self-Awareness and SelfDefense for Women training seminar, from 9-10:30am on Sunday, March 11. Register by contacting Shelly Blanco at ​ blancoshelly@gmail.com​. Martial Arts Center at the Shops at Fallen Timbers, 3100 Main St., Maumee. 419-385-1000. Ohiomartialarts.com

Early bird

Nature doesn’t compromise, and birds are more reliant on weather patterns than us humans, but we’re still excited for the many species of birds that will begin to pass through Northwest Ohio in March. Take a tip from the birds— you know, the early ones who get the worm— and start birding season early during the Toledo Naturalists’ Association Lake Erie Birding field trip to Maumee Bay State Park. Expect to see ducks, some early-arriving songbirds, other migrants, and a possible flight of hawks along the lake. Meet leader Matt Anderson at the campground parking lot. 8:30am-noon. Sunday, March 11. Maumee Bay State Park, 1400 State Park Rd., Oregon. Toledonaturalist.org Free


��TenSPOT Call to Place your $10 Car ad here! 419.244.9859

2002 SILVER HYUNDAI ELANTRA- Original owner, great runner, clean. 133k miles. Blue books for $3700 selling for only $3000. Call 419-309-3444 2002 FORD TAURUS SESGood condition, many new parts with receipts available. Daily driver. 115k miles $3200 419-932-5311 2002 OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE- 3.5 liter V-6. Maroon/ Grey leathers 142k miles. Priced to go! $2650 419-309-3444 HONDA 2004 ALUM. Wheels 15x625, Complete Set Good condition! $100 Call 419-475-1100

HONDA ACCORD $900. Call 419-290-2040

2004 VOLVO 2.5T V70 WAGON; white w/ natural leather interior; safe - comfortable - smooth; $5000. Call 419-290-5535

DODGE RAMPAGE $1,000. Call 419-290-2040 91 FORD CUSTOM VAN. Original 62K. New tires, shocks, A-C 2 134, brake lines, belt, alternator, radiator and hoses. $4,500. #419-352-3335 2002 DODGE DURANGO 168k, 4x4; Runs and drives. Can be seen at 1136 Shernan St, Toledo. Call 606-215-4755



2015 JEEP CHEROKEE LATITUDE. Very good condition. 60,000 miles. Power locks/windows. $14,900. Call 419-559-6101 CALL TO PLACE YOUR $10 CAR AD HERE! 419.244.9859

Call to Place your $10 Car ad here! 419.244.9859


Saturday, 3.10 Aerial Beginner’s Workshop - Learn the fundamental elements of aerial yoga, explore poses, and try out the aerial hammock, which provides support, alignment and resistance for safer inversions. No experience necessary. Registration is required. 3:30-5pm. $30. Yogaja Yoga in Cricket West, 3145 W. Central Ave., yogajayoga.com

Sunday, 3.11 Intro to Essential Oils - Learn about the history of essential oils, their therapeutic properties, how they can improve your immune system and boost your mood during this informal class on aromatherapy. 2-3:30pm. Open Arms Massage Studio and Therapeutic Wellness Center, 2300 Navarre Ave., Oregon. 419-720-8604. Openarmsmassagestudio.com FREE


Guitarists/Drummer/Keyboard/ Singer for 70s, 80s on up Rock Band!! Journey, KISS, Scorpions, AC/DC, etc. Call Joe 419-260-0084 OLD SCHOOL DRUMMER

Looking to join working 50s & 60s or country band. Call Sam 419-345-8295

50’S PLUS ACOUSTIC/Electric Guitarist looking to Jam for love of music. Call Jeff (419) 262-2184 LEAD GUITARIST SEEKS

BASS PLAYER AVAILABLE 50s & 60s Rock n Roll. Call Ralph @ 567-277-1140 SKELETON CRUE

Now auditioning rhythm 2nd lead guitar, vocals, possible keyboard talents. We do original rock, and have new booking agent. Call us ASAP! 419-297-2928. Find us on Facebook & videos on YouTube! myspace.com/ Skeletoncrue Now Auditioning Drummers. Original music. No big hot shot egos. Call ASAP 419-297-2928 or 419-2839235 find us on Myspace.com/ Skeletoncrue, Facebook or Youtube!


SINGER LOOKING TO JOIN VOCAL GROUP / band. Extensive experience. Please call 216-254-6928. Ask for Reggie


EXPERIENCED BASS PLAYER - Looking for fill in work. Blues, Classic Rock, Country. Call 419-917-3507 FROM CLASSIC COUNTRY TO 50S & 60S ROCK & ROLL, Blues & Disco, this drummer’s resume includes honky tonk bars, TV, recordings and live shows. Call Sam 419-345-8295

February 28 • March 13


Vistula Heritage Village II 817 Michigan St.

A housing community for the elderly and families 2 BDRM Waiting List is NOW OPEN Call for appt: 419-246-0832


working classic country or 50s/60s band. Please call 419-320-4925 or 419-472-4766

DRUMMER/VOCALIST looking for band. 419-754-3030


2004 FORD FOCUS - Sweet heat & Remote car starter $2000 OBO. Please call 419-309-5292


health and wellness events


2015 CHEVY CRUZE LT; White; 16,900 miles; tinted windows; still under factory warranty; $13,400. Call 419-779-3857

Looking for fill in work. Blues, Classic Rock, Country. Call 419-917-3507 VINTAGE 70S YAMAHA FIELD DRUM - Will sell for $150 - Call


Ads For Local Artists are Free! Ads run for 2 issues and must be renewed after the two issues. You must be: advertising for band members or selling instruments under $200 or just looking to jam. Business related ads run for $20. Limit 20 words per ad; 40 cents per additional word.

HELP WANTED DOWNTOWN OFFICE looking for administrative person with the ability to type legal documents and correspondence, handle spreadsheets and management/ supervision of independent contractors. This job provides a tremendous amount of variety and the successful candidate will be an individual who can juggle several tasks at one time. Likely part time, but could be full-time, looking for someone who will thrive as part of a team working towards a common goal. Established employer with long-term track record. Tasks will include typing, limited bookkeeping tasks, reception and phone handling, scheduling and communication with out-of-office contacts in support of office staff. This is a great opportunity for the right person. Please send resume, salary requirements/expectations and references to mijacobs58@gmail.com




MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DISH NETWORK-Satellite Television Services. Now Over 190 channels for ONLY $49.99/mo! HBO-FREE for one year, FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add Internet for $14.95 a month. 1-800-219-1271

FOR SALE DOG AGILITY EQUIPMENT - FOR SALE - Please call 419-265-9053

SERVICES FREE, HEALTH CONSULTS. Contact Health Coach Joe. 419-346-5617. SBC VIRTUAL OFFICES OR ADDRESSES - Please call Christy today 419-724-5450 for more details.

AUTOS WANTED CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All Makes/Models 2002-2016! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-368-1016

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February 28 • March 13


TOLEDO ACCORDING TO... Ommi Aponte Years lived in Toledo: 2 Occupation: Reception Supervisor Renaissance Hotel

My story, in one sentence: A long series of goodbyes…or hellos, depending on your outlook. One song lyric to describe my ideal self: “I’m a man with a mission, in two or three editions and I’m giving you a longing look… Everyday I write the book” by Elvis Costello.



Most people know me for: Running around the hotel. I wish more people knew me for: The contents of my character. The best thing I’ve ever eaten in Toledo was: “The Godfather” Stromboli @ Calvino’s. The street I drive on/walk on most often is: Monroe. You get the full spectrum of historic neighborhoods and museums leading straight into the heart of the city.


The best time I ever had in Toledo: The best times are yet to be had… If I could change one thing about Toledo: Better conditions for the river. If I knew I could get away with it, I would: Sail around the world…that’s a childhood memory that I still have on the back burner. Watching the boats on the river from the hotel’s view is a pretty good catalyst. The best view in Toledo: The Heights! Hands Down! Panoramic city views right by the river, there’s no question about it. It’s like a different world up there! When I’m craving True Mexican fare, I go to: La Paloma Pastries on Broadway. The most authentic tasting tamales and flan cake I’ve ever had the pleasure of savoring. Nothing else will do! The artists and musicians I love: There is so much art and music that I come face to face with every day at the hotel. 1 Adam Sanzenbacher has some of his pieces permanently on display there. 2 Rick Ruiz just did some amazing renderings and paintings for a local antiques’ collector that I love. Joe Woods is playing a soundtrack in my head right now. He’ll be featured at our next hotel activation on the 23rd. I can’t wait until our location is included in the Art Loop on April 19th. It’s everything our hotel embraces.


If I could apologize to anyone: It would be: My sister, I know that she really needed me, and I wanted so badly to be there for her… My ideal day looks like, from morning to night: The metroparks at sunrise are a great excuse for me to disappear into nature. Grab some brunch @ Glass City Café, crash a workshop at Handmade Toledo and maybe meet up with some co-workers at the Tin Can after hours. What ensues after that…let the city guide you. The thing I truly need to let go of: Overanalyzing EVERYTHING! The reason I am most proud of myself right now: Is that I’ve proven my ability to be successful and land on my feet wherever the road leads. What makes me truly feel alive: Explosions of creativity/ acknowledging the signs of the universe when it speaks to me.

Three negative adjectives to describe Toledo, three positive adjectives to describe Toledo, and the adjective from that list that best describes me: Negative: Overlooked, Underappreciated and Struggling. Positive: Resilient, Unwavering, and Established. As for me….Resilient. I could be the spokesman! The Toledoan I’ve met in passing that I’d love to get coffee with: Jamie Farr. I would probably spit my coffee out! Too funny! The hardest decision I have made in the past year: was probably money related. The last time I had a serious-oh-my-godmy-stomach-hurts-now belly laugh was when: Watching Lookalikes on Netflix!

If I met the 16-year-old me, he would: Tell me not to worry so much…it clearly didn’t change or benefit the outcome of anything. You’ll never get that time back. My first kiss in Toledo was: … the one that stole my heart forever! If you could have a drink with any person or character— fictional, real, living or past— who would it be, what would you drink, and why? The perfect glass of scotch with Robert Frost.... because the workings of that man’s mind continue to inspire and amaze me. My favorite local people to follow on social media are: #Toledomatters & #Renhotels of course.

When I was in High School, I probably would have been described as: The one to watch.

February 28 • March 13


© Copyright 2018 Rob Brezsny

FREEWILL ASTROLOGY Week of February 8 ©2017 By Brendan Emmett Quigley (www.brendanemmettquigley.com)


Across 1. Actress Kunis 5. Dictator’s order 9. “___ Go” (“Frozen” showstopper) 14. Years of Spanish class 15. Have a sore spot? 16. OTC analgesic 17. Weightlifter working on his legs? 19. Wild West legend ___ Bill 20. “The Audacity of Hope” family 21. Weightlifter working on his biceps? 23. NBA executive Pat 24. “Tyger! Tyger! burning bright” poet 26. Lost GI 27. Feast day figs. 28. “Pretty Little Liars” writer Shepard 30. Gets the word out? 32. Country with a territory that uses polar bear-shaped license plates 34. In medias ___ 35. Weightlifter who is working on his presses? 38. Abbr. for a king or queen 39. Utensils used with pastas 40. Fix a drink order with a bad head 43. Record label for Big Star 44. Setting for a posterized picture 47. ___ rampage (tearing) 48. Some turban wearers 50. “To know my deed, ___ best not know myself”: Macbeth 52. Weightlifter who lifts barbells to his shoulders? 54. “Big Eyes” director 55. “Dude!” 56. Weightlifter who keeps track of how much he lifts? 59. Carefully avoid 60. Student ___ debt 61. Fairway obstacle 62. Big name in chocolate 63. Like verbose writing 64. Parts of bread often the last to be eaten

Down 1. AAA player’s goal, with “The” 2. “Can’t you see I’m busy?” 3. Townies 4. “I know everything!” 5. Wikis alternatives 6. RN’s room 7. Word said with a finger snap 8. Bright aquarium fish 9. Thirsty dog, say 10. Household util. 11. Shawnee chief in the War of 1812 12. Piano, slangily 13. Magnetic induction units 18. Opens up at the dentist 22. Comic Barinholtz on “The Mindy Project” 24. Grains in breakfast cereals 25. Feminine 29. ___ Taylor (clothing store) 31. Stories follow them 32. Salmon variety 33. Disables a security camera, perhaps 35. 1983 arcade eater 36. With 46-Down, Ryan Gosling’s better half 37. “After the break,” in TV lingo 38. Wars of the Roses monarch 40. WWII commander also known as “The Desert Fox” 41. Web forums’ ancestor 42. Long, narrow inlet 44. “___ of the Jedi” 45. Hard pressed? 46. See 36-Down 49. Mournful bell toll 51. Composed 53. “Shane” star Alan 54. Loud explosion 57. Monkey house spot 58. Was on a November ticket

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PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In her novel *The Round House,* writer Louise Erdrich reminisces about how hard it was, earlier in her life, to yank out the trees whose roots had grown into the foundation of her family’s house. “How funny, strange, that a thing can grow so powerful even when planted in the wrong place,” she says. Then she adds, “ideas, too.” Your first assignment in the coming weeks, my dear Pisces, is to make sure that nothing gets planted in the wrong place. Your second assignment is to focus all your intelligence and love on locating the right places for new seeds to be planted. ARIES (March 21-April 19):

When you’re playing poker, a wild card refers to a card that can be used as any card the cardholder wants it to be. If the two of hearts is deemed wild before the game begins, it can be used as an ace of diamonds, jack of clubs, queen of spades, or anything else. That’s always a good thing! In the game of life, a wild card is the arrival of an unforeseen element that affects the flow of events unpredictably. It might derail your plans, or alter them in ways that are at first inconvenient but ultimately beneficial. It may even cause them to succeed in an even more interesting fashion than you imagined they could. I bring this up, Aries, because I suspect that you’ll be in the Wild Card Season during the next four weeks. Any and all of the above definitions may apply. Be alert for unusual luck.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): If you gorge on ten pounds of chocolate in the next 24 hours, you will get sick. Please don’t do that. Limit your intake to no more than a pound. Follow a similar policy with any other pleasurable activity. Feel emboldened to surpass your normal dosage, yes, but avoid ridiculous overindulgence. Now is one of the rare times when visionary artist William Blake’s maxim is applicable: “The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.” So is his corollary, “You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.” But keep in mind that Blake didn’t say, “The road of foolish, reckless exorbitance leads to the palace of wisdom.”gh. Be alert! GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Have

you ever had a rousing insight about an action that would improve your life, but then you failed to summon the willpower to actually take that action? Have you resolved to embark on some new behavior that would be good for you, but then found yourself unable to carry it out? Most of us have experienced these frustrations. The ancient Greeks had a word for it: *akrasia.* I bring it up, Gemini, because I suspect you may be less susceptible to *akrasia* in the next four weeks than you have ever been. I bet you will consistently have the courage and command to actually follow through on what your intuition tells you is in your best interests.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

“There is no such thing as a failed experiment,” said inventor Buckminster Fuller, “only experiments with unexpected outcomes.” That’s an excellent guideline for you to keep in mind during the coming weeks. You’re entering a phase of your astrological cycle when questions are more important than answers, when explorations are more essential than discoveries, and when curiosity is more useful than knowledge. There will be minimal value in formulating a definitive concept of success and then trying to achieve it. You will have more fun and you will learn more by continually redefining success as you wander and ramble.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): During World War II, British code-breakers regularly intercepted and deciphered top-secret radio messages that highranking German soldiers sent to each other. Historians have concluded that these heroes shortened the war by at least two years. I bring this to your attention, Leo, in the hope that it will inspire you. I believe your own metaphorical codebreaking skills will be acute in the coming weeks. You’ll be able to decrypt messages that have different meanings from what they appear to mean. You won’t get fooled by deception and misdirection. This knack will enable you to home in on the elusive truths that are circulating -- thus saving you from unnecessary and irrelevant turmoil.

February 28 • March 13

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

In April 1972, three American astronauts climbed into a spacecraft and took a trip to the moon and back. On the second day of the 11-day jaunt, pilot Ken Mattingly removed and misplaced his wedding ring. In the zero-gravity conditions, it drifted off and disappeared somewhere in the cabin. Nine days later, on the way home, Mattingly and Charlie Duke did a space walk. When they opened the hatch and slipped outside, they found the wedding ring floating in the blackness of space. Duke was able to grab it and bring it in. I suspect that in the coming weeks, you will recover a lost or missing item in an equally unlikely location, Virgo. Or perhaps your retrieval will be of a more metaphorical kind: a dream, a friendship, an opportunity.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): According to British philosopher Alain de Botton, “Maturity begins with the capacity to sense and, in good time and without defensiveness, admit to our own craziness.” He says that our humble willingness to be embarrassed by our confusion and mistakes and doubts is key to understanding ourselves. I believe these meditations will be especially useful for you in the coming weeks, Libra. They could lead you to learn and make use of robust new secrets of self-mastery. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

During the next four weeks, there are three activities I suspect you should indulge in at an elevated rate: laughter, dancing, and sex. The astrological omens suggest that these pursuits will bring you even more health benefits than usual. They will not only give your body, mind, and soul the precise exercise they need most; they will also make you smarter and kinder and wilder. Fortunately, the astrological omens also suggest that laughter, dancing, and sex will be even more easily available to you than they normally are.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

The little voices in your head may have laryngitis, but they’re still spouting their cracked advice. Here’s another curiosity: You are extra-attuned to the feelings and thoughts of other people. I’m tempted to speculate that you’re at least temporarily telepathic. There’s a third factor contributing to the riot in your head: People you were close to earlier in your life are showing up to kibitz you in your nightly dreams. In response, I bid you to bark “Enough!” at all these meddlers. You have astrological permission to tell them to pipe down so you can hear yourself think.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Paleontologist Jack Horner

says that developmental biologists are halfway toward being able to create a chickenosaurus -- a creature that is genetically a blend of a chicken and a dinosaur. This project is conceivable because there’s an evolutionary link between the ancient reptile and the modern bird. Now is a favorable time for you to contemplate metaphorically similar juxtapositions and combinations, Capricorn. For the foreseeable future, you’ll have extra skill and savvy in the art of amalgamation.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

“Be stubborn about your goals but flexible about your methods.” That’s the message I saw on a woman’s t-shirt today. It’s the best possible advice for you to hear right now. To further drive home the point, I’ll add a quote from productivity consultant David Allen: “Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind.” Are you willing to be loyal and true to your high standards, Aquarius, even as you improvise to uphold and fulfill them?


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